The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 26, 1893, Image 1

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i 1
VOL. 5.
U 1
i 0
I J. SiMMtu, Editor and Proprietor,
FE.aM.VR.R.Tlaw table.
Going Wwt. Goin( Kan,
Hfl. a, mixed,.-..!! : Bo. , mixed 6 0
Wheat ptr bushel , 5jo
(Ma per bunhel jo
(torn per busiiol . 40
bhorts per hundred S . 1 do
llraii per (mndred ft . M
Fced-chopiHid-per hundred (
HtutQii per bushel . sq
iuttcr per lb
(i(!Kii-per ditf . . . jo
0iltry per doz,..;n t 40
Unions per t , . . n
(Vns-pcr . x
L'h1 ix,r von ... i 50
V00d per cord, , 3 so
(.limber native perm, ft ... 15 00
J-(Vrrnotel overy Thursday,
Masquerade Fel: i4th.
llides bought at the harness shop,
Turner- wants you' hulter and eggs,
i-Sauer Kraut at the ranch supply
Glidden Parbed Ww 3-75 at
Get your masks ready for 8t, Valen
tine's ball, ' ,
Go to Turner's to buy your boots,
fjioes and overshoes,
r-Old papers for sale at The Journal
pllii'e, S cents per dozen.
--Go to Turners to do your trading
in id save 10 to 20 cents on the dollar.
Highest market prices paid for
wheat, Grant Glthiuk.
Rock Springs and Deer Creek coal
constantly on hand at the lumber
Improved farm for sale, cheap; one
and a half miles from Harrison, Inquire
at this office,
Otto Tietze was liauling lumber the
lirst of the week with which to improve
his homestead north of town.
Happy and oontent Is home with "The Ro
chester," a lamp with the light of the morning.
Cttlqgacwrite Rochester UunpCo.IewVock.
The social given at the court house
last Saturday evening by the young peo-
waji Well . tended nd n plMftOt
tine is reported, - ,.
i-"' A tenderfoot attempted to ride a
bronobo at Lusk a few days ago and his
- body was shipped to his relatives in Ten
nessee the flrst of the week, .
The flrst quarterly meeting of the
M. E. church will be held Oh Tuesday,
Jan. 31, at 7:30 p. m. Presiding Elder
Julian will conduct the meeting.
The dance at Jim Wallace's on In
dian creek last Friday evening was at
tended by about thirty-five couples, A
. fine time is reported by those who weie
A large number of people made a
raid on Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright Tues
day' evening, taking possession of the
Wright residence and doing just as they
pleased, until a late hour. That all en
joyed themselves goes without saying.
- State Supt, Goudy has requested the
county superintendent to send any school
work he may secure to be used in mak
ing up a display for inspection at the
office of the state superintendent. The
teachers should assist the superintendent
in any way they can in this matter.
Homestead filings are reported as be
ing made right along, although but few
new people are noticed. A good many
filings are made by those who have been
here for a good while but have delayed
filing until it has become risky for them
to delay if they desired to secure a cer-
tain quarter section and so they have
hastened to put the papers on it
The weather is quite a good deal
colder today than it has been for some
time and we may have a good deal of
genuine winter for a while now. It
would be much mora satisfactory to
have the cold weather now and have an
early spring than to have winter linger
in the lap of spring and prevent the far
mers from getting their crops in at the
proper time.
Postmaster Hough returned from
Lincoln yesterday without having set
tied the U. S. senatorial question,
County ' Attorney Conley is at large
somewhere in the eastern portion of the
state and he. may steal a march on
Hough and slip into Lincoln and have an
Independent elected senator and then
Hough would shed hot, scalding, briny
tears because he left too soon.
There is t?lkt-f. new Nmins sntrr-
prises being established in Harrison in
the near future. There is no danger but
what the tow a will keep fully up to the
demands of the country. As fast as the
country it settled the town will grow,
and as a rule the town keeps ahead of
the country. It is that fact which
causes hard times and failures among the
business men of the place. So far Har
rison I tan been very fortunate in that re
Don't miss the ball Felary I4th.
J. G. Morris shipped, a, ear-load of
sheep to Qmaha. VSt i'ridy,
George Ohnger loaded the safe of H.
W. MacLachUfl on Tuesday to take it to
him at Ardmore, S. D.
Priddy & atjoore baye built an addi
tion tj their blacksmith shop in order to
better take car f the wants of their
A dance was held at the school house
a few piiles south of town last Friday
evening and a pleasant time is reported
by those who attended.
t-G. A. Dove lias sojd his place in Cot
tonwood precinct and was here the first
of the week. He contemplates taking a
honiestead not far from Harrison.
Another invoice of job stock was re
ceived at this oflice the last of the week.
People appreciate the quality of job
work done by Tltt Journal and hence its
job press is kept pretty busy.
John L, Kay brought us a sample of
qats last Friday which are as fine as any
one could ak for. They ere grown by
him last year and weigh 46 pounds to the
bushel, stroke measure. Who can beat
--Leo. DeBock, Die market gardner of
east Hat creek informed us Saturday
that he would increase his garden to
double its former size. He finds that
gardening pays well as he iinds a good
market for his produce.
! Don't wait until your are roady to
sow your wheat and then decide that
you have no time to dip it in vitriol
wuter. Prepare for it and do it now
while you have time and then it will be
ready at seeding time.
The farmers should make a effort to
secure first-class grain for seed. Do not
be satisfied with any kind of wheat that,
you may have hut get the best obtain
able and then put it in properly and har
vest will bring you a reward.
When telling your friends of the ad
vantages of Sioux county do not fail to
tell them that the county is out of debt
and owes no county .bonds and has over
45 miles of railroad within its borders,
and as a result taxes will be. low.
A man by the name - of Antrim has
purchased the farm formerly owned by
J. F. Pfost, near Bodaro and has also se
cured the claim of Jesse Beans. : People,
ore beginning to realize that Sioux
county real estate is good stuff to have.
Letters are pouring in daily from
people in the east who want to buy land
or rent a place that suits them. The
number of new settlers whol will come
to Sioux county during this year will ex
ceed that of any previous year in its his
tory. The boys have about concluded to
wait until winter before they have a
skating rink. They had a lot of water
put into it but the weather was so warm
that it did not freeze and all there is to
show for it is the experience they have
gained. There is a chance for plenty of
ice forming weather yet, however, be
fore spring opens,
"The Danville Breeze has the follow
ing; "If you bave frequent headaches,
dizzines and fainting spells, accompanied
by chills, cramps, corns, bunions, chil
blains, epilepsy and jaundice it is a sign
you are not well, but are liable to die
any minute. Pay your subscription a
year in advance and make yourself solid
for a good obituary notice."
It is reported that the railroad offi
cials have ordered Agent Albertson from
Deadwood to Casper and Alex. Thorn
dyke is now running on the Cbadron
Casper flyer. These two men are well
known as the ones the company always
keep at the front and adds to the indica
tions that the work of extension will
soon begin. May the day hasten.
A few days ago Phil McCann re
turned from a trip to the eastern part of
the state and he informed us that the
people there are all seeking for invest
ments in land. The .demand is greater
there than ever before and those who
have no . land or have sold are
looking to the cheaper lands rSf
the west and the inquiries for home
stead lands are numerous.
Within the past ninety days about
33 farms in the vicinity of Harrison
have passed to eastern bona fide pur
chasers, the price paid ranges from f 700
to $1200. This statement is on the au
thority of M. Gayhart, county treasurer
of Sioux county. There will be a num
ber of families, actual settlers, go into
Sioux county along the Hat Creek valley
in the spring. We may gather from this
and from some transfers about here that
real estate is starting upward. For the
post three years real estate has tended
downward, struck the lowest possible
point, and now begins steadily to rise.
We have no reason to be discouraged and
may reasonably hope to see some activ
ity in land transfers on the opening of
spring. Eastern farmers realize that
now ig the time to secure some of our
chenp land and sell their own land that
bus become too valuable to hold.Cmir-
ford Gazette.
J. W. Sherrill was n town Monday.
Miss Ida Schwarz apent Sunday at An
A. W. Mohr was pyer from Gilchrist
Mrs. I A. Priddy and children are on
the sick Jist
J. L. Smedes contributed on subscrip
tion last Friday.
J. C. Eberspecher contributed on sub
scription Tuesday.
J. 11. Cook was in town Monday and
called at this oflice.
J. E- Arner was in town Tuesday and
called at this oflice.
J. Sievers remembered the printer on
subscription Tuesday.
I. Riejistein made a business call at
this office last Friday.
Phil McCann added his name to our
list of readers Tuesday.
TJ. W, Woody was in town Monday
and called at this oflice.
Fred DeueN ig spending a couple of
months with H. A. Priddy.
Mrs. J. W. Robinson returned from her
visit to Kansas last Thursday.
Anton Pnutz sent us a remittance
fronr West Point last week to apply on
his subscription.
Wm. Noreisch's sister and family ar
rived from the east yesterday and will
likely locate here.
Miss Bessie Sondes, who lias !een visit
ing at Agate Springs for some months,
started Mondav evening for her home in
Chicago. She was accompanied by Mrs.
E. B. Graham, who will make an ex
tended visit in the east.
The faculty of the state university
lias prepared a farmers short course in
agriculture, which will begin on Feb.
20th and end March Sd. A series of in
teresting and instructive lectures will be
delivered and any farmer who can attend
will be greatly benefited thereby.
The band boys have decided to give
a masquerade ball at the court
house on the evening of St.
Valentine's Day, February 14th. They
are goinj? into it with the intention of
making it the finest ever held in the
town, and they will be very apt to do it.
The proceeds of the ball are to be used to
purchase new musie and meet the other
necess:iry expenses of the band so that
those who attend will have a good time
and also help the boys along in their
band work.
Grey wolves are getting quite
troublesome in the vicinity of Running
Water. J. W. Earnest informed us that
he has had three cattle killed by them
recently, one of those killed being one of
his registered black cows. " A few days
ago K. P. Lindsey caught one of the
grey wolves in a trap which was at
tached to a chunk of wood. The ani
mal dragged the weight to a ravine
where Mr. Lindsey found it, having gone
out on horse back without any weapon,
The wolf started to run and broke the
chain and took refuge in a rocky ledge.
ne was stoneu ana alter a little came
out and attacked Mr. Lindsey, who
thought for awhile he would be meat for
the wolf, but he finally made him re
treat into the rocks. He then went and
got help and killed the beast.
Public Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction on Saturday, February 11th,
1893, at 10 o'clock, p. m. at Stevens'
livery barn, Harrison, Neb., the follow
ing described property, to-wit:
3 mares, 3 geldings, 20 head of cows
and heifers, 1 wagon, 1 mower, 1 culti
vator, 1 breaking plow, 1 stubble plow,
1 harrow, 1 buggy, 1 set double harness,
1 sauule, 1 nay rake.
Terms; All sums of 3 and under
cash; on all sums over $5 a credit of 12
months will be given by purchaser giv
ing note with approved security; 10 per
cent orr lor casn on an sums over $3.
Thos. Rejdy, Auctioneer.
B. E. Brewster, C. F. Coffee,
President. Vice Pres.
D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Harrison. - ... Nebraska
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Repairing done on short notloe.
Good work and reasonable charges.
Shop south of livery barn. "
Will pkactice im all rnc local, state
and federal oourtd and V. 8, Land offloe.
t I t t i t '
&r Office in Court Houm, .
Sale or Trade.
1. too acres 0! smooth land lit aaie. ftf.
trade for stock ; running atre.ain ttf One, ptirfc
water; 80 acres under fence; 4U acres HUUet
cultivation; good house and stables; guvefn-
nient land adjoining. A No. 1 farm. Ad
dre9 C, Care Journal.
i. r'or sale or trade tpc gtpc a quartet
section of gootj land lqcatel live miles from
Harrison. Part good furm laud ; the balance
good timber and grazing land with good
rttretiiri of running water with some other
improvements; also a good mill gite on the
land. Address u pare JocknaL.
S. 480 atircs of Una land in one body for
sale or trade for stock. Running water;
Sue springs; plenty of wood for fuel and
building purposes on premises; government
land udjoiuing; good house and stable; Wf
aureu under fence; 3S0 acres good plow land,
balance good pasture and timber. A bar
gain if taken soon. Address C cure Journal.
i. 1C0 ucem of line land lor sale pr trade
lof stock, ltquning water and spring; gov
eminent land adjoining; 100 acres good plow
land; buhuice Address Scare Jot'K-
5. One hundred and sixty acres 01 land nine
miles from Harrison, Nebr. -20 acres broken ;
aoinu fenced. Ilougc and other buildings;
goodsoll; pure water and one mile from
tltnl)cr. For terms address 1! cure Jouknal.
G. Good 100 acre farm ; 30 acru broken; all
fenced ; good hewed log house 10x18; addi
tion 12x1s; IX story; in good condition of
repair. This farm is located 3 miles from
railroad atation. Address It care Journal.
7. Good farm of 160 acres; 15 acres broken;
all good soil; near timber; one mile from
school in good neighborhood and only 6
miles from railroad; terms very reasonable.
Address It care Jouknal.
8. One quarter deeded land and one quar
ter not proved up on ; all good farm land but
10 acres; good running water; 10 acres
broken; log house; timber; in good corn dis
trict. $1)50 cash and 3M on time or will trade
for stock. Address F care Journal.
9. 320 acre farm with running stream of
clear spring water and numerous springs;
best of black soil ; one quarter ali farm land
the other mostly lino timber land; enough
saw logs to make 100,000 feet of lumber; all
under fence with division fence; frame
house 14x2612 feet high painted inside and
outside; cost ffioo.OO; frame stable for 10 head
of horses; granary; orchard of 80 young
apple trees; llneet kind of stock farm. Will
take stock or cash, Address L
10. UK) acres of nice laying raw land,
sell cheap for cash or trade for stook,
dress L care Journal.
11. 160apre farm; 120 aorcs farm land; 60
acres broken; comfortable bouse, stable,
sheds, yards, etc.; timber and running
water on place; one and a half miles from
school. $250 cash, two on time takes the
place if taken soon. Address D. M, care
13. 610 acres; 480 deeded land; 160 home
stead; house cost $SO0; barns, sheds, yards,
etc, running water; all fenced and cross
fences; 100 acres under plow, 1 mile from
school; 3 miles from postortico. Trice M.O00.
One half cash, balance on timo. Address A
care Journal.
14. 320 acres in a body, ICO deeded, 160
homestead; 8 miles from county scat; 45
acres under plow ; 80 acros fenced ; two frame
houses; stable; well; convenient to school.
Price 11,400, Address W care Journal.
15. A line farm of 4fl0 acres, 320 deedod, 1G0
homestead; good house; bank barn; cave;
well; 45 acres under plow; running water
and timber on place; throe-fourths of a mile
from school; all fenced. Price 2,000 il
takou soon. Address O care Journal.
IB. a good i arm 01 240 acros, 90 acres
nndor plow; 140 acres fenced; good frame
house, stables, yards, etc., three-fourths mile
from Catholic church, store and postomce;
one-half mile lrom school; running water
and timber on farm. This is a burgaiu at
tl ,500. Address J onro Journal,
17. 160 acres high rolling prairie land, 2Jf
miles from Harrison ; 20 aorcs under cultiva
tion ; good black soil. For prloe, torms, etc.,
address G care Journal,
18. 1(10 acres fine farming land four milos
from Montrose P. O. 15 acres under cultiva
tion. Will Sell cheap. For terms, etc, ad
dress G euro Journal.
19. 160 acres; 35 acres In cultivation.
Watered by creek. Almost perfectly lovel.
Native timber along creek. 9 miles from
Harrison ; black loam soil, best quality. A
bargain at 15.00 au acre. Address V care
SO. 160 aores of deedod land two miles
from Harrison. House, barn, well, windmill
and 85 acres broken. Price 1,200; ono-liull
cash. Address Z care Journal.
31. A hotel doing a good business; large
loe house and cooling room in connection.
Address Z care Journal,
82. A good-paying drug , business In a
county .- t-, railroad town'. A splendid
opiM. -i. in a, druggist with small ospltab
Address Z oar Journal.
Vye tiaye been
neve goods all
bee tfiem an(J buy
and we are here with an increased
Stock of Dry Goods, Hats Caps, Boots,
Shoes, etC. Hende oon's-Red School House" Shoes Will
Wear Well and Make the Children Happy,
Would be a good thing for the com
munity, but until we get one we will
sell Flour at lowest prices.
All Fresh and New, all Ready for Old and New Settlers at Lowest Living Prices.
Ii. GERLAOH, Prop.
Furniture, Window Shades, Pictures and
Wall Paper.
Undertaking goods embalming.
"Seeing is Believing."
And a good lamp
mutt be simple; when it is not simple it is
not good. Simtle. Beautiful. Coaith
I words mean much, but to see "The Rochester"
will impress the truth more foreihlv. All t,.,i
tough and seamless, and
ilu altolutelysaemd. unbreakable. Like Aladdin
or old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar
velous light is purer and briehter than
softer than electric light and
look ior miinauip-THi Rochutb. If theUmndester huttllu
Inrleuet from the llr, J aK. 3 cboico M.J
bijsy getting id
this week. Come)
what you need-'
C. Reed,
Crawford, Neb.
made in three
more cheerful than either.
CO., 4S Ptrk Ptaee, New Ye efc
.1 A
' I (j4i V-'d
u,bt .' Mil d' I iJf
ST.:. .f