c v -j f i .' OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS OF SIOUX COUNTY, NEB. The Sioux County Journal. ItsTAWiSMKJ' 1 ! OFFICIAI. OK NTV l'.U'tH. I HJ'F.ST PAPF-li IX THE i 'STY. BliST PAPKR IS THE CXHNTy. I tlM.Y KKITKI K AN I'AHI'.K IN SI' X Ctl'ViY. j HAS THE l,U!;lT (IBfTLAThiS OF ANY; PAW-K PI BUSHED IS H'A X OX STY. ' . StM A- PlHLJC i. Hl-l Sl ft or rmuf iM-THlCTiOI. . i Kepk- i . ( ONUHfcSsAI A. TOK. TMt:l'KEK- A5T " tit.StKAI. I ol OH. GOVIHNOH. Ijkit. Gov. ; Skc'v OF STATU. s. i " 3 - n 3 n ... : Subscription True, L. J. Simmou, ... Editor. Knt-ret at the l!urnon po-t office as 'c onil tia.-s matwr. Thursday, .Nov. 10, 19-'. Now that the election is tiast let all unite in an effort to get Sioux county settled up as rajiidly as possible. The sooner that is done the sooner that is vour land will become valuable. Once more it has been ikmoustatetl that the republicans will allow them selves to be used to help out the demo crats. The latter talk independent, but the returns show that at the polls they vote st might democracy. The Tammany tiger hasat last crowded head, shoulders, Hank and tail into the White house. Let tis be as Hitient as we can under this infliction. We must stand it lor four years, and it will do no good to complain. State Journal. Lieutenant Schwatka. of Alaskan ex ploration fame, is dead. He was found ou the streets of Portland, Oregon, on the morning of Nov. x'd, in a dying con dition. A two-ounce vial about half full of laudetium was found near him. All efforts to revive him proved futile. There is a question as to whether he took the poison with suicidal intent or not. Iist Friday night a jeweler by the name of Pollack was held up in a car near Sioux City and robbed of diamonds valued at 1),000. He carried the jew els in a small case in his pocket and the robbers had evidently watched him take them out to show his customers as they knew just where he carried them and would not be satisfied until they secured them. The t'hadron Academy burned last Sunday morning. The origin of the lire is not known. The loss is placed at 12,000. The school opened in other ipiarters on Wednesday and will run right along. In addition to the aliove loss on the building a great deal of prop erty belonging to the faculty and stud ents was destroyed. It is expected that the aoedemv will be rebuilt. One of t lie easiest ways for a man to liecomo the Laughing Stock of a com munity is for him to secure the lucrative position of correspondent of the Cross roads Clarion and whenever anything public is going on for him to get right up at the front and crowd the speaker off the platform and usurp his table and and flourish a ream of paper, 2$x4i, and a gross of lead pencils, as though he were taking down every word and describing things with a lavish hand, an unrestricted use of adjectives and a free and unbridled imagination: and lo, when the Clarion appears there is no reference to the occasion or else a ten line squib, representing the residue after the editor has "Ixiiled it down." It is a peculiarity, remarked by oliservant citizens, that the older a man becomes in the newspaper reportorial business the smaller his note liook grows and the less conspicuous he becomes when tilings are happening. Fremoiit Tribnm: Nebraska All Kiglit. Lincoln Journal. Nebraska is all right today. Her de famers have lieen relegated to the politi cal cemetery and calamity howls will fiom this time on be at a discount. At the present writing it looks as though the republicans had made a tolerably clean sweep and that they will liave con trol not only of the executive offices but of the legislature for the coming winter. Now may the patriotic Xebraskan pull up his collar, straighten his back and go to work again for the material improve ment of his leloved state. He is no longer on the defeasive, His eastern friends will no longer be pestering him with letters asking if it is true that the poorhousen are not large enough to con tain the starving homesteaders, and if nil the farms in his county have been sold under the auctioneer's hammer at the order of the hard hearted holder of the mortgages. He will stand up straighter for Nebraska if possible than he ever did before, because the people of Nebraska have demonstrated, after some temporary wabbling, tliat they are worth standing up for. The past two years seems already like a hideous dream, morning lias dawned and all is well. No one but an old Ne braskan, who has been through all the vicissitudes of tlie past twenty-flve years and has suffered occasionally from drouth and grasshoppers and experienced some of tlie privations that the pioneer must expect in a new country, can fully appreciate tlie felicity that conies from the knocking out of the greatest pest that was ever seen west of the Missouri, the calamity howler. The Journal shakes hands with Nebraska this morn ing nnd in again proud that its lot has been cast in pleasant places and Hint it thrives in a community tliat it can hon cstly respect. It is no longer fatiguing U "tal up foe Neliraslca." s a ' 5 , i - ' 1 ' ? ' i 1 : Andrews i Anti-lope ! llorittrc , Bowen i Cook i Cottonwood Five Points Hal Creek i Montrose Kunninicwatcr. ; She j Crok SntikeCreek Warbomiec .... White Idvrr... Total Plurality Majority. The nvernye txtal carried by majorities of 130. CLEVELAND! ' WILL BE THE NEXT Pntb' IDENT. Free Trade and Wild-Cat Money Carry the day. THE GREATEST POLITICAL LANDSLIDE EVER KNOWN. The election on last Tuesday was the greatest surprise ever known in the United States. When tlie polls opened botli parties were confident of success. The most vigorous campaign ever known had been conducted by both sides and nothing left undone which would help to carry the election. The solid south went democratic as usual and New York, Illlinois, Ohio and 'Wisconsin changed front and put their vote in the Cleveland column, while Michigan is divided, Cleve land and Harrison each having some electoral votes tliere. The report also show that the next senate and house of representatives will be democratic and the free trade and wild cat money planks of tlie democratic national platform will either be put into practice or the party will stand convicted of treachery by its failure to give the people what it promised.. The independents carried Colorado, Nevada and elected a few congressman. Kansas went republican by 2.000 al though the independents were confident that they would carry the state for Weaver. In our state the entire republican state ticket was elected by a fair majority and now Nebraska can stand up for herself. , The congressmen from Nebraska will be Bryan, democrat, from the first dis trict: Mercer, republican, from the sec ond district: Meiklejohn, republican, from the third district; Hainer, republi can, from the fourth district; Andrews, republican, from tlie fifth district and in the sixth district it is between White head, republican, and Kem, independent, and it is so close that it will take the official count to decided who will be the next congressman from the sixth, so that Nebraska will be represented by one democrat and four or five republi cans. In the race for state senator and rep resentative in the northwest it is so close that it is impossible to tell at this writ ing who will win. rs THE COUNTY, The election in Sioux county was very quiet. A light vote was polled, fully twenty per cent of the voters in tlie county failing to deposit liallots. The only officers to be elected in the county was county attorney and surveyor, the latter being to fill a vacancy which ex isted. The vote on county attorney was close and resulted in the election of II. T. Con ley, independent, by a vote of 206 over George Walker, republican, who received 12. For sui . . y X. B, Raines, I'KKi lNfi - u y. - ! f fill' ? i I 1 4 4 1 1 5 1 4 4 4 4 ( ,i 6 :t : 48" 3 s it s ; :i u 3 use si Pi si 31 u . ai i-, w ; . 4 3 II I t . ii 4 $ S IS T : y IT 4 I .10 ' W W " 13 20 fi 5 21 . 3 i", 1 .1 IS I ' S i 1 , S IS IS 7 i. a-- a a u n is - t ii ; s I ; s Ji. i , t: j si ' h! Jj i'i ' C .t II I'i i HI 5 . IT 17 10 iu : ; ; ) , i s ; ; . ;! " ; M IsT 1' ITS S XI , li! 4 KI, 1" i 1"; 1; H 3 4S i M vote on Presidential electors was; .independent, was elected over B. Thomas, republican, by a vote of 2 in to 1107. In the third commissioner district. B.K.Johnson, republican, was elected over John A. Green, independent, by a vote of 59 to ")0. The rejiorts from all Precincts are that all was quiet and or derly about the polls. As a memlier of the national commit tee Rosewater does not appear to b' a success. Iowa has also been redeemed. The election of nine, and possibly ten, repuli licans out of the eleven congressmen is a magnificent result and shows what that state can do when unhampered by vexa tious local questions. There are no spots on Iowa republicanism this year. lUr. When we get to cooking, heating houses and driving locomotives with electricity the Boss McLeods and the coal barons will hear something drop. By the way, they have grown modest the past month. They found the people were waking up too quickly. But tlie animals still live, and are ready to strike their fangs the moment it is safe for them, to do so. Keep an eye on the coal monopolists. JntiT Ocean. An exchange contains a sad story con cerning a young fellow who became violently insane of a sudden as a result of the continued use of cigarettes, and whih.- in liiis demented condition nearly killed his mother. Insanity from this cause is more common now than mania resulting from alcoholic excess, but no organized movement against cigarettes has ever lieen started, although news papers have been printing morals and warnings for years. They don't seem to injure grown men much, possibly be cause grown men blow out the smoke without inhaling it into their lungs, but they play havoc with tlie cherubic John nies and Willies, who reach a pale and in nocuous manhood anly to lose tlie little reason they were gifted with by nature. The man who sells cigarettes to children should be scourged to pillony and kept there until he reforms. World-lbrahl. The Attraction of the Poles. There is to be another iolar expedi tion, and it is to be conducted by a scien tide adventurer named Dr. N'ansen. It seems curious that he should have de decided to use a vessel as means of trans portation. Lieutenant Peary's expedi tion was in many ways the most successful of any ever attenmted. It was marred with only one catastrophe. Its results were definite. It gave the outline of Greenland to the science to geography. And it proved to tlie clear satisfaction of tlio.se who understand the matter tliat the safest way to travel in ice countries is by sleds, and without the dangerous incumbrance of a vessel. This, indeed, was tlie chief aim of Lieutenant Peary's voyage. But this evidence appears not to lie accepted by Dr. Nansen, wlio is building a polar ship. The vessel is unique, and is in tended to be peculiarly adaped to the dangers and exigencies of Arctic travel. It is built so as to force the ice it en counters down under it. Whether it will really do this or not, of course, re mains to be proved. The bottom of the vessel is covered with hard and smooth wood greenheart, three to six inches thick. Inside the vessel is orovided with horizontal, vertical and diagonal cross beams, fastened by hundreds of iron and wooden joints, giving the impress of great solidity. The frame is mostly old oak. Besides the outermost covering of greenheart, there are two ouk skins. A steam engine of 160 horse power will be be tlie moving power; but there will also be a rigging resembling that of a three masted scooner. The capacity for food and fuel will be 400 tons. The vessel will carry two smaller boats for recon noitery, able to hold twelve men and pro visions for three months. The persistency with which men launch themselves against that icy problem at the pole leads one to think tliat before tlie twentieth century has become a fact, the utmost secret of the Arctic j lie ours. Omaha World-IhrahL - ft i z ri 4 li i m i si i 114 4 4 ! 4 4 ' ; - I 11 : :il 21 ! 1 . 4 ' I! ' 1 8 h I'i 41 i 4T 1 Si . S li : I T ir. 15' 1 , 13 f ' l -I I 11 i s S' i1 ' (1 IH 1 2 j S in . 6 Ml li'i 111 1" 13 13 III Id 8 i 1(1 6 ISO' V 1 i 40 "i;Cpul.lioan. i:!7; IVoi-le's ludci.cii.lent Party, l'Xl; )emoorntio, !0. The amendmeis to tL, Monday was a lod day for the colon-l man and brother in New York and Brooklyn. Hanily a dark hu e could ap pear on the streets without being sum marily jerked by a Tammany jliceinan and walked up to the lock house on tlie charge of vagrancy. The idea was simply lo annoy and intimidate thein hi that they would keep shady on election day. It was the first entianre of the Mississippi plan into a north'-ru com munity. But il is likely thai New York city will lie conducted somewhat or. the Mississippi plan from this lime hence forth. Tammany has captured tl"' last outworks of the opposition and none will lie so bold as to dispute its sway.-SMi Journal. Sionv County Offers to Settlers: Rich soil, Free fuel, Good land, Free lands, Free posts, Cheap coal, Good roads, Fine climate, Mild winters, Good schools, Cheap lumber, Excellent water, Finest wild fruits. Cheap deeded land, Fine native lumlier, Unsurpassed scenery. Good railroad facilities. 800,000 acres of government land, The finest, richest natural grasses known. And other advantages too numerous to mention. The finest wheat producing district in Nebraska, Tell your friends to come and see for themselves. Niitici'.-ThuiitT Culture. C. s. Lanii officb, i (HAIIKON.NKl)., ( Oct. 14, is'.l. Complaint No. ivw having tieni entere! at tlilsofliee hy Chnrli Henry t'nitt nj;ainl Ziirhurinh s,in,p lor fuilnir to comply with law iisl'iTimhiT-Ciilture Kntrv No, 4'.i4j,'iliitiHi Ortolicr i.th, l,"i, ujkiii the south t Quarter Section t, Tow nsliln ;m North Hiinue 5.1 W. in sin, iv oiinty, Nelirnska, w ith a view to till' rancellittion ol i-alil toillrv;eoil tetHtit niliuinir tint the miiil .lu'liarinh Shoop, has hully Hlminuntl saht tract; hv iii-irii-i -1 iiik I'i hreak, plow, or in nnv n eultiiule any portion of saiil tract ifnriiiK the year IfM, an.t np to 'late sept. 21, Ix'ft, in Hie year ls'i-2, that there is no tree tfruwini; iiin iinl tract; at the present time, an. I tliere ha l rll no tree., tree seeds, nr tree ratting,, phoite ,i,n ii, inirt nincc JanilaiT I, im.i. that tin- portion of said v. ... . ...... , ,,M , , M. j n ior to uilTiuar' l, is'.'l, has (.'row, i np t i (ira anil eeiK Kniryniaii ha-laile. to r un- mill ilefects up to the ilale o thi- altiiliult, the saiil parties are lierehy suiniinine'l to appear at lhi olliceon tin- :i .lay ..l lii i-n, r, jn.fi, at In o'ciurk a. to rixpoml ami turnih teuli moiiy roiicerniiiK ai'l alliafr! failure. Testimony of witnes.i- will Ik-taken In lore ,cori!e Hnlkrr. a notary pulillr nt his ottlee In Harrison, Nrhr., on the -xiav nt Nov , l at Id a. m. T. K. I'ow kks,' H.I.IOM.r.v tu-reiver I onleturit n Attorney. le.io Notice of Lease nf Scliool Ijtnils. Notice i hereby irivm that tlie le,w ;ln,i contracts on the follow in Hewribcl whool lainls have lneu ranceilcl ,y the liwuH o( K'Hieatinnnl I.an.l A K,l,, , H , r,. llistlib-il by th,. payment ol ilelinipient 1 terest or lease rental .lne, ,IH oner., for leax- by the dmntv Treasurer ,i Sinnx County, n In o'clock, a. i,", ,,. , tl 'lay ot NovemU-r, IKrj: i akt or t.i rins. T ft f'!i ' h ami nw , swi. ,. n w;v m ami , ,, -"C "' i MV'i '"'S '( Hli'l lie':. , anil nX nw'4 M-it ami B.'t si-:, 1 v M "''.'i ' '- - li, -i v. j 'A n i, ami w.'j -!, Hinl ..it sw-i. sw ), nw ami nw '"I'vi'''.' n'A w;v u i. mui .i. SK i ... 1 1 .1.1 I, n m ami iiS? nn. I i,v. r. ,f -ii nt M i . ,, ,u -u iiw,4amivrri.Tiilviv;:T.:; n'?B I'omsw'-. i$t i ... . -I., -ii -V, lie' lll'V lit aii : Ail All " All nw', ami wVj ui-, W"i sei4 All A II St M Vi .-'Hi' ;n .ui ... ;i lis ... ;i :tfi .vi - I M -S3 - :: M '31 W -i. :'z::.:t"t-- .... u: ii.:-4 nilO 4'.4 1,1", !. ,! ... ,wl scU anil ne', sc. ,..1, i l,!" f " 1 ... , ...... in ei, am n nt-', ami w-i. nJc iiw'4 ,11(0, ami m.,: l. .... K 5t "V w, IIW l, MW t, e'4 nw All..... Il Ji '" -'t nH nei. All MW1! All lie', ami n;, m-i,..I s n'( H nv nk- , " i mui nk All ' l';:i ' In a ') 'im HI ... ..... 'Ai Ml MM Wl:Wl f in r.-M 'M :a v; M M iW, !A 'KIW.M . M Vi Hi VI ;.M .W -ii -ii k,t All".".' - on :rc w rted nf line,,,,, Nebraska, Oct-Trd?.- 'hi ;a vi n- in wi iiMrr, ( oio. i-ubUc Uud & BuUdlng, r i i L?i..? i i, 2 1 s I S ' K : -a ' 4 3 ' ; . so 11 1 4 5 ; 14 Ml tl S I i ! i 1 in !JIJB 2 ' ' y ! . 5 i "5 4 1 :i :l .c U 4 lv M , IH , 17 10 I! I i is . a i v I i I 4 1.1 4 J il li l;l 3 4 f 4 I V 30 li I li ! J 1 ,1 4 H : il ' I I J 1 l, 7 . II Id 1 9J II I. IT.I i ttl Filial I'ronf Notices. All ier-oii liaviiiK tliuil jirixif notice in tin- imM-r ill n i iie a umrUeil i-oiy ol the pul" r Mini re p 'im -ti '1 to ctiiintiii' lli' lr iintic.. lout ll uny error eii-l report the ,oiie to tlii otllce lit unco. N.itlie fur ruliliiati.Hi. I .iuhI uttlK- nt riimlron, N' li., i (li t. 31, l!2. I .,n, i- Inn liv Ki' 'ii Hint I lie fnl Ion inn n.iiiH-'l -ttli-r Im HI'"' notice of III iliti'ii tmli to imike lllml proof 111 support or his i lioin. Hli'l Hint sni.1 proof will ! lilinte lie lure I oliril'l I ill'lellillll. I lork ot tlie Ulitrlet Court, itt ll.irii-on, Nebr., on 1 lereintier VI. l"1, iz : Ijiriic-l I 1'MiiL'i r. of flmliirr. Vrlir., Im iiiinle ll.iii"-i"i'l Kntry No Ml for the N s,.-. 'Ji., i.'.U N. it., -r.i W et ot Hie litti P. M. Me lnoiii'" Hi'' follow luff 'itnoCH to prove hi-eoiillllllon- !C-i'leln e upon mi' ellltlTH ill sunt Intel, vf : John II. iitil'WeV, WilliHIII Miller. Alall-Oll Siuthwottli, Miitll.ew r. Houii, nil ot IkHliirc, V.,, . II M' AN", si:: iiey.-ter. .Viilire f"l I'lllllliatiull. l.nli'l unie. m i (moron, eo., , Mo . I, lW. I Nulire in herel.v (fueii Hint t lie follow I li( niilinl settler hi" Ule.l notice of hi iliteu tl. hi tu nnike llnnl proof In supporl ol In i lnilii, lin.l Hint -iinl proot will lie nili'lf Im lure tliu id'Ri.ster itiol Keerlver oltliet . s. I.mii.I outre nt ( liielron, Nelirukn, on llrri'llltier Kith, I'.'.', IK huiiil AinliTMin. nf Vi.nirnse, Nrhr.. who Mimic II' teml KnttV N" SC.' for the sW l. s,r. it, I .N. H . M est of the Kill I'. M. He unmet, the lollnw MiK llnos-M- to prove hi roiiliniiou resi'leiirc ujioii inul ciiltiva tion of ul liui'l, viz : .1. M. Plillnli. ot Ar'lli.nre, S. link., ilKUt Meyer, Henry c. Hunter, ( lu ltoplier dei'ism, fill ol Montrose, Ni br. 1 IS W . It. Mi. CANS, Itetfi-ter. Nutlce fur riihliiatinn. l.HII'1 Cfllce ul ( ha'lron, Neb., I licl. II, l".ri. Notice is hereby (riven that tlie follow ln naineil settler ha llle'l notice ot hi iiit-ii-Hon to make final proot in siipporl ol bis claim, ami that sitiit proof will lie ma'le In: forel oiirail l.lmleman, f lerk ol the lll.triet Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on November 21, I"'.', viz: Ni'ls Kiiirrtiret.,n. nf Harrii-iin. Nebr.. who nnt'le Homc.tea'l llnlry No. .v. for the sV.ii xcc. WV,T. IH, K. t West ot Vim nth 1'. M. He nanies Hie followhitf witnessie to prove his continnons resilience tiMjn un'l ciiltivic lion of sai'l lanii, vir. : I-eormLI lielliH-k, lllliiin I)lon, William H. Lallerty, John U.cr-ieiier, nil of IliKlnn', Nebr., W . It. McCANN, 10 10 1 HejfisU.r. swan lrtcron ami Anna PetiTsOii, Iif- Icmlants, will take notlre Hint Harriet K. Intoills, I'laliitllT. Ila fllMl H JK-Utioli 111 tlie I'istrlct Coiirl of sjoux Crilintv. Neliraska. iiiraln-t sai'l lM-feiiiiiiit, the object unit firayerol wlili hare to f'lreeloHe a inortafo Intel JlllleJI-t, lK-11, (or I.VO.UK itllll Interest on Hie l.tit uni. mill two anil rant half of North Wot nuarterot Mretton rn. Town hiThirtv four north of ranife Hftv rlvo Wel lit li 1". M., In nt't riiitntv, uivim liv swan 1'cti'r's'm tui'l Anna l'ele'ron to the Western t-anii MortiMire companv iimj luneil lo Plaintiff, which mi.r lioieii wn reeorileil in Il'Hik .1. i'airi-fil, of the uiortirnce reeolil r.f a!U rounlv, Hli'l to llnve HieHHinr lerree'l to IK' a llri-t lein anil alil lanlinoli lo satlsty the same, anil to waive complete eor'l. Von are rentiiri" to iin.iwer hi I'I intltinn on or before the th ilay of NirrrmtxT, lvi. "I'AKIII H ft f IHIIF.lt, lf',JJ riaintifT'i, Attorneys. Mieriirs sale. Ity virtue nf nn rirer frf il dlrcsetel to me from the clerk of the district court of sioni ennntv, Nebraska on jiclumenl ob taini! In acl eourt on the thinl ilnv of Annnst, Ifi, In favor of shi-hIiC Ii Hneli u. plamiitr anil Hualnst Ktnnklln Simon, Marv siinoiis, snrah V,. Iiavli a. ilefeii'lantu, for the ntlin of llie Thijlliiliil K.veiitoTi mil lorty Kiiit Hnintretii Hollar ()lT.4s; anil "ststateii hi i.ieven aii'l Hftvnlne Hon Ir.ih Hollar itll..yn nml have lev ieil upon the following renl -tnt taken nf the fropirt ol iletenibint lo-nti ty saul inib r of wile trit: Ivit No. hliteen I'-' III ItllH k NO. SiX .U ! in 11. u 4-lllun e.1 HaiTison, sioiit county, Ni brBukH, nnd win oflcr the wiiiM- lor ale to the hlghf-nt blipler lor cash In hand on the jath (lay of Novem- luT Js'.rJ git till front rliw.r nf tlx. i.rn Ue.. of sai'l coiintv at HurriKf.i. Ku.v.r...,n ku lieil.K the bnlllllnir wherein the Inst lerin ..I ""IN was hcl.t to satisiy jtitirin-nt, iiwtsan'l aei-ruinK rot, et which time and auenilunce will I. iflven by the 'ii"tcrs,,n."l. Tikih. Hrior. ,. herin ol saPI ( oimtv. Dated i irtotK r Xt, JOHN A. LUCAS, Pnfir,KN-T. THF RAMI. flF AT!TITnni7iM . mm t T sV .'.1 IVJ Transacts a General Banking B Buys School Onlry, County and VillK '' CORRESPONDENTS; K'lfNTZE Bros., New York City. VrMT ViTifivn Ron ri.t. Interest Paid on Time Dep 5 4. 4 l"i Hi K II H! li ' 6 i iii ; i u n a u i; -I i: ii I, i; ' iv i 4i; it 'M if.'' i d . :! a i Xs i 319 j 1 t . "i Notilr ll,,,.,, I'. l.Mi hi n, i , II tl'Kov, N m ' , ,B-r-i'i- rv. p r .(." Ctniil.ilitt v.. .... i -I- ' r' IhUofliee l.v I I....., .. V Jf ? ,., ! .' IHTCOPI.. i.e'TK'- sine nir lHliliii..1 H tO Molllf-Hlf li f.r,j, v y f l'.ll. i1Imi:i tli.. II ' section ill, I ., n-h,,, , " ." s.o'1 '.inrv It i if I lint t he iiit'l l.i-,,i;. ', Hlnlll'lollisl Wllliltlnrc ,.. . Ill renlenre theirir,,,,, ,w' , iimiiiiii mint- llillKllii; i iin, i ii.,i n,i il up,,,, M(, . n.,,-1 ,. in i. .,iiirii t, ,i never i-stnlili-li, I trilrl ninci niinK ' t.i an iij ioiiiii'i,iivi u. if y l oiitesi.tiit Attur,', i Notice - TiiuUr ,5;. I . I.ami (uni t, , lilAlilt'is, M H., , i oiiipiiiini .-so. i..:; Icnnaj 1 1 1 1 , (nn,.- ,,y .l.-HHim, I, vi alter ltii.. ior faii'iti- in ft,.., nto I I III IiiT I 11 II 11 r.- KlltlY lleeenilH-r 4tb, l-'i. iiimji, t', MVi, NW', mid Ml, Township ,ni North Huuv : county, Ni-liriika, itl, a ,.. union 01 siiM enlrv; iiiriH that the n. Walter l;.-. bat uoiiisl win. 1 tra.-titi tin pant to break, plow or In any tj jHirtlonof all tract .1'iirinr Hli'l lip to ilnle u inakllij -J w it: N.pu.miM'r t in lb, tliere im 110 trees growing ud vne pre. Ill 1, lne, tllhl ,e tri'H, tree IM-I'.l, or treerutt'l Dllil tnil'l nee Jalinarv 1. IA tion ol wild tract that Im-llB prior to January 1, m, I up to tiriis 'nml ili ba failed to cure sai'l itM.wu dnt'i of liiaklm this uffi-iiid imrtlCM Hri- ln-r'-hv suniiiifBrt; at thin olllce on tin- ;i .lit 4 f.tl, ul 111 o'clock, a. in.. In rt-M 11111 testimony eoncentinit i f ul lu i.. Testimony of wifnfsMp will ' Ion' Ut.n S lket, a antarv V office 111 Hani -on, Nijr.,iiiUii vi-niher. Kef, at Hin, in. T.I 11. T. Com. i,t , ConteslaiiC" Attorn)'. li. 1- SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Ha One lmnr Naiih "t nmikofa OPEN SUNDAY FR0MI1I HAZOItS AM' V'NsriRS prt d Sewing nuvchine leani ut (,lvp I lne I I 9 OrXDHGE WALKER, Attornrj-al-Ui. " ill pmi ii, i -.. H l.anrl rirtlor. IhisineM mrrf u i, .in.. i,,... 1 mtnM care will receive prompt t!J HAJtKlfsON, - NORTH WEST SOUTH rtlrrmw Tlrtefs nn.l I'.fr-isH Ml III' I F., E. M. V. A RAllKOiK H. O. BURT, funeral K. C. MfiUFJie sr. J. fipn'l Freitrht Ad. Gd OMAHft, NEB net llllli e nil llie :l l,,, i, Nl,,,; o'rloi k A.M., to r.-K,ii, mjl tiniony I'oneertii, 'restiiiiony ot wiliiw,, fon- I.eorKe Wnlker, a i.iirJ ottlee In 1 1 urn ,n , ti r -1 s-"2 nt 10 h. in. II.IMllMM. 1 " C'llASK-VEr jjoi HARnii M im ESTABLISHED 1887.1 I Harrison, Nebraska. First Natiwal Ba., Lincoln. OAK1 OF til'"'