. i The Sioux County Journal VOL. 5. H-A.KRIS03iT, NEB.. MABOH 23. 1893. 3STO. 28. THE SIOUX COUNTY vTOTJZRZEsTIj. L. J. Simmon. Editor aid Proprietor. If. K. k M. V lU It. Time table. Going West. Going East. No. 5, mixed 11 :15 I Xo. 6. mixed-. 6:50 HARRISON MARKET. Wheat per bushel 40345 OaU per bushel 30 tioru per bushel. ... 40 Shorts-per hundred I) 1 00 Bran per hundred S.- 80 Feed chopped per hundred i I i Potatoes per bu.be! . . SO Butter per 1b.. . Eggs per doz. ....-.- .... 10 Poultry per doz. 40 Onion per 1 M Beaus per I).... ...... iX Coal per ton... ... 4 SO. Wood per cord SO Lumber native per m, f IS 00 WCorroctod every Thursday. Hides bought at the harness shop. O. Guthrie is erecting a new ham near his residence. ,- .Go to Turner's to buy your boots, hoes and overshoes. Go to Turner's and save 10 to 20 cents on the dollar for cash. Highest market prices paid for wheat Grant Guthrie. fThe winter term or school closes to morrow. There will be a three month's spring term. From the indications there will be more than one. train load of nerv people come to Sioux county this season. C. W. Croudson has sown some oats and clover seed on the ground. Ho be lieves in puttiug in grain in season. Mares for sale or to trade for stock; also some hay for sale. Wm. A. Bicielow. There appears to be more of a de mand for farm hands than men to fill the places. The farmers are preparing for the Bpring work and will need help. The entertainment at the church last Thursday evening was quite well attended notwithstanding the falling Know, The participants acouited them selves with credit. W. F. Kittering returned on Tues day from Sioux county. He says that atl the 'aevrLotty eiiiigrantsare highly pleased with the country. .-Reward Reporter, v-lbe room adjoining G. H. Turner's store is being fitted up and will be occu pied by Mioses Montgomery and Zeigler astt dressmaking establishment. They expect to occupy the room in a day or . two. c-In another column appears the state ment of the Commercial Bank. The showimr made indicates prosperity for the bank and the deposits show that people are not without money, even in a pew country, , , W, Smith has gone to the wilds-of Vyoming to seek his fortune, having tired of - pegging shoes. That leaves Harrison in need of a. shoemaker. The field is clear nud a good workman who is Sober and industrious would do well at (he business, -Inquiries are being received daily from , parties in the east in regard to homesteads, deeded lands and business npenink's and new people will be plenty from now on- Every one should make a special effort to let people know what win be had here and get them to come and see for themselves. Pocket Map of IowarNebraska twp States in one cover handsomer, handier, better t than any 50 cent maps yet made, f colors; in strong cover, ixmtoftlces. Correct to all counties, date. Also mops pf all s,tate in same style. We mail agents any samples wanted on re ceint of eiirht Spent stamps; address The MattheiYS-Northrup Co., Buffalo, N. Y. .The fact that Bushyilie had one good Will and a new of one hundrend bar rels daily capacity is nearly ready to be- sin operations, proves the fact that the wheat pf northwest Nebraska is the On est to be found and a market can easily i found for the flour and it takes less to pay the freight pq the flour than Jt does on the wheat, There is not the toast doubt about a mill at Harrison be ing a paying investment, and the sooner it is erected the better, We are informed that steps are being (ken in the vicinity of Montrose for the atoWWiinent pf a creamery, parties from the east being there with the ip teutUw Pf engaging (n tfcat business. fbe people pf that aepfriPB U1 P work ing tfltNP PWR iBt4raat f thsjr do U (her can to make the preamery a go, iatfi binary of ?ery lwlty tatt east Where premerM bv btenlt lihed and properly conducted the ejtrroundingcpwnWy has grown piromer 4iiii an4 rlPh, Jf wh resHlta can btliad. ubere land Is expensive and tow high (heif it no reason why the proflta aha4 Ml be mHoh gmtor in hxwhty whww Im4(i ohaap and taw low, WtboB. aaoatolM that tto bulMlng forth KNtoo orttrowy is btiaf metal, fild papers for sale at THE Joi'RSAL J office. 5 cents er dozen, j Do you want to rent your farm? j Put it in the hauds of the real estate firm of Simmons & Smiley. G. H. Turner received a car-load of farm machinery last week and Griswold & Mars teller a car load of barb wire. Rev. Giffen occupied the pulpit at the if. E. church Saturday evening and Sunday morning and evening. He is an interesting speaker. It is reported that the store of H. W. MacLachlan at Ardmoie, S. D., was burglarized last Saturday night but to what extent was not learned. Saturday was a busy day with our merchants. People liad to wait some time in many instances before they could make their purchases on account of the throngs in the stores. Farmers are getting their seed ready. Care should be taken to get seed of the best quality. It costs no more to grow good grain than it does poor, and the re sult is always more satisfactory. A surprise party was sprung on Miss Myrtle Pontius last evening. While absent from homo for a short time her young friends gathered at her home and awaited her return, and then proceeded to spend a merry evening. There was a good attendance at the sale of Dunn Bros, last Saturday, but the bidding was not as spirited as at former sales. The demand for horses seems to be pretty well supplied, except for large work teams of horses or mules. The best evidence that the new comers are well pleased with Sioux county is the fact that they are writing to their friends in the east to come and get homes while the opportunity is good. That is the best kind of advertising the county can have. The present outlook for a prosierous season is good. It is to be hoped that our farmers will arrange to turn over more of the original sod this spring. When the sod is once broken all neces sity for irrigation will be done away with. Crawford Gazette. I will run a herd on Duck creek, near Ardmore the coming season. The stock will be well taken care of and kept on good grass, Only 75 "cents a head for cattle and fl.00 a head for horses for the season of six months. J. W. OSTRAKDEB. Parties desiring trout to stock the streams along which they live should get their applications in at soon as possible so that they can be forwarded to the superintendent, in order to enable him to prepare to All applications filed. Do not delay if you wish to get fish, It is reported that eastern capital is again beginning to seek investment in se curities on western real estate. The poor crops of 1890 and the work of the calam ity howlers scared capital away but the renewed prosperity and the westward tide of immigration which set in has re newed the faith of those who have money and they are beginning to realize that western land makes good security. People east are beginning to make inquiry concerning Harrison as a ousi- ness point. Prosperity in the line of settlers brings prosperity to the business men and then others seek to enter the field. As a rule the more business houses in a place the more business the place draws and as a rule business men do not look upon a new competitor with disfavor. The general opinion of thejn seems to be that being already ea- tablished they certainly ought to be able to hold their own in competition with a stranger. The annual meeting of the assessors of Sioux county was held at the office of the countv clerk on Tuesday. There were presept J. S, Tucker, A. 1 King, W. E. Moore, C, E. Gowey, Jacob Forster, J. C. Parsons, John Debanp, J, H. Cook, M. J. Frits, Jos. Decker and John Herman. W. J. A. Itaum being in Lincoln could not be present aud Wm Dixon was also absent. Tlie meeting was organized by the election of J. H. Cook, as chairman and qn request County Clerk Lindemap acted as secre tary. A good deal of discussion was in dulged in and tlie result of the meeting was that the schedule of last year was adopted with no changes except a reduc tion of the valuation of mules.. President Gayhart, of the agricul tural society was in town oyer Sunday and be will quite likely call a meeting of the society in the near future. The re moval of the secretary from the county throws that duty on the president Whin the meeting is called it should be remembered tha, every person in the county hW equaj right in ita delibera tion as soon M b purchase a member ship ticket for th intning year- it is governed; by tha statutes an4 they were formulated, to prevent t few from get ting hold of the organisation and running it to suit themselves. When the meet ing I palled a many ahouW heprewnt a possible and by purchasing a member- snip Howl ror ! Moomt aowvs mm ban Ml twlp tl wwJr aloof, PERSONAL. Mrs. Sarah Davis returned Friday from Mlianoe. Bigelow Bros, contributed on subscrip tion last week. County Treasurer Gayliart was in town Saturday. V. A. Hester returned Thursday from is trip to Omaha. Henrv Brunditre was in Harrison Mon day and called ot this office. Cant. Jack Crawford was a westbound passenger yesterday morning. John Mosley was up from Cottonwood Saturday and called at this office. H. J. Piekenbrock called Saturday and gave us some cash on subscription. Commissioner Knott was in town Mon- ilav and called to chat a few minutes. E. ("owlishaw of Indian Creek was in town Mondav and called at this office. J. J. Alcorn was in town Saturday to arrange for a school district in his lo cality. . J. C. Shipley came up from the east part of the county the last of the week to hie on a homestead. Will and Misses Wanda and Myrtle Pontius went to Ft. Robinson Friday evening to attend the military onu. Mrs. Martha Williams came up from Montrose the first of the week to make final proof and called and gave us some cash on subscription. To All Sunday School Workers in Sioux County. A call is hereby issued for a Sunday school convention for Sioux county to be held at Harrison, early in May, at which time it is proposed to organize a County Sunday School Association. The object of said association is to make some one 'esponsible for the maintenance of the work throughout the county. The ex ecutive committee will be expected to gather and collate statistics, to corres pond with and encourage the schools, ar range for local and county conventions, secure speakers for the same and do any other necessary work to increase the number and efficiency of the Sunday schools in the county. The date and pro gram of the coining convention will be announced later. An effort will be made to secure E. A. Stevens of Grand Island or some other member of the state executive committee to deliver at least one address during the meeting. It earnestly urged that all Sunday schools in the county which have sus pended for the winter be reorganized at once, and that they begin to mane ac tive preparations for the convention. Report all such organizations and other terns of information immediately to John C. Gifpkn, County Organizer, Crawford, Neb. For Sale or Trade. 157 acres li miles east of Andrews, Nebr. Good range north and south for grazing. 80 acres fenced for pasture. i miles running water. Plenty of wood and good place for gardening. Apply to A. T. Huohson, Harrison, Neb. REPORT OF THE CONDITION THE COMMERCIAL BANK, At Harrison, in the State of Nebraska, at the closo of business, Marcn Bin, mvi. RESOURCES. .oaiiu and discounts - S20.584 80 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 87 89 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 13 85 Due from National nanus - o,io ti Due from State Banks and bankers 164 64 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 800 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 440 o Checks and other cash items - - 1 08 Hills of other Banks tills of other Banks - oub wi Fractional paper currency, nickels and conts 95 Specie 416 00 1,110 00 Lgai tenuer notes (fqtal 130,001 93 LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid in $10,000 00 tm oo 785 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits Individual deposits subicct to check 13,762 54 Demand certificates of deposit 451 39 Time certificates of deposit 4,403 00 Total - 30,001 93 STATE OF NERBASSA, OOtWTT OF SIOUX, 88 : i. if. li. unNwuu. uiiniiicf ui biic oiwtu named bank, do solomnly swear that the above statoment is truo to the bost qf my knowledge and Deuel. II . 1 1 . uuin.uiii', Subscribed and sworn to before SEAL me this 20 day ot March, isira. v- Gf.orok Walker, Notary Public Application for Liqonr license. Matter of Application pf Isidor Rlchsleln for liquor license. Notice to Whom it Mat concern ; Notice is herebv iriven that on the 15th dav ot March. 1893. Isidor Richstcln tiled his ap plication with the board of villago trustees of the villaso of Harrison. Sioux county. Nebraska, for license to sell Malt, Spirituous and vinous liquors at Harrison, In Sioux county, Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1S93, to the 1st day of May, 1894. All objection to granting tnis license shall be mane in writing, and tiled with said board as required by law. fZT-M Applioaut. B. E, Brewstkb, C, F, Coffer, President, Vice Pres. P, H, GRISWOLD, Cashier. Commercial Bank. fripiRpOBATpp. Ginsrel Banking Busings TJUXIA0T5D, . . . IfBftslIA Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale isucd by the Cleric of the District Court of iou- county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court In favor of LeuU rjchuchardt and against John W. Tidd, I will on the sth day of April, 1HM3, at one o'clock, p. ni., on said day at the front door of the court bouse of said Sioux couuty, in Harrison, sell the fol lowine described real estate, viz: J-ots numbered Two (i). Three (8) and t our (4; and the South East quarter (SE) of the Southwest quarter (SWK) of section num ber eighteen (IS), township thirty-three (33) north of range number flfty-three (W) West of the th Principal Meridan In bioui county, Nebraska, at public auctiou to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale in the sum of S400.00 and Interest, costs and accruing costs. Thob. Reidt, 26-301 Sheriff of Sioux Co., Nebr. S!ierlir Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court in favor of Catharine A. Smoot and against August Beck, Lena C. Beck, his wife, Dvright II. Griswold and Mrs. Uwight 11. Griswold, first and real name unknown, I will on the 8th day of April, li3, at one o'clock, p. m.. on said day at the front door of the court bouse of said county in Harri son, sell the following described real estate, viz: The South West quarter (SW) of section twenty-two (22), in township thirty one (31) north of range flfty-six (SB) West of the th Principal Meridan fn Sioux county, Nehraskii, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale in the sum of S370.35 and interest and costs aud accruing costs. Thos. Reidt, 2S-30J Sheriff of Sioux Co., Nebr. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska on a decree ren dered In said court in favor of Sarah C. D. Bassett and against Franklin, Simons, Mary Simons, Sarah E. Davis and D. P. Davis, I will on the 29th day of April, 1893, at one o'clock, p. m. on safd day at the front door of the court house in Harrison, Nebr., sell the following described real estate, viz: Lot number Sixteen (16) in block number Sixteen in the village of Harrison, Sioux county Nebraska at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale in the sum of One Thousand Seven teen and 48-100 dollars and interest and costs aud accruing costs. Thos. Reidy, 28-33 Sheriff of Sioux couuty, Neb. Sheriff's Sale. By vlrture of an order of aal issued by the clerk of the district court of Sioux County, Nebraska, upon a decree ren dered by said court In favor of The American Investment Company against' Mary Shay and the unknown devisees of John Shay I will on the 29th day of April, 1893, at one o'clock p..m. on said day, at the frontdoor of the court house, in said couuty, in Harrison, Nebr, sell the fol lowing described real estate, viz: The North West Quarter of Section Thirty-thce (35) Township Thirty one (31) North of Range Fifty-three (53) westof theeth Principal Meri dian in Sioux county, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for oash, sub ject to lien of flrst mortgage for principal sum of S350.00 to satisfy said order of sale, In the sum of S118.09 and Interest, costs and ac cruing costs. Thos. Reidt, 28 33 j Sheriff of Said County. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said codrt in favor of The American Investment Company against John l. Davis, lwis lscuer. riscner, nis wiie, urat anu Christian name unknown, I will on the 29th day of April, 1893, at ono o'clock, p. ni. on said day, at me rron aoor oi me couri. house, in said county, in Harrison, Nebr., sell the following described roal estate, viz: The South West Quarter (SW4) of Section Thirty-two (32), Township Thirty-two (32) norm ot Kange ruty-six ibui vresioime 6th Prlnoinal Meridian In Sioux county, Ne- DrasKa, ai puouc auciiun lo mib uignesL bidder lor cash, anu suuieci to a ursi mori gage for S57S 00 to satify said order of sale, in tne sum oi ft4.30 ana interest, costs anu ac cruing costs, Thos, Reidt, Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale Issued by the L;ierK oi tne uiatnct i;oiu-l ui aivui vuuuty, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered ny saiu court in favor of The American Invest ment Company against Irving Wilson, Ella M. Wilson, Thomas Dovenpon anu tiannan Dovennort, I will on the 29th day of April, 1893. at one o'clock, p. m., on said day, at the front door of the court house, In' said county, in Harrison, Heor., sen the toi- lowing aescriDea real estate, viz; norm west quarter (N. W. ) of Section twenty. six (26) rownBhip thirty (.10) North range Fifty-four (84), West of the 6th Principal Meridian, in Sioux county, Nebraska, at nublic auction to the highest bidder. for cash, subject to lien of flrst mortgage for principal sum of S200.00, to satisfy said order of sale, in the sum of 046.45 and iitercst, costs and accruing costs. HOS. REIDT. 28-33 Sheriff of said County. Notice to Nun-Resident Defendants, Andrew llahlmfln. Almlnn Dahltnan and Altman. Midler & Com nan y, a corporation, defendants, will take notice that on the list day of March, A. II. 1893 Herbert Stebbins, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Sioux countv. Nebraska, UgaillSb ucit;iiuiiiii.s, vuv. uujet. nuu prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendants, An drew Uuhlimin and Almlna Dahlman to tho Western Security Company, a corporation of Windham, Connecticut, and which said mortgago was for a valuable consideration Hssicncd bv said Western Security Company to tills Dilantin said mortgage was given upon The South West Quarter, (3.. W. X Section Twenty (See. Bi), Townsnip Thnt; rity (55) three, (Twp. 33), Kango nfty nve. in Sioux countv. Nebraska for the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dpllars (350.00) dated Mav 28th. 1888 and due and navable in vcurs from date thereoi. xnnt there is now due and navable upon said note and S418.40 with Interest ninrtcrntfe the sum of thereon from the flrst day of March, A. D, 1893, for which sum with interest thereon from this date plaintiff prays fqr a decree thatdefendantrbe required to pay tho sum or that said promises may be sold to satisfy the amount touna due. You are reoulrcd to answer said petition on or Dei ore tne vitn uny oi juay, a. if. isvs. HSKBKBT OTBHB1KS, By Geo. Walker, Plaintiff, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated March 21st, 1893. 128 SI Notice to Non-Resident Defendant Fannie Snedakcr and unknown heirs of Charles 0. Sncdaker, deceased, will take notice that Foe McCllntocK, piainim nerein nn tun 4tn nnv oi rcnv.. inva. niea ner pen. Hon in tho district court ot Slonx county. state of Nebraska, against Charles C. Sno rtAlrer and - Fannie Sncdaker. defendant! herein, the object and prayor of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage, executed by them to tho Western Farm Mortgage Com nanv upon the Southeast quarter of Section one, xownsnip tnirty, n&nga uiiy-iiiree Sioux countv. Nebraska, to secure the nay mnnt. nf a certain nromlnsorv note dated October 2nd, 1S88, for S4M.O0 with f per cent Interest from date thereof, payable somv anmiallv.' 1 - 1 , v - "Tbii'Tioforo laid mortgago become due nu lor vuiqu rocuiyetjr auiu nyw itiiu uiuik- wss amy assigned to roe Mcuuniqcit, plaintiff Vreln wu0 1 tnere ia now uuu nv 6 tho sum of S4M.00 with Interest na 1st. 1801. according to the t d'note, and, plaintiff prays that Ssi( etnUes maybe decreed to tie told to satltf l buaro an orb WIN srans & smiley, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Estate Agents, Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to estate should call on School Lands leased, taxes paid non-rosidonts; farms rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. You ST ' Want j a cr-1 Good Cook Stove GRISWOLD i Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME They Have also put in the General Merchandise, ever brought tQ Harrison which they re selling at lowest living ratea, Qome and see us before you buy, A FLOURING MILL is the next thing It will, uo doubt, see how WE ARE BOOMING, Small Profits and BIG SALES did it, Just received a lot of New Hats. 7 Dry Goods, Poots, Shoes, and Spring Clothing, $TPli AN pi-osh JfaWjuU tor 9W M flew Settlors. lowest LjYjnir Yfim COME INSPECT THE STOCK RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. . buy or sell real not fail to them. for CIARSTELLER AND LOOK AT THEM, Largest Stock ot Hardware. GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER, on the program. be a success, but just '-f-i '9-' ri 'Sit., .Jf -.f ' ' , 4 f MM 1 ' ,1 j v