The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 22, 1892, Image 2

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1 J. smMOJfS, Proprietor
TanabW Umm mtUt:
Lowdox, Dec. 15. A. fearful ex
plosion occured at the Bamfurlong
ioluerr, and not less than fifty lives
ist been lost. They weot to work aa
anal yesterday morning and after the
Miliary bad been inspected in the
tsaal way. They had net been at
orfclong when a terrible explosion
hook, the earth for a in at distance
ind a cloud ef smoke shot up through
he shaft into the air. A multitude of
teople rushed toward the mine, and
be greatest excitement prevailed. It
ras soon ascertained that a large
lumber had perished, and the wailing
ind weeping of women and children
nade an lndescriable scene. sepa
ere immediately taken to ascertain
"te full extent of the disaster, and a
rowd of volunteers promptly offered
e explore the pit It is believed the
ixplosion was caused by an accumu
ted amount ot coal and gas, which
sad escaped the notice of the officials
cbarged with the Inspection of the
Th If nlcaa Trvable.
Guerrero, Mex, Dec. 15. The
fovernment telegraph line which
oasses through this place has been re
paired, and, for the first time a com
plete official report of the bloody
battle near San Ismac was sent to
military headquarters yesterday. The
battle took place only about fifteen
miles from this place, and an order
for reinforcements was brought in by
ourler while the fight was still in
progress. ' Major Julien Esquebel.
the commodore of the garrison, lefi
immediately with a force of 150 sol
diers, but when tbey reached the place
they found that the revolutionista bad
crossed the river into the United
States, taking with them about
twenty prisoners, forty horses and
large amount of amunition aud gnns
The .Mexican soldiers fought nobly
They were only forty-five in number
but they held their ground and con
tinned to fight as long as there wa
any chance of defeating their opponent)
Csptain See-ar was in command o
the government troops, and led chargi
after charge again to the opposing
forces, which numbered fully 200, but h
was outnumbered and waa killed by
pistol shot from the leader of thi
revolutionists, who is thought to b
Prudencio Gonzalez, who was formerl)
-a prominent ranch owner in But.
county, Texas.
Chopped Htm Up.
Philadelphia, Pa, Dec. 15.
:Henry A. Krectman went to his homi
1913 Mountain avenue, at an earl;
Lour yesterday morning and discoTerei
his wife, Laura, and Samuel Morris ii
,a compromising position. Kreckmai
.procured an axe aud made a aavagi
attack upon Morris. Thinking he hat
killed tiie invader. Kret-kman went t
it he station house near by and eurren
.dered himself to the poliee, aaylni
that lie had killed a man. Officers wji.I
t)thehou3 and found Morris witi.
two compound fractures of the skull
a terrible wound over each eye and ont
arm broken, lie is still alive but
!his death is expected at any moment.
The police locked Kreckmannp and
, afterward took the recreant wie intc
A Revolting Crime.
McKeespokt, Pa, Dec. 15. Josept
C ithrie, aged 5 years, died last Thurs
' y at Pasadena, Cal., from the effect
wf po son. Four years ago his father,
f ieorge Guthrie, who with his wife anc
hilJren lived in Westmoreland county
died, leaviug an e&tatte of (50,000 t(
tils wife and son, to whom the inheri
tance would no in event of his father'
iteaih. During the last year and I
half the family lias frequently suffered
(illness which baffled the physician!
klll. Poison was fonnd in the child'i
vtomach and the mother sought (
(change of surroundings, moving U
Shis place. Late the child again
uttered from poison and the mothei
(went to California where the boy died
(of access superinduced by the poison
(administered. Mrs. Guthrie will
Wrive this week with the remains.
' The person who is suspected of admin
iiatering the poison to the child is not I
relative, bat a parif who hoped U
f hare in the inner .tance. - However, it
lis doubtful if the prisoner will ever b
Vrougbt to justice.
Killed torCMtac -
- Memphis, Tenn Dec 15. The east
M Henry Foster, charged with tot
murder of ex-Congressman J. Bright
(Morgan, was called nt Water Talle;
yesterday and continued in order to al
low a special venire to be summoned
Last summer Jude Morgan left
Hernando for Chicago. Foster boarded
tbs) train a few miles further with bii
younger brother. He walked to Judgt
Morgan s seat and tired two buueti
through him in quick succession.
.Judge Morgan fell dead and Fostei
surrendered. He and his brother wen
taken to Holly Springs through fear ol
mob violence, were indicted foi
murder In the first degree, butyouni
Foster was seized with typhoid fever
and died in jail. A change of venut
was got from Hernando, and yesterday
anting Foster was taken to Water
(Valley. One hundred and thirty-five
fwltaeests have been summoned by the
ewfeneeana forty-nre by tfre prosecn
Uea. The of ih ktjltriir m th
'mnlngof Foaterhr ,T intra Morgans
faw days be'" "7edy. (
o to tsr7i frmmm.. ; It
f"' ,f - "Mfzzti tat
'.! v , -r.-rf t::zm. fcctct& ra-
PA ,, - ti ' . -
Tke riuu Swtaatl.
Paris, Dec. 17. Charles Aime Marie
de Lessepj and M. Marius Ritienne
and M. Sanleroy have been arrested by
direction of the minister of justice, M.
Bourgeois, for their alleged connection
with the Panama canal frauds. M.
Henri Louis Felix Cottu, for whose
arrest an order was also issued, has fled
to Vienna. Sanleroy is charged with
having accepted a bribe as a member
of chamber of deputies. The charges
arainst tue officers of the company on
which summons were previously
rved, on which they have now been
arrested, are that they have jointly
made use of fraudulant imaginary
credit that have dissipated capital
intrusted to them for a specific
purpose, and that tbey have swindled
others out of part or all of their means
of living on their fortunes, besides
making the arrests the authorities
have searched the aesidences of De
Lesseps, 1 onUine, Cottu and San
Leroy, and seized documents throwing
new and important light on the
Panama, frauds and corruption.
A Pint That Failed.
Panama, Dec. 17. Advices from
Salvador state that a plot to kill 1'resi
dent Ezeta was received a few days
ago. Tiie plot was formed by Salador
exiles The president was invited to a
banquet at Salvador, at which an
ItaHan, hired to assassinate him, had
oeen engaged to serve as waiter.
After all the guests at the banquet
had taken their places at the table a
body of police entered and arrested
ihe Italian. The prisoner confessed
that he was a member of the
Guatemala service and that he had
oeen hired for 95,000 to kill the
Mauy arrests have been made in
Salvador and the extradition of
several Salvador exiles has been
requested by the Guatemala govern
ment. The discovery of the plot has
increased the popularity of the
Maintained Ilia Nerve.
Cornwall, Out., Dec. 17. James
lavin. alias McMahon, who wliik
-esisting arres. shot and killed
'oust able J. R. Davey on Sept em bet
IS last, waa executed here yesterday
aorningat 7:45. The execution wa.
vitnessed only by tiie medical profes
.on and a few private citi7eiis.
lavin talked fieely during the nidi!
- tt the guard and carried on in a
oistrous manner. He arose about
If tat 5 partook of a light breakfast
v 7:35 the hangmen entered the cell
;,v n irnvie no respoii.- ILm hanus
ire j inioned, and at 7:40 the marc!
the scaffom w is begun, and at 7:4'.
ie noose was placed over his head
e said: "Good by, gentlemen." Th.
nal was given and the unfortuna
nsbody bounued from the ear h
-attiwaj inftai.taneous. 'Hie bou
m cut down about ten- minutes,
i .erward and Interred in the com t
msejard in a rough box. Slavii
taintained his wonderful nerve to th
tat and refused to see any apiritua
L'ndrr Arrest.
Cedar 11 apids, la,, Dec. 15 L. J
jemojel. a Norwegian, is under arref '
it Norway, lienton county, charge,
vith obtaining money under false pre
enses. It is alleged he went to Nor
vay about a year ago and by holding
ut to his fellow countrymen that im
nense profits were to be made in real
estate near Chicago, induced twenty
two of them to invest 81,000 each for
lie purchase of a forty-acre tract nea:
inrtitli, lnd. The Central Land syn
iicate was formed. The land was pur
:!iased, the Ccuments showing the
consideration to be 623,000. Realizing
nothing, some of the members became
uspicious and two went to Grillith
i'iiey ,ound 1 jemojel, who was unable
o locate the land. They employed a
surveyor, who located it two miles from
the town on the edge of a swamp.
Further investigation revealed the
fact that it was worth only 950 per
ac e, and it was subsequently ascer
lamed that 92,000 had been paid for il,
though the purchase price was repre
sented to have been 823,030. it is
thought a settlement wili be effected by
U return of the money to the stock
!i iers.-
Probably A Bather Strike.
Colcmbus, o- Dec.17. The ex
ecutive committee of the United Mioe
Worker's union of Ohio met to take
action on a serious difficulty between
the miners and operators in the
Hocking valley. Ibe miners de
manded 50 cents extra per cubic yard,
and the operators offered to give 2
cents. , It was determined to submit
the question to locals for action. It
is believed a strike will be ordered
within a few days.
fear or Fire.
Pottsville. Pa, Dec. 17. The
Heading company fears for the safety
of Its Berchwood collery at Mount
Laffea a mine fire which hat been
burning m the old Wadesvllle abaft
near here for three years, is working its
way toward tula colliery, and means
are now being taken to prevent it
further progress in that direction.
. . Caflrafe Com vltM.
Ainra, Mich, Dee 17.-rVugust
Oroesmaa has been found guilty of
murder In the first degree, inhavlnt
caused the 4eath of Albst MoUter.
Tba jury was euc seven hoars. Gross
man ww the first of the MoUtor murder
'eoosplrsters tabs triad. Five otben
f It eoaaptratore are yet to be triad
Albert MoUter was murdered eiibteen
years. an but tba am waa dropped un
til raeeaUr, when William llepke. the
leaver o tae conspiracy, eonweei a ano
ImpUeated about a dozan
tun wn attiasa la tha ariaa.
KaJatrd hj Canbltuc. .
St Pacl, Minn.. Dec. 13. -LostS3M.OOO
at the gaming table. That is the thrill-
j ing chrax of the life of Augustur H.
Ilornsby, once an officer of the British
! army and for the past eight years a
! dialer in real estate in St. Paul. He
j is now 5300,000 iu debt and a fugitive
, from justice. St Paul oilicers are look.
ing for him with the view of arres t
j inr him for uttering ferged paper. He
is 'aiitsl lot many crooked trans
act ons, but the upeciGe case on which
his arrest is sought is the selling of val
uable real, estate belonging to Mrs
Antouia Wonman, a widow, issuing
lorjed deeds and securing the money
on them without asking Mrs. Wort
man's consent to the sale.
llornsby came to SU 1'aul during the
big real estate boom, and through lucky
investraen's, made over 100,(100. He
then took to gambling and picked up
$500,000 in St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Then be took 810,003 in cash and went
to Chicago. In three days he had lost
every penny of this amount. This
wa tilts turning point of his career and
he gradually lost everything he had.
II s wife even had to go to work for
the Northern Pacillic company to keep
the wolf from the door. After com
mitting the forgeries llornsby ran
away. The' last seen of him was in
Dululti. He has doubtless gone ti
Canada, expecting to go theuce t
Australia or Hawaii.
A Terrible Fire.
New York, Dec. 10. A fire at a hi?
warehouse on the Brooklyn waterfront
did 8250,000 damage. Before the fir
was burning half an hour part of tlx
north wall of the warehouse fell, am
nine fireman, including' Chief Engineei
Kevins, were forced to leap into tin
slip to esc. tortiina'ely none wer
buried tinder the falling wall and
were pulled out of the water mor
frightened than hurt. Fireman Laf
ferty was struck by act n and hi
thighs broken and received severa
painful bruises. It is reported tha
several men were crushed beneath tin
wall, but ail the department men an
accounted for and the firemen are con
fident that no on else was on the pier
The warehouse was tilled with cotto:
consigned to various merchants am
cotton brokers of this city. The los
will be .mostly covered by insurance
The datnagu to the building is (25,001
A Ferlona Wreck.
Cincinnati. O., ec. 19. PrivatedAd
vices here state that a collision occurre
on the Southern railroad near Mc
Kinney, about twelve miles. south o
Junction City, boLAeen No. 1, passen
ger southbound, and a.northboun
i relfht. No, 1 was running by the ne
schedule and by some mistake th
rreignt was running on the old tini
C harles Fa.'in, bagirageraaster, an
i nitod Mates Messenger Kinney we
killed. .Several passengers were" i.
jured. .
A tele cram from Danville, Ky., staff
that, tpcie vas a wreck on the Cincln
uati, New Orleans & lexas (Cincinna
South-"!) railroad four miles from t.h)i
place nnd that isevi ral persons wer
killed. No particulars are given. Th
railroad officials here say there was
wreck, I it no lives were lost. The
refuse to give any further information
1:15 a. m. ihe railway mail servici
here has news that one of the, railwa
clerks has been killed in the wreck an
others seriously wounded. The rail w a;
mall agent on the trains are J. K
Eddington, W. N. Hinkle and M. C
Coddell. Which one was killed has no;
been learned.
Surrounded bj V. H, Troop.
ew Xokk, Dec. 19. A special t
the World from Laredo, Tex., says tha
news had been received that 150 re
volutionists ate surrounded in a dens
chapparal near Carizo by United Statei
troops and that a battle is expectec
shortly. News has also been receive
at Fort Mcintosh that a party of Un
ited Colonel West, from Fort Binggoh
are on the trail o! a party of 100 re
volutionists. The courier whobringi
this news says that tiie Mexicans wen
betrayed at Sauiganicio by a servant o
the captain commanding the Mexicai
roar Female glares Polnoned.
Constantinople, Die. 19. Foui
beautisul female slaves were recentl)
presented by tiie khedive to the sultai
of Turkey and placed in the tmperia
harem, they appear to havt
had a captivating influence on thi
sultan, who paid them so mud
attention as to excite the jealousy ol
the other women. 'Die four beautiful
slaves were found murdured in their
beds a few days ago, having fallen
victims of poison. he Sultau is said
to have been deeply enraged when hi
heard of the fate 6f his favorites, and
to have ordered a rigid investigation
and the severe punishment of the
guilty ones. Three euneches who bad
access to the apartments of the victims
were arrested on smpicL n of beinj
the person who ac'itshy administered
the poison, nnd at latet accounts wen
being subjected to torture in order U
compel them to make a full con
fession. Suspicion of having Insti
gated the crime rests euielly on one of
tba concubines, who, until the
arrival of the Egyptian women, almost
monopolized the sultan's affections.
', lre! Klre! ,
CnrciNicsATi, O., Dec. 10. -Fire wai
discovered in the second story in tba
rear of the Cincinnati Lead Pipe and
Sheet Lead works, 2'J and 30 West
Ninth street H. liunfeldt's tin store
on one side and Clark & Uawley'i
lead pipe store on the other side wen
soon past saving. A t cstaurant and
boarding hou-w adjoining also was
destroyed. J. i. Abi .h tm. proprietor
f the lead pi,e ami !i-et ieaa works
at i mats hia .on uu iha atonic al
J f 1,000. t
Scarlet fever is rageing at llarring
ton. Philip Smith of Polk county lost 130
tons of hay by fire.
The Methodist of Faixbury are to
build a new parsonage,
There is some prospects that Fremont
will have a woollen mill by and by.
The street car lines in Omaha were
tied up for thirty-six hours by the late
A third elevator is being erected at
Beilwood by the farmers ef that
! vicinity.
An auger ground off the thumb of
the 14-year-old son of George Galer,
near Harvard.
Dr. J. L. Candy's store at Aipinwall
was destroyed by fire. The Ices is es
timated at 93,000 and no insurance.
A Kails City jury fell asleep during
an important trial, and consequenty
had no trouble in arriving at a just
A G. Isaacson drove across the rail
road track at Central City in front of a
moving train. The new wagon cost
him 870.
J. II. Pope talks of building a roUer
mill of 150 barrel capacity at Silver
Creek. The town is inclined to extend
some assistance.
The Presbyterians of Tecumseh have
dedicated their new 910,000 church.
Rev. Hunter of Nebraska City deliv
ered the sermon..
The Elk Creek Sentinel changed
proprietors last week, IL P. Marble
having disposed ot his interest to A. .
Ovenden, who is now sole owner.
The Maverick bank at Gordon last
week released sixty chattle mortgages
against residents in the western part
of Cherry county, amounting to 810,000.
A F. Pool of Humboldt, who was in
dicted upon a charge of hog stealing,
about ten yean ago, had his trial the
other day and was promptly acquitted.
The divorce case of Howard vs.
Howard pending in the district court
of Pawnee county, was abruptly ter
minated by tbe death of the defendant.
Colonel Hazer, of the Curtis Courier
Us been instrumental in securing
about 1,600,000 fish for Curtis lake
The commissionen never go where
they are not invited.
An insane patient at the Hastings
asylum inserted his teeth in the hand
of Superintendent Johnson and t e
doctor is in consequence suffering with
a very sore hand.
The Weekly Leader, published at
Blue Hdl, Neb., has been sold by F. P.
shields to J. L. Greenlee, who wili
ence forth wield the pen In tbe interest
of Blue Hill and vicinity.
Mrs. Kebecca t onkltn of Valparaiso,
who came to that section in an early
Jy, died sudJenly of neuralgia bf the
ieart, at the home of her daughter,
he waa seventy years of age.
Tue survey of the from the
. latte, near Fremont to Omaha ha
tlready commenced,
to convey the water
hrough this channel
utilize it for power. .
I he state board of agricultural wilt
convene at Lincoln about tbe 1st of
January. Farmers are agitating the
proposition of a corn show, exhibits to
be brought from every county in the
state. Another move in tbe right di
rection. Tbe Broken Bow Beacon and Calla
way Independent have consolidated
and now appear as one, under the name
of the Beacon-Independent. Its pub.
Ushers are Messrs. ileal, Webb ADorris
and the boys know how to get out a
paper that bristles with originality and
prints the news.
It is rumored tnat Miss Carrie
Showlan of Columbus has joined A. M.
Swartzendruver in his place of conceal,
ment, and is now bis lawful! wedded
wife, "awartz" will be remembered as
the young real estate dealer who ob
tained a few thousand by fraudulent
methods and then skipped to parts un
known. An educational rally waa held at Me
Oook to discuss the feasibility of locat
ing a Methodist university at tbli
place. Chancellor Creightan and some
othen in authority were in attendance
and made speeches. If any induce
ment will cause the trustees of tbe uni
versity to locate in Western Nebraska,
.McCook is the prize winner, as it is an
excellent location and could give to tha
institution numerous advantages,
Some of the older readers of tha
Journal still retain interest In tba wel
fare of the Pawnee tribe of Indians,
which was formerly located on tha
lands now known aa Nance county,
with their rude abodes at - Genoa.
Yean ago tbey ceded these lands to tha
government, and removed to the tarri
tory. They nave again entered Into an
agreement with the government by
which tbey concede the residue ef
181,090 acres, after tbey shall hare
taken therefrom their allotments, re-
acre tor weir surplus
lands. Tba government pledges Itself
to continue the annuity of $30,000 -Columbus
Speaking of mammoth bogs, tha cli
max was reached Monday of last week
whan P. A. Wood sold three prodigious
porken weighing LMO pounds. Tin
market price that day wu 6 cents par
pound, so that tha trio brought tha
phwaoaiualaam of 978.50. This band
aome figure la undoubtedly tbs most
am paid for the same number of hots
in Oxford before, fibs can beat it?
Nebraska has tha largest lea bouse in
a!7.T . U loeUKl Ashland.,
- aiw creamery lit the world.
It a, located at Fremont.
1 1 is proposed
from the
to Omaha and
rraeearrf fitinoon: Friend-It
aeems to me that I have seen something
like that before. What is that paim
ing after? Impecunious Artist At
present it is after a purchaser.
Mr. Kirke George, I think it is per
fectly shameful for you to stay away
from church and sit home reading
George Amy what was tbe text this
m rning my dear?
Mrs. Kirk-Why I Oh! I forget out
Mr. ToDail inn? a lovelv solo, and I
saw a bonnet that was simply a dream!
A plan is on foot to bring the army
at California goiddiggers of 1SI9 to
gether at the World's fair in June,
18J3. The Argonauts now livin? I"
California who have never returned
trast are determined, according to re
port, to make the journey next year,
taking in the fair on their way.
Tbe directors of the exposition have
appropriated 9I3U.0UO to erect a separ
ate building for the department of
thnology. This building was first in
tended for the educational exhibit.
The tatter wili be placed in the manu
factures building in the space formerly
assigned to ethnology, amounting to
100,000 square feet.
The advance agent of the sultan of
Johore is in Chicago arranging for the
visit of the Asiatic potentate next year
The subjects of the sultan number
.alf a million and his royal domain
p-ers an area of 13,000 square miles.
11 is distinguishing characteristic is his
ad for diamonds, and when in full re
iraiiahe strings 910,000,000 worth of
tliem from his shoulders. The royal
narty expects to be present at the open
ing of Uie fair and will remain in the
United States several months.
Mrs. Drowsle What, my dear, you
are not going to wear that bright
colored necktie in the pulpit, are you?
The Rev. Mr. Drowise Ves I am.
That's the only way I can keep the au
dience away.
The latest phase of development in
'lie club life is the Educational Club of
iJhlla delphia, which has recently been
'ormed by the men teachers of the city
viblic schools. The purpose of the
new organization is to advance the
ttnndard of the profession of teaching
hrough the discussion of educational
opics at monthly meetings, by special
ec tares by prominent instructors from
ither sections of the country, and by
the publication of important papers.
A California World's fair beet is
ripening at Santa Ana. Its weight is
.stimated at.300 pounds.
lale college received
82,000.000 last year. Thi,
sue ii t tea irora uue mis
from Harvard and PrincuJ
lrg, case oaii aim root ball, i
l ale leiiows to nave pin
dinner every day in the year. 1
That cabiu of "Uncle TosVi
dared to be standing, or it
recently, just as Mrs. Harriet I
Si owe found it, at Chopin g.
Whe beritis tba identical
not, it is to be put on
Chicago Tribune: A - li
leaveneth the whole lump, bi
big 'leven makolh the
cake oil dough.
Pittsburg Chronicle:
Francisco house Is trying to
whaling in the southern sea, bd
not revived in the public school
Ram's Horn: It is hard for
osopber to understand why i
should be called play, as lone m
ing coal is considered hard worl
St Louis Post-Dispatch;
are no railroads in the other wJ
Gould has probably seized thi
gan slide.
waaningion aw; uo jtf
kid gloves?" saw tue clerk.
"Why, no," replied Pt
"Certain'y not. Gimme aul
Dere fur meself. j
Puck: "You always west tJ
collars and cuffs, Mr. Kink," J
the colonel to the old darkey.
"Vessir," replied Kink; -dafil
vantage ol pahmittin yoh wife
in washin' sah."
Indianapolis Journal: "Your
or you life!" said the gentleman
safe end of the revolver.
' But, my dear man, 1 can't gil
either, protested the victim,
both belong to my wife,"
Smith, Gray A Co.'s Monthly
ton Gates Are you really so UA
Tramp-Hard up? "Why, I
suits of clothes wuz selling it
apiece, 1 wouldn't have enough
the armhole of a vest!
"What is it I hear about lilon
robbed of his entire business
asked the first Chicago citizen,
"It's true," said the other. "A
pad cashed him so far aud so fi
be lost his wind.
Mgr. Gr.limberti, papal nil
Vienna, has been made a cardia
will remain as nuncio at the
One Hnndred TMsap
Mars I
jfBSHKaaasBKaaus0 graM,
itious I
Worth of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing,
Hats, Caps, Underwear, Shirts, Collars and
Cuffs, Socks, Umbrellas, Canes, Overalls, Jacket
Neck Ties, Night Shirts, Suspendem, Boya Shirt
Waists, etc., etc.
The Entire Wholesale and Retail Stock
Formerly owned by Messrs. Herman Bros.,
wholesale dealers ia Clothing and Gents Fur
niahing Goods,
To Be Slaughtered
at half the prices formerly asked for them.
!if) Cents on the Dollar toys it now,
The chance of i a lifetime to get clothing at
HALF PRICE. ;A11 new and clean and well
worth twice what we ask for it '2
We Must Close Out
This stock in the shArteet possible time andma)
this price m ridiculolialy low to clow itquickf
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
And we guarantee rati) Taction in every instAfl06,
Come early and get yd r choice of thi J8
Frawley, Ch
a f a s
The Pe-o's Rl factors.
1017 arid 1O10 Q St. - jjt
I faibacrij
f 1. tm
is une:
The so
Tin p
id veg
rown ii
be and
Iml has
itliin i
ing tl
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