i : 5 The Sioux County. Journal, VOL. 5. :klaRI&iso:n osnsB.. :mla.:RC:h: 2. 1893. 3STO. 25. - ... THE SIOUX COUNTY JOTJR1TAL. L. J. Hmmm. 41 tor m4 Proprietor. F. E. 4M.TR. B. Tine table. Going Wert. Going Kut. Ho. i, mixed, U :li No. 6, mixed M HARRISON MARKET. beat per bushel M&tt Oats per busnel SO Corn pr bnrhel ...... to 51orta per bundreil St. 1 00 Bran per handred .. 80 Feed chopped per hundred . 1 K i'otaloes per bushel 60 Batter per '. so g per dot ....... w Poultry per dos o Onions per SX teens per 4)4 Coai per ton 4 M Wood-per cord. I to Lumber natlre per m. fL... IS 00 Hides bought at the harness shop. Turner wants your butter and eggs. OlWden Barbed Wire M.75 at Turner's. Fresh Qsh aod dressed chickens at the meat market -0o to Turner's to buy your boots, shoes and overshoes. Old papers (or sale at Tub Journ al offios. 5 ceote per dozen. Go to Turners to do your trading sod ears 10 to 30 cents on the dollar. WiVTBP A girl to do housework, Has. C. E. Verity. 'Highest market price paid for wheat Grant Guthrik. ' W. B. Brown, the new blacksmith, has a card in another column of this issue. The merry jingle of sleigh bells was heard on our streets the first of the week. If you want to sell your land, list it with Simmons 6 Smiley, real estate agent. t Do you want to rent your farm 1 rut it in the bands of the real estate Arm of Simmons A Smiley. W. R. Smith bat opened a new livery barn in Chadron, and it is stated that it is toe batt barn In the town. Bar. Qtasser will preach atBodarc jajrt Sunday at 11 o'olock a. m., and in the HNTWP cburcu In tb evening. Mares for sale or to trade for stock; aso some hay for sale. W A. Bioelow. V-H. T. Zarbe has put up a fine large barn on bis farm lately, which adds much to the its general appearance value. It began to snow Sunday morning and kept it up most of the day, but at this writing there is little of it left on the ground. vTbe Crawford schools are closed on account of scarlet fever. The rath In fected this looaltty some time ago but has now entirely disappeared, Stanley Howard left for his home in Box Butte county Tuesday, being unable to buy any cattle in this locality, It takes a good price to buy cattle id Sioux Jnty W it csts very little to winter Item. -Work is being resumed on the new road in Sowbelly canyon, The track looks much different from what it did six months ago and it will not be long after the frost is out of the ground until the road will be traveled, Married. IUotk Abnsmbmwb. At the home of James W, Arnsberger, David, B Bands and Miss Sarah E. Arntberger, both of Sioux county, Neb., Rev, W, O, Glatner, officiating, The happy young people are to leave for South Dakota in the near future to visit tbe former home of the worthy bridegroom, May luocets Attend them, yr, V, T. U. Our state president, Mrs. Hitchcock, inquires where will be held the 17th die iricV annual cop vention, Would Harrison be pleased to enter tain the convention? bet our workers think of it, and b able toon, to report to tha executive committee, Crawford en tertained ut royally but year And at that time delegates from day Spring". Chad poq and Alliance requested the privilege of entertaining u in t& Now, Harrison has the same righ to that ooavsatlon tMrtbtowMhAve, Tow, a & OLAR4P, pt. vrth Ditt JJarrlagu Llotntes Qrat), M'lrTiHKO lupuses a CM ja demand. Uw U.imy days, flto following couples, - . who a Jive in bioux couuty secured the judges permission during Uu) past week to wed: lvidH. Rands.,...., W 84 iarh E. Arntberger...... " 18 JWer Spefts.... " 88 Margarets, love. ....... " IS drove...'. M ....... W PEBSONAU Tom Bingay came up from Chadron trie first of tbe week. W. E. Moore is a little under the weather with the grip. Miss Daisy Doan went to Cbadron Monday evening where she will attend the academy. C. B. Hollingsworth went to Chadron Monday evening returning yesterday. I E. Belden made a trip to Chadron Thursday evening. Mrs. C. D. Bassett went to Lawn Thursday evening. Judd Woods, of the O'Neill Independ ent, came up Saturday to visit his many friends here. He returned Monday even ing. J. B. Burke returned from Wyoming Friday evening, where he lias been for some time. A. McOinley called on Tuesday and gave us some cash on subscription. O. C. Gowey and a friend were up from Snake Creek the first of the week. G. P. Derenport, of Crawford and Thos. Devenport, of Gien, were visitors to tnis burg Tuesday. Mrs. Chris Cbristensen came up from Andrews yesterday to spend the day with her sister, Mrs. Bohwer. Wm. Reynolds and Mr. Hargraves, of Raw Hide, Wyo., were in town yester day. ' J. H. Bar tell sold 47 bead of cattle Monday to H. Konrath &. Son, who have removed the herd to their farm near Montrose. Public Sale 40 Head of Hones. The undersigned will sell at public auction on Saturday, March 18, 1893, at Stevens livery barn in Harrison, Neb. , the following described property towii: Forty head of horses, including one span of sorrel mares, 5 years old, weight 2400. One span bright bay mares, 6 years old, weight 8000. One gray team 7 and 8 years old, weight 8700. Two good spent of mules. Several driving teams, saddle horses and young stock. Three sets double harness, one saddle, one wagon, one mowing machine, one hay rake, one' breaking plow, two stub ble plows, one harrow, one disk, two cul tivators. Terms: All sums of $5 and under cash; on all sums over $5 a credit of 18 months will be given, by purchaser giv ing note with approved security; 10 per cent off tor cash on all sums over f 5. DUNN RROS. Tuoe. Rjody, auctioneer. COMMISIONERS RECORD. Harbison, Nib, Feb. 38, 1881. Board of county commissioners met as per call of clerk. Present Commissioners Knott, Weber, Johnson and clerk. Minutes of last meeting read and, on mo tion, approved. Bequest of 3. W. Carey for extension of 30 days' time to oo runlet bridge In Cottonwood precinct was presented and, on motion, re quest was granted, On motion, M. J. Weber be and he hereby is authorized to investigate the matter in regard to injury, medleal attendance and care of George Cunllffe and make any ar rangements. In compliance with law, In re gard to same, that will be beneficial to the county, Tbe following official bonds were presented and approved : Wm. Dixon, assessor Bodarc precinct. Wm. J. A. Itauin, member soldiers' com mission. M. p. Jordan, assessor Montrose precinct. J. Frlta, assessor Montrose precinct. B. F. Thomas, county surveyor. Resignation of George J. Shafer as coroner of Sioux county was presented and, on mo tion, aocepted. On motion, Charles E. Gowey was and horeby is authorized to assess Snake Creek precinct for year 18M. On motion, John II, Bartell was appointed coroner Of Sioux county to All vacancy caused by tbe resignation of Geo. J, Shafar. On motion H. If. Russell was appointed overseer of highways for district No. IS. On motion, William Schleyer was ap pointed qrorseer of highways for road dis trict No. 7. On motion, Samuel W. Hall was appointed road overseer of highways for road district No. 6. On motion, J, H, Xewlin was appointed overseer of highways for road district No. 4. On motiou, S. Barker be and be hereby is authorized to attend to having necessary repairing done to court house roof and spouting. On motion board adjourned without day. 90MRAO IKDSMAM, County Clerk. 8berfl'i Sale. Bv virtue of an order of aala Issued bv the yiera 01 loi tnsirin won 01 sioux count J ebmW WouV owes r&dered by sal ?uTOWee wrt lu favor of. Leuui i rainat John W.TIddTl wll of Slotu county, rendered by said Sohuohardt and on loesioaay f JkVTMM, a pi., on atiu "J SWl I 4MV V Ml QUU1 bee WteV north of range of the nth f it (8WK) of scton hsm- uer ui vy inrw tsei neat Hi MetW0 in xtoux county, MebrnskH, It public aweUoo to the UjlfMt WUer for stejiffcrfd order (Mil Final Preof Hetiees. All oersous bavins final nroof notices in tUs paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examiue their notice ana u any errors exist report tne awe ui wis omce aL onue. Notice for Publication. Land C'fnce at Chadron, Neb., ( Feb. 1, 1SBS. Notice is hereby given tbat the following, named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proot in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made be fore Conrad Lindeiuan, Clerk of tbe District t ourt at Harrison, ebraska, on March autb, I MO, viz: Martha Williams, of Koutrose. Nfbr., who made Pre-emption D. 8. No. 2SH for the w St' ana sw v unit and i;v N w4 see, 30. Tn. SS N.. K. S3 West of the 6th P. M. He names the following aitneftse to prove ms continuous rcauieuce upon mm cultiva tion of said land, viz; Aaron O. Wisdom, Joseph Hretey, Peter lireiicv, isaav 11. uoy, an 01 sontrose, ebr. t-S7J W. 11. MCCANN, Uegister. Notice for Publication. Ijind Office at Chadron, Neb., ( Feb. IS, IMS. Notice i hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ot his inten tion to wake final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be mode be fore Conrad Lindcman, Clerk oi the District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on March 31, 10, via: Peter Hansen, of Montrose, Kehr., who mad Homestead Kntry No. 7199 for tbe SX NW Sec. S, and HX NK!4 Sec. 6, Tp. 34 N., It. 54 West of the 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : Christian Burgel, Joseph Konrath, Herman Kourath, Henry C. Hunter, all of Montrose, Nebr. W. H. MliCANN, I34-S9J Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb., I . Feb. 18, 1HU3. i Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his lntea tlon to make final proof in supimrt of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver of the V. S. Land Office at Chadron, Nebraska, on April 5th, 18S3, viz: Henry C. Hunter, of Bodarc, Kolir., who made Homestead Entry No. 5910, for the W SEU and SWJtNKW Sec. W, A NWU NU Sec. 35, Tp. 33 N., R. 54 West of the 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : Edmund C. Lockwood, Joshua Baker, Robert B. Harrison, Samuel B. Coffee, all of Bodarc, Nebr., also Samuel B. Coffee, of Bodarc, Nebr., who made Homestead Entry 6501 for the EV SKU Sec. , and . NE! Sue 27, Tp. 33 N., B. 54 West of 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : Edmund C. Loekwood, Joshua Baker, Robert B Harrison, Henry C. Hunter, all of Bodarc Nebr., also Robert Harrison, of Bodarc, Nebr., who made Homestead Entry No. MS for the NE Sec. 18, Tp. 33 N., R. 54 West of the 6th He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : Edmund C. Lockwood, Joshua Baker, Henrv C. Hunter, Samuel B. Coffee, allot Bod:irc, Nebr. ' W. H. McCANN," ' lt--t Register., Notice lor Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb. I Feb. V. 1D93, i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that suiu proof will be made be fore Conrad l.tndvuian. Clerk of the District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on April 17th. 1893, vis. Plion S. Cuny, of Lawn, Nebr., who made Homestead Entry No. 983 for the WH N WM and WX SWH Sec. 25, Tp. 28 X., R. 94 West ol the 6th p. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : Louts Larson, Clint Ames, all of Lawn, Nebr., George Kngelbrecht, William 8. Nicholson all of Canton. Nebr.; also William A. Bfgelow, of Harrison, Nebr., who made Homestead Entry No. 910 for tbe Lots 3 and 4 Sec. 18 and Lot I Sec. 19, and SW!i SW J4 Sec. 17, Tp. 31 N., R. 57 West of the 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of Mild land viz 1 Benjamin F. Johnson, Henry Wnrneke, William L. Hoyt, John A. Hansen, all of Harrison, Nebr. ; also Charley H, Bedd, of Gilchrist, Nebr., who made Homestead Entry No. 3187 for the WK NWfc Sec. 13 and EX NEU Sec. 14, Tp. 83 N., R. 55 West of the 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : Clarence B. Hollingsworth, Mathew C. Doan, Fred V. Knott, Joseph E. Hollings worth, all of Gilchrist Nebr.; also John Frederick Scbuli, of Harrison, Nebr., who made Homestead Entry No. 76 tor the Lots 1 and I and SWU NKJt Sec. 5, Tn. 32 N., R. 66 and 9W SWJtf 3ec. 34 Twp. 33 N., R. 56 West of the 6th P.M. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz ; Charles Blehle, William Blehlc, Benjamin F. Thomas, Ell J, Wilcox, all of Harrison, Nebr. W, H. McCANN, S5-81J Register. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by tbe clerk of the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court in favor of Catharine A. Smoot and against August Beck, Lena C. Beck, his wife, Dwight H. Griswold and Mrs. Dwight U. Grlswold. first and real name unknown, I will on the 8th day of April, 1893, at one o'clock, p. m on said day at the front door of the court house of said county in Harri son, sell the following described real estate, viz: The South West quarter (SW!i) of section twenty-two (22), in township thirty one (111 north of range fifty-six (56) West of tbe 8th Principal Meridan in Sioux county, Nebraska, at nubile auction to tbo hlgboat bidder for cash to satisfy said order of salo In the sum of 8370.15 and interest and costs and accruing costs. Thos. reidt, 16-sgj Sheriff of Sioux Co., Nebr. BLACKSMITH AND Repair Work At Reasonable Rates, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Plow Work a Specialty. PRIDDY 4 MOORE. OEOBOE WALKER, wm practise afore all eouru 4 tbe V. s. Lead Met. states eatmrted tt air are will rsesm Bsrt sttesttea. LIST OF LANDS 8I0UX COUNTY, NEBR., FOR Sale or Trade. 4. For sale or trade for stock a quarter section of good land located five miles from Harrison. Part good farm land ; the balance good timber and grazing land with good stream of running water with some other improvements ; also a good mil site on tbe laud. Address B care Joubnal. 3. 480 acres of fine land in one body for sale or trade for stock. Running water; fine springs; plenty of wood for fuel and building purposes on premises; goyerumcnt land adjoining; good bouse and stable; 320 acres under fence; 380 acres good plow land, balance good pasture and timber. A bar gain If taken soon. Address C care Joi asAL. 4. 160 acres of fine land for sale or trade tor stock. Running water and spring; gov ernment land adjoining; 100 acres good plow land ; balance pasture. Address S care Jour nal. 5. One hundred and sixty acres of laud nine miles from Harrison , Nebr. 20 acres broken ; somo fenced. House and other buildings; good soil ; pure water and one mile from timber. For terms address R care Jouinal. 6. Good 160 acre farm ; 30 acres broken; all fenced; good hewed log bonse 16x18; addi tion 12x18; IX story; in good condition of repair. This farm is located 3 miles from railroad station. Address R care Journal. 7. Good farm of 1U0 acres ; 15 acres broken ; all good soil; near timber; one mile from school In good neighborhood and only 6 miles from railroad ; terms very reasonable. Address R care Joubnal. B. One quarter deeded land and one quar ter not proved up on ; all good farm land but 10 acres; good running water; 10 acres broken; log house; timber; tn good corn dis trict. S350 cash and 350 on time or will trade for stock. Address F care Journal. 9. 320 acre farm with running stream of clear spring water and numerous springs; best of black soil ; one quarter all farm land ; the other mostly Dno timber land ; enough saw logs to make 100,000 feet of lumber; all under fence with division fence; frame bouse 14x2612 feet high painted Inside and outside; cost SM0.O0; frame stable for 10 head of horses; granary; orchard of 50 young apple trees; finest kind of stock farm. Will take stock or cash. Address L care Journal. 10. 160 acres of nice laying raw land. Will sell cheap for oash or trade for stock. Ad dress L care Journal, 11. 160 acre farm; 120 acres form land; 60 acres broken; comfortable house, stable, sheds, yards, etc.; timber and running water 011 place; one and a half miles from school. S250 cash, S500 on time takes the place if taken soon. Address D. M. care Journal. 13. 640 acres; 480 deeded land; 160 home- stead; bouse cost S800; bams, sheds, yards, etc., running water; all fenced and cross fences; 100 acres under plow, 1 mile from school ; 3 miles from postofflce. Price $4,000. One half cash, balance on time. Address A care Journal. 14. 330 acres in a body, 160 deeded, 160 homestead; 5 miles from county seat; 45 acres under plow; 80 acres fenced; two frame houses; stable; well; convenient to school. Price $1,400. Address W care Journal, 15. A fine farm of 480 acres, 320 deeded, 160 homestead; good house; bank barn; oave; well; 45 acres under plow; running water and timber on place; three-fourths of a mile from school; all fonced. Price $2,000 It taken soon. Address O care Journal. 16. A good farm of 240 acres, 90 acres under plow ; 140 acres fenced ; good frame bouse, stables, yards, etc., three-fourths mile from Catholic church, store and postofflce ; one-half milo lrom school; running water and timber on farm. This Is a bargain at $1,500. Address J care Journal. 17. 160aores high rolling prairie land, 2 miles from Harrison; 20 acres under cultiva tion ; good black soil. For price, terms, etc., address G caro Journal, 18. 160 acres fine farming land four miles from Montrose P. O. 15 acres under cultiva tion. Will soli cheap. For terms, etc., ad dress ti care Journal, It. 166 acres; 35 acroa In cultivation. Watered by creek. Almost perfectly level. Native timber along creek. 8 miles from Harrison; black loam soil, best quality. A bargain at $5.09 an acre. Address V oaro Journal, 20. 160 acres of deeded land two miles from Harrison. House, barn, well, windmill andSSacros broken, Price $1,200; one-half eash. Address Z care Journal, tl. A hotel doing a good business; large ice bouse and cooling room in connection. Address Z care Journal. 92. A good-paying drug business In a county seat, railroad town. A splendid opening for a druggist with small capital. Address Z eare Journal. St. 140 seres ; IK acres under plow ; bouse. sheds, etc., running water, convenient to posVnlce. This place Is a bargain at SsJds. Address 8msoNS smilst, Harrison, Nebr. St. tSSO cash will secure a clear deed to Ma seres af land, m seres level! rmntaf water, Mmbtr, It seres sudor S.MSthaM iMliw wwia SOSSSl. fcSUSOM MlSJSf Simons & SMILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Kstate Agents, Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to estate should call on School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-rosidonts; farms , rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. You cv EEEEE5 Want ) Good t Cook y BBISWOLB ft TMSTELLER Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME AND LOOK AT THEM. They Have also put in the General Merchandise, Farm Machinery ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. A FLOURING MILL is the next thing It will, no doubt, be a success, but just see how WE ARE BOOMING. Small Profits and BIG SALES did it, Just received a lot of New Hats, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, and Spring' Clothing. STAPLE MID FWICY GROCERIES. All Fresh and New, all Beady for Old and New Settlers at lowest Uvteg frfeas. COME INSPECT THE STOCK A.15TB Q3ST X31X03SS. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, x. oi3riXi Aon. buy or sell real not fail to them. Largest Stock of Hardware and on the progam. V if 7? 4 1 -4 w i H i Ttt 1 1 .0 i.Mww