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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1892)
... . 7W pro,,, J1 him '' i." not on,. s:tv. li .. -i j: i ' .;:' if a 1.2 'U I- II... . I "Ull,,; t auv , 1-IlllL' I I a iii.:ff "' ' ' 3.: ''"' ill li) j ; "iinii. ii,, ,g '""i kin y 1 ''"'Sr-atE- hi. I t 1 . .1 vi " " '- ll lit (if l''M'ilIll.;W '"rlMitii ...n ! I ' (j i:;m .v) r. '''iiiiin-rcj; aim riH'.i-; i..r i,l;,i 'Ml. of & vl'T .-St., I'll: w.u .1 sailor. Tni.'a i.' Mr iii ui.vai.iji4 " ami fa I'-l' (UKlK II M lli t; io; n-nM. O'J hear, HII. 0 lis arc to ! ii:i!iioj; Imiior n4 A cuiii. J liiiraiic u IK, rriiF..i!, I'M'' 'K'taif a!) nwa l eaiiwr oi Inv. ami tii' Vr nil If! 'riH'tmli ii : I Ik Hie v 'rime. Is. I (Mill) Ii ' uj'.rj tan sm MUlliSil fill ifisf is mil mrtw Mil IM Hi rill in'. I , Hit dsn Il lllil to Iii- iit-rj 0 t!ie Im-,,"' f ,.;"r ,ai.w hi . - A CASAf a!ue of j.1"; in iijr ( ... , ..;;."' "'-I'.-fir,-,,,.,' -1 I I c.t ;n Tavenin? rower. IjitMf TT c r-.. "A good gurfmnn." c-;a I I r-l rm m m I v -taw' a & aiauuuuw wmt amaTm a& U Tae orf aa H Eae-niy. good gurfmnn " c-;a , --n ne is on ..irtnue ,IOre. ur.ere there are li ti. X owaer i.aiyc.i!ivi,ts will stu-lv tbern ; h -enters the wat r; but. as a ; rule, dan-erou, cum u;s arc lew. If he knows the coast ben-ill w.tit unt I I U:lVA ic i ..... , i i. . . . '",Llu men make - ....c uHuuyu u, not too deeaadive w Jlr. ri.'ht. IVe i thou (i.e. I'llljKl.lj. , , 'j 4 ;"' -.1 I.',', ' - J .f 1 . . ., "' "! J 'h'i ; 1 . ' II , ; ,'; ... l I mil u-vl ABSOLUTELY PURE ;h. lor t-and w.H if the urf is s'-rape like a Lnltu t'le. cj-"I'fiey r By th is Vr- sure huuntue thau 1 in more Vp." i w iy they a 1. butnan. S. L'i ote g-ind-'ag hereafter. (human thao chtiiu'. a i Alil" i lire do bys-;r tntn 1 io Jon- lJVee'm: tl.ej r f'ght in f-isli- Tbfj'r' h it re caliod th- IffBriy mum. 3 fi-rt, ..1 I Tin Ai nu' i'f l llil 'My birotiier is ia luck. H' 8 b3 ll ir-Ka!ka'i in a dry. , lie in there s.xteen hours "I can't pee the luck." ' "l'uu cawn'l? Wny, h 8 pactj bag at the knee?." d lllanlf ,Nvei Haw It. k Jort htilieve D.mto'a bf the lui'erno ia correot." p'A'by Dot?'' one of llie ahadea said to shado: 'la thia hot euou.'li U 1 tie d; up money tit a rainy flim K- ,. (h v.' Mrs. H(, n ts-'-V'.o.ra i-.-.,. i t Jin y ' SP'"k9-"IQ the Xeverbreak Sav- .Mrs. Sj,,nks- ,V (rife m a check """" it, i Ba)t "oof. a new water A ulr Oner. (ireat. E litor -IhHy, sir. you sri at.k.ntfmeasrood.ieal to rerjueso me to exchHnirBii'h)u. ,:,per. lent a quarter the f 'ze of mine." K'jrai Ed. lor --Oil, I'll make that all riKht. IM ,,,1 lV(J ort:irett copies." Nbw Vora U'e-iklv. Woman (io heree f)-' U soares mo half to deith to ,lr v Ibis horse. I wuti'l-r what hn'.i Io nexh" If . ii.ire(u. tiirus,.r -Tiiat niUHt he a w ,man driviajf me or I wouldn't he iiumej into everything ou the read." New Vori Vf klv. Oave llernrlf iwif. nper "I real today an an- I how a female forjfer doiiried re, Bad for a loog time eluded bt al last she cave berae'f "She stopped to look in the Iwindor, I suppose '" uper "No; in a moment of ndednefs eiie aekjd o womau was on straight." Harper',, ii Amprli-au Myntery. n Ulizot (vitlj morning Most remarkable thing I ever m my lite, moat rem irk able. i, " what queer things bappeu JP. Cao't underaUnd Ifc lit. nil. ill" Dear me! What have you . m Uitizen-JI )8t extraordin- The political bodlera who p robbing us for twenty yeais lur relr-ction yosterday and tied, actually defeated, juet It." Mr unman "I ireiume it is hot 1 1 the country as well aa in the city, tin weather?'1 Mr. hubrnb "Nonsense! It'j rofil, dli'litru!ly wil where I live. Way I've got a stove in my sleeeinjr room." (Jood gracious! Much of a fire in It?" "N-o; uo lire in iU" New York Weekly. Mrs. D'vlda Su your husbmd is a' borne with a headache? What is the waiter?,' Mrs. PodJs (i confi iing womin) "Too much icewa'er. He drank thre glasses this niorninv before breakfast.' New York Weekly. heavi- and as soon as his head i, out of the waW he will look for ard exr-e-t t' e i t xl one. If it breaks before it rear-hes him he will dive under t!ie n-hirUn Mretoh of foam Rave a lot of his Mrcmun. ir not, he wiil ether ride over it, or dive through it. ,ut he niMcr rccoiues oa.-ek.. He looks ujion the surf as an enemy If he is ii t careful, and as a means of trivia" him dm .-wire il he handle, himself as he ouplit. "Ti.e mot danirfrous bathinff is where there is a sea push, or. as the 1 ,L. a wa puss, jt is a cur-r.-nt which runs from the bhore aloti? a canal b-.-tween two sand bars. The waves I rrakiiip over the I a rs meet on shoe and run out together in the deep channel. There is uoc'.-ancc for the itfiiorant swimmer who is caught In a sea push. Ti e cxjcrlenced one win never swim against it; lie will go with it, keepliiir his feet well tip, un- i til he i:cts a cliane to cross If. The danger if the undertow is not great ex.-ei t In rare places. Hut iu the .-uses of women and children too un- derlow iiiht he considi-rcd as rather a nan tnii'j in this way: If a struDK wa brcakinu well on shore by its force Knocks a woman or a child down, in receding It will invariably drat.' them out a short distance with it. lint the force and jiowerof the undertow have been very much ovir-etim itcd, ai.d there is really not much danjrer in il. When fatal accidents occur I llnd there are generally caused bv exhaus tion or carelessness." The Father mprOTli jr. Mather -ilv you heard ho Spacker is tbis'' omaii son-' Un, h.'. all fettia1 itfcH fast "bo told you?" kSo one." "Then bow do you kDotr?" "Un little boys I as beun to her,r 'Vn their mother calls." Street fc SantL's Uood News. New Guest (b ardirg-houst) "flow many cbi dren huve they here?" 01 J boarder (helpless!; )-,4I dnn know. They make so much noise can t collect my senses long enough to count em." Street and smith's G-od reW3. F-rst Farm lioy'Guets them city boarders thir,kspp u keeping a e lora bote!." Scod i Farm Boy "Why do thet'' r.rsl f arm Boy "They ssked fei' cream." Street 4 ismitb's Gv-od Xews "luji"""! vraworosTilie, tnd was indicted for "ritealinn a box of cigars.'' U was i roved that he left the box and amy took the cigars. He was therefore acquitted. Thr Only On Eir Frlntrt, lh Word? Tim It a tl-ree-Iorh (ilf,iivdvertlsmeiitin Hill tair. tliU Uet-k. unu-h hnn,u.i. iiiike. wceia one word. The um n. ir,. ni e-h lie ( ne i.jH-ornig eut-h uet-k. from the imrur aiMii iue Co. llu house plce a '( riii" en rerthinir Ihty nuike and jmb IjBh. Look lor It. wild them th imin nf ih word mm they will return yon I1UOK, HEAtil'i KULUliiutiltAI'Jlaor BAlli-LS JillX Can Ton rind A huge winecis'r, the cipaoity of which ia Oi.OOO gallons, has just been constructed in T i edo, O.iio, Wel'sville, Mo., has nearly twice a' many flogs bi inhabiUrirs. It has 1,74!.' residents, and 3,100 tloa. "Soled out," he murmured to him self, as the father of his best girl gave him a lift at two o'clock in the morning, fiurlhgton Prw. Comp)lini( a hi d who can ping if smnll work compared to Of.erci. g om peop e who can'c sing into not trying. Wiisliiugton Star. "I am collecting money for air at Cii okaio, aud a i .... fmgood --wot cent, sir wicked oity, and likely an pp the fair open on Sunday from tne." Aud I am also collecting new mission church in this An oil painting t-uoitintly hung in a dark plsee loses some of its viv.Uues-, and therefore depreciates in value. Summer Urtsu'y "Count Cumsoe is a real count, I bee.' Rival Uelle "How did you :ina ouir f ummer Beauty "I noticed that you did not introduce me. Acw ioru Wtekly. good "Urn er- w York Weekly. here's ten k soap," said the barber, "is It is made largely of oream dash of Hleohol in it." "Wei I'm a temperance man," re- bbors, "and don't put any my mouth than you oac ladelphia Telegraph. I thinks ho oan sing. Simp- h't aijree with him. Simp- C fur as to say that ikine begins with his voice it ih some one was breaking with a cold chisel. -Life. t boikwI that hen you tell a C dai'i.'ht8r lBjU8tt,ie lmHge gB gt"a was that age, the pleased and the daughter r-.-Atcbiaon Globe. (jack" is the Dame of a ,ier that has ridden over "Jf railroad in the country JArters are in the depot at trhen he feels like taking n itfjfa into a bagnge-car, and raver the tra n takes him. I the trai a men know him, and kb wolfare. V. 1 'bile wailo g in a pond in nty, Fla., was struck by ' toil, and had bis leg o places. City mnu "Whew! ,-eems to me it s about as hot in the country as it is in thecily. Suburban IIost-'T-e-sj out it you - 1... l.r.,i, hura uni) full g 't overcome uy nio ""'i in a faint, you are in no tianger oi uo ug c ubbed by a policemin. New r0ra Weekly. Quick Told. Friend "What was your graduation essay about?" Mabel "What the astronomers know about Mars. "Dear me! Why did you chose that subjeo ." "JJecauae I didn't have timo to write much." Forth World's Fair. The famous locomotive "General," used by Andrews and his raiders in their daah toward Tennessee April 12 18G2, has bean repaired and will be brought to the world's fair. Getting lif In slam. Iii Slam the King's family Is of pretty fair size. Nobody dares tog I ve the exact figures, but, at last accounts hn hail 100 wives and 105 children. The present King Is a vourig man, about thirty-right years old, I think, and lie is popular. He Is the highost tower, owns the whole country and floes about as he pleases, but he is well liked. How does the King get all his wive?.' ' They are presents to him from the nobles. They offer him their (laiihters. (i'f course, no one would dare to offer him one fiat was not fair ly good-look ng, and ho seldom re fuses to accept them. Should he re fuse the parents might as well move out of Mam, as the refusal would simply moan that the parents were in roal disfavor." "How do the other people get their wives over there;"' ''Oh. buy them. Many of the no bles have numerous wives, If a girl strikes their fancy they negotiate for her purchase, but not generally until they have paid her proper suit Some of them buy their wives from the ranks of the actresses in the Siamese theaters. Prices vary from one thousand dollars to eighty dollars. It costs moie to marry into a rich family. !oiii. t'lnes young couples elope, just as they do in other countries, but the g'oom has, to settle just the same. There is a rate fixed for elopements four hundred ticals, or about two and forty dodars." A Streak of Luck. Bid Boy "I'm in luck. Wen I do anything, I tell pop mamma said I might, and I tell mamma pop said I might." Good boy "Don't they 3nd out?" Bad boy '-Nope. They dou't speak." Street 4 Smith's Good News. Have You Ast ma? Da. K. Sciiiffmann, St. Paul, MinD.t will mail a trial package of Schiffmann's Asthma Cure free to any sufferer. Gives instant relief in worst cases, and cu es where others fail. Name tbis paper and seud address. The largest horse in the world was that owned by T. E. P.idgeway, of Fort Worth, Teias. The animal died a few days ago in that oity. He was 22 hands high, aud weighed 1,200 pounds. It was a gloomy feast to which several wedding guests recently sat down at Nonfalk, Conn. As the groom had failed to make his appearance, the marriage was postponed. One hungry gui st int'mated that it would be a pity io desert tbe feast. Therefore while the mother of the weeping bride strove to console her up stairs, the guests gored themselves with the viands. When Nature Ne d-iaFBiatanee it may be best to ren oei l promptly, but one shou'd remem ber to ue even the most perfect remedies oo'y when needed. THa hi and most simple and geo'Je rerrrdy is e "o)i"p." rigs, minutactured by tbe California Fij Syrup C. SleniUcat-t. Wife (who is without a gir!) Why the atmosphere in thw kitchen iablue What causes it?" Husband (ho has '.ean trying to g?t breakfast)-! have just burnt my fingers." erman Syrup" Justice of the Peace. George Wil kinson, of Lowville, Murray Co., Minn., tnakis a deposition concern ing a severe co'.d. Listen to it. "In turn Spring of rSSS, thnugh tx- Foii;e I contracted a very severe cold tluit settled cn my lungs. This was accompanied by excessive nieht sweats. One bottle of Boscbee's German Syrup broke up tbe cold, night sweats, and all and lef; me io a good, healthy condition. I can give German Syrup my mostearuest commendation." No I. ire There. Little Dot "What's all this talk 'bout Mars? Does folke.s live there?" Little Jouney "They used to live there, but I hey is all dead long ago." "How do you know?" "I heard papa say the names of al theeeas an' lakes an' things is from the dead language." Street & Smith's Good News. A swarm of locusts six miles wide recently darkenel Graham's Town, Africa. They were Hying seaward. A Lone; Lout Art. Quebec scientists say that one of the most wonderful discoveries of re cent years is that made by a poor hlacKsmith of that city, named Fer dinand Allan!. It is the long lost art known to the pyramid builders of Egypt of hardening copper. Axes and other edged tools made of hard ened copper have been exhibited by him, which In edge and temper rival the best steel of the present day. Al- lard prepared a sheet of his hardened copper a quarter o' aline in thickness and had it tested at the government rillo ranges here. At the first shot II red from fortyyards distance, the bul let was shattered Into a thousand fragments; on the second the missle, striking the copper more fairly, was completely flattened, but remained embodied in the piato which It merely indented lightly without cracking It n any way. This is claimed by ex perts to be vtistly superior to any thing the best steel could do under ike circumstances and the matter is to lie brought under the immediate notice of the British Lords of the Ad miralty. The leading military authorities here express the convic tion that if on further trials in the English dock yards the discovery maintains the same superiority, most ni porta nt results must follow and the existing systems be completely revolutionized. Tho Wonderful Nile. The Nile has a fall of but six Inches to the thousand miles! The overflow commences in June ovory year and continues until August, attaining an elevation of from twenty-four to twenty-six feet above low water mark, and flowing through "the Val ley of Ejiypt," In a turbulent body twelve miles wide. During iho last thousand years there has been but one sudden rise of tho Nile, that of 1829, when 30,000 pcoplo were Irowned. After the waters recede each yoar the exhalations from the aiud are simply intolerable to all ex pt natives. This mud deposit adds ilwut eight Inches to tho soli every century, and throws a muddy em. bankmcnt from twelve to sixteen lect into the sea every year. St. Louis Uc public. Most people of fo-ty show In their v.x.v.s. jo-4h ices that they have a Slower garaen a tbe cemetery. Deafaess Cannot be Cured by local applications as tbey cannot reach tbe diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is .,y constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed on dilion of the mucous lining of the Kus nchian Tuoe. Wbea tbis tube is in fl imed you have a rumbling sound or imperfest hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless tbe inflammation can betaken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused iy catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by "atarrh) that cannot lie cured by Hall's (Jatarrh Cure. fend Tor circulars; free, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. ySold by Druggists, 7oa. MERCURIAL Mr. J. C. J ones, of Fulton, Ark., saysof dgsn "About ten years ago I con 'StBtt tractcd a severe case of blood poison. jLoading physicians prescribed medicine after modicino, which I took without any rolief. I also tried mercu rial and potash remedies, with unsuo RHEUMATISM csssful results, but which brought on an attack of mercuri'l r. eumatism that made my life one of agony. After suf ering four years I gave up all remedies and commenced using 8. S. S. After taking several bottles. I was entirely cured and able to resume work. SKKJI is the greatest medicine for rtTfTTM blood poisoning to-day on tho market." Treatise on Blood and Sfldn Diseases matted (roe. 6wiFT Splcifio Co., Atlanta, tia. pace akd no run Show It, if vou're a healthy womr.u. 'j'hev'll ha. . 'y beauty of their own, no - matter what your features. viifa ucaiwi. wiiu iim clear skin, rosy cheeks, sod bright eyes, is enough to make say woman attractive. To get perfect health, use faithfully Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. That regulates and promote all the proper functions of wo manhood. Improves diges tion, enriches the blood, dis pels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleco. and reataM health, flesh aud strength. For periodical pains, prolapsus and ether displacements, bearing-down sen sations, and "female complaiiVj" gen erally, it 1 to effective .that it can be guaranteed. If It doesn't benefit or cure, you have your mcuey back. Is anything tiint isn't sold la this way likely to be 'just as good." THE MILLION PLEDGE The prohibitionis s are now endeavor ing to get a million signers in behalf at their cause. One of the great aid ot temperance is a healthy body. Dr. Winship long ago demonstrated that when a man is at the top of his condi tion he does not need or desire stimu lants. It is when he is sick, depressed anc out of sorts that he seeks them. A great many people fall into the habit of indulgence from a mistaken notion that it is a good remedy for colds. A far better remedy is Reid's Germaa Cough fc Kidney Cure which will give relief at once. In cases of croup it never fails. Its effect is marvelous, and when th little sufferer is relieved no danger is to be apprehended from subsequenteffects. Raid's German Cough & Kidney Cur will heal the worat case of oroup. It ia equally prompt in pneumonia, or pleurisy, no matter how far the patienl raay have yielded to the malady. This great remedy will cure him if it is P'oniptly given him. It come in two eizes the small bottles are 25c. th large ones 50c. Get it of any dealer. Sulvan Remedy Co., Peoria Illinois. Not Playing. "I told you not to play on Mamma-Sundays." Little Boy "I haven't been playin'! I wae learnin' my Sunday-sohool lesson." But you are all in presperntion." "I was turning headsprings between each verse, so's to get it down into my head." Street & Smith's Good News. Quite Citified. First Country Boy "Your sister is picken' up lots o' city manners from tbern summer boarders of yours." Second Country Boy "Yes, indeed. She's to sayin' 'not in it,' and 'seel' and las' night she let a feller kiss her in th' hammock." Street Sc. Smith's Good News. Hoarseness. All Buffering from j Irritation i,f the Throat and Hoarse- nets win Da agreeably surprised at the immediate relief afforded by tbe use of. 'Brown isronchial I roches" bold only iq oozes. The Reporter'a IlalMIoll fty. New Reporter (tired out) "To-day is Saturday, and you know tbis state has a Saturday half-holiday law which" City Editor "By Jinks! I nearly forgot it. Rush out and get up a five column article on bow the day is being observed," TUB Best Waterproof Coat la tho WORLD I SLICKER TiioFISII liltAXD SLICKER Is warranted water proof, and will keep you dry in itiu hardest storm. Thel new l'OMMKL 8 1. UK Kit Is a nerfect rltiimr coat, and covers ilie entire saJdlo. IicwareoTlmitatkons. Doit'tl buy a coat if tlie "Fish Brand" Is not on it. Ilutra- tcdTatfllfMnieir-'o. A. J. TOWEK, JloBton, Mass. V V "n x I ITTI B LIVER PILLS DO HOT GRIPE ROB 8KHI. Sure run for SICK BRAD- ACHE, lmpilrrd digcrtlo. eotutU i- i,wrpiuBiBiia. iMyaroats TltAl Oig.nH, remoT ivaiu, dlf- in. muku em on KM. ??.db,,,"d,' Cantnw billons ne torn dls- urn VAULT Actios. blood. r-iEEir Vkoiubli. bj purifying i ns aim if nltrly d)ulrd toiniteua. at sat vIU eaa tiejcrbetooaiiirli. Eca llronUirilerrMliiYl3 aorkrt. tike le.d p.n.11. BlulnMI S fM convenience. Taken e..ler tban lWl. Bslamrr where. All genuine foai, be.r "Creiwnt.'' SenilJ-eenl ttamp. Von ettSSpeje book wttbauala. OR. HAHTEg MEDICINE CO.. SI. Lost. M. NORTH WEST fmW EAST SOUTH yoar BileBe&ns rurcnae. Tfckrita and Conalra Freight via the F. E. & M, V. and S. C. & P. RAH. ROADS. rf. O. BltRT iai,.r M. Gen'l I reight Ae't Gen'l Fata. Aai. OMAHA. NEB. Healaclia anil f JoiialiitNitun. n in u,..H bottle. Price 2Cu. x'or sale ur drutneists. "7, 1", TO' F. SUITH A CO., ana sampl dose free Proprittcrs, HEW YORK. FOR SALE. An Inrienenrlent newRnnner outfit in nnont th., bCKt COlllllV Beat towns In f'pntrnl phr.b. Large circulation. Will sell all or half interoei very cheap. Address, NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER UNION, YORK, Neb. PARLY RISERS IflBDe Witt s Little! M. Eariy Kisera. the Famous Little Pills forCnnatlnntlnn HlnkTTs.- aohe, Dyspepsla.NoNauaea,No Pain. Terr Small. K L EWIS' 98 LYE Powdered and Perfumed. (PATENTED.) ihe strongest and purest Lya mode. I'nlike other Lye, it being flue powderand packed ill a can with rt'inovable lid, the contents are always rendv for use. Will make the best perhimed Hard Soap in SO minutes without boiling. It la Ihe heat (or cleansing waata pipes, disinfecting sinka, closets, wufhlne bottles, paints, trees, etc PEN N A SALT M'E'U CO., Gen. Agts., Phila., Pa. DB, 113a.' S'KRs FEMALE PILLS. NEW DISCOVER. NEVKK PAILS. AspeciBc monthly medicine for ladles to reatora and regulate the menses.produciDg free, heal thv and painless discharge. No aihis or paina on approach Nowued by over SOnoo ladies, once used.wiu ba used again. Invigorates theiie organs. Beware 0? J.mi;aflon8- f-Per bol; or trial lacl. Sent sealed iu plain wrapper Send 4c In stamps for partleulara. Addresa NATIONAL MEU1CAL CO nCACI8 'W head noises conn .. Soccmful kea.MeeIMfll. Sold P... b If . 1 Imcoi. SX 11 Vur. NX WiUetetliwkotBnnbrREE rrjAcoBson Cures Pain Promptly. Asthma Th A fW ratal UPImI, dlaenvered In Cunvn. UmI Africa, la Nature'a Mnra Cure lor Asthma. : ttaamatcetel r N ra.aKnnrl 11mm, IIM nroanway, Mew York. rnrtiujpt Trial t'aae, ratr.K hy Hall, addreaa SSta latrokTiae CO.. 1 I Mai.,OlaalaaaU.OaM. York, Ne. WHEN WRITING TO. AOVERTISERa. ' uiiMe ear saw 1 The Gregg System of Electric Home Treatment. Positi vely cures Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. It will cure Rheumatism, Insomnia, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite Chrome Backache, Painful Stomach Troubles, DiirrohS and Flux and all Bowel Disorders. Pins in the side, Nen-oS Debility, ervousness Premature Decline, Paralysis, St. Vitas Dance, and is an unfailing remedy for all diseases peculiar to women The Only Institution of the Kind in the World. JMW be speedily cured .by Thta , (: . Auvestigaie a matter that will rmtnra your health without fail. Physician, Surgeon and Electrician "f 30 yea ex! penencem charee. Consultation Free. Correct Diagnosis h. m.if !5 Address, aia Inter Ocean RnlMino rv.i th 1 "P V.ULttJU, IU. plication. oitnc Prtoa 4?" M tat making: and rerrifl ajTrHl "- o sewing. Bteipleas A B O wit h our fonf rt ,V IWV M. W V - n . . ' " STRAPS BEAD mm Ihoiiarrs, Hame Clips and SUd les. n? . KiirLS,5r I goods ran boBentcheanlyand safely Wniail """" hT 8.H?mK.,I(0' WOHiERTtnrstUaskrtof black. k nil'li totilg-at a price low enough to suit the closeaT tn!me Plso's Bemedy ftir Catarrh Is the Best, Fastest to ttse, and Clteapest Hold by drugflsta or sent by mail, Bk a II am I a aaa. . . - . UUTUU KUNP AS -a j' lor yon. Krglater eena lor a omit ir.nrlceai m Yt ig "jtiat th Uliag" ( our LaMaJ aaani a Ma MltttV A fa HUlIcsJ tf Hoae-40 Yean the StudeS sou, . T. Haaeltuie, Warrao, Pa, PAP. KB USION. York. Nab. -t .s4 . . y . i