The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 03, 1892, Image 4

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    of ill
Th Habit of Wearing Jewelry la the
Hat a Meet Annoying One Bon to Con
vince People Tbat You Beally Have
Been Out of Town.
Many Mew Materia:!.
New York correspondence:
EKE we are again
at the time lor
capes, and a mod
ish one is shown,
back and (rout, in
these pictures. It
is a double cape
with enibro'dery
trimmings. Tlie
model was in gray
cloth, with trim
mings of black vel
vet and ribbons.
The double cape is
pointed at the back
and goes down to
the edjie of the pel
erine, diminishing
in breadth. The V
has a double collar, quiited and sewn
back onto the V, which is fastened in
front. The edge of the cape is orna
mented by a ruche of scalloped cloth.
The collars are edged with bluck velvet.
The cloth V is trimmed with velvet or
naments wh'ch are sewn on. You will
observe that it has no dangling ribbons.
That is a whim already by-gone. It is
doubtfui if under any circumstances the
fashion of a brace of ribbons or a long
rope of beads depending from the point
of the bodice in the back. Is graceful.
Possibly, when the ribbon or bead rope
floats off on the descending wave of the
train it looks well, but when the train is
held up and close a ound the knees, and
when, as often hapuens, the rope of
beads escapes and hangs alone and for
lorn from the prominent drapery above,
when it floats all by itself in the breeze,
and the observer getting a profile view
of the wearer, sees, oh, heavens ! day
light between the dependent ornament
and the wearer, then what does it look
like? Why, nothing but a tail. The
fashion might delight a Darwin's soul,
bur, to the ordinary human the sugges
tion of monkey ancestry is clearly
enough set forth by the general wear
w.thout this particular advertisement
Xow we have taken to wearing our
jewelry in our hats, and on insecure
the stripes form points. The two
back breadths are a little raisi at the
top, eo as to make graceful folds. In
fjout the darts are made quite n-ar the
stripes on top, and are lost in the latter.
The pleat at the back are flat. The
bodice is fastened in the middle, the
fastening being hidden by the folds of
the waistcoat. Tho breast darts are
only made in the lining, over w hieh the
surah is 6tretchei. The ba-ks and sides
era stretched. The jacket is open be
hind, giving a view of the faille, as the
stripes converge toward the top. The
corsage is all in one with the vest which
s sewn in at. the shoulder-seam and at
the sides under the arms. The belt is
of silk, fastened In front by a bow, and
Kept in place behind by passing through
a strap of the material. The part of
the vest forming a little waistcoat i6
sewn to the vest on one 6ideand fasten
ed on the other. This waistcoat is or-
feeling It gives one. That is what it
means when a girl suddenly looks half
scared to death and begins to claw at
her hat. It is that jeweled pin she has
in the bow, and which of course she
cannot find by just clawing for it. It
was bad enough to wear jeweled pins in
the hair. One likes to have one's val
uables in view, but the hat fad is worse.
Every woman who would have a jewelod
kuckle in hor hat and peace at the same
time in her mind should provide herself
with a pocket mirror.
This Is a season for formal visits, for
going to picture exhibitions, for attend
ing out-door sports, and, therefore, for
the display of what are called calling
costumes. One of these is depicted in
the third cut. As worn at the time the
sketch was made, it was in fawn cre
pon, the left side of the boilce being of
fawn silk embroidered in gold; terra
cotta hat, trimmed with ostrich tips of
the same shade and bow of moss-green
Have a shell on a bandsomo pebble
rock polished and engraved with a sum
mer date, and Newport, or Bar Harbor,
or Mount Desert, Charlie, or Dick, or
something like that may be added.
Have this put on your umbrella stick
for a handle. It will help people to be
lieve you really did go out of town.
Some girls have come home with pebble
"friendship" rings. A pebble they, or,
as she puts it, "we" picked up together.
She does not say who "we" la, but on
the gold band of tho ring Is "Bar Har
bor, Aug. 12, Charlie." Such rings
don't cost much, and it looks well to
have two or three of them sort of
"scalps" to show for the summer.
'.. he next of the fashion plates, shows
a promenade costume. The skirt Is of
a CAVuna oostoM.
faille, the blouse of surah, and the rest
if made at the back of the same stuff as
the skirt, and in front of woolen mate
rial lined with silk. The skirt Is in the
ordinary strls, ad lined with silk r
mum. The middle mm, Um m
ftwrt, are Iom4 la noh way tkwi
namented by buttons of passementerie.
I' is lined with muslin and silk. The
sieeves are lined and tight-fitting, tho
underneath part being of tho same stuff
as the dress, faille, ove, which the
puffed upper sleeves are adjusted, as in
dicated by our engraving. Pleated
surah collar and silk cravat arc added,
in a gentle modification of the mascu
line fad, which is now abating.
There are changes in the fashions of
morning costumes, as well as in others,
but they are slow and conservative. It
is a curious lact that brides and widows,
when they go to tho altar, respectively,
for joy and grief, are disinclined to de
part very far from old usuages in dress.
There is some novelty, however, in
mourning garb, and I have sketched a
toilet worn by an exceedingly fashion
able young widow at the funeral of her
husband. The dress is dull black. The
skirt is cut on the bhu as usual. It is
lined with taffeta, and is cut on the
bias each side on top. This bias must,
however, not be exaggerated, in order
not to make points at each side of the
skirt. Tho bottom of the skirt meas
ur s about throe yards and a quarter.
At the top it has three darts necessary
to make it set well on the Lips, and be
hind it is formed into either flat pleats
or kilts. The trimmings of crape are
ornamented with applications of tho
woolen ma'erial, but these may be dis
pensed with if required. The waist is
plain, and closed in the center with dull
outtons of imitatiou crape. A sort of
corselet in crape is sewn on this waist
and is divided in the middle. It is ad-
visable to line the crape with organdie
muslin in order to stiffen it. The crape
is out on the slope, and the two sides
are sewn back over the muslin. In sew
ing the corners, great caro must be
taken, as crape easily unravels and gets
down. The best plan Is to sew It on a
narrow ribbon, so as to keep it straight
and smooth. The corselet may either
extend from the two sides or be contin
ued right around to the back, forming a
point by joining the bands of crape.
The sleeves are draped over tightly
fitted lining. The bottom of the skirt is
trimmed with a band of crapu.
The question of wearing mourning at
all was discussed by a party of brainy
women, In the presence of the writer,
and three out of the five defended the
practice. The gist of their argument
was that a true mourner could not feel
respectful of her dead if she did not wear
black. I'sae and right sentiment alike,
they urged, demanded black toilets for
the grief-stricken. The fourth debater
was on the fence. She thought that
mourning garments might well be worn
by genuinely deep mournors, but on
others they were a false pretense She
told of a truly conscientious widow who
wore crape at her husband's funeral,
because, though he had been her senior
by twenty years, she respected him
greatly. But In marrying him she had
thrown over a devoted lover, who was
still a bachelor, and who, as her heart
knew well enough, would be a suitor
for her hand as soon as propriety would
"And how long did she near mourn
ing was asked.
"Six days," was the reply. "She felt
that she was a humbug until eke laid It
nsldo. In six months she was a wife
again, and no doubt. If her present hus
band should die, she would feel Ilk
wearing mourning a year at least, for
sue lores hia."
Cofrrlttt. MM
Thouaanda of Entkal..tlc VUUur Block
the Street, of the ttern Metropolis
Iinpoelng tirade of School Children
Great spectacular Faent-tiorseou
f iruwurk, fctc.
In Co'umbu,1 Honor.
The city of New Yirk did the hand
some thing by the memory of Colum
bus, and did it right well. The Jews
inaugurated the celebration on Satur
day, their Sabbath, with song and ser
mon in their synagogues, of both which
tha subject-matter was Columbus and
the discovery of America. On bunday
Protestants and Catholics followed it
up in their churches and cathedrals with
religious services, interspersed with the
singing and playing of National hyn ns
and where can the "Star Spanned
Banner" be hcaid more appropriately
thun in the church.
Monday was the schools' day, and
school children of the public, private,
and parochial schools marched 1 y thou
sands through ti e gayly decorated
streeis. In the even ng Mr. 8. (.
l'ratt's innocent cantata, "The Triumph
of Columbus," was song at one hall.
There were concerto in other halls, a
loan exhibition, and a display of lire
works at the East liiver bridge Tues
day tho great naval parade took place,
in "which American, Erench, Spanish,
and Italian war vessels, the nuval mili
tia of the State of New York, municipal
boats, yachts, steamboats, ferryboats,
tugs, and revenue (utters all to k
part, proceeding from the lowor
biy up through the narrows amid
the salutes of the forts, and thenoe
up the North liiver to a point opposite
Gen. Giant's tomb. In the evening
there was a parade of tho Koman Catho
lic societies, tho German singing socle
ties gave a concert, tho Catholic sooio
ties had memorial celebration, and
there were displays of flro works on tho
Brooklyn bridge and in the parks.
Wednesday w as tho culmination of the
pageant. In tho morning there was a
military rarade with 20,000 men in lino,
including troops of the regular army,
. nf Fifth avenue at
7 was occupied by aa immense
r.Jr. seatw.s furnished with a writing
. . ... -..a a at anil tOat u
...... ninnL. nr Tllf j stance nine inn as
jiameon lUJita lr inii J -'" them, an.l they se
... ..
CHOICE SELECTION ur : u. (-.. rcsii
; ami tiiov wjfi'i snow i,y t
I ,.., j that trie nature of tne o.'d
Oi.nosi'e was a stand that seat, d ,,,.. and tnuei.m. Ha.ed
Oppoal.e ud HuDeIllnr, of the l,-lli.Uu.--l , 1H them Still.
6,01 persons.
mere Mrir , (t -j .
retary of the Treasury Foster. Gov. IL
P Flower and his staJT. Gov. Tillman
of South Carolina, I mted Marshal
Jacobus and many Kcal officials.
ti, Naval Unpin.
New York has had three big dire?
parades in recent years, out neuue.
,,f these as a maritime deiiious.rutlon ,
& )r Sole
,. . ., . it.. ..'' Bum ii ilieis of 3 rrJ
T Fiil'IMi P" 'tins they rail a Not "1
1 s r.nk .,..., incut have sh the clle -t
a.,.ave.- l;ut what ca.. vo export - t
inaeountrywherc they vt.uul f,r .
cojM compare in splendor and n.ngn li
cence with tho great pageant whicli n'k
p!a e in the harbor m lonucmo"
'!!! people
it Kdwin Amok
nTiiMi'V, av
cummt lue 1:1 a
can take cournirc.
1 win lias had ri-
The cholera iaciili
iiri.t Mo!i::i''h."
f, be
Ck;.u:ktti: siiinkirig is s li I
rf.,.,,1, t chiil'TU bacillus,
the human niicr.l- can wit h-! .tti.i the
fumes fur any curoi lcr..l,!e i'-n-'.h of
I rriaii:i;unler to the hunler of a,
When lii-t from the? j
tratrcl In shiiir; riotous v,n
hi.ii- that tliis woul l tn lu e tr
numier n it to hto; at ijie
The iivip!in? of the Kri,' !
iewed from the st.itj lK,it
....... 1... . ,
l""'"' '3 "l J'Klgeu (l,jt
wholly satisfactory
h ,iv i .,Iit:i can f fatal, wit
the infallible fiir laily to tie
public, is one of 1ho.e proV.cnis
fore which the philo-.plier ami th.
scientist alike arc diiiiih.
i r
new YoiiK s ront'Miirs monfmknt.
tho naval brigade, State guards, the
Grand Army of tho Republic, volunteer
firemen, German-American societies,
and Italian military organizations. In the
afternoon tho Columbus monument, of
which an illustration is given, was dedi
cated and in the evening there was an
historical parade, during which the city
was splendidly illuminated. Thursday
the ceromonies closed with a banquet
at the Lenox Lyceum, at which the ora
tors did their part towards the apotheo
sis of Christoj her Columbup, notwith
standing the declaration of Mr. Ward
McAllister, arbiter of Now York "sas
sii ty," that Christopher was not a gen
tleman because he did not wear a Bwal-low-tail
toat, play polo, go coaching,
chase tho anise-seed bag, and guzzle
The Eastern metropolis rose to the
occasion. Tho arrangements seem to
have been perfect. The decorations of
the city were magnificent and the crowds
in attendance immense. It is esti
mated by tho press that not less than
600,000 strangors were In the city dur
ing the three days of actual celebration.
This is a hint to Chicago of tho number
it may be called to provide for at the
actual orening of the Columbian Ex
position. Parade or School Children.
The groat paradeof school children in
which, according to telegraphic reports,
nearly 20,000 participated, served to
demonstrate the patriotism of the ris
ing generation. As an object lesson
showing the tremendous interest cen
tered in the schools it was a phenom
enal success. From the wee tot in his
first knickerbockers who came first to
the college student in mortar board and
gown who closed the spectacle, it was a
series of climaxes driving home the
value of the schools to the city, the
State, and the nation. Th Catholic
pupils alone, with their significant ban
ner, "The Defender of tho Faith and
the Constitution;" the Indian stmlcnts
from Carlisle, Pa., magnificently disci
plined and drilled; colored pupils touch
ing elbows with white boys; Italians
Japanese, Chinese, Irish all inarched
shoulder to shoulder in the enormous
educational columns, and all marched
under the stars and stripes.
In the minds of the beholders tho im
pressiveness of the occasion centered
upjn the union of these diverse forces
in the one patriotlo purpose honor to
Columbus and the Govcrment his dis
corerjr made possible. The column
took more than three hours to pas a
given point.
While the line of inarch of the parade
was banked on either side by crowded
masses from the starting point to the
disbanding point, the greatest numbers
congregated In Madison squaro, Union
square and Washington soitre. The
the Columbian exercises, l rwn duwn
the waters of the harbor, the I ay and
the broad channel of tho Uulson v-oro
. .1. '. ..II Lf.rlc (Llfl
literal v anve wan rii i - . .,i i.elir
hizes, from the email yachts trimmed stood, was much impresscl h lr.
T.:'K humility never j,r.,m
II ail ""' 11 'iiin-cii, or to
i'KisC and general confessionoy
lies and wickedness, the fart
of which he won!.! in !i'iiaiitlv
It is as lar removed frnm 'h
which aiK'S hunililv" ,
'IWt'j 1' happv in the presens in - pride which s-truts in hauh:r
n i : ... .. Tt I, ......
meat, and put noi on ih-ihk s.. K.,m.-. , .v. io a .,WV e,.
time to conic as thoii'.'h that time of self, not that wc may shrii,
-ho-iM )cof another make from this, crouch and stoop, hut that
whicli has aire idycnme .mil is ours. aspire and strive and r:w. j-
- l.cgitiuing of a higher life, thrJ
TAI.MAoh was (.engine .n r ;l nobler luturc
recent ion accorded him by the Oar.
of Russia, and the Car. it is under
)!issouri de
( good ill us
Dene fits, com
kieraenls, en
Ifttures, lun;
pipeon house
.nawdera, re
avs, water co
with every
intimity, pnv
baiioever I
Talmage"s affable and gracious m.
VF.SKzrKi.s exprcs.
unite williiig to ohli
i' -sas. jaa
irr j m -i c ..
jiii-. j'liing ami iiiexperifnsf
t!ie nature of things, eaiin-t
ad' ;uate appreciation of the
time, i-.very n ,ur is t
Not a tii'iinent is to he fritter
What time you do tint devote
and the acquis tion of k.ioa-;
your fortune is not ahead?
ou should appropriate to
money. 1 line is money, ii
adage Knowledge is aw
1 nere is always Mituethinzlo
ii eets a iriKKl start a,:lu'" "lu"-T H
-...,rv u ni ,... nn,.s,il,!e. In anv : ,,l,;",,-v'' aml b"tfl constitute caJ
hcrse'f as
the I'liietd
Our Smith American Ke-: neielilnrs entertain mo:e re- i
sp ctful ideas of our tl
mands tliau
event, it leaves its wars on
ter like smallpox on the face.
find ilraned with gay flags and binning
forming ever-changing pictures as they
darted to and fro in contusing maze, to
th" big steamers with their gi.rgemis
decorations of (hu'S and st-aei rs that
slowly threaded their way anion the ' tatcs.
swarms or little boats mm suno.umeu
them on all sides.
Commodore Krben gave the signal tc
start. A stir of prej iiratien followed in
the squadron, a puff o' cn!o!;e come
from Fort llariiilti.ii, turn a c.a-l. an. , jK ()f th,. (lav iHlh
a i i 1 litfrvi' ii.tktu' IslAritTI J
Iru. i. .i'mU ' ifeh for notorie! v. It IS a had (1 1
like a naval combat, wllh all creation ae
contestants. The Italian, French and
Spanish vessels joined in the fun. The
dynamite cruiser Vesuvius added its
crashing dotonation; evinthc levenue
cutters with their toy cannons to'-k a
hand. Steaming steadily up-stream the
myriad ileet came in view of the
Hattery. If the people nshore were
surprised at the size of the naval dem
onstration, the voyngers of the Heel
were astounded at the multitudes gath
ered along the water's edge. The ark
at the hattery, Ifrookhn bridge, the
housetops, business blocks, even the
very steeples, wero bluck with specta
tors. Moving up the stream tho same
f -aturo presented itself, Lvcry piet
bad its swarm of sight-seers; every
warehouse roof waB a vantage point.
Cross-trees of vessels at their moor
ings, telegraph poles, ferryboats, drays,
abandoned hulks, ail were pressed into
the public 8f rvice.
Incredible as it may seem in the state
ment, not less than a million people
must have seen the parade from both
shore between its start at the forts
and the grand review at liiverside. Old
New-Yorkers declared that no such
popular interest in any demonstration
has evor been seen in the history of the
When the sipir.droii of the naval re
serve formed in line aiwut the Grant
tomb it was a signal for the final review.
The flag-ship dropped her anchor and
swung round in the tide. lb r followers
did likewise, and the merchant fleet
steamed past in review up the river,
saluting wlih dipped Hags. Forming In
parallel lines the parade then dropped
Av army olllcial at Flcrlirui
a youriR woman precipitate
Is- common familiar cvery-dav in- i" water wun evident mi
terc:mrse wc can get the symt at hy j stay there. He pulled her out
for which we yearn only from the j ' a r' and started awaj.
(inn sweet natures that are not easily '' Jurnied from the cab arJ
flurried by every passing cloud or car-1 '"rc souv d her sorrow in lil
rled awav hv trivial excitements. virulent deep. Ae.iin Jin pie
oul, and realizing by (his M
Thk country w ill ho u-ry f-orry to the case was desj,erate and to
hear of the serious and tirobabiv fatal edy liiusL be heroic, offered J
illness of Senator Mills of Texas. He and was accepted. There Is
is one. of the conspicuous figures in ! to far that for lirrlla mm',
current politics, and his death would j hurl themselves water-wards w
be a decided loss to his State and to fome so common that the bu:;
hjs purtv. gallant and tender-hearted, an:
- ccrs will not c pial the demawi
Ih.ONDlN is now lis years old, but
he ran walk a rope as steadily and Mns. CJh.mokk. the widow
safely as when he crossed Niagara In ; popular bandmaster who id
the long, long ago, when such a deed ; wm,Ki y,as iCclined to allow ft
of daring was the wonder of the York pajicri to get up a poptiii'
world. tf (ourso lie imw uses the ; seri ption to build i nnniinifnll
tow rope for his performances. husband. In her letter tolt
j York Herald asking that ttj
j scription tycstoppcu snesajsj
! (iilmore ''win adverse to n
called 'forced tributes' to K
not conferred by siontaneuif, and the only shrin
ask, could his silent. Ui sil
1 that raised by love alone
hearts and memories of the a
Such a shrine will undoubld.
while the present generation
cherish the memory of his
Ohio, City
I.K AsCot
wiiior jartn
NKV A Co., (
of Toledo, ('
and that n:
ofd.NK HI
lor each am
H that cuii
H.u.i.'s C
to before me
bwnce, I his li
arrh Cure is
directly on
irlact-s of t
bioiiialii, free.
down the stream, the battleships pealed
forth a farewell salute, while a regiment
of regulars ashore answered a Jnd
battery and the national hviun was
played by a regiment band. Tho last
shot marked the closo of tho parade
The greatest naval spectacle ot tho
great city had ended and thn journey
home began. Tugs whistled, steamers
Joined in, railroad whistles answorcd
from the shoro and tho orderly lines
broke up, making for the piers down the
Vice President Morton, Chauncy M
Depcw, ex-Prcsident Hayen, Governor
Flower, Mayor Grant, and other nota
bles, were on tho Howard Carroll
which led the way. Ex-President Cleve
land and his wiro were tho gu-sis of E
C. Benedict on his private yacht, the
rln ll.pUT f Firework..
The fireworks display on the Urooklyn
Urldge began at 10:30 and lasted until
midnight Tho display was EorgMOU1.
Aucro were liiuniniiiiions from the
towers In the shape of Chinese sunsxlx
feet in circumference, and of an illun
notlng power which enabled thom to bo
o-ei, l auisiance oi twer.ty-ftve milt
'I'll i . r .1 U'.,rn ........... . , v
....... mh,uj;b VI bouquets a-,u
thousands of rockets fired simul
taneously from the tow
Intersecting In their night Million e ot
magnesium stars of tho pr4!n va
riety and of the largest oaMber "wcto
fired skyward from mortar, a .li.i.-
of 800 feet. Hundreds of thousand of
iuci nun n-mm were out to k" the
wonders. ,
'I-1 I V
no KPiifurniion culminated In the
......,...-,, wiiien was tne spectacu
lar event of the week. EighUen thou
sand people, costumed lo repreaeot tho
":" io oe illustrated, were In
I n Th iiiui.i.n.,. i- . .
n . mi hub paraae wre
..." , een, and altogether tho
affair was the greatest of the kind ever
ui.uiim iii HUH country
AKKHIl FN rnll.nw . .. .....
ra,r.lvP""t hin,',n "H-d could
7 " -urinu n whni. o.
Cait. Thomas J. Spenckii who
;erved In the Hiked States army
through the war, and is now lilling a
position in the Pension Ottlce, at
Washington, was present In forty-five
battles, was captured three limes and
escaped twice, and saw the Inside of
seven Coufec'erate prisons.
Of all the paths a man could strike
Into, there is, at any given moment,
a boot path for every man a thing
which, here and now, it were of all
things wisest for him to do; which,
could he but tw led or driven to do,
he were then doing like a man, as wc
phrase it. His success in Mich a case,
were complete, his felicity a maximum.
It Is proposed by an enthusiast
having some knowledge of mechanics
but reveling In ignorance as to the
forbidding nieln of the Iceberg on Its
native heath, to invade the Arctic
circle on a steam sled. If w. I tho
Jed shall have the happiness to roach
the North Pole, It can hlide uo the
amc, and fiom the top thereof toot
pa ans of triumph with such steam as
tt may have remaining.
Thk parishioners of a church near
New Orleans listened to a Acrmor.
that evidently did not please them,
for they lingered after the benodic.
tion and administered a horse-whip-blnx
to the preacher. Th-re will
uouotiess be a vacancy In ihw ..i..i.
- F '(Wll.ll I
oon, ana It would seem to offer
special advantages to some of the
tx-prl7.c-flghters who have deserted
the ring for the pulpit
Minds tho most coriffenhii. an,i
ccmlnglv formed to coalcsee In the
kweetcst union, may aomctluies, hy
missing t,c preciso moment of ex
explanation, after a slight misunder
standing, separate forever. Let us
'.earn a lesson from a fact which ,.,a
l-c useful to the proudest heart and
tho most delicate sensibility there
Is no price so high, nor delicacy o
refined, ns to I above tho aid of
mutual concession.
Thk Chinese have a proverb to the
effect that If you keep a serpent In a
iami)oo it remains straight, but dl
fi (ri rls who c
g em ploy me
pug with tin
of liouselio
of a potent
every Swc(
iiiK a liuftbau
against the
. The trous
teed to cure
jstipatioH, Si
ft. 1!. veteran
'department d
rent and ham
reasurer Wh
be credited t
He gave no
at he had ''u
le war. '
pd withadvai
pre Throat,
pide of the
ihsndle of r,
Jted mound
spot, says (
ee nameles
ravel of 'li
mains of t
'itli their bo
I clcaw. ' " p: 1 v,w"cu "lure, sso it Is with many
- men. They arc placed in clrcura-
who is under Indictment fe
and abetting the riotous M
of tho late strikers, is tryi
even by having Mr. Frifk
other ofllclals of the Cam
Company arrested on a ebitf
gravated riot and conspiw
McLucklc's moderation is
He had set up a government
stead by advisory rommiw
should have called Mr. Fri'f
associates Into court
hlirh treason and Icvyis
least Tho minor charges
vatcd riot and conspiracy
lous In comparison with
charges which Ilurgess
miizlit have made and ti
lust as well. Ilunfcss Mel1
missed a great opportunity
. . .. l,n. m(
A wcaunj' '"- ...
S. n ui brwri III, lai
.. ,i.,.iohtj'r wlm
VI Tlllt .,"F-"-
secu for twenty yciN
n v.i... nn nlcasute a alirht tO fflt Vl,1
was before him the s
sltyof spending i'"-
..... , fin his wa'
laru iiuiik:. " ...
taken flanircronsly
the symiMithetlc r
qucstlonlDK him " '
and family that a tciir,
sent to his friends
old man, Hashing a
to nobody, an' I ' Jfafl
double fare fcr carry i
they don't Rll "0(,
nin-" a..nt
were carrying him fro
ii wn station.
... mnf J
Timnr. am - 0a 'rj
pat taming pwrtij
kit and broi
ly relieved
is use of thn
Dr. Jiull'f
the test of
psting exp
B then firin
of its tligl
line of si
the vau
cigar cut
be done
V A small
1 has ju
11 automi
4nnd the"'
tan wbowc
health wr
ig along cici
tunala with tli
an abce
f-itha hac
jV e fever i
jUfWeeks. I
)dkalthy cli
tquainted wltl
w-You look i
my beat gir
I plate In on
never saw i
adrcrtlae their w.-
who have nothing W T ,
hato aomcthloi w