The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 01, 1892, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal,
VOX.. 5.
V j. siiHinou. Editor t4 Proprietor.
HH;H,IS02Sr, ZLnTEB., DEC. 1, 1892.
iro. 12,
t.oing West.
V H. R. Tim table.
Going East.
6, wlxed 7.00
trst-pcr bnsnei-
B--r bnwhel . .
-per hundred
ja-p. r nannrra
PKd-rlmpped pr hand ml f
fcUlorIT buhol
mer-per B
Iff r i!oz . .
nmltrr-per do
!l-p-r ton .
Hood -'r cord...
Umhir-nHllve per m. ft
"l'orrerted every Tburmlay.
I 00
t VI
4 50
5 Ml
is n
Have you swn the comet?
-This is the first day of winter.
-Finet life of cigar in town at the
dreg store.
-Are jour friends coming to Sioux
county to live?
-IIuw large a crop do you exje t to
have next season ?
-Old :iers for sale at TllE JoniN.u.
office. 5 cents per dozen.
0. (iiithrie will begin the predion l
hi ?rain house next week.
-Two curs of horse were sliip-d
from here the first of the week.
Hightst mnrket prices paid f
ilieat Grant Githwe.
the work on tlie elevator is pro-
sresfiiiis and the building is now used for
storing grain.
-Tlie farmers are putting in tliei
Kara time tretting up a supply of woo
Jfor the winter.
-Tlie W. C. T. U. will meet at the
evidence of Mrs. E. G. Hough on Friday
Wtemoon at 2 o'clock.
-Mrs. H. A. Cunningham is selling
tier inter troods and roillenerv nt cost
ill at residence and secure a bargain.
Happ? and content i a borne with "The Re
ssner," a lamp with the lieht of themornbg.
Ualojpia, write Rochester LampCo.,N"cwY.k.
Rtinemlicr The Journal clubs with
yiy paiier published and by ordering
'hroujjh this office you can save money.
Work for a mill. A good mill will
prove of great benefit to everyone and
Kould also be a good investment for the
Rumors of new enterprises being
puled in Harrison are afloat, but we
knot at liberty to give the particulars
st yet.
-But a small part of the wheat cro
this locality has been put on the mar-
tyet. The farmers are holding for
tter prices.
-Otto TieUe has moved the house re-
Fitly purchased bv him of Judge
Irker to his homestead north of town
P will soon occupy it
Ht would be a good plan for the
fng people to fix a skating rink. It
uld cost little, excent labor and a
m deal of sport could be had.
hB. L. Smuck savs that the person
i has the pullevs belonging to the
Pge had better brinir them back as
f as possible as they are needed.
Lcmbkr. Pirst-class native lumber
shinele constantly on hand at my
on Kut IWp-v. 13 miles east of
ro; '
rison. J. E. Antim.
p. W. Hunter informed us that a
t bic bov arnved at the home of
i Serres a few days ago. Sioux
y will soon need anotlier census.
band boys ore making good
in their work auu v i.-
Hx.rUijt o(ic..
The J'n cyu.'s i,a-.- i - .
i " a large
j n'""W " WinuuiU on suWription
i and otl-r accounts and all are ursed to
call and settle as soon as jxible. Most
of tlse accounts are small, but in tlie
agre-ate tl.y amJ,)llt lu lim)djeJi of
dollars to iu. Ito not wait for further
notioe but call and settle up or send a re
mittal e for the amount.
Your prompt attention to this matter
will he appreciated by
U"seBaiker returned Saturday from
iH. Cook returned from Crawford
V- . Hester went to O-uwforJ Tnes-
uav evening.
The Prospects.
The editor of Tin: Joi iism. arrived
nome last Monday from I
eastern part of the stale.
alist-nre he made it his stiecial business
peopU- of the fr.-e land, free fuel,
to te
line climate, good soil and pure water to
lie found in Sioux count v and also of the
cheap himlierand coal obtainable in this
section of the country.
The fact that there is still over eight
hundred thousand acres of government
land in Sioux county yet oien to home
stead was a surprise to many, hut those
who have no land and have been paying
the high rents asked by land ow ners are
taking much interest in the matter and
scening all tlie information tliey can
with a view to coming here to get a
home. The advantages in the cheapness
of fuel, luinlier, etc., are at once recog-
niwd by those who know of the high
price of such things in the eastern part
of the state in the early days of settle
ment and all know that cheiip fuel and
lumber are two great advantages in any
Another thing which is attracting a
good deal of attention is the fact that
tome cheap deeded land can be had in
Sioux county and a number contemplate
coining hero to purchase land and im
prove it and thus make a valuable piece
of projierty out of it. They have seen
the development of the east part of the
state and have seen land advance from
no market value to from fc.r to "i0 per
ac'-e and they are sitisficd that the same
will prove true of northwest Nebraska
as soon as the government land is taken
t-n . Hill returned Monuav from a
trip to Omaha.
Miss Minnie Crane, of Bodarr. is in
Harrison todav.
Mrs. A. L. Daiiingartner returned from
Fairfax. S. I)., yesterday.
George Valic.;r started yesterday for
the Tilack Hills on business.
1. II. (hiswold and family returned
Monday from their visit iu Iowa.
trip to the .VJmues Clark, of Montrose, was in town
During hisiTuevlav and inlll nt ,M,-
V. A. Hester went to Chadron Thurs
day evening, returning Saturday.
Wnlm Sutton and his mother were do
ing business in Harrison yesterday.
Mrs. Haynes, sister of Mrs. S. L. Ulery,
arrived from Douglass Tuesday evening.
We received some cash yesterday to
apply on the subscription of E. L. Gal
pin. Mrs. S. L. Ulery is on the 'sick list,
having had to give up her .school in Cot
tonwood precinct.
lA !?, Kennedy went to Crawford Mon
day evening where he will lie employed
during the winter.
i-rfT"J. Zutnbrunneu was down from
Pleasant Ridge the first of the week and
called at this office.
p W. Meridith was up from Crawford on
professional business last Thursday and
called at this ollice.
Christ Chrislensen was up from An
drews Tuesday. He is .suffering a good
deal from rheumatism.
John Plunkett culled yesterday ami
gave us some cash on subscription. He
goes to Vorhees today to take charge of
a section ou the F. E. & M. V.
-Henry Brundige and children returned
Monday from Iowa. lie expect-, his
brother-in-law and family to become
residents of Sioux county in the near
In the south part of the state a piece
of land which would not sell for forty
cents per acre a few years ago, sold a
few weeks since for $17.50 and there
were no improvements on it except that
a fence surrounded it, and land which
only a few years ago was passed in scorn
by the settlers is now selling at $2" per
aero with an excellent prosjiect of going
still higher. From what could be
learned it is likely that from fifty to one
hundred families will come from Seward
and Nuckolls counties within me next
few months to make their home in Sioux
county. A party oi iauu
each place expect to come up during the
present month and a number are prepar
ing to move here in time to put in a
... ... : I..,-., fircf In look.
crop, wunoui coiniuB -
Parties living in uranc county
nvestigating this locality with a view
to locating, having just lear.ieu o. ...
excellent opportunity to secure lanu ...
Sioux county. Land seekers and settlers
are also expected from Illinois within the
f.,,, unil tnk lie the wnoie uiiuS
Ntrai mi"'" 1
.o consideration it is but fair tooeie
that the heaviest settlement ever known
in Sioux county will be witnessed
.u future and it is the
in me
.!.,. of every one to exert every
tar of new
.,rir tn aim lu nif ...
CCIfe, w .
a ii a frnnn. eueiuoii. ..v...
comers, i n a -
hv each one will accomplish a great dea
and now is the time to do it.
Notice of Dissolution.
The lirm of MacLachlan & Cook is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. If, W.
MacLachlan will jay all liabilities and
collect all accounts.
IlroH W. MacLachlan.
James II. Cook.
Harrison, Neb., November 28, 192.
-The board of commissioners is in ses
sion today.
-Rev. Glasner will preach at Boclarc
next Sunday at 2 o clock
i i-nir until they will be able Harrison in the evening
p w. w .1, u .u; .
Vnisb gooI mumc
, and at
help make"
t L.,ntv court and a jury was en
. hetween Mm.
rirouertv Tuesday. The jury
fr. :. t 1 . i ..." r -
Lj Botscheu for the poaaes-
ttat It belonged to tlie former.
ciuuura u vcvu -
the Bank of Harrison and are now j
rnii...d. T,.in a i.iicas. nrpNiueni.:
Ul.V- UUIW -. ' ' f
Vtte, vice-president; Chas. E. Ver
iiei: F. A. Castle, assistant
i is trouble betweeu the F. E. &
1 B. & M. railroads so that one
vttakc cars of freight from the
V" tn conseouence the removal of
(Jraminercy Items.
Dug Hamlin is busy wrestling with
branch .s.
Mrs. Emma Crane visited at the home
of Mrs. Adda Thomas on Sunday last.
John and Pat Dunn spent Saturday in
your city.
Jim Dove has gone to Cottonwood for
a week's visit with his friends.
Mrs. and Mrs. Erdmann attended the
Pleasant Ridge Sunday school last Sun
day. They report a good attendance.
Rob Ellis has taken a homestead in
Sheridan county, Wyo., where he says
he can irrigate a hundred acres.
There was a pleasant dance at the
home of S. M. Thomas last Saturday
night. All report a splendid time.
Mrs. George Davis spent Sunday with
Mrs. Corwin Lewis.
Irwin Garten and wife are back in this
neighborhood again. They have been
spending the summer up near Orin Junc
G. L.
p. m
at 7 o'clock.
All such things There will also be services each evening
next week at the church. All are cor
dially invited to attend.
Tlie barley grown in northwest Ne
braska lias always been of an excellent
quality and in making plans for next
years crop it would be a good plan for
our farmers to arrange to put in some
In telling your friends in the east of
the advantages of Sioux county don't
forget to tell them that there is over
forty-five miles of railroad in the county
and not a dollar in county bonds has
ever been issued. That means low taxes
and low taxes is unite an object to the
property owner.
V MacLoclilan's goods to Ardmore During our recent trip in the east
f . . . .... , .. il 1!, r. ,
''a aelaved. nart ot tne state e umevi
. S .rt nf the state the t many farmers. In talking of the small
d girls went skating on Thanks-1 grain crops all agreed uiai mucn
results were ouiameu m ocij
where a nress drill was used. Less seed
is required and the yield is larger and
quality better. If the tests of fall wheat
made this year are at all satisfactory
that kind of farming will prove much
School Report.
The following is a report of school in
district No. 3 for month ending Nov. 25:
Number of pupils enrolled 23
Number of days taught 19
Number of days all attended 290
Average daily attendance 13
Those neither absent nor tardy were
Cora and Mary Sowers, Elmer Burson.
Those receiving 100 in deportment Mar
tha Carey, Maggie Dove, Nettie Rains,
Minnie Warner, Mary and Walthon
Sowers, Eva Burson, Bertha Glaze and
Clarence Raum. Belle Ulery,
In Sioux county the farmers
iwing. When people talk about
ilier being colder here than it is
utern part of the state they do
,r what they are talking about.
A climate to be found In Nbms
it of Sioux county. Toll your
o com and see for tbem selves,
more profitable when tho press
is used.
The Toledo Weekly Blade.
The most popular and best known
weekly newspaper printed in this country
is the Toledo Illade. For more than
twenty years it has had a circulation of
100,000 to 200,000; going regularly into
every state and territory of the Union.
From fifteen to twenty-five tons of print
paper is consumed in each week's edition,
and it is regularly mailed to more thun
half the iosto(fices of the United States.
It is a peculiar fact tliat the Vhule in the
only weekly newspaper published that
has regular subscribers in all parts of the
United States. It is edited with special
reference to the wants of all people in all
sections. It is also mode to interest
every member of the family. Besides
all the news of the world, it has Serial
and Short Stories. Wit and Humor,
Poetry, Campfire, Farm, Sunday School
Lessons, Young Folks, Poultry, Puzzles,
Household, Answers to Correspondents,
Etc., Etc. As a special featuae for 1893,
Mr. Robinson Locke, editor ond proprie
tor of the Blade, has just sailed for
Japan, and will contribute a series of il
lustrated letters on the manners and cus
toms of that peculiar country and its
people. The articles will be commenced
sometime iu February or March, and will
be worth to the readers of the Blade
many times the subscription price.
Every reader of this paper is invited to
send for a specimen copy. The publish
ers of the Blade would be glad to send a
specimen copy to every reader in this
county. Subscription price of the Blade,
one dollar a year. Five dollars in cash
will lie paid to any person sending in a
small club of subscribers. Write for
ugunt' terms, giving particulars. Ad
dress "The Blade, Toledo, Ohio."
L. Gerlach has opened the Ranch
Supply House and put in a nice, new
stock of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc.
Everything is new and fresh and his
prices are as low as the lowest.
Call at the n..,.. 0...u U.,
UANin ourm nuu5t,
L GERLACH, Proprietor,
We Are Si Here !
Ready to Supply the Wants of People of
A Loving Memento to be Sent to Every
One of Our Women Readers.
Mrs. Harrison could not have left a
more loving memento to the women of
America than the work she did for them
before her last sickness. It is a magnifi
cent work of art, a Bunch of Orchids,
painted by her in the White House, from
an orchid raised in the White House. It
lovingly dedicated to the mothers,
wives, and daughters of America; and
the reproduction are so perfect, that last
August, when a proof was submitted to
Mrs. Harrison at Loon Lake, for her ap
proval, she thought it was her own
original painting. DemoresCs Family
Magazine lias tne nonor ot oeing me
medium through which these valuable
pictures (12x15 inches) were presented to
the women ot America. iney are noi
for sale: but we will now send one to
anv mother, wife, or daughter who will
enclose three two-cent stamps to pay for
transportation, packing, etc. These
exquisite mementoes, bearing Mrs. Har
rison s autoirranh anu nortrait, win soon
beyond price, and should be secured at
once. Address Demorest's Family
Magazise, 15 East 14th Street, New
York. .
A Remarkable History.
We recently published a strong com
mendatory notice of "Alden's Cyclopedia
of History." In the interest ot our read
ers we wish to repeat and emphasize
what we said. A good Universal His
tory ought to lie in every home; this is
certainly excellent, if not the very best
for general use and reference ever pub
lished, covering all nations (except the
United SUtes, to be published separate
ly) and from B. C. 5004 to A. D. 1892,
Certainly it is the cheapest historical
. . i.-.a it...
work we nave ever seen: uuv man a
what readers irenerally will expect from
Mr. Allien, who lias none so mucu io
nlace the highest class of literature
... . i i. nr. - H,w,U
tvitimi nnmiiar reacii. iu koi u-u
vnt. amount of matter within such
quid 1 1 rnmmissi the tvne used is necessar-
u imn . hut It IS oeauiliuuv Clear, uu
i, nrintinsr and binding are of the
best. Send 10 cents to Mr. Alden and he
will send vou a sample volume of 180
natres. containing the history of several
mil ions comnlete. by which you can
judge for yourself whether you want
i i. ent i re work. H is cataloirue of choice
hooka, sent post-paid for 2 cents, presents
n wonderful feast for book lovers. Ad-
drill iIibhs John B. ALDEN, Publisher, 57 Rose
St, New York.
A Wonderful Offer.
It Is this: We will send yon THE Semi
Weekly Joubkal from now until Jan. 1
IBM, for One Dollar. Remember we give you
two papers each week Tuesday and Friday.
All the telegraphic news and markets twice
a week, ranking It almost as good as a daily,
This twice-a-week feature has proven a
remarkaulo success the past year, The Semi
Weekly Jourxal now having the largest
circulation of any paper in the mid-west.
This Big Dollar's worth wilt carry you
throush the great fall campaign, and all
through the next legislature. Wo reach you
with the news a half a week earlier than the
old-f asliioncd weeklies. No use reading stale
news when you can get it fresh from the
wires at the price. We have our own tele
graph wires, and correspondents all over the
country. It takes money to get news, and
we are spending it. We can afford it because
our circulation lias quadrupled the past
We have a few of our Great Stanley Hooks
left. Will send paper to Jan. 1. 18W, ami the
book prepaid for S1.40, or if you send us your
own and another new name with2, we win
send you the book free. - This will bo your
last chance to get this great book. We give
the paper and our Oxford Bible for 2.75. We
give yon the N. Y. Weekly Tribune a year
and the Joubkal to Jan. 1, 1804, for $1.25.
Regular price of Tribune is l.on. Or if you
send your own and another new name with
t4.00 we will send you tho Tribune a year free
Don't delay but send ns your orders at
once, as tho sooner, the more papers you
will get. Nefiraska state journal,
Lincoln, jncd.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Repairing done on short notice.
Good work and reasonable charges.
Shop south of livery barn.
mnnisnv. ... NEB.
QULMVAX 4 rOXLKY, Lawyers.
and federal court and U. S. Land office.
t I t s t
f-V OlHce iu Court House.
:in the line ofc
Our Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hard
ware is Complete and we Have
Farm: Machinery
in Season.-
Our Prices are Down to the Lowest Notch.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing
Goods, Flour and Feed
:ant a full line ok:
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and
Binders, Mowers,
Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps
and Buggies.
When in town call and see our
goods and get our prices.
"Seeing is Believing."
And a good lamp
must be simple; when it is not simple it is
knot good. Simflc, Beautiful, Good these
words mean much, but to see " The Rochester "
will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal.
tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only,
it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it if indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar
velous liflcht is purer and brighter than gas light,
softer than electric light and more cheerful than either.
Look for thii stamp The kocheitkk. If the lamp dealer has n't the (ennln
Rochester, and the style you want, scad to us for our new illustrated catalogue,
and we will send ynu a lamp safely by express your choice of over S.OttO
varieties from the Largrtt Lamp Stort in Iht World,
BOCHKhXfcU LAMP CO., 42 Park Place, Naw York City.
"The Rochester."