The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 15, 1892, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal
).. 5.
TLJlRTZjT&OUT, ZSHEB.. DEC. 15, 1892.
, Fed
an !
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SST. (l
Editor aid Proprietor.
. 1 X. V P.. K. Tinif table.
West. Going Knit.
ued. 11 :1S I So. , uiliwl 6:50
il r bubl Jl
tuhrl , ,
n- buabel
jet hundred tfc
fyrr ImndrM tfe .
rffcopped-pw hundrrd
yu-pt T iKUdwl
r rtoi -
ferr-per doi
k prr ton-.-
Lptr tol
Ufr-oative-lXT f
M"Crt"reiea every 1 uurnaay
I 00
1 25
3 40
4 SO
3 Ml
IS 00
t Hides bought at the harness shop,
finest line of cigars in town at
Lite will take some pood potatoes on
L-0H papers for sale at ThkJoihsaL
5 rents per dozen.
L-Hiirhwt market prH-es. paid for
Ut. (iRANT (ftTHRlK.
Ko complaint can be mad'; ko far of
liind of winter weather we are liav-
U. A. Garten was lu town on Tuesda.
J. IL Cook went to Crawford Tuesday
C, F. Coffee spent Monday night down
the road.
E. J. t'ilcox was up from Warbonuet
precinct yesterday.
J. Stimon seut us a remittance on
subscription last week.
John and Albert Sutton tame down
from Pleaiut Ridge yesterday.
C. F. Carlton arrived Saturday to
8pend the holidays with relatives.
L. A. Hrower sent us a remittance last
week to apply on his subscription.
Clint Houjjli has been laid up the past
week with rlieumatisiu in the knee.
J. J, Zuinbrunnen. of Pleasant Riilire.
is doing business in Harrison today.
Mrs. S. L. Ulerv has returned to her
school work in Cottonwood precinct.
C. E. Verity made a business trip to
Anlniore, S. IX, the first of the week.
H. T. Zerliw was in town Monday and
gave us a good lot of money on suliscrip-
GrammtreT Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Hamlin
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Warn- a
The ElJridge Bros, have got back from
their hunt. We did not learn what suc
cess thev had.
S. M. Thomas lost a valuable m ule a
few days ago bv sickness.
The Queen of the Housa of Ivid, by
Rev. A. Stewart Walsh, D. D.. ith ex
tended introduction bv Rev. T. TVWitt
Talmage, D. D. is a new book just pub
lished. Mary is a stronger book Uian
Ben-Hur in many respects aoc has met a
tremendous sale. It has ten illustra
tions, all taken from famous paintings.
It has the enthusiastic commendations of
Benson Losing the Historian, w ho says
It lia-5 ft fascination on pvtv nainp." and
II ii. ...j ... t tj: 1. I . .
narrv lt.uxnen v lruoi inuiau gretk, i hpaa pv. whn shvk
was indulged in by
hootists" last Sat-
A turkev shoot
tie of the lcxsl
L Wasted Parties iiaving land to sell
trade for stock to advertise in THE
f-A supper was given at the M. r..
mrch last Friday evening ami was well
A. II. Shafer came up from Rusliville
Satunlav and .sint Sundav with his
John I. Davis returned last week from
the hills, having accomplished the pui-
poses of his trip.
Rev, ar.d Mrs. Glasner left for Box
Ilutte county Monday evening, lieing
called there by the si kness of relatives.
Vv0.,wasin our neiirhbood Satunlav
too buy corn.
Born to Mrs. and Mr. O. A. Garten on
the se vent h a boy.
Mr. Erdmann returned from his week's
j hunt but with no game.
The threshing machine is idle now and
Mr. Nolan and Mr. Ellis have returned
to their homes.
Sam Leling is mourniog the loss of bis
dog by poison.
John Sutton and Locke Kirtley spent
Sunday at Geo. Davis.
Dug Hamlin and Leslie Crane were in
your city Thursday. G. L.
The eleint book
lias no rival in tlie field of literature it
occupies." Miss Willard calls it a!
"Vivid picture, whose whole tendancy is
to ennoble while it attracts and enter
tains. Mrs. Bishop John P. Newman,
of Omaha says "I think there are por
tions of it that can hardly be excelled in
any work of the kind;1" to sum it all up it
is a most blessed book and one that will
make the heart of every Christian
mother throb with pleasure. Among
others who recommend it very highly
j we note Joseph Cook of Boston; John
Hall D. D. of New York: Thos. Armitape
of New York; Mrs. Phelps, the Chautau-
quan and hundreds of others.
L. Gerlachhas opened the Ranch
Supply House and put in a nice, new
stock of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Gaps, etc.
Everything is new and fresh and his
prices are as low as the lowest.
f.n 4 u n A II
Udll dl UK H.iifMi Xiiddiv Mm ICC
HAnun yurrti uuuui.,
L GERLACH, Proprietor.
Y iu.u ms Thomas A t the cou n t y cou rt
room in Harrison, Nebr., on Wednes
day, December 14, li, by a Barker,
countv judge, Mr. Charles S. Williams
and Miss Lilhe Thomas, both of Sioux
county, Nebr.
The groom is one of the ent- rpjising
young farmers of Indian creek and the
bride lias been one of Sioux county's suc
cessful teachers. All unite in wishing!
t -Wanted Stock to
r particulars address
krrison, Nebr.
winter, cheap
John L. Kay,
-It is renorted that the gay and fes-
fruit tree agent is abroad in the east
Irt of the county.
-Mrs. H. A. Cunningham is selling
Ir winter goods and millenary at cost
pat residence and secure a bargain.
HiDOTind content is a home with "The Ro-
Uter," a lamp with the light of ihcmoming.
talopm,wrUe RucheterLampUJwew ort.
-B. L Smuck says the local in The
bciWALin regard the hoisting blocks
Id to their return. It pays to advertise
-Remember THE Journal clubs with
Iv paper published and by onlenng
Irough this ofllce you can save money
-The M. E. Sunday school is arrang
f to have a Christmas tree on Christ-
lis eve, All who desire may put pres-
Its on the tree,
-Lumber. First-class native lumber
Ll sliineles constantlv on hand at my
ill on Eust Boggy, 13 miles ea-st of
kmson. J. E. ARSER.
'.). M. Sutton's oldest child lias lwen
quite sick, but is improving.
S. L. Ulery expects to move out on
his homestead in the near future.
G. Guthrie has commenced work on
his graiu house. It will be on the rail
road track, just east of the elevator.
For some reason or otlier no papers
came on Tuesday from the east so on
Wednesday a double dose was received
Last Saturday was the 14th birthday
of Miss Claudia Hester and in the even
ing a number of her young f rie nds came
in and spent a very pleasant evening
with her.
The school board has employed W.
H. Davis and Miss Steen as teachers for
the eusuiDg term of school here. Both
of them apiiear to have given general
satisfaction in their past wort.
P. L McCrea has sold his farm north
of town to a man living in Illinois. The
purchaser expects to occupy the prem
ises about the last of rebruary. ftioux
county real estate is coming into ue-
The New Year's masquerade ball is
a sure go and those in charge are taking
steDS to make it one of the most enjoy
able events of the season. Everybody
w-tin en iovs dancing should attend and
the more maskers there are the more fun
can be had. Everybody mask.
them a long and prosperous married life.
Great Horse Sale.
The undersigned will sell at Harrison
on Satunlav, December 17, at Hoyts
livery barn about 2" good, young horses
and mares, all are halter broken and
most of them broken to harness, and all
are gentle.
Terms: A credit of 12 months will be
given on approved notes bearing 10 per
cent, interest 10 per cent off for cash.
Thomas Reidv, auctioneer.
J. G. Morris.
Holiday Excursion Rates.
On Dec. 24, 25, 26 and 31st anlJaJi'y
1st and 2nd the Elkhorn railroad wilt
sell excursion tickets to all points witiiin
200 miles at ODe and one third fare for
the round trip. Tickets good returning
until Jan' v. 3rd. E. F. Poktius.
.i t::., f rt-irlror's rmil
l IliegOOU qimuua wi
j-Tbe owners of the lot on which the arebegjnnmgto be appreciated evenbefore
V fhr!onon .,t,wl hav hu- - i .' ..J t travel and tlie oeoi)le
Joriaed J, E. Marateller to have the ar0 beginning to see what can be aocom
Vewalk laid along the front The rest pii, by systematic work in roadmak-
ing are preparing to lane a more ac
tive interest in the matter. Haphazard
Metcalf, the ablest political writer in
v.kcL-o will rpnresent the ivona-
HeraM at Lincoln during the coming ses
sion of the legislature. This means that
the Vt'crM-ZmJif s reports of legislative
doing and legislative struggle nuioe
highly interesting and readable. People
of Nebraska are already familiar with
the peculiar style which makes those ar
ticles in the ' World-Hirald which are
c; -Met" so easerly sought for. For
the convience of our readers we will lake
subscriptions for the world World-HcraM
at 1.00 a year or to the daily H orW-
tfTaM during the session of Uie legisia
ti at $1.50.
The Toledo Weekly BUde.
Tlie most popular and best known
weekly newspaper printed in this country
is the Toledo Blade, For more than
twenty vears it has had a circulation of
100,000 to 200,000; going regularly intof
everv stite and territory of the union,
From fifteen to twenty-five tons of print
oarer is consumed in each week sedition.
and it is resularlv mailed to more than
half the postoffices of the United States.
ll is a peculiar fact that the Blade in the
onlv weekly newspaper published that
has regular subscribers in all parts of the
United Slates. It is edited witb special
reference to the wants of all people in ail
sections. It is also made to interest
everv member of the family. Besides
all the news of the world, it has Serial
and Short Stories. Wit and Humor.
Poetry, Campfire, Farm, Sunday School
Lessons, Young Folks, Poultry, fuzzles.
Household, Answers to Correspondents,
Ftc . Etc. As a special featuae lor i?i
Mr. Robinson Locke, editor ond proprie
tor of the Blade, has just sailed for
Japan, and will contribute a series of il-
lusLratsd letters on Hie man tiers and cus
toms of that peculiar country and its
people, loe arucies win uc uumiuou.
. in Vahmarv nr March, and will
O.L.C,..U . J --
h wnrt i to the readers 01 uie oiuur
manv times the subscription price,
r,...",.,.,Wnf this naner is invited to
send "for a specimen copy. The pubhsh-
f RinHs wfinld be rlad to send a
specimen copy to every reader in this
... c L..nntmn nnrft ol t ie tsiaac.
one dollar a vear. Five dollars in cash
will tw paid to anv person sending in a
small dub of subscribers. rite for
rv.nt.' terms, cinc particulars. Ad-
oledo, uuio.
We Are Still Here !
Ready to Supply the Wants ot People of
rin tlie line of;
drvss "THE BuaPE, To
tlie lot owners whose walks were
troyed by the tire should not delay
Setting tlie walks re-built.
I have burchaaed a larcer and more I
r -
teiuive assortment of holiday goods.
k ill be glnd to receive a call from you
kl believe that I can satisfy you m
kids suitable for the holidays.
work never made good roads.
On last Monday evening B. L.
Smuck was about to put a tank of water
l.;. r islern when his little son, Jonn
ran out and lifted the cover from tlie
cistern, and in doing so lost his balance
,i .nt hid first to the Douom,
w .v.., auu ' ' ...
nl in rnfectinnerv. tw wtis iust water enough in tlie CIS
the little one from re-
r a kooq manv nava caiiou ami lev w'u r ......
Li .u-; . . . .L .:n . .rinus iniurv by its fall anil Mr.
p wreir accounts out mere sun a p-c..i"B - - -
L . J . . . . .1 CI ...I fillll'U V nfHCUCU llllf ..w
puu many wno nave not yeicomeio omuc
Last week was a rather hard one on
.1.:. i;u railroad. On Thursday even-
ing the eastbound train whon near Van
Tassel broke in two and wnen 11.
. .i.-.- ont.v-two di-awlieads were
lUgVLMCl J ' it I K
naUIV Miawn
a w ueei on
pe. We trust these wiH not delay.
i .
le money due us woura eoaoie us to
our hllla and we should like to
hiare up with every ooe the first of the
I . 11 ITK t
fcugbt to" OI Wo wlm-rip- broken and the passeagen
i"lllJ anu auanutv nn. The next eveimiK -
L.tA aoeaDere faromhlv iii,iv..i..J. i u mhan the train was
La4tt to town to be sold t ..jl - . in h sliakinir no which
luly appreciated by us. Some meo followed the express car was somewhat
est even in theit deaUAg. wlth the I danwuced, but fortunately no one was
1 hllea .itlu.ii iinlA
t ei MV Vlbllvi biiii-'
Namerou requests have boea mail. -lU, ao Swan Peterson
iuw uie rati vsuLLt Diiai-ruxMi l trim in ha nnm luiri v -
lMumi(iinriHi ira oiith tliA. j m. i ha Itfiri tifld
give the matter the necessarr atten. Lmmirh f-niipr life and took his
I. I-mH aha 1.. . J a. . -n 1 a ' Itnma in
tor stock la requested to call and low. A few weeks ago he returned
ige to advertise the same in The I briMria nthara witlv him, and he says he
slaod Uet 1 i eaMeaed that Sioux county is a much
la no. uiMte Knt mhat: fhia I better olaae for a Door man than cun be
of road will h ....i I foanri im tha ut. When people see
tiler will permit in the snriar. OtbeW have to contend with in the
reoorted tW ui; I aa la about the some financial
tow already been secUrl atCammmd UnifllMUli, they readily that
'o., and supplies wilt likely beate Wty poseesses advantages over
' locality.-
Our Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hard
ware is Complete and we Have
Farm Machinery
in Season.
Our Prices are Down to the Lowest Notch.
Purchase TifkfW and Consign Vonr FreigM
T1S ttl
F., E.&M. V. S. C. & P.
H r,. BURT, General Manager.
K. C. Morehoi-sk. J. R- Brcmsas.
Gen'l Freight Agt Oeti'l Fas- Agt
Sale or Trade.
general Merchandisf
Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnisning
Goods, Flour and Feed
tbe road to that point vanr twortlf
- wf prints
oi uie road and toe de
t mine ml resource of Wy
atly add to the proape-lCjp
Ma t iamai u diaoonUnue the aill
7 bturineee after airiatniM, i win
oIom out at oott. Call early aad wcur
,.n M smooth lmt tor Side or
. . . ,.inrtnnmol flne,!re
trade lor aiwK , """ . ,
IT. - an. under fence; acres umtor .
cultivation ; good ! ' -
mentland adjoining. A .so. ' "" -dress
C, Caro Jocbsal.
For sale or trade for stock a qu-'':
! ,... i,tl Ave mites 'phi
section oi , .
n, rrv farm 1HUU . viic-
atroam of rnnnmg wmu.
Iitiprovementajalso ft gooa
land. Address B care Journal.
S. 4iacnof flne land in one body for
sale or trade for .."""""..,,
nne spring!.; pi'"J "' "".' mmmt
building purpose on pro.... .
land adjoining; good Hon and rtrtl
ttercB ni-der fence; M acres
. . ... tn and timber. A lK"
4. 160 acres of One land for sale or trade j
lor stock. Running water
erament land; i-ac- -
land; blnoo pasture. aotv
5. one tiundred and sixty res of land le
timber.- Kr terms apply to The Keldy.
Good W aore f.rn. ; 1 j
mue from ratlwdl term! "T7 m""
IahjH WTQ-
-.oct) a nu use on
i tfi?i
.v,t."to' t.tkenwitli'K.
' k-;w vvre ca?"
iroJ y compete
:tei NOVEL,
it -;ts
Society LaJtcs
the ttiion A-
tsluvt tV t-v-'"'-
A year's t
ikm to txti
$i f AtSti tMWiV
v. w ,
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and
Binders, Mowers,
Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps
and Buggies,
When in town call and see our
goods and get our prices.
"Seeing is Believing "
AM n goa tamp
t hnt totes "lh Rochf
Will ittbfsse tne iruui h..v -- .
it i USMUij Sale auu anv -- - -
".".TTTijit . on,rfnl amfi." for ns maf'
"7 k .hter than ras liiht.
Setter tnan ci.- - -- - t-rtiwi
1 fliBJ0JSrSa to s tSTeaTsew mund
BOCH'twaai'Sa -
I.Vlyj. , ,