The Sioux County Journal lust air Di iUrrl. TOtj i rut h' all. CLY ri: DOLU irdt. em, reeliat' Fitd 11 IUHJ of E 'and XI 3, kw, I i the FREE RD COLM r. nlnl it!. 3 T.I ) j. 5. IHE SIOUX COUNTY tT iR, 2ST Xj. noons. Editor art Proprietor. E.4H-VR. K-Timr UMp. i nl Going Kant. i 11 :1S I Bo. , mined ... Carrison market. : tranheL. 4.V&JS0 90 40 1 00 HO 1 50 15 IS t to 1 4 3 SO IS 00 bushel hinlicl.. ... r hundred bundred t lPped-per hundred t. per bushel . - p?r doz.- t-fT rr, K pt ton--."-"-" """""-"- f.jn-r mrd br-Mtive-por m. ft r . i .. W,t line of clears in town at tlie k store- ;n did cnma cmui nfiTnrnes on iH Bill w..- p j- - - Won. ta,rf Lindeman has his Dew house Mr to be clat tered. (m papers for saleut The Journal Scents per dozen. fcob Henry now comes to town in a ,otK platform spi ing- wagon. market pncea paid for L Grant Gctuiue. It count v commissioners will meet ftcember Slst to close up tho work WAXIED-Stock to winter, cheap. . U T..1... f V....V-T particulars address John h. Kay Tuoo, Xebr. The tlevalor buildiiiff of the Howard to Co., is completed and ready for It is a credit to the town. Mrs. H. A. Cunningham is selling winter goods and millenery at cost. put residence and secure a bargain. Iippy ud content ii a home with "The Ro ster"! limp with the hght of the morning. iloKM,wnte RochCTtcrl jmpCo.i'wVork. kRemember The Joi'RSAL clubs with paper published and by ordering biigh this office you con save money. The M. E. Sunday school is arrang- W have a Christmas tree on Christ- leve. All who desire may put p res- ion the tive. Uhbek. First -class native lumber shingles constantly on liand at my II oo East Boggy, 13 miles east of rnson. J. E. Arnek. Rev. C. E Suavely will hold Epis- fil services at the M. E. Church in rison at three o'clock or. Friday Dec. Everybody cordially invited to at- kA masquemdo ball for New Year's is iff talked of and will be definitely lied upon in the near future, so it is tolx-in to think about your cos hes. L E. fklden has received word that Jprnsion claim has been completed and ill not be long until lie will be on the fion loll with two or three vears of pay. hihe niifiroacli of Christmas leads us h-inark that if any of our friend have cei fnt turkey, goose, duck or chicken I they do not need, it would be duly hwiated by the printer. llio ministers of the western portion he thadroo M. E. district will meet "rawford oo December 13th and 14th, Nsultation na to tlw best methods ferrying on the word "of the church rew new counties with forty-five f of railroad withiu its borders exist charo not heavily bonded. Sioux nas never issued a dollar in . .... Inly bonds and is pracUcally out of Wheal is beginning to move a little. Ihrie shipped a carload Monday even- and on Tueaday purchaaeu over seven Mrd buahelfc He law Hit lumber for train hoiuw ,0 Kroiind and will l4it time for those who want iV uelr Pw the coming k i.. ... . .. . uwr upiicaiion. Tlie are distributed in Februarv and i aim tne applications must be made time in advance. new time card went into effect on i E. & M. V. last Sunday. Toe (f mm the east now leaves at 11:15, )lnutet later than formerly, and the om the west leaves at ten htes earlies than before. ilf the old otlage that "the Hist three h of m-emlicr govero tlie winter' V true the coming winter ought to linoti milder tlian those of the past m. .... I . . . . . i or ine nnt inree aays of this th w?re as pleasant as any one could : M have purchaswl a larger and more neive aawrtaient of holiday roods. (II be glad to reoeive a call from you Wieve that I can aaUsfy you is k suitable for the holidays. r evt JAS. fJWTT, dealer la Confectionery. H Important Moth. THE J.XUN.ils lks show a la'ce number of delinquents on subscription and other accounts and all are urged to call and settle as soon as possible. Must of these accounts are -.mall, i,ul ; the asRreitp they amount to hundreds of dollar to t!,. Do not wait for further notice hut call and settle up or send a re mittance for tin? amount. Your prompt attention to this matter will lie apiH-eriated ,y The l'rwjsHKK. I'EItSONAI.. 8. R. Story was in Harrison Monday. Mrs. Meis netit to Omaha yesterday eveninjr. leorffe Walker went to Omaha last eveiiiriif. ii. GrisvMiM went to Chadron last evening. I'onM. Weir uns at the county scut on Monday. Miss Ida Schwartz returned Monday from a visit to Chadron. J. W. Langdon was in town Monday and called at this oHice. M. J. Hlewett orders The Jui rnai, sent to him at Bartlett, Wyo. e Walker returnel Tuesday from his triii to South Dakota. Jl. 11. Russell was in town Saturday and called and gave us some cash on sule scnpliou. iffsTUlcry has so far recovered from .... her recent illness as to lie able to begin her school next Monday. Frank Xutto was over from Indian creek on Tuesday and called and gave us some cash on subscription. Frank Tinkhani was in town Saturday and called at this ollice. He says his corn crop was of excellent quality. A son of II. T. Meriiam arrived from Iowa last Saturday and left on Monday for I lead wood where he will spend the winter. I '. E. Haas was looking after his Sioux county interests the past week. He is now located at the railroad shops at Chadron, and will likely le put on an engine before a great while. I -ffleeditor is on the sick list this week and "the devil is running the print ing press." lJeoru'e Uerlaeh was thrown from his horse a few (lays ago and broke his arm. Dr. Kridgnmn set the aim and he is now doing well. There will he a social at the M. E. Church on Friday evening Dec. ft, at o'clock, for the purpose of raising funds to prepare for t hristmas and purchase singing books for the children. h w-S" .lobnson. the cheese man of White Kiver. was in uairisou on .uoo dav. He reports the past season's work us satisfactory and expects to milk ahont seventy-live cows next year. Ho Ihui.- ii ready market for his cheese at a p.olit able price. He has commenced work on his fish pond and will have it ready to stock in the near future. -Geo. H. Turner was out to his farm on Antcloue last week and threshed out, nvera thousand bushels of grain. He has been in a number of states and says he does not lielieve there ran be found a lietter place for a man to carry on stock farming than Sioux county. He also in , i .. l, would out his small lormeu us vw..v - grain in with a press drill in future i-in,. swished that he will get better re i,n Vic en winy broadcast. Otlier HUH uiau "J - farmers should follow his example -The rock work and grading on the n.i mad is nractically done and all mat remained to complete the road is to i .i (inu Rids were nut in to do lllHKe mieu no.-. - . m-nrk and the committee last r n day called on the people of the town to contribute what was neccessaiy. It did not. lb to raise the necessary amount and tlie work will soon be com Dieted and the best road ever had from the valley up the hill will be oien to travel and that, too, without one dollar cost to the county. Of course more work will he needed in the future in widening the roadbed, but that which is done is of such a character that it will be permanent and as there will be no bridges and no places to wash out it will be economical as well as trood. lu this matter much credit la due to Jndg Darker. He lias been untiring in his ef forts for years past to get a good road for the people in the valley to come to town over, lie did all the surveying, all the superintending of the work and a irreat deal of trood. hard nmnnel labor to aocomplish what has been done without any compensation whatever. Some do Ot appreciate what he has done, but the time will come when all will aocora mm the credit due and Tm Jocwul moves that the thorough-fare he rhrfsteoed and called "Barker's road." - AISOT. lEsTlDElO. 8, 1892. - few days ago we receive a nice ' lot ol onions from LeotM.1.1 1 h U... l- .i ' .. . ' -....... .ireas line asc. I. r.r.-l, i ! ami solace that a few of tiiemVxceed .V&Xi7SZi pounJanda half in we,,-ht. Mr. lJt':: " -"- liot k thoroughly uri. -Mauds the ait of1 L"' K- i-kin-i, juJeof etotiunund ... i ...... I "laKillK ivtnril. .-Kv ...... i,i..v:ii;i auu is uiielv lixed Tori the Idleness. " , . jrt r. , . ! l-n ,l, harbour, Uu- slate jreoloidct. . was in Harri-on yesterday, and se-url I a sample of Sm.iix county wiil fr tlie : woi-lu s fair. He is g, pie of soil fruni every stal j ;ni,l expressed thj opinion that toe sample of our soil v a good one ami ! would make a good showinir at the hi f.iir. U-rV. Hester will put uiia 12-foot ''eared Aerm.itor at his farm in the nmr liniire and lit it up so that he ran attach any niai biueiy be d-.-sii-es to run as well lis have his water muniied. A. Ilassel- piist w ill al-o put 1 1 j . an AennoUir at farm. It vill not b" lung llnti lurm wiiiioui a windmill will lie a cur iosity. (ii-cat Horse Sale. i The undersigned will sell at Harrison on Sat unlay, December 17, at Hoyfs very barn about 25 irood. voiinir horses ! mil (1CHCH. nil n m ter broken nn! most of them broken to harness, and all are gentle. Terms: A credit of 12 months will be given on approved notes bearing 10 per cent, interest. 10 per cent, olf for cash. Thomas Reidy, auctioneer. J. (. Mohhis. (irillliiiii'lYV Items. lTIe Crane and George Tool have re turned from their hunt with three wolves and live coyotes. Snow fell Monday night and Tuesday. ( Ht'in Leeling and family sjient Sunday at Dug Hamlin's, Albert F.rdman lias gone for a week's tint. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Lewis spent at unlay with Mrs. Hamlin. The Eldridge brothers have taken a trip to Cottonwood. This stoi :n will drive about all the hunters in. George Davis has about finished his stable. .;io is around buying up steer G. L. live . COMMISSIONERS' RECORD. (Ullii'iid.l IlAllRIKON, Nl'.RH., Iec 1, I'-- Hoard of county commissioners met in special session a per call oi cici s. Present--Commissioners h nou, (O''1'" Weber ami Clerk. Minuti-sof lii-l meeting read and, on mo tion, approved. Overseer slat cut ol Valenti : was taken up iinil considered, mm on tlou, Valentine Thomas be given u cert ill- ite on road fund of distiiet No. mm u sum of jiS.."iO. Olticialbondof J. It. I'.urko lor , the peace lor l.ouiirc i)rceiiicin.-.m liids for building nrmifo m uwi' precinct were opened, mid, on motion clerk was and he hereby Is Instructed to not if y s. u ( arev that liis bid will accepted upon ..." entering- into contract and furaiidiinglxinrt rconling to specilieutionu on nie. Coiiloy for county fiilicial bond of llnli 1. considered and on iltorncywas taken up, motion approved. flie lollowing claims ogttinsi s ,,re audited and allowed mm lercd (iriiwn on the senerai imioo. the same: I.. K. lielden, making uiiuoi uoa.-: I 40 W. K. ir i KU an, -"r;.; ntiees... !i 0 Ihos. (eiuy, pos,uiW --- (JU Thus, lieniy, umuio""B 45 oo plies -T-'.VrrV7, - 14 I1 Thus. Ken V, slicii" i -7- ;j 7S ;,, Iswold A Marsteller supplies .VSlieringeilm ...pplies It (Jl ;,; w.'scott, i'!'":K:,-v; ::";::ni 4.-1 A. I.. Ilaumsai 13 10 John A.(irce eo ..Ly .. 11. II. liusscn, ju-nv, .Jim J. 11. Johnson, (i - .j m J. . (omiiHou 2 no miUiliiK " ", " ",- "n.eii on . ' " S. J. Uiellng, Judge oi election g m j. C. I,. Kiiguim. , lk. s. K. story, ... o (;u$N:k;--- IS! o. W. Story. ' 3 oo j I) liurke, clerk ol election ;) ' '!! rtrth. ludge of eltt"" ! 3 oo 3 00 00 3 00 j,'. K. Hidden, " .lanieH Karimm " ... 1 J. Simmon", cutk 7 70 t 00 t oo II. 1. .V(M,re. , W. S. Nicholson, clerk 2 (Kl 1 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 W. A. MHMU8U... iv. Carey, j,e.- Yolo, Kohwetto Hurry mown W li.Arncr clerk John W. (iridium e and niak- ins returns . ; --; i 3 j oo KmiTk 1'inkhiim, jiu gu' -t - . oo Stephen serroH, u 3 no l''s.r!'tuf"r-",V.;t of"e'le'tl)i. - 3 00 JfU' i i rtnni' ! , ........ i. , uiiii it v. wooiiy. J''B" w ... inn making, retiirni 'v-V.of cfce.tiou.. 8 ' J. K. ll'iim'Ksw"' -"-- ,. .. a ii M. O. Koun, .,, ,i .. 3 00 7 w. Mohr. clerk of m s ,w .t'rnUUclndors, Jdo w K. Jones. ,, 3 00 John Mniwlng, , . . ,. .. 3 00 wlirh.-to.eotlonsnd nulrlnc mitorns a naa.i.i. : ....,.... a oo a ot J. y. Burnett, jnajo m mu.ii. Arthur Mwi, " . . ... John A. Urm:n, Jmle ot ew .... Tol nuimng igHit.i...- J-e. II -t, ,, f f -'1C,T ifIl "r"T 'r!. -ler ..f rl.i i a i f LHW AIl rU-yll ",a!cnti,. 'ih (,emt'e ALU rl-Mi, juice of eiecli.ei in ; S i) J oo J vi 9 . .. I'wl, Judge Of e!e-ti0U. . le NriMjii, .. W. II -orliiu, clerk ' J'lhn 1'. Ciirran, " " l:;""iH- leaU-. judge of election " . t (Ml 2 t - 3 l i.fe. - and" 3 Oft r''t".r"'' - 5 l-0!lrd l)KUt. eierk ot eleflio.i S iw 8 Hi 5 ul 3 mi S It) to liet a Saitl-I -I'lil'i Jtaul. " ' . Al A. K. ..itt-, judge " unity in thtU. ii. I'ini.eo. 1 " ""i::" ! J.i'lll lle.-ker, " ' i ,M. J. W.d r. clerk of election and uiuk- ma returns 7 50 3 It) s UO 1 on 2 On S U 3 DO 3 W 4 5l 4 Hi 4 40 5 i.i 4 .V) 4 W 4 SO 3 en 3 ,i 4 HO 4 00 4 M 4 el 2 10 4 (Kl 3 i;o 4 50 5 00 i oo W. 1 rv, clerk ol cl. rtio;i Juiim'-. . st-4Lt. cunviisini' U:ird I -. liarke 1 onrad l.inileimot ri""".''1 T-hhet. Jury f.. Julia I!, ni.nn. j A. 1 , Herni in Kieirntl), ! J. w. irv. I . - il niciker, llaviil i ox, Aili'-rl l)l)v-rt llli;l'll l.i.CT'-, 1. K. l.illien, l icure .il.e, .Iittiie iImih, John 1 lel'eno, I.iMlis liulliliK, Clmrles 1'. i.rove, i hmies k. rity,' sh Amlefwm',' "" mA T. o. Willinin., 1 ollowiii(j claims nir.llnst s,oux eountjr were audited, mill allowed and warrants or dered drawn on tile bridge fund of lsw for the same.: (irlswold & MinstclK-r, sjiikoi :! 00 A. 1.. luilin!ar1lltT, pulillblliuK 3 73 On motion, board adjourned to meet on the 3i t day of lieccnibcr, lsfcj, at 10 o'clock, 11.111. CONIMI) I.IXIiEMAN, County I lerk. "Mary, The Queen of tlie House of David," by Rev. A. Stewart Walsh, D. D., with ex tended introduction by Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, I). D. is a new book just pub lished. Mary is a stronger book than Hen-Hur in many respects and has met a tremendous sale. It has ten illustra tions, all taken from famous paintings. It lias the enthusiastic commendations of Benson Lossing the Historian, who says 'It lias a fascination on every page," and Hoadley, who says "The elegant book lias no rival in tho lield of literature it I occupies." Miss Willard calls it a ''Vivid picture, whose whole tendancy is I to ennoble while it attracts and euter- tains." Mrs. Bishop John P. Newman of Omaha s vs "I think there are por- lions of it that can hardly be excelled in anv work of the kind;" to sum it all up it is a most blessed book and one that wi miike tlie heart of every Christian mother throb with pleasure. Among others who recommend it very highly we note Joseph Cook of Boston; John Hall D. D. of New York: Thos. Arnutage of New York; Mrs. Phelps, the Chautau ijuan and hundreds of others. The Toledo Weekly Made, Tho most, nonular and best known weekly newspaper printed in this country is the Toledo Blade. For more than twenty years it has had a circulation of 100.000 to 200,000; going regularly into every state and territory of the Union. From fifteen to twenty-five tons of print ..nner is consumed in each week sedition, ind it, is renulai'lv mailed to more than half the riostoflices of tho United Slates. It is a peculiar fact that the Blade in tlie only weekly newspaper published that has regular subscribers ill all parts of the United States. It is edited with special reference to the wants of all people in all sections. It is also made to interest ,mw of the family. Besides evei u.'-",ut' .... hi,,,pws of the world, it has Serial '.! Khort Stories. Wit and Humor Poetry. Cauiiilire, Farm, Sunday School Lessons, Young Folks, Poultry, Puzzles. Household, Answers to Correspondents Ftc Etc As a special featuae for 1803 Mr, Robinson Locke, editor ond proprie tor of the Hhiik, has just sailed for Timnn. nr.d will contribute a series ot u lodged letters on the Manners and cus- f ii.oi .wenlinr country audits loni-s OL L.l. 1' - ...,t Tim articles will be commenced March, and will sometime iu --- , ,i, tn (ho readers of the hlaih ne iui in i." ,..nv times the subscription price of this oaper is invited to rr n. ,peimen copy. The publish ersof thefltafc would tog to nd a snecinien copy to every rea. r in this One tionai j .. - ,):,.., :n "mftl ?'VU . nnrticulars. Ad dress The libAOE. Toledo, Ohio. NORTH EAST WEST ,1 ('nii-lirn Vour Freh'lit iw.hii.c Tickete nil" via the- F. E. & M. V. S. C. & P RAIIHOADS, it n HURT. General Matnger. 20 OMAHA, Nti. SOUTH SOMETHING NEW! L. Gerlach has opened the Ranch Supply House and put in a nice, new stock of Groceries. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, etc. Everything is new and fresh and his prices are as low as the lowest. Call at the D linn We Are Still Here! ASD HAVE A STOCK OF GOODS, Ready to Supply the Wants of People of SIOUX COUNTY :in the nD Ani?DTT?0 vJTlVUUlLlVlJLO, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, ETC. Our Stock of Shelf ware is Complete and we Have WAGONS and Farm Machinery in Season. Our Prices are Down to tine Lowest Notch. GR9SW0L0 & GEO. H. TURNER, DEALER I3ST (general Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Flour and Feed :anb a Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and Machinery. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps and Buggies. When in town call and see our goods and get our .Respectfully, GEO. H. TURNER. "Seeing is Believing.,, Jltrn J mnst be simple; ISvnmH wwienot good. impU words mean much, but to see " The Rochester " will impress the truth more forcibly. All rnela!. tough and seamless, and it is absolutely safe and unbreakable, Lik e Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar velous light is purer and brighter than cas lichr. softer than electric light dm I,ook for this rtamp Tbr Rochrstrk. If the larapdcaler hasn't the (mains Rochester, and tlie style you want, send to us for our new Illustrated caulorui!. and ye will tend you a lamp jafely by express your choice of over S.OOO varieties from the Latest Lamp Store in the IVorli 1 MX u i ISTO. 13. immu ftj Anor L. GERLACH, Proprietor. line of: DRY GOODS. and Heavy Hard MARSTELLER. Merchandise, full line ok prices. dnd a good lamp when it is not simple it is jseaunjui, Lrooa these made in three pieces only, and more cheerful than either, KOCHKiXi vi jlamp CO., Vwctt Place, New York Cttr. lie Rochester1