The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 02, 1893, Image 4
- i If i i J 4 l I" . Th3 Sioux County Journal. lss. cai'ET AttJt IN TUE iXX'NTV. : WtXT TAfVft IX THE COUSTY. j (WW MSVBUCAS PAWSK IS SluL'I t-orxn'. gA THE LAJiOEtT ontt't-XATluK OF AST J paper rrMJiiHicp W S0v"X cocvry. - : m utr.,.u.m L. J. Mmbmhw, , i LOiiur. Enlerl at the llurriu pot Qltice a -e- and claw waiter. Thursday, FfB. 2, Representative Jolin A. Farrell, of Podge county, died at Omalia on the ?4th, He had been in his seat but one or two days at tbe opening of the session when he was compelled to go to Omalia for treatment and never recovered. If the legislature will pass, a law pro viding that officials sluill give a Iwnd of n trust company it will do a wise thing. The great banks and commercial institu tions of the country have found that to he the most satisfactory, and if the legis lature would use, a little business sense the people of the state would be bene fitted, The sanatoria! contest at Lincoln has made every one tired of the method of electing United States stnators in this ktateand proper acliou will likely be taken by the legislature to provide for the election of senators by the jieople at the general election. The senatorial contest will, prevent a great deal of needed legislation and a cry is going up all over the state for a change. It is reported that J. C, Dahlman, sheriff of Dawes county, is a candidate for appointment to the position of United states marshal under the incoming dem ocratic administration. Mr. Dahlman has proven his ability as a sheritr and so long as to the victor belongs the spoils, The Jocrxal would like to see a north west Nebraska man get the place and be lieves Mr. Dahlman would make a good marshal, The senate asked Attorney General Hastings to give his opinion as to the liability of the state treasurer and his bond for the state funds involved in the broken Capital National Bank. He re ported that in his opinion ex-Treasurer kill i liable for the amount. If the fool law taking the matter out of the hands of the treasurer does not relieve him, action should be taken at once to prevent the state from being loser, The populists and democrats of the senate of Kansas and tlie minority house have elected John Martin as senator: Martin says he is a democrat, always has been a democrat and never expects to be anything but a democrat. The legality of his election will be questioned at the national capital. A number of the lead ing independents of Kansas express the belief that the action of the legislature will prove tbe death blow to the populist party- The result of tbe failure of the Capital National Bank is that C. W. Mosher has been indicted by the United States grand jury and is under arrest. It seems he had been systematically practicing fraud, forgery and other crimes to keep the bank from going to the wall and when at last the crash came he broke completely down and confessed the whole matter, It seems to all appearaces that the drains on his resources were the result of his penitentiary contract. There seems to be a lot of leeches who hang around and draw their sustenance from the holder of that contract and the profits were not large enough' to supply their demands and leave anything for the contractor. It is hoped that the whole matter will be sifted to the bottom. The statement of The Journal as to making the Independent the official paper of the county must have been the truth and seems to have touched Mr. Baum- eartner in a very tender spot. He does not deny the fact, but resorts to the game tactics used by him before he flopped and publishes a lot of rot about tbe editor of The Jocrsal with as little regard for the truth as be was noted for having before his change of politics, for tbe purpost of detracting attention from hia disreputable sell-out. The statement that tbe editor of this paper offered to change bis politics for boodle is a deliber ate, willful, malicious falsehood and the turn-coat editor of the Independent-far-revenueonly knew it to be false when he published it . ,' Bro. Sheldon of the Chadron Signal after having spent some time at Lincoln in an effort to help elect a United States senator, returns home and sits down and mra: "There ii something incorrect about our methid of electing U. S. Senator. To begin with a great deal of time and mooey is pent electing men who shall , be of toe rfebt stamp to elect a U.S. Motor. Than tbey go to tbe state cu pi lot and n there at the expense of the . taxpayer and do nothing all winter. If . - . tbU were all it wonld not be so bad, but ' tte wont it yet to follow. About every .. IBM who has any prominence in tbe poll ., tim world, or who imagines he bag, il-VCSata it k We duty be present and in- vy? fc .JNrwM roU- MM l r Mfo'Md expense on -, U Mrfea. Tbisistbe l 4jtf&wkr business. Ha. . :l mm t fit ttM'Mtwtor we . -. '"JaAe else ataer men to instruct , Mkiw to. ." 'r i Scandalous favuiUism in tin: a-ss- rnent, cf projerty in not (-onlineJ U hnaha and Nebraska. It prevails to prat estent in all m western states. from tl great lakes to the faeiiic Tin plutocrats ami nabobs if California art not only Jiirkiujr taxes ou their railrout lauilmiuiuff Lfoiertv, l.ut tt-y nianas j ouil mining property, i to evade taxes on personal projiertj wheiiever tliey fan do so. Last week Uk grand jury of fimta Clara county, Call fornia, presented a report to the court iu wbich it called attention to the ex tremely low assessment of t!e pwjwrtj of Senator peland Stanford, pxtracts are given from the records showing tha. 4-tO thoroughbred horses are assessed a $45,300. The grand jury considers thi stock, being of great value should Ix assessed at least $500,000. Persona property assessed at $2tf,0 should bt raided, iii tlie judgment of the grand jury, and the real estate assessed at 101,70 should have its abatement in creased $500,000. The report adds "la view of the fact that this projiertv has been asesed at about the sanu ligures for the past four years it is rea sonuble to conclude that the taxes on at least $3,000,000 of jiersonal projierty have been lost to the other tax payers of tin county by erroneous assessment in thu one instance.' This is very suggestive as well at instructive. The grand jury found that the assessor must have been tamper with and in doing so violated his oath o! office. The grand jury found tha Leland Stansord was guilty of making false returns of his personal projierty and in doing so had laid himself justly liable to the penalties imposed upor persons who make dishonest or falsi returns. Here was an opportunity for fearless and honest grand jury. It couli and should have set an example bj udicting both the assessor and the tax- shirking senator. But this (aliform; grand jury only roared very loud aru made a report to the court calling atten tion to assessment frauds. And then the whole matter will propably end. The moral of this is plain enough, however. The whole system of taxatioi s wrong aqd the people have themselves only to blame. Tbe offloe of as.-essor i every where regarded as of no moment and men of very elastic consciences art elected as assessors. The consequence that the proierty of great corpora tions and wealthy landowners is assessed ridiculously low, while the property ol the middle class and the homes of wagt workers are assessed for all they art worth, ami if it so happen that some bunker or capitalist has been assessed at the same rate as other people the boarc of equalization steps in and rates Inn. down. The remedy will not be found until tin whole method of assessment is reformed and the office of assessor is elevated to a itandard above that of sheriff or count commissioner and the men who fill thest places are chosen from the ranks of tht best business men of every community. Senator Stewart says he is prepared on a moment's notice to make a two weeks sjieech on the free coinage of silver. This is about the strongest reason we have not seen why we should have free coinage without any further quibbling Fremont Tribune. Representative Barry, of Greeley, has made himself famous by introducing the biggest tool resolution of the session, the object of which was to impeach Gov. Crounse for approving the bond of the Capital National Bank. Barry should lie awarded a leather medal. It is reported that steps willbe taken to divide the 15th judicial district on the east line of Cherry county. That would leave Judge Kinkaid in the east district and Judj; Bartow in the west Such an arrangement would be much more pleas ant than the way it is at present Chadron has been selected as the place of holding the next state firemen's tour nament Our neighbor town is to be congratulated and the whole of north west Nebraska will be benefitted thereby. Every time a gathering of any consider able number of people can be brought to this portion of the state it has a good ef fect, and every citizen of northwest Ne braska should do all they can to help any such enterpriset - A Pointer. We are both glad and sorry that Charles A. Sherman is about to leave us temporarily at least Surry because we shall lose a citizen of enterprise, sterling integrity and great social worth. Glad because be goes to complete a great enterprise, namely, to connect the great Chicago it Northwestern system directly with the Central Pacific at Ogden, Utah. This will be done by extending tlie Elk- horn Valley road now in eastern Wyonv ing on through tbe rocky mountains to the eastern terminus of the Central Pa cific, The company is organized in Boom county, with a capital of 140,000, 000. It is said the organization is made here to avoid the exorbitant corporation tuna of the eastern states. The money, we are informed, comes mostly through Boston sod Philadelphia capitalists. It is a gigantic enterprise whbb we hope our worthy citicea will complete with surrses and return : rnd hialastdays id noone. Booae, (iu.j tstfmnaan. i Whj fcamiuy Supporp.-tf M'ttVi't I MaU: Journal. S. I.!!, of the defunct Craw ford Bofimeniiuj, was in. the rotuuda of the Windsor last eight looking the pic ture of eternal puqishroent on a jipree. fle was not intoxicated, but there was oiling stock enough in his liead to carry xll tlie freight in Nebraska at one load. He seemed to be conversing tQ himself, vet tie as not. The party to whom his remarks were, addressed was a fellow suf ferer who sat in a cliair next to him and sliiinlxTiMl on in undisturbed rci, I muiiidtul o hi fellow creatuiv'i woes. Two years ago." said Meseran!. I went to Crawford and pulled the Ihiomerang ut of the mud and mire of linancial fail ure, aud issued a japer breathing the soul of the new faith. I worked hard ind economized and wore poor clothes, o that people might be educated in truths of calamity as issued from the fountain heads of Lincoln and- Topeka. Last fall when 1L G. Stewart was a can iidate for the senate, I turned in to help lect him. and if ever a man worked, i did. lu the paper, on the stump, every where, 1 struck sledge-hammer Diows tor him. and he promised to reward me, and now has he performed" his part of the ontract? My pajier failed two weeks igo, aud as a drowmng man grabs a root or clutches for dear life at a passing steamboat, so I came to Lincoln and whispered to Stewart that the goods he lad promised could he uelivereu none loo soon to satisfy tlie needs of actual lunger. And did he deliver? No! He ireated me with complacent indifference md bestowed the patronage at his dis :Ksal to parties who never turned a fur row in the field of reform or shot an ar- ovv into the triple breast plate of pluto oracy. Is this the way to build up a larty of moral ideas? Are not men who bear the brunt of the Imttle to come in or a crumb that falls, from the table ol 'eform? Are they not entitled to a pull it the rake-off? If not. you may here- ifter count me out. I am not living for my health alone. I am not traversing he desert waste of life for the sole pur pose of working men into positions worth ive dollars a day, who will look with in lill'erence upon nie as 1 skirmish about from pillar to post unable to obtain a job that shall yield me the price of a -ingle meal. I tell you, my friend, this is tough." And he went away and took he evening train for Omalia where he lopes to get work at his trade. A revolution has taken place in the Hawaiian kingdom and Lilivokniani, the jueen has been deposed and a provisional government established and a commis lion sent to the United Stales to lay the acts before this government with a plea for annexation. The existing state ol iffairs was brought about without any fighting or loss of life. It is reported that great Great Britain will object to innexation to the Uuited States. It is no more than could be expected. Eng land always did want the earth and has ilways? l.een jealous oCany other govern nent extending its territory. There is no change in the senatorial situation at Lincoln. The members are fooling away a great deal of time and do- intr nothing and the people all over the state are becoming disgusted. The members have found time to pass one bill and it is ;i law. It appropriates $ 85, 000 for paying the expenses of the ses sion and as ' he legislators salaries de pended on that it was rushed through. It is the general opinion that a republi can will be elected senator when the time finally arrives and it is about time for the republican members to get to gether and stop playing horse. If they can elect a republican, why in the name of common sense don't they do it? On last Friday morning at 11 o'clock James G. Blaine, the greatest statesman America has ever produced died at Washington, surrounded by his family. He had lived many days longer than his physieiaos had expected, as the result of the great amount of natural vitality. The "Plumed Knight" i3 gone and now all, regardless of party, political faith or personal preference, acknowledge that he was well worthy of being accounted the greatest man in the nation. For years he has taken a very active part in public life and has had all the honors ac corded him that could be except his elec tion to the presidency. In the history of the United States no name will be more prominent than that of James G. Blaine. Sheriff Sale. nv virtue, of an order of saleissnedout of the district court of sionx county, upon a Ue creewherein Sabina V. Beach ia plaintiff, and John M. Gleason, Herman K. Miller, et ill., sin defendants, I will ou the Bth day of February A. U. 1KB, at 10 o'clock, u. in., oi said day, at the east door of the court bouse. In Harrison, Sionx county, Nebraska, melt at public auction to the highest cash bidder, the following describe", real estate., to-wlt: South West quarter of South West Ouarter of Section ii and West half of North West Quarter of Section 10, and South Fast, Quarter of North ;ast Ounrter Section . Township 81 Jiortu. of Kan ire 53 Went of 6th P. M. And plaintiff will apply at Judge's Chambers at Chadron, Dawes county, He l.r.iskK. on February tlth. IHM. at 10 o'clock, a. in., to Hon. Alfred liurtow, Judge of said court, tor nn oracr connrnnng sain sale, and directing deed to issue to pur chaser. Dated at IlantHon, Nebr., on this 2l8t day of December, ism. thou, kkidt, Spargur A Fisher, . Sheriff, Plaintiff 's Attys. ." HUlJ Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the district court of Hloux county, upon a decree wherein Charles I,, llrowile, is plaintiff, and Jacob II. Drtimiu, et. at., are defendants, I will on the ttth day of February, A. D. 11, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of mid day, at tbe cant door ot the court house in Harrison, niouz county, jicorajiaa, nan at miotic auction to the highest cash bidder, tbe following described real estate., to-wlt: Kant half of Sooth West Quarter and West half of Month Kant Quarter SHcuonai, ivwnauip zn norui tji mtngv West of tlie lh I'. M. And plaintiff will apply at Judge's Chambers at Chadron, fiawoa comity. Nobraaka, on February Mb, ISM, at 10 o'clock a. in., to Hon. Alfred liurtow, Judge of mid court, for an order oon arming aald sale, aaa dl reeving uooa 10 iwae to par ChMMAT. Dated at Harrison, Neb., tbi (1st day of Deeembur, Ittas. Thou. Bet in, spargur FlhT, Sbrtrlff. Alty.forPtaltlff. I7HJ filial Proof SolK-e, Ail ((t r-D. ha. ins final J " " '"'V"1 n tui. uuuer wit! res uiu-kpu x-j w . .i ...... i...-,,..! i. ,'TMT.iiii th-ir IUI.1 nia ; uoti' mi it any error exi-l Jijwrt tut muiu. U thi o4h St ow v Vniire Utr Jsuulkaiiuii. Ijnni ontcu at 'tiaitn.ii U, Jau.l, 1HSB N..ti t krrbv sivcu Mint tti- f,.ij ing named settler lim. tiled nuii" "I liij inu-u t;m to mak.i tiual lilo.rf iu support of Ills claim, and !,( oaiit . f wtll be ill a de lie- tore Conrad l.inuumaii. m Court at llaixtattti, St').';a4ka, oa K;bruary IStii, vu: K. F.ilard Liveriuore, uf Hsrrirou. Xebr., who made lluinestead LiUry '"r "e XWW eo. fii. 31 S., iS. at West of tlR-i.tb P. M. lie iiaim. llie follow ing vil"Cse V prove hlacoiitinnqu p-siileuvi. Vl"u kmi", eiu tion of. said 'land, vix: Davifl Kartlett, fw uciscucu, wiijbimiii F. Johnson, CliarU-s aiiiuiciuinil all (f Harrison, NL-br. W. H- !tiX'AVN, if ill ' l'.ejfis,K-r. Xutire iiir J'ulilii'atii;ii. J.aud Oilioe at ( badron, Sob., ( Jan. 2, 1. t Notice is hereby (liven ttiat the lotloyiiig iiHined settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make linal proof iu support ol his claim, aud tbut said proof will be made be- ... ... . l.- I- 1 s ronit f v.urt loreinanew r.. , u4 , ... v .. Comniissioimr ut Montrow, eljrnska on February IS, 1HM. z: Han-iet I'lark, of Montrose, Xclir., who made Homi'stead F.ntrv No. 3J51 for the s NKM and NW i Si, and SK5 SWK bee. it, !'p. :m N-. K. 53 w. mil - m. He names the lollow nil witnesses to prove his continuous residence Ukhi and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Joseph Konrath, lleniiiiu Konrntli, Henry I'ickenbrock, Jacob Vascil)iU(;er, nil ol Montrose, Nebr., also: James ClaiL, ol Montrose. Xelir.. who inadn Timber Culture No. 11.4 for the W NKi, See. St, Tp. "1 It. K n eslill uie (ithP. M He names the toiiowini? wnnes- to pio.c his continuous residence uiHin and cultiva tion of, saiil land, viz.: Joseph konrath, llufniiin Konrath, Houry Piekcnbroek, Jacob V.'nsserburKer, nil of Montrose, W. II. Met .'ANN, I7 lb-isU-r. Xotiri fur rulilicatUin. Land Office at Clnidron, Neb. Dec. 2H, lK.n. ( Notice is hereby Riven Hint the following namcil settler tins filed notice, ol hia inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and Hint said proof will lie lnade t- fore c;onru l.indcinan, ici k oi uib i.imui Court, nt lliirrisou, Nebraska, oiirnuruary Uth, 1S9S, vis. Joliliim Meier, of Aiihniiri', S. I).. wlio made Homestead F.ntrv No. 6M for the X NWti and 8 SV'i .cc.20, Tp. 36 N., it. M West of the Hth P. M. lie names the following witnesses to proro his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of sntd land, viz: Casper Wittlinj;, Christian Jensen, Johnnn scliultz, Dnvid Anderson, all of Anliuore, S. link. Also: August Mi'ier, of Anlmoie, S. 1)., who made Homestead Kutry No. lor the s i, N.c. as, Tp. Ha N., It. at Vt est ol llv ; 0th P. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd i cultiva tion of said land viz Casper WittliuK, Christian Jensen, Johanu scliullz, ImvUl Anderson, nil of Ardmorc, S.Dnk. W.H. -McCANN, IH-iai HcKlatcr. Notice for Publication. Lund Cillice at Chadron, Neb., Jan. a, im. I Notice ifl hereby piven that the following named settler lias tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support ot tiis claim, and that said proof will lie made be. lore Conrad l.indeinnn, I'lei K oi tne uistrici Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on tebruary 13, IKi'3, viz: Zerlist, of Harrison, Xebr-, who made Homestead Entry No. 2709 for the SK'i SW anil SWK SK! See. 27, and WX NF'q Sec. 34,Tp.St N. It. f W. of tlie lith P. M. He names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: i 'inn-IPs K. schilt. Kli J. Wilcox. liustav Noieisch, John W. Kiccdorff , all of Harrison, Nebr. Also: Frank I. Meyer, of Montrose, Xebr., who made Pre., 1). 8. To. 27r)S for the WX SWH and SK'i SV4 Wee. U and 8W SW!4 See. IS To. 38 N.. It. 54 West ot the 1'. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenco uponanucumva lirt,. ,f snirl Isnll. viz : .louenh Itoos. Nicholaus Meckcm, John Meckein, all of Montrose, Nebr., Michael J. O'Connell, of Ardmorc, h. Uak. 1 17-W I W. U. MCCANN", Register. Notice Homestead Entry. IT. S. LAND OFFICE, ClIAIJKON, NEB., Doe. 16, 18112. Complaint KM having been entered at this oflicu by William II. Phillips against Allien Itahr for failure to comply wun law as to Homestead Kntry No. (iu, dated Julv Kith, 1HM7, upon the SJ NW'14 and nu'swu Section HI. Townships.! North Itance 54 West in Sioux Comity, Nebraska, with a view 11 the cance lation ol said entry: con testant allcifinir that tlie said Allien ituhr Iihs whollv abandoned said tract; that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry: that said tract is not settled upon ana cuilivavcu oy .uu ian.j o ,,.iium.u bv law, that claimant has not resided 011 said tract any portion of the time lor the last tour years, tne saiu pni nco hi,- sum moned to appear at this office on the 11 day of Febrnaiv ISH3. nt 10 o'clock, a.m., to re spond nnd furnish testimony concerning saiu aiiege'i lauuic. Ti'ithmnnv ot witnesses win oe tHKcn uk fore George Walker, a notary public at bis office In Harrison, Nebr., on the 4 day of February 181)3, at 10 a, m. " rr. V linn..,. 1I.T. Gonlby. Kneel ver, M . . ..." Contestant's Attorney. 1 16 21 j Kstniy Notice. TuWon un hv the undersigned on his nrcm isi-s SKX Sec. 11. Township 33. Hange 53 in uHi.rn.i.k nreclnct. Sioux county. Nebraska, on the 17th day of November, 1WIS, two work oxen described as follows: One red work i siinnnsrd to lie six venrs old branded 1 1 nn iiiriii. siun anil mil ami .1 011 rutin 11111, crop in right car nnd swallow fork in left car; one red ox, supposed to be live years .,1,1 In-united M on left side nnd J 011 right hip, crop In rigni car ami nnn'tr cup 111 icii Car. lltJUl JAwr.n ,..r.....o. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser One Door South of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORS AND SCISSORS PUT IN ORDER. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. Give 1 n t 1 1 Call, NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH Vari'liasc Tlckst and (!inlgn Tonr Freight via uic F., E.av.s.c.p RAILROADS. H, 0. BURT, General Manager. K. K MOBKHOCHK, J. E. BUCDAKA.V, Cu'l Freight Act Chjo't Pass. Agt. OMAHA, NCI. r? jz r fc'ufrinri, iwlf. llv irtue of au orJr of sale is;;ul of liieUKlrici eoijVt rf hiojii Ciuuty, n,uu a decree whert-in SuIjahh V.' Bcju-u is plr-intiff, aud Jolin U. KiUinrds, et aiv dt fei. tante. 1 will ou tlie utu day o February A. U. ISMS, at IU o'cloc k, . hi, of aald itay, attueasi door if the court Uoue, in Harrison. Moui county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to llie lllgliOsl CiifD uiauer, uie iunuiu8 described real estate, to w-it : Kast hall of Niutll Kat Quarter of Section 18, and south West Uuarter ol isoulll csi "imtut h Sx-tion 17 and Sorth W est Quarter ol ortn est OnarU-r Section 30 all in low nsuil) w Kurth of Kan y 5S Wetrt of the titll P Si. nd ulujiitin will apply ai juugea Uauibers at I'hailron, Hawes couuty, Nebraska, on February tn, IKO, at lOo clock. i- to Hon. Altvefl llaruiw, jmiire oi said court, lor an order continuing wud ante, and qirecliUK ded lo iijsuo to pur- l.aser. Kated at Harrtsou. ecr., ou mis xim uay l(f IMceiuber. IrW. Tlioe. KKIDT, iiarjiur & nsiier. ,-u-un. 1 Plaiutitl'bAttys. ITilJ HUerilTii Sale, llv virtue of au order of sale issued out ot the district court of Siou- county, uiain a -rec wherein Sabina V. ileacti is piajnuir, and AuKUHt sx-bnlty, et al., are defendenta, I will ou the 6th day of February A. I). IBSJ, at JO o'elock a. in. of said day, at tlie iLstUoof of the court bouse in Harrison, fiio'U county. Nebraska, sell at public auction tj tliv highest cash bidder, tlie following real cilaU', town: ixt rour ioiii juiu West Quarter of North West Quarter anil West Hall of SoutU West Quarter SUcu Si. onusuipao aiinu oi nange hi-moiwu . 31. And plaintiff will apply at Judge's hanitx-ia at f'hadrou. Humus county, ebi uska, on February Sth. 1, at Iu o'clock m.. to Hon. A U red ItartoW. tiulKe ol said court, for an order rounruiinu; said fcale, and directing deed lo Issue to pur naser. Dated at Harrison, Neb., on tills 21st day 01 lM'c;nioi -i , in..i. iiiup. i.r-t., pargura: risner, .--iieriH, Plaintilt' Attys. 1171) s ILLIVAN" 1 CONLKY, Lawyers. Will i'Bacticu in lltui: local, btate and federal courts aud IT, S. Land offlcu, LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. t t t t Office in Court Houne, DABRISON - NEBRASKA At our prices and you can buy goods or CASH. GBOCBRIBS, All Package Coffees, 4 H-s for ?0 5 Smoking Tohaci'o. 5 Its for ?1 00 Granulated .Sugar, 17 Its for.. 1 OOlCoalOil, per pa,llc a.., , .... 20 English Currants, 10 B for .1 00 One Hundred ft. Eo., -- 20 California Raisins, 11 Its for 1 00 High Patent Hour per 100 Rs, 1 3 65 Oatmeal, 25 B,s for 1 00 Half Patent Flour, per 100 Is 2 45 Hominy, 25 its for - 1 00 Standard Flour, per 100 lbs 1 90 Climax Tobacco, per it 40 Low Grade Flour, per 100 Its 125 Hih Trump Tobacco, per It 20 JD-HTF Men's Fine Jersey Shirts $0 95 Men's Good Working Shirts 50 Men's Good Jeans Pants 1 00 Mens Good Suits 4 00 Mens Fine Overcoats 5 00 BOOTS .tsTD SHOES' A Fine Calf Boots, per pair.. j $3 50 Good Kip Boots, per pair , 2 00 Men's Congress Shoes, per pair 1 00 Ladies' Calf Shoes, per pair 1 15 Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, per pair 2 30 Glidden Wire, per 100 lus. $3 7") Hardware and Tinware lower than ever known FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS CARRIED IN SEASON. ZW These Prices are Strictly for the CASH. Anything Booked, the Same old Price. . We are thankful for past favors and ing ourselves to work for the best interests of our customers. Call, Bee our Stock GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR CASH. Yours For Bargains, GEO. H. TURNER. JOHN A. LUCAS, President. i, CASTLE, VlCE-PKESfDENT. Tiir nAMii nr nnnninnM . Ba n ikiiiiii MIL Ufimi Ul IIHIIIIIOUltfr (ESTABLISHED 1887.1 Harrison, Nebraska. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. S2o 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Buys School Order, County nnd Village Warrants. . CORRESPONDENTS:, . Kouxtze Bnos.,' Nw York City. FrasT National Bank, Omaha. First National Baxk, Lincoln. Interest Paid Presideiit. , b. H. GRISWOLD, CasJiier, Commercial Banls. INOORPOR A TEI. General Banking Business . TRAX SACTf.O, Uakrisok4 Nebraska I E. BELiDEN & SOS, . Wagon and Carriage Makers, Repairing done on short notice. CJpod work and reasonable charged Shop south of livery barn. HAER1BOK, - t - NW, V. A. HESTER, Dkai.kk in- Lumber, Grain Lime and Coal. Sash, Doors, Blinds. Hair and Cement. A Complete Stock Always on Hand, be convinced that right at Turner's GHOOIDS. Boy's Suits $1 00 All Trecot Dress Flannels, per yd. . 30 Cashmere & Henriettas in proportion Dress Ginghams, per yard 9i All Toweling, per yard 1 10 Ladies' High Button Overshoes $1 40 Ladies' One Ruckle Overshoes . 90 Children's Overshoes. 55 Men's Overshoes from $1.00 to 1 90 I Best Wire Nails, per 4jc, in the West solicit a continuance of the same, pledg and Learn our Prices. CHAS. E. VERITY, Casuim. F. A. CASTLE, Asst. Cashier. Ha a w w n i V Bask or Cuadrto. Chadron',' Nbf on Time Depoiiti " -i i 'K. I ' ' I MiMlli- 1"