The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 24, 1892, Image 5

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0 ItSi
I THEIR TAii-o. v.. COOK.
TUm pioneer Plllih-. . i
M Kara Other by
n Pari, J
teo hi
"e rar
e the J
'flit ke
' fuiioJ
In a ljtl
. mini
' )"u ar
J I.
)at a ,
mil sue;
J Ik)
', and
ok-e, t
1 li;md
cii art
Mia t
at it .J
toll hi
nt (j
ix Haaliug.
bo eiperiruented
l,.od'a work-houM
jove ll'cir decent from ,
-o-rr, entitU-d "Canine
UP- ..
-ling J', BUI " 0! ' '
mcd-oft, and H very
fluent. It is also ire-
ertd mure einspieu'itii
.iiiT white, and tins U al-
taWy the cae wnen me
of mixed color. ncn
Ions irra-F of the prairie
raiv'ii tips of the tails
he all th:it an Individual
the land would see of lii.
bituallv waun me laus oi
Mtof them when dranirii:
, faint drag mdcte:tca.
of the presence of a lox,
Wit sufficient lo oe sw.tni uj
the tail or me mm mat once
loon, and the warmer the
ckerd'H's it waj. i liners
W signal instantly join the
Jjtherels an asem)ilagc o!
tails before even the leat
is beard. Should the ur;iR
doubtful one the hounds sepa-
and thfi waving ceases.
Ipows stronger wnen ioiiowimj
igpng liecotnes more anil
Ittphatir, until one alter ati-
ifiKJiinds lx-jfin to whine and
and stream off in Indian
I I : . m . It-1
kof tne line oi scrnu m-ii
t bat full cry upon a Ktron
le tails cease to wave, but are
aloft ill iuil View."
koroent when the rtoir enjoys
the moment when he siRhts
That moment Is the time
wajs his tail most vltfor-
order to announce his dis-
his fellow dos. In tliin
Pbll,her of jt. ...
D.rid C. Cook. tha Chl. a.-oKuray
School rublish-r, wa8 uu ju
Worcostr. Ntw Yor.-, la U a . , ( .
R-v. K. S. ( ,,k,
Work of (UiM.
Mrs. Podi,ker-sfce;n, to me 'tisnt
exmly riifht to be addiu' 80 much
ar to tl.e uu.k, 'specially on Sunday
m u
li l-
luail. .!, e ,
l-t hi!(!b.i. l,e
Iihs b -u d.t,ted tj
lue Sunday K-Inwl.
In bovlio'jd he u,niM
tbe i liur. h, ai,d Lf-
fa. iiii; in tlio
rv,c ro.. t-un.UyS,);,K,lalttl,
agof ev,nt.'.-Bin H, Vu-tt :i,Bi cf
tuira,.,,. and for fur y,ttrs lolling
taught n.-t of ,ime in ,wo w Uiree j
Schools ca. It Sabljlh.
i lie lire tir is, a, ttie I
iju unfMu i ami huii'lay a Ii'miI
w.o.w.., .... u nil. was otm of
Ihe roughest and u, r.t of th . i,r.,t
dintrict. H, ,e. jn a (i. rn:,n !h i
beer-hall, h organized "JA-crvbody'rt
MiMdon." a':.Tanl8 r-tnovd a
building of it own. Utli an att.-nd-Bt-0
of AM to 4,(1, h BuMumed tho
Scd.ool fornvy.a:g without tin; aid of
church or go it ty.
) o-ida this, h.. has nineo ort'anizpd
and up.-r nt.nde.l ortli Avenuo .Min
oion. Lake icnr JImion. I.iik- View
I men Si:u ln.v-sfliools in ( hi ai;.,, and
th-Sunday. g h , I connected with ira
t'l ur h in Klein, III., brides gev.-iul
unalli r ftchooln.
l is fir t"iitl( ns were issui'd for
bis own Kiinduy-'huoig alone. Neih
lorlna hunday-H IiooIh, appreelatins
t li aiti- of t'ifw.. helS, bftvilne his
l.rnt fub-x-ril ers. Hi on Mr. C ok dis
cover d i hut his were no', the only
b IhioIh that needed more and better
litmatu ii than they ii.iild afford to buy
at the ui e, thru existin.', and resolved
io nmke it his life work to pluce. in thu
he.nils of the t-umlay-i-ehool children of
lh bind ii a a! und:ince of the very best
on ramre at tho loweht p legible prices.
lie was n et at the very outset wilh
ilmost in-u'rni umahle obita les and
lively opposition: b it the obstacles anil
oppxisit Inn only furnished zest, for he is
a man uf purpoyo, and it has icon well
said of him, "his Indomitable energy de
iniirid j insiirniuuntablBObsinclefl." That
m wou.dn't stand
salvation, would je:
in the
l-acoii J'odunker milkman
MiraiMii, y.iu wouldn't
"I if cour.-t, not.
"Wed. dont ye know one-half o'
'' to clmreh nver hears
a word, beciuse they're asleep an
sMorm in their pews. jfs shameful"'
- "deed it iS. Hut they Shouldn't
wall aslee;,."
"iney cant help it, Miranda, (Jive
people rice milk, an' they're bound to
' Bleepy. Its worse than
I'linip a little more, Miranda."
! School Kricmi--seems to nie
?.uinng of , and (Jeoree have been enaired a
" v;u , U' it P i,v , r.n'f
Sweet (Jirl-'-On. them-Vrin Imrru
dear. H
e doesn't care a bit for anviette."
A t mart Toaug Mao.
Mr.johan "So you sent your son j
to New York to earn his livin?."
iiiirr ii ti.-eeu -iou see it was
this way. He. eavs. .Haw, 1 like th'
eity, and I'U tro into the city aud sell
what on raise en the oi farm,' says
lie. 'You ship me all your truck, and
I li seil k. on commission,' savs he,"
Mr. (iotjiain--Ah, he became atom
missicii im-rcliant then."
1'armer Hayseed -In a small war,
yes. You ee, he doesn't g-t any goods
to sell but nine. I farm, and he sells. "
Mr. (iotltun-'-I Kee. Well, how has
he cot alonjr?"
Farmer Hayseed -Fairly well, I
should say. I'm still workin' tli' farm,
but he's (;ot a mortaje ou it."
Doctor I thought J prohibited the
use of tobacco?"
"l'atient '-So you oid and I am
following your advice. This is a cigar.
: . Little pirl "I'apa is matin' a awful
fuss a siiifin' around the house, and
examiiiiu' the drain-pipes, and every
thing." Mamma-"Mercy me! I must have
left my ollar of roses uncorked. Kurt,
get it."
Little Iiick "This is Saturday, and
mamma and papa are goin' to the
theater to-night.l'in awfully glad."
Little Dot -"Why is you?"
Little Iiick " 'Came she can't wash
me to night, an' shell get up so late to
morrow morning shell have to let nie
go d rty, or miss church."
i (li
Ml loll
in Ti
c hi
5 ill
the hahit of association, he i his ur, oo w is good and wise is proved
Win),' his tail whenever he i "' way he has been euppo te I.
jd, and the more pleased he ! H ' m-venteen years since tie issueil
bore vigorously he wags hi, ( his Urn puo:irat.on, ami mere is now
that the wagging o the -log B 'known and us
lertheinllucnceof pleasurahle m r, lnny slx afi9()(.iat9
ii. ein lie traced directly to ,.,jtors and sumo Hiity writers, repre-
le when the tlog used his tailfsentlnu some of the ablest Sunday
Ignal of the discovery of his 'school talent in the land.
j Among those who know him person-
ally he Is always recognized as a man in b Wliil nr. jf strung Ci rihtian character, a prac-
s odpc chafed by a wild car, tical worker in the hurch, hum ay
ei-railroa.1 man. It was out tniperani-e cause . a
warm ir:ena ot uiiumuuB, uuui iiuuim
ri'li tl.o I'.o.l f.t nt..,. iiriilim
"IU nl,W, I' H - i. r,iri.i,,
rp curves. We were ulidingi
he mountains one day with a
car and two coaches. I was
rear platform looking at the
hen I deseriljcd a box car com-
n the grade at an appalling
'peed. If It struck us we
ne sure, for It would smash
tire train into kindling wood
ie it up In one ot the gorges,
iily hope was to outrun or
it. The engineer caught sight
ft the same Instant that I did,
It the lever down among the
Txi's. It appeared impossible
e could hold the track on the
urves while moving more than
a minute, but we did, and the
continued, to saw wood.
could once get to t he foot of
uc we should be safe, but that
nn seen to be Impossible.
yasvvc were going, the box
liliiiued to cain tiDon us, and
could sob tnat it was loaded
Fn. Somethimr must be done
at quickly. All the passengers
I into the forward coach and
hanging on to the scats. I
d the engineer to shut off, set
hard on the rear couch, pulled
and the engineer opened the
We had not gone one hun-
Iirds before the box-car ran intn
Mi and Hint splinter flying
of a mile h.'oh. Voth fell
Marnma 'da your new school well
Little Girl ""ur room isn't, but the
room next io ours is."
"How do you know?"
"The childretis in that room all has
cold3 in their heads.'1
fllngiilaliecl Kngllili rhyalnlogiat.
n the British Association as-
N next year at Nottingham it
e for its uresldent one of the
fllstlnguishcd physiologists of
Jcsent day. I'rof. John .Scott
i Sanderson, M. J- bl v.,
v u s van educated at
iversity of Edinburgh, but is a
of Kewcastle-OD-ij"";;
1.,. .. lk,mi,ihr, IB 41. Al-
I T .. iu medical studies at
V. . " in)J years uicuu.ii
r "-at b (fovernraent
IwM'to investigate an
h "sTO-spinul meningitis,
Jmrlnir ' vear ho Dre-
't' J portaii t report to the
ftXaTmlnioncrs on the subject of
'yjftlc pliguc. Three years later
Misemployed by a royal comftiis-
X Inquire into the influence of
heat on the health of work-
Cornish mines, and In 1883
fcmberotthc royal commls
pltals for Infectious dls
k rof. Sanderson was president
ylologlc il section of the Hi it- j
5ciatlon at Its meeting at New-Ba-Tync
three years ago.
. Trarxllns Nlonrn.
Jirlous "traveling stones" ot
Ware paralleled in Nevada,
ye described as being perfectly
bout as large asa walnut and
irorjr nature. When distrlbu
tinny smooth nurfaco within
ihree feet of each other they
tely commence traveling to
ich other, and meetatacom
atrc, and there lie huddled in
I like eggs In a nest. It ii
to say that they are largely
)d of magnetic Iron ore.
liloest Women in the world
I be those who are perslsteotlj
j!oy-"I'op, kin I go to th' circus?"
op "Circuses is wicked."
I5oy-',The man gave me two tickets
fer carryin' water fer the horses."
0plni! A man wot's as chari
table as that can't be very bad. We'll
both go."
The discovery has been mado that
ti, , tin mlilier trees irrow wild in J-ee
county Florida.
Little Dick "I thlnlc it's too mean
for anything. I had to stay in school
all day long, and Jonny Jimson got off
at 'leveii o'clock."
Mother "That's Strange. Why was
he allowed to go so early?"
Little dick "Home o' his folks is
Little Boy "Wot's the difference be
tween high church and low church?"
Little Girl "W'y, don't you know?
One says 'Aw-raen,' an' the other says
'A-men.' "
Mr. Hopeful (feeling his way) "I am
the only one your sister goes to operas
and theaters with, am I not?"
Her Little 15rotluer-"Yep. Mr.
Xicefello is away, and you're the only
one he isn't jealous of."
that Dr. Pierce's Favoviie Prescription comes
to the weak and snfrinp woman who needs
it. It's rnifiranlrtd. Not with words merely;
any medicine can claims aud promises.
What is done with the Favorite Prescrip
tion" ii thii : if it fails to lienetit or care, in
any case, your money is returned. Can you
ask any txrtter proof thut a medicine will do
what it promises ?
It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a
soothing and gtrenjftln'nrag nervine, ana a
certain remedy for the ills :ird ailments that
beset a womaii. In "female complaint" of
every kind, periodical pains, internal inflam
mation or ulceration. lirins-down sensa,
tions, and all chronic: weaknesses and ir
regtilarites, it is a iiosltive and complete
To every tired, overworked woman, and
to every weak, nervous, nut ailing one, it iff
guaranteed to bring heVth and strength.
They all Testify
To tho Efficacy
of tha
World-Re now4
111 .
I I in 1 H TH -V
1' PJii
Stranger "Call your paper a great
advertising medium, do you? It isn't
worth shucks. 1 put in an advertise
ment last week, and didn't get an
answer, not one.
Fditof " 'My! my! How was your
advertisement worded?"
Stranger" 'A poor yoning man
wants a pretty wile who can do ner
own house-work.'"
The old-ttme flmpla
romisdvfrom the Georgia
swamps anil fields has
irono forili to liio antipodes.
a-itorJshicg the skeptical anil
confounding the theories of
thr.sowho depend solely on tha
phvsiclun'o skill. There Is no blood
tal'ut which It doeonot Immediately
eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed or the
rcsVlt of vile diseases from within all yield to this
potent b'lt simple remedy. It is on unequaleoj
ni,. hniMminOmolil and feeble. cures all disease!
1 wising from Impure blood or weakened vltaUtjv
Bead for a treatise, examine mo yrwu
Soaks oa " Blood and Skin Diseases " mailed fn
Druggists SHI It.
Drawer a. Atlanta, Cs.
tot") per day; li per cent profit; sulestjiiai-antml-
n" risk ; seno L'C. stamp for vrnculnrs.
i'lCH tKDCIIK.MlCAI.1.0., Uloounilfe'ton, 111.
Two bottles of German Syrup
cured me of Hemorrhage of the
Lungs when other remedies failed.
I am a married man and, thirty-six
years of age, and live with my wife
and two little girls at Durham, Mo.
I have stated this brief and plain so
that all may understand. My case
was a bad one, and I shall be glad
to tell anyone about it who will
write me. Philip L. Schenck, P.
O. Box 45, April 25, 1890. No man
could ask a more honorable, business-like
statement. $
President Harrison will return to
Indianapolis and resume the practice
of law, so will Attorney General Miller.
Both of them have had all tl.e otlicial
life that they wish and they will return
to the calm delight of private life.
After all true happiness is a thing
easily obtained, but it must be found
inquietitde in the moderate pursuit
of domestic pleasures, in calm philoso
phy and in the enjoyment of little
things. In the scury and bustle of
public life, there is little comfoit, but
there is a good deal of annoyance.
Comfort comes from good health
and this is only obtainable by careful
living. "When you take cold, get a
bottle of P.eid's. German Cough and
Kidney Cure and take it freely.
It contains nothing deleterious. Small
bottles twenty-five cents, large size
fifty cents
Svlvan Remedy Co.,
Peoria, Illinois.
STUTTERING and all Speech Impediments
cured penranentlv. The onlv Institute in the
U.S. Letters prompllv answered. Chicago Insti
tute for Stutterers, flji XV. Taylor Str. Chicago, 111.
DO IOT OBIPE vor sicm.
Sun cur for SICK HEAD
ACHE, tmpairHl diceitloa.tWMlt-
vtwM reuiuvc ntiuet, (US
c on
eyft and uladdr,
lions nerroni di
orriern. Ettablhk. Mt
urai Daily Action.
Bemtify complexion
by purifying
Thr dose ii ntrrlT adjusted to tuit ester, u am b!!1 m
never betoo murh. tacit vial eontina 42, earned 1b rat
porkK. like lead pencil. ISutuuess maa'l grtmt
convenience. Taken easier than eujEar. bald wuj
vhcre. All ffenuiue goods bear Crefccent."
8end stamp . Yo get Si page book with aaatpk.
CraaisipilTM and people
wbo have weak luncsor Asth
ma, saoult! dm Ptso'e Cure fur
Consumption. It bas enrcsj
Iboataoda. Ithai not injur
ed one. it ii not bad to take.
It is tbe best oougb sym p.
Sold eTerywbera.
tWIS" 98 LYE
rouaered ena renumea.
The strongest and purest Lye
made. Unlike other, it being
a line pouder and packed in ncau
nith removable lid, tbe content
are always ready for use. Will
makethe'best perfumed Hard Soap
in 20 minutes without boiling. It
i tbe lient for cleansing waate
pipes, dihin feeling sinks, closeta,
vHfhing bottles, paints, trees, etc
Gen. Agts., Phlla., Fa.
br return malt, full dav
Bcriptlve clrcolan of
TAiLoa aiaTEaa or oaiaa ovmaa.
Jievited to date. These, only, are tha
geouineTAILOIITITUIS invented and
copyrighted by rfcof. D.W. MOOPT. Be
ware of imltatlona. Any lady of ordi
nary intelligence can easily and quick
ly learn to cutand make any aarment,
1 n any style, to any measure, for ladles,
men and children. Oarmeota guaran
teed to fit perfectly without trying on.
aoaras MOODY CO. GMCIMUft. (V.
1 1 II hv Peek'. InvUlik br Cnaliloiu. WhkSM'W.
Sucemfui heollr.iiirf.t.ll. SoU
biK.llKx.i.sssUS.u.W.V. WriufoclMiikafptMhritH
u ! a n ni
maniNaioBW. " M
AHH Morphine Habit CbmsI 111 1
Do Your Own Repairing
By uslnir Boot' Hounehold Revalrtnc Outfit for beXt-wUag
aildrepuirinK Boots, Bhot-s and Rubbers. Any one canuae Ik Price
nr..ii.. nnn:W.J 01,fi in,, uiuanrlu dInmiIt in IIAA.
w. mi. v vivm i r is. 'I'lioiiHAnnn UKaav in use.
BAPS AND TOOL. for makinir and repairing- all principal part
harness. NoBcwine. Simple as ABOwit hour Blotted rivet.
8XKAPS BEADY TO MAKE UP.any length or width yoawmnt,
blacked and creased, ready tomake up at home, at less than K prices.
SADDLERY HARD WARE, Snaps, Buckles. IpaiU, Kings,
etc., UV I. LJ1( rWUUMUU.
cts. a pair, narne
Hitoh BtraDS.LIneB.
Halters. BroaBt-straps, etc., atcorresponaing- pnoes. junyui uaxa
smlt h tools, at a price low enough to suitthe closest buyer.
for mending Tinware. Prico. B5 cents. Every thing mentioned
above is fnU-slzed, complete andprnctical, no toys. Catalog; rre
Qf9 AaeuU M anted. ROOT BROS., MEOINA. Brffl
rVmares, Hame Clips and 8taplefs, Rivets, etc., at & big
rruai r cm CGgxdoneiatiajl2,andl5cts.i
HALl dvLC9i)trtips8ceach,15cperdoz. Hitc
A Christmas Present from Dr.Talmage.
The Christian Herald. It is edited in Dr. Talmage's
inu 'cuua t y t ; 1 d;.,,o ovpnitpH fiHmirnhlv Printed on ex
happiest vein, beautifully illustrated, wun a itoiumuh ui t....ciy . .uu.W) ...
UP l-rinrlitcf- on1 w rplioious MDer in the world
tlic eauoJ of
fortbe Prompt: ej(d
PcrmmmtCwfe of
Pains MdAe$
Small v
flnaraniaMt an itm n.'lloMS AttAetrS, Sick'
rTeadaclM a.i.1 OoiiKtinatlnil. 0 I"
ImUie. . Price Ho. far aule oy druggista.
rtctare ' t, 17, 70" ana sampls dose fre
new ton.
t r. turn CO
or commission, to handle the New Patent Cbrmieal
Ink EraniK i-eiu ll. iiienis nisilnn mm perwaat.
Uonroe Eraser Manufac-t 'lug Co., I,LL.'ros. Wis.
The African KoI Plant,
discovered in t,oriKO, west
Alrira. Is isalures aura
cure lor Asilima. ture UBriilel r n
I'ay.'Kspiirl Offlee. 1164 liniaiiwiiy. Jvew York
Fur ljr;r Trial aae. I'RKK by Mall, addrt
KOLA laroallMa OO.t US Vlaat.,Clclnsti.Olil.
gjaUe Witt's Lltt
ttleB at tny itisers,
the Famous Little Pll Is for Cnnstlnntlon .Slek neod
acne, Oyspepsla.No Nnus.-a.No Pain Very hmatl.
11 Send at once to Joint Hkbjstus, O. T. A. fc., R.
1 PI H ChleaKo, III., anil receive .postage paid,
he s lck'-st difk of cards you ever handled. Only
IKN CKXTa r pack, In stamps or col"-
rl . ' . in i j r- i,r-nar o uoor ot ii cn npr nnniim
rHIent PaDer and ssued every weanebuay- a c
ceiicni jper, isueu y delightful Attractions, every Issue contains a
charming, piece of riusic especially selected by fir. Ira D. Sankey.
!- ft Tirrc C UD1CT1AW HFRAinD.1 rkles with Briarht and Beautiful things
111 lUCt irKUiaw""" r o
A , i j. i " i' 1 1 -i f . i e .n -i - .1 n , i frrww '
i.i irom stem to stern, iroiii acinic tu vut,uiiiiiu, anu uum
U ev Year's Day to New Year's Eve, and best of all there is
)S not a dull line in it.
cs , it is useless to attempt a list of forthcoming notable ar-tittii!-t.
.r. rMiMCTim Hcbup, ic thp onlv naner in the
FS"V i 'TlCieS. IMt C,nnnimil i u v..v- , 1
r "'' u At4-A k,, rxr- Taltnaa-fv wlm makrpc pvptv .irtirle
skn ( woriu cuii-cu "ii" j
Kl nnA arprr nil mhpr Peerless.
Then there are a great host of beautiful, timely Pictures,
drawn each week specially for The Christian Herald,
and fully protected under the Copyright Law.
To this feast of good things we cordially invite you.
, , . rrw M, 4 Opening your doors to i he hris i ian ntKALu im hnc un-
7h&"J' S h chnttPn: to let the dorious sunshine in. In fact a
fo. . .. , '.I iTn r,,n,eT .., Urn.m 4 P-ann no AvfArflTMrhpr'Q Rin ".
u..:: u a ;n n rhrid ian Land should never De wiuiuul i nt iti5im i inW,ai ""'"
A Beautiful GENU1 NE OXFORD TEACHER'S BIBLE to every yearly Subscriber at Two Dollars.
' " on nmwtiinitv to secure BOTH, either to the same or to separate addresses, under the
men nere i& yum - r , nnA mnct Morrnif.rpnt Prpminm
Offer ever put before the American Public.
js.w.xm. I. m m i i
... -. II-liJT X
N. . V. fi. 0 S
York, Neb.
I'leaan ... uu ss the
In Hi
k ' II
Cure Consnm ptl on, Vongan, Cronp, Sore
Tnroat- Sold by all Ilst W,SSSSIl
Fur LasM Side, Back erCntsi Shileh'a Pefwel
PUateT will (Ira gnat satis (action
AT $2.00,
Contains 11SO Page, Ik Aeatlk '
Hound, IMTinltj Circuit, Gilt KdP
Itound Corners, and Orerlaptist '
Kdgea. This lleaotlfnl Bible- k '
Printed from Clear Pearl Type, aant
Blcaran when Open, Flaps Inolttded
7x11 INCHES.
d bv the Oxford U I
ailr Press and published- al
Amen Comer, In London.
Each Bible Is printed t
nther unkind things, claimin c that we
First come. First served. You an &
save nothing by waiting, bu t .you -ran
thehance.of.being disappc irrt ed.
' - , Adsess 7
Two Splendid Holiday Gilts for $2.
.. THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, the brig-htest Reliffloaa
Newspaper in the world, for a whole year, and
a. A Beautiful Oenuine Oxford Teacher's Bible with
Concordance, Colored flaps, and ALL tbe Help.
i The Christian Herald is sent postpaid, each
week 52 times and the Bible is sent by express,
all charges prepaid. The paper may go to one
address and the Bible to another.
, If too late for the Bible Premium we Im
mediately refund the money.
Last vear some waited just too long, and felt,
very much grieved and disappointed at receiving!
their money back. A lew even wrote some
tT7- i,-- ;,n thm the oreference. But we must be lair to an, ana nence,
OUgni IU nave giv-n - r
The Holy Scripture with Ref
erences. And All tbe Help.
nmniarlea of tho several
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