The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 26, 1893, Image 4

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    Tha Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, 2.00
LJ.SiMMKi, - - Editor.
,. I
. Entered at the Uarrixon post office a
oiitl t-laas matter.
Thcbsday, J as. 26, 1883
Coal miuers of the Santa Fe Company
in Colorado found a petriiied snake twen
ty feet long a few days ago. Wonder
what kind of liquor the fellow had been
drinking who reported the find'r
It is reported that many are starving
and freezing to death among the poor of j
Berlin. The temperature is 22 dejjressj
below zero and it is stated that the
famine nrevailin? there is as bad as it
S !
in Russia.
Because everyone is not satisfied with
a locality does cot condemn it. There
ure some people who, if they are so for
tunate as to slip by St. Peter into the
new Jerusalem, will kick on the quality
of - gold with which the streets are
paved. '
The result of the attempt to bring the
Wyoming raiders to justice is that the
attorney for the people of Johnson
county has filed a motion to dismiss the
cases and the matter is at an end except
that it has cost about $300,000. The
whole affair is to be regretted.
The legislature of South Dakota will
pass a bill to again submit the license
question to the voters of the state.
Ever since tlie prohibitory law was
passed it has been a dead letter. Saloons
run open in every town and hamlet in
. he western part of the slate and people
have tired of the farce.
It would be well for the state press as
sociation at its meeting next month to
inquire as to the sanity of Ed. A. Fry, of
Niobrara. He has recently taken to
printing his Pioneer on yellow paper and
po sane man who has been in tlie busi
ness so long as he has would do such a
The senatorial situation at Lincoln is
about tlie same. Thurston is out of tlie
race and it is likely that others will be
gin to drop out soon, and then the real
tug of war will come. Outside of the
senatorial fight the legislature is doing
very, little except that the members and
empoyees are drawing their salaries.
The fear that the state treasurer would
derive a little benefit from the funds in
his hands actuated the independent legis
lature of 1891 to pass a law, tlie work'
ings of which cost the state a quarter of
a million of dollars by the failure of tlie
Capital National Bank at Lincoln. That
is a case of saving at the spigot and
wasting at tlie bunghole.'
Justice L. Q. C. Lamar, of Uie supreme
court of the United States, died sudden
ly at Macon, Ga., last Monday evening.
Be bad been improving in health to all
outside appearances and his sudden
death was a shock to all. He was a
colonel in the confederate army and was
appointed to the supreme bench by Presi
dent Cleveland.
Or last Monday the Capital National
Bank, of Lincoln failed for more than
half a million of dollars. It is reported
that there was- about $230,000 of state
woney in the bank. Ihe bond was
approved according to law, but those on
the bond went down with the bunk and
ow the question in whether the state
treasurer and his bondsmen are lie Id for
the amount.
It i a little peculiar, but it is a fact
that Llewellyn, the new populist gov
ernor of Kansas has nianfe all I lis money
ia the toftit business at Wichita, which
leads to-the conclusion that he is a very
niotb individual. The- roan who can
bowl himnelf into' the- executive chair
denouncing the meaty power atnd the
sharks while be fattens- by usury off the
feople must be regarded1 a a very suc
cessful tbon61e-rigger.-fVnoi Tribune.
The present winter in the east is the
out severe that has been, experienced
tar years. In Obi it i aaui that in fu
1m the winter of 189B- will be re
ferred to a the eW winter, and even in
lb Mttc part f Nebraska, the weather
Am-Ipm mueU mors severe than: it he
fr northwestern Nebraska. People are
WimwtSndv that the eHmsrteof
Mi Ideality ift mod) nicer than: it gener
ally Happomn Mid' it i pqgviag itn adoW
attraction to thoen-iieeldag m
, Thw MJM T the Capita national
tfcakvKUocoftr wlB pretty apt to-
IriaC w lwMMor to- their sw
lK ii MlrT'-t t meal tlw few
fwdMitwjwagy for WfTu&CSng the
tztrrmriX " aw eouorey runcuv
Crtinr the' tfwnwrirawdhw
t-tmm w MW for Mfc toad im hi
iecsSMffir? mdar. ft awhwrbri
pQ m amnr wmm iauiiuwyr awe
Tou-Hj Rlade,
Tle situation in the Kansas lepieKture
; is lhi5: The senate luis a populist roa
I jority. The governor was elected as a
j by populists and democrats.
! The house was organized by the republi
! cans, who elected Douglass Speaker, he
receiving 67 votes. majority of the
' house is 63 votes. The populists ie-
fused to allow the majority to rule; they
1 went through the motions of electing
oue Duusmore S)eal;er, with 08 votes
less than a majority of tlie house and
niue votes less tliap the total republican
vote. Tliese two organizations the
legal one and the pretended populist one
have been occupying the representa
tive chamber jointly. Governor Lew
elling has recognized the minority popu
list organization, and so has the populist
senate. When the action of this latter
ii-qu iru-.Hp,l irt the hftlisp. the
cheered wiW,v The ri,,,lt,
EM,. nnMn theri-
I nnon made a brief speech that compels
the admiration of everyone for its direct
ness and force, not to speak of its being
founded on the rock of eternal truth:
Gentlemen of the House Allow your
selves no uneasiness. The Almighty has
wisely reserved the power of creation to
Himself alone. All the powers on earth,
senators and governors included, cannot
make 63 men out of S men, and in every
free representative body in the world the
ma ioritv governs. The principle of self-
government is on trial in Kansas today
as it once was years ago. out it tri
umphed then, and it will triumph now.
The friends of the constitution and the
aws will soon stand as one man in Kan
sas, regaruless oi party, ine constitu
tional house of representatives, with CT
lawful members, is here and ready for
business, and here it will remain unter
rified and unawed. What is the further
pleasure of the house?
The facts of the case could not be In
stated. The republicans have an
honest, legal, and legally elected major
ity in the house. The populist minority
make no pretense that there is any de
fect or (law in the title of any one of the
67 members who voted for Douglass as
speaker, The recognition of a minority
as the legal house, by the governor and
the senate, does not give the minority
any shadow of right in its claim. Even
Dunsmore, the fraud speaker of the pop
ulists, in the reply he felt, constrained to
make to Douglass, did not dare claim
any shadow of authority for the usurpa
tion. He simply said: ,"We have been
recognized as the legally organized
house, and no power on earth save the
sword can dissolve us."
As this is written, on Tuesday morn
ing, there is no change in the situation.
The republicans of the house, firm in the
knowledge of tlie right and impregnable
legality of their action, stand firm, while
the populist revolutionist rage and chafe
that they are not allowed to override the
law and the constitution, and make a
minority govern a majority.
Their position is revolutionary. It is
a blow at the fundamental tenet of our
form of government that a majority
shall rule. The election of the repre
sentatives was in accordance with law,
and there is no shadow of an excuse for
this bold attempt at despotic tyranny.
We hope to see the same loyality to
right and justice, which made Kansas
the tenner state for freedom when the
issue was, "shall slavery be extended
nto tlie territories!" away back in the
50's, again blaze forth among her peo
ple directed against this usurpation of
power by the populists. Let Kansas
freemen arise in their might, and compel
these revolutionists to obey the law and
the constitution. .
Ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes
died at his home at Fremont, Ohio, last
week, after an illness of three day He
had a great many personal friends, but
since he retired from the presidency he
bas taken little part in politics.
A man was ftwum to death on hi way
to church on January 15th in the south
eastern part et tlie state. Had that man
been in Sioux county on that day lie
would still have been aHve as th cli
mate here is much milder.
How pleasant it is to sit out on the
front porch- these day ami bask in the
warm Itatlian-NebrasUa sunshine,- and
read in the daily papers that in the effete
and blizzard-stricken' east they are ex
periencing the heaviest snow storms and"
coldest weather on record, Crawford
Tlie Wortd-BetaM stated a tevr days
ago that Edward Rosewater made over
tures to tlie iniependents offering to flop
from the republican ranks and become
the independent senator f fort Nebraska.
Some sueh thing might be expected, but
the report would have te come from
sdme other source than the World-
Ilendd to be given- much credence.-
The supreme court i the Boyd' county
case ha decided that, a there had-' been
no act making it at part ef any other dis
trict, it belonged to the same district for
legislative purpose as it did before its
orgaoiaation. it also alludes to the fact
that a canvassing board cannot go he
Mod the nrtonw and inquire as to the
legality of tbe VoU. The bigb-hrmded
actio of th popuHstr disfranchising
too voter o Boyd county m too egi
letnre without p irtadow of law ie die-
gmavto'tto Uuttm of that party and
wili ope thw eyes of many who wof
hmt M tlwtrworit with1 that partyr to
tflMtthM the- UrnOm the most
A newspaper n;au lias no business to
seek office. It is his business to try and
get an office for the ether fell!!; to
sound Uie praises of tlie candidate and
keep quiet his own feelings; to whoop 'er
up for his man and let bis man forget all
about him when he is elected; to defend
his candidate against the unjust attacks
of the opposition, and see that whatever
favors his candidate liis to bestow goes
to the other feilow. It is his business to
boom the city for all that it is worth,
month after month, and then see f 100
worth of printing go out of the city be
cause ten cents can be saved by doing so.
The newspaper is to give every enter
prise a frequent 'send-off" anil then
catch hell because he had failed to record
the fact that some prominent citizen had
his delivery wagon painted; to subscribe
liberally to every public enterprise, ad
vertise them for nothing, pay his own
way to everything, and then be called
prejudiced and mean-spirited because a
column is not devoted to that particular
affair. Do you wonder that there are so
many cranks in the newspaper business?
It is bound to make either a crank or a
philosopher out of a man. Crawford
A terrible railroad accident occurred
at Alton Junction, 111., last Saturday.
A passenger train ran through an open
switch and into a freight train, killing the
engineer instantly. A great crowu
gathered almost instantly as the wreck
caught lire, when au oil tank on a car
exploded with terrible force. Nearly a
score were killed outright and about a
hundred were terribly burned.
Kit ray Notice.
Taken up bv tlie undersigned on his prem
ises SK'i see. '11, Township KaiiKC 3 in
Mat ("reck precinct, Sioux ununtv, Nebraska,
on the 17 til ilav or iioveinber, IsfiJ, two work
oxen described as follows: Omi rial work
ox, supposed to be six years old branded I I
on right ido ami hip and J on riitht hip,
crop in riKlit ear and swallow fork in left
car; one red ox, supposed to be live years
old, branded V " '"I t side and J on right
hip, crop in right ear and undvr clip in let I
ear. 16 211 Jamks M. Uasikls.
Sheriffs Sale.
I'.y virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the distric t court of Sioux County, upon a
decree w hi'Tcin Sabina V. Heaeh is plaiutill ,
and John 1. Kiehards. et al., are defendants,
I will oil tbeGth dav of February A. 1. 1W3,
at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, at the east
door of the court house, in Harrison, Sioux
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
tlie highest casli bidder, tlie following
described real estate, towit: Host half of
South Kast Quarter of section 18, and South
West Quarter of South West Quarter of
Section 17 and North West Quarter of North
West Quarter Section 20 all in Township SI
North of Kange f3 West of the (Jth V. M.
And plaintiff will apply at Judge's
Chambers at Chadron, Dawes county,
Nebraska, on February HLh, 1KB, atlOo'clocK,
a. m., to Hon. Alfred liartow, judge ot
said court, for an order conllrniing aaid
sale, and directing deed to issue to pur
chaser. Dated at Harrison, Nebr., on this 21st day
of Doeemlier. 18V2. TllOB. liKIUV,
SnarenrA Kishcr. .Sheriff.
Plaintiff's Attys. 17-21
Sherifl's Sale.
Bv virtue; of an order of sale issued out oi
the district court of Sioux eotmtv, upon a
decree wherein iSabina v. lieacn la planum,
and Ausnist schultz. et al.. arc aeicnueius, l
will on the day of February A. 1). 193. at
10 o'clock a. in. of said day, tit the east door
of tlio court house in Harrison, Sioux
county .Nebraska, sell atpublicauction to the
highest cash bidder, the following desc-rilied
real estate, towit: lx)t Four and South
w est Quarter oi norm n Quarier anu
west Halt ot soinn est Quarter sccuon
Township S5 North of Kange 'A W est of (ith
1. M.
And plaintiff will apply at Judge's
Chanilters at, Chadron. Dawes countv
ebrai4ka. on Feln uarv stll. 18!B. at 10 o'clock
a. in., to Hon. Alfred liartow, judge of
said court, for an order confirming
said sale, and directing deed to issue to pur
Dated at Harrison, Neb-, on tills 21st day of
December. IKiW. Titos. ttEiiti,
Spargnr & Ftahur, Sheriff.
l'laintili's Attys. 17-21
Slierill's Sale.
By virtue of un order of Haiti isni'U out of
the di.strict court of Sioux county, upon a
decree, wtionnn t:narios 1. isrowuo, 1
Dlaintiff. and Jacob It. Iirninni, ot. a!
arc defendants, 1 will on tin? (Jth day of
Keliruary, A. 1). llflW, at 10 o'clock, a. ni. of
Haid day. at tlie eat door of the court house
in Jlarrirtou, Snmx county, Nebraska, sell
at puhlic auction to the highest cawh
Didder, me lonowing ueserioeu real
estate, to wit: Kast half of south West
Juarter and West half of South East Quarter
section an, Townsmp b nortu oi tianu;e.'M
w est ot tnc Bin i'. m.
And plaintitr will apply at Judce's
Chambers at Chadron, iiawits county,
Nebraska, on February 9th, 18'iJ, at 10 o'clcK-k
iu., to Hon. Alfred liartow, juiiijp ot
said court, for an order ecmtirmini? said
sale, and directing deed to issue to pur
chaser. Dated at Harrison, Ner this 21st day ot
December, 18HJ, THoS. KeiiiV,
spargur f lsiier, sneirin .
Attys. for Plaintiff. 1 17-41 J
Sheriff's Sale, .
Kv virtue of tin ordT of saleiwiicd out of
the district court of Sioux county, nnon a de-
crcewhcreln SaMna V. liach is plnintifrand
John M. (ileason, Herman K. Miller, et al.,
are defendants, I will on tlio th anv oi
February A. J. IWt, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of
stdd day, at Hie east door of the court
house, in Harrison', Sioux cotWity, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest eash
bidder, the following dcscrilicd real estate,
to-wlt: Sosth West thinner of Southwest
Quarter Tf Seetion 3 and West half of North
west ijuarrer oi rwcuon iu, aim rjooin
Eost ouarter of North Kast Quarter Section
, Township HI North of Hange 63 West of
tlth 1'. M.
Antl plaintitr will apply at Judge's
Chambers at (Jlwdron, l)aw cotiuty, Nc-brask-a.
on Kehraury tlth, Il3. at 10 o'clock.
a.- m to Hmir Alfred Bartow, jndKe of
said court, for an order conArniliiR said
sale,- and dlrecunff deed to suo vu pir-
UaUsi lit llarrisou,. Nebr., on thin 21st day
of December, itnci. 1'nos. ickidy,
spnrifur ft r lsrlor,- Sheriff
I'ltilntiff's Attys. 17-81 J-
NetleeHomestead Entry.
C. S. Iad officb, (
GoniDlahif IttfX having been- entered at
this ofllce by William H. PhlHIps again
Alttcrt Itahr for fallal's la eomolv l
law as to Hotnedtend Kntry No.- MO, tW(cd
July lMv, imrl; nnon the H NWU and
NX HW!4 SeeMoii.'ll.T.ywnshipMSorthKai
ravweu in Sioux County, Nebraska, writ ha
view to the caneellaWon oi wuit entry-; eon
testant alleging that the suM Albert
Bahr hat wholly abandoned sata met hi
he has chahHttd his resiilenwe thrrrer ron 9t
more than- MX inohths since moklna Hold
entry: that mm twet tir net nettled don
itnd cultWoied'
uy jmriy or rr'Hlirca
by law,- than elalmanC has not resided jn
said tract an portion of the timoforfbe
laat fonr veani.- tn aaid nartiea are annv
moned to anoear aetbia ofSoe on the 1 day
of rouruarv 1HM. at 10' o'clock a. m-. tore-
ftpond and fnrnlsh tcttliuony eoneerninf
aata' aiiegea raHntr,
TeirMmonvof wltnckKi will be taken be
foreweorn Walker, a notary aoMtoatlri
ofliee in Hamara Jwor., on
Bin Harrunor jieor., on tne
t dav of
ret'ruory iwa, ann a. m.
Final Proof Notices.
All persons having final proof noll-i ; ia
thU paier will receive a uiurked copy tlie
paper and are reniw-Klied to examine their
notice and if any errors exist rcjxjrt tlie
same to thii office at once. ;
Vtttife for Publicatioa. '
IjiihI Oftit-e at Chadron, Seb., j ;
Jan. ), lxtt. I
Not i( is hereby given that tlie followitiH-
nained settler lias filial notice ot his inten
tion to make Hnal proof in of hi
claim, and that said proof will U-inade I
fore f'onrad Ljiideinan, Clerk oi the Distrei
Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on i-cbruarr
lBtlt, IHi, viz:
L Kdwart! tivcrmore. q Harrisoti. Xebr.. '
ho made Homestead Entry No. I07'i for the
N WU get. 33, Tp. 31 N., K. S6 West of theStt
P. M. i
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon andculliva
titm of, saiti land, viz:
David Harnett, rred Betschen, Hcniauiin
F. Johnson, Charles Caniuienzind, all cf
Harrison, Nebr. W. II. MCCANN.
18-23J Kt-glstet.
.Votice for Publication.
Land Office at Chadron, Neb., (
Jan. 2. 1HM3. I
Notice is herebv given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of Ills inten
tion to make final proof in (rapport of ills
claim, and that said proof will be made 1
fore Charles F.. Verity, C. S. Circuit Court
Commissioner at Montrose, Nebraska on
February 13, IsKi, viz:
Harriet Clark, uf Montrose. Xt'br..
who made nomestead Entry No. 3iSl for the
M NKH and NWM Sti, and NK, t .Sec.
24, fp. 34 N., K. ,V) W. (Ith 1'. M.
He names the following witnesses U prove
his continuous residence ujion and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Joseph Konrath, Herman hourath, Henry
I'iekenbrock. Jacob Wasscrburger, all of
Montrose, NtOir., also:
James Clark, of Montrose, Xeltr,
Ito made Timla-r Culture No. 5:174 tor th
WK NK Sec. 8S, Tp. 34 N., K. M Westurf the
(ith I'. M. i
He nainea the following witnesses toproie
his continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: 1
Joseph Konratli, Herman konratli.licury
iekenbrock, Jacob Wasscrburger, all of
.Montrose, Nebr. W. II. Mi'CAkS,
(17 22 l!e)l-U-r.
.Notice for I'tililitatioii.
Land Ofllct! at Chadron, Seb. (
Dee. W, lslfi. '
Notice is herebv given that the following
naiuril HPltler htw tiled notice of hi) intuit
tion to make final proof in support of His
claim, anti that said proof will be wade he
ron; Conrad l.indeman. Clerk of the District
Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on Fobruary
11th, 1SM3, viz.
.lolianu Meier, of Ardinnre, S. D..
who made Homestead Kntry No. 5430 for the
sv. NW, and S NK't See. !, ip.ssis., u.ot
West of the (ith I'. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon auueumva
tion of said land, viz:
Casper Wittling, Christian Jensen, Joiiann
Schultz, David Anderson, all of Ardmorc,
S. Dak. Also: 1
August Meier, of Ardmorc, S. P.,
whomaiie Homestead Kntry No. 5452 tor the
SW !i Sec. SS, Tp. 35 N., U. 54 Westol tl (illi
1'. M.
He names the following witnesses to trove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land viz:
Casper Wittling, Christian Jensen, Jnhann
scnuiiz, liaviu Anucrson, an oi Annnote
S. Dak. W. II. Mct'ANN,
17-22J iteguier.
Xotice for I'nuliaition.
Land Office at Chadron, Nb.,
Jan. 3, i
Notice is herebv given that the following
mimed settler has tiled notice of hi inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that Maid proof wiil be made be
fore Conrad Lindeman, Clerk of. the District
Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on lebraary
13, IBM, viz :
Fried rich Zcrltst , of Harrison, "Nebr.,
u-lm mndn Homestead Entry No 27C.1 f or thf
SK'i SW!1 and 8W SEX fee. , and WX
VK'i Sec. 34.Tn.XI N. K. wi . ot tlie nth l'.M
lie nunitts the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aim cumva
lion of said land, viz:
Charles K. Schilt. Eli J. Wilcox. Gustav
Noreiach, John W. Ricedorff, all of Harrison,
Nebr. Also:
Frank I. Xeyer. of Montrose, Xlir.,
who mailt; ITe., D. S. No. 2758 for the ff)
KW1 andSE4 NW Sec. 24 and SW 8W4
Sec. 13 Tn. 3S.. 11. 54 West oi the (iln r. M,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon anu cutiiva
lion of ufiid land, viz:
Joseph itoos, Nicholaus Meckem, Jolin
Meckeni,ull of Montrose, Nebr., Michael J
O'Connell.of Ardmore, s. Dak.
117-22) W. II. McCANN, Register.
Xotice HomestciMl Entry.
It. S. Land Office, )
Dec. 10th, im.
Complaint having boon entered - at
tills ofliee. bv Isaac 11. Hoy against John
UaiiKhenlHiuiili fr failure to comply witli law
as to Homestead Kntry No. 2150 tinted March
'!, ISW, upon the Ixits 1 and i anil NE'i
Section -21, Township 3ft, Itange 64, In
Sioux (Vuuty, Nebraska with a view to the
ancellatlon ol sain entry contostani alien
ing that claimant has wholly abandoned
said tract; that he has changed his
residence there! rom for more, than six
months since making said entry; that there
is no house on said tract nor has there been
any cultivation thereon for the past two
years, the said parties arc hereby sum
moned to appear at tlrta ofllce on the it day
of February, IH93, at W 'clock A. Mr, to ro
aixmd and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure.
'JCBWtnony oi witnesses win oc taacn w
fore David Anderson, a notary public, at his
ofliee hi Montrose. Sioir county, Nebraska,
on th 27th dy of January, IKi, at. 10
o'clock, a. 111. T. l'OWKKH,
U-J0J Iteeelvcr,
Ikst line tlio East,
The- Burlington Ro-te B. &, M. R. ft.
is runmg eleRintly etiiuppetl passenger
trained without chare from' Sewcastle,
W j'oraing an Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lineoln, Nebraska, making connection
at that point with' their 0"vn- through
trains for Dnver, Cheyenne,- and all
points west,- ind ffr Kansas City St.
Joseph, St. louis, Omaha,- Peoria, Chi
cago, and alf points
Bemember'this ii? the only line' by
whfch vou cm take" sleenifiK car from
Crawford in1 the evading arrinng in Lin
col and OnMha the Aext afternoon, antl
in Cwicago, Feoria xtiA St. Louis the fol
lowrtg mon&g.
Fe furtiie inforraMion S!ad ticket ap
ply to nearst agnt et Burlington
RorrM B. & IS, R. R.-
PDrrftwe tlrHetii and fonnlirn fonr Ffetfht
vltt the
ft Ci. BtTEt, GwerU MaMgar
K. C, llOMBOOn, 3. K BtOUHAJf,
Qn rV'ght Agt. OMrl Atr
B. L. gMUCK,
Fashionable Barber & Hair Drecser.
One Door Konth of Bauk oi'larri :t.
Sewing machines cleaned and retired.
iiivo t me I a
BY rwy BY
r.uriTFCT IT
E bring the bene-
nu oi uiis wona-
erful water to I
your home bottles or
barrels retaining all I
of its purity and cura- I
live powers. i
Kidney or Urinary i
troubles immediately
relieved and cured by its use. It is a I
i mild alterative, purifies the blood, renews I
i strength and energy. Endorsed and re- 1
i commended by the physicians of America. 4
Silurian mineral swing co,t
At our prices and
you can buy goods
All Package Coffees, 4 fc for ...
Granulated Sugar, 17 Djs for
English Currants, 16 s for
California Raisins, 11 lbs for
High Trump Tobacco, per rl
Men's Fine Jersey Shirts $0 93
Men's Good Working Shirts 50
Men's Good Jeans Pants 1 00
Men's Good Suits 4 00
Men's Fine Overcoats 5 00
Fine Calf Boots, 'per pair.. 3 50
Good Kip Boots, per iir... - 2 00
Men's Congress Shoes, per pair 1 90
Ladies' Calf Shoes, per pair.. 1 15
Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, per pair., 8 30
Glidden Wire, per 100 B.s 75
Hardware ( and Tinware io wer than
ever known in the West
Thpfe Prir,a are Strictly for the CASH, Atiytlutisr
Booked, the Same old Price,
. "We are thankful for past favors and solicit a continuance of tfie same, pleelg
ing ourselves to work for the best interests of onr r.Ostomertt;
Call, see our Stock and Learn our Prices,
Yours For Bargains,
JOHN A. LfCAS,- pRBsnrtpf.
A - ASTf&, V"itE-PRBWfM-
Transactcf a General Banking bujsiuc.
fee? WeftV Counts tUnr Wife WiWH
lfccyjw Jy Jf Yortrctty.-
POM NiTKt tesWt OmtM.
-Uealeh rs-
Lumber, Grain
Lime and Coal.
Sash, Doors, Blinds. Hair
and Cement,
A Complete Stock Always on Hand.
1 few days, and you will be startled at the unex
Dectd saccess that will reward your effort!. W
uositively have the best businea to offer au agent
that can be found on the (ace ef tins earth.
45.00 profit on ?S.OO worth of bo.ineM U
briii" euily and honorably made by and paid to
hundreds of loen, women, boys, and girls 111 our
emoloy. You can make money faster at work for
us titan you have any idea of. The business is so
easv to learn, and instructions so simple and plaray--'"
that all succeed from the start. Those who take
hold of the business reap the advantage that
arises front the souud reputation of oue of the
oldest, most successful, and largest publnuing
houses in America. Secure for yourself the prohu
that the business so readily and handsomely yields.
All beginners succeed grandiy, and more than
realize their greatest expectation. Those who
irv il And exactly as we tell them. There is plenty
of room for a few more workers, and we urge
litem to liejiiu at once. If you are already em.
ploved, but have a few spare moments, and Winn
to use them to advantage, then write usi at opoe
(for this i- vnur grand opportunity), and receive
full parliriti irs by return mail. Addrens,
TKL'K CO., Bo No. 400, Auguata, M.
be convinced that
right at Turner's
. '
.$0 95 Smoking Tobacco, 5 for $1 00
. 1 00 Coal Oil, per gallon 20
. 1 00 One Hundred ft. Rope 20
. 1 00 High Patent Flour per 100 lbs 2 65
. 1 00 Half Patent Flour, per 100 ft 8 45
. 1 00 Standard Flour, per 100 lbs 1 80
40 Low Grade Flour, per 100 B. 125
. 20
Boy's Suits t 09
All Trecot Dress Flannels, per yd.. 30
Cashmere & Henriettas in proportion
Dress Gingrtums, per yard .-J',;. "77
All Toweline. uer yard 0
Ladies' High Button Overshoes.
Ladies' One Buckle Overshoes..,
Children's Overshoes
Men's Overshoes from $ 1. 00 to.
...SI 40
... 90
Best Wire Nails, per It...
CtfAS. E, VERlTt, tAsritttf,
V, A. CASTlfc, A'f. CMfflt.
CAPITAL - , $26 0(
Intcf eat Paid on Time Depoaita
ttvivrMMrtolr Mot om tmery of