The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 15, 1892, Image 5

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.ntls that hi. l
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treated toe fcr IIart
B() good. I could not
r,-frvthin? that I took
iiktressd me. I
Jdcep. I bad taken all
Bcdicincs. Through a
r rot one of your books,
j a bottle of Green's Atig
r and took it. I am to-day
ond stromr and enjoy
ay prce,.
r,'f vhtta. August Flower
Y.T 1 ind Kave me my hcaun-
l i r
bbftninc v r r
IZtutay rcr, and in erh rune
d&SP- ATLiSTTi, iiA.
Lajwful ft. but It Is true,
LjUie babies born into the world
Won they are live years old.
iirful and heart breaking
tbiii!. Think of the suffering
upon the poor little tilings:
Lf the broken hearted, parents
Umisery. There is no necessity
child dyiag of tb croup. We
Led thousands and thousands
Ubytbeuse of lipid's Cerman
Kidney Cure. It cuts the
Lembrane at once and relieves
fir little things from the danger
oeation and then there is no
in it, so it will not do them any
Every druggist keeps it, or at
very druggist ought to do so.
who have not got it, will get it,
will insist upon it and this is
you should do by all means.
bodies are twenty-live cents,
ize fifty cents.
l'eoiia, 111.
SiiT. runt for SICK nr.n.u
paiion, wrpia kiii.i. - -r-
lnr. Mfl "
UeT"dbli.ller. i,oo
Olllonn hi""""
ordero. wi
. urftll'AO-' Actio.
Ln(lf bT lllirirylUB
Ml. 1't.Bltl.T Vtorrlsl.ll. ,,,
tu:ko lvl''''l..,r!:':':.,n,d"
. All itfrtuti.e l-r" :v.e nl.
puizratsUmi.. You get ! pac u w.u..-...r-
FrelElit ll,e
& M, V. and 8. C. 4 P.
ir n tittpv i-nral Manager.
kKiuVi'i.ii'iiif ' J. 11. BUCHANAN,
M'lFteichtAL Gen'll'aM.Afa
mrm wiNTFO 01 SILIRY
CI " " j,. um Kew Patent Cu.ralcal
UAon.tolindi7 uln( ui urmk,
mmp tor ! W
If rthla BWt CmrfmniM
iu i '
rwi. th. i-t n-n1v for riir.e oi
f. . ami wnrtli (b i.rlre lor LhU
r" ilJis.M. M. Hut ti it.
rbirert iirerold, on
you. i j .
iod ill 1 lM
23 V&tKlL
-ZJtiSI'Safciffoim .ki.,.- a., 1 all pans
harnexa. M ire.
i-.i-.j noiML raaflT
m ii Ami
JaWiJKM BfAWAK, Snaps, Bu-''';, 'V, B"
s? iraai
Cur mendtnif Tlnwnm.
1 -ri
nun OumMIypoBtw.MMP'-
( tort, aafit M Um, al Ckmnji. ) I
1 I - - - - - - - I I I
In tha fir Kiin r.M,i,...
I - - - - i innin vi
KaM-L Berne. Onu s I
I Zurich, during the past summer semis-
ter. th number oi women tu4nuu wm
SJl,or wn. Ui were m iu nodical
ih-iiart nlff its Kiltv tun in tl.u ..I
I 1 - t"C M11V
optical and fiveln tin- law.
Several aceorapiu d y)un? women
are earn in 2 cood salaries in '-u. viA-
by courting society women in the
topics of the day, the new books that
are being talked of, new works of art
that are attraction a' atrt inter.
esting novelties even in mure serious
Canada lias I,um.'j miles of unex
plored territory.
Don't! I f a dealer offers you a bottle
of Salvation Oil without wmpn-r or
l..t .).. ; .i . i . i
litueia, in a iiininaiei.1 cuuuilioii,
don't touch it-duirt buy it at any
t.rie' there in B.imnt i.i.t rt ... r tt
may be a dangerous or worthless
counierieii. iimsi upon gelling a per
fect, unbroken, genuine package, lie
on your guard!
In writing i:p a wedding the other
day, a Missouri paper described the
groom as "dressed in conventional
black, making a most luv appear
ance. J he sumier was "both styl sh
and riaa lit i f ill uitl. m 'm tt tl n ?no nf
flowers that added to the great mounds
ding presents were "valued on the ag
gregate 10 me auiouuioi J.' w.
The recent death in Concord, Mass.,
at the age ot W years, of Mrs. Lillian
Jackson Emerson, the widow of Ral ph
Waldo Kinerson. snaps an almost for
gotten link between this generation
and the past.
eoraM, no matter bow
dark the clouds are, when
tlio woman who is borne
down by woman' troul.les
turns to Dr. I'ii rce's Fav
orite Prescription. If her
life is ruaiio cloorny by the
chrome weakness, deli
cate derant;enientii, ami
Iinful disorders that af
flict her mi, they are com
pletely enroll. If she's
overworked, nervous, or
"run-down." she has new
bfe and strength.
" Favorite Prescription"
Is a powerful, invifjoratinfr
tonic and a soothing and
strenfrtheninf? nervine,
purely vegetablo, perfectly
harmless. It regulates and Pm",ol""
nroper functions of wonianhod, improves
SSSion, enriches the blood, dispels aches
a S pains, brings rcfreslii.i? sleep, and re
lMith anTviRor For every 'female
comiilaint" and disturlianoe, it ls the only
3y so sure and unfailing that it am be
7t"oWt benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
rrently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds head
aches and fevers and cures habit ml
constipation. Syrup of u the
only remedy of its k.nd ever pro
di'eetl, pleasing to the taste and ac
S ptahle'to pronip "
it, action and truly beneficial in its
effecT prepared only from the most
h n thy an,1! agreeable substances i s
to all ami have made it too met
PXreofieFfgs Tfcr sale in 50c
and' Ctlesby all leading drug
Sb. Any reliable druggist who
?y not have it on hand will pro
I it nromPtly fo' any one whc
urn UtiHrflittcrtl or
Y.f'biil Trial . t'BBM by Unit.
till. !iOU SI
York, eb
nlensn nut torn aaw the UrUciunl
fa tlii iiu."'.
S"d "Cmmo 111., and receive, postage paid.
Do Your lira Repairing
nr uslne Boot' Honeli!! Kcpn trine Outfit for 1'
aVM;trtofBoo8hfaiin.iItul1f.i. AnyraioctmusoiU Price
1 ri.pairliia-ttll principal parts
ci. i . a it . : 1 1. ... i r 1 1 ,r 1.
SmnloanA "I U Willi OurKloucil ri v.-.u.
1. ....-.,
AKK i;i"any leiuniiorwiuui j.
tomilKC 11 UI. noniB. ' ,,,...
CASKET, every'lil'"''
nr. ..,t. Ewry tliliiK meici""
,.1 tOVS. (
ITloe, to mm. ,BV;,"' ;;. J.ioltFr
ufiM..nn.nllnii ConffhtuCrOHPi
Throat. Bold br all "l ; 9U"2
Vara LaM SWa, BaekarChwt ihiloh-a
fcM ClMr. L.
Bum ObwrraUuat of the Arrrajo Mu'
It is aid that the mill-stones, as
Km; Solomon nicknamed the leelh,
were regarded by the ancient He
brew as the motive power of life and
that their value was manifest in
every a)ct of social aud relitrious
ex btence.
Hut to a newspaper reporter who
Venturis into a dental office there is
fiotliimr Kie.rt.t i va t.t :..
e U-Ah.jnk jL i-ni,irjuc3 ill
si'.'ht He t ikes mental note of the
various little devices intended to
j make the room attractive and home-
nia-ui me vu iims or the ' man of
the for. t ps." while ujl around buz,
diflerefit kiniU nf eloctri nhii.!i,ri ..
j ready to scallop out a hollow tooth or
wrencn wune nerve or demolish some
part of a man's dental anatomy.
And then dentists a-e not ill
alike. The reporter visited several.
He saw the fat dentist, the lean
dentist,, the dentist who laughs and
jukes wiui uie paiieni sunerer ana
the dentist who looks serious even
when he polishes the mouth-mirror,
the dapper dentist who trips lightly
and daintily across the room aud
hops airily around the chair.
Then there is the lady dentist,
something of an anomaly as vet, but
before who-o adroitness and deftness
conservatism is giving way.
(Josslping with the reporter, a
well-known south-side dentist said:
"Not long ago a lady called to have
an impression taken for a set of
teeth. She was well dressed and
gave every indication of being a per
son of intelligence. I proceeded to
do the work and told her to call in a
feiv rliivs In t rv I lie Un-nlafe.' Almur,
eight weeks elapsed before she came
lack, ami then she rushed into
the office and asked 'Doctor,' have
you got my plate done? I'm going to
New Vork and want them to-day-start
ftohl l:er it would be impossible
to have them ready, and she replied:
'(Hi. well, never minu, men, ior i
Khali be in New York several hours
and will have no dilliculty in finding
a set ready made oetter than any 1
could get in Chicago or any other
western town."'
While talkimr the dentist coolly
polished his crochet-hook instruments
with an expression of cruel satisfac
tion. In walked a delicate-looking creat
ure a lady who had been an invalid
for years. "Well, doctor, here I
am," she said. "I told you I'd come
when I ant niv courage up. Now,
go to work and extract every to'dh in
my head and make me a run upper
and lower set." Sh calmly took the
chair proffered chair and dis
played a surprising amouiiu of hero
ism. This was scarcely finished when a
strong man In good health opened the
door, glanced cautiously aruuuu,
started to retreat, made a bold dash
forward and sinking into the nearest
chair panted out: "How I ever got
up that flight of stairs l uoiri; miuw.
They seemed to grow wider and wider
as my courage began to ooze away. I
saw the number '13' on your door and
knew my hour had come. Oh, dear,
this tooth.' Oh!"
To divert his mind the doctor com
menced a long story about the expe-
iencc he had with an actress wno
vns so superstitious she wouldn't
invn her teeth filled in a room bear
ing such an unlucky number. The
nnnf Tim 11 S rniled dismally and finally
consented to have his tooth pulled.
After the last patient was gone,
the doctor said In answer to a ques
tion: "No, it is out or tne question
to tell who can stand pain the best.
Sex has nothing to do with it, health
has nothing to do with It and
.trengih has nothing to do witn n.
a hriirht vounz Irish girl came in
to have some teeth extracted. Sne
stood atrhast at the sight of the elec
trical apparatus at hand. The end
of the chair-arms were of polished
silver. was told to erip thcc
(Irmly. "No, she wouldn't like elec
tricity, but wanted to know if there
was something else, liau ine uoewn
ever heard of oxhide gas to prevent
pain?'' With the utmost gravity he
said he had would she prefer it? It
seemed she did. ine gas uag
full and everything was ready to pro
ceed. The doctor placed the inhaler
in her mouth, she negan 10 occkou m
hi She anid she had something to
tell him before she took the gas. At
tention was given Instead or uie gas
and she said: "Now, doctor, if 1 die
send my corpse to Loomis street
ch thnn tink the. Bva beautifully.
After this no one came in tor a long j
time except an old man. to sen iooiu
powder, and the afternoon seemea
long and stupid.
When the mantle of darkness fell
upon the earth, as the doctor, who
was young, poetic and In love, said,
and he was preparing to leave the of
fice somewhat earlier than usual, in
came a lady and her husband.
The lady was nervous. "
more than that. Her extreme nerv
ousness verged upon hysteria. She
,..ia of nn ulcerated tootn.
"No power on earm mum ..-..
her to take an ana-sthetlc." Her
husband fondly tried to sooth her
fears, the doctor anxiously reasoned.
cL ,.ifi rmt. sit in that chair. She
cried, she raved and walked the floor.
Her husband cxdoshh.viu.
a . lonirnri at his watch and won
dered how long sho would remain
that wav. , . .
After much persuasion sue
to sit down but no one must como
near her. The husband became Im
patient, the doctor thought of his en
gagement and sighed and the mo
ments lllttcd by. Still the lady would
not consent to have the tooth ex
traded. For one hour this contin
ued, each moment Increasing the poor
woman's terror, the husband's Impa
tience and the dentist's Ill-concealed
At last she calmly arose from the
cnair, dedarinir that she would not
have the work done that day and
went awa?. Chicago News.
Our I-jieU.U.
I notice that Dr. J. M. Rice has
been mm I. If in in.r in .
I v i""'"! ,u p.'Kes oi an
, luisVern magazine that Ameri ans use
j faulty English," said CoL Frank
I Doremus as he settled himself in a
j sunry corner of the Lindeil corridors,
j "Now, in thenameof Balaam's burro,
j who commisdoned Doc to speak ex
i cathedra in such matters? What Is
I 'faulty English? The language is in
. a continual flux is being constantly
i made and unmade. A hnndrwi nther
j languages are acting upon it from
within and without. New words arc
lieing coined aud old ones are drifting
I '"to desuetude. The circumlocution
offices, presided over with such pom
pous pride by the old scholastics, are
being permanently closed. A time
I and labor-saving language is the
American ideal. Volumesareerowded
into sentemes and long-winded para
graphs into short, snappy words that
strike like a solid shot Writers and
orators leject the theory that 'the
longest way round is the shortest
way home.' They cut across lots
make a liec-line for the bull's-eye-regardless
of what the purists think
about it. Life is becoming entirely
too rapid to waste much ef it hunting
up grammatical constitutions
laws. It is the man with the idea,
not the grammar sharp, who is mas
ter of the hour. The American news
paper writers are the most thought
ful, concise and vigorous to be found
on the planet. Thev are prc-emi-nentlv
perspicuous. You never need
a diagram to ascertain what they are
drivine at Their ideas are clear-cut
and have handles on 'em. Yet it is
safe to say that not one-half of the
writers for the American press would
recognize an adverb if they met it in
the road. They write by ear. If a
sentence sounds all right and sets
forth an idea in the fewest possible
words they let it flicker, and if the
ghost of Lindley Murray desires to
amuse itself with a cat spasm they
file no objections, if they ever wasted
any time studying 'grammar' they
forgot it almost as quickly as the ac
tor forgets the 'elocution' drilled into
him hy public school teachers and
peripathctic 'professors.' They be
come creators of language. Dr. Rice
should not worry. The 'bulls' and
'bad breaks' of the idea architects is
an evil that carries its own cure.
Grammar was made for man, not
man for grammar. There never was
and probably never will be a gram
mar sharp capable of rising above the
intellectual plane of a parrot The
question ever with them is, not what
to say, hut how to say it. Same with
l'oll." Globe- Democrat,
Why Hot?
An English irentleman and his wife
who were visiting friends in Scotland
were taken to see an interesting mon
astery not far from Cluny, their
friend's estate. In that part of the
country a man is known by the name
of his estate. W'hen they were asked
to write in the monastery visitors'
book, the Englishman noticed that
his host, Mr. MacPhearson, wrote
'ninnvand Mrs. MacPhearson."
Not to be outdone, the Englishman
promptly wrote, ''2t Lennox
aens, I'ont Street, and Mrs. Lock
wood.'? Another story is told of Mr. Lock
wood, in which his part is not, one
must conclude as innocent as it
ion!. lTr is evidently fond of a ioke.
He often visits extremely wealthy
and hosnitable friends in the coun
t.rv. These friends have a room ready
lor him whenever he cares to occupy
it. The house is seven miles irom a
railway station or telegraph office.
He once telegraphed them from Lon
don. "Mav I stay over Sunday?"
His hnsr, nald ten or twelve shil
lings to the messenger, and replied,
"Of course, but don't telegraph."
To this Lockwood innocently re
plied by telegraph "Why not?"
A Queer Madman.
In the insane ward at Blockley
Almshouse is a man who, once a
prominent figure in Philadelphia
Councils, is now stark, staring mad.
Although a man weighing in the
nclghooroodof 250 pounds, he is afflict
ed with the insane Idea that he is a
baby. One of his favorite pastimes
is to lie on the floor, kick his heels in
the air and laugh or cry as the mood
strikes him. One day last week,
while indulging in his favorite occu
pation, a guard accompanied by sev
rai visitor j missed through the ward.
Immediately the quondam Council
man began to raise an awful outcry.
The visitors stopped. "What's the
matter?" one of them asked In alarm.
"Boo-hoo!" cried the 250-pound in
fant. "You ought to be ashamed of
vmirsAlve. All vou big men stand
ing there and letting a little baby
iiw me lie on tho floor. Boo-hoo!"
Philadelphia Record.
Skunk 'Bound Her Nook.
Wnmnn in the. hiirht of the fashion
wear any little rodent tnat will reach
around the neck. The longer "d
more attenuated It is the better. Ihe
iiitio i.oaar. ground snulrrelor mouse,
or, It must be said, skunk, is kept to
resemble as nearly life as possible.
Its perishable frame is gone, but It
has Its head, its four little feet and
tall. It is worn by crossing Its HtMe
paws above its head, and its shining
eyes gaze ln a fairly animated man
ner on the pageant 01 tne miram"
theater. At the theater a sumtuous
person had tho eyes of her sable tip
pet replaced by diamonds that
sparkled and flashed, and the little
head seemed to he fairly revelling ln
the enjoyment of the play. New
York Sun.
H man can talk mean to a woman,
and make It all right with an apol
ogy, but a woman can't,
Do You Wish
thelFinest 5 Bread
nd Cake?
It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is
the purest and strongest of all the baking powders.
The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet-;
est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow
der makes the lightest food.
That baking powder vhich is both purest and
strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome
Why should not every housekeeper avail herself
of the baking powder which will give her the best
food with the least trouble ?
Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift
or prize, or at a lower price than the Royal,
as they invariably contain alum, lime or sol
- - phuric acid, and render the food unwholesome.
Certain protection from alum baking powders can
be had by declining to accept any substitute for the
Royal, which is absolutely pure.
Dlaabllltira of Sex.
Little Dot "I wish I was a boy."
Little Dick-"Why?"
Little Dot "Cause a girl always feels
so wicked w'en she does anything
wronir. an' a bov don't. Hovs iust eoes
right along an' has a good time.
A sad affliction did not seriously
affect the Drudence of a clervman who
controls a church in a little town near
New York City. His wife went to the
sea shore, in quest of health, and died
there. The bereaved husband sought
the officers of the railroad company,
and vainly tried to convince them that
they ought to convey the body home
for the unused half of the lady s excur
sion ticket
Mrs. Barber, a gifted widow, of White
Oaks, N. M., controls a large ranch on
which there are 8,000 cattle, and directs
the entire business. She is a good car
penter, wields the Jackplane and saw
with skill and dexterity, shaped tne
adobe brick with which her house is
built, and built the house herself. She
also does the finest needlework, is an
excellent musician, and ranks as an
all-around genius.
CataTh Cannot be Cured.
they cannot reach the seat of the
disease, uatarrii is a oiooa or consuiu
tional disease, and in order to cure it
vou must take internal remedies, xian a
Catarrh cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a
quack medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the best phvsicians in this
county for years, and is a regular pre
scription, it IS composeu 01 mo ucai.
tonics known, combined with the best
blood puritlers, acting airecuy on mo
mucous surfaces. The perfect com
bination of the two ingredients is what
nrodiices such wonderful results in
curintr Catarrh. , Send for testimonials
l ree.
F. J. CHENEY &CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
t-i'old by Druggists, 75c,
At some of the furnishing stores in
Indianapolis, Ind., stockings are darned
free of cost.
We have noticed a page article in the
Boston Globe on reducing weight at a
very small expense. It will py our
readers to send two cent stamp for a
copy to Betina Circulating Library, 36
. wasnington street, muigu,
Kavan thnnsand nersons a day are
added to the population of the United
The Only One Kver 1'rrotort. Can You Find
the Wont?
There Is a thrce-lnoh display advertisement in
this paper, this week, which has no two woid;
.like! except one word. The same is true of
each new one appearing each week, from the
Ilr Ilarter Medicine Co. This house places a
Crescent" on everything they linike and pnb
lish. Look lor it. send them the naaw oT the
word and they will retiirn yoi. it OK, KhAUTI
The czar of Russia has the stamp-
cnllpetinir mania. His collection is
..ijtAUnnrihnviir ; nuu.tAsj auu tu
contain nearly every stamp of the past
or present issues of all nations.
senmtarv of the Treasury Foster
bears a strong likeuess to General John
C. Fremont, the first presidential can
didate of the republican party.
a n tet.rie lioht for the use of trav
i h Uriah ta mad. is a recent ad.
eteia tiuv " .u ,
rlition to the cars on British railways
One adjoins each seat, ana a penny
j ,d ln a 8i0t makes tt flash forth,
I t b. for half an hour, when it
out ana another penny
r r , ,... forth
is required to make
it burst forth
- .
The only Pure cream oi xariar rwH.-. ,
Used in Millions !of. Homes 40 Years the SUndar
Urinklue I uder lllrncultles.
Little Boy (in the country) -"Th
water in this spring is awful good."
Mother" 1 hen I II take some, wnere
is the cup?"
Little Boy "There isn't any cup,
You have to lie down an' drink up
"How I WroteBen Hur,"
told by Gen. Lew Wallace, is one scrap
irom the voluminous and superD pro
gramme of eminent writers and inter
esting articles which The Youth's Com-
jianion announces. It retains its place
iii&aO.UOO families oy tne versatility
and the instructiveness of its general
articles, the high character of all its
stories, the brightness of its illustra
tions. Then it comes every week, and
one gets a great deal for H51.75 a year.
The price sent at Once will entitle you
to the paper to .Ian. 18U4. Address
The Youth's Companion, Boston,
A medical journal asserts that pec
pie who drink cow's milk are more
prone to consumption than those who
use the milk of the reindeer, the buffalo
the ass, or the goat.
Small Bile Beans will cure U.
A submarine electric lamp, which
was tested at Toulon, illuminated a
radius of one hundred feet. It at
tracted fish in thousands, which flocked
about it like moths at a candle.
Jayne's Expectorant is both a
palliative and curative in all Lung
Complaints, Bronchitis, etc. It Is a
standard remedy for Coughs and Colds,
and needs only a trial to prove its
A careful old lady in Southwark, Pa ,
concealed a ten-dollar gold piece in a
work-basket which contained some
rubbish. A tidy female relative threw!
out the rubbish, and the gold coin with
Go twice as
far as liver pills
Small Bile Beans.
cure oftener.-
It is said that bicyclists who ride to
excess become afflicted with catarrhal
laryngitis, caused by rapid breathing
through the mouth .
We eat too much aud take too little
out-door exercise. This is the fault
of our modern civilzation. it is
claimed that Garfield Tea, a simple
herb remedy, helps Nature to overcome
these abuses.
Denmark allows every subject, male
or female, who is sixty years of age, a
small pension. Only criminals are ex
cepted. ,
For Throat Diseases and Coughs,
use "Browns Bronchial lrocnes.
Price 25 cts. Sold only in boxes.
An entire dinner,. comprising several
courses, was recently cooked by elec
tricity in a hotel at Ottawa, Canada.
Psatnra cnmnlexion bv cleaning
the entire system, Small Bile Beans.
The tallest man in the G. A. R. ia
Wm. P. Boyne, of Green County, Pa.
His height it seven feet.
A bridegroom at HammoDd, IntL,
thought it prudent to begin married
life economically. He gave fifty cent
to the clergyman who performed the
ceremony, and then bad tne auoacity
to demand a receipt
A very pretty girl named Annie Mc
Tagve, aged nineteen, of Wannamasa,
N. J., was fonding a pet horse, when
the animal suddenly snapped a the
girls face and bit her nose, almost tear
ingitoff. She will be disfigured for
n I.. U Ammonia' Ko Alvffil.
j : t
li ,
cv w mL.