The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 13, 1892, Image 6

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J t
! I
ur thj; hat.
taction tsio" -F..r.-i'..l liiT--loB
f t!ir Tarii' - l"irio.
JisuDorjv II. C, Sept. 4. ISW
Hon. JVtlliam .VcA'iniei', Jr.. an J (rJiem
Committer, .re (Jentli:.i;x: I iw
sailing out of New York for any European
port. '1 his contract will result in the con
.struct'ioo in American yards of four new
passenger steamships o'f lu.oOU tons each
custiui! about tMWU'JOW. and will add to
meets my most beartv approval. The eon
entiou did not adopt a schedule Out a
nuclide that is to control all lanfl sched
ii . a. There m a v be differences ot opin on
anion; protectionists as to the ra-e upon
mS -""'"I-"" - -,,..rr m affect an
our naval reserve six sieaui!ips. me ia.-.t- pannuiai n .t s-- - -- -. ,. af
t upon the sea. A special imeresl lias ejuanzanou oci mi !-.-. -"V"" r-"
been uken bv me in the establishment of
lines Ironi our South Atlantic ami gulf
ports: and. tnou'-h my expectations have j
not vet been realized, attention has been !
ealleu to the advantages pCbSesM-d by these
home. In some not remote nauou.ii .
pagnsthe issue has been -or more cor
rectlv. has been made to apiear to be-be-
. i,i.,h mi n low nroteclive rami.
lK.ih laities solicitious regard
avail raysslf of tie firs, period or rt-i ; po. icy by refusing to exjteud an apiropna
ports, and when their people are more fully i fur the wages of our working i-eopie im
aiive to their interests 1 do not doubt tout for the prosperity of our dotues.a induj
thev will be able to secure the capital I tries. Uut, under a more courageous leaa
nee'ded to enable them to profit by their 1 ership, the licmttcratic party has now prac
great natural advantages. The IK mo- tically declared that if given Per. i w HI
crat e party has lound no place in its plat- enact a tariff law w ithout any rt,. aid to
form tor anv reference 10 tins suuieci ana liseucci u,ni "i " '..
has shown its hostility to me general
from public du'..ej to respond to the noti.i
cation which you urau!:l to w.e en june -) j j,urs
cn thi aointdit'.on of riesiilunt of tn
United States by the Kepujhcan Natl !."-!
convection held tt Minneapolis. I accept
the nomination sai ir. grateful for the
approval expressed '--y the convention of
the acts of the aswuiraticn. i have en
ccavored without vavering, so far as the
direction of public atiur.v wit, cmmit'ed
to rce, to carry out Cit yl; lg-s v.r:de to the
people In 1SS3. If the policies of the ad
ministration have cot Wen dis!;ti Hvcly
and progressively American r.' - u' Si
, can policies, the fault has not been in tins
purpose but In the e:-:ecutiua. 1 b'
speaK frankly of the legislation of congress
and the Tork of the executive depart
ments, for the credit of ay successes that
have becD attained is m suc'u measure due
to others, senators and representatives and
to the efficient heads of the several execu
tive departments, that I may do so without
impropiety. A vote of want of confi
dence is asked by our adversaries, and this
challenge to a review of what has been
done we promptly and gladly accept.
The great work of the l ifly-lirt con
gress has been subjected to lie; revision of
a Democratic house of representatives and
the acta of the executive department to its
scrutiny and investigation. A Democratic
national administration was succeeded by
a Kepublican administration and the fresh'
ness of the events gives unusual facilities
for fair comparison and judgment. There
has seldom been a time, I think, when a
chance from the declared policies of the
Republican to the declared policies of the
Democratic patty involved such s'.-rious re
sults to the business interests of the coun
try. A brief review of what has been
done and of what the Democi actio party
proposes to undo will justify this opinion.
The Kepublican party, during the civil
war, devised a national currency consist
ing of United States notes, issued dnil re
deemable by tho government, and of
national bank notes based upon the se
curity of United States bonds. A tax was
levied upon the issues of state banks and
the intended result that all such issues
should he withdrawn was realized. There
are men among us now who never saw a
state bank note. The notes furnished di
rectly or indirectly by the United States
have been the only and the safe and accepta
ble paper currency of the people. Dank
failures have brought no fright, delay or
loss to the Ijillhoiders. The note of an in
solvent bank s is good and as current as
a treasury note, for the credit of the
United States is behind it Our money is
all national money, 1 might almost say in
ternational, for these bills are not only
equally and indiscriminately accepted at
par in all states but in some foreign coun
tries. The Democratic party, if entrusted with
the control of the government, is now
pledged to repeal the tax on state bank is
sues, with a view to putting into circula
tion again, under such legislation as the
state may adopt, a flood of local bank is
sues. Only those who in the years before
the war experienced the inconvenience
and losses attendant upon the use of such
money can appreciate what a return to
that system involves. The denomination
of a bill was then olten no indication of its
value. The liauk Detector of yesterday
was not a safe uide to day as to credit or
values. Merchants deposied several times
during the day lest the hour of bank
closing should show a depreciation ot the
money taken in the morning. The trav
eler could not use in a journey to the, Kast
the issues oi the most solvent banks of the.
West; and in consequence a money cliang
cr.5 office was the tamiliar neighbor of thj
ticket office and the lunch counter. The
farmer and the laborer found the money
received for the products of their labor de
preciated when they came; to make their
purchases, and the whole business of the
country was hindered and burdened.
Changes may become necessary, but a Na
tional system of currency -safe and ac
ceptable throughout tin; whole country, is
the good fruit of bitter experiences, and I
iui sure our people will not consent to the
reactionary proposal uiade by the Demo
cratic party.
Few subjects have elicited more discus
sion or excited more general interest than
that of a recovery by the t ni ted Stales of
its appropriate snare of the ocean carry
ing irade. This subject touches not oniy
our pockets but our national pride. Prac
tically all charges for transporting to
Kuroic tho enormous annual supplies of
prjvitious furnished by this country and
ior the largo return of manufactured pro
ducts have for many years been paid to
foreign shipowners. Thousands of im
migrants annually, seeking homes under
our flag, have been denied the sight of it
until tney entered Sandy Hook, while in
creasing thousand of American citizens,
bent upon European travel, have each year
x'epped into a foreign jurisdiction at the
New VorK doeka, iho merchandise bal
- ance Of trade which the treasury books
show, to largely reduced by the annual
irioutc wlucn we pay for freight and pas
sage moneys. 'The great ships the fast
est upon Uie sea w hich are now in peace
piohting by our trade, arc in a secondary
aensu wur ships of their respective govern
ments and in time of war would, under ex
isting contracts with those governments,
Kpeedily take on the guns for which their
Iccs are already prepared and enter with
terrible efficiency uion the work of flc
stioying our commerce. The undisputed
taet is that the great steamship lines of
Kuronu were buiit u'i and are now in part
sustained by direct or indirect giverniuent
niti, toe latter taking the form of liberal
pay tor can) ma the mails or of : n annual
io:uuf given in consideration ot agreements
to construct ships to ax w adapt ihem for
carrying an armament and to turn them
over to il.c goverumeut on demand upon
apecined lerms.
on made during the U?t atlmiiiti-truiioa
t ocean mail contracts w r.n American
'1 he patriotic people, tUe workmen
in our shops, the capital seeKing new en
terprises, must decide whether the great
ships owned by Americans v. 'in h have
sought Americas regi.-try shall again hum
bly' a place in tne hugindi navai re
serve : the great ships now on tii.- design
ers" tables go to foreign suipya:is lor con
struction and the United Mates lose the
now bngliteiiir.g opportune;, of recovering
a place coiiiiuciisui.ue w ith Us wealth, the
sUi.l of its constructors and the courage of
its sailors in the carrying trade ot the seas.
i:i;f HT.ofiTV TULATirs.
Another related measure, as furnishing
an increased oeean tratiie for our ships,
and of great and p-rn:a:ient beiielit to the
fanners and manufacturers as well, is the
recipio'ity policy declared by f.ectioa i ot
the tarilt" uet of lsyj and now in prac
tical operation with live ot the nations
of Central and soma America, wen .-an
Domingo, the Spanish and lirilisb West
India Islands, and with Germany and Aus
tria, under special trade arrangements
Willi each. The removal of the duly on
sugar and the continuance of coilee and
tea upon the free list, while giving great
relict to our own people by cheapening
article used increasingly in every house
hold, was also of such enormous advantage
to the countries exporting the-; articles as
to suggest that in consideration theieol re
ciprocal favors should be shown in their tar
ills to articles exported by us to ilu-ir mar
kets. Great credit is due to Mr. blame tor
the vicor with which he pressed lliis view
upon toe country. We have only begun to ,
realize the benelit of those trade arrange- j
incuts. The worit of treating new agen
cies and of adapting our goods to new mar-
kets has necessarily taken t'lne. but the ;
results already attained are Mich. 1 am I
sure, as to establish in popular favor Hie 1
polfev of reciprocal trade, based upon Hie ,
tree importation of such aitieles as do not !
injuriously compete with the products of
our own farms, mines or factmies, in ex
change for the fi ot! or favored introduction
of our produce m other countries.
Kl'hOl'E KEAUS 01 I! IiEl Il'llotn V.
The obvious ellicacy of tins policy in in
creasing the foreign trade or tne t lilted I
Stales at once attracted the alarmed at
tention of European trade journals and
boards of trade. J im British board of
trade has presented to that government a
memorial asking tor the appointment ot a
commission to consider the best means of
counteracting what is called ".he coininer-
Cial crusade of the I'nitcd Stales.'' At a
meeting held in March last of the Asso- '
dated Chambers ot Commerce of Great
Britain, the president reported that the
exports from Great Britain to the i.atin
incriean countries during the last year ,
had decieased KiiS.T.iO.UiM, and that litis ,
was not due to tern nor ry causes but di
rectly to the reciprocity policy of tho
Unit'.'d States, Germany and K ranee have
also shown their startled appreciation of j
the fact that a new and vigorous cont'-stant
has appeared m the battle tor the markets
and lias already secured important advan-
tages. The most convincing evidence of i
the tremendous commercial .strength of our
position is found in the fact that GrvaS
Britain and Spain have found it necessary :
to make reciprocal trade agreements with j
us tor their West lndi colonies and that
plaroS. rutthemdo.0 to mr
r . rt full ii?ni uiw-a-
? half av for a lew montns
'""" - - ".i... ii
And j le-iialion to any new conditions.
irrrencTi; knn wesh!
. , -ii. (a roa I Ills! OUf IIDaUCUtI
i xv-n itlir IIHtrt'. imu .
toreio prohts for the
.!... ..ntsr .Y! 'It IS tlr
8". r... of Imtoiempiovcr and workmen ,
interest of W . or D0 Ianfl.
ill iiu it: i ,, tr.nn 1
erne that wdl urnf ai: it is i)-.
ti t fieUf But in si'ib' o j . " ,c.,cideiat..a
l l.v 1(1 ewiincs oi i '-
It is clearly tue
n,v..iei iii iinrereal industries. 1 he mat
oritv reiirt of tne ( omiuittee on I'iatform
totiie Dciiiot ntic National Convention at
C hicago, contained this clause: "l hat
when custom house taxation is levied upon
articles ot any kind produced in t'os coun
try the difference between the Cos! of laoor
here and abroad, when such a dillercncc
evisii. f ii i ) v measures any possible beneiits
to iaiKir and the enormous additional im
positions of the existing tantt tall with
iTU-liing force usxui ouriarmersatid work-ii.giucn.-'
Here we have a dist net admis
sion of the l;e;mb.iean contention that
American workuigmcn are advantaged bv
a tanll rate eipial to thediilerem e between
home and foreign w ages, and a declaration
onlv agaiiet the alleged -additional lin
poi:ious'' of the existing tan If law.
Again, this majority report luriher de
clared : -Uut in making a reduction in
taxes it is not proposed to injure any do
mestic industries,' bin ratlu-r to promote
Ilu-ir health v growth. .Moreover, many
industries have come to rely upon legisla
tion for successful continuance, so that
anv change ol law must be at every step
regardiul of the labor and capital in
volved.'' Here we have an admission that
many of our industries depend upon pro
tective diaies "for their success) ill con
tinuance" and a declaration that the tarilf
changes should be reganllul of such indus
tries and ot the invested capital. Tne
ovcrw hediiing rcicclion of these proposi
tions, which bad before received the sanc
tum of Democratic Naiional conventions
was not more indicative ot the new and
more courageous leadership to which the
party has now committed itself than the
substitute winch was adopted. This sub
stitute declares that protective duties are
iiiiciiiistilutional high protection, low pro
tection, all unconstitutional. A Democra
tic congress holding this view cannot enact,
nor a Democratic preside nt approve, any
tariff schedule, the purpose or effect of
which is to limit importations or to give
anv advantage to an American workman
or pr Mincer. A bounty might, I judge, be
given to the importer under this view of
the constitution, in order to increase im
portant imiiortatioiis, and so the revenue
lot -revenue only" is the limitation.
Ileciprocity of course falls under this de
nunciation, ior its ob ject and eilect are not
revenue nut t lie promotion of commercial
exchanges the prolitsoi which go vvlmllv
to our producers. Tin doctrine was not
held or taught by the historic Democratic
statesmen whose fame as American pa
triots has reached this generation -certainly
not hy Jefferson or Jackson'. This
mad crusade against American shops,
the bitter epithets applied to American
lmuiuiacturcrs. the persistent disbelief of
every report ot the opening of a tin plate
mill or of an increase ot our foreign trade
by reciprocity are as surprising as they are
discr.'d table. There is not a thoughtful
business man in the country who docs
not know that the enactment into law of
Hie declaration of the Chicago convention
on the subject of the tarilf would at once
plunge the country into a business convul
sion such as it has' never seen; and there is
not a thoughtful working man who does
not Know that it would at once enormously
reduce the amount of work to be done in
this country by the increase of importa
tions that would follow and necessitate a
led action of wages to the European stand
ard. If any one suggests that this radical
policy will not be executed if Uie Demo
cratic party attains power, what shall be
Germany and Austria have given us im
portant concessions in exchange 'or t,iu tlionght of'a narty that is' capable of thus
cumiuiieu ii uiiiwii.uvu ....v.. v,w tniinig with gr?at interests ? I no '.ureal
A few details only as to the increase of
our trade can be given here. Taking all
the countries with which arrangements
have lieen made, our trade, to June M,,
had increased 1H.T8 per cent. With Brazil
the was nearly 11 per cent; with
Cuba, during the nrst ten months, our ex
ports increased jf5, itClWl or MM per cent,
and with Porto Itico $5'!.,V.',J or U jier
cent Thclilieral participation of ourtar
mers in the beneiits of this jiolicy is shown
by the lollowing report from our consul
general at Havana under date of July 20
last : "During the lirst half year of ".'1
Havana received 140,O5; bags of Hour from
Spain and other ports of the island about
an eanal amount, or approximately 211.112
bags. During the same period Havana re
ceived 13.U76 bags of American Hour and
other ports approximately an equal
' ,.f ......1, li,i.l..iII.n u-ill li.-i ftnl,' lie, linr.
1JI .Tin II ir.i;i,,iuiirLl nil, uiii; inn,-
fill than the fact. A distinguished Demo
crat rightly described the movement as a
challenge to the protected industries lo a
light of extermination; and another such
rightly expressed the logic of the situation
when he interpreted the Chicago platform
to lie an invitation to all Democrats hold
ing even the most moderate protection
views to go into the Itepublican party.
And now a few words in regard lo the
existing tariff law. We are fortunately
able to judge of its influence upon produc
tion anil prices by the market reports.
The day of the prophet of calamity has
been succeeded by that of the trade riv
porter. An examination into the effect of
fi, l,iv nnnn tlin lirices nf nrnri'liid nm.
' nnH f( Iho niKt fif ulicli a rl
amount, making about IMJKW hags. But for i enter into the living of people ot small
the first half of this year Spain has sent means has been made by a senate commit-
less thn l.i Oil bags to tne vvnoiei.siami anil , tee compo.seo m leaning senators oi ootn
it wis main to every intelligent Amer
ican that if th ll'iiteil States would have
-such lion, a .milurKli'y must be entered
1'iru. 'Jhu r'lftv-firnt congress enacted
tiM'ii a Hw, ami under Ui heocfktnl in-ri-i
nee sixteen American steamships of an
aggreinue tonnage of HAW font and cost
ialcwMfcahiive bevn built or eontracMd
l 11 kii t in Anea sfclpyaids. lu ad
.tiuau lu ikia it U aow uracitcallv certain
t j t sJmnI soob hava, Awert-
the I nitefl States has sent lo Havana alone
ItW.lM bags and about an equal amount to
other ports of the island, making approxi
mately oJ7,0U0 tor the lirst half ot
Partiv by reason of the reciprocal trade,
agreement hut more largely by reason of
the removal of the sanitary restrictions up
on American pork, oar export of fiork pro
ducts to Germany iucreasud during the ten
nionliis ending June :0 last S2.uii.il7i or
about :2 per cent. Tne British Trade Jour
nal of London, in a recent issue, speaking
of the increase of the American coal ex
IKirts and of the falling off of the Englisn
coal exports, says : it is another case of
American competition. The Culled States
now supplies Cuba with about 150,00;'
tons of coal annually, and there is every
prospect of this trade increasing as l ha
forests of the island become exhausted an.l
the use of steam machinery on the sugar
estates is developed. Alabama coal espe
cially is securing a reputation in the Span
ish West Indies and the river and rail im
provements of the Southern states will un
doubtedly make an important gulf trade.
The new reciprocity policy by which the
United Stales is enabled to import Cuban
sugar will, of course, assist the American
coal exporters even more eflectiveiy thau
the new lines of railway."
The Democratic platfom promises a
repeal of the tariff law containing this pro
vision and especially denounce as a sham
reciprocity that section of the law under
which these trade arrangements hve been
made. If no other issue were involved in
the campaign, this alone would give it
momentous imnortance. Are the tanners
of the great grain growing states willing to
surrender these new, large and increasing
markets for their surplus 1 Are we to have
nothing In exchange for the free importa
tion ot sugar and coffee and at the same
time to destroy tho sugar planters ot the
South and the oeet sugar Industry of the
Northwest and of the Pacific coast ; or are
we to have the taxed sugar and coffee,
which a "tariff for revenue oniy" neces
sarily involves, with the added loss ct the
new "markets which have been opened?
As I have shown, our commercial rivals In
Ktrope donot regard this reciprocity policy
as a sham, but as a serious threat to a trade
supremacy they have long enjoyed. They
would rejoice, and if prudence did not re
mrmn would iiinminate their depressed
manufacturing cities over the news that
the United States had abandoned sys
tem ot protection and reciprocity. They
see very clearly that If American products
nt iriri. h rMtrtrtrd. a corretDOnding
increase of EuropeM proaacuon na
parties, with the aid ot the best statisti
cians, and the report 8'gned by all tae
members of the committee, has been given
to the public. No such wide and carcnil
inquiry has ev er before been made. These
facts appear from the report:
Kn st The cost of articles entering into
the use of those earning less than .sl.oji)
per annum, has decreased to .May. Isk,
percent., while m farm Product's tlicte
lias been tin increase in prices, owing in
part to an increased foreign demand and
the opening of new markets. In England
during the same period the cost ot living
Increased 1.9 per cent. Tested by tneir
power to purchase articles of necessity tiic
earnings ot our working people have never
Ijeen as great as tney are now.
Second -There has been an average ad
vance in the rate of wages of .70 of 1 per
Third - There has been an advance in the
price of all farm products of 1H.H7 p:y cent,
and of all cereals JI5.5SI per cent.
The ninth annual report of the chief ot
the bureau of lalKir statistics of the stale
of New Vork. a Democratic officer, very
recently issued, corroborates as to thai
state the facts found by the senate com
mittee. His extended inquiry shows that
in the year immediately following the
passage of the tarilf act of 8'.I0 the aggre
gate sum paid in wages in that slate vv as
S,:iT7.t25 in excess of the aggregate pro
duction. Sftl,SI5. l:J0 in excess of the pre
ceding year. In view ot this showing of
an increase in wages, of a reduction in tne
cost of articles, of common necessity and
of a marked advance in the prices of a"ri
eultiiral products, it is plain that this tariff
law has not imposed burdens but has con
ferred benefits upon the farmer and the
special t.rrKCT or the tahiff act.
Some special effccti of the act should
lie noticed. It was a courageous attempt
to rid our people of a long main
tained foreign monopoly in the proilvcimn
of tin plate, pearl buttons, silk phrh
linens, lace, etc. Once or twice in our his
tory the production of tin plate had been
attempted and the prices obtained by the
Welsh makers would have enabled our
makers to produce it at a prolit. But the
welsh makers at once cut prices to a point
to v r last annual message to coneresi I
" ". . . t ut..rtii-n Hie tnurf liiat
sai i ii -" ' umw 3 - , ,
t, weiirt? a ra in. iim.
of smli corstitutioiial "r
me aeirmiimrni or oiner. w.
ndently submit to the inu-i;,, Hf
u.d judgment of the Auhtj-iL'4
theiher in any eorresiK.mii,,. , I
niu. b has ln-en dune ui orn,... .?.
ets and whether in a conti!il:aili(
llliOII Of CieM ItletlHMlh tl,....' .
i. r iireiiKi t of food tti turn ,i H
invitation of ihe Democrat!,- -v'r
oil, lioui ii fct-i tu iureigu
rnln: .. o bgiipW rstomain-
i: , Z r ,nnoi..:v. the t u plate indi.strv
La.'n. . . k lisfedin the Clilted Mates,
t ie a nance ii""
the Welsh pr.e
tor i s
. i -,t f.-irlf to!
uueers aitu V Ii ri.V..n-cid
tl, stractmn win no.
returns to the Treasury Deparriucnt ol
, ro.lucti.m.d tin and t.-rue piates n ti e
n ted Mates dli..I,g the W
M.w a toial i.HKliiciion of -'''-y'
,.r vv..,- p.uicls. with the la-l K
,,,,'." jKcimls. s!:os the rapid dc-veiu-meit
of tie- industry. Over a.oU-
luring the last qua -i
fi.iiu f.ii.i.'u piat's. .,,r.
m in c narge. cjw-
aud to alauilon the re i
'i ,, .i
maiut.irv changes as may ue iif.-r-iai wim ii. t.i.u mo radical -,1
8,alu.1 'k., . ,.f il.e mnccrs ol ihe gov- methods ot reiicr proo,....! J
cnmciit to the jple I') fair a.Krn- .artis l"cb are a-diciting Ui ,
llOIIS. I i:--v ..... .. . s 11 A II AO I, A
I I COIlSUlUil- e..ii....... I . .
incnts and In-ecie.
would le possible
sioii. n iu-p irusaii m i , .,i victin
M. Kiuiey lull is tae
l.u t..;;s. few
i re so distun i-
si.u v jiii! wages.
i'ail I lie ni:lueneeor the
It has tr.Hisidanted sev
on ..iuii(l
made ti.uii
i in remainder
. . ,- it... tr.Ti-.llf V
1,. ...... " ,. .,:if
, :tc as tll T. sll "I ai. "'''""'.. .- , lections
ti.e-,car.".iir i r c.i!- :i":' wi:l t ! rdW
ol '',ri.oi;n.s !-r aiiuuin.
Vim'.licr md i.-trv in.i! '
c.'ll v cieate.l nv 111
a .ting o.'
iinug to us ir.iiu a
I . ihe proiiucl oi
Till HA IK CAN! UK Tol.b IX o K I I I II II.
tin without un !'i!v exteii iiugthi.- icllcr.
J cannot oio in it
,i ..... ,a K'rii
"" ""' ' . .: . .....i ....... i.i,U!,..,i
ral iniportain linius iies i.j.u e.-iu.
tht-ltl llcic and has rev IV en in i n. .ii .. .. ....
otiieis. I nc act mini-. .n-
lection against I-ueign ncr oeaimv: i-a
ores, the Irce mtroihict.-.n ot winch tlircal-en.-d
Hie great mining ludiistrics ol the
;o, kv Moiintairi stales; and o uie wooi
rowers protection for their fleece and
jlo, l:s. winch nave savco iie iu n.-iu
luriher disastrous decline, i ne iiuhm: oi
representatives at its last session passed
bills placing these ores and wools upon the.
free list. The (M-opIc of the U'est will
know how destructive to their prosperity
these measures would lie. Tins tariff law
has giwu employment to many thousands
of American men and women, ami win
eaeii vear give cuiplov inent to increasing
thousands. Its rep ai would throw thous
ands out of employment and give work to
others only at reduced vvaces. The ap-
oea.s ol I he irec raucr 10 in-- woi Kinsmen
. i.. nt.i. ii Hie colisideratioii ol
oiit-.-ii..uof tiie evils connected with our
election systems an 1 methods mi-.-hl le
commilod with a uhkI pr-.0p-ct ot it -tiring
unanimity m some plan tor removing
or mitigating Iho,- cv,U 1 ne con-litu-lion
would ) riilit the selection of the colli
..... . i... i ...iid iii me Mii.icioe com I
Illi?S..l -
often i x res.sed n,y sp'
of the value of ti e
e in-.
a view
ami mi-
an I a
Ii mat lue'.l vvoni.i g i ...
unty of :Qartan;y. 1 bis c, iiioa.-i-.n
sho'md be cuarged With the du!) ol imiuir
into die wiiop- seojeei tn no- "
r,-l;ite.l lo ll. c t ir.e e ..i
i-iai goveriiiii-ni.
urim' to c.i ele tor a i: c
...'........i .... ,.-i,i- ..! i he su-.rig-
near an approach to c ,u.i,i!y of va o
in each badot east as is aita n il-lc. 1 h
demaiel that tl.e liiu.tatioiis oi ut.;a.'-
vt.-tli I e io i-nl in tae law all I mil ."lucre 1
a iust demand, and no us! man should r
'ni o: iist it. It se -ins to me thai an
appeal to our l-oi-l-W coiisid.-r Hie iles
tieu o; ictdaistiiig oir legislation upon
absolul-'iv fair non-1 -ar.isaii lm-'.' might
hnd some ctle.-ti'.e r -sponv.
IM llll II-iN mi Tiion-.
m ,.., 1 1 . e. i s I have had o-casl'-Ii I i say
thai lav,.- and ele. Coii methods !
I,, en-., iiuiair advauta-.elo the I at
ing Ii fin would sonic nine b- .is
iieinale in poiver a la I on ol
ii-ain-t the will of the ontvoi a people,
(it llns we seem to h .'.e an llluslr t'lon m
Hie receiu state election in Alaoaui.i.
There was no Kepiibbcan
held. The conn-a. v. as t
Democrats. The K-'ln part;
relu.scil the repr-'scnl;i
iavv upon the election
' -.. (.
I I,
- 'd
' 1-1,1
O .-ll -,
' li-.i!
-"i J
V Inak-
i lo r
a parly
in tile
vv hit I
are largely addressed to Ins pieitiilici-s or
to iiis passions, and not niirc-iuently are
pronouncedly communistic. Ihe new
Democratic leadership rages at the eui
plover and seeks to communicate bis rag"
to tne einplove,. I greatly regret that all
emploiers of labor are not just and coii
sideraie and that capital sometimes takes
too large a share of the proiils. lint I do
not see that these evils will bo ameliorated
by a tanll policy the lir.-f necessary effect
of which is a severe wage cut and the sec
ond a large diminution ot Hie agcregat
amount ol work to be done in this conn rv .
It the injustice of hisemplover tempts the
workman to strike ha -k he should be very
sure that bis blow does not fall upon his
li-au or upon his wife and children.
The workmen in our great industries are
asa body remarkably intelligent ami arc
lovers of home and coiinlry. I'll -v may
lH' roused by injustice, or what seeius to
them to be such: or to be led by the others
into a "Is of passion; but tlu-y vtill settle
the tarilt ouestion in lliecalin light of their
lircsiile.s and with sole reference, to the
prosperity of the country ol which tli-j
are citizens and of the hciin ? tney have
founded for their wives and children. No
intelligent advocate of a pro:--live tariff
claims thai it is able of Used to maintain a
uniform rate of wages-, without r.-L-anl to
fluctuations in the simply of and demand
of the pro I nets of labor but il is con lid-in
ly claimed that productive duties strongly
tend to hold up wages, and are the only
barrier against a reduction to the Kiiroieai)
scale. 'Ihe Southern States have had a lib
eral participation In the benefits of the
tariff law, and though theirreprcseutatives
have generally opposed the prole-lion
policy, they rejoice thai their sugar, rice,
coal. ores. iron, fruits, cotton cloths and
other products have not hen Jet t to the
fate which ihe votes of their representa
tives would have brought upon them.
In the question of ilie Nicaragua canal,
in the new trade with the Soul h and Cen
tral America, in the establishment of
American steamship lines, these states
have also special interests, and all these
interes ; will not always co i.seut to be
Without representation at Washington.
Shrewdly, but not ipiitc fairly, our ad
versaries speak only of Ihe increased duties
imposed upon tin. pearl buttons and other
articles, by the JIcKinley lull, and omit
altogether any ri'lerence to the great, ami
bcnelicial enlargement of the free lis.
During the last lineal year S I.Vi.OO ',772
worth of merchandise. or'SVIS percent of
our total liupoilatiim.s came in free i the
largest percentage in our hist n y i. while in
1K the percentage of free importations
was only .11.42. The placing of sugar upon
the free list lias saved lo Uie consumer in
duties in lifteeu months, alter paying the
bounties provided for. ss7,0ii.0 l().' This re
lict has been substantially fed ill every
household, upon every Saturday's purchase
of the vvorkingnian.
line of the favorite argument against
a protective tariff is that it shuts us out
from a position in what is called with
swelling emphasis "Ihe markets of the
world." If tins view is not a false one,
how does it happen that our commercial
competitors are not able to bear Willi
more serenity our suppased surrender to
them ot the "markets of the world'"
and how docs it happen Ihat Ihe partial
loss of our market closes foreign tin plate
mills and plush faelories that still hay- ail
oilier inarnets. Our natural ailvatita-es
our proteclive tat ill and the reciprocity
IKilicv. mai-e it iiossibic for us to have a
tariff participation in t ic market ot the
world" without opening our own to a com
pel moil thai would destroy (lie comfort
and independence of our people.
The resolution of the convention in favor
of bimetallism de-dares. 1 think, the true
and necessary conditions of a movement
Ihat has, upon these lin-s, my cordial ad
herence and support. 1 am thoroughly
confident that the free coinage or silver at
such a ratio lo gold as will maintain the
equality In their commercial uses of the
two coined dollars, would conduce to the
prosperity ol all the great producing ami
commercial nalionnof the world. The one
essential condition is that those dollars
shall nave and retain an equal acceptability
and value is all commercial transaction-:
They are not only medium of cxchau"e
but a measure of values; and. when un
equal measures are called in law by the
same nume. commerce is unsettled and
contused ami tho unwary and ignorant are
cheated. Dollars ot unequal commercial
vaiuu win not circulate together. The
better dollar is withdrawn and becomes
merchandise. The true interest of all our
people, and especially of the farmers and
working people, who cannot closely ob-
.u Mi'm-jr niniKct, in mat every uoi
that drove the American beginners out of the governmcntil ai i a )Z" and
the business; and when this was nceoin- its uses lie the exact ,.,, 7 ?.
trTXZnr,,Au ' L" Purchasing, ;;'o,
v. i.l oriran of the Welsh l Vdnfo .' ' H,P. 'Iire Hat If we
puhlUfied at Swansea. In thiTisVue'of Ju m entry' "of SnTl , Z'Z , dgrcaHv
lOL 1892, advised a new trial ot ih. nmmmm .. .' . 11,1 r' -y
nietnoas. lie says: "Do n
The victory of the Republic
..J."-,."." a0t V- P,romo, -heir Interests and in lure our own
- . ton .1... i. two v . ira unite I flil ni, ..
means me retention or mi a icu ..i.. i.,n ..u z,.:. . . '"i -nin
f ItenmMii pf.JMW and means the rapidly accruini .i A V .:.?n,,'P5"t vor
from our own peopto. , , - - ' mo. the spread of the Un nlii. RTJM "?n""'V h
was much
wnich the
low, ior iBrrjuu oi me un diui tnim-i.. inun,.. "iiuii
w.ii nnrrm aw PWUtUetWII. i tun in thai United sutm. .. " "l.:. 1!." Boverninent for an Inter.
Ts-i.tJ- rftk adntteni m tevor Ku nnld and ta Mi p "."7" Z'S"'S& this snbiect wss
I '.VCI'Il
sav tlie were
ru e l t
board-: and v. lica
the courts bv iiiaunamus alt uipi-' i f
right tins wrong, an a;-.cil that could n :
be heard uulii aller lb- eleclioii tiiade tie'
writs ineffectual. ballot l-ovc vntc
thrown out tor allege I .rn-.-ai niu- -r
oesl roved, and it is a-- rie i on 1- li.ili ot
one nail, at least, el tne wlub- voietiof
Alabama, that the o ! .- . lo w bom c.-i u
licates have been given were not iioiies.iv
cieeled. There is no sceiirit v for personal
or oliti--al rights. In- power oi ihe
slates over the cpie-ii -n ol Hie quali!, ca
tion Ot electors is ai.lj.le to plolee, Ill- ill
against the danger ot an ignorant . r de
praved suffrage, and I in- demand that cv. ry
man found lo b- qiiablicd under the law
shall be made secure in thi' rigid to c isl a
tree ballot ami to have Ihat I. allot lioio-sll;
counted cannot I abated. nr old lo
publican ba'tle cry. "a tree ballot and a
fair count." mines ba-k Pius, not only
Ironi Alabama but troiu oiher .st-it sanu
lien who differ with us widely in opinion
Have come to sec I hit parlies and poiili";
debate arc but a m-ekeri, it .vlc n the d
bat" is "tide), judgment ol honest i:::iori
tcs is ti be reversed by ballot bov frauds
and tally sheet manipulation-! in the .lller-e-l
ot the party or parly fa-tioti in iiower.
These new p'llilli-al lnoveinenls in the
state-, and the action of some ot the state
court- against unfair apportionment laws
encourage the hope that Ibe arbitrary and
parlisau election laws and practices which
have prevail-d may lie corrected by the
states, the law made equal and iion-parii-s.i-i
and til- elections Irce and boinst
The l.'cpe.lilican party would at
such a solution, asa luallliy and patriotic
Im al seniimciit is the best assuraie e ot
tree and h uicst clcctauis. I shall again
urge upon congress Ihat provision be made
for the appoiiitni' nl oi a lion partisan com
mission to consider the subject of apwir
tioinneiits and elections in their relation
to the eh-iice ol a fcdei al officer.
The civil service svslem has been ex
tended and the law enforced with vigor
and impartiality. Tin-re has been no
partisan juggling W ith tin la A in any of
lilt- departments or bureaus a.s had betore
haoii. ncil. but ai iMiiutinenls lo the classi
fied service have been made iuniarliallv
Ironi the eligible lists. The si st.-m now in
force in all the departments hai lor the lirst
tune iiaced (iroiiiolions strictly upon the
oasis oi merit as ascertained by a daily
record and the efficiency of t tjt- force is
thereby greatly increased.
tiik i-tni.n si iiooi.s.
Approv al was !i-artiy given bv the run
vcniiou In all vvbiec agencies winch con
tribute to the ediicalioii ol the children of
Ihe land, and 1 is my hcirty approval,
as docs also the declaration' a.s lu the
lili-riy of Ui in 'nl and conscience and
separator! ol clmr di an I state. Tin- salety
oi 1 ic r. J.iili.i.- p. in iniclligenteiii.f(iship.
aim the ui.-re.iscd ml res! maniiesied in
tin slates in education, -jh- ch-erlulness
Willi vv hieii (he ne-essa- y (acs are paid
by all classes and the ien-wed interest
ti.auif-sted by the ciii, r---i in me national
...... .o. " -."-ui iicaiious niai inn co.-
mg general inn will dire;-t imblie aifurs
wiin iii-'reaseii prudence and patriotism.
nur mt. :-st in tree pul-l c schools oen to
.in i i,i,iii:-;i oi suiiaiiic age is siiiremc and
oui eaie ior iiieui win ne. jealous and con
slant The public scho il svslem. however.
"-is not inieiuie-i to iesliaiu the natural
right of the pan-nt. after contributing n
liie plIOIIC SCilOOl llltlll. to c llilisi- .!,,. r
bin: catiil to our roiiiuicr
' navv. 1 be project is not few.
I it nc-, but of in cessity. It ,
bit-, 1 believe. If the I IHl, ,
' nrt Ho riitcr', to -..-. i;r-.
conipb tioii of ihe canal
the ireasiiry lor any oire. ( ,.h
' inl at Ii'-; same l ine ., '
t mteil Mates i:ia-. Jiii.ucf,,.,. ln ,.
luel.t v. bit h is i in I Ci a:i e.
l oti lo ri.j .,
Il has l il the idiriHiM- --'e.
t iraiiun r mate hj ;.-r i:
' laatier ot ."ilian i i . . .
! ism kiM iiali'-dai honor
:rea! i aninu'io-i in b ;. ti e I icllrn-ratie I.
i nl lee of loreigri A -is
; ii-, ie American spir.t. I n,
I toeO.'IMlIt fre-IV With the;;
j i",ii -l--nt lal ai d . !. :.,.
luiiklv confess ley oidi -;
' ( i ipeiatloii. 'l i.ey did
j pati-nt but nrin I. if 'si;
! rigln and upon iiiiiini:;!; ,
j in urv f.-r our i;.::- n , : a
' c n iM.rta as a po ir , ,,
1 , ,. l..r - 'I I,,.,- ... I ....
olli. r.s sectll t fi.'lle.e. It:i p)'
t i.i! i -ie ton t take the o.r .'
I 1 : 1 1 ruational quest;. ,n. if a"J.Jj
a-iniiiiisiraliiiii Is cond-n img t'.J
! I -i not b ..Ve (ii at a-,3
I mission to insult aini oiitr.ig,. i,j18
: I HI .ii to' ii ou.s ji iiny o. I
to: iii ine oasis oi ii lasting trem
ii- ess.u v clement oi lauiidi
' M.l 'I . II,..,.. "'
.... v .00,01 .n-WH1.
so lian-i'y an. i nonoiau.t au:n..(
I no !C'i iioii-o. io,i: e ui);- j-, la.
! that brave pe-d'te upon a um.
I oasis i-iaii .ei oeior . j aj.
' I ear- ID til- agreelilenl .-me,. ,',
vir. l.g:iu tor tne sett -'li.- nt ny j
-I--I1 I" HO' IVIli; 1111 -; , J. ,
;h-- two t'lvcrni- c; t
' .'.-.ill has Iiccii hl-'hi
! I mt.'d Mates. I !;,'
j reused i.i vviihdr.r,.
i a'oilida.ill) iiistilied.
Hi our relations t tie gr-M! E-V
-i"'"'- ..,w, - I ll,ei
of our --itieiis have ii - n m.a
with l ruricss. 'i h- Hieiig.h ot
avl not Die Mrengi.i , oi.i a-lttrsd
t .venioiie io our ciiries..,iMi
. ine-..o ...'.sii.oi ii;,. i,-!,f;7
i,.iesii-.n. whl-ii came over ir..a; -jj
e i-i-ig a-i lit i ii 1st ra i io i, li.n e l.,.n
1 s-iiicit ami me otiu r M,bii,il'i'it b
i .on upon a lair na-.i ;. Ncmi
i .; ik. in ii in.c pcrio-i, .w t.
l-i.tanl treaiies and eouini.'ii' x
, i..-iits l.c-ri coii 'lud' d. and m-
ii: sun; have lie- nonor uiiil i
.,--.-:al and of ii-
M,,ies l.erll held in lugii.-r est;
li .lli hemispheres.
vt.Titnws or thi; w.u
'1 lie I'liiou soldiers and sailor
veterans or time a.s v.. 1 as of
1 1'-
adv 4h!.i;-ij4
iiini- n-c iJ
I' 'ill lUIfl lu
- ii
educational agencies for his children.
I tilth At VII) TO rlCIIOOt.s.
i lamr inn ny u:e general government
puoii scnoois. with a special view
ucccssili.-s ot S'iiii of (In- .southern
um it is giailiynig lo notice that
stales are. with commend.
to 111
many ol these
aou- ll'H iaill), developing their seho ,1
systems ami increasing their school
rVV,'! J" " Kreal advantage ol the
children of both races.
I he considerate attention of n. r,.r
of tin- whole country is invited lo the work
done throug i the Male and Agricultural
departments in the Interest ot agriculture.
..o mi pnmuci.s nan ior ten years been
nearly excluded by the great continental
nations of l-.urope. All efforts to s-cur,.
the removal of those restrictions had fau,.a legislation of the r'Hty-lirst
congress, providing for the lnsieeliou and
official ccrtihca'ion of our meals and giy.
big lo the president power to forbi-i Hie
iiilroduction into litis country of s.-ii-ctcd
priKlucts of such countries as should eon
tin lie to refuse our ius.ct'd meats en
abled us toopeu all the markets of Kiiioim
to our products. The result lias b,cn not
only to sustain prices by providing n-vv
V" " ''" "ur 1'irpimt, hut ui add 50
. I 1 . . """" IKiunus to Ihe market
talus oiiue inspected meats. I'ndcr the
rwiproclty agreements, spei-ml favors have
. parallels oi age nave appro icn-i'l
i tie c tadels of lile an.- tha critj.'i
oi a niave and iionoi.iianic Mrn:d
' rein-it--, lncrcasiii'; i.'ii.ruiy ai.ili"l
the minor I'lin-s of .sa-nn-ss nnd m
I tu- mighty appeal u, .crvi--c an
I lie car that does im: ii.-ieii with m
'. and the heart thai uw-s no; rcsn
( generosity, arc the ear mid it-art
i alien, ami not an Aiii-T.cau. o
I again I he surv ; . um v eieraiis arc lo
i ii.. on Hie great av- uu-ol Hi- indium,
tal ami every tribute of lu-ii-ir ltd
should attend th- iiiar.-ti. A com.
Hie column of th--victors' parade ml
I am not less a comrade mm.
Miiis Miorr.u hi: st I'l'iiF.'siU
1 have used every snita'ii---utaif
urge upon the people of all scdi-d
consideration thai no g n 1 an
jiioinoted Upon Ihe lines ol lavvsl
Mobs lo not iliscriiiiiiialc. and hV
1...1.......1 .... .1...... I. .... n,.r.wl
t I leiits ill lieveu in lie 111 ..'" .-".-i
or a ii. trv muiicin e. .-n m-
I thev Kegel ri-vepg- and i-Tii-'tiuti
His csiicciallv i ne only o: Hit
and influential to see that Hies
ignorant, when accused of crime
li.,.,l li.'lore lawrill iri iuiuls. 14
sentiment of the country nlmuld
and brought to lor tin- aiir
ihesi) offenses against the la at
order. I
( Allf. 1 AtlMITTlSfi IVIVIKiBil
The bccesjiity for a careful m
lion among ihe emigrants ruia
shores b dues every buy inert w
Wcd'i not want and Mioiuii nj
tliost-wiio bv reason ol oad A'Jt
habit are not wanted ai home i
I nous an I wit resieeting, tne
law ami liberty oa-mid i- JsC
trom the paupitr, Hie ermnti;!
anarchist, who come only w-'
uisluroour comui unii i- s. I-ur! 1
Ih-i-ii made to enlorce the la"'1'
convictions have been M-rund M
contract labor law,
lMlOsPLUITV Of Tlti ' -"':a
The general comiiton f om
fin., of ..r,i) ,.r, I TllC 0
..... , !..'. ',..s. i i ... -- .
(.oil has reeled no..:, our lici'bM
our iieoiile. The vaiiu-'l
el"ll eoitiiiier.'ii 1,'iu I 'i.TCilM-U
liter It v..r...... III." I'e-t-W
veurs ami uiornliian -lo.ibbi'1'
the last year linatl'-cle-i bj '
Our e 'torts in IHH2 cvci-etl-'-l I.W
lie I....I-.. 1 1... ttl7; no i II .a anil 'l
Jivel.-l-fi. for t..n .en-j liv "gtl.') ll 1
eyoons of breadf.luffs iim-p
,,r IK-.. i ,....r ..... wii! ii i it Q
sions over Ki.omj.lWO : and tit M1
over ;h.(Xii,oU). The iter- li's"
of irade m our favor in lis'-"1
L No other nation can n.
un rcial progress which thw
lose. Our cotnnassioii ill a
those whose party nuccssita'J
I II,,.,.. 1
exiKirts oi such producU have
of a further and raiiid increase.
. ..K,'." "" rca-icd withasuro oroioet t
department has main
lurincr ami rai
I'he Airricultiiriil
t-illieu ill r.llrfirifi nri n,,nnt l.... ...i
i . , . , ' ' " ',M HIIIAD BllVIJIIil
uiit it is to introduce various preparations
of corn as an article of food, and tils work
.in. iiw-n very successful The d.-part-went
hss also sent skilled vet-rliiarian lo
i Ii . " "amine in coune-tiou with
the l.ntijti veterinarian, the live came
J a .L -" umc landed atthat port
ann ine result, in connection with the sin!
h . m flopu'd st home, has been
tnst we hear no more about our cattle he
being interim with .,.... -
; . " i...,.i oil fi iiiiitiiiiu.
I he judicious system of quarantine lines
has i prevented the Infection of Nortbem
i. . ""T? I!ette l-foleetfcm to farm pro
duct, subject w foreiv competition than
thev ever had iiefom ..j .i.r L " if
kets i for men products have been anluved
hytheestablishtnentof new inansMMtM
i i 1 1 com Di'l 1 belli to uc
iconic are (tpiiresscd ami '
tricted by n protective tanll.
l- KI-IK-T Uf A ( HAX'iK or
It Is not possible for me lo n-
the briefest way, lo many ?
prcsenuMi in too """;, ;j,it
II. 1 o.ll si
-uc i .iioriiii.'ii. t-!" i.,,r,'
,l.....,...u...l I llMV.
in-.:n iiiiH usnt-u i.
........... .M . i,.U.. A 1 uel
1 m ". . I odium
luirni.niiol r n'lTlllll.Ll
i " iwiiiii i ui as in-'
ol compariiuvely livue,
exercising public inn" " '"
"su uiiigeni aon um-' . m
all these iiualitiwi may H - !-ti
their places. Hut Chan!-' u ViJ
in administrative poii'f.'.Ji
moment. When puoii 0;,,'a
Blveti a direction and '
7-t I uie 1 1 iu iiiifv.: iii. i v
Involves a stoppage VlnHU
I ne B-f.M o
ed itself lo Ihose lines, aril .
in,.i.. - 1,0 auo :.i
adluxtmenU. it lh- cU ,i
Is so radical as to hrni-t
Hint laoie into uj - ,eu A
involved are not rea Jj'"' pr I'-' l
.lr....ll,.... Tk. Ill-lllOf'' Vlll'l
D I, .'..,., C IIV "
tiriMrainm nff ftl.inolltr-.ncit. r-
IMlwjjr-tn which sll usi'd j
the importer, is now ,rfliJ
rm-itw itfthAw thM nc" ,it t
are all lo he demoll". f
mil I a ken down but U
nroirainni of (Ii'''" ' . the VA
of the Republican v--
hand. dUnliyi-...
I'i-ikibiiiuio ui "',rt, ls n
one coiistruc,Me feat , c. 'j
iui-iiI nf niu hank'0' ,., u.
gresstm and oe e - i
sublost kmsUMSS V ' "nni)f11
but otew aUraT.T, 'n
'i 'it , i i w