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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1892)
. . . fi- -- ",,frrri' ' I TilnliKl: 1'IlllllU Th3 Sioux County Journal. t EST AHI-h ET 1 j OFFICIAL OOCSTV PAPKH, tUiEST PAPKR IS THE fi'NTy. Ji&iT PAPEft IN" T(I8 OprXTY. 'brasj,n's Future, (Jltiul.a 11. j u.. "" i r I .t in .wioe-ba Improvement of Count lioriils Tin. IfoK-otond, ui irtu timms Mi'") l-i?yl n imi.ivs hiu uoae a hi r.1 J Uiat iip..i.-r Kill u;iv.; lVlllli TO E, I j , i .."V . ,! the movement for good roads ifd its or- , niarUftd mlvagce m ;tll iiies of material. . , i ; prjvsjierity jii Tha onditioas ULY RKI1BI.U A!( PMFR IN Shjrx COTNTV- i 1q thus are iotjij, The asssuraone is )jS THE I.AKtiEST CIKXIJITIOS (if AXY P-PEK Mf.bSHEIl N !5(H'X OilA'TV. Subscription Priej, ff.QQ L, J, Simmons ... Editor. Kntf red Ht tfjtj IjArri'itfn npat attic a stfH; Htlii chtid matter. Thubspay, Nov. 17, ehii;a, the gppi of tlie Jfntiqn., Tell them to come to Sioux county and take $ linniestend. A Miissipui gjrl lias broken the m ord by elojjing three times in one day with different men eaoh time, N'tjw ueople are coming; to Sioux oounty. Let every one make it a point to do all he can to make it pleasant for the horneseekera. With Msiklejohn, Mercer and llalner in congress and the entire state and electoral ticket republican proves that republicans "sUod up for Xelir a,k:," in pretty fair shape, It would be a good tiling for tlio A. P. A. urbanization to disliand. It apijears to lw too dictatorial in its methods if the report of jU acts; are true. If the re ports are not true tlie real acta and oh jects should be made known so that it may lie not right beforu the people. The fact that Whitehead carried his home precunei arid the home precinct of Kem and cut. down tlie hitter's plurality in Custer county, tlie banner calamity county of the state to alaiiit three liuii- ilred, and reduced his plurality iu the dis trict is u credit to him ami the canvass Ik- made. If there is any consolation for tlie in dejiendeiitd in th result of the recent election they must tie easily consoled. In the nation they cut no figure us to the result and in Nahraska'they liave lost heavily in the legislative make-up, and their state ticket, including their false jjod, Van Wyck, is snowed clear under. Judsre J. R. Olarkson, who was sup posed to have been drownud at Iluney Lake, near Onuiha last July and was mourned as dead by his family and friends returned to his home last week. He wandered away while temporarily in siiue and went to Clinton, Iowa, where he worked as a laliorer in a lumber yard. It came to him while at work that he had a family in Omaha and he at once got his wages and ' started for home. It is one of the most, singular cases known. Down in Missouri they have intro duced hugging societies to swell the church treasury, and a Missouri paper gives the following scale of prices: "Girls under sixteen, lo cents for a hug of two minutes or ' 10 cents for a short squeeze; from 16 to 20, 50 cents: from 20 lo 25, 75 cents: school marms, 40 cents; another man's wife, fl; widows, accord ing to looks, from 10 cents to $3; old maids, 3 cents apiece or two for a nickel and not any limit of time. Preachers are not charged. Editors pay in adver tising, but are not allowed to participate until everyliody else is through, and even then are not permitted to squeeze anybody but old maids and school inarms. (JXtill Fitmtkr. The monthly crop report just issued from the Agricultural department shows that Nebraska's average yield of corn per acre this year is 28.7 bushels. Ohio, with 29 bushels per acre is the only state that equals this yield. The Kansas crop is reported at 28. -1 bushels per acre. For the seven states known as the corn belt, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska, the aggregate pro duction is placed by this rejiort at 600, 000,000 bushels. This falls far below the yield of the same states last year, which, according to the best estimates, was about 1,306,000,000 bushels. Undoubt edly the truth as to this year's crop lies somewhere between these widely differ-' ing figures, for it is largely guess work aftea&ll. lire. most lOiiudete that for at leat two J years tliera will bn no legislation to j cayxe distrul on the ait of cupi In lists j who tfiay smu opportunities lor invest ment (sere, arid it ii highly probably that it will be many years before such a danger w ill unjuacv the interests and wel rare of tln state. The dbcisive rebuke administered to thosg who sought to discredit Nebraska before the country, unquestionably with damaging effect, w ill doubtless prevent for a long time any further attempt by dema gogues and place seekers to attain. wer by misrepresenting the true conditions here. In emphuticallv branding as false the dUijar-iiging statements regarding Ne j braiika the ?ople announced q the i country that this state Cillers as favor able Cijiportunities for the industrious and thrifty as any other, and w hile no orie will deny that there liav been ex periancjes of hardship, and that there is still room for reform llwt w ould be of gpneial benelit. the people of Nebraska have grown in wealth as inpidly as t hose of any other agricultural .tale and enjoy in equal measure those things whirh are necessary to the comfort and happiness of life. Everything that contributes to intellectual and moral improvement we have, while nothing is lacking for the1 physical well lieing of the people. That j the majority of the population are debt ors is not remarkable in a new state, the foundations of who; mntei'ial develop ment were Iain by men of small means or who possessed nothing biit their in dustry and the determination to make honien for themselves, yet the aggregate value of their iiossessions far exceeds their pecuniary obligations. Take the entire mortgage indebtedness out of the property ol tlie state and the ijeople of Nebraska would still lie rich. The agricultural capabilities of Nebras ka ought to lie familiar to the country It produces! the best corn ill the world and other grains of superior quality. There is no (letter region anywhere for stock-raising. The possibilities of sugar beet culture, if properly encouraged, are great. It is an excellent dairy country and there are grown here certain fruits of line quality. Except in the compara tively small arid section the annual rain fall is ample and the soil is unsurpassed in the quality of retaining moisture. Nebraska is in tiie zone which enjoys al most continual sunshine and the climate is as healthful as any in the world. All these conditions make this state a most inviting one for settlement, and good farming laud is not higher here than in other western states where the opportun ities and advantages are equally good. While manufacturing vill probably never attain very large proportions in Ne braska, there are localities in the state where certain industries would find profitable development, and there is a tributary territory, steadily growing in population, which oilers a strong induce ment to investment in manufacturing enterprises. There is a less hojieful out look, however, for development in this direction owing to the result of the late national election, and it is likely that Ne braska's progress in tlie immediate fu ture will be mainly or wholly agiicul- tural. lor although it will be about two years before any- change of tariff policy can go into effect, it is probable that capital will not seek investment in man ufacturing liefore the extent of the change to be made is known, and es pecially w ill it not do this in localities where the conditions are not in the high est degree favorable. - The prospect is that the next few years will see a more extensive movement of population from the east to the west than for some time. The possible de cadence of industries in the former sec tion will compel this. Nebraska ought to get its full share of this drift and in order that it shall every effort should be made to extend information regarding its capabilities and advantages. igin with the manufacturers aR'J users of bicycles, and that it las fur its ob ject the niaeadantixing pf the entire road sys.U:in of the country, at ttte ex ptne of the farmer anl plainly fqr the beneliu of those that Use tlje wheel fr pleasure or business but maiply for plauie. There js jist (,-n.ough truth in this statement to make it harmful. Tlie cyclist are very rit!y intet-eted in having good roa.ds, inanuu 1) a a bicycle is a very useless jjieye of machinery on a bad road. For this reason thoe that are interested in bicycles, are valuable helh!t'H in the work of procuring good roads and that in all. No one proposes to introduce ymvelled, payed Or maca dam roads wheru the piatenaj U not at hand or where it will not pay to uim it. The movement for good roads has for its object the liest roads possible with the material oh hand or Jit hand, In the country the good must, in thu vat.t majority of caes, lie a dirt road because nothing else i available, and there is this much to be mid for the dirt tyiad that when it it good it m very good and when it ia had it is very laid. It can, however, be made good from eight to ten months in the yenr with the material on hand and will) very little more expense than iw now used on its construction, It is, in most cases, not (he selection of a new material, but the lietter use of the i material we have, We notice in riding over tlie country this year that in many- cases titer liaii lieen a very great im provement in the roads over the previous years and mainly iiecause the experience of last year taught the farmers, that something most )m done. Thin is really the origin of the good roads movement in the west. ft h.-u become, to use a phraze more expressive than elegant, "a ground hog ruty." The cyclists plight have talked and written and sowed the west knee deep with literaturu, but if it had not lieeu for the mud blockade, last spring the farmers would have been as deaf as the adder wiu fabled to 1 to all their pleas for better roads. We notice a much greater use of graders. We no tice a freer use of tile, sometimes laid with good judgment and sometimes without, as might have been reasonably expected. To lay tile properly in the road is an art learned mainly by experi ence. Public thought ban been turned in the right direction and in due time there will be a great improvement in the dirt roads. ve nonce tnat mere is an impression that the officers of the road associations are salaried ofticerx unci are mak something out of it. This, so far us our knowledge goes, is an entire mistake In Iowa v c know that the officers are doing th v.-ork without remuneration. Sorm.oody must furnish the money need ed for printing, stationery and postage, but it is the men who are trying to in augurate a s'-stem ol better roads that must do this and take their pay only in better roads. It is purely missionary work. Nor is there any effort to make the farmer pay the burden of whatever increased taxation may lie found neces sary, lhose who have given the most time and thought to the work believe that all that is necessary for greatly im proved country roads is a lietter system of collecting and expending the taxes that are and have been collected annu ally for many years past. In this we think they are wholly right. When we learn to put the taxes we now pay where they will do the riiost good we will then be ready to talk about spending wisely an increased amount. When we come to that there will ha no more growling about increased road taxes than there is about any other investment which mec see will return a good profit. .pit i dvuio": i ti ainr t thi oBii c t oner. Viiljcr fur JJi t;lt-a r !- Htiw i h.-rrliv uiv. ii 1li- k.IIoh iiiit rmm.iKHtf.-r Has tihU " ' ''" "'".'V tiim H. iimfcr tin' !'"V' 111 -l'I'r! V 1 ;.i'T. i , ,m .ai.l i.r.m U 111 ! liii.M.' m- t.r i, .iii-ail i Urk ol Hi" U tt (Wt.ut Hsu-rise,!!, S'VitT-i u" I,".-"'1"' Hfrvty: Kanicst riiljno-a. r1 B.,Jar-. V'tir.. ho iiiiiifi- llnnnatiaiil fciiHi.- N, H l j.W' SWm '.;. T.f v ft., ! t'it'.' till' ''.'! 'l IV mini. tlie follou in.,' t -ipiiiw 1! bin t;(iiitiiiu.ii r-i'(.-n.-.- "JK" ;' !i' m wild mu'i, if: Jiilm II Kiwi ley. UUUimii 111 .-.mi. !r ), biM. rut. red Bt nllil this ullic-o by .Vriuan f.. Iij'l" "K U -8it.T m-nl for Whin- ta "'i,,,'r wtjJut HdVr liva- f 1:11 William Miller, Aluum Muttliew ' Hoaii. nil of llixiiirc. W . 11. li"l -I , i:'.-".r Xiitire fur rulilinitinn. JjiimI Other al !:mlrim, Si ll-. ( ' ' ov. 1, l.e. I liOilei. i.-herehv (ilveii Unit thefollowuiK nauieil ...lller lliix llled notice ol lil lll.V'11 t'iou to uiiike Hinil j.r.if in iN)nt 1't his cl'uiin. mid lliul mM ).r.ioI u ill ) made lx-fou-iie Ki-Kister and lleeeivrr olt , s. Jjui.J (fitter at CliHdron, Vrlipliku, !n lll.cvnili"'- K', "-5- vi: Umid Anili i-sgn. l Mmitrusc Ncbr.. lit,!iinti- Hoin.-st.'iid Knii-y No. iM'-f fol tin SVi, A.-.-. 27, T. I.N. lt.,M Westot tlei;h i . M. lie millle UlC I(llH.lll U'ltliear to Jinive Ills Clintill""'!"' resideneii llK)ll lllidrnlthu tigu (it shiiI land, viz; 3. 51, Plumb, of Anlm.ire. s. (mfe.. Autfiwt Meyers, llenrv c, Hunter, Cii-lnlipicr l.rnseu. nil ol .MfintrfW, Nelir. is l:i; W. II, Mc ANN, ItcglstiT. TlmU-rCMiture J-ntr, jihvmu tri, swh i"'i s'i ,':h"' IH, r .un.biu .Ki North KanKC tV! ! ... . i. ,..'..t mS.i ei.tVv; ronti taut si '-guu il'Aii -.1 -aid tim t in t(,l toit: l.y ueL-llctlng til i.rek, l.ld oriunnj uav rnitlh: Klif fniliM. to date i.V Mii.kf.ii: flu- ..jid.iv Uii nt si-nteiiitxrVW, ill t)(e y.-nrd!, ttHt there i io litH:-. Lto fiitf himiii vqii trct Hi Hie i.reent time, and tii'hi' ha, been nu !' i'"r. f i;i it!. tii-' ue( rnttltnr planli d ); l..u7 i -mi;.- Jmjii ;ui 1, Mil. U.Mt till- imi- tii.n of Kahi tract al 1m-.ii -yllnalJ!il nrior to January l, i. 'i s.r;H In, tn WSi alh1 fl-CilH, llllll h(! Iii.lail.-.! l. eure Ml yiy'X I'll !IJ'; llate ;. 1II1.K1III4 'lo aiii'i.i.n tii- .n imrti.-'. are lcw-hy .ijn, i,i no olti.y on the 3 . t,r u. II, r,',.lU'L 111.. tO hfs'ri U -timmi; ' . (il.t-rriiii'l oaii) ll('Pd iiiiined t. uiiotat .)uv o( jfeci-niber, o W--IH.U.) and jf- I a i, il re. Tcstiiuoiiy ill illll-w- Uill I hi. l.ik.:,l hi f onj ..eorife w ulk, a noiar i...o, . , v hi ofhee in'Hliirri-Jii. N.-hr., i)ii t.; - iayiif i, ,-iuIkt. W!, lil!i( hi. ! f 11 l t U.M.kV, IVjlltfT-Vll'1! At'lin"')'; 1'OUT.H l(e.l:IVlI iMf 'resident. . V( 1. JI- WJU, fasli?r Conwnerbial Ba: fP-fW4BtTl!n. General Ban king Busin . Sol lUliblSflK,' V, A, HESTER, iJFAbKR Ili-TT.r Lumber, Gmin Lime and Coal, Niitirs for f' I4U11I ( ftic.- at I l.uiln.n, Neh., (md. 11, IfC.m. I Noti,:.' i lierehv (riven tliat lie fnlloB Inx nnme.i M-ttier Iiiim Hied notice, ol IiIh inten tion i make Ilmii priaii iu Mipiiort ol lii eliilni. mill Hint said proof Mill lie made In- lorn Conrad I.indelliall, I Inl'k of tlie Hislrh-t i Court at lliirrl-'m, Nelira-Kn, on Nov. iiua-r 21, l"'.r, i: - Vi -Is Kiii-'ehreNeii. uf Harrison. Nehr.. h ho iinniii Hiiiiieslnad Hiitr.v N". tor tin SK", see. .li. T. IK, N . I!. M Wr.l ottlieHtll P. M, lie itiuiie 111.' lollou iu w it 11.' to provi his coniiniliill residellee upon and . Ill tl II lion of aid land. 1 : Ijiiliolll llidioek, William Jiivill. VVlIllam 11. Lallcrlv, .loll n KlMTHtcrtM t, all ol ItmlHlT Nelir.. W , 11. Mi I ANN, i.'.IO ld-ifister. X.ilfcr for J'ulil I.i.nd (int.- i-atnm. In proposing cents per mile make n Chicago worid's 5-lir, the railroads are threaten-i Kind Words for the President When President Harrison retires from office on the 4th of March next lie will carry with him to private life the re spect, and esteem of t he people of the United States, whom he has served so faithfully and so well. Political oppo- nents no less man those of his own party will honor him for his sterling manhood race 01 two ' anil ins stenulast ctevolion toduty. Says uurmg me I uie jew vork It is a nlcasant. Iliimr in ...r.,an,i... iag tn partially cripple the goose that j in the canvass just ended few Voixls have been said or written concerning General Harrison which represent him as any thing but what he is, namely, a man of 1 Kiinerior iniellnct. lpvniul ol. i river is not too high for tlie average well a chief magistrate whom the cou'nfi v to cio citizen 01 Jeomska, but n it is j aiways regam witn nclmiration. maintained hundreds if not thoiiMiids of These and RtalMfe ready to lay them many golden ggs during the coming season. A mund trip rate of 20 from the Missouri our people will feel themselve unable to undertake the outlay. Where one peroon will go at ttM 30 far, two would go if th ilftire could be reduced one-half. If the higher rate is maintained the people will go in small installments; if a generous rate is given, they will go In family group tuxi in train loads from very county. Tbe railroad men prob ably know their business, and for that reason we may confidently expect a ma terial reduction in the agreed rate before tbe exposition is well under way. Low fare are absolutely essential to tlie suc- i of the enterprise. State Journal. similar words from demo cratic sources afford great satisfaction to those who have supported tlie de feated candidate for president. Such commendation of its chosen standard hearer is not without significance to the republican party, as a tribute to the honesty and sincerity of its purposes. So long as it follows the leadership of men who command universal respect and admiration and it lias many men of that kind -there can be ho sapping of vitality, no loss of popular confidence and no permanent retirement from power of the great organisation .f which Presi dent lfarrison is au e.v..i Hce, Ate Kat With Ills trow. Some weeks ago two well-known gen tlemen of Dobbin, W. Va., made an agreement that, should Harrison lie elected the democrat should eat a live rat in the town hall, and should Cleve land be elected vice versa. Tlie (parties to this contract were Captain W. P. Mooney and James J. UcCalie. With Mr. McCabe's consent it was that the rat should lie cooked. Tonight at 7 o'clock the town hall was filled to its utmost capacity and the sjiectators witnessed the execution of one of the of the most novel bets of the campaign. World Herald. ' Sioux County Offer to Settlers: Kich soil, Free fuel, fiood land, Free lands, Free posts, Cheap coal, Good roads, Fine climate, Mild winters, Good schools, Clieap lumber, Excellent water, Finest wild fruits, Clieap deeded land, Fine native lumber, Unsurpassed scenery, Good railroad facilities. 800,000 acres of government land, The finest, richest natural grasses known, And other advantages too numerous to mention. The finest wheat producing district in Nebraska, Tell your friends to come and m f,,r themselves. it I 'hud run, Nidi., I Nov. 14, lrfi.', I Noilee I-nerehy tflven Unit the lollliw injr inline.! pettier lias tiled noliec ol hin inleu ticjn t.j iio.lic TlimJ iirool' Jn mipiKirl olhig eluini, :iud tlmt Maid proof uill la- made be fore Conrad ! . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 : i i i . elerk of the distriet court, at Harrison, Nebni-ha, on IiiicuiiImt u, iif.c, iu: llaviil Biirtfptt, of Hiirrihiui, Ncbi-.. who miide Homestead Kntrv No. 7'ihi, for the SVi4 Sec.ST, T. ill N. K., Wet ol tbe tit h P. M. He nitines the followinjf wilnesMeK to prove IiSh eouliniiiius residence upon anduulti a tion of wiihl land, in; : John K, Martejler, Thoiiiaa UeiiJv, Himry Warui.'ke, I'wU K. liehien, all of flarrisuii, Nehr, Ato: K. Edwiiril hircrinore. uf Harrisun. Xftjr., who made Honuistoad No. 10?ii lor tlie SW, See. itt, T. 31 N. It., Ui West of the litli P. I, He luiiiies the folJowiug witnesHCH to prove Ills eontiniiou resfdeueo upon and cultiva tion of Miid land viz : liuvid Harriett, Kred lIctK'heii, rliarles ('aiiimriiiiiiid, lieiijamin Johnson, ail of Harrisun, Nehr, !hfH) W. II. Ml ('ANN, lil'Kister. Notice fur l'lililieatiuu. bawl Ollluc at. Chadron, N'el,., I Nov. 1.1, lattt. i Notice is hereby Kivun tliat tlie tullinvini iiamed settler lias Hied notice, of hi Inten tion tu make hual proof in u)iort of bin i-laiin, anil Hint miid proof H ill be made he fore Conrad Linileliian, Clerk ol the IlislHel Court at Harrison, Nbnt,ka, on iieveuiber 'Jti, lS'.i-i, viz : Hiinni Rirlianbou. of Anluiiire. S. Dak., who iniuic Pre-emption li. s. No. -it'T for the NK'4 Sec. :ti, T. .If. X. If. H, V est f t,c iit, p. He nanics the follou iuir M to in-ovi. his eonlinnous n'sidenee uikiu and cultiva tion of, said hind, vi: Joseph AslltOll, AllL'llsl. Meier, Joseph itofl'er, Joiin Ifelamo, ail ol Ardimjri' s uak Also: Joseph Aslitiim. id' A rd more S. link.. who miide Pre-emption II. s. -jtiii for the SK'j SW'i., See. :W. T.35 N. It., 51 W.-slii,,,! !,,!..'.:. & 4, .sec. 4, T. M N. li., 34 West of the Bill P. ' Sash, Doors, Blinds, Hair and Cement, A Complete Stork Always on Hand, J. K. t' iiKH, K, U. HiATT(iX, J. 1 STUATTli.V. Sioux County Lumber Co. MAXI KAITl HKHt. (if Lumber, Lath and Shingles. Wells Drills r - 4cic.h;ilJi' raUs jn apv locality ony (iejiti). ' Satisfaction Qiiafarie(jrJ ( 'tt)l on or Adl!'i (l1fs fVjINbOT, ' k'nia,,. HlHKIMlk V'K APE .H tHOIJIXEh r II V TflK OMAHA WEEKLY World-Heral P" KKi rivi Subscriptions for 1893 Any Oii Siibuf-rihinj- Xo,( t wii.i. hw m r. it Tim i ) HAI ' M K .). tiiih vi;ah i I.iimlici1 I.I MHKl! I'KI,IKKKIl AT TIU: KIM, nit t II UllilM!, WILL NEAR FIVE POINTS. A 'i,-fOi fSiliily nf N'ittivt Alivny mi liiiiul, F Make $5. jus iiniiies me loiiowiiiK witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and i-ultii tion of, said land, viz: llil-inu Itiehlirdsou, Aui,'iist Meier, Joseph Kofi er, John Ifehano, nllol Ardinure, Huk IIUISi Vv'. II. McCANN, Hcffisttr. Nntici-.-Tiiiiiii-rt nlliire. 1'. S. I. AMI OFFK'K, I ClIVIlKOS, NKH., I ( 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 No. 1-i'A lav hnr I-...,, ..,..... i ... tllisothee hv IJharles lli nrv t ,,n, Zacliuriah Shoop lor failure i e.oiiiDiv'witli law as to 'I miller ultuie Kntrv o i'u-.-,i.,..,.i (letolMir lith, KK5, uNin the -south' West tlarter .S..etiou7,T,,wi,.hl, m North HallKe S V. In Mout countv. Sebrsi,,. ,,-mr.. view to the cancel lutioii ol Hllld cut' v eon'. estaiit alleifliiK that the ,id iwimrlah lump, ha wholly abandomsl ,ii,i i....... n. Klectilllf to break, nlow. or l ..:. ciiluvate any portion of said tract d'urinir inu year imu, anil up to date Sept Hr' t?, the year IHSta, that there is no trees lVowi'iil' upoiiHind tnict; at ti1(; mvs,.,t Uuii-. ami there has lieen no trees in.,. ,..1- euttinus. lilanted mu.n si,i,i ...'.. ..... January I, li, tlmt tin; imrtioii of ...i.i tract unit wiiK eultn sled prior to Jaiiuarv I IH1II, inu. icrown no ti imiss ,,,,,1 ' Kntryinim hiin failed to cuee ,.i,i .i..r to Hio dau. of this allidaiit. the s.dd ..,,,1 i.i arc heriibv KUinnioiusI 10 ,n,,u.,.n . . 1 testi om.-e on tile ,1 day of iece,.r, , , J" .v,".,,., hiiu luriiisii V.. s""J aili'Kell IilUiii-,. ... w. messes win . ,);,., fonM.coriAi Walker, a noinrv .,i.n . ... ., ottlec In Harrison, Nehr ,' if,,. .,, . ..? Kov., iHiti, at 10 11. III. T. K I'ow t uJ- ll.T.t OM.EV, 1!,.;., , . CoiiUwtunt's Attorney. i fJull't .ay f10 for Hotuctliln Von can get for f). THK Lincoln Daily Call .N'cliraska's In-st unit cheajjest daily, Imim ln put within the reach of every, lxaly liy rwlucine; the price to $9 1'ER YEAR. Everybody conccdwl, two yciim ngo, that THE CALI4 iirinlwi tiiu fuirest, motit fearless nntl mont rmulaljle it)ortsi of the proceeding of the Ix-ilatiire. The next session will lie of est-iul in terest liet-aiise of THE SENATORIAL FIGHT. And THE CALL will handle thin iu ii.-i own original way, as well as the pro ceedinfjs of the ses.sion. Tub Caix ik a iximpi.ctk Newhpapkii, All lor . a car. .:, Tor 0 Monl lis, for 8 -Hon (In. THK WEEKLY CALL-! a vear in ad ance. THE CAU l'l HIJSHlX; ( 0., Lincoln Sab. 64 Columns a Week ' Price ONE DOlUe Dr. Leonhardt r 1. :i t Nervous System, ihucli u 1OSH ol Memory, l-'erlin.Jf,, J lion and ViiI-poiv.-r, Cmi,,s J-us(, ttnu .ervoilici., am fonns eurul;pit.) HEART (A.s tJiuwn hy WmrttieKh of Hreatli Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering ami Num! iicsm in region of tlie Heart.) Ifll.r. s I I.1.IYW 4 ( (IM.KY. W 1 l-L 1KACTKJ. IV AIL TDK UK A I., h X rH ' and federal courts and V. K. j !,u.,.. I LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY ORAWN I t i i s i 196" Office in Court House. "Altl(,SIS - - - - NKI.HASKA BLOOD, iKuch as Skill Maea-scs, Uh eis, Exws sive Pull-liens or licdness of the F, Faiutiiess, I)i.ine.s, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! ADDRESS WITH STAMP ! DK.LEOXIIAR)!. I 152 O ST. - - LINCOLN, NtB. i .Meillhlll this iaM-r. ; OKOKCK WALK Kit, Atfornc) -Kf-Lavt. W ill iiriictlce before nil l imi ts and tin- I", l and (inicc. Hllnllles, en I In mj rare will rcceiie prompt atli iition. HAKltlwiN, - - NKHIUMU. NORTH WEST EAST J"- "W. SMITH, Boot and Shoe REPAIRER, hliop Will, 1L A. Ciinnitha,,,. j CHARGES REASONABLE. Satisfaction Guaranteed.' SOUTH li:M JOIIN A- LUCAS, l'HtMriKM. Niiliec- H.iiiiisii Hil Kntrj. j t'. s. l.AMI own v., 1 I ( IIAIIH.JX, NKH., I tfi'1., I (unlilaint X0.4VKI JiavliiLr l.ei, , .,,1.. ... thirtothee hy ClinrleH llirt rnderhiu .,..,. r (ieoixe shiek for liiilui-e to eomplv with inu. i to HomeHteiu Kntrv No. .'HHKd .1 . im, UlKlll the W'., M !, ami K u vV, ' Miction 111, Township al, ItiiuL.,, ' .V, ,1 Sioux Cininly, Nelinika with tn ei to ihe cancellation of auid enlrv: contc-fHiit -n.... . ifltf Hint the Htiid le.,i-ir, Kl..l i,.. ahandoiinl anldlniet; Unit he lia. ehm,,,.;! Ilia l-.'i.1deiici! tlleret linn for llloff Ih'llli Mr iiiontrin Hiiiee making Mild entry; Hint nald li-act i not willed iiihiii and eu'ltlM,U ii hv wild (iiirtyiis reiiilred hy !, Unit einm,i', haa never 11 rcWi-iive on i, tract aiiiee illinif on wiuie, Uu, mt( )mrti,.H are herelry Miiininoned to uik-nr nt thia olltce on the 2Ih1 ilny ol NovimmIht, Ihm at 10 oeloek A. M., 10 reaind and Inrnlsii ... llniony coni-eniluif Maid alii c. failure Tcatlinoiiy ol iit!HM will l,e takeji lie f.irel.eoiKe Walker, 11 uolarv jiulille, al hi iimec In lliirrison, on the in duv of Nov y. i'ov. i nn, iiecelver. I'Hii-liine licLpl niiil (.iiijrii 11111 lia tlie F., E.SH. V. S.C. HAILKOAMS. H. ii. HURT, (ieneral Manafier. K. ('. MoltEIKH KF,, J. H, Hi HIANA.V. (Jeii'l l-'reig-ht Agt. (iun'l !'u. Aft OMAHA, NEB. ( HAS. K. VKRITY. lHWat Kin. 1 Jl. T. CoXI.KY, T. CoiittmliuitV Attoiiie. iiilj U. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One. Door Soiilli Hunk f llHrrimn, OPEN SUNDAY FROM 0 TO 12. RAWfKS AND WJS.40IIH PIT IN OKUKIt. Sewing machines cleaned und repaiidl. THE BANK OF HARRIsntJ - W IESTABUSHEO 1887.1 Harrison, Nebraska. AUTHORIZE) CAPITAL. ?2H)() Transacts a General Banking Business It c. , . - "u,s ociiool Or.Wrj,, County and V lS WarrnntR. C0RRf;sP0NDF.NTS: KWKrabROB., York City. Fihst Natkwal Bank, Omih. f mr National Baku, Lincoln ' Bank or C'HAtRoit, Chw. ebr' Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Olve t uie t a lull,