" "J - h- ",' i. j . County Journal i ilHE blOUX ATi;, -I o. VrOM9TJ KIN pit r.i ' "'"h-u and TIIK WEEfd Kef is (or if re ONE DO tihaitf !ysten "ii'v, fW . Fi' ill l( raiiiji! x! all RT IntM of winy and 3D, ii Vkert of iif I N FRrf ard: LINCOLN, P1I1IC! iirt-iiiiiflf itmonl flltitm. lata IM r.f J "Til in ? t 1 V I TUF. SIOUX COUXTY SiniiuwN. Editor and Proprietor. M. V K. K. Tiirn-tHlili'. .0:50 n.o. est. Loin hunt. II :1ft I Xo. C. mixed HARRISON MARKET. L,ht msliol wtto JUT HUP!" . T IiikIh-I ,-prr hundred lh . jier hundred .... .i.-i .TO 1 ho an 1 so 30 JO 8 40 .1 4 V t SO 3 SO I.'i ( -1PP'- IT hundred m hif-V hustii-i Lr-ir . Lpcr dx fcn P per doc L-p.T lh r pT per-ton per cord . Ltur-iiHtlvi ix-r in. ft ' rtCorrecwu every 1 liurHilay. Merry ( liristmas to all. LlWe1 botifrlit ut the harness L-lVe ill take sonio frood pottitoe on suction. -Jfave your masks n-.tdy for Sattir- VBiL'W, lC. )1M. -Old papers for salut Tun JontN.M. t. 5 cents per tlozen. The stinw is not very pleasant Imt it helpinj? ireiire for next season's -W.NTKl Parlies hnviny land to mU tr.ule for ttoik to advcrtivi in Thk liXAi. -Mrs. IJ. A. t'linniiiKliatn i.s felling winter jjoods and millenery at, cot i ll tit residence and secure a bargain. Happy md content it a home with "The Ro- estcr," a lamp with the light of themorning, .uguevvrite Rochester LompCu-tNew York, Keiuemljer The Jot.'RNAL tlulis with iy jtfijn r published and by orderinj rotij;!i this ollioe you can wive money FoiNli Between Harrison and the mlier, a hammer. Owner can have me by calling at this oflice, provuifr operty and paying for this notice. The JoiltXAL is colkt-tinr all the in- nnaliou obtainable in regard to the tment of smut in grain and will pul- stj it iu the near future for the benefit he farmers, The arrangements for the (.'hristmas fl of the M. E. Sunday school are all ide, and it will l nl the church on turday evening. ? An interesting pro ;ram ban been preiwre'l and a pleasant ening will be spent From on article in the la:tt issue of lie Crawford Ttmmvrany it appears that lieorge Walker contemplates locating iu liat town, but the statements of that ker liave Bitch a record of being unre- iable that no coufidence can be placed what il savs. I have purchasetl a larger and more xlensive assortment of holiday goods. will bo glnd to receive a call from you nd believe that I can satisfy you in oods niiiuibln for the holidays. JAS. SCUTT, t"ealer in Confectionery. -A good many have called and set tled their accounts but there are still a kood inaliy who have not yet come to lime, We trust these w ill not delay. money due m would enable us to iiay our Mils and we should like to qtiare up with every one the first of the I -Prtd Betftcheri seems to be playing in Very hard luck. A short time ago he lost a good span of no mares from some ort oT distemper and w left without a team. He purchased a mule a few days agi and before he had secured a mate for It ft-Dull Kowd it to dath. It seems i Aiiav irouoies ao w ' , I wpaopl In. Illioo' sell land ut rrom V")to'flW M acre' Those who sell t.om to eastern Nebraska abd buy land ftk .'tlwy purchase ton come to county ana get cooa land for lining, ine iniiu m imuois m uooui as k It. Til: . . as it will ever bet that in the enit- part of this state many increase 10 r cent in value in ten wim miu Mint 5iou: connti will increase 200 per it in five years. i Almost ever day letters are re- eiVftd from mrtics in the east making Wjiiirieii tAncernin:; Sioux county and whnt the opportunities are for a man to k-ft a home find a number will move iiere dim without fifst coming to see M nxMlntrv, When they lonro that Hkw s plenty of government laml to nelwl from and fuel, ps logs, tc, it jvnd lumber che.-ip, hV w satisfied that lliey ran find what thry want and ill save the expotise of a prrctg Urif. People are moving t-t. ni as 1y dia tea or flfteea years a. The Wde of immigration twis set inWward MkJ is s-weepwig along and wifotm m a Vwrtect flood. He people Mf yetttag too ii in (he eat and t rather iban be ro TW4MT wvl I'EHSOXAI.. Sam Tel.U-t ra in tnv.u Momuv j. r. toot went to C, ruNvford last evening. Don Smith was in u.hii Naiurd:, iv and i called at this office, j V. J. (irable. orde rs Tin: Jorjw.u. j to liim at Crawford. sent i Mrs. J. L. Arncr wt-nt to Ciawford ! Wednesday evening. Alls Waml.i l'ontiu ivturned last ! Fn'la-V fn"" Stl"Vis, S. I.i. Miss Steen left Friday eveuiue; for V almo to sjwnd the holiday. Jienry vertz tanie tit linn: A.r.,i0 Springs to spend the holidays. C. . Co ffeo ucnt to Cluidnin Thurs day evening, returning Monday. Judge linker went down the mad Saturday to viit rra few days. Mr. and Mis. Jlolliiigsworth and Miss Laisy I o;m were in l.nvn Saturday. Mrs. II. T. Conley haves this evening n for ass county to spnd the holidays with her parents. Y. T. IiroHiiand J. W. Langdon left for Lincoln Monday evening to npjieai' it) court as witnesses. Mrs. J. M. Robinson au1 daughter. Jlis . Ma!"l. leave this week for Omaha to sjiend the holidays. J. A. Hanson came down from the Ktate line Friday and called at this otlice and gave us some cash on subscription, F. M. Smith was up from liodart: the last of the week and informed ns that a mini from near Lineon arrived there a lev. days ago to locate. .'km't forget the ball New Year's eve. Highest market prices paid for wheat. GlUNT GfTII'-.lK. H. A. Priddy is harvesting the crop of jack rabbits to lie found between his place and town. Attend the masquerade ball New Year's eve and go to Scott's for your re freshmerits. Oysters served in any style. While bringing horses to town to the sale last Saturday Earnest Runge was severely kicked on the left leg lielow the knee. He will be apt to limp for some time, although no bones were broken, The attendance at the horse sale hist Saturday was not so large as was ex nected. owinir to the uncertain stale of wheather, but fair juices were realized on most of the auiuials ollered. This is not a very good time of year to sell any kind of stock. The New Year's masquerade ball is a sure go and those in charge are talcing steps to make it one of the most enjoy able events of the season, everybody who enjoys dancing should attend and the more maskers there are the more fun an he had. Everybody mask. Our old-time friend, Rev. AS". O. Glasner, now .stationed at Harrison, was n i.lensant. social chatter at the Tribune sanctum Tuesday. The reverend gentle-1 Hi-Hi w tine W ho does much ood for liu-! - Ins broad and liberal ideas upon ail subjects, and it is a pleasure to chat with iiiin.Owcfora jrwuvr Rev. Glasner reports Hie ministerial meeting held at Crawford last week as having been a great success. The eople of Crawford took good care of the visit ors and an eiort will be made to have the first annual meeting of the north west Nebraska conference held at that place, A couple of gamblers got into a row at Crawford last Thursday and one shot the other, inflicting wounds from which he died in a few hours. The murderer is in jail and our sister county of Dawes will have a heavy bill of costs to pay. It is reported that there was a lot of gun play" in thin town Saturday night but no funerals nave yet oeeu repuiuu, but if such work goes on some one will make a shot which will get him into trouble. There is no more need of men coming to town witJi guns on them than there is for them to wear a coat of mail. Xoticc to Son-Resldenls. Parents residing outside school district No. 7 who desire to send their children to school are notified to call on the treasurer and arrange therefor before sending. All who have children now at tending must call on the treasurer and settle the tuitiou at once. By Order of Boakk LadiCH. As 1 ir.tenj to discontinue the raiRen ery business after Christmas, I will close out at cost. Call early and secure a bargain, Mrs. II. M, Wajlnkee. Hallday Excursion Kates. On Dec 24, 2. 28 and 31st and Jan'y 1st and 2nd the Elkhorn railroad will salt wcarnKm tickets to ail points within '300 wiles at oae and one third fare for tlw wuad trip. 3Vs good returning v A Jn. nL K.F. Vmm, Agrsnt. KLAJRKISOIT, 3STEB., DISC. 22, 1892, Cuttomrood Items. Plt-nsant weatjier. llireshing is done, housed his machine. Mr. 81ww is buying stock he can pet hold of. Mr. (Maze lias all the voting Christmas will soon be here and there j will be a Chaislmas trea in the school j house, district Xo. ;i. Saturday niirhtj Uec. 21. ! School is o-n aptin in Uist. No. 3. ' Mr. Curey will move in dm ..mi i I k here lie will rebnild the mill and saw 1,,-s as usual. .Sunday school eivrv ,,.i,.. i tn ioV.1 ock at Mr. Glaze's. Obituary. I'LKASA-NT RllxlE, Vvo., J)eC. Ilietl Dec. IHth at one a. in.. '), 1KU2. ol a linger ing illness, Mrs. Kate Christian, wife of Andrew Christian, : years, ut Pleasant Rid ed thirty-three Converse Co. Wyo. . Mrs, Christian leaves a family of six children. The oldest, thirteen and the youngest one year old. Her death casts a gloom over our little community. She j monthly publication, devoted to every will be greatly missed. She expressed J thing that interests the wife, mother and to the writer a firm trust in the Saviour, j maiden. It i.s full of useful information Today we lay her away in a sunny j and interesting talks and stories that are spot on the lonely prairie; but we are j instructive as well as entertaining both glad to know that God watehe.; over the ' to young and old. dust of nil His children and that on the ' morning of the resurrection. of the resurrection, when He calls, they will rise, not . ,. ., onlv from the marble city of the great metropolis; but from caves of the ocean and the lonely prairie. Her funeral sermon was preached from Romans ;i-2, at one p. in. by Key. Glas ner. of Harrison. Miss M. E. Stkki:s. ' Met calf, the ablest political writer in Nebraska, will represent the I!'oW Ucraht at Lincoln during the coming ses sion of the legislature. This means that the Wtiild-IImilil'x reports of legislative doing and legislative struggle will be highly interesting and readable. People of Nebraska are already familiar with the peculiar stylo which makes those ar ticles in the Worltl-JIemhl which are signed '-Met" so eagerly sought fur. For the convii nee of our readers we will take i subscriptions for the world W'orhl-IhntUi at $1. 'in a year or to the daily TlwW- ..-...-....guie ss.o '' tii'-etr i. -(. ! LIST OF LANDS IN MO!" riU'NTY, NF.Mi.. Sale or Trade. I. iro ueres of s:iutolli land for sail or trade for slook ; i nniifn stream or linr, pure water; ) acres under fence; 40 nore under cultivation; ood house and stahles; ircu-erii-nient land adjoining. A No. ) farm. Ad -dress I ., Care .Iociin.u.. l'V,r sale or trade lor slock a quarter j liimol i,'ood laud located live miles from j Harrison. 1'arl, Koocl larlli land ; me naiauee ; Ifood timber and jrruzlitif land with good j stream of riiuninff water with some other j improvements; also a (food mill site or the land. Address 11 care Jocuvai- j . acres of tine, laud in one body fori sale or trade lor stock. Kmnilni; walcr, line siiriiuis: nlentv of wood for fuel and buildinfC porposes on premises; (fovernment i land adjoining; .Rood liousc and slahlc;:iiO j acre under rence; Ml ueres fjood plow land hahmcc irood pasture mid tjnilx'r. A bar Kaln if taken soon. Address ('can.' .Jnrnvu 4. ltiO acres of Unc land for sale or trade i lor stock. liuuninK water and sprinc; gov-: irnmont laud adjoiuuif,'; I'm acres uooii plow land; balance pasture. Addre-s scare joi u-1 NAL. : B. One hundred mid sixty acres ol land nine j miles from Harrison, Nchr. -JU acresbroken ; j some fenced. House and other buildings; i good soil; pore water mid one mile from timlx-r. For terms -apply 1 Tims. Heid.v. (i. iool ICO acre 1'iu ni ; .! res bivAcn; (ill i feiiecd; good lmwed loir lnise lilxls; audi-1 lion l'Jxls; V,i story; in (foot! condition of , rejwJr. Tills fiuni is located miles from; railroad station. Apply Hi Tims. Ili-id.v, 1 ;. ;ood IiiTm of 1'iO acres; 15 nore, broken; 1 all Rood soil; near limber; one mile from j school In good, neighborhood and only (I j miles from railroad; terms very reasonable, j Apply to Tlios. lleldy. 8. One quarter deeded land imd one quar ter not provftd iip on ; nil h'ood fLri" Id acres; i?ooU running water.; in acres broken; W hone; titnlwr; In good corn dis ; trlu.- cusli and Woti timcYir will trade fur stock.' jVddressK can'.Iot uxAi.. ; a. . 320 acre Siam with Tiuniltiif si rc am -of ; clear sprln? water and inonm'ous sprinKs; Iwst of black H;Ho qaarler Jill farm litntl ; ' the other mostly line tiuilier land; emaiffh SKwUiKMto inakii 1011,001) feet of lumber; all j under fence with division roncc; frame i house -UnMM feet l"Kh PfthiU)'l inside and , outside; cost tttOO.nn; frnme stable fn- in heud ; of Iioisc h; jrriiiiiiry ; .orchard of i younit ; apple trees; finest kind of stock fa.ru. take stock cash. Address .1. JotiKVU.. Will ; ILTS" ' ;li. Jim iu:rif nice hvylim raw lnnd. Willi wll-elM'iip for cash or ,1 rude .fur sfcoe.U.. d lrsl,;rcJc)U:.i.. A GREAT COMBINATION. THE OMAHA WEEKLY WJTH The American Fariiier ii; Voiuankinil VM ONE IXjlJLAIt I'FJI VKAH. BEE, ' " i THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE is ao knowledi to Ik, the best and largest newspaiier in tho west, iniblishii)"- more j western and general news than any other pajier in the country. The usual price is one dollar per year. i THE AMERICAN FARMER is pub lished at Springlield. Ohio, is a 16 page monthly paper devoted to agriculture, I horticulture, the dairy, poultry and gen- I eral interesting stories and other matter for the home. The usual price is one dollar per year. WOMANKIND is also published at i Surimrfield. Ohio. Ti; is :i 1(5 inw a W " "l " "V it ion to Jhe lice, and either one ol these I , , , ,, journals. Aiioress an ortiers to Omaha Neb. A Remarkable Prospectus. We have received from the publishers of TlicYmtlh's Compantan its announce ments for 1H93. They promise an un usually brilliant volume. Among other notable features is a series of articles en titled. "Your Work in Life," written by persons experienced in the different trades and professions and designed to help young men and women in choosing ! wl lat to do. j Another series, entitled, "The Bravest Deed 1 ever saw," narrates deeds of per ' sonal heroism seen by United States ! generals and war correspondents. There i is also a series of articles entitled, "Odd Housekeeping," which will he of much interest to ladies. Some new sea stories are contributed by William Clark Rus- the famous novelist, and several articles on India by Sir Edwin Arnold. Special Correspondents will write of the J World s Fair, how to go and what to see in a given time. Gen. Lew Wallace narrates the origin and growth of his famous novel, Ben Jlur," while Frank R. Stockton tells the history of "Rudder Grange." There will be eleven serial stories this year, liesides more than one hundred stories by the most successful short story writers, be sides many stiring tales of adventure. $1. 73 a year. Boston, Mass. V. A. HESTER, -Dealer in- -r -i nnim JLlUmDer, Ijram Lime and Coal. Sash, Doors, Blinds. Hair and Cement. . , o, i I U J A Complete btOCK Always Oil Hand. EVERY EYE ON GODEYS is com rlott'ly taken with it. Some were cap tureii by complete and handsomely il lustrated NOVEL, but it was those Colored Portraits of Society Ladies, in the fashion de partment, that "fin ished the business." Every eye will welcome our CLUBBING ANNOUNCEMENT T h fll awn-d s ti ui; er , d oo&n t iff) A year's subscrip tion to 'both GODEYS 31 1'ARK ROW, a, v. aTV, and THE JOURNAL FOB 1.2a. S5 SOMETHING TO! L. Gerlach has opened the Ranch Supply House and put in a nice, new stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Everything is new and fresh and his prices are as low as the lowest. Ca" a" ,he Ranch Supply House, L. GERLACH, Proprietor, We Are Still Here ! AND HAVE V STOCK OF (JOOS, Ready to Supply the Wants of People of SIOUX COUNTY lin the GROCERIES, DRY GOODS- BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, ETC. Our Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hard ware is Complete and we Have WAGONS and Farm Machinery in Season. Our Prices are Down to the Lowest Notch. 6B1SW0LD & IMRSJELLER. GEO. H. TURNER, (genera! Merchandise, Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing1 Goods, Flour and Feed :AM A FULI, IJKE Ol Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and Machinery. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps and Buggies. When in town call and see our goods and get our prices. Respectfully, GEO. H. TURNER -must he sTmnir-! -when it is not simple it is mwA I . ..'.. not Mod. t,imftc (words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" will imoress the truth more forcibly. All metal, touch and seamless, and it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its rcar--velous lieht is wrer and brighter than cts light, softer than electric lijht and I ook fortbinsUinip The Rochester. Ifthelampdealcrtrisn't tlje RMMjtoe r,.i.....r ih niii vin uui. mend to us lor our new illU!rtrn:eleiitsltiix. kand w will stud you a lamp TaltCUCS IlOlE U.C LJIMIt HOCUESS"J.:S S.AIHP CO,, VI VUlli riatc, jvcw st'S-K tlTjr. "The Rochester." 3STO. 15, line of: Is Believing'." vjx, And a good lamp j&MM r . .-r.. J- .1 lJ'- Jeauurui, wxu uicsc made in three pieces only, more cheerful than either. oafely bv express your dance ct' owsr ... .... v.m. 1 msA ' -4 ? i t h-y. 1 I) A.