The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 22, 1892, Image 4

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    Giaat'rtCauMway in Ireland.
The Giant's Causeway is situated
it the northern extremity of County
Antrim, a short distance from Post
Kush, Ireland, says the St. Louis Re
public. It consists of countless hosts
or besaltic pillars, varying in shape
from a pentagon to an octagon, the
average length of each column or pil
lar beingabout eighty feet the whole
stacked so eloseiy together that a
knife blade could hardly be inserted
between them.
But the formation of these pillars
is not the least wonderful part about
them, for, although they may be
counted by thousands and tens of
thousands, each column is fashioned
with a symmetry that suggests a ma
son handiwork. Their composition
is a perfect fusion of one-half flinty
earth, one-quarter lime and clay, and
one-quarter almost pure iron each
pillar being divided into regular
lengths or joints which come together
as a perfect natural ball and socket
union. Although to be found in small
detachments (imbedded in cliffs
sands, eta ) for some distance along
the shore, the principal aggregations
forming the causeways proper consist
of three projections or tongues known
as Little, Middle, and Grand cause
ways. These singular columns are of dif
ferent lengths, as has already been
hinted, and present an astonishing
appearance as they stand, an army, of
at least 40, 000 strong, marshaled on
the shores of Erin as if ever ready to
do battle with the rising tide. One
portion of this marvelous natural
freaK is known as '-Lord Antrim's
Parlor;" other sections by such names
as "The Giant's Chimnev," "The
Giant's Head." "The Nursing Child,"
'Hen and Chickens," "The Priest
and His Flock," besides many other
mysterious combinations which are at
once fantastic, wierd, and descrip
tive. One of the most interesting feat
ures of the causeway, and one which
I had almost neglected to mention, is
"The Giant's Organ." This huge
"instrument" consists of a groupe of
pillars of various lengths set apart on
the side of the main cliff. The
larger columns being in the center
and the smaller ones tapering off on
cither side, after the fashion of organ
pipes, admirably sustain the idea
which the name "Giant's Organ" con
veys. - Fight With a Panther,
In the early part of this century
' Jairus Rich was a famous hunter of
Alexandria, New York. Once when
his traps were set for wolves, he
went out on a tour of inspection, and
was surprised to see a panther spring
up and bound away with one of the
traps hitched to its hind leg. He,
Hred, but missed, and the creature
made off into, the thicket. Jairus
went to a neighbor's, borrowed a dog,
and returned to the woods.
As he neared the place where , the
entrapped brute had disappeared, his
luick eye detected a panther's head
protuding from some bushes a few
rods ahead. lie took hasty aim,
fired, and the creature fell dead.
Examination revealed the fact that
this was not the panther in the trap,
and the excited barking of the dog a
few rods in advance showed that
other game was near. Leaving the
dead panther he hurried on, and
soon came in sight of the entrapped
beast which stood at bay snarling
fiercely at the dog, which kept a safe
distance. '
Mr. Rich flred at the panther, but
only wounded it slightly. In the ex
citement of the moment he threw
down his gun, seized his hatchet and
ran forward, thinking to make short
work of his game; but in that he
was mistaken. The panther made a
sudden spring, knocked the hatchet
from the hunter's hand, and furious
with rage ana pain, oegan tearing
and biting him. -
Rich defended himself to the best
of his ability, but there was no get
ting away from the tierce animal. A
fearful struggle ensued,, and finally
the panther got one of the hunter's
hands in his mouth.
With his free hand, Rich succeeded
in getting his jack-knife from his
pocket lie opened it with his
teeth, and with it put an end to the
life of Ifhe ugly brute.
Then he crawled to ',tbe nearest
house, where his wounds were cared
for. It was several weeks before he
was able to leave his bed, and the
scars of the conflict he bore to the
. Dogn lu the MuHimlinan Capital.
The dogs of Constantinople form a
class of as much importance as other
Asiatic races, says a correspondent of
theChurch Union. The Europeans
have used their influence backed by
money, to destroy these dogs, either
bv killing or by banishing them; but
the Turks from the humblest ser
vant who divides his crust with
them, to the imperial sultan, who has
them fed from his palace shows an
affection for them which is surpris
ing. The dogs live in communities
of six, eight, or tea, and each set ap
propriates to itself a certain section
of from one to three squares. The
most intelligent dog seems to be
president or commander of the group.
They are very friendly with all the
inhabitants who live in their special
locality, while they show no recogni
tion to those who pass along their
highway if they do not reside there.
They guard their ground and do not
Allow any other dog to Intrude. I
(toticea one stray aog wmcn came
around the corner, thereby Infringing
on the other dogs territory; he wis
attacked at once, and barely escaped
with bis life.
These dogs have no especial owner
ch block or square having 1U own
jrroap of doga. They seem to know
wry m' womb, and child
&m tsrttwfchbortood, and their
trl ITT whenever aar of these
tr; "J C-r cnruee. I remember
coming through one of the narrow I
streets late one night, and as it was i
quite warm 1
coat and hat
to bark, then
followed suit.
suddenly took off my
One dog commenced
another, and another
The guide told me I
must put on my hat. as the dogs had
recognized that I was a foreigner and
that thev were evidently displeased
at my attempt to go through their
principality in my shirt sleeves. I
took the advice of the guide and the
howl of the dogs ceased.
An Old Timer.
'Do I know Bill R.? Well, Ishould
smile Rill of our Ixiyhood days? He
was alwavs up to mischief was Rill.
I'll never forget some of his trick
while 1 can sense anything. I re.
member one time we were standing on
the banks of the Erie Canal in York
State, 'way back in the 40's watching
the slow boats creep past AVe were
chums. Rill and me, and always on
the lookout for mischiefat least Rill
was. As we stood there we saw a
green country boy wandering down
the towpath. As he passed us Rill
followed up and I knew at once there
was fun ahead, said he:
"Watch me, Tom, and see me throw
that greenhorn into the canal!"
"You'll get there yourself," I cau
tioned him.
"Say, there," called Rill to the
youth, "where are you going?"
"i )ver to I'tica," answered the boy,
without looking around.
"Why don't you cross the canal
! here?" asked Rill.
"Wud if I cud," grumbled the rus
tic, "but th' canawl's too wide to
jump an' ther'ain't no bridge."
"I'll throw you across," said RilL
"You cawn't," says the youth,
"Iiet you a York shilling I can,"
says Rill.
"I'll take that," says the gauky.
The money was put up with me.
Rill took a good hold of the fellow,
gave him a mighty swing and shot
mm into tne miauie oi ine canai,
where he sprawled and sputtered, and
finally climbed out on the other side.
"You didn't do it," he yelled across,
"gimme my money!"
"Come back and get it!'' hollered
The fellow sat down and wept, and
I suggested to Rill we might tie the
money to a stone and throw it across,
which we did. But as wc saw the
poor yokel trudging off down the tow
path, we concluded we had our money's
worth of fun and we had.
He was a JScoumlrel. j
A German Jew who keeps a pawn-1
broker's shop in Sidney, is blessed !
with one daughter, who now and '
then keeps shop while her father at-1
tends sales on the lookout for bar-:
gains. During the temporary ab-
sence of old Moses recently, a meek
looking Chinaman walked into the'
shop and asked Rachel to show him
some "welly good watches." j
Rachel handed down four from th e
shelf at the end of the counter, I
marked respectively "fifty dollar'
watch," "forty dollar watch,"
dollar watch, "and "ten dollar watch,"
and arranged them in a line on the
counter in the order of their value.
John inspected them, and taking
advantage of Rachel's momentary
inattention, slipped the ten dollar
watch into the place occupied by the
forty dollar watch, and handed over
a ten dollar note, saying:
"I takee cheapee watchee." "
Shortly afterward Rachel detected
the swindle, and sought refuge in
tears. On the return of old Moses
she related the misadventure with
many protestations of comrcrn.
'Never mind, mine tear," said the
father, with a dry chuckle, "close
vatches were all de same brice s: .
dollars; but vat a scoundrel dot
Schinaman must pe, don't he?"
A Story of lleaile.
Alexander Dumas, the younger, in
his recently published utterances in
connection with audiences, first night
cabals, prejudiced critics, and the lost
art of hatred, irresistibly reminds
his readers of our own Charles Reade.
Roth combined a wild intemperance
of invective with the most charitable
and amiable disposition. A friend
once called on Charles Reade and
found him sitting at his desk placidly
smiling, while with great precision
and deliberation he inscribed his
thoughts on a sheet of foolscap in a
large schoolboy text
He might have been writing a love
letter, he seemed so happy. He was
in reality scarifying a "criticaster" in
language that made his friend's hair
stand on end. Charles Matthews was
fond of tellinga'story of Charles Reade
when the curtain fell at the old
Queen's Theater on a pronounced
failure called "A White Lie." Thefe
was no shadow of a call. The curtain
divided the audience from the author,
who stood on the stage shaking his
fist at the invisible foe, still smiling
blandly, and in melifluous accents,
saying: "infernal idiots! when shall
I teach you to respect Charles j
iichdc?" -
Knew a Preubjrterian at Night.
Blood tells; so docs training. The
well-known Breckinridge' family of
Kentucky, representatives of which
have been in public life for many
yean, are most of them Presbyterians.
The other day Gen. Joseph C. Breck
inridge met a stranger on the street,
who, after looking at him for a mo
ment, said: "What is the chief end
of man?" In an instant the General
replied: "Man's chief end is to glor
ify uod and enjoy Him forever." The
two shook bands warmly, and the
stranger said: "I knew you were a
Presbyterian, for I can tell one as far
as I can see him. "Boston Congro
Rationalist. . A maw cannot get along in this
world without a fair allowance of
cheek. Then are times when a pre
ponderance of atn will serve him as
HIi Fearful Vengeaaec
"On a train, down in Indiana re
cently, said the drummer as he lit, a
fresh cigar and handed several
around, "I was on a crowded passen
ger coach and next to me sat a wild
eyed looking man with what I
thought was a gun in his pocket He
twisted around nervously for a few
minutes after I had sat down beside
him and at last he turned to me.
" 'You see that woman up thar in
the forrud eend of the car,' he said,
that un with the green dress on and
a slim feller settin' alongside of her?'
'She sat about ten seats aheaa of
us and was in reality a conspicuous
object so I could not deny seeing
her. I nodded and he went on:
" 'Well, she's my wife.'
" 'Why aren't you up there with
" 'She's 'lopin',' he said briefly.
" 'You mean she's running away
with the man lcside her.'
" That's the size of it, mister.'
Well, now that you have caught
j the guilty c;up!e 1 suppose
you will
punish them severely
"He pulled his revolver out and I
became exceedingly nervous.
" 'That loolcs like it might be
enough, don't it?' he usked, with an
ugly glivter in hM eye.
"I 'did n't know whether to call the
conductor or what to da
".'You will donothingdespcrate on
the cars in the presence of the pas
sengers!' I said soothingly.
"Ho looked at his revolver and
tried the hammer once or twice.
"You think this might settle it,
don't you?" he repeated.
"As it was about two feet long
with a hole in it like a tunnel, I
could not doubt its efficacy, and said
" 'I'm goin' to have vengeance,' he
said in a hoarse whisper, "on that
cuss and he'll never forget it.'
'With that?' I asked, nodding
; toward the gun
" 'No," he said, putting It away,
much to my relief, 'but with some
thin' a heap sight worse,' and I ex
pected to see him draw a knife with
a saw-edge and hooks on the point
C "What are you going to do?" I In
quired with a fainthope that the con
ductor would come along in time to
prevent a panic and bloodshed.
" 'Let him have her,' ho said with
such a powerful sense of satisfied
justice in this tone that I almost
laughed right in his face.
"He got off at the next station
without having been seen by the run
aways, and when 1 had got a look at
the woman and heard her voice, I was
almost sorry I had not let the merci
ful revolverdo its work." Free Press.
An Official Cat.
It isn't every cat that has the f d
fortune to come into a settled in
come, but that pleasing distinction
from the rest ot his -race Is enjoyed
by an animal attached to the pro
duce exchange staff. He has had
the job of looking after the mice and
rats on the hiir exchnnue floor i ver
j sjnC0 his kittenhood, and he is now
: very nearly a full-grown rat. and a
sizable one as well. Grain samples
are sure to attract the rodent, and
j the produce exchange did not secure
! exemption from their visits. Traps
were tried with some success, but the
relief thus obtained was only tempo
rary, and it was finally decided to re
sort to a cat. To secura one which
would not run away at the first op
portunity, it was deemed wise to ob
tain a kitten, which, having no ex
perience of the delights of midnight
battles on back fences, would be sat
isfied to get along without them. The
theorv ot this has proven to be cor
rect The cat never leaves the main
floor of the building, ana apparently
is satisfied with the hunting ground
it offers, spending the nights there
with praiseworthy regularity. At 9
o'clock each morning hcgives up busi
ness and seeks rest in a carpeted cor
ner of the superintendent's olllce.
When the gong rings at 3 o'ciocl to
warn the broker that the exch: ige
day is over the cat starts out to pa
trol his beat, making a leisurely cir
cuit of the hall and completing it
about the time that the last strag
glers are disappearing. lie is a good
hunter, and eclipses the achieve
ments of the traps, his presence on
the floor at night having resulted in
rendering the rats and mice far less
of a nuisance than they were, l is
pay comes in the shape of regular ra
tions, while a polished metal collar
about his neck shows that he is the
"official" cat of the exchange. New
York Times.
A Proud WelKh Hoy.
A proud Welsh hoy at. school, hear
ing that an English duke employed
six men cooks during the period that
he kept open house, or rather open
castle in the North, sneered at the
alleged magnificence.
"My father does better than that,"
said Grilllth-ap-Jones: "at our very
last party before I lefoCmydrdlmnynd
dryd we had twenty-four men cooks.
all employed in dressing the supper."
This would have gone down easily,
and Grifllth-ap-Jones would have es
tablished his paternal magnificence
for ever, had not a companion of an
inquiring turn of mind discovcrea the
real state of the case, and announced
to his school-fellows that, although
the Welshman had spoken truly, the
company at the supper to which he
alluded consisted of twenty-four of
his near-relations and that every man
toasted nis own cheese!
Hot nattering to
France possesses a capital In which
it Is said more murders take place in
six months than occur in London,
Berlin and Vienna together In twice
that length of time, but altogether
more murders take place In the United
States than any other country.
BnMto beautiful it
Inf. J
the least of be-
Us Catches aail (outi It with Much SklQ
and Little Labor.
The tramp has an ingenious way of
obtaining a chicken, says the w
Y'ork World. He must avoid all
poise. The slightest cackling on the
part of the bird would be fatal to his
He proceeds to get a stick about
ten feet long, to the end of which lie
binds a crosspiece, making a rudo
perch. Then, stationing himself un
der a tree in which the chickens are
roosting, he picks out his particular
bird and gently brings his perch up in
front of her.
If the fowl does not step on at once
he rubs his perch gently up and down
against her breast until she Anally
steps on and promptly goes to sleep
again. The tramp shoulders the Mick
and marches up the road out of hear
ing distance of the house.
How many people, after a raid or
their henroost by the tramp in the
dead of night, stop to thinks how he
cooked his chicken? If they give the
matter a thought at all they suppose
he will start a small Are and broil it
Rut he will do nothing of the kind.
In fact, it would be impossible for
him to do so without removing the
feathers, and, as that would require a
little labor, of course it would not bo
His kitchen utensils consist gener
ally of a broken knife and a tin cup.
With his knife he will kill and clean
the chicken in very much the same
way any housewife would, except that
he will make the opening in the beast
much smaller. His seat of operations
will be on the bank of some little
brook, where he will build a fire.
Then comes the part which he thor
oughly dislikes, for he must work.
He makes a very thin paste of clay
and water, and taking a handful com
mences to rub it well over the chicken,
feathers and all.
After this is well worked in he
takes another handful of a little
thicker paste and rubs Hover the first
layer. So he continues, each layer be
ing about an eighth of an inch thick,
until he has a coating of two or three
inches all over the bird, and it re
sembles a huge mud ball. Then he
heaves a sigh of relief, for his labor
as completed.
Notbijig further is necessary but to
put the "mud ball" In the fire, and
in about twenty minutes it is trans
formed into a savory meal. When
the chicken is done the clay is baked
like a brick. After cracking it, it
peels off, carrying with it the feath
ers and skin, leaving the chicken
smoking and white, a delicious mor
sel .1
Antics or a Lemur.
No beast that I ever saw Is moie
fond of play than our little Malagasy,
not even a playful kitten. From the
moment his door was opened till he
was shut in for the night he gave his
mind to a constant succession of
pranks. He scraped the beads off our
dress trimmings with his sharp teeth,
and he slapped or pulled books or
work out of our hands, and especially
liked to frolic In one's lap, lying on
his back kicking with all fours, pre
tending to bite, and turning somer
saults or indulging in the most pe
culiar leaps. In the latter he flung
out his arms, dropped his head on one
side in a bewitching way, turned half
around in the air, and came down in
the spot he started from, the whole
performance so sudden, apparently so
involuntary, and Ms face so grave all
the time, it seemed as if a spring had
gone off inside, with which his will
had nothing to do.
A favorite plaything with the lemur
was a window shade. He began by
jumping ub to the fringe, seizing it
and swinging back and forth. One
day he learned by accident that he
could set it off, and then his extreme
pleasure was too snatch at it with
such force as to start the spring,
when he instantly let go and made
one bound to the . other side of the
room, or to the mantel, where he sat,
looking the picture of innocence,
while the released shade sprang to
the top and went over and over the
rod. We could never prevent his car
rying out this little program, and we
drew down one shade only to have
him slyly 6et off another the next in
stant, if he is not caught in the act
An Intelligent Cut.
A motherly-looking cat was calmly
sitting on the curb of Reekman
street, IN ew York, watching the an
tics of her four kittens, which were
rolling about at play. Suddenly one
of them wandered away toward a
large paper bag that was flu Iter! ng
in the wind on the walk. Nosing
around the bag he presently espied
an opening, into which he crawled.
The attention of his fellows was soon
directed to the new attraction, and
the four kittens quickly found them.
selves housed in this unusual domi
cile. The old cat, which kept an eye
all the time on the maneuvers of her
progeny, walked toward the baf
looked within its interior, and.secing
her kittens at rest, picked up the
parcel with her teeth, and, walking
down the street, disannea rrvl f n a
nauway wnn the bag and her tots
The fumes an exhalations from the
sulphur springs of Colorado can be
distinguished at a distance of fully
1 11 I . ..
"iiict. j ne peculiarly pun
gent smells resulting from bush and
prairie flres may bo perceived at a dis
tance of thirty miles or more. The
delicious perfumes of the forests of
Ceylon Js carried by the wind twenty
fle miles out to sea, while In font
weather travelers 100 miles from the
land have recognized their proximity
to the coast of Columbia by the sweet
smeh brought to them on a breeu
from the shore.
Bow Thieve
Ki Grain-LatU-a Tari In
T run tit.
1 could afford to give a great man v
iollars to charitable institutions each
year if I had tbe grain that is stolen
while in transit in the United States,'
remarked Renin Clark, a grain oper
ator, from Fargo, N. D., and then he
read a communication Irom a farmer
in South Dakota, who told how he
had shipped l.Oou bushelsnct of grain
and by the time it had reached Buf
falo and tbe exhorbitant warehouse
tolls had been paid to the combine,
the grain netted him S2:!5.
"Aside from the heavy warehouse
drain and storage charges and the
natural and allowable shrinkages,
that grain, I dare say, lost many
bushels by theft," continued the Far
go man. "tine of the most ingeni
ous, and at the same time the hardest
to detect, plans of stealing grain fr m
cars in transit is the boring process
great numbers of complaints are daily
received at terminal ixiints about the
ravages of 'borers.' "
How is the boring process per
formed?" "You know that it is almost an im
possibility to move a car of wheat
from a Western point to an Eastern
market and keep the car going con
tinuallythat is, It has to be switched
frcm one road's yard to another, and
very often when a congestion occurs
it frequently remains for hours on a
lonely side-track. There is where the
borer gets his opiwrtunity.
"As it is im)ossible to watch each
house in a great city continuously for
a night, so it is impracticable for a
railroad company to watch each car
on a side-track. The borer is gene
rally a poor fellow who lives near the
track and who keeps poultry and per
haps cows. To sneak up to a freight
train, glide beneath the car. bore an
inch hole in the floor and till several
bags from the down-pouring stream
of grain is a safe task. Railroad men
might pass and repass without ol
serving the 'borer,' who might easily
conceal himself behind a truck.
Should a man attempt to break a seal
and force open a door the chances are
that he would be detected. The bor
ing process is safer.
"The depredations of those borers
are becoming so alarming that the
railroad companies have in many
cases doubled their forces of watch
men. Strenuous efforts are put forth
to capture these marauders and make
examples ot them. The shippers
would not kick so hard if the borers
would content themselves with tak
ing a bag or two of grain from each
car, but when they drill into a load,
fill a few bags and leave without
plugging up the auger-hole the grain
leaks out anc is scattered along the
tracks for miles. With an inch-hole
in the floor one ciin approximate the
leakage from a thirty-lli'iusand-pound
load. It would be enormous on a
trip of 100 miles.
Careful car repairers are detailed to
watch for these leaky cars, and by
this species of precaution the poor
shipper is often saved many a dollar.
Fortune often comes to the rescue
when the car's cargo happens to be
oats or corn, as the grain is apt to
clog up and thereby stop the leakage.
Between this evil and the octopus
that controls the storage of grain at
Buffalo, where the law regarding the
elevator rates and transactions seems
to be violated without fear, the poor
grain shipper is 'kept guessing as to
where his profits are coming from,"
True love, they say, is alwavs ao
companied by jealousy, a statement
open to controversy, for any one
brought, Into contact with this class
of people soon discover, that though
loving and lovable, they are usually
vain and self-conscious. It is not
enough for them to know they are be
loved: the world must know it too,
and the object;on;which.their trouble
some affections are bestowed must
not seem untrue in deed or thought
The jealous woman devotes the time
when she is with the man whom she
loves to questions as to what he has
done, where he has been, whom he
has seen, etc., and this last, as a rule,
usually leads to trouble, for if the
woman suspects that any of the mo-1
merits spent away from her have been
devoted to another, a hornet's nest
would be a nHld and peaceful haven
of rest in comparison with tlio storm
that will ensue if her conjectures
prove correct. Tears, pleadings,
protestation?, wild bursts of passion
ate devotion all mark the tempestuous
courtship of a jealous woman. The
happiness of the moment is com
pletely swallowed up In fear of the
future. Wise is the lover who breaks
the cords that bind him to his ex
acting mistress ere it is too late! As
her husband, life becomes intolera
ble. He dares not sav anntbor tu
good looking, cannot praise the fit of
a gown or size of a shoe without being
accused of being madlv in love with
uieir wearers, f or him to speak to
a woman, whether pretty or not
means a scene, and even his men ad
qiialntances come under the ban of
his tyrant. She Is jealous of his
mother of his sister of that part
of Ids past In which she had no part
If he can convince her that she is the
only woman he ever loverl-that life
without her would be a desert, and
that sort of thing, you know, then he
niay enjoy a moderate share of han
p ness; but If not, wc regret to say
that being in vc and being ln hot.
water will
prove synonymous terma
w the man
Who Is
married to a Jealous woman.
. J
annwmratMl ft,r , Lllnmw TMf
A peculiar story cf an innownt
KShS" at 'd "-iieTand1
""""I '"to a saloon
a sanuwicn, unui a, lew o
bilL He missed his money, aJ
ingto"8. In looking around 4
noticed Edward Rurke standjJ
11a araucar1 1-ttirkA tf i-t.-iT
" " " " aiAillri
money, but he denied the aceij
and tried to escape. He was arj
ana tne louowiuif uay a warraj
schiess round tne money in a
Sleeve pocKeu xie atoucetit(
;?;t fo!
iter tr
.it oi
the warrant, ana jiurise wasi
Might auil Lett.
TJiese old English words A
ting into more general use, atiiH
too, with the help of other th
glish people. Since July 1
words of command have
on the ships of the
Lloyd Line. Instead of order:
change of course by the old
"starboard ' or "jort," as tlie
might require, the same ordei
now given by the shorter
"right" or "left.1;
As soon as trie order "riuh:
given, the telegraph is moved tJ
right, the wheel Is revolved
right, the ship turns to the
the rudder indicator points
Nortirt. fmFe5
J fll
the rudder itself moves right!
the steering-uiarK on me compJ
wen. it tne oroer "lert" is g,J
tneso movement are in the opJ
direction, coining simpler cd
thouzht of, and the chance 0
take are small.
The change was made in the
man navy at an earlier day.
commanders in the merchant si
had usually been trained In the
and when they returned from
they had to unlearn what thev
been taught on board the men-of-
It is likely that the change w
made throughout the whole mere
service of Germany, and then It
be adopted by English speaking
or course tne change nas
been made to some extent, bo
England and in this country, for
English and the American
when piloting the ships of this
fall in with ttw usage oi' the
Sll UK
It is not very long ago that
fcfff eve
English word "larboard" was
ttliere now wo use "tort." Theil
no (Ijflieulty in seeing that two
words as "starltoard" and "lnrtxd
were quite unfit for their use.
sound too nearly alike. They
W Jo
also too long. There is need of
sharp words, which are easily
tinguished the one from the oa
Often there is no time to arm
error, and a mistake is fatal. "Ee
and "left" are short and i
enough; if they differed more in
they would serve all the better!
l.ikJ (or
Matches represent the di fieri
between barbarism and civiliiwl
and how much we owe to the in t
gent genius which has made thed
cheap that there is no one so poor!
hecannot buy a box. of matches!
i ears ago the making of mats
furnished employment to thond
of girls and boys. Little bits of i
cut the length of the match were
on strips of wood In which nota
had been cut to hold them
The girls spread the matches aM
so that each slip of wood fell Id
right place, laid another strip of s(
on top of it, and so on until a pile
a down was arranged. Ihese
clamped together and then
ready for the sulphur bath. Al
they had been dipped on baths
they were laid in frames until
and then packed in boxes.
Now all this is changed. The
of wood are handled entirely by a
chlnery. This has reduced the i
of production very much, and
course, reduced the cost to the m
vidual buyer.
It was considered formerly that!
making of matches was very
healthful labor, but it has been
covered that with cleanliness
llDt t
care it is no more unhcalthful
any ot her forms of labor in wl
h cot
chemicals arc employed.
TheTallor-Mude Null.
In fitting a cloth suit, the
of fitting peculiar to the tailor
many In number, but good in r
says Mrs. Mallon in the Ladies' Hi
Journal. The measurements
numerous; the first fitting Is am
dmary cotton lining: the second
a silk linlntr: the third one the
and the material; the fourth oriel
almost finished bodice, which us
needs then only a few mistakes (
fled, and there is the finished lx
for the head tailor to see in its j
tirety. No critic is so severe!
the master of theestablishnientjs
slight wrinkle will cause him W
the taking apart of the bodii
1 ., .
ih re
mi; muKiiig n, so mat it ulsii--
proverbla a ovni the same
shown in fitting a skirt, atiil
really good tailor's a long tr;
skirt, unless It wore for eve
house wear, Is not even consi
A mong the prettiest of
materials for the cloth goJW
those showing Tory light bucf
with hair lines or checks otrZ,
shade upon them. The lis:,
ratner newer, and arc a"!. &ov
limy seen on a smootn sun--,
White is shown with a liaif
(lark brown, dark blue,
and, oddly enough, emerald'
-m. 1
( I iilnflammabta avtr" j'
.Numerous processes bv
late in the patent list hSl
flnfinorl that. nntmUnm COUa T
derotj inexplosive and al "n (i
Ing to
.bout forty gallons oi vr- j
to pou
Is of copper w,r"-
whole well, a rU
six hou
the on -
for use.
r& standing
suit some
ft l!mi
LUI1' '
be S"
pons, o
k tlia n
r al
rt to:
it be
if Hi
tins i
titty suit
( r
" ""HM streets. He ate I