The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 13, 1892, Image 8

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f he Sioux County Journal.
official CWXTY PAPER.
olpet papfr in the ootxty.
best paprr in' the cointy.
, j.nxy rervbijtax paper in' hots cocnty.
jTTas the largest cutcci-ATtoN or any
"! " PAPER PtT?USHFJ) k siocs corxTY.
"; o
Subscription Price, $2.00
:L. J. Simmons, - - - Editor.
! Entered at the Harrison post cfflee as sec
ond class matier. .: . -
Sr.ov- Tall ir New Vori: end
niiionOt. 5ili tn 'He d.-idh
Thursday, Cxt. Vi,
lor 1'iesideul,
kf.njamin harkisok,
' of Indiana.
1 For Vice President,
' of New York.
Republican Suite Th-Vet.
For Governor,
Lieutenant Governor,
St cn wry of Sta te,
''Slute Treasurer, -JOSEPH
' Attorney General,
liEOUUE II. 11-WISliS.
iup't, of Publie Instruction,
A. K.liOl DY.
Jjm. of Public Lands and liuilding
1 ' A. II. HI MI'HHrtY.
There is no fusion in South !ukota
anion.; the independents and democrat?
and tiie success of the rwuWi -ans in t!at
state is assured.
"I don't believe that Hill would lthe
in the same ocean with Cleveland," said
one of the harmony committee" who
called upon the senator Sunday night to
ask him to sit on the same platform
with Cleveland. Th2 Democratic com
mittee is not sriviujr'so much attention
to republican discord as they were a few
weeks ago, They have a 3 monopoly on
that article. Inter Ocean.
Presidential Elector.
Y. ... IlKOATC II,
II. P. Ml I.I.Eli,
('. Dl'RAS
A. G. fehears and V, X. Wood went
up the road Friday to attend a political
gathering in Sioux county, south of Ft.
Bnliinwn. 'where the latter had lieen
challenged to debate with hi-; senatorial
ppouent. It must have been a great
disappointment to H. G. Stewart when
he learned that Wood would be on hand,
for he ouietlv sneaked off to town and
didnothow up at the pi'-nic all day.
Wood did not intend to lie euchred
out of making a speech that way, and
Stewart's independent ' neighbors were
treated to a cood, ouare, sensible talk
on the political issues of tiie day. Mr.
Wood made a good impression and w ill
run Stewart a lively race riffht in his
own home. Chadron C'dixm.
Coiiirresiiional Ticket,
i- ( ong'rcssmrtri I'.i.i Ilistrl
Senatorial Ticket.
For State Senator, 14 1 Ii district,
: S . vv. WOOD.
Representative Ticket.
. Ejr State Representative, 51 Dist.,
L. A. 1SHOW F.K.
Where He's Drifting.
! "-State Journal.
Gently down tiie stream of fate
' Floats my barque toward the i
. And in every Joint debate
Whitehead fills it full of holes.
'' ' '' o. Misery Kem.
Yes, the independents have heard from
Georgia and the report fell on their ears
with much the same effect that the
snow falls off the roof of a building onto
the neck of a l'ickless passerby. That
was the state thev had lead themselves
to believe would go independent and
nrnve the entering wedire with which
they were going to break the solid demo
cratic south. To have the state go
democratic bv a maionty of oO.OUO
causes those who had been sincere in
their belief to begin ta think that the
would-be office holders who are leading
the independent movement, are neither
wise nor honest. It is no wonder that
those who were republicans before are
enewing their allegience with the party
bv hundreds and thousands all over the
Have vou heard from Georgia.
Claims of the independents) that they
would carry Georgia were about as well
1 founded as any of their claims.
There should be some way provided
for the cancellation of timber claim en
tries where the claimant makes no at
tempt to comply with the law altera
reasonable lensrth of time. In this
Hot Springs, S. D., experienced a
I heavy earthquake shock on the night of
Ocfc. 5th. Buildings were jarred and
' windows rattled and people got scared,
1 but nq (Jamae was dope.
county there are a large number 01
quarter sections covered by claims under I arty to which they belonged and otlv
' Alfred Tenuysop, England's poet laur
eate, died on last Thursday. He w as one
of the most noted literary men of the
age. His works are remarkable for the
manner in which they upheld England's
name and fame.
the timbar culture act which were filed
number of years ago and on which
tiiere has never been one bit of work
done. Of course the finest laying land
was selected for such entries and now
when a man comes here and wants to
settle he naturally wants as good a piece
of laud as he can get and so he frequent
ly is put to the tiouble and expense of a calamity howlers for office onlv will be
, 11.. .1.1 4.: 1 1 J "
The most competent judges of the
political situation in this state say that
Van Wyck is clearly less popular and
less honeful than a month ago. The
twilight of his political life is falling and
the nieht is near at hand. Wisner
contest to have one of the old timber
culture entries cancelled before he can
get the land he wants. A government
inspector should look such matters up
and report such land for cancellation.
The democrats of the sixth congres
sional district could not swallow Kem
The democratic congressional committee
selected Dr. A. T. Gatewood, of Dawson
county, to fill tlie vacancy on the ticket
caused bv the withdrawal of James Mc-
Jntosl), who was found to be ineligible.
Taking Kern's own excuses for oppos-
1 ing Pickler's timber culture bill, for sup
1 oortinir the river and harbor, the Wash-
i ington gas light, and the railroad corpor
1 ation bill steals, brands him as a man
1 utterly unfit in intelligence and integrity
to represent an intelligent, honest and
1 progressive people. And, will you vote
1 for such a tool as he' Sidney Telegraph
' Hon. L. W. Gilchrist, has been nom
' inated by the' republicans of Wahoo for
1 member of the' legislature. In 1889 Mr.
( Gilchrist was the representative from
1 northwest Nebraska . and nis many
i friends in Sioux county will be pleased
to hear that he was elected by a good
iwaioritv on November 8th. While
representing the northwest district Mr.
Gilchrist woved himself to be the friend
of the poor man.
Van Wyck refused to meet Morton in
joint debate but the latter is following
close in th wake of the great pretender
and gives the people- little of the old
fraud's history without any varnish at
every pint. The people know Morton
is what he pretends to be and they are
fast finding out that Van Wyck is not
what he pretends to' be ' and while all ad
mit that Morton will not be elected tliey
also admit that Van Wyck will
snowed Under at the polls.
" "My God, can such things be said of
country rich as outs? Material ruin?
With our bins bursting, cur towns grow
Jng, schools and churches multiplying?
And rfioiW ruin? When I hear men talk
so much of moral mid it makes me think
they have. Wen dabbling and harlotting
,v with immoral "men themselves. In all
' my public life 1 have never known an
' ' immoral rmblic officer. It remained for
? vobr last legislature to produce such
'"mun the renegade Taylor'Iorenao
TLr F&s'iiGg," of a(-iu.
KerM V Hie -
Poor Little Kem is having a hard ro
t Ihh. Tlie owning discussion in ivear-
ney gnve him a foretaste of the political
punishment he was to receive, out no
person could anticipate tne long series 01
drubbing that he lias since receiveu 10
the joint discussions with James white
head. His corgies-lcnal record has been
riudh-d from lwsinning to end, ami
shown to be a web of broken promise
and deceptions, w hich he attempts to bol
ster up bv evasion and falsehood. Tlie
climax of his venal and stupid career was
reached whsn he too!, up that old steal,
the Washington gas bill, which had been
Wicked out of coiiL' several times al-
readv, and introduced it with the reform
d.imn unon it. But that didn't deceive
- 1 " 1 '
anybody it was the sameol J piiospnores-
cent mackerel. Bv reason of those facts
Mr. Kem has been" thrown entirely upon
a defensive persDna! campaign, and has
taken tip nearly all of his time with ex
planations that Jo not explain anything
and have had no effect further than to
stamp him tlie 4u,iid dolt that his closest
acquaintances know him to be. It is a
matter of congratulation to the sixth dis
trict, however, that there is hardly a
chance the least remote of his continuing
to belittle his presbiil seat in congress.
He is done for. He is a dead duck, lhs
plurality of two years ago, in tiie coun
ties now comprising tlie district, will 1
wiied out right in his old alliance strong
hold ir. Custer, Sherman, Buffalo, Daw-
sou and Lincoln comities, and lie will lull
with the dullest thud of any mud-pie
statesman that was ever baked in the
sunshine of politics.
It is a hard thing to say, yet it is true.
audit is an assertion that is made wiui
freiiueut emphasis, that the district
had far better be without representation
entirely than to have two years more ol
Kein. A r.ouetitilj- b excusable. A
double nonentity, a cipher with the rim
removed, is too much of an imposition
even in tins gilded age pf gilt-edged hum
bugs. .
' . "T" - f . t r 1 1 va A
. ,..1
iVLKV. UJ-rs.
final Prof Saii-
VII person' havinKtl
paper ill n-ceiv-
! .V;. d it any en,rs
etotlusoni-eat on.
.,1 proof noli'1
,ai tcl copy
1 p. e;in-'!"
-t I
tbeir .
rt tl.r
Voiire li.r Pulilicati'Mi
1 ( !.:fr. 11. "-. '
u. l 1', I'-'-
l and
Notice i, .!" ?., ''ii..,, i inteii
named -tnerna- ,,11,,,n ! n
! u,:;..f "f, . a
,-lauo. "".' - . " , ,.rk
Win. l Eimcr. isll mr m'1
,, dera!co.:r1- and - Laud oflk-.
t J f t ? t
r- o:Ti v in Court Il-.use,
k ran ask
Ii. I. SMt'cK,
Fasliionable Barber
R AZiWS AVI i .: . p,
Sewing iii.uhine
ln-tl t I
.vein! r i
will !
I our! at
it lsif..', :
Sels rjireltei-a. of Harrison
.. h,Mf IIr;iue-le.-i'I
-l, T 3-', S. II
'' ip!-,,,,,,. , 1l.e foI!owiS itoce, to ).rO
h'J contin-i re,,tence iT" ael"-"
nr., Keiriiter.
A. l l'CAS rprsiLEST.
So. r"J lor I ne
'V c-t ol li.ei'tt.
ir piiiilicatioii.
. Sell.
Within the past few weeks tiie editor
of The Journal lias had an opportunity
of talking to men from various parts of
the state, men who are farmers
and wiio take enough interest
in nolilics to be informed, but who
are not politicians in tlie general accop-
tion of the word. The unanimous report
of such men has been tiiat the independ
ent strength is a great deal less than it
was in 1890 or 1891. Many who were
pronounced third party men in the two
last campaigns have returned to tlie old
have expressed themselves as disgusted
with the attempt made to lioodwink a ad
deceive them by the leaders of the pre
tended reform party. A desperate at
tempt is being made by the office-seeking
leaders to keep the men in line, but it
will avail them naught. The tide has
changed and on tlie 8U1 of November the
stranded high
and dry on tlie rock of
Some idea of the advantages of ad
vertising may be had from the fact that
the train loaded with Nebraska products;
which is now on its way east, is attract
ing the attention of thousands of people
in every town where it stops. It ap
pears that in the little village of Oneida They are deeply anxious about
A leading English paper, the Liverpool
Echo, says that "failing- the success at
the presidential polling of Mr. Cleveland
who has pledged his party to a revenue
tariff, the future of British manufac
tories and of nil the subsidiary industries
depending upon them is dark, indeed.
Such an appeal will stir up tlie warm
hearted free traders of the United States.
tlie hard
in Illinois over 400 people have emi
grated to Nebraska during the past year
in consequence of having seen the exhib
its of our advertising train last fall. In
another small Illinois town 879 excursion
tickets to Nebraska were sold during the
past year as a direct result of this form
of advertising. The plan of running this
year's adverting train oyer tlie same
route taken last year is certainly a wise
one, for it will confirm and emphasize
the favorable impressions already made
upon the minds of many who content
plate seeking new homes. They will
see an exhibit much larger and more di
versified that that of last year, and will
be impressed with the fact that the re
sources of this state are only just begin
ning to be developed. Large results
may be confidently expected from this
advertising exhibit Omaha Bee,
lot" of
English manufacturers. Inter
Backward, Turn Backward.
Walt Mason.
Backward, turn backward, oh time
in thy flight, feed me on gruel again,
just for tonight; I am so wearied of
restaurant steaus, vitrmea aougnnuis
and vulcanized cakes, oysters that sleep
in a watery bath, butter as strong as
Goliath of Gath; weary of paying for
what 1 can t eat, chewing up rubber and
calling it meat, Backward, turnback-
ward, for weary I am! Give me a whack
at my grandmother's jam: let me drink
milk that lias never been skimmed, let
me eat butter whose hair has been
trimmed; let me but once have an old
fashioned pie, then I will be willing to
curl up and die; I have been eating iron
tilings for years is it a wonder lm
melted in tears?
The claim of the independents that
they will carry southern states is the
sheerest nonsense. The south will vote
the democratic ticket just as it always
lias and the leaders will not be caught
napping nor will the masses be found un
informed as to what is being attempted.
The-acts of Gen. Weaver during the re
belliou do not appear to be forgotten
The following from the Louisville
Courier-Journal, the leading southern
Notice to Xon-Ketiidciit llcli-mlant.
John W. Tidd will take notice that on tlie
2Htli dav ol July, 1W, j.ouis sciniuiiardt
plaintiff herein, filed his petition in tlie
liiHtrict court of Sioux county, Slate of
Nebraska, against John W.Tidd, defendant
herein. The object and prayer of w hich is
to lorcclose a certain mortgage, executed bv
him. to the Western t arm Mortgage Com
pnnr, upon Lota No. 2, 3 A 4, and the -K of
the few ! of .Section li, Township Si, H singe
S3 to secure the paviuent of a certain
promissory note dated June 17, issli, for
lnno.OOwith 7 per cent intorest from date,
payable semi-annually. Ixmg before wild
mortgage became due it was duly assigned
to Ixiuis Sehuchardt who is now the owner
thereof ; there is now due upon said note
and mortgage tlie sum of with
interest from Decenilier 1, is."', and plain
tiff prayu that said premises niav be
decreed to be aold to natisfy tlie innount
1 ,.,wl fiftiee at ('liadroii
uaineH -euii r i-K- ,,,,,!! Ot 111!
t.t ,i.-ike 1 itai 1,'". 1 . ...
uni, aim li i"'".
re oiii a'i j. i'"" v- .
.nrtat Harrison. Ncbia-ka, M-
Kit th, is-'-', nz:
(.cnrire J. Kut.-in.ui. ot Montrose
who made llimic-i' ' : ,j n,,..;!., y. M
lie names the following witne
hi. continuous K'-w-i"' """
tion ol, said land, viz:
Anion I. H i". 1010..
Ilenrv w a( ninirger
,11 ol Montrose, .si ... .
,,f ill Is- made lie
l lerk ot the lllslln i
for t i i
i;th P. M
to prow
ind a
.1. Pi, kenbrm -k,
'Ferdinand llit'mr
j Harrison, Nebraska.
I Transacts a General Banking Busf
liuvs School Or-lors 'oun'.y and illafe i.rrmt
N dice for I'lihlicatinll.
Land 1 Hticc id madron, Neb.. '
sep. -J. I"'-'--
Notice ,s lH-rcby given '''l'"ll,'"linf:
llameil seiner ras i'nu " ,, i.i
tion 10 make mini iuooi ... r r :
ii.iin. and that fain "" r .
fore Conrad l-inm-man ( lerlt ol in- i
ouit 111 Harrison, erusi.u,
tli, ls'., viz:
Kobcrt F, N.-ecc. of R.iyillc Ve'd-
ho Home-lean , T-u .. , ,,,
Lois I, 2. :(nwli we. 1, i.z', .s.
thetltl. P. M. , ; .,..,,.,,-,.
lie niime. tne in ...... - i -
coiitiimoiis rc-vieiice ujion . ..... -
lion ol said laud, viz:
(ieorue Kimiebreciu, i niu .vnn-. .' '
Marshuid, N.-l.r., Andrew Mc-'c.ln e ; 01 hi i
011, Neil'., lH'iai:- na'.i-.
.,r II. McCANN.
.,0 llegl-tcr
uPNTZE Hl!.. eW i'orl- City.
I'insT National Hank, Omaha.
FutsT Natmnai. Hank. Lin u!n.
Hank or Chadimn. c,5
Notice fur I'lllihialimi.
Land UIIlcc at Chadron, Nc'.., 1
sep. '.'7, is'.r-. 1
Notice is hereby j,ivcu that the lollowing
anied settler has liled notice ol hi-inieii
tion to make linal liioof In Minpori 01 111-
laim, ninl that snci piooi i" ,
fore Conrad l.indelnan, i iitk 01 un- ei-u..
Court at limi'l-on, Nebra-ka, on Noveinb.-r
Hi, ls!, viz:
Jhiry E. 5ai l,.u lilaii. of I..y ille. -Vl''"'..
ho iiinde ll,.mc-1na! No. ;,t.". 101 i' r
NWV, , SWi, s,-c. IS & s;i, N hi sw.
H. T. is, N. I!. .V W. i.tll P. M.
lie lm mes tne 101 low ing n u. ... i'.""
Iii-( oi.tiiiiious rc-i.i-lice ii,n aim raiina
tion ot, said land, vi '
Irving w il-oii, John r . 1 ook, an 01 nai
ri-oii, Nebr., Arthur n. i.reen, jonn .v.
recn, Allol lloyviiic, Neur.,ai-o:
llllgll V. Miiel.itl lllall, of li.ij ville, Ncl.r..
who made U.S. So. WW for tiie l-.Si sl. A
wj, skh & si-.i; sw 1. s,.e. 1-, 1 . n.
Ve-t Ctli P. M.
lie naliics t lie toliowing n iine es 10 iu.ih-
his contiiinous re-i.lencc upon mid cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Irving w n-011, John r. 1 ook, an 01 liar
n-oii. Near., John a. i.recn, Ai unir .u. cn-cn,
nil of Koyviile, Nebr.
!;is W . II Met ANN, Kegi-lcr.
Interest Paid on Time Deposit;
We Are Still ft
Ready to Supply the Wants ol People
Notice fur Publication.
Land Office at ( liadron, N'i-b., 1
Sep. '2, I
Notice is hereby given that the following
named sen ler has filed notice ol hi-nitcn
tion to make final proof in support ol his
claim, and that said proof will Ik-made la-
fore Conrad l.iiideinan, clerk of tlie di-tru-t
court, at Harrison, Nebraska, 011 (Jetober
24th, lsi-J, viz:
Samuel s. ISei-kly. of Men. Nebr..
who made Pre-emption H. s. No. Sf'ii for the
SWi, su 1 .sec. in and Vi V NW'H and NW'i,
SW t4 Sec. 15, T. N. I!. .'.4 W. Ktli P. M.
lie naiiic- t lie following witnes-es to rirovc
his ceiiitiniHius residence Ujion and cultiva
tion ol sam lanii, viz :
llarvev II. Hu-seil, John s. TiK-kcr, Kinery
Gilinor, James 1;. Johnson, all ol Gicn, Nebr.
Arthur Urceii. of P.'ijv illc, Nelir.,
who made Pre-emption 11. s. '.i., for the f.-;i4
SKL. x-c. and Lk NKU and -yi nki. ve.
9, T. -is n. I.. Wo-d mil p. M.
lie mimes tiie following witnesses to prove
ids continuous residence nfon andciiltiva
tion of said land viz:
Irving Wilson, Hugh W.,
Mary K. (indium, John I. took, all til liar
ri-on, Nebr.
l-i" W, II. McCANN, licgisler.
Notice -llmne-tcail Kntrj.
I', s. 1. ami 1 ll-'FK k, 1
I'llAllRON, Ni:b. 1
Oct. 4, ls-2.
Couipiuint ' having been entered at
tllisottice by ( llaries ilirt I ii.ii-rliill against
(ieorge Sla. k for failure to comply with Jaw
as to Hoine-tead Kntrv No. :i.:(is du'ted Oct hi
lrtil, uism the y, SWi, and VJ( sw 1 '
section 81, Town-hip liange ,w,
sioux County, Nebraska with n view to the
cancellation of said entry; conte-lant all.-g
ing that Hie -aid deorge Mack has wholly said tract; tliat. he has rhangeit
his residence t herefrom lor more than U
months; wince making said entry; that -ahi
tract is not settled upon and cultivated ,y
said parly a- required by law, that claiimuit
has never established a residence on sai.i
tract -incc filing on same, the. said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this
office on the 21st dav of November, I'i2 ut m
o'clock A. M., to respond and lunii-ii p-s
timony conc-crniiig said alleged f ailure.
Testimony of witne -will be taken ls
fore (,e.rgc Waik.-r, a notary public, at his
ofbeein Harrison, 011 tin- 17th day of Nov
112 at Hia. in. T. K. Powkhs, ''
1I.1.10M.EY, lic-eiver.
( oatc-tanl s Attorney. jr. mi
:in the line of;
fMPMPirftll DRY G(
Our Stock of Shelf and Heavy B
ware is Complete and we Hav
Farm Machine!
in Season.-
Our Prices are Down to the Lowes! rol
griswold & nmm
on or before the "21st day of Nov., 1SV2.
iMu ucioocr 4111, IKt.
By. f. J. Houghton, his attorney.
nnr. ol.nn-B nroi i v eloarlu how WVflvpr I due thereon.
! 1 . f, I You are required to answ er aaid fK tition
Is tuukm uou 111 iiiai. pai i. u. li.c nunuu.
"But. having made the mistake of nom
inating such a candidate, it is right that
thev, as well as the people whose suf
frages he seeks, should know the manner
of man he is. Not only has such a man
no warrant for asking or expecting the
support of either the self-respecting
Southerner or Northerner, but he can
give his party no assurance of good faith
or merited trust The man who would
dishonor his uniform and his race as Gen.
SilicrifTa Sale.
Piy virtue of an order of aale directed to
me from the clerk of the district conn ol
Kionx county. Nebraska on a Judgment ob
tained in said court on the third day of
August, PW2, In favor of Surah ('. Ii. Khsbcu an
plaintiff and against Franklin Simons, Mary
Simons, Sarah E. Kavls as defendants, for
the mii of One Thousand Seventeen Knu
Forty-Light llundreth Dollars :ti(M7.4s , u.oi
costs taxed at Klcven and Fifty nine Hun-
Weaver has can give no guarantee that drcth Dollars (n.wi and accruing costs. 1
not also dishonor his party. v0 lcvl; "ixm the following real estate
. , tnbrn aa I in nrnwrtv nf ,,. . ....
lie will
The onlv hope that tlie People s iiarly
can have to make even .a resiiectable
showing is to withdraw Oen. Weaver
from their ticket. Certainly, now that
thev know him. thev cannot ask South
ern men not only to leave the Demo
cratic' party, which is tlie only barrier
against the Force bill and the anarchy
which it would bnnir, but to vow lor
a candidate who is pp-"iall v as un-
taken aa the property of delemlants to ant In
ly sain order 01 mile towlt: Lot No. Sixteen
(1) In Block No. Six () in the village of
Harrison, Sioux county, Nebraska, and will
offer the same for sale to tlie highest bidder
lot muIi in hand on the 12th day of Novein-In-r
1U, at the rront door of the court house
of said county at Harrison, Nebraska, t lint
being the building w herein the last term or
court waa held to witlfy alu Judgment,
costa and accruing costs, tit which time and
place due attendance will be given by the
undersigned. Tiow. ItKinv,
() Sheriff of Jwubtieintv.
Noliec to Niill-Kesiilent IlefcmlaHts.
Angu-t lieck and Lena C. Keek his w if,,
defendant,, will take ,jcf. that 011 the 70,'
h? "' '":l"u:r t'lithiirine A. suioot,
plaintiff herein, 111,-1 her petition !,, the
District Court of sioux County, Nebra-ka
-,on ... i.-niiaius, ti,e. ol, cct and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
j,,, , lm. oerendants to
the plaintiff upon tlie s.uth wt (marter
"011 io, lownshii
lliirtyonc jsi,, Hang,- Ultysiy "7fi!
" ' "' "'viiiein 01 H certain
day of January ism..,, fr u. H1 , Thn.(
"..r,'' eara troui the
.veil.' . ""'r" ls nu' due and
1.,; , . . r .' .. """ mortgage the
: 1 11. iniire.i ami H xtv two an. 1
Twenty live lluup.rth l,ollr - W2 2") w i h
...,,l . , V . 151 '"' ' J" V, SHI
and the further um of Ligliteen 1,1,
lor y eight IlundretlH liolla.-a ,11s s
paio oy pialntirr as taxes upon saldmort
gaged pre,.8 ,r whlch'auu, w th Tn
lerest thereon lrolll tllU date, plalntlfr
prays for a decree that defend, n ie re
quired to pry the same, or that said pre. ,
Iscs may be sold to satisfy the amount found
You are ri-miired to iin -..i.i ... ..
on or la lor the 7th dav of Novetu r ls-i
Dated tills 7th day of Oct. IsM.
,, A -Moor, Plaintiff.
By Morris A llei-kmaii and ceorgc W aiker
I'"! Attorney,.
riireluu,(. Tickets ninl Consisu Vour Kr eifcht
via tlie
F E.&M.V.S.C.P.
U. 0. BURT, General Manager.
K. C. MoiuJlotSE, J. R. RtciiANAN,
Gen'l Freight Agt. Oen'l Pass. Agt.
Wells Drilled
Rcasoimble rales in any locality and to
any depth.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Call on or Address
rVliTT & BoilNKRT,
tbftt the Steel WI.Ml I ;
A anld If! V
0 OAfl fltnld In tJ
6,260 sold nTjj
20,040 sold in Jj
w 1 oww ;
and 'r2
buiSSb i-J
An yon ei'J
motor Co. V
Mrt. came u 07
i u n WUCON SCALES, ti
BXAX icx
s:a:sta1z sum.
Krcllrtrt Paid.
TVrrftjiUsl tnr K vMn
r " !. a. .m rr Tens.
Rprn null U artkuBu
Jsj I jTY I
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W.1. MtMtan a' 54
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Ha IMMM1MM - . Hfr..
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Mi I o,. B, u.LO.,
1 rVi!!'l,rrr,rt finrtn.
wortlty-iH-Weft.' Wni ., 1
I0E8 or BUIOHAJITOI, ling UaU,ii,t,T,