The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 24, 1892, Image 1

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"WW. H,.r
roia Ba
Cot tttv
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"3 tit Oil ) X
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LN, Nts
I I In- f.
I to mjf
;,,rx ' l 'NTV
kH, IN" A. ILL..
Editor .iin! IrnjriIitr.
"'pi' hi.
1 I.
;! i .
". an.V local,-.,..
' k i .. .
! 'or 1891 !
Tin. ti.u;.. ; ,
ii iiii:-r of
mi ! ot !.( -r a
all rt:l
! I.''se
I J f i
V., i,
itq. xi,
a i.! r,
r.jit ii,
n . ! !
... M, ,
II ti:
1 r;:. !;
'- v.vut i ),;,
a'!::",! ;
'IlI'Mi ll.i
il I!
lii- I'
i l"::iy vvtiiia:;.
t-Hn sevens rfl,:.Cll 111!-, iri;,.ii
I; an her vi-it iMt.
iilf.biil.-.! rii :,..;
e'-i'i dig ivt.nnir,:; Satui.Uy,
!'. .! : -
" ! 'nu: .-"urt il
'r:1i:s, ,.i
. i'f .;,-,( ,,r ti
Vv::.. !!.
r,vc ,
. d; line- '
Older ad- !
( VI
II 111 '
If ', :
w "i k iif 1. 1;
lii- ml. i I. !
! J 1 1 III i .
il- ill tuu II Ilif
ii'!.-'li 1 K.t:Uxtv
a' Tin: .Ii .1 i:n i.
.il"; i l
' Li -n, ;
n i
-,:,. .
I. II I.'.-
Tin.' WlV.i'HI hi 'vii-ity ( ,,
rt'awku, us., ci u. i-.j. ,
'uwl foi -ii-rvicc
Tin- Wi- -,i:rn S';i.,ii ity (',,.
' li. ' i ii:;., i.-l a' r.v-ir.
ruivi i.i..ii1v '.,,!. I,., I ...;.i
'N Aiiik-rsiiii ! J;
!!, illjWHCti'lH ; !
'i1- Hi'-iit.
A nii'iicuii lii-.'(..sti,),.ni Co. Join) i
'' :viv, ;t fiirwloausi! dt.-a'e . I' fur..
: iu.iiri -i;inti-(t iiinl ailc oril.iii i!.
has. R Code,, vs. T. !!. mimL.t. ;i-
j'l--.ll rillltilllllll.
' '' ''!: v? T. Ii. Sny.l.-r, !.,
I : :il rout iiiui-.l.
! - ui Sv liui jiart vs. ,J W Tu
hi i ran nu v.i. s in .r . i.iuin. , r.
li;l' till! . . . . .. ' ' '
i"n ui- iim of (!- u.Jt.,
' ' ruurt.
; -j-. . .... ,
" -'irs. i. . I,n-'..'.i!ii ji.;
I n:ir.i...y rvi-riifix
in lullll.
Gerlach has opened
upply House and put in
stock of
the Ranch
a nice, new
lS t s iimii, Cimilrnii
iils! of Iin.- v.-, ,-k.
'iiyi 10
ll'Ull, , i town I
Ii 1.11 lour! I.iisim-N.
Sti-Vi IK mi,!, .I,.,..-.. il. i- !
"' "'':- - i'" i-'-lunnii-S;,!imi;iV. ;
attcinlni" ' -.ii.
.ill- Kr.ti.tcil
s, Dry Goods, Boots,
5 ifllfSj 0oOS 8f G
I nj-cii (o I, inn
!il v uinl , v-1.-'" l-iu lior unit Id i'ui-livilli. Tui s-
' I' ! , ; i;u- iall'l '''''' '" SI T!siiikv':vi:r .'-illl
H'l "rl :i I
. I. is fat In,
s .;u,
il Till!
,1 ,.l.
'in,: I"!ksliavn tMi'iu, i
i'.-i.l.llY i-,i.x Ti,:,'
I I'
i .ilr; I
ol !.-'.- I.,
1.1- '.'.lUi.'l
lia, loin
ii I. as i;i'i'
ii-aliv in-ia-.
'. 1 . I .'rove was nj. tioiu C,
' Tiii'silav and rallnl an:l rojii i -.luitnl on
I II,., r.
It Is 1,
ail i . i '
tliiar MiIi-p
l.-ll I!, i
iii,i.uiil al.i.iil ;h"
( rl l!i - (ar-
J il ( nl
i-is i a -.i
Or ii-iv.
o".i-;-. ihy utvival n a
of t.
" foi ins of
I" at ll,f i .mar i.f i ha: la-
Ail an ii,,inr w.-ll.
H S. mi' liam i 4
ti.'! r-ial.'.
i .!'-1 r wiii ian,;
all U . h:..i. ami
hi-.;, .ii !,.. miiv (lf
i'-ly iUii,,, ,1 lai-ins
nl iv aii; sis-it jattornry for rvasons,
T-'.viiA in,. I, nl a li-u-
Court rnii-ccKu.
i ' i ii t I,, van Monday al 1 t,V!
'-' ii.ll-l.AV pn-silii.-,;;. Tin
'.-a-- !iali"ll l'lirsilay rviMiilil;
("11"-' no:' ilispusit inn w.ts in. nl.-Iin-1
. on tin- ilorl.-i i :
i i::.ii.u, i-as!.
Stata ol Xalii-.-iska vs. i,-or
hl-rrlit, assault ! Ijs:ii!sr, -il liv
" ii v.itli
an. I tho of
:: Kn-I,-
' Ollllt V
Statu of Vhi-aska s, Havaioml or
ami inilloai-
rv at a I
.ninti-y is
tli" kiinl
Mi Nah. la,-.
: 1 1 V i li-llli'-:,ri!
-install' if'dc-
I'lanl: S!i-a!t,,!i,
"'' 'iiv.itli,
!he fait.
i- aii'l situ iv a Inirr.iin.
"W i-a la, me ':h Tin- R.
Ike liglil ..f il..;m'.r'i;t.:;. ;
:uL!lt.1CTljl!,.(-.'c,.,.t:V.l.riv. j
:ilfl Ay-. I.iv.-i mori l.avr our j
'' a.l,-, ,ii- four ni.-r Than1, .
I iin' n-.. Wr i:ivi, win., tliilr- .
- thai.kli;! f,,r. !
.1:' I I ll liii iir, I) ,, ui ! i.,KinJ, S. I
o. li'- li'Ol;;it
"i'h liiiu. That i- l!i" I
' 1 '' ' v'il i . tn t j
''"- iii.t-rlas tiat'V.- Iuiiili.-r
-'' tantly (, ,:ulii al lov
'-'I ii'y. l: mil.. ,.:,.t ,.fj
.1. R Al!M'.!'. !
"--"1, r.-il uhi-a-iv,!, !
I ''O'-d li-:ii-niiiiii till no : I' ,!,nrii' v i
"h a! .",() inilfs to i-r.-i' h Iin: j
la anil, ! ainl i.-,, (I,,. I,i..,,.s I
"'tr.if within a i ii' nit nl i
fii.I- - a; H an. I .. u.!,.ih:
.i .'a"i, 'd hy iail,',,ad ainl thr lau-l j ;'! lorn-.v v, ilh loavr to i
h , h a l"U yrai-s a..o as aiinost .i,.- j --a ah!'' to do so.
-- i. iniv. v-Iiii at from tw-iil vlive to i s'at' of Nchraslat v-
I i.v.l.ihaisau a-..' and tl wi. 1-iiv.-ii -continii-il. j "v
in- a (i.-ifi.-r ski 'lion of it is indi-i-il om- j n,'i,i ask. , j;;!-s
i!.' uf i-ri at i, i: a.1. ' 1 h ininr mail i 1 1'Mirv l.runilio vs. :avm l.yon, ro-: ..
j, ,, ,i , I.,,..; ,,.,.ii,.., is in it at ' ilisiiiissiil l.y iliifi-nilant's atloriicv : i ;i j;
i at ilrfrnilant s rost.
Fnniiau I!. ( arlry vs. .lu-i-jih I'. 'fo.-;t,
A.J-ilj Mil:', Vs. I'iias. Alirs, llivo,,;.; i
ah-oiu'H ili.T,.,,. ,,r ,ivoiif fcniiiti'il am!
riistody ol rnii'lre: awanlwi to plainti!!',
; Rl.viin! !.V;svii...y vs. C,,as. V'. Fvans,
,'i'i'" - hy plaiiiliil s iittornnv
' ..! j,laiiili!I".s ( iist.
I 'ailirviiir A. Siuoot vs. August lirrl;,
't MX., ft ill, foivi-liisiii-i; di-, ri;o of foi-e-;
1 io-iii'- i-anti-d and sah ordi:.- d.
Th,' .M'-Kinlcy-Lann.ii!-..' f,o:in and Trust
' li- Nathaiiirl Aivnsl rial:;, i.'i ux. i'-jru-i
lo-ni'i'-d-i-i-..., --rant' d and :,alo or.lia'i'd.
Th,: M. Kiiilijy-I.annin;;- I.nan and Trust.
Co. v.,. ihuis Di-nkur. rt iix., i.l. al. foi-c-i
io .lira- d"i-i"i' i-anti'i! and aalc onleiwl.
Tin- .M' K'iuli'V-I.anniim- hi-Mt and Trust
I vs. Alli-rt I-:. Ir.unsry. rl. nx. , rt al.
h,i' ''''n-anv-ikTive ,f 1'nrri-iosurc '.-.-ranti'd
and -,ui ordi'i'. d.
I Vaii' is Ii. Hanoui- v.s. St'-jilit-H .
la-ar-, '! ii x, I'oi-i'i Josim-!' ( out iniujd for
I.iip nz,. O. Hull and K. I). Kattorlce
,. Tha Comity of Sioux, a)iii'al siih
iinltrd In .fuil;:,: Kllikai.I at hanihci s
ana ,a-.'(-d upon as of Nov., term.
.h'ii-a ii Tliorojisoli vs James 11. Kroo!;-i:i:i-,-i!c
en., rn-oi--ilisini..sal :it plain-
Everything is new and fresh and his
prices are as low as the lowest.
Call at the
Ranch Supply House,
GERLACH, P:oprietor
Ii 0 iil 0" Mum iiuIC
Ready to Supply the Wants of People of
aa tho linii of:
ld llhn .is fnriids
!'.! ;il. ilaniiiLr dismissed al i.laiatih".
Miithi'V. liik-v vs. Tfniiir
David h'iinds, :i)ip -al -disnii ,a-d hy j
a-i-ri.uient of parties at iliiin'i!l".s r.jl,
r-.rrpt rarl. parly to pay his run;
nir ' w,
I, .ii l.i in -uer v.-,. i-.. i . l.oi-Kv, ooa. i",. j j(j t(
r i
"" "ant to i;,.rp up will. II..- pi.'
Vfai want (,, i,, vvrk and ;M
P" '-'la- to Siou roiintv io .. i
1 u dl In money in your p"- !o t
'' so. pl'oviileil you have a pine !
'olility ival rstate.
li'H On- U..,i sj.ii..,-. ... i!,i ,!,- '
I,,-1 1 1
iiarl'-i' of an litiiry an", and ! Iios...
.mi, li.-i" at an i.trlv ilav aii-l H'"t
i'! S j '"''' '"" 'i V''' :l' a uh' and a-! isr
ir l.iad i.i j I h' ir hil'hi ii and Irlcuds V. ho i .inunt
i l land In i.'n I" Ih" I"'"' ounlrii: . and
urt a lioiiiesttsid. Tlir fa. t tllilt Saaix
roan! V all'inls ' opportunity lo a
fri'" h. .nu-. fi-'-r furl. )Osls, etc., ami
i h, ;i laiali-r alliais tha atli-ul ion of
::ll uiio haar of it. i oiiiitv Civ! 1; ! nile-
, . i , i . j ;i-,ni,'ir ly n marks that a pini;
I, aiuli Ird him io .-onir to Sioux county
aiidlhr P'l'i" uomls of the rouiity ar"
p!a an.,' aa iniporlai:'. piirl in the : "i t h'-ini-,,1
ol tin- cotin! .'.
Mirl of land s'-'-f'is to po to Sioux
i-oniil v hi I h" la-ar hiluro tuid it v
,-i,p, .-."I "f lilt
-1 iii i.' u iil siuii d
ail -iiiu-' to l-ik" I' ni'l. i
!'. W. "'.Void! ii. of this plarr, "ho
ma" up "ilh tin- lii'sl parly from S.-w-j
u-d has ln-ru doiiu' --omc ood work I'o: :
"r ' Nortliwrsirra road wis ! v;i,llix coiuiiy miii-u his return from tlieir
'''i'aih Im-Iwi-i'Ii Iv.o ' ills i'.t , ;,,, his son ill h" .1 ivsidwit of Sioux
' U'yo. ():. of the ili-,iw-j1,,luty Ix'for" si-edm- time next spring, j
' s"iii' on a car and li-'Hii lorn- We learn that, in the locality of sur-1 '
Went in hetwren I lie .-nrs as '. rmvim4 l '"ro '"'' iinmhri's who : 1
'' I'omin-' tor-rlhei- Io i-oiiol'-' . oni. niiilate yoinu west and
las they w.jro close to"etlier he : ,-, ,i . isf V is th" a'' -J '"''I ' v I
I'hstiiko anil tried to frl out. hut; i have li-art" d ahoiit it.
late and w:,s n-o.hwl lo death, i Tl, i,r,,-i,. rts an' that Niox county
1 hrolh.M- t(( w. Srllrrs. for- ' i n- s.-tllrd ."it'' rapidly from now
"iisiiu-Ks .,!' 1 1. II. (iris- : ,,,l rv-rv r -alrnl should unite in tin
this place.
editor writes (hut if isrslimatn
y families will come to Sioux
''"in Sevviinl county within the
months. Those who have al-
' ainl and those who intend to ,im enhance the value
ihiln.iii ni'.-ufiL'iiiK U make a.,ifl in the counlv. A
It'i ial train I'l"1'! wi"' ",eir ell'oi-t will aecomilish much.
d ha vo a passenger coach at j L.J. Simmons,
ii which Id win ; ... .,'' .,;.,;...;:.X..i ..Zl'Z nied Alon- iw.n,. forerlosiire dismisswl l.y plain
il. I, IVIUH""" -' . . " " '. ... ...,r' i
- inii'i'h" . . ii . ., . .... . . ... .. a. i, s "rii s i ., i , :i i it s rosL,
,1 a,(l VIII tun lilt' '"J '"b"' ."U rnunii. ..i,.-.,- 1'" I' I
" ,w"r) with settlers for! the- iustnH.-tre.s.s, and it is a ffood opportu- j ('has, Boan vs. f reilenoli .erlisl, et al,
that if -" no(K,r jKu-ly will he "it.V for those who would ting to ohlain foreclosure continued,
f lllow at intervals. The tide has i " '' riu'iy Higlit nml all slioulil com'
t-.i ny a linurii eiiori Hie coiimy
I Jti'i-'iav: ol' Cni!)
1 ( lilt ' I' S.
N"l ir" ;s In n-liv i:irn Hint Hie hoaivl o
"IHI'ilV ii,illil:-.inni'!S of SjoN- i-oiui I , Nr-l'1-ir
!'i'. 'in- '-alli'il lo niri'l, nl Ihr oilier ,',!' Uir
-oiiiily i ii-rk ol' so nl i-oiuily, at, i!:ii-risoii,
'.rii., mi iin- Isl ilay ol' I.rii'ini.i-r, l-!i-.', at in
.'i-f,,.-!, , a . In., I or ill" tr:iiivn-l ion oloi-ilin
ll'.' ri.llll'. llUsil!"-,s. ( ONIIAO la ShKM V,
( oaaly rli-rk.
Tiio. Toiedn VYwkly Klililc.
riiij most poptilur and test known
i"i;ly ii':wsiapfi' printed in thiscountry
V'oito DUuU: For more than
twenty years it has had a circulation of
1 00.000 to 200,000; -oiu- regularly into
i every statu and territory of tho Union.
re. coniin d. j j ,;l j ( .r js consumed in each week's edition,
icr vs. .1. S. i all( j( js TOoui. v mailed to mora than
j work of vrliin", peopli
al , apjiuiil continued.
J u-oh Jleiiurich vs. F. C. I,o,
1 1. V. Woodv, appeal i-ontinui-d
I. I- Jioon . irnslee, vs. (.i o. From lifleen to Iwenty-live tons of print
( ohl), Ada A. i a'ai, toreclosmv
If V Si,:il-,M!. A. (I. Fishi
Stiilson. J-'u s: Nat I Hamc of t'lia.lron. i"'-i half the postollices of the United States.
taken to nraiii.e a i-l ' ' in-ronl la'd hy i.-i-.-emeut oi ',ai-iii-s. j i. js ;l Hlcttitar fact, that the lilmlr in tho
I liarlletl Ka-Cauis vs. hioux .oinily. up- j ,my weekly newspaper puhlished that
! I ,.,o i,, t l.i- ,,,r,,.i,ioiil i,l i,.: 1' a s , i . . ..' -i , , . , ... ,
, ' ' v ' , oas regular suusenners in an pans oi tno
l..i:..o H ',',, i-ii, il, I 's Pl.illil. U-VilV. ! i . ii :. ...... . ,
more farmer-anil ' ' . - j i niieu il is eiuieu w nn special
I ho si riiur with-1 Kv:l X M''Vilv- r i-i-t-l.-i i ro, conti d I'.v j 1.(,!c.,.t,ll(.e to t).t, wants of all people in all
I ajreeiiicnt of parlies. j sections. H is also made to interest
Thes. l-.lh:, vs. Koiiei-t t ruse. .May j every ,u,ter of the family. Besides
Cnise, foreclosmv decree of foreclosure j J,,, evVK of t)ic World, it has Serial
-rallied and sale ordered. ' and Short Stories. Wit and Humor.
County of Sioux vs. K. C. Toekwood, I j 00t r v , Camplire, Farm, Sunday School
; , ; .,(. 1',,1'i'closiii-e-Coiilinued. j t.essiais, Young Folks, Poultry, Puzzles,
I i .... I l-'il.- - A A ill"! 1 1 HI UK. oi II v.. ' 71 .. i .. i.i . . . , ... i .
.-.,111,1 I.. . .. - . i lousei ioiu , luswers lo v orrespouuems.
t al, foreclosure sale conlirmed and j As a sneeial featuat: for 1St):t.
! Mr. Kohinson Tocke, editor ond proprie
R. .1. Devennort. I c i, m...i i ...:i...i ......
Sioux I " i", in uic jj.i.i.i,;. u,is jus. s,iueo 101
' , .,i r ...i.L.,....i ,... in,.,,,! l.i-! .
nt w ith all ''' llx" ' 1 - i japan. ai;o will conlnhute a series ol H-
j iie-reomeiit of parlies. j Inst rated letters on the manners anil cus-
v Charles S. lirowu vs. Jaeon n. iviunnu (omsof that peculiar country audits
" j el al, foreclosure-decree of foreclosure K.0.)1(; The atli(sieH wjH be commenced
ranted and sale ordered. , .sometime in February or March, and will
,1.1,. Browne, assignee, vs. Del X- be worth to the readers of the liUuk
nl ordered.
AiniaL. Fisk vs.
Our Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hard
ware is Complete and we Have
Farm Machinery
--in Season.
Our Prices are Down to the Lowest Notch.
4 tilt)
Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing
Goods, Flour and Feed
to come tin re lo
I,., il.iini. et ux., etui, loreelosure saio con- m.u,v tilues t)e subscription price
i I).. ,.,iri." llll'V Will ilTi.-ll ill-, .
'"' "j. . . liinned and deed ordered. j Every reader of this paper is invited to
new comers in Ktl.nj,' a .' j S(Ijiml V. Beach vs. August Schultz, ! semI f(11. ;l slxs(.iniefl COJ)y. T,e puhlish
s,ne tune help tliemwius ux-t u(,al, foreclosure-decree of fore-1 KJ,S of the m, KmM ,,e to seml a
inrrrase the aniouui "i '"" -, ,.,oim ,,ranled sale ordered.
ol all the real ""; ,. a , ,.,,. T1 . ,
siatHllil JJedrii vs. uuiin j.. jviv n.n,,.-,
! J. L. Browne, assignee, loreelosure, de
I .,(,1 find snip m-il.'red.
i ree iaiii.t...
Win. It. Fanning vs. James F. Os-
si rang, united i
specimen copy to every reader in this
county. Subscription price of the fllmU;
one dollar a year. Five dollars in cash
will lie paid lo any person sending in a
small club of subscribers. Write lor
igents' terms, giving particulars. Ad
it rc
'Tun Hl.APK, Toledo, Ohio."
' iiipidly and th- result wil
ITi'.'aseil business and ni' ii-iised vai-
ibt all real estate.
Tlie e.X'-iaitive i-oiiimil!"" of the
JMtliJCounty Society
Vuloget the by-l,iwsin ready lo
"itattl.e annual ii.'"-lin- m .laiiu-
V (t is impoi-tant I hat' '.Ins matter be
Ned lo as there is a desirt among
Sde "f the county thill a tall' he
IXt srnson. I he siirn--s ol in"
fWf tl'" state lair put iplite
Npt of money in the treasury of the
y Kiiciety and hy holding a fair ju-t
i tlie state fair a much brl p r col-.-an
hi- secured and higher prizes
III addition to that it will show to
l setllris and those who .-ontriu-
aliug what can Iv produr-'d in
lily and it will al-o bring Ihe
lisrrs to-'I'thtr ami advuui e their
H is all win 1c for the inlvanc
room y i'.iai sliou Id he . n
Vntice of Dissolution.
The firm of MacLachlan & Cook is this
lay dissolved ny iniiliial conseni. ii. vv . ,
Macl.a' hlan will pay all liabilities and
'ollei't all accounts.
Hi iili V.
Jamus 11. Cook.
n-r.-isoa. N.b..N"ovemher 1!).
recovery com iniieu.
The Michigan Savings and Loan Asso
ciation vs. Nancy E. Patterson and AVm.
jo. Patterson, foreclosure continued.
C. O. Tufts vs. Robert, Cruse, May
Cruse, et al, foreclosure motion to va-
j cafe sale heretofore made, lo set aside
I sale and dismiss suit at plaintiff's c ist,
I . ,
i sustained.
j Fred R. Leitholt' vs. I. C. Jackson, ap
j peal judgment of lower court nfo.rnied
A Loving Mi'iiieuln to lie Scut to Every
One of Our Women I'eiulcrs.
; Mrs. Harrison could not have left a
more loving memento to the women of
' America, than the work she did for them
before her last sickness. It is a mngnili
I cent work of ai-l, a Bunch of Orchids,
painted by her in the White House, from
iin orchid raised in the White House. It.
is lovingly dedicaled to ihe mothers,
wives, and daughters cf America; ami
the reproduction nr.: so perfect, that last
August, when a pro,, I' was submitted P'
:axi a i-ti,l line oj-
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and
School Report.
;'!:e I dlowuig is a report, of Hist. No. 2, j for 'K.":i costs against defendant.
,r ..In-m, mill rmling November 1-ih: II. Austin JiOcKe vs. t lias. Holmes, Jfrs. Harrison at Loon Lake, for her
mi Number enrolled . 10 I e al, forerlosiire continued. proval, she Ihoiiglit it was her own
l,rr oi days laugli! , ..,...:,.,.,. lovestinent Co. vs. John origioal painting. J 'finr, .i luimin
taught 20 i
Total No. days all pupils attended 110 ,, ,, .. i.. . M;lilii:.:tu' lias ilu: honor of being the
.. i - ' Mli V an l .! II y i , u er os-.m: in- . . , I ., iii
Avi'i-ai.'" iitP'Odall'-e if ' , : inediiuu through which these valuable
K.i-a Tu. ker was neilher absent nor j rive of foreclosure granted ami sale ' pictures (ItJxI.I inifhesi were presented to
lardv mid Marv Brekly was not alisenl rod. : the women of America. They are not
iv ill ii iw srial one to
lim-iiu, 1 lie mourn.
Mahi:i.J. RuiiiNsiiS.Ti
I- ' I IS I
I Sion.V ri
)d by nil.
I'lihlic Sale
' of Ff head of "leers, IT limd of i-ows and
' 21 head of horses on Saturday, Nov. !.
j P-02, at Livery ikirn. Ilarron, at lo
! . '.d.irk. a. in. 'Terms, in mouths at lo
i a. r cent. A. Morrison, ae- 'iou.-er.
I l.O '1'
vV. J. Wright vs. Win. R. Jones, Sarah : ''r saie: but
i .. . i i i ..r i i...
.,. lO.erios,,,,, oi:,,,,, , (,M1.1(lse ,iiv ,,A, ,,,.. ,,,1uiH o ,,1V .-.,
ill-" granted and sale ordered. t ion. parking, , ti-. 'i'h-'sr
Farmers' Trust, Conipanv vs. Harrison exom ite iiiemenl , -. Iiarn-g Mis. liar-
Bean-:, et ux., et al, foreclosure -de
Binders, Alowers,
Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps
and Buggies.
When in town call and see our
goods and get our prices.
Respect f ti 1 1 y ,
"Seeing is Believing."
And a good lamp
must be simple; when it is not simple itls
' not good. Simple, Jjcauttjul, Gom these
, s- of foreclosure granted and sale or l'i!i-im",-s' Trust Co, vs. I'.v.u.: Male
i risoii's au'.ogiaph and poilrnl, will soon
I beyond pin ", au.l iaaild !"- S'riii'.dal
i oil i"0. Address I r.V HINT'S I'AMilA
' V ' la Fast, t llh Street. New
i v .
words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" I
will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal.
tough and seamless, and made in three nieces onlv.
it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar
velous light is purer and brighter than cas liaht.
softer than electric light and more cheerful than either.
Look for tliisstamp-TuKRociiKSTEk. If the lampdcaler hasn't the ct-nillno
(ochestcr. nnd the stvlc voa want, scud tu us for mr i., ;n o.,...i , "
kaml we will send you a lamp safely bv express your choice oi over 'J uou
Ivarictiesfioin the U.-X.U lump Slorti the tionj. er ,MM
KOCHIibl'JLJa LAMP CO., ii Park. Place, IVcw York City,
k "The Rochester."