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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1893)
u 7 ' ? v- -1 1 "i ii i ft. 0 r 11 '7 im ft T mm 1 r r 5 I I . I ... w, (n "German II I I Syrup" j vw:, cmeune iiawley, was, a with spitting blood, and she " if ?e very much alarmed, fearing Out dreaded disease, Consumption, ane tried nearly all kinds of medi onebut nothing did her any good. Finally she took German Syrupand he told me it did her more good n anything she ever tried. It vpi me blood, gave her strength ad ease, and a good appetite. I a it from her Avn line AT-.- irom her own lins t jury A. Stacey, Trumbull, Conu. Honor to German Syrup. g Every Month women suffer from oeruelln; tbty don't know who lo confide la to get proper advice. Boat confide la anybody bat try Dradfield's Fcaalo Regulator SmcMo. lor MMFUL. pnorusc ' scur I IBook sufie CaSTY, SUPPRESSED aaa IIIESULAR MENSTRUATION. to "WOMAN" mailed free. MAOFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Co. Id hf all DraaaUta. JOHN L. SULLIVAN. I aieuicai authority hns pronounced John L. Sullivan to he sick with heart t-.,ii 1 i - , 1 trouble and his death may occur at any , time. John says himself that lie has crowded seventy-five years of life into the last ten. "It is the pace that kills " j I'eople-cannot live in a reckless manner ! If they would escape disease. V.'iien i m a vanr llllM k HI mil UIIUI 1 1 ! developes into a grave matter but get a bottle of Beid's German Cough Kidney Cure and take it freely. If your druggist doe not keep it write your name ami address plainly on a postal card and send it to the Sylvan , Kernel' y Co, Peoria, 111., and we will send you a trial bottle by mail, free, of this great remedy. Mention the name of this paper. PROMPT, COOP WORK, Mr, Willft F. Took, Caiiaioharie, N. V., writ' s: " Awoke rm? morn it ir with excrut iatmj pjins in my shoulder. Tried various reliefs for sudden pains without cfiect ; "went to my ollice ; the pain t if came InsuiieraMt; ; went hoim- at u o'cluck ;ntl used ST. JACOBS OIL ', cAVct magical, pain ceased, and :it i o'clock went luvwrk; cure permanent. " I.n n.E Ratht., Wis. ,. ,. My.wile suflrrpil nilli such imetmr ncuralgii- p.iin in llic fuce, nIic tlmuf lit she' would di. bhe liatlied tier fate and head with ST Jr.rn rn and it un .1' her in tour hours. . BEWARE OF FRAUD. liri ana lOHinr ijon L'CjiLAH huiks. n pric Btampd n bottom. vrit 'III rln exelunlTO aale la afcoa dcalara s leru waearaeaar Mid erery where. V II Mil 91 1 1 AiMfa 1 1 wm aim y thj t - If isrx W 3 ssy n: 1 k f I tfiflXISTHEBirJe aaaata Wrlre for eaialovue. Knat rar aalela rear place aeaa direct ta Factarr, atatlaa Uaa elae and width waated. Poitage Free. W. L. DeB(lae Brockton, Mas. ui;driiilriii(rIbjots, C. WetKht, neatly boxed, 20 lbs. Xiiu.sand alruady In use. at APS AND TOGIA harnoa. Nosowlni nr. NTHAPfl BIUUI TO 'v ii luinot bUcked and creased, ready tomakn up at home, at less than r nrlona, HAVDaJWV HAJIIWABB,8nap, Burklrs, Loops. Hits, IUna rMiiiMrw, niuue vuanu oiapica, imvuh,cu-.( bx a Dir reduction, flltl C Cll tC rl oom, it 111 12, mid 15 els. J pair. Hame- WWbhW atraps so eacn. iba perck. Hitch Straps.Unea, ullera, Braattrana, etc, atromsporjdina: prloea. Many of these Snnds can be aentcbnaply and safely by mail. HOSIK IKON WORKER, ti flrstx-laaB kit of black fmlth tooUs at a rrtce low enouah to suit the ulnwst buyer. BOOTm OESINOI.DBRINO CASKET, erurythiiig-neonaaiT lor meodtnr Tinware. Price, 5 cents. Every tlilrur mentioned LoiwaW- Mara annre u niu-fuaea. oompiete anannutif aL no mm Oatalec AkbM WaavMU by rrtnrn mall, fall crlptlre clrcalan of MoODT-i iirurn 'aiLoa ititimi or ma osmaa. JfetrfjMt In tlntr. Thmi. onlv. am th nulMf AIMS OTiTIMI Invented anil rapyrlfhledbyraor.D.W.MOODT. Be ware of ImJlailons. Aay lady of ordi nary Inlelllscnm can cully and qnlca ly learn to cut and make any nrratnt, In any style, to any meaaura, for ladlea, men aadcblldren. Uarmenta guaran teed toflt perfectly without trylncon. Utnm atofeVV L CO. CI HCinik It . i rHi"iiiit o dead Miin eotti I - a P mi, lj.rCa.hloi... HTikwk-ni. rave rr.lIawn.uirww.-(. w rtt" p0" Ceaeatapil'ea and people who hare weak lunn or Aith ma, should una I'iao'sCare for Coni-uiptlon. It hat eared taeaeaada. It has not Injur ed one. It is not bad to take. i. It too beeteougaarrup. old ererrwDent. MaJa aflaaSlek. Old Lady "Don't you ever fel sick going up and down iu this elevator all day ?" Elevator B07 "Yes'm." Is it Urn motion of going down?" -Xo'm.'' "The motion of going up." "Nora." "The stopping?'' ".Win." "What is it I lien?" "The questions." The Most Pleasant Way Of preventing the grippe, colds, head aches, and fever is to use the liquid iaxative remedy Syrup of Tigs, when ever the system needs a if en tie. yet affective cleansing, lo be benefited one must eet the true remedy manu lattuieu by the California Fig Syrup o only. 1- or sale bv all druggists in ij"e. and fl bottles. II o A to Tell. lie -You can always tell when wiv;in has told all she knows about a piece wf neighborhood gossip. Slip How? He She concludes with, "i should be glad to tell you all about it, but mylips are suited Good poeple never love bad company Henry r.Hke, who died recently at N-hiiylerville, N. Y., ranked or one of the smallest men in the world. His aye was 37 years, he weighed 60 pounds, ami Ins height was 40 inches. IMPORTANT TO FLESHY PEOPLE Wh IiUVM IWitii-iaiH Q nunc ar-ti,.1 In 4 Was 1 Bosum Giohe 011 reducing weight at a copy to lietina Circulating Library, 38 K. Washington Street, Chicago, IIL ' Little. Jo'.iiuiie "Do cats like fruit cake?" Little Jick-"N"o." "Do rats and mice?" 'So. Why:" Aotiun: only there s some in our closet at home, where I can reach it 1 Wlsh pata or ri,,s ,,r something liked f r II it CHK4 I Tea of excellent flavor, and of I finality erjiial to some of the higher 'grades in China, is cultivated by Mrs. i Increase Summer, of Starke, Florida. She raises three crops a year. D E. FORISTALL. M. D., ami Ki i- Specialist, York, Xeb'r, Km 1 here are far more evictions in New York city than in the whole of Ireland Inlx'.iO'hc evictions in this city num bered SI. v.i.,; ii, mlund, during the same period. I hey were a little over 5.1 kid. CARL SCHEIBE. M 17. L. DOUGLAS GENTLEMEN. A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf, seamless, smooth inaide, more comfortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever soia at tne price, i, very style. Equals custom made shoes costing from $ 4 to $$. The following- are of the ' inic high standard of merit: $4.00 and $.eo Fine Calf. Hand -Sewed. aj.50 Folice, Farmers and lvetterarriera. j.go, 2.i5 and i.oo tor Working Men. , J.oo and $1.78 for Y .v.tli3 and Boys. 93.00 Hand-Sewed, l FOR 150 and j.oo rv.n;ola, t LADIES. .7S for Miss- XT IS A. BCiTT yon ow vonraalf w n ui oo Taioa lor yorji money. Boonomlsa tn your wMiwr uj paxonaauic w. 1. 1 aglaa Shoaa, whloh lapicant tba baat Tain at ma pnoaa aavartlaa 3 tnooaanoa aan toa- uir. 00 yon waar ani maeral aiercaaaia where I kaTe na . -uiu,- iHPUMnin 'V um Do Your Own Repairing Bv tisIruT Rootfa Howaehnld KepalrlUE Outfit tor half-fioffrja PbomandHnliFx - rs. Any one can use IU Price for making' and repairing, ail Drtnctnal Darts nimtite an A H fl with imp nlntt.. ri vta H1KB lP.any lunirthorwldta yonwant. ffOQT BROS.. MEDINA. OHIO. GOOD BOOK on csh find a first class location by ad dressing - NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER UOION, YORK, NKHR. WORTH If Send at UP.R.R.,1 DOUBLK THK MONIV. at once to Jon Beiutias, O. T. a. C. Ft. . Chlrajro. 111., and nml. mmIw. nlt e allekeet deck of earda you ever handled. raVie KM CENTS pw paok. la stamps or oMa. PARLY RISERS LHD Wltta Little! Karljr itTaers, the Famous Little Pll Is for CunMlmtion.ftlck Tfead aoaa.Dyspepala.NoKaasea.KoPaln.rery Small. K. Hf. V. Ko. m 3 Tork, Neb. vhicn tntrroio to adtcrtiskbs, ilt-fi ptt"' "w ssa Cured cough left after lung fever, with two bottles. Mrs. Lizzie JJurns. Jiarclay, Sangamon Co.. IiL, writes a follows: "i think lr. Hull's Cough Syrup is truly an excellent remedy ior coughs left from lung fever, as two bottles entirely cured my daughter." Washington News: "Did yo enjoy yourself in the country, Johnny ? 1011 net, and the funniest thing 1 su was the lured man nnmiikimr the cows. JSew postoffices to the number o 4,105 have been established ' in tin- United States during the past vear This country now has 67,119 postoflices Wife, to her husband I sav, my dear how badly the tailor has put this but ton on your waistcoat! This is the fifth time I have had to sew it on agaii ItorGH. Wintry. t'irAvfiiJtRr.i Weatheu, produces Catarrhs, Coughs, xsisuruera 01 me LUMPS, etc wnlcl jayues r.xpectorant promptly cures n laiuiiuny administered. T 1 . . . , xtucuesior jremocrai: J he reason the piano is such a sympalheiic in strument is because it is gie.ui touched every time it is touched. Indianapolis Journal: "isn't von husband going to Florida or hi health this winter r""o. 1 piirsu;t;l -him to invest the moiiey in iiistiianc. on his life." Just three tenths of a second is u,t iimu icijuireu ior a signal to inrougli the Atlantic cable, a distant--of 2,700 miles. x miaueipuia jtecora: A recent 1l.:i..ii.: . . novel says of one the characters: "He was as gaudy as a red man with the blues." !):.. ,i t . iiugiiaiuuiu jeauer: wnen a man has a boil he is in a position to keep his family iu hot water. Throat Diseases commence with U)la, Uough, or over-fatiguing the voice. These symptoms (which if neglected, often result in a chron c trouuie 01 tne throat) are allayed by the usuof "if mum's Bronchial Troches" Somerville Journal: The first electrical storage battery is believed to have been the ordinary tabby cat. Atchison Globe: There are so many things to make a man tired that he never feels more than half well. Disease is unnatural and is but the proof thai we are abusing Nature. It is claimed that (iarlield Tea, a simple herb remedy, he'us Nature to overcome this abuse. For a wager, Sain Lawrence, of Tonesboro', Teim., drank six beer- glasses of whisky. He soon after fell in a fit, and died. Labor troubles are often cause bv men who are trying to make a livitn without work. There is no sweeter music in heaven from a than the song that goes up grateful heart. The man who borrows trouble : ways has to pay big interest. A man with a prejudice is a man with a chain. - Emin Tasha ha3 been killed again: this time by Manyemi savages, near the Ituti river. .a. lunerai recently took place in an English town which the mourners attended on bicycles. I.IKE A THIEF IX THE NIGHT, Con sumption comes. A slight cold, with yonr system in tne seroiui- ,ous condition that's caused by impure blood. is enough to fasten . upon you. That is the time when neglect and delay are full of danger. Consumption is i.une prevent it, and vou can cur it, if you haven't waited too lone, with Mr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That is the most potent blood-cleanser, strength restorer, and flesh-builder that's known to medical science. For every disease that has to De reac-nea tnroueb the blood, lute (Jon Humption, for Scrofula in all its forms, Weak Luncs. Bronchitis. Asthma, and all severe. lingering Coughs, it is the only guaranteed remedy, if it doesn't benefit or cure, you nave your money back. The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy know that their medicine perfectly and permanently cures Catarrh, lo prove it to you, they make this offer: If they can't cure your Catarrh, no matter what your case is, they'll pay vou aouu in cash. , Small. ffeadaclm an,l Cnit,tlu..n- a( in Mk bottle. Price 800. t or sale uy drucnisl. ricture "7, IT, 70" at f. tHITH A CO ana sample done free. frnorlttort, HtW tOUK. Garfiold Too Curm OoneMpftUotit UwioitMi Complexion, bi Cures SickHeadache OPIID UtoTphlae TfaMt Cared la It) toaudaya. No pay tllleoreaa DR.dilTaPrian, Leoaaofl.oai. my I CURE. 1 ,0S?p,.,1; O1 Cramp, ftm Throat. Sold by all Drusriets aa a Ouaraassa, rora Ltm Side, BaskrChMlhnah'iTaaaj PUatar will (ire (real laiiafaciiaa. t , we tw",uaw itmirry asm HEADACHE AND EYE STRAIN l'lie Latter Urten Die Cause or the r'oriiici What to Avoid. Eye strain should be the first thought suggested by any complaint of headache, for in our day and civil ization it is by far the most common cause of that symptom, says a recent writer in th Scientific American. It enters as a factor into the causation of nearly all headaches not due to pyrexia, toxo-mla or dis-asos of the I. ram or its membranes. The simpi existence, inereiore, snould sugtf st eye strain, but frequently a caiefu inquiry as to the manner and time of occurrence of the attack and the loca tion of the severest pain will be al- mostconclusive as to the origin of the trouble. Often it comes on whenever the eyes are used, and is absent when the eyes have had a proper season oi rest. The occasions of most severe re quirement in the direction of eye work are the doin; of -anything re-julnn-,' accurate near vision, taxing both the accommodation and the convergence, or traveling, shopping, attendance at public gatherings, which entail more use of the eve than the patient is at the time conscious of, and often un h-r unfavorable conditions. In hyperopia in young people, the accommodation is in excessive use sr long as the eyes are open and the at tention fixed on any visible object, and hyperopia is the most common cause of constant headaches. The writer was formerly su'iject to a con stant headache whenever confined tc the house, and regarded it as caused by breathing vitiated air, until it was quite cured by the correction of hi- hyperopia astigmatism. Many persons have the same idea as to the causation of the headaches they always experience when attend inur the theater or other places of pumic amusement, ana which arc really due to eye strain. Ot hers as cribe these headaches, and those ex perienced in traveling and shopping, to exhaustion. This is nearer the truth, only they commonly have in mind a condition of general exhaus tion, whcieas it is largely one of local exhaustion of the special nervous ap paratus concerned in the act of see ing. Congestion, irritability or inflam mation of the eves and their append ages, should always suggest the sus picion of eye strain. A single attack or manifestation of this kind has no luclal significance, but repeated at tacks of inflammation, or prolonged congestion, or irritability are exceed ingly suggestive of a continuing cause, cind the most common of these is the one now under discussion. So case of chronic inflammation of the mar gins of the lids, or of recurring con- unctivitis, or repeated sties has jus tice done to it until it has been care fully investigated for eye strain. Persons at the period when they icgin to feci the effects of the loss of lccommodation in presbyopia, or ab- olute hyperopia suffer from repeated attacks of conjunctivitis, which they commonly ascribe to "taking cold in the eyes," but which are cut short by use of the appropriate lenses, and which, if unchecked, would tend to es tablish a chronic catarrhal condition, which is a chief discomfort in the ives of many people. A strange thing with reference tc eye strain is that it often exists to an exceptional degree without showing ny symptoms in the eye. The pa tient will often say that the eves are perfectly good and have never caused any irritation. The reflexes seem tc have settled in some other place. This is an interestinc nat,hnlniriri and physiological question. Mistaken J'leasantry. 'in selling goods," said a success ful canvasser, "you must not be con tent with selling to the people whe .vant them; you must persuade th( rest to want them also." Many s crafty salesman feels that the secret of success lies in describing his goods so that they shall seem "all things tc all men." and woe be to the innoceni and jocose buyer who brings down upon himself the flood of such 8 man's pertinacity. Says a traveler it Malta "Going to the quay, we made oui passage by energetic pushing through the lines of vendors of cigars, to bacco, lace, oranges, and sponges. One man, with canaries in cages, stopped us at the water's edge with "'Want a canary, sir?' " 'Are they for eating?' I asked him, to get rid of his importunity, and in a spirit of Mark Twain jo cosity. " '.No, no! They are for singing. " 'Ah, if that's what they're foi we don't want them.' "A brilliant thought struck th man, and he bolted after us shotti ng "'es, yes! They are for eating. ery good pie! Buy the lot?' "Leaving his cages in charge, of ar assistant, he made off to tell the ca nary venaors tnac nere was a mar who ate canaries, and might buy al! there was in Malta, and a tine tim we had with cages until we steamed away." The Ol.le.t Town In (lie World. Damascus, witn very tood reason. claims to be the oldest town or ciM in the world. Damascus remain! what it was before the days of Abra ham, a center of trade and travel, at island of verdure in the desert, with martial and sacred associations ex tending through thirty centuries. Ac cording to Joscphus, Damascus wa; founded by Uz, tho son of Aram ami grandson of Shctn It is first men tloned in Scripture in connection will Abraham, whose steward was a na tive ot that place (Genesis xv:2). Little Girl I wonder what's th Reason all our school-teachers go an get married? Littlo Boy I guess it'.1 'cause they likes to boss. Royal Baking Powder. THE GOVERNMENT TESTS ESTABLISH ITS ABSOLUTE SUPERIORITY. (Data from the lattst Official U. S. Government JUfert on Baking Powders. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin j. page jga.) Royal is placed first of the cream of tartar powders, actual strength, 160.6 cubic inches of leavening gas per ounce of powder. Every other powder tested exhibited a much lower strength than the Royal, the average being 33 per cent. less. Every other powder likewise showed the presence of alum or sulphuric acid. The claim that this report shows any other powder ot su perior strength or purity has been denounced as a falsehood by the Government officers who made the tests. Avoid all baking powders sold with agift or prize, or at a lower price than the Boyal, as they invariably contain alum, lime or sul phuric acid, and render the food unwholesome. Careful Marketing. Lady-'ls this celery fresh!" Dealer "Yes'm." "Ileal fresh?" "Yes'm." "Just in?" 'Yes'm." "Is it crisp?" "Ves'm." "Are you sure it's all right?" "Yes'm." "Where did you get it?" "From a market gardener, mum." "Today?" "Yes'm." "This morning?" "Yes'm." "How much is it?" "Ten cents a bunch" "Isn't that rather high?" "Xot at this season." "I've got it here lately for less." "That was small, and rather green." "Can you send it up?" "y-es'm." "In time for dinner ?" "Oh, yes'm." "Just break off a piece and let me try it." 'Yes'm. Here is some." ' Humph! It isn't nice at all. It's whithered." "Well, mun, it's a good while since vou asked if it was i'resh." Isew Y'ork Weekly. Herbert: I love vou. darling. Do you think you could some time return my love? Grace: You can have it back right now; I have no use ior it. Inter Ocean. Mother Horrors! You naughty boy! You've been fighting." Little Son "No'm." "How did your clothes get torn, and your face get scratched?" "I was trying to keep a bad boy from hurting a good little boy." "That was noble. Who was the good littlelboy?" "Me." Mr. Hobbs (at the theatre) Humph! Wish to goodness they would elevate the stage. Mrs. Hobbs Why, dear? Mr. Hobbs (dodging about to see through the theatre hat in front) Then a fellow could see it. News Record. Dashaway 1 hear, Bobbie, that you got a train of cars for Christmas and they had an accident. Tell me all about it. Bobbie I cant say a word. You see I am one of the oliicers of the road. -Ex. Little Son "I wish bicycles had been invented when you were a boy." Father (an influential citizen) Why so, my son?" Little Son "Cause we'd had good roads by this time. Proffessor "Keep your eyes on the notes. Don't look at your fingers." Fair Pupil The idea! How would I ever know whether I was striking chords or discords ?" Eastern Young Sunday-school Teacher. Jf ow boys, what must we all do to go heaven. The sixty-fourth wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bnffmai. was recently celebrated in Amity, Oregon. Visitor: "How does this land lie out this way?" Native: "It ain't the land that lies sir; its the land agents." Philadelphia Kecord. In ancient days nearly alt Grecian maidens dressed in white. Any other color was considered immodest. In the twelfth century gloves With separate lingers were first seen. Because a man has a first-class sitting in a church is no reason why lie should be careless as to his standing. Yonkers Statesman. A second street dry-goods dealer advertises the strange iact that his stock of handkerchiefs is not to be sneezed at Philadelphia Record. Biddle: "What makes you think there has been a hitch in their friend ship?" Belle: "Didn't I see the traces of tUK?" Chicago Inter-Ocean. Mamma Johnnie why dont you try and have as nice table manners as Henry Jones? Well,' 'cause I'ml at home and he's a visitin'. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Mr. O'Rafferty-And what did your brother think wos the rale cause of his death? Mr. Duffy Me brother never knew the rale cause of his death as no inquest was held on him. Texas Sittings. Constance: Uiss Plaice is very active in charitable work. Clare: Is she indeed? Constance: Yes.' She has just established a society for sending flowers to criminals. Truth. African King: Where did you get those strange things? Subjects: A white man was cast ashore down be low there.. Just before we finished him be said he belonged to a tribe called the "Four Hundred." Puck. First boy: No sir: you don't catch me shamming off sick to stay home from school and get all doped np with caster oil and such stuff. Second Boy: Oh, I'm all right on that. We're homoepaths at our house. Life. The Scotish peerage consists of eighty-seven members; of whom from forty-nine are also peers of England or Great Britain, while three are peers of Ireland. The German imperial commission on cholera has announced that ' wine claret or hock will kill the bacilli of cholera in a few minutes. Tea will kill them in an hour. Professor Huxley never used tobacco until he was 40, and he gave it up at CO. But during those twenty years of indulgence he smoked hard enough to make up for lost time. A daughter of the noted Parson Brownlow lives in Knoxville, Tenn. Her name is Anna Patrick, and she is said to be a woman of remarkable force of character. M. Tan on is the successor of M. Quesnay de Beaurepaire as proucureur general at Paris, and consequently th directing spirit of the judicial investi gation of the Panama scandal. William Woolsey of St Paul bas a mouthful of trouble to bother him. He is asked to show cause why bits Sunday store teeth should not be sold! at auction to pay the dentist's bill.) They are actually talking in Washington of pensioning Jefferson Davis' widow; not, however, for his services to the confederacy, but on account of his imprisonment in the Mexican war. Patriotic Frenchmen in Alsace Loraine, who are rash enough to shout' 'Vive la France!" are arrested, and each fined twenty marks. The latest bonanza in Fairhaven, Washington, is a coal vein extending through an area of 1,000 acres, and promising an estimated production of 10,000,000 tons of coal. The tiger makes short work of the buffalo in Sumatra. Therefore, to avoid its enemy, the buffalo rests at night in the river, with only its nose aud horns above the surface. Wild geese avoid the vicinity ot Sherman, Oregon, in daytime, ltd only approach the neighborhood in the night. They have been so much hunted there that they have become cautious. Telegraphic communication will soon be established between Denmark and Sweden. . Spain is to have a 1200,000 building at the World's Fair. The dimensions are to be 130 by "5 feet. - Some of the Australian aboriftaes dine heartily on butterflies, millions of which they devour every year. First Boy "Is that a good watch dog?" Second Boy "No." "Good bird-dog?" "Nope." "Good for rabbits?" "Nopy." "Knows some tricks, maybe?'' "Nixie." . ,.: 'What is he good for?" "Nawthin, only to take prices at doc shows." Street & Smith's Good New i ; r A Vi A, . . .