"if V CkMmwUi; Thar is no mom in callinc a shoe raaktr of modern time a cobbler Tba Dsrt ttitnf to a cobbler tod? it tba custom-made man who con tine liia attention exclusively to that o.ie branch. Machinery for making shoes in great quantities and in sections is . of comparatively recent date, and prior to its adoption the shoemaker or cob bler did the entire business, from tak ing the measure to collecting the money. In small towns and villages lie liierat.y perirmed the entire pro cess himself, having insufficient trade to justiliy the employment of an assist ant, and in larger cities he superin tended the wori. from beginning to end himself. The labor-saving wonders of tba times have practically swept this ,mn out of the lield, and there are few members of the trade who are really cobblers. A rir KichaN(e. Bafferty ney don't fit. Ui want lbs nlxt larger soize. Marks 1 gait exchange dose drotltfers, meiu frient; t'ey vos torm rnlt der knee. lUftwty Torn? Will, will, so they are! Niver mom; Oi wants to do the fair thing. Just tear th' pair yez give me in exchange. When they Btgla. Wholesale Merchant No use stop ping Off at Lawnville. That town has haTaaa.fl tftnmevi in the trround. Not a wwa vwew b atnralftfL. Tlrammer You don't say f I hadn i .bA Ahnnt if. Merchant Nor I; but it must be so I aaer an item iu the uaper today say ing that the citizens of Lawnville were talking about organizing a lire aepart- ment. Advaac al Civilization. The people of Canada are getting Americanized in various ways. Tim ailukn thaw counted their money in rwinnria. shillinra and nence or "cop per." but now they count it in dollars. dimes and cents. , Any one in possession of 25 cents can go IAJ Lilt; lini rat u ' ...... ...... , uure a bottle of Salvation Oil and be cured n nf rhenmatiam. neuralgia, or aliv pain or ache. Tiwarfs are the inhabitants of tlx li.riaraan 1 aland. It is seldom Urn: ii full-Brown man is seen over iony two Indies in height. rvi ii m iv ii ii in 1 1 ii ii ii 1 1 1 in1 UJ UJ THK WAT 0V1 nf woman's troubles i with Ilni-lnr Pierce Favorite Prescription flafehr and certain V. ev ery delicate weakness itminiKht and dis peculiar 10 uw eej THEY ARE NOT SUICIDES. to permaaeatly cured. Out (hit of all the medi- Ieines for women, the "Favorite Prescription Is the only one that's I guarantied to do what if I claimed for it. In all I " female complaints " land irregularity peri odical pains, dlsplace- . menu, Internal inflam mation or ulceration, bearing - down . .-a klmlred ailments, if it nMuviw . , ever falls to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Ha certain to cure retry cae of Catarrh i DrjWTcatarTh Remedy tbat it proi.r tnMkt you this offer: "If T "f"1, . jnnVnenUy.wa'll pay yon $500 cash.' "It h doubtful if so many people who are run over on railroads, or jump from precipices and bridges, commit suicide, as is generally sup- losed," said a phys nan, recently. - "n nen a nian or wuiuan steoi in front nf a train, or walks off from some steep place, it is ten to one put down as a case or suicide, i ou win notice often that 'no cause could be assigned,' and. also, 'never had the person been in better spirits,' fttc, and thpn all th friends in tn rakins up the dead man or woman's past to nni our me cause. "Now, if the dead could speak we would una tnat. many oi tnese cases are due to absent-mindedness," the doctor continued, "or fits of absorp tion or abstraction. ' In fact, a re cent caner of my own leads me t'j niniwise this to be true. I was stand ... ... . . . nir on the platform of tne eievatcn station at 67 th street and 3d ave waiting for the down train. I was vorv much worried about a natieni who was not getting along as well as 1 had expected, ana l was wonueriua whether nr not I had better make certain changes in the treatment Tim absorbed 1 heard a train aD nrnMchinff. and mechanically started to step aboard, when I suddenly felt myself violently pulled back. Hooked about sumrised. and saw an excited man facing me and the people look ing curiously on. 'What do you mean.-"' said tne man angrily. "Were you trying to kill yourself by jumuing in front of the engine?" . 1 had nearly walkc i off in front of the train and for reply I quickly jerked myself away and stepped aboard, but my whole tody treruhlei with mingle;! sensationsof fright auJ shame. That incident set me to thinking. Many people are subject to sudden rushes of blood to the head that for the moment confuse them. a no ran n thus affected may suddenly drop down or mechanically continue walking, according to tne sirengiu oi the attack. In that condition one mat haf also a riartial loss of the will, wnicn may cause one uiuoiiueei Hil inns and dvsrX'Dtic Deo- ple are also liable to dizzy spells, and amid the rush and whirr of business such folks may suddenly fall or stum ble forward without seeming reason, and ho recorded as suicides." New York News. Hint to the Speaker. Doctor Hlldreth, in his "Memoirs nf the Earlv Settlers of Ohio," de votes a chapter to Abraham Whipple nt TihraiA Island. He was born In 1733, and was one of the llrst to take la hand in the Revolutionary war. In 1780 he was elected a representa tive to the Legislature from the town nf Cranston. ... The advocates of the paper-money evetnm were then in cower, and hud chosen Othnlel Gorton, a clu usy old man. for Sneaker. finrtnn waa In the habit of keeping a large quid of tobacco in one side of his chesks. Most or tne aeoaters were on the oDDOsltc side of the hall from that on which Commodore Whipple sat, and the Speaker's face nan commniilv turned that way . - .1 . .1 1 1 - Once In tne course oi tne ueuui nrhinnia had rvuritated a siteech. which he waited for an opportunity to de liver. At last, out or patience, ne rose and called, "Mr. tipcaker!" The Snnier whose face was turned the "K ' , L nt.her way. U1U not near uuu. jig raianrl h a VO ce to ItS Utmost, "Ml Srwaker!" " . , J . !. 4 K Gorton starteu, anu tu ruins io wiv Commodore, said, "I hear vou. Thoronnnn WhinDle beiran: n v h. Mr. sneaKer. you wuum shift your quid of tobacco from your starboard to your larrjoara jaw, wm it might give your neaa a cant mis way, so that you couia sometimes hear something rrom tins sme m tuc house." . Then he went on with his speech. Irry COSTS MORE to make Royal Bak JL ing Powder than any other, because its ingredients are more highly refined and expensive. But the Royal is correspon dingly purer and higher in leavening strength, and of greater money value to the consumer. The difference in cost of Royal over the best of the others does not equal the difference in leav ening strength, nor make good the inferior work of the cheaper powders, nor remove the impuri ties which such powders leave in the food. Where the best 'food is required, the Royal Baking Powder only can be used. "August Flower" I had been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. I had a fullness after eating, and a heavy load fn the ;. Af Mir ctnmarh Sometimes S deathly sickness would overtake me. I was working for Thomas McHenry.Druggist, Allegheny Uty, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. I used August Flower for two weeks. I was relieved of all trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I have gained twenty pounds since my re covery. J. D. Cox.Allegheny, Pa. a OIVjB enjoys Cit. ...tluwl end results when a... v.M imltAn! it ii oleas&nt 0TIUU W . ud refreshing to the taste, and act rntlr yst promptly On the Kidneys, I 1A U-l. i.panaes the SVS- tern effectually, dispels colds, head- obai and isvers ana cure oonatiDetion. Syrup of Figs is Uie only remedy of iU kind ever pro ni. a th taste and ao- cepteble to the itonSach, projnp id .. r .. I 1 1 lT.i m I in Itl its action ana wuiy - -- effects, p.pared only from the most healthy anaagreeable substances, iU iu nnaiitlea commend it all and have made it the most ponukr remedy Jtnown. . id7! bottles by all leadiap ; drug . 1 VI- ,MUE WhC Any renu" v.- ; nn kand will -pro ear it promptly for any one wh wisass to try it Do not accept aaj utotitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. UK nAKIKt. Otl. inumviiLt. tr. UW raw. to and gists. 'S V m mm Tan Tiaai ai WATERPROOF COAT i t World t TBS? A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS The Jewel-Pointed Tool or Egypt. A year's study at Gizch has con vinced Mr. Finders Petrie that the Egyptian stone-workers of 4,000 years ago had a surprising acquaintance with what had been considered mod ern tools. Anions the many tooli ued by the pyramid-builders were both solid and tubular drills and stiaightand circular saws. The drills, like those of to-day, were set with nm.hniiiv ronindura. as the JUWCIO VI' - diamond was very scarce), and even lathe tools had sucn cumins uuca. a ..n.riighii mil the Quality of the tubular drills and the skill of the workmen that the cutting niaras in hard (jranite give no indication of wear of the tool, while a cut of a tenth of an inch was made in the hardest rock at each revolution and a hole through both tne naruest uuu ..t m,.t,.riui as hored perfectly nuiuvau - - th nd iinifnrin thmUBhOUt Of BUillVHll " - - , . the mawsrial and nietnoa oi uiaaing the tools nothing is Known. suuhuk Journal. ": a..i.H nf Rodent Seaveucen. A man just from New Orleans says there is one peculiarity aoou mi -i... ki,.i la nnver talked about "It is," he sain, '"a city oi raw. x"; Orleans is below the river bed, and it i- nil iimM inw and damn. The city is not clean, and large wharf rats multiply tn tno ousiness uurwim u. io in aroat niiinbers. and the pests swarm about in droves. The i -maw drlnnna contend tbat UCUUIO - . . , the rate are good scavengers and help to rid the city oi reiuse mmw.. dnn't th nk there is a city in vue M mil omn Np.w York or Paris, .u.t h h mnnv rnis m niu auuaro n.iiA n Ticw Orleans." Atlanta Journal. - i r,.-. Vh Hnrui Shonherd la being built In Philadelphia, but it is In no way connectea wim nio kw .k.nhani who edites the Mall and Vtlia ;eiman ej Drink. German boys who work in the open air all day long, every day in the year excepts hool days, get very thirsty, of conrsr, and must drink a great deal. Hie German mothers to keep their toys well and hardy, are rery expert in making nourishing drinks for them, make the place of water, wnicu not nourishing at all If taken in large quantities. Honeyade is me lavoriw ...,r,)..r rirink fnr German boys. It is made in this way. An ounce of ginger s bo led for an hour in two quarts oi water. Then two quarts of cold water, . ,.r,t,i nf ano-ar. an ounce ot lime juice aud two ounces of clear, sweet cidar are added. When all is cold, the white of an egg is whipped in anu a the honeyade jar. The sturdy little Germaus are al- ovred to drink their weignt, as tne say ing is, of this. MatMofSelanea. TtirM nnarters of a second is the time occupied by the fall of a knife in -ho guillotine. The knife is weighted by 120 pounds of lead, falls nine feet, uid cuts througn nesn anu uuc easily as through a bar of soap. n: nan in the clear waters ot tne t uiu find that fish of different colors, when frightened, do not all dart in the same direction, nut mat eacu uirant kind takes shelter in tnat portion of the submarine growth near at to its color. The production of bituminous coal in the United States is now double .. r .nthraMta Tn 1892 there were I IISIV W WMamv T 110,000,000 tons of bitumlneus coai mi,',i Minit 52000.000 tons of an- SllllVUa ' ... - thracite. The ara ot production oi soft coal is ten times greater than the aeraof production of nara coai. in the form of coke, bituminous coal is constantly encroach' ipon the Helds of anthractic produc Naaded no Doctor. A man of 60, who had long made a practice ot changing ms aoctors on ,i.. .tihtnat nrovocation. not lor.tr ago called in a young physician who had .. .i..H Minairiarable rsDUtaUon. lie was telling the doctor what he thought was the trouble witn mm, wneu u doctor ventured to disagree with Ins ,ii.in.i. "TWvour DardoD," said the patient in a haughty way, "it isn't for a young physician like you to dis agree with an old and experienced in valid like me!" And he went out to seek another physician .Argonaut. An AppraprtaM Frayer. i t.nni ventleman tells this story of a little boy: The boy was tired from a hard day's play, and when he retired he was too sle8ry w Mi irnndniffht nraver. His mother trimA in vain tn have him say It, Mid finally sent the father in. He lonna tlx. i.nr iust sinkine into a tired sleep, iind demanded that he should get up ..nd av his nraver. The little ienow arose wearUy, sank down upon his Wnees by the bedside and began: "O, .i.o. T.itt niaaan make nana say his prayers when he's as tired as I am. Amen. - - Throat, or a Bad Congh or Cold, use promptly Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, a use !, tr. irn in the house, because IU. 1 II .11 IV,. 1... WW .- - - , ot its great helpfulness in all Lung and Threat troubles. .-, ' Tha UlrU Were Ready, At VaaaarcollsM the other day, one Of the professors failed to put In an appearance. After waiting ten minutes the class, instead of bolting, as boys would have dene, appointee, one ui their number teacher, pro tem; and when the professor waixea in some half hour later she found the recitation going en as usual. . r ...lu all tlio nnmmmr ills what, doctors? Pshaw! Take B ..ham's fills, ror sate oy au uruj... Aitifled Porpnos Slonr. One of the most interesting points in connection with the new water works nf Worms fifirmanv. is the fact thU artificial porous stones are used for fllteringing the water, lesis snowcu that the number of bacteria in the water after Alteration is about .one twentieth of that before Alteration. Steam pipes are so arranged that the stones can be sterilized whenever it is necessary. . A GBAHD ENTERTAINMENT. consisting of Dramatic and Humorous Recitations, fiavs, ere, can bmij uc6"i by home talent, with a copy of Garrett s famous "100 Ckolce Salectloni," costing only 30 cents, (suitable for Lyceums, Schools, Church Societies and Home Theatricals. Hold by booksellers. Ho. 32, the latest, is a gem. 240 pages ot .t;nt..f a, .l fun including two bright new Comedies; all forO cts., post paid; or, the two nays 10 els. vauvogm free. P. Garrett fe Co., Philadelphia, la. (Established 1865.) ROOT, BARK BLOSSOM falu In Hack aad LtaM,Tim. DrMl put,heroy FeeUne, UrUUljr uid Lu Viuiity terte ii -T i.. 1. i-ini.i..iaii..i ! in 1 1 mi I lir.l. mjm.IU.Ii imiiiMiit -r"it- BkaieleTm fnr rteeiiNi mm". rKTlTviUt WEEKLY lALtBY. SI kez two mentlnV tmJ ( 1 tl jml HM tnm. McT- a meatk'l mftts I I Tirll and Be IVrfi. HOOT, BAIca sLUBouni! wwnrn, n. a Tii1ifSl iSTgL,- ' v l Yen Dfwer will run It. Al) ne odjl I J iTOaiorthaalB oi waica aacaie l WORTH D9UBLI THt MONEY. h ilckMt deck of' eardt you ever hind led On! i c.anr man .nit W r.TIl I au abould bmve oue. nrn butter and cheeae f actonea. Vkm reryin riarls & Rankin Bldg. and Utg. Co., 840 to West Lake Straw, wuceu, u. IUnat mxw D. Correepondence aollclted. BarilojiLIflSJ All IMeaaed but lir.ow. "Mr. Hawkins." said she, "1 wish you to decide a bet between me ami Mr. Barrows. "He says it is nlv 500 feet from here to the beach and I say it's 1,000." , ,, AVll " said Hawkins. "I suouiu you were botli riplit. "It's about 00 of Jiarrowa ieei ana i,uw ui Harper s Jiazar. xir i. i. U futfl fjin iiit.lrt OVlt- door exercise. This is the fault of our . , If lo ..luiniMl that modern ctvii..nuu. -(iartield Tea, a simple herb remedy, helps mature 10 overcuiue uicm: riotroit Tribune: Manv a mistress would like to command her servant to do this and that, but finds it difficult to rise to the point of order. poVVhST sDr.PCTViELo , VAUHHAN POTATO AND TUB a.AlUi-JI i' w If vea BMailen tae aeaae ef tfela paaer Grewn from our feed ia 1S88. Itwlll in. JgdlS t? SSupSZc "VCTpi). rill mail. peetmud anjr a dren in theU. S., ftoaaenef me TnfMii - " r . . tune -a'e ane ran cwpy l .... m u . mita 1 emit yea only 1 A CeartaUoeej- Deu icr imm m m riT. r . . K Vaiiirliaa Patau ia koowo . . MM nf tha verv Deat eariT 'and nroductire vanetiea now finooi Jin i;ti9X' a-jJCssa a-ss-s- m,mmtAfn9 before the nublic.modooetwly rw.f -.to nn w (rrowo hsU CaUSd its treat a semation siace th .- u T.iriU It has ftlu. MMUtV -.J arlaaM We WSiBtt to Betl un lai-.i vlaM anil hnW . ia,.s ci nar le tu hsrr ran kw rmrn ana win pmj iw U"""ITW an e this infor. NOOflol 'Tie rHalk mailed m-j - -v- - - ; , mA Plant Bookerertewte. A Mlrraref Aaaencee np tkadtar te data. Twen I pares lanjer than ever, wi IN acc lualion. VAUGHAN'S. SEED STORc MBrsvr (Wain iaoT real ir- bctttty. C&telofne aIom tor three kw tumpa. CHICAOO. 48 W. WaaMagtOB St. NEW YORK. ttAtvlaw Atreet. rite to-day. This AdertiaemeaM yni-not-apne.araya.ii.j av J inns - J "Nl -rfV - i L-e O 1 OlZJff' ' tSt-IOiW-a. a W Ha Yrrnr Own Rcuairinf! Bv usrnr Reta Honiebold Uapalrtac Ovtslt tor balf-eotos SdSStBoote. Bhoes awl KuhW toy pnecan uaelt. Woe av WeartWMatly boxed, 20 lbs. Thouaaooa aleeade to i uje. ,.t ' KAIM1IM?. HmolflMAnuwiwJ.wwwww! ISTBAMl Klmiardkrl ataWI oTaSritSiSiooDna-prioea. Manrof th9 goods can be SSS'JSSjSr'w t?1 lilNIB lafoN WOBJatKB, aft aSAVVTa TjtAJtB IT, ajty leitli or wWUl y' J ueAnaotonueupatboaie.atleMtb r5sr n Wii&lfl BK. Sn.nL Riu-klM. laobb. rats. Bvm, LetcM at a bis red; rprioea. Many Of 1 , ikIm Vtt nf Mack fVmendine Tinware. .Price. 5 cents, "very X.SfS52 Vr.Vn"; nl .tr,dnrant tr.aL no toys. OatalM rn r'L"'. ' inor &ROS..MEOWA OH3. Mr. Mary Andrea OfCtawfordeville, Ind. Almost Miraculous. ABSOLUTELY HELPLESS AND HOPELESS. The Grip, Rheumatism, Debility. "For teveral years I have been a very great sufferer with rheumatism. In (he winter of '90 and '91, when I had been obliged to use crutches for a loag while, In my unfortunate cooalllon 1 had a tevere attack of the grip, whl. h put ne down bedfast, for nearly a year. As I had a eevere cough, the doctor thought my lungs affected, nnd that theie -was lit le or No Hooe of My Recovery In tho f.ll I began to take Hood's Sfcraaperl la, and tu it found a medicine which wjs doing me good. I'r. m an utterly heljless cacaition i have now leached a good slate of i eulth. I do all my work and walk around without crutches. Tne patniaad swelling causej uy . ,uu...-- Hood's ' ' Cures tlsm axe gont. All my friends rcg' mJ cnre alaioat mlraouloua ana give m u.Bi.;.v m Hood'a 8arsaoarilla." Mas. Maav Akdrkss, Orawfordsviue, ina. .. j,. mil. nun. Nounee. Mick Headache, Indlsestlon, Billloumesa. Bold by all druggls ErtKSttenced Sarvant-"Gentieraan wants to soe you, sir." j . Rl.hmann "Wno IS ne.' r.L.i.nml Sarvant "I couldn't .- ... .le. Vint Indtrin' bv his clothes. ha s either a bswar or a millionaire, sir.' Mia race His JTortaae u. niohmann Itscems to DM that iia.irM bta varv hitrh. viii vMwe - - . -n a.iT itn not charre for JL Wl - " - danarhiar'a Mrtrait, sir uiaiiiviua) ' v . That was a pleasure, and you are wsi n thai nirtnra as free rift. -Good gracious! Then what do you chart for?" "For not eloping with her. The old man paid. (tea year lads " Brown' i -BnwoAioi IfMUl ill new iw"." ' r ' ofThTworld world. For relieving Coufha, UelTV n.u .1 TVa.a. liluaaM. thaT rW reliable. 9M only m kttm, yrr LIGHTNING The 60 Day Cabbage. Tali ii abanlatelr tk aalin eabVaa la taa wafM. 17 aoam. Pk,.. Uo.; ., SSo.i X !.. S3. pta.a. THE KARUEVT Hliaau . WU1 Vila gppip. aitlun HfHWHnamHviT'i K" ! FOR 1o. IWITH MiLvi, To latroJaea oat aaaii Trywhr. we aaad.antpald.aaoa 11)1. UI lc. iaamaldaaiaad UiU ferial and will fatak lf eriata. th. aarliaat, ptaat Salaafi fMd. (s. BailieaVVafaaU HaraltiM, 1. VMtpall. 1 paekaca Six WmVi Baiih, Ne. I Silrar Stata Uttaat, 15o. 1 ' " Olaat Prolific Traato. 8le. 1 H LoacUiaat uucamaar, iw. Brill iai taalltPaatw ALL FOR Me. a m Hf4iriBtrioreaadi.35e. ALZCR'S SC0 CATALOOUS Is tha SMt pabliafaed. Coats anr M,WW! It Ii (ladly aui)d apaa rcceipnf 8a. pasta(' 10HN A. SALZER SECP CO., La Crosse, Wis. Ul lion is Your Bipod? . . ..tinut hreaklns out on my leg balow the knee, and waa cured sound and well with two and a nail ootuea i r., 1 v.1 i .llrlaea had taUed ,- todoa-anyjood. Will C-Bjatv, I was troubled from childhood with an aa; rravated Teaae of Tetter, mid three bottlet of rggi curm.ly...etlev. mJJpJ Manarilk, I. T. Our book on Blood and Skin Dlawases mailed vm pooa gwIfT Srxano co., Atlanta, Ca. ihineioM Little Pills torConrtlnntlon.SIck rteed aeIe,rTrspeala.lo noa,No Palaver omall. City of Toledo, ) Lucas Co., S. S. State of Ohio. ) cMni i rhAnPv makps oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURb. Sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1889. icoT A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. e HALL'S 1 CATARRH GUfiE IS TAKEN INTERNALLY, and acts directly upon the Blood and mucous surfaces. SfilBK npfTI eMtpTTVT'lvr1 ATM E. B. WALTHALL & CO.. Drufftota, Hone Cave, Ky., aay; "Hall's uatarrn uuru cure. SrHrCMa. ai--iO . r. ,Neb. i WRTTIVn TO AUVRRTIBKlta, . f pieaaa ear yoa aaw ta aatverttaeaaaaa tathia payer. VW, a , if CXINDUCTOB B. D. LOOMIS.Detroit, Mich ayi: ''The effeet of Hairs Catarrh Cure Is wonderful. w nie m .. n n 1 nenw qmiiuJ. TIHi . nava : "Two bottles of Hall's Catarrh Care oats ale ta ly cured my little frM." J. c. SIMPSON, Manjueas, W. Va., iaya: "Hall's Catarrh Cur oured ma ot a very oaf case ot catarrh." Hall's Catanli Core Is Sold by all DaalBrsin Patot Mciiis. PRICE 75 CENTS A BOTTLE. .1.. r nil fieea Ssfl fflUejisapeaiaaiaiiBiiiam Id 1 THE OKLY GENUINE HALL'S UTJO KS It MAKVPACTCBEO BT F. J. CHENEY & CO., Testimonisls sent free on application. BEWARE OF UUXAXtOSa, Express.