The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 17, 1892, Image 5

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    . TWI Vfcl fcS
In I
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- 1 An AfrU.n ., i I. Knowlrd.. L. p..
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A MoaralKf Bride.
An African explorer, while on his
In the dark continent r.,-j
J the news of the death of his father
some time afterward he arrived iii
cr, -ccumpaniea ij a black bride
oueitnu," asked the candid
irieno, -inuucl you to marry a
v ,r cipiorer made answer
-D cavernous tones:
"X was m mourning." 'njrJ
V,..l .1 I- n
uUJ rveny, a iiirirty farmer In
Delaware County, X. V bad little faith
m banks, go he kept his savings,
.iiiouuvuijf io ..mj, m an old box,
among a mass of newspapers. The
Slice discovered his treasure. md
The frontage iinawed it Into particles so small that
( sol a piece large enough to be identi
: led was left
L,i This txia'ij
(TafNew York, m
Cs IrDi: It is d(
CilfDcr. J"hn Mc
or n
1': s!j.'
h Die
it b
'0f '
the lit J
'1(1 Iii! 5 1
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COjiti !
H (ire,!
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fIllt-: if
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lien n
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KIN 1728.
j .-ii'"'"" '"-
it ; h
jj-l skwiu c-i A
-.... r-lii-hunter
Qf. l. Zwaulen, a
J ... Tnil livlriff on
. I - -
Inis ikjuiij
,,-fllfDcy, Jnn wontr
rernor in tnici oi ins
of New l orlc ana
William liradford.
rai It UOeS "UK,
Lurting was -Mayor.
relies anu marncii
This is very snori.ine
.1 1.11a...
sejifinaicu uy u iwrs,
u only auuit a nine
:ay is awiut the same
illy naTk'esliuoarope-
,nc side wun ixces.
. . .1 1 a .
Jiini lirnauviay is iuo
to Itiiston, passing
ujo atl io" in m
iDtlic In-art of tnecity,
the river is IJuwlimr
farden. ana scaiicreu
lui of the old Dutch
.jo of which were, no
mind 'if Irvine when he
. .1 . ..i...- ir. i..... r.t
(hat strikes the eye of
;s the irregularity with
r is laid out. Tho lots
ipps ami sizes, anu in
;,e sheets are wide, ai
Wall street Is very
and liears no ind lea
fa rac it hiis since
lie nty then cotitaliicd
Nurth. South, East,
Ward, and Montgom
Kiiilit in the center of
i swamp with houses all
though it were to be left
! natural scenery.
kit are seen several of his
n-of-war, surrounded by
r craft
all made by a pen, as
eral portraits which the
Though the pictures
re good, thev look old.
are characteristic of the
J ih'ise days. Curves
are especially proniln
d landmarks and things
tn mention or not easily
the pen are contained on
of yellow parchment,
atted more than a hun-
y rears airo. The popu-
city at that ti'n- was
VW. Travel wa by
i a curious contrast is
h the tiiftroK)lis of to-
raiiriiads, bridges, and
almost two million in-
m ' sZ&rs w.i
hunt i.r in, kiMi.
put this bust of Dick-
tmall table by tuy b!d
I'tdrop it!" I recognized
Hie young mistress for
tJ'u say, Miss Kate?"
evident fright and con-
i"Oood Lawd: Miss Kate,
i Kit he portpjfraph took
'ile:' Must a been awful
1 reckon. Wlint, flat, vn
M Ilns! Oh. Lawdy,
i d in' say dat man bust-
VMiat fur? Oh, yu
'' o-a p .rtegraph a bus'
e'iats all licary well,
a been paler' n one o'
'inncn towels fo' dey'd
"i lookin like dat comes
lain't dis nlggah glad she
ft on no sitch lookin'
niwys superior intellect
the occasion: ''Shct
(fah! Mi.-s Kate don
wasn't tuck till arte
1 What, he bus'. Miss
er, 1 reckon. Oh shaw
e VU ies a frwilin' now
an f tola me dat was
i film and him 'live and
t comes tcr? Is ruose
ialtimoah pale as dat?
niggah 'd tx; white nu
'ah. Dls chile wouldn'
like dat, shoah as yoh
eyes n whiskers 'n all
1'is chile rudder be a
hilc. shoah's yohbawn,
Ara Von Fatf
obesitv? Lawclythe
W large -U M
k lm ell.ncr ii.'-
r ""S;,. also all
tfiieo one has a
tiHr two things are
'Larr diet and physi-
mi .1.- 1.'
TV Hon IDC lliilJiuns
ustria perceived th-y,
V molded chin was lc-
of outline and her waist
she was horn lied, hlie
and took lona walks
i. "tl kinds of weather.
m!,mi of Italy, for the same
It U sealing mountains
iioti noted women did
I la humbler life are do-
omen, however, find it
physical exercise, than
ielTcs tho pleasures of
Tomcn arc especially
sweet puddings and
Nrcn the terrors of loss
auty often are not
lead them t give up
ace. To grow thin
rtant to deny one's
nd beverages which
to fatten, and there
n or women who will
tee the nldcrmanic,
and the waddling, ira-
Whose appearance of
icrcased hy the un De
lation of fat Hew
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of FigB is the
only remedy of its kind erer pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
itn actir.n and truly beneficial in its
effect, p.-epared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
ninny excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
byrup 01 rifrs is ior euro ui ""v
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
rnntwinr "
L. J.i V Aw a
Henry 15 Iliiler, formerly United
States Consul at Copenhagen, Denmark
has been convicted and sentenced to
H months hard labor. Kider was
veteran of the American civil war and
had an excellent record up to the time Ins crimes were discovered. He
received a remittance of a thousand
crowns, the proceeds of an estate in
Antenna, which he was reoiiested to
distribute to the heirs in Denmark
Instead of this, he pocketed it and was
arremeil In rotiseoueiice. J Ins tea to
an investigation of his otlicial acts,
discovered that ho had
been guilty of a number of forgeries,
emliejlemeiiLs and other acts reaching
hack for a number of years. It is the
lircf final utenthiit leads to a mans
downfall. It is the neglect of little
things that effect us through life. It is
taking a little cold, then takiug more,
that finally saps the vitality of the sys
tem When you take cold, do not (.e
lav ' remember that you are in danger,
(iet a bottle of Ileid's German t ough
and Kidney Cure and take it freely.
There is nothing in it that will injure
the mast delicate, but it will cure any
malady that arises irom a com ...
does it so completely, that the system
is much less liable to take cold the se
cond time, (ietthis great remedy o
any dealer. Small size bottles are lo
cents, large size 50 cents.
Sylvan Kkmkdy Co., Teona, ins.
Wo offer you a remedy which if
iu directed, insures salety to
life of both mother and child.
Rob. confinement of its Pi, H""80 8nd
Kinc, as many testify.
Mr win. nd i,i.oIhii r J "J
J. 8. ifoBTotf, Harlow, N. 0.
Sent br eiprei, cltarecu prepaid, on re
ceipt of pneo. 1.S0 per bottle. Sold ly n'1
ilrumriKta. Hook To Mothers mntleil free.
Bkidfisld Kxovutob Co.. Atlaata, Oa.
"Will jmrlfy mK)D, retrnlt3
KinNP:'S, ri'iimve I.IVfcl
dlHorile. ttuilil ulriMiptli. miuw
.....liin ri.Htnre lii'a III mid
lnilliftllin, tliattlrcil li-i-l- v firm Icalntl.
ItlH Itriunicni'ii, i"ui"
III1W..I 1 II C ri!8l!ll ,
boin'l, nerves,
ItllrD rlf... ri-i-llvotinw f'Teo
L I U I Lll ciiHar lo tlii-lr ex , uh1d 1 1, !
rooliloouiui tlKiem, wauuiiM wnK"----
All cemilno pomu nfar
, Si. Loal. H
III. Wllfa Mtlle m. '-r,Jr
Uic KaiDoanlaitlr. Finn fnrci,iit,li.ntlf.n.Pli lc Hrart
MM. HmPla.NoNninio I'm n Very Siall.
Kmi.lMl,, u rawer.
Old Gentlenian-"Sir! What do you
mea, ,tf by embracing my daoghterr
I oung GenUeman--! only had her
uu u,t snouider. I saw h on tiie
wway with trailing dxess
"Well, air?"
...mug aress gathers up all the
perms of disease which may happen to
w ii io pavetnenl.
"What of that, sir?"
"She has another dress on now, and I
presume that she removed the other in
the usual way by raising it over the
"What has
mater, sir?"
My coat
that to do with the
has been laid awav in
camphor all summer, and I was merely
disinfecting her hair.
Lady-"Why don't the railroads have
mechanical appliances for loading and
unloading trunks?''
Depot Myster-"Well. you see.
madam, lifting the trunks into the cars
doesn't hurt anything but the men, and
throwing them out doesn't hurt any
thing but the trunks."
mjwm anar M Lav tidm
rirmii m n n i 4-. " I
tr hiiiM ij
Beata and rtrcngtb, and to
i omu and vigor
rt yon feel "run-down"
and uaed-up. tb bmt thmz
in Uw world is Dr. Pvrcai
Golden Medical DiacoTerr.
It promotea all to bodily
functions, rouses ertry or
P" into healthful action,
purifies and enriches tb
blood, and through it
cleanses, repairs, and lnvif--
ws um entire system.
Bcrtjfulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspso
su Biliousness, and kindred ailmenta3.
Disco-very" D the only remedy that's
guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure,
you bare your money back.
Can yoo think of anything more conrlsc
lng than the promise that is made by the
proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy I
It is this: "If we can't cure your Catarrh,
we'll pay you $540 in cash.11
A AVU s. T"- "otalHa-t,
no um ia
dincovi.rvl in UiDgu, Vvbt
"'"!.' aaaraslM er Me
!. Kipon OtBe. UW HrMulwav, Hrw York
1 ruunfTrlulMr, I KKI, bi Msll. ml, In .
l&S Vuioiit..0inciMiikti.Ohtt
iola latrosTiaa to..
for Beakiab StwafMd. eDrakesrO.
owa,aiuriaeit,iajd aoa.i
hm iakiaroom SwTarala. before
he died. It was road 0f white oak,
with walnut trimmings, with a glass
pauaet ia front, through which the
face of the corpse could be seen. This
queer coffin enabled him to be buried
as if mated.
. WhoQjdQK-coorb, croop, sore-throat,
lnttoeMa, bfonchitia, Col and cough
are at once refaereel and nnairiv.i. a
permanently cured by Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrop, the incomparable remedy for all
pulmonary aud throat aflecUota.
At the recent Orental Conirreas in
London there was exhibited a collec
tion of tools used by workmen in build
ing the pyramids of EarvDt. Some of
them, notablv circular khvr anrt
' ' I have been afflicted with bilion
ness and constipation for fifteen years
and first one and then another prep
aration was suggested to me and
tried, but to no purpose. A friend
recommended August Flower and
words cannot describe the admira
tion in which I hold it It has given
me a new lease of life, which before
was a burden. Its good qualities
and wonderful merits should be made
known to everyone suffering with
A s l ' i : i,
corundum-tipped drills, equal in dura- 1 Rabkeil Printer Humboldt K &
hi'.itv. effect!
vuuilh, aasa MUOUV UIIIOU
anything of the kind made today.
A steam-whistle which can be heard
twelve miles is the noisest thing in
Urownsburg, Ind.
Fun's Bemedr for Catarrh Is tha
Beat, Eaalest to Use, and Caeapest.
Bold by Ururelsts or sent bj mall.
50c. . T. Uazeltlae, Warren, ra.
The last year has been the most prosperous of the Sixty-five years of The Companion's history. It has now over 550,000
This support enables it to provide more lavishly than ever for 1893. Only a partial list
of Authors, Stories and Articles can be given here.
Prize Serial Stories. w
The Prizes offered for the Serial Competition of 1892 were the Largest ever given by any periodical. 1
First Prize, $3,000.
Second Prize, $1,000.
Third Prize, $1,000.
Fourth Prize, $1,000.
Larry ; "Aunt Mat's" Investment and its Reward; by 1 Miss Amanda M. Douglas.
A r ma jo j How a very hard Lesson was bravely Learned; by : Charles W. Clarke.
Cherrycroft; The Old House and its Tenant; by Miss Edith E. Stowe (Pauline Wesley).
Sam : A charmimr Storv of Brotherly Love and Self-Sacrifice; by Mis AI. O. McClelland.
SEVEN OTHER SERIAL STORIES, during the year, by C. A. Stephens, Homer Qreene and others. J
r The Bravest Deed I Ever Saw, 1
will be described in graphic language by Officers ol the United States Army
and by famous War Correspondents. w
General John Gibbon. General Wesley Merrltt.
, Captain Charles King. . Archibald Forbes.
5-""" Great Men at Home.
How Mr. Gladstone Works ; by his daughter, Mrs. Drew.
Gen. Sherman In his Home; by .Mrs. Minnie Sherman Fitch.
Oen. McClellan ; by his son, George B. McClellan.
President Garfield ; by his daughter, Mrs. Molly Garfield Brown.
Your Work in Life.
What are you going to do? These and other similar articles may offer you some suggestions.
Journalism as a Profession. By the Editor-in-Chief of the New York Times,
Why not be a Veterinary Surgeon? An opportunity for Boys; by
In What Trades and Professions is there most Room ? by
Shipbuilders Wanted. Chats with great shipbuilders on this Subject; by
Admission to West Point; by the Supt. of U. S. Academy, M
Admission to the Naval Academy; by
Young Government Clerks at Washington
Charles R. Miller.
Dr. Austin Peters.
Hon. R. P. Porter.
. f Alexander Wainwright.
Col. John M. Wilson.
Lieut. W. F. Low, U. S. N.
By the Chief Clerics of Six Departments.
Things to Know. c
what l a Patent? lv The Hon. Carroll D
A Chat With Schoolgirls ; by c
Naval Courts-Martial; by
Patents Granted Young Inventors; by
The Weather Bureau ; by
Newly-Married In New York. What will $i.oooa year do?
Answered by Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher and Marlon Harland.
Amelia E. Barr.
Admiral S. B. Luce.
U. S. Com. of Patents.
Jean Gordon Mattlll.
Over the Water.
VV.. i
How to See St. Paul's Cathedral ; by The Dean of St. Paul.
, Windsor Castle. A picturesque description by The Marquis of Lome.
A Glimpse" of Belgium. The American Minister at Brussels.
A Glimpse of Russia; by The Hon. Charles Emory Smith.
Adventures in London Fogs; by Charles Dickens.
London Cabs. "Cabbies;" their "hansoms." Charles Dickens, Jtt
A Boy's Club in East London, .hxlzzj f?.nce5 Wynne.
" Short Stories and Adventures.
More than One Hundred Short Stories and Adventure Sketches will be given in the volume for 1893. '
Quality's Temptation.
A Bad Night In a Yacht.
Leon Kestrell : Reporter.
Knlttln' Susan. c. ' An Able Mr,ne '
In the Death Circle. ' Uncle Dan'I's Will.
A MountalnvlUe Feud. On the Hadramaut Sands. 1
Mrs. Parshley's First Voyage. ! 1 An April First Experience.
Bain McTIckel's "Vast Doog." Riddling Jimmy, and other stories.
Tl'.s Cats of Cedar Swamp A Boy's Proof that he was not a Coward; by . '
Strong "Medicine." The amusing eflect of a brass instrument on a hostile Indian; by
a Uncle Sim's Clairvoyance. T
How I Won my Chevrons.
; - W. J. Baker, j
Capt. D. C. Kingman, U. S. A. j
Sir Edwin Arnold
r "How I wrotr Bev Hur," by Gen. Lew Wallace, opens a series, "Behind the Scenes ot Famous Stories."
writes three fascinating articles on India. Rudyard Kipling tells the "Story of My Boyhood." A series of practical articles, "At the
World's Fair," by Director-General Davis and Mrs. Potter Palmer, will be full of valuable hints to those who go. "Odd House
keeping in Queer Places" is the subject of half a doicn bright and amusing descriptions by Mrs. Lew Wallace, Lady Blake, and others.
I All the well-known features of The Companion will be maintained and improved. The Editorials will be impartial explanations
of current events at home and abroad. The Illustrated Supplements, adding nearly one-half to size of the paper, will be continued.
I Send This Slip with $1.75.
. , . To any New gubecrilwr who will cot out and send n this slip with name and address . f-. '
f""rI?r"' and S1.78, we will send The Companion Free to Jan. 1, 1893, and ftor a Full Year from TfWX
l-H 1 f-i K that date. This offer Includes the Double Holiday Numbers at Thnk.KlvlnR. Christmas. ,J lOU
t IVsL M New year's. Easter and Fourth of Ji1t. The Souvenir of The Companion iUu,trUfd m color,
43 pagrtl describing the New Building, with all it 10 departmetOs, mil be tent on receipt of stx cents,
or Free to any one requesting it mho sends a $vburiitian for one yen,-.
Specimen copies tent free
on application.
Send Caect or Pott-Office
Order at our risk. .
fiarfinld To a
Cures Sick Headache
and all Spwch Imp-ilin"t.
i-urt. w-rinnnonllv. 'Ikronlv IriBlltulc mini
V. S. I-ltrr rom(illv nnwi r.(l. l.nirsifn imii
tulr lor Slultircr, Oil W. Taylur Sir, ( hicigo, III.
rt con
(TnT st on" S J.S TgWiSTUS, O. T. A. C, K.
I A fKH "I- receive, pn-W PIJ.
h? .il ki-it oeea of canls you ever hattuled. Oalf
VkVcBNTs W V- " sumiaiorcoln.
aisaiaa tmi.
tssoi aiaaa
BOWL.. .iT.MiaS.
plain ana etcoaaTto.
aranDaao Fiaia-waM CO.
fc.r.. Mrrer. tm mmj.
iwmi .Map lor UI.".
n . i mm Itaaaaai Ds.!!tlrf
t llnnaehold Repairioa: Oulflt tor haW-soni
Bv uslnu oot' Honawhold Renalrina; Oulflt tor naW-snj
anQ m.atrto Any pno can use 1U Prioa
" WHIirliT IHULLIV INIAIM. Itw. --- -
STRAPS AND TOOLS ior mnlitna; and rei
of harness. No wiwtngjBlnlHaa A B O with
and ropatrlim all principal parte
ix our 810IW3U rivuwfc
r leurthorwldth you want,
ami rmuHL ready tomokn UP at home, a less than K pripe
I 1 .r. .. .. .i.b.iiid l. .. 11.... 1. 1 .i iinrvA. II
T"" ,," " "m " ...,l nt.nin: Blvi tA. eli'.. at a biff reduction
nryJl i TisKi 10,12, ana 15 ds. a pair. Hatae.
M llnJIrtL HrPftUllSLrHI'l5, 'M U." .jsTa.w a----
SnUonlfat a irtofwm cm.rt to sl the doaart huycr.
i i
II.Ko. ao.t 47
York, Mafe
hlne Habit Cored IbIO
to add
a man Is, the more
battels i
DR.. .ST
ease sajr sou saw the adverl
out bow the women