I. t ': , t c ; s 1 i - X v K s : 4 ; o .if THE SIOUX (THOTY JOURNAL. I. J. SIMMONS, rroprtetor HARRISON, XEBRAStfA. IbHomt of Pop Lao. Rome, Feb. 21. The pealing ol church belli Sunday announced the celebration of the pope's episcopal jubilee. By 4 o'clock the thousands of pilgrims, tourists and citizens were crowded before toe doors of St. Peter's. At 5 o'clock two battalions of infantry in uniform were drawn up before the (a hedral so as to be ready to help the 20 r more gendarmes in preserving on t-r. The crowds swelled suddenly but remained quite despite the trem.-ti. duns pessure caused by about 5,000 ticket holders in their hopeless strug gle to get near the doors. At 6 o'clock the cathedral doors were opnied and the foremost of the crowd swept in. Within half an hour the great building was packed to the steps, three thousand pilgrims and 25,000 or 30,01 0 Catholics from this city gained admission. Not fewer than 40,000 per sons, many of them ticket holders, were tuned away by the military, who cieared,the spaces around the building o as to prevent disorder when the ser vices closed, , CHEERED THE POPE. Hie pope entered the cathedral at 9.45 pale but smiling and apparently in somewhat better health than usual Ihe cathedral rang with tumultuous cheering as the pope was borne toward ihe altar. His holiness officiated at the special jubilee mass, intoning the opening words of the Te Deum and giving Lis blessing in a clear, penetrat ing voice. The mass lasted until 10:45, but apparently did not fatigue his holiness. He remained iu the cathedral forty-live minutes after the celebration and then proceeded to his apartments Ihe crowds dispersed slowly. At noon most of them had gone and a quarter of an hour later the military withdrew. Sunday afternoon the Irish pilgrims attended service in the church of St Hylvester and were blessed by Cardinal Logue. The English pilgrims at St, Georges received the blessing from Cardinal vaughan. The weather has been magnificent all " day. The air has been mild and try and the sun has shone uninterruptedly Sunday evening St Peters and all (be others churches, all the convents and private houses were illuminated. The street were thronged and the square in front or bt, Peters was almost impassi . ble. Without eioepUon, however, the : peeple have been perfectly orderly. Not an arrest was reported. King - Humbert and Queen Marguerite tool; their usual drive through the city and 't everywhere were saluted respectfully. y ' j ? ? THESE UNITED STATES. ?. IJALTiMOKKj.Md., Feb. pi. Cardinal Gibbons, all the priests attached to the cathedral, Uev. JIagnine and all the Sulpician fathers and seminarians in the seminary of St. Mary of St. Sulpice, together with an immense ; congregation united in the cathedral on the service of solemn high mass, the occasion being to unite with the holy father himself in Home, in the celebration of his elevation to episco pate, fifty years ago . Cardinal Gibbons preached the sermon, dwelling prin ' cipally upon the supremacy of the pope. " ' - I ,, "Vou might as w Jl," said he, ' shut '' . out the light of day and the air ol i i i heaven from your daily walk a to - exclude the. pops from his legitimate sphere in the hierarchy of the church. The history of the United States with the presidents left out would be more intelligible than the history of the church to the exclusion of the vicar ol Cnrist. This supremacy of the pope it may he objected, has been denied. . I grant it. And so has every truti of - revelation been denied from the very existence of God even to the resurrection of the flesh.: But not withstanding these denials, the truth f Of revelation remain. ' , ; v A Mew Invention. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 21. Benjamin Brazellet a St Louis man, has invented a process of steel making, that it is claimed far eclipses the discovery of Bessemer and will so reduce the cost of steel rails that they can by its use be sold at a good profit for one -half the '- present expenses of making them. ; ByBfazell's process, it Is asserted that pig iron or steel can be made direct from ore with gas fuel and it is claimed that by the process the best Bessemer pig iron can be made for less that 910 and steel in uie uiuett tor 812.60 per ton. Bessemer received $1,000,000 on the American rights of his patent, the the Carnegie Steel companies and -other large concerns being the 'purchasers. .j ;:; If Brazelle's process will accomplish ell that is claimed for it Btssemers Inrttition will be worthless, ae it cannot compete with the other. That tome people hare faith in the St. Loois man's tavern n is evidenced by the fact that the coming week with a capita' ol 1,000,000 to build a large plant in 8t Louii ': t daring : the next three months to manufacture pig iron and Meet by hit process. ittBPOK, Feb. tL-Tlie Right Honor. atis AUinr J. Balfour, tueopposi on (rs'rmttmbasmot 9ovataooM,kwmt-.-' frt"jrronuW attack of Innoenu ; .J mmnt to teed. -.4 ; ...T-rrjtattsr, . leaning over the ,.i SSZZXZXl. liMuketo , " . I Yowtg Fatber-Inbeir Vi Jte ttafce imXyea katnr, Gen. Beauregard Laid to Rett. .Nev Okleans, Feb. 25, The fuuderal of General P. G. T. .Beaure gard ranked with that (of Jefferson Davis for the magnificence of display and the number of participants and central evidences of mourning. Tiie ooo sof the city hall were uotcks ii during the night and the chamber of mourning was never without visitors. From dawn till the hour of the funeral ninny thousand people passed by the o:er and viewed Ihe body. The flora! o urinjs were numerous. Arclbehop Janssens detailed a dozen priests in cluding Vicar-General liodearts, to conduct the services, while father Garesche, of t lie Jesuits, delivered a brief but eloquent eulogy. The hon orary pall-bearers were ollicials of the city and state, judges, leading journal ists and many prominent citizens. The body was borne down the stairs of the city hall by a detachment of the Louisiana field artillery and the casket placed upon a caisson and warpped in the American flag. The militia beaded the funeral column, under command of General Borland, every company in the city turning out its full quota of men. The veteran associations fol lowed, and then came the inua eso the confederate soldiers' home in wagonettes. The caisson, guarded by mounted artillery, followed, and then came a line of carriages several miles long. The various exchanges were closed, business practically suspended md an immense concourse lined the streets to do honor to the dead. Although tiie procession moved promptly and made no halt, it took nearly two hours lo reach the cemetery, and the remains were laid away in the tomb of the Army of the Tennessee at Metalrie. A brief religious ceremony was held at the grave, a company of veterans ol war artillery, commanded bv Cantain Frank McElroy, fired three volleys over the grave, the Louisiana Geld artillery tired three guns, the buglers sounded taps and the family was left alone with the dead. Camp Henry St Paul, of the veteran organizations, has aire id y bsgun a movement looking to the erection of a Beauregard monument and has drafted a charter for a monument. From ex pressions made yesterday there is little doubt but that the project will meot with speedy realization. It is likelv the shaft will be erected iu Metairic cemetery, not very far frem where the soldier sleeps. Famous Wall street Staga! Dead. New York, Feb. 25 Ruf us Hate) the once famous Wall street magnate died at his resider.ee in Spoytenduyv Mr. Hatch was silt? -two years oil lie retired from "tne r. street" tw years ago and has been failing in health ever since. The immediate cause of las death was a coruplicatiot of kidney, heart and liver trouble which had confined him to. his roon, for several weeks. " - ; Rufus Hatch was born at Welle Me. He made a fortune in wheat ii Chicago, but lost it at the close of the Crimean war. Then he came tf New York and was prominent will the late Henry Keene in the mamj ulation of Chicago and Northwestern lie was squeezed badly sometime.- himself. The last squeeze was ii 1833 when he went . down in tin Villard-Northern Pacific disaster. H and Keene were interested together in the famous corner of 188a, but Hatci never fully recovered his old place a? before and it is believed he died comparatively poor. To Break the Will. ClUCAop, Feb. ib. Suit was begun to break the will of the late William M. Derby; sr., who was one of Chi cago s oldest and best known citizens Mr Derby died last December, leaving an estate valued at $3.0JO,000. The suit is brought by his daughters, Mrs Gertrude S. Walker and Mrs. Francis D. Cleave, r who, were to receive but $30,000 each, the greater part of the remainder of the estate going to a third child, William M. jr. More than $2,000,000 worth of property wa- trasferred to this ton before Mr, Derby's deal lu Ri The daughters allege that their father was of unsound mind, and that improper Influence was exerted by the favored son . . Buomtn Aasemble, Arkansas City, Kas., Feb, 26. More than a thousand strip boomers assembled in mass meeting at a point just across the line a few miles from this city pursuant to a call issued to; take action upon the dilatoriness of congress about doing anything towards ratifying the treaty and opening the lands. The meeting, after a full and warm ' discussion of . the subject, adopted resolutions which, after citing the negotiation of the treaty, the present status of the strip bill in congress and the failure to accomplish anything thai far, conclude as follows. "Therefore be it resolved, that if congress does not ratify said treaty on or before March, 4, 1393, we, the pro spective settlers of the strip, will on tM sUrtb day of March, 1893, at 12 o'deek nooa, move upon and occupy Caleafe Ueetri Ltneaaeri Dentaad Ia- r r cre Waxea. Ciucaoo, febk'Sn. A strike among electric linemen at the world fair to M&m?o hupdfedand twenty. nve linemen hare served notice that if tMr aafiaiids ircrenot acceded to they ttWM etrtke.' They demand ' J7J cenU per hoar, instead of 12.50 for each eight boon work, with time and a half for overtime and doable time for San- day. Toe demand was refused. ORAfleRWYNS- -titNDVW - " vsa-v CIIAPTKK XIII. A CI.l'E. Iwo days had passed ly since the lanure oi tno hank and tno oceurranee of attendant unfortunate disaster. and Arnold Dacre still lingered at Ridjre field. Defiant, self assured, and craven, tear ful by turns, he had lived through those forty-eight hours with the lament ing dread of a man hovering over a pow der miue, watching the course of events, hoping for developments that would show the cards running bis way, and wondering what the end would to. So far as the tank itself was con cerned, the law very speedily acted. The books showed accuracy and system, its managemet, entire honesty. To all seeming, dead Abel Merwyn ha J specu lated rashly, had blindfolded his subor dinates to tbe facls and when the crash came had lett them to face ihe crisis. There were some diserepencies in the accounts that needed explaining, Lut the old clerk John Wharton, w ho kept the books ol the concern, was not called on to elucidate them. So violent had he become, that ho had to bo forcibly re strained, and the evening before he was confined in the county asylum, a hope less, mental wreck. Arnold Dacre had sought a score of interviews with him, liau sei.i'd upon numerous pretences to linger near him, to question him. In a half lucid moment he had caught the narno "Cupples" from Wharton's lips, mixed with some unin telligible jargon concerning the pack age. If clue it was, it was a frail one, but Dacre resolved to trace It down. Of Flora Merwyn and her rescuer, not a word or a traco had Dacre gleaned. Hirbegan to believe that the convict had tied the country witb the woman he loved. To openly Tattle Dacre meant recapture, and he would scarcely risk that, and. In this way of thinking, Dacre at the end of two days, decided that it would be safe to remain at Kidgc.lield, and prosecuto his search for ihe precious missing package. The dead banker had been burled. All Rldgefield was talking about ihe strange disappearance of Klnra, and i he old housekeeper was fairly frantic, about j ber. Dacre ventured no theory or ex- i planation, but when the Intelligence was brought to the little village that K.'iv Webster had escaped from the peniten tiary, It was generally decided that flora had heartlessly abandoned her dcni father, and, with what money she could i find, had joined her lover, and lied losome j distant land. When it was learned i later that her personal fortune in the I city had been withdrawn from invest- j ment the wcck- previously, people be- r;....i !,:.. .v .1.. .. . i i . nocu mis cAtMdiiuiiUii Ul Ijer aiseucuj more readily than ever. 1 It was just at dusk the evening after tbe departure of his tool and ally for the insane asylum, that Arnold Dacre pre sented himself at the door of Wharlou's former loditings. "Have you the key Of Wharton's room," he asked ol the landlady. "Yes, sir," she replied. "I thought so. Will yon please lot me have them?" "He has left nothing there." - Dacre knew this. lie himself had su perintended the packing of the trunk of his unfortunate victim, in a vaio search for tbe missing package. "That is true," he vouchsafed, "but I am In hopes of finding some trace of cer tain papers belonging to the bank secreted about the room. The keys, please." Once in the room Dacre began a per sistent and a thorough quest. Some where tho package had been secreted. Where? He tore up the carpet, he delved in the grate, he ripped open the bedding, he explored every nook and cor ner of that many-cornered room. "It's no use!" he groaned, sinking to a chair, and mopping his dripping brow desolately. "Wbat can he havo done with it, for certainly it is not here?'' Tap tap tap! Faint, spasmodic, the startling sum mons fell on the door. Dacre walked to It . "Who Is there?" ' "Mr. Wharton, please let me in!" panted a weak, a wavering voice. "Who is It?" demanded Dacre, still bent on parleying with a possible in truder. "Cupples Tom Cupples. Oh! it's come again help bel " The voice died away suddenly. Arnold Dacre started as from an electric shock. Cupples! that was the name John Wharton had employed in bis incoherent ravings, and In connection with the miss ing package, too. Dacre had sought for the man, had learned of his fidelity to the old clerk, and cf his mysterious disappearance. These facts, taken in connection with his strange disappearance, his evident ignorance of the absence of Wharton. smacked of suspicion. With fateful auguries at soul, Arnold Dacre ouicklv opened the door. "Come in." A huddled mass lying across the thres hold looked up at him witb pleading eyes. , .. . "Why! what's the matter here?" de manded Dacre, harshly. "Help mo the words were a scarcely audible Jumble. "Help you! are you hurt?" lint the man, sinking back more heln- lessly than ever, was silent Dacre es sayed to drag him across the room, and as he placed him on tho couch fie ob served that hands and feet were flexible and Inert, that his head hung stupidly, while his jaws were distended as If ho had lost all control of tfce muscles on one Sldo of his face. ! Are you pick?" he persisted. "Arc you hurt?" No, gasped the other faintly, nar- alrzcd! I had It had It before. On the road It overtook mo then hero times and out water!'' Three v mi lain no spoke Hie words. Dacre nmler-MKtd. Some powerful excitement or over exertion had nroiight tb i poor ml "Mlwawwn wretch to his lluai struggle with the grim I read lite contents of the precious docu m niMor, paralysis. , ! ment secured from Tom CuddIos. jip secured a glass or waier irom the i ...-, ,,,.,.0i., i uW MU, ui ., ma mum man. i iMMMir: UBuru vunriiav Dili It II ran't. last Quick! .vital. Must nee hint Mr. Wharton." "Wharton?" repeated Dacro, "he Is not hero." iLS'FflBTI.NF waa ei ibi A blank, despairing expression crossed the haggard face. "He Is sick he has teen removed to a a hospital in the city," explained Dacre. "Then send send " "Goon!" urged Dacre, eager to learn the cause of tho man's anxiety. "For Mr. Arnold Da ere." "Why!" exclaimed tho cashier, "that's me." Tom Cupples looked relieved. He had never seen Dacre before, but he accepted his statement as true. "Mr. Whartou told me told me," he panted, "to see you if anything any thing happened to him." "Yes! yes!" murmured Dacro eagerly. "He told mo to hide hide It He told nie to tell you to give you " A paroxysm of weakness caused Cup ples to falter, but Arnold Dacre, in the intensity of bis emotion, fairly galvanized bim into new life with the magnetic power ot his vehemence. "To give me what?'" lie demanded. "Speak, man!" The answer came with difficulty, bat it t-ame, bringing to the face of the arch plotter a wild, eager glow, that nide his sinister, avaricious eyes sparkle brighter than ever. "The-package!" gasped the prostrate man. C HAI'TKIt XIV. TIIE SKC'RKT. "The package?" cried Arnold Dacre, his wholo being rising with exultation, hope, and suspense. Tom Cupples nodded and easped. Then he faintly articulated. "It was a manilla paper package, Mr. Wharton gave it to me Tuesday night" "It is the same!" cried Dacre, trans formed with excitement and expectancy. "Quick, man! you have it? give it to mc. It is mine." Cupples shook his head slowly, as if to indicate some negation to the rapid queries of his interlocutor. Ho tried to eak and sank back, the sound gurgling In his throat spasmodically. "Speak, I toll yon!" ordered Dacre fiercely, amid his eagerness, losing sinlit of the man's weak and helpless con dition, "lie told you to give me the package. You havo It! No?" The nodding head movii.g nervously from side to sido tried to answer him. "Then you know where it Is?' Oh! the plotting heart took hope, for Cupples Indicated a strong uflirmatlvc. "Where Is it?'' Cupples made amotion for more water. It moistened his feeblo vocal organs "Ho save it to me hldo it bo said," , panted the Invalid, In a scarcely audible ( tone. - "Yes, yes! brace up! don't' weaken! and you hid it?" "Yes." "Where?" "Too long to toll you I haven't the the strenirth. Far away. . I thought ho so ordered it safe place,." These sentences wore spoken in dis jointed gasps. Upon the utterance of each, tho baleful plotter hung as if his life depended upon their significance. "Coming back I had a stroke. Hurry excitement did It. I never thought to gel home I met a charcoal burner near near Deepford. Ho wrote tho details of tho hiding-place. I feared I would forget." "Wrote It?" stormed Dacre, with sud den alarm." "Why! he will go and get It" "Xo. - Does not know what is hidden. Started for here. Another stroke. Done up. 1 am going to die but I obeyed my friend -- my dear friend my dear friend " His eves closed, and ho subsided into a silence and a riaiuity like to that of death. "House np!''' shouted Dacre, shaking him fiercely. "Tho directions the pack aire!" , "In the cavo in my pocket no this one leftside of my coat. Water wa ter " - . Arnold Dacre sprang to tho table for the glass. Before te regained the side of tho prostrate man, however, with a violent convulsion, the latter sank back sonseless. "He's gone or going!" muttered the schemer hoarsely. "Oh! will the paper tell. Yes. Yes. it is here it is here, glory I 1 have It" . From tho man's inside coat pocket, he drew forth a paper. It was creased and marred with charcoal dust About tj open it, ho glanced at tho door sus piciously. Some one had pushed it open a trifle. He fancied ho. heard the low brcathinc of some one lurking thoro? Is there somotrap In this?" he ground out suspiciously, "No! no! The man was too sincere. Who are vou?" He sprang suddenly to the door and opened it . Upon its threshold stood a stranger. He was a peculiar-looking man, dressed in home-spun, wearing blue spectacles, and with a face as tawny as that of an Indian. "What do you want?" demanded Dacre, scowling suspiciously. The stranger regarded him fixedly and unabashed. - "Hog pardon," lie said, In a low,' un natural tone, "but is this room for rent?" . . , , , "Yes no I don't know ask tho land lady. " Ue slammed 'tie door shut and locked It.thls inic, w, ,h such forco that a cur rent of air generated struck tho frail lamp' on the table. "-There was a sharp snap, and the glass chimney shattered into a. dozen pieces. , Endeavoring to turn-down tho smoking wick, Dacre I burned his finger badly, t "Perdition selaolt," he raved as the smarting pain of the fiery contact caused ! him to tip tho lamp over on the table. I ' He managed to blow It out before the oil had spread. Then he started for the door, but be halted Irresolutely. The man was In a wild fnvr of l,n patience. It seemed as if he coiild not wait till ho rearhnd hla wn rmn ts - There was an ooan arato In the anart. ment -belling an armful or old papers, uacre nqng mem into the nro piece. Snap flare! a Inciter flashed up. He threw the burning match on the pile. It flamed op with a nerco, sullen roar. Crouching to the hearth, Arnold Dacre unfolded the paper with tremb- ling hands. Eageny bis f ye scanned it "lleyond Deepford." rtu the rude charcoal scrawl, "in a eave " At that moment, a sndden jar echoed through the room. It sounded from ihe dor, and thitber Arnold Dacre directed a hurried glance. The transom looking out into the hall had moved was some one at it watch ing him the mysterious blue spectacle! man, perhaps? He never knew, for just then the open transom formed a vicious draught It swept the precious document from his hand. Ero he could recover it a swoop sent It straight into tho blazing heap in the grate. He grasped it with the frenzy of de spair, to find only a brittle morsel of ashes in his hand. The only clue to the missing packaic was a-ihes, a dead iianK. xom -up plei' secret was a secret still! TO HE CONTINUED. The Three Golden Balls. The London Quarterly lieview dis cusses at length the history of "pawn- broking" in F.uglaiid. The reviewer starts out with tho proposition that " the inconvenience and amazement which would fall upon the city of Lon don were a morning to come which brought no newspapers with it," would lie indefinitely increased if the "pawn brokers' shops" were to be suddenly sup pressed. If the newspapers were sup pressed, those most annoyed would bo chiefly the "easy classes," while, if the pawnbrokers were to disappear, dis tress would follow, which words would be almost powerless to describe. "Tak ing what constitutes the inner ring of London, with a population of about 3,500,000, it is known," says the writer, "that on an average twenty articles per head are pledged with pawnbrokers in the course of a year. Now out of these .3,500,000 there must at least be 2,000, 000 persons belonging to fumil;."s no member of which ever enters a pawn broker's shop. In that case 30,000,000 of pledges are deposited yearly by, or on behalf of 1,500,000 of, people, who, cut up into families at the Registrar General's rate of five to a family, would represent 300,000 households. Thus we nve forced to the conclusion that each of 300,000 metropolitan families is constrained by dire necessity to resort to the pawnbroker 100 linos in the course of the year." There are G13 pawnbrokers in London, and the writer does not hesitate to declare that tlioro would bo "revolution, prompted by popular indignation, if pawnbrokers were arbitrarily abolished," and that, I Mere they abolished bv "agencies be yond human control, popular despair" would follow, hence the conclusion that while London might get along without revolution, were its newspapers sup pressed, calamities of the gravest char neter would result if the pawnbrokers were driven out of the great metropolis, and Mich a result is made the more prouauio oy t tie lact that a vast pro portion ol the population of London "cannot keep fire in the grate, a candle or lamp burning on tho table ot night or the wolf away from the door, without pledging some humble and often neces sary articlo with tho pawnbroker at least once and sometimes twice or more every week." - Slant; Words and Phrases, Just listen for a moment to our fast young man, or the ape of a fast jounn, man, who thinks that to be a man he must speak in the dark phraseology oi slang. If he does anything on his own rcspoiiFibility, lie does it ou his own "hook." If he sees anything remnrka bly good he calls it a "stunner;" the superlative of which is a "regular stun per." If a man is requested to pav a tavern bill, he is asked if lie will "stand ham. : If he meets a savage-looking dog lio calls bim an "ugly customer." If he. meets an eccentric man, he call) him a "rummy old cove." A sensible man is a "chap that is .np to snuff." Our young friend never scolds, but "blows up;" never pays, but "stumps up;" .never finds it difficult to pay, but is "hard up;" never feels fatigued, but is "used up." He has no bat, but shel ters his heal beneath a "tile." He wears no neckcloth, but surrounds his throat with a "choker." He lives no where, but there is some place whero ho "hangs out." He never goes any where or withdraws, but he "bolts" he "slopes" he "mizzles" he "makes himself scarce" he "walks his chalks" he "makes his tracks" he "cuts his stick" or is "fired out " The highest compliment you con pay him is to tell him that he is a "regular brick." He does not profess to be brave, but ho prides himself on being "plucky." Money is a word which he has forgot ten, but he talks a good deal about "tin," and "the needful," "the rhino," and "the ready." When a man speaks he "spouts;" when he holds his peace he "shuts up;" when ho is humiliated, he is "taken down peg or two," and "made to sing small." What (he Millennium Will be Like. Rev. J. Hemphill, of San Francisco, could not help but believe thot the ad vent and personal reign of Christ would bo after the millennium. During tho millennium, lie thought, the physical conditions of the world would be im proved. Sin being removed, pain and travail would be done away with. Tho physical conditions of man would bo vastly improved, and there would exist no pain, sorrow nor tears, such as are ours now. When that time comes men will live as long ns the old patriarchs be fore the flood. Healthy bodies will make, healthy minds, andfor l.OOOyears the two will be yoke-fellows. The mor al an' spiritual conditions will be vastly improved and holiness will abound. And during those thousand years ho thought one language wonld prevail throughout tho world, for through tho Tower of. Babel, or sin, numerous tongues came, and by the casting out of Kin they will go. Rut what language is liable to bo adopted ? The signs of the times is that the honest old Anglo- j Haxon of England anil America will i.. tho one, for it is now being introduced over not only tho civilized, but the un civilized world. When t lie glorv of the millennium would dawn he would not venture to guess. San Francisco Call. At revivals, there Are always work ere trying to get people better than themselves to tbe mourner's bench. NEBIUSKA NEWS. Thirte?n Wahoo citizens are spending a few weeks at Galveston. Texas. Oil Saturdays tiie Plattsmouth News will hereafter appear as an eight-page i 1 p.ier. II. M. Wintlow, of Columbus, Is feed i ing 3 i0 head of steers on bis ranch near jlowu. The court house flag was hoistea at ( Fremont in honor of Morton's appoint ment. Work on the new opera house at Xo:th llend will be commenced next uioull . Stanton is lo have a canning fac'o y as soon as a suitable location caa be selected. Columbi s has organized an A. O. U. j W. l.i dgr.wtth a charter membership of i over tl iriy. Mary .wanson, of Mairoo, was last week declared of unsound mind and taken to the asylum. 'i'ilden hopes to si cure the broom factory which is now located at l'lain view and employs eight hands. There i3 a man in Buffalo county by the name of Charles Thirtyacrc. Who says there is nothing in a name? J. AV. Johnson of Ilildreth, rode to (iibbon on a bycicle in lour hows a distance of over thirty-live miies. John Ilnglund, aged eighteen, whose parents reside at Weston, has been taken to t he insane hospital for treat ment. Winter when in the North Loup re. gion is said to be .ill right notwithstand ing the trilling snowfall during the winter. Killer's new Methodist church, costing $2,801, has been dedicated and a revival service has at once been started in the edifice. Creighton has a new public school building ready foroccupancy. Jlereto i''6 tho schools have been held in rented rooms. feler Clarence, living near Union, Cass county, win struck by a falling tree and ery seriously though not fatally injured. The Kearney Congregational church is stirring around alter a pastor to suc ceed liev. l)r. A skin, whose resignation H.is just been accepted. . Frank Campbell of fJeiio.i has been j ippointed superintendent of the school j it the Omaha pgency, under the civil l-iervice rules. He is like y lo hold bis yob." , George Foreman w.i? captured in fl:e hilis near South Omaha and taken to town for safe keeping. He had done nothing worse than to tell snake stories,! mid those things do not go in winter.' lie will recover. In spite of the fact that his head was cut open, bis shoulder blade broken and -arm friicturcd.Tls Hwr?sult"of com- JT i in contact with -a mill crane at (lardy, Frank lilanvelt is leported on ho road to recovery. t . .V monster wild cat which has been r liding fa m yards ni ar Juniatta was hot the ot e-r night by hunters who b ul been on its trail for some days. he animal is said to be the largest -ver seen in that sec ion of the state. Vhilo attempting t regulate the machinery of his elevator J. K. Pewey 'f Herman, came near losinir his right 'in. It was caught in the shafting, vhich attempted lo can y it ad away, n it compromised by leaving him the ore. News from Malmra, A I'rica, that Itev. !nhn Meek If. v ati'l wife lately died from - ver, one deaOi following the other - r ) i i 1 1 a day. They were married at ''nhno,' this stale, about six mouths anoand went to Africa to do mission ry work. , Accoiding to the Valparaiso Visitor i minders county young man has de velop! d a queer mania or whatever you would call it. He has been a puzzle to physicians for years. He is affected by what he tats to such an extent that when he eats beef in abou'. an hour he will become restless and wander out in search of the cattle and bellow ns an ox j uid will get down on his bands and knees and eat grass like a cow. When lie partakes ot mutton liis actions will be those of a sheep and he' will bleat as plaintively as a little lamb. When he eats chicken he will go out and scratch r worms, which he devours with great ciio.i. jyuci eating nsli he will run uowii 10 me slough nnd go in miog. swim- Snys the North Loup Loyalist: One would expect that the present dry and snowless winter would prove a severe test to winter wheat, of which an in creasing acreage was sown last fall, but Mr. G-..M. Petty, whom w, Interrogated on the subject a few days ago, report! his in apparently excellent condition and his testimony is corroborated by a number of others. The wheat has not but . tM inches of precipitation haa taken place at .his station since August "ioe,w,,u "" t would hm7. V " ,questlon 01 t,,e "dapta bi ity of our climate to that cereal that cereal la saiisiactorily settled Some one with more sin than annre, datlon in his heart placed a handR red pepper on the stove during ihe per formance of "Twenty-one NighU iu a Js Uouse" thnrsday night,8 and the" lumss caused the whole audience to ""'"-iiariingtou Herald. i Ed.Burbnnsiand Mist I'aneoat r .u,,der. county, who ra" aw.yTo married, were unexpectedly fulwn when they returned the other dav an5 Lbepaitpw r wv muu. u wan thnt a. .1 --. - tt OIU;a wfjJB ! - tl t . .. -