f The Sioyx County Journal HIR;R;lS0Ir. 1TEB., OCT. 20, 1892 nsro. g. i - - - ....... I i . : , , puiporunt o1.,. Solke QlosingQut! i IK SIOUX COUNTY o tinmomi. EUilr PreyrMor, f. E. " M. V B. K. Jiuw table. I iuiiif Wont. Going fctut. .1 IIMI 01.. A mlvil I R. ! 1' 1 1 1 - 1 " ' ' H0RRISON MARKET. nt-prt IHUIIUU.. T bU-OlCl rr liuniln-a -ijiT iinn'lnI Fn. . .-cborJ"'ll-P-r lip"'1""! ;jtut-P'T ltunlM-1 (new) fclfT-piT .!lrj'-Prr "oz ; " rms-pT L-T W . -JUT t) . t-pcrnrn Ur-ntiy(.--)x-r ni. f -- TurrsctMl overy Thursday. 00 jri to 1 ou I ori 90 10 IS to 4 .Vi 8 50 15 00 WHITEHEAD, Republican Nominee for Congress, 6TH DISTRICT. will address lite jxxyle of Hioux at tlie (GOT IlOUSf; IN JIARRISON, on Friday, October 21, 1892, At 2 O'clock, p. in. Lomt' every one and hear the ehKiueut candidate and judge of his ability and de i. i i . i i nut; WIU'IIHT or hot lie It? worthy of your support. T. O. Williams lias gone to Wyom ins to drill welis. Jell your friends to come quick if tliey wanf, to jref lifst lioice of land. MP H. M. Warneke has moved into the second story of the Smith building. It is reported that a little child of J. W. hingdon was severely burned a day or two ago. V. A. Hester and bis sisters will oc cupy rooms on the second Moor of the Andrews building. Thk JoriiNAL, one year, and the Srmt-UVvA- Stale Jimrwd from now until Jan. 1, 1M'J4, for only f3. Subscribe at this office. -Happy and content is a home .vitli - Wjii'tehead at the court house Oct. J. L. Smedes lias put a liause on his lesteiul. -A little child of Rolmrt Wallace died llrsl of the week. Old pers for sale at The Jochsai. e. 5 cents per doxeri. 0. leintf tdii a tar bvn r s to Iowa Tuesday evening A little hail was mixed with the rain idav eveninjr, but did no harm. Hiirhut market prices paid for at. ORAST OlTHKlK. f)o not fail to liear Wfiitehead and iod at t'ue court house to-morrow rnoon. To-morrow is "Columbu liny" and t of the schools will have appropri exercises. Fred Betschen ha4 the misfortune to a good horse last week, by an attack oroe sort of distempter. There is need Pf some work being e along the Sowbelly road. It is a road to travel at present. roll bA!.fi My stock of millinery notions. Mks. H. A. (inmnuham. About live incites of wates fell dur- the rains of last wk." The ground ell soaked and in good shape for the ps. I We will take your subscription for tiev are left as they are, pt, great ttvice-a-week paper, the hlati j VV. Smith will open a boot and tirnul. Only one dollar froiri now un- ... ;,., im in Ounnineliam s j m oe IC KllMUh - 'J Jan. 1, 1H(4. , ,,. . npvf Monday. Mr. (Mill Smith is a cood workman andguaran lust gave and entertainment to a ips his work and invites tne puono 10 ill audience at the M. E. church last bring him anything they have to be done ursday evening. in his line, nleniner in Sioux shingles constantly on hand at my county, J. J. Kipp had a little paicii on East Boggy. 13 miles east ol planted to tomatoes, auoui oite-.i.CCi"., riMon. J. E.AKNKH. Afn acre, from wiik-m The fame of Harrison as a grain f!0 worth besides all he fjT ket is extendinir far and wide. The away, and tnere are v Lrl,. ..,; m fnrirra n uhicll Clio not npc.i r... ..v-.-o die laiiiiifc . c- TT , Ti..,i; W. ( . X. U. nare ci 11JB uanvi.t r-- , i..i.. i Rnnd.iv Oct 22 and apariiiiu-v - . . last evening 2a lor specuu Union is reijuesiea w iiitol l nt2 i). m. Saturuay anu wi.o port a temperance meeting at 7:30 p. lnv. All are hiviicu- elm1nn Burky, of Montrose, raised "The Rochester;" a lamp with the light of the morning. For Catalogue, write L Snyder was up from Sheep Creek Rochester Lamp Co., New York. With new people coming in and new business enterprises starting up the spirit of rustle is greatly revived and a pros erous future for Harrison and Sioux county is assured. -den. C. II. Van Wyck, life independ ent candidate for governor is to sjieak in Harrison on Oct. 28th. He is the only speaker the independents expect to have here during the compaign. Spring wheat brought as high as 53 cents in lliirrison during the past week. It is the quality of the wheat which commands the price. Sioux county pro duces the liest wheat in the state. It would le well for the village board to have the planks and charred limbersvhich are lying about the streets near where the fire occurred picked up, ... . i J if Some one will nave a norse injur u ihe JoCRXALS books show a large numlier of delinquents on subscription and other accounts and aJJ are urged to call and settle as soon as possible. Most of these accounts are small, but in the aggregate they amount to hundreds of dollars to us. Ho not wait for further notice but call and settle up or send a re mittance for the amount Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated b;- The Pl'busher Osborne left on Friday for PERSONAL. fieorge Walker sient Sunday at Chad- ron. R. L Genoa. Miss IJa Schwartz spent Sunday dowi the road. B. F. Johnson returned from Chad ran Saturday, LfCTTn R. Shepherd left for home Satur day evening. Leonard Daut returned from Montana a few days ago. Miss Ellen Satterlee came up from Chadron Monday. NfrS. G. H. Turner returned yesterday from Indian creek. Jarvis Richards came up Monday to join the wolf hunt. Will Phillips orders The JornNAt, sen to him at Cresham paying at any place for many is paid h around. A reception was given M. ... I iss Ellen Satterlee, at the residence r f n H nriswold. The 9 a-f v - ig people who were present rep enjoyable time. m. Sun- IJonot ail to near wmi ..v vie,ded 24 bushels aii nnn Afford to a crop oi . . ... 3l" r. ond be sold the seed tor wi cents one uay 10 pouu " j - 1 . your arrangement to come more than the market son on that pay. . , d shows that farming lmo-t very day we ! of more P w()en it jg properly fBrmem , Vhlt done, ti. on lv cauno ii 1 . . ..ui: 1U" '...i. : .r. not larirer. V L. A. Brower, OI naurou, repuuu- lds being Pul1 . , ,i:,it. tnr rpnrospnt.it.ive for this ii made as it is. """""" --- ir tests win . the new roau i except the three mis t 4r DC grading n all done . . ... . 1 1 Atar wn n" irk HIIS llxrid nd wiU mUCh bettel' L-M from all directions are be fiZtMvt the fac t that the mer- rZot . Hwrison sell goods cheajier C&fS owl be bought elsewhere and rA taking advantage of the condi- ery one should get in line and Ule and develop the country. who does not should be branded itor to his home and accorded a .bent that will show to him tlvt I 'have no use for such a creature. Wther good, soaking rain fell he,"e lunday evening. The ground is nill of water and lots of it ran off. little btd for the farmers who had t their threshing done, but it puts Wind to excellent condition for mr's crop. irj one who oonee hen to look foountry to epy oat the land i Jtiued than he eijikcted to be. M the best encouragement which I offered to other, la the two from Seward which have recently )ere there were twelve nwa, all jn; and every one of them Died on purchaned land or began action Innre what they wanted. Who district was in Harrison a short time yes terday. He met a number of people here and expects to be vhere on Friday to get better acquainted with them. He is a pleasant gentleman and made a good impression on all he met. F. M. Smith was in from Bodarc on Tuesday and made a pleasant call at this office. He has the material at his place for a new house which he expects to be gin work on next week. Mr. Smith is an old settler in Sioux county and has made a success with his farm and is anxious for mow people to locate near him. A few days ago Mrs. Mary E. Mac- Lachlan received by express from Scot land nn deir-loom of much interest. It is a Bible which was printed in 1003, bound in leather with a leather cover en casing the entire book. The leaves are time stained but well preserved and the old-fashioned style of spelling and form ing of letters add to its interest. One of the most curious features of the book is that at some early date some of the leave got town out and destroyed and some on copied the missing leaves from another Bible of the same edition, the copying having been done with a pen and in e neat and regular a style as to almoat equal the printing. The book is primd very highly by the possessor and arrangement will be mnriV for it to be the first of the week. J. J. Kipp added his uame to our list of readers on Tuesday JSrm Dunn is home from the B. & M, extension in Wyoming. H. W. MacLachlan left Friday even ing for Omaha on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright attended the fair at Chadron last week, A. Castle called on Thursday and sub scribed to this news disseminator. A. W. Olds called last Thursday and added his name to our list of readers. J. W. Scott returned Saturday from Chadron. His eyes were somewhat im proved. Jlfrs. J. H. Cook and Miss Bessie Sondes were up from Agate Springs the first of the week, H. J. Smiley and Henry Covey added their names to our list of readers last Saturday. TTJ-. Cook left on Monday evening for Chicago to be present at the dedication of the world's fair buildings. H. T. Zerbeand his toother came down from Cascade last week and the latter left Monday evening for Omaha. Robert Keel was in town the first of week. He still has to carry his arm in a sling but will soon be all right Attorney Fannie O'Linn was up from Chadron on Tuesday to adjust the loss of the Tubbs building by the recent fire. Two brothers of Mrs. John Corbin were here last week and expect to invest in Sioux county property in the near future. Miss Frances Teq Eyck, who has been visiting at Agate Springs for the past three weeks left Monday evening for Chicago. L J&-T. Conley and family went to Cot tonwood last Thursday, where Mr. Conley addressed an independent politi cal meeting. -O. H. Turner has had new glass put into the front of his store building to re place that broken by the recent fire. -The Seward party of land-seekers, H. j. Smiley, Henry Covey, Will, Frank and Wilmer Phillips, left for home Sat urday evening, having each made out filing papers on a quarter section of fine land lying a few miles east of town. They will gather their corn crops and prepare to return here in tne spring to make this their home, and in the mean time they will do some missionary work for Sionx county by telling their friends what can be secured here, lliey were highly pleased with the treatment they received at the hands of liverymen, hotel men and all with whom they had deal ings, for all charges were reasonable and no one attempted to bleed theln. They say that others expect to come up here in the near luture 10 get 0 quarter sec tion of Uncle Sam's land and it is need less to say that all such will receive a cordial reception at the hands of the people of this town and vicinity. Gramniercy Items. Dug Hamlin took a load of wheat to mill last week and owing to the severe rains did not get back until Saturday. Why doesn't some one start a mill in liarrison? There s not mucn inducement in raising wheat when it takes a whole week to take a grist to mill. Corwin Lewi is getting well fast and has begun building a house on his claim. John Dunn was in your city last Fri day. Leslie Crane has a new roof on his house now. He doesn't intend to be mined on any more. We mean to give Hon. James White head a good, large audience at the Rally. Mrs. Lawler returned to Harrison last Tuesday after a pleasant visit with friends in the valley. George Davis ha been harvesting corn for Lin Ellis the past week. Winter has given warning ofhis com i,rV,Ti h ;hi!avv .freeze .we had last " "j - All persons owing us are requested to call and settle their account, as we are closing out, preparatory to removal. JBasch Supply House, MacLachlan & Cook, Props, A Wonderful Offer. It is this: We will send you The Semi Weekly Journal from now until Jan. j, im, for One Dollar. Remember-we give you two papcrH eaclj Week-Tuesday and Friday. All tlie telegraphic uews and markets twice a week, making it almost as good as a 'daily This twice-a week feature lias proven a remarkable success tlie past year, The Semi Weekly Joukxal now having the largest circulation or any paper in the mid west. This Big Dollar's worth will carry you through the great full campaign, and all through tlie next legislature. Wc reach you with the news a half a week earlier than the old fashioned weeklies. No usercadingstale news when you can get it fresh from the wires at the price. We have odt own tele graph wires, and correspondents all over the country. It takes money to get news, aud we are sending it. We can afford it because our circulation has quadrupled the past year. We have a few of our Great Stanley Books left. Will send paper to Jan. 1. 1894, and the book prepaid for il.40, or if you send us your own and another new name with $2, we will scud you the book free. This will be your lust chance to get this great book. We give the paper and our Oxford Bible for $2.75. We give you the N. Y. "Woedcly Tribune' a year snd the Journal to Jan. 1, 1804, for 11.23. Regular price of Tribune is 1.00. Or if you send your own and another new name with wc will send you the Tribune a year free Don't delay but send us j'our ordors at once, as the sooner, the more papers you will get. Nebraska state Journal, IJncoln, Neb. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hai,r Dresser. One Poor Sontli of Bank of Harrison. open sunday from 9 to 12. razobs and scissors put in order. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. Uye t nic a I Call, J". W. SMITH, Boot and Shoe REPAIRER, Shop With H. A. Cunningham. CHARGES REASONABLE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wells Drilled unable rates in any i any depth. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address SCOTT U BOHNERT, Harrison Nebraska. BuMthtllflttlhM!ipntontb!nMtHfflMM!min. fcoturt n hart kom down In ordinary wind! jk fnlau hncnwn tb.l lb. stnl Whatl 11 unnfa. Jndia it only bj th Aarnotor, In tliia rear'i bliisarda and reloneatba Aarmotor lau IB pra MtMH.t.lv mmk I mi than an. woodan lhaal. whita MW IMS of tha iniutian ataal onaa baa fraqaantlv baea total. . 45 told In '88 2.288 told In '89 6.260 sold In 00 20,040 sold InfH 60.000 wW be MM hi 92 V Steel Windmill end Steel s- f Tower eer mlnytee. P-' 0 TheeegureeteMthe efOftneeverniwins. iteel iTermoter. Where one im. othere follow, and wa "Take the Country." Tnouk aold, a won inabla (0 naia all of In mfitt Aamotora In ft. OrdaraoAaa miadSwaakaloba turf. T 111:7 inaiiuao oar pwni ana an onp 1 itoBBtlyu plant oar Iniraaao la ai SftBusus portion or tna tuna. An n amrlouto (now aov no aer metOrCO. Inuatin yoarof llaailot. aooo, onow to naaa many Ttmva na man windmills) ae all other makare oomhlned f J aaokiM 1 II 1 11 flu ill tITneil t 1 Um Btcl Fixed T0WT,tll BtMlO rutuu Tsvarr lit. WflABfflMIllnftftlMU 1 mi WW UU TJ .a.fl II I ill if WW mm MiJ I mj l 1M "mmeiioaa In a aH In e l.llt. Until Jll them Mm ma Uleflt or IBM- s3 3V 1MSuailr I wkUk than bad bMa no improt- I ffMfU for u ar, uani WB,naiiDne tw ;n vent rawwa m of our lmrtmtJon 5 1 I murateotun.zbHfaT talso- UMUTtmueBoHpm-M a (rorTiVtan uS tv to routioB, oUtrMtttti 1b tki ii wkooL nok as kotTj voodon area, obalnaaou boron iko fwa. aa IB too TBMiaoa nun, ana mxaj omct bmto wo b j rM, Uob bo! looa Important anonlont. Theee 1 ana ttve riOT y n aany aentwrernnee i KhM been done. ... ..... ; on. To tu nnani pouoj or w itor daily aemonetratea am icj or th. ItrTBotcr Co., taat raann-11 wry or p.71 Irottbt both woja, and a a ioflu faetorr which aaabtoa It to ror 1 lantbna tUpooroolloaaUror. Fot " M. Totlullboral POU070 Ojnt til OQIJl OBtlalBotorT antnonmaiuowpntoflt Bilh too bora onlalo at low m. a rarmiah um meat perftot beartnaa pntrnnTdBdjallLandluiTo bmAo aa cxhJIUBttvw r inlAn at thdt apmottr ai B jan won otross, Mtftotol fliad 1 ttMsaotojM Hoa than wool and lar fTaoitool At.niilii)orlfTn want n want fao towwr too don't harouaUaETo awl TlrtlnC Towor) and tbo Wfeool tbat raaa vban all oiara naao uu, BB WBOB BBS U1U in 1 1 MM Oonnd Aorrnob in, SnaB, OB. swap wmtm, hub imm hb m oaw wwd, taat dooo tbo wort of 1 aoa at tao am of Ti THE BEST. il'Dr '.,. JIUrlrariiOAWIll.N.V. JirUbMpJI . ISITonmna. ITturnt ia. aw. - NEW Hnus S. H.Oo,, M uU.vg.8t. ;itt..UuHilo. Commencing Monday. Sept. 19th, we will sell out our entire stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Furnish" ing Goods at Cost Prices! NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE BARGAINS. FIRST COME, .FIRST SERVED. DO NOT DELAY. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors. GEO. H. TURNER, (general Merchandise, Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Flour and Feed ZAND A FUIX LINE OK Hardware, Tinware, Barbed "Wire and Machinery. i Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps and Buggies. When in town call and see our goods and get our prices. Respectfully, GEO. H. TllRNER, & IS JJ 1 A MARVEL OF BEAUTY AND A HERCULES IN HEATING POWER. KiOLUTELY air-tight; HOLDS FIRE from 12 to 34 hours. Every inch of metal exposed to the fire is also in contact with a rapidly circulating current of air; this gives tlia rr:tcst possible ECONOMY of hUEL and EVENNESS of TEMPERATURE. It can be run red hot without injury, and ONE BLACKINQ lasts an entire season. It U the BEST soft coal stove in America; wiJ work every where and is GUARANTEED TO GIVE SAT ISKACTION. Enquire of your dealer for it If ne docs not keep it, write to cs. . Joliet Stove Works, W ..I. a . HAJ..J , -exhibited 44 Abe wosW'h u... nigltt.