The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 13, 1892, Image 4
t UNDUE MODESTY. A. mm mAmi asaav in tout swift ww ImI nll.- tk riot at the frosty ue mil i T I i mh i i h&t t dawa of da' I I ataeaal ataa!? aekaowleJ.-8 uiy oeart's gaaall assa fi i to glamour of one brief boar, Ibtrv tfals la tost blest contentment ; iff -iht ntr Mather than wealth or puaer, I poeeeesion yuui swww ...... A mug, a plate, Vatfe, a fork, 4l crashed or clanged ou the ground. tti n nf hp.srwtre,x-iitiOUrd. Th-lmwl nf licef-tea followed. As it town struck the ground the phantom The men in the chamber sankjingerbn-au. Yea, I UtUe thought ia that hurried ride, I gre the dying itniix of "The Beggar Stu- Wan aoet in th whir of the wbeela outside. That I for an inetaiit could be ao imprudent, flo mah and ao foolisii " " to forjje Tfee barriers that acill froiu yoa divide me; Taal fortune and rank are all voura, acd vat Wail, I loet myselt nndiug you beside me. Ant I muat confess that I don't quite kuow Bow It waa, but I found uiy aruiK aliout you. a a darUni, I found that I loved you so That I fait I never could live without you. aTaar Upa ware ao temptingly near hit own, frmA your eve met mine wilb a trusting stray WalVa tls sweetest kiss I bad ever kuowu Waa that, ia ita aloriouVaulale fragrance. Ho, old pudgkiu:" replied the lit tle man. His back curved with passion. A tempest of wrath was in ' the pudgy mau's eye The final epi thet used by the little man was a ! carefully studied insult, always I v..tK -.K nt o oriole lhlr filiar- : reled. I limply against the walls, with tnc "Allrurht nniiotin hrinif on vour ; unearthly wail still ringing in their i)hauU)m.-' cried the little man in i ears and the fear uufaded from con-lu-ion. j eyes. They waited again, i u,c r ....r.., i.. a, ruth WA The lit tie uiau felt his nerves I . i rph ii,tia man hntA I ht met iou was better man I smiled triuiuohantlv. He had staked another wait. He grasped : his opponent's reputation. j and going to a window, ! The visitor sat silent. The slate-1 hi colored man moved about in a small j j iersonal atmosphere of gloom. Suddenly a strange cry came w their cars troiu somewhere. It was i a low, trembling call, which made the To-riaV fine. Moaiaid. .lmfcrbrc I m.. ...,.h..r nf "France of i rie ... .....,11in!' few pages iuhk Dijon, celci.raUM. " - I ,.r.,.t.l mill H'U- av-L f'-r some ni"1,ni - " . industries-Diils. mas-.rd. a..J Ihrough- Jevot'-s h i theit vi V mmtA hl f bA W) riflht tO BaV. fVi anawer you gave made nta audacious ; Mat nulae the oouraca to aua or away Bad ywu been laaa kind, bad you been leu Ki a eioua. It waa wrong, my love. I d ao rinht to let at aaerwt eacape, or to say I love you. 'Ami von re free a vou were before we met. Or the birds that circle the air above you. lt you've any doubt of your Yea last night. I know bow unwortby 1 am, and t herefore 0ball not be surprised if the cold daylight Will snow you it is not oue you care for. . BKB aSbWKB. Xor note ia received, baa been duly read ; I'm eanry that conscience sliould thus allect TO"! , Xt Tom've any doubt of my meaning, t red, I'm at noma to-night, and may 1 eipect you ? THE BLACK DOti. There was a ceaseless rumble in the ftlr as the heavy rain-drop battered upon the laurel-thickets and the matted moss and haggaru rocks lie neatb. Four water-soaked men made their difficult way through the drenched forest. ; little man o,uake privately in his ! shoes. The slate-colored man bounded at the stairway and disapieared with ' a fia-.h of legs through a hole in the ceiling. The party below heard two . voices in conversation, one belonging I to the slate-colored man and the other in the quavering tones of age. 1)1 i rectly the slate-colored man reap- pea red. from above and said: "The P man is too bad foi'his supper." ! He hurriedly prepared a mixture ! with hot watr. salt and beef. Beef- ; lea it might be called. He disap ; ieared again. Once more the party lielow heard, vaguely, talking over j their heads. The voice of age arose to a shriek. y i "Open the window fool! 1X you think 1 can live in the smell of your soup?" Mutterings by the slate-colored man and the creaking of a window were heard. The slat-colored man stumbled The little man down the stairs anu saia wiin intense 'The black aorg n oe aiong a canaie held it over head and looked out. 'Ho!' he said. His companions crawled to the window and peered out with him. He's eaten' the beef-tea," said th slate-colored man, faintly. "The damn dog was hungry," sale the pudgy man. "There's your phantom." aid th little man to the pudgy man. On the ted the old man lay dead. Without, the spectre was wagging itf taiL N. Y. Tribune. He made a his descend- rhe hard- atonned and shook an angry nnger at . bkkiiu. where night was steallhiiv following j soon." thetn. "Cursed be fate and her chil-j The little man started, and the dran and her children's children: We pudgy man sneered at him. They a)re everlastingly lo f" he cried. The ate a supper and then sat waiting, pasting procession halted under some The pudgy man listened so palpably dripping, drooping hemlocks and j that the little man ' wished lo kill 'swore In wrathful astoiii liment. ; him. The wood tire became excited Ct will rain for forty days and j and sputtered frantically. Without forty nights." said the pudgy man. a thousand spirits of the wintis had moaningly. -and I feel like a wet j liecome entaneled in the pine branches loaf of bread now. We shall never ' and were lowly pleading lo be And our way out of this wilderness j loosened. The slate-colored man tii unttl I am made into a porridge." I toed across the room and lit a timid In desperation they started again candle. The men sat waiting. a rirao- their listless bodie through! The uhantom dog lay cuddled to a the waterv bushes After a time the round bundle, asleep down the road clouds withdrew from above them and great winds came from concealment and went sweeping ana swirling among the trees. Night also came Tery near and menaced the wanderers with darkness. Tno little man had determination in his legs. He scrambled . among the thickets and made desperate attempt to And a oath or road. As he climbed a hillock way against the windward side of an old shanty. The specter's master had moved to Pike County. But the dog lingered as a friend might linger at the tomb of a friend. His fur was like a suit of old clothes. His jowls hung and flopped, exposing his teeth. Yellow famine was in his eyes. The wind-rocked shanty groaned and mut tered, but the dog slept. Suddenly, he espied a small clearing upon which ; however, he got up and sham uiea to me sat desolation ana a venerable house, roadway. He cast, a long giauce irom Wept over by windwaved pines. his hungry, desparing eyes in the di- "Ho," he cr'.ed, - here's a house." , rection of the venerable house The His companions straggled painfully 1 breeze came full to his nostrils. He after him as he fought the thickets I threw back his head and gave a long, between him and the cabin. At their j low howl and started intently up the approach the wind lren.ledly opposed , road. Maybe he smelled a dead man. them and skirled madly in the trees, t The group around the Are in the The little man boldly confronted the ! venerable house were listening and weird glances from the crannies of , waiting. The atmosphere of the room the cabin and rapiied on the door. was tense. The slate-colored man's A score of timbers answered with I face was twitching and his drabbed .im 9nH wir.hin &nmet.hini fell to i hands were griuDcd together. The he floor with a clang. "Ho," said the little man. He stepped back a few paces. Somebody in a distant part started nd walked across the floor toward ifche door with an ominous step. A Slate-colored man appeared. He was dressed in a ragged shirt and trousers, jtae latter stuffed into his boots, 'large tears were falling from his eyes. ' '.'How-d'-do, my frieml?" said the little man, affably. "My oP uncle, Jim Crocker, he's trick ter death,'- replied the slate-col-jored person. j "Ho," said the little man. "Is that I little man was contiually looking be hind his chair. Upon the counte- I nance of the pudgy man appeared conceit for an approaching triumph j over the little man, mingled with ap I prehension for his own safety. Five pipes glowed as .rivals ol the timia candle. Profound silence drooped heavily over them. Finally the slate colored man spoke. 'My ol' uncle, Jim Crocker, he's tnF ta.jlh The four men started and then j continually shrank back in their chairs. Damn it!" replied the little man, vaguely. Aizain there was a long silence, The latter's clothing clung desper-' Suddenly it was broken by a wild cry ately to him and water sogged in his rroin the room above. Itwasashriek 'boots. He stood patiently on one j thai struck upon them with appalling ifoot for a time. I swiftness, like a flash of light ning. ! "Can you put us ui here until to- j The walls whirled and the floor morrow?" he asked, finally. j rumbled. It brought the men to- "Yes," said the slate-colored man. ! gether with a rush. They huddled The party passed into a little un- j in a heap and stared at the white waahed room, inhabited by a stove, a ; terror in each other's faces. The ttalrwav, a few precarious chairs and slate-colored man grasped a candle misshapen table. i and flared it above his head. "The '.'I fry yer some po'k and make yer black dorg," he howled, and plunged (Come coffee," said the slate-colored ; at the stairway. The maddened four man to his guests. men followed frantically, 'or it is "Go ahead, old boy," cried the lit- better to be in the presence of the tie man cheerfully from where he sat awful than only within hearing, on the table, smoking his pipe and! Their cars still quivering with the dangling his legs. j shriek, they Ixmnded through the "My ol' uncle, Jim Crocker, he's ' hole in the celling and into the sick sick ter death," said the slate-colored j room. man. - With quilt drawn closely to his Thiuk he'll die?" asked the pudgy , shrunken breast for a shield, his bony man, gently. hand gripping the cover, an old man "Ho!" lay, with glazing eyes fixed on the 'No?" 'open window. His throat gurgled "He won't die! He's an or man, but be won't die yit! The biack dorg hain't been around j it!" The black dog" said the little man, feebly. He struggled with him elf for a moment. dog?" he asked A Waidiinitton Bear-Hunt. Karlv oue morning in May a black boy. going to his work, was passing along the Pierce's Mill road, neat Washington. Paying little attention to what was liefore him, he suddenly found himself confronted by a large grizzly U-ar. The boy did what al most any one would have done undei the same circumstances; he turned and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Luckily, the bear did not fol low, and he reached a house and gave an alarm. The news soon spread that a grizzly bear had escaped from the Zoological (iarden. It would be hard to tell how the news got abroad, because every one was afraid to go out-of-doors. People barricaded their doors and windows, and kept their children in the house. The schools in the neighborhood were without pupils. The superintendent of the Zoolog ical (iarden heard, at any rate, that his lost bear had been seen on the Pierce's Mill road, and accompanied bv several well-armed volunteers, he started in pursuit of the animal. They came upon him not far from the place where the boy had seen him. The bear regarded his pur suers indifferently. The superin tendent was led to hope that he might be captured alive. "Let's surround him," said the chief of the hunters. They proceeded to form a ring about the grizzly. This proceeding infuriated him at once, and he made a ferocious attack uijoii one of the hunters. Put before he could reach the man, all the other hunters rushed bravely to the assistance of their threatened comrade; whereupon the grizzly, see ing himself outnumbered, turned tail with a growl, and ran to a tree near by. Once more the crowd Crept uon the lear, and then the animal rushed valiantly at them all. Thi"time several men tired at once, and thn young bear's brief period of liltertj was brought to an end. A fool Head, There is nothing that conduces to such a successful meeting of emergen cies better than a co.ii head, with a perfect confidence that everything is going to come out all right. Whether things are "coming out all right" or not, at least the, fueling of quiet self control makes oue better able to work toward the good result. To a mother this self-prssessiou is invaluable. In aIarge family small cventscalculaU'd to upset domest ic machinery are con stantly occurring. It seems to be a law of nature, tliat children should have hair-breadth es capes, and come within an inch of losing uieir lives, inn n is equally a law of nature that they should es- ape. And whenever the critical mo ment arrives in her own life or in 1 he . u ,.,iri,v,t inn of hills im lengih and breadth of Prance ".fn .iii-ii.aker of Dijon to have recourse to machinery han.wmie fortune, and nn Ipssiiroswrou-v nc-ss of the times has no effect upon the pill-making nidu-to. Folks will have their ,et luxury at .ny sacrifice, and whilst ready to n--irenchln dress, houeep.hj;, ami other mattersJliey never fr.-,'oth r pill Miss Awards has know 11 a u.i.1-Ke-classlady In delicate health to spend annually a thousand fran say $ '00 for this luxury. The process of making pilN ; -treinely rapid ami neat. Tar. c i or, . form castor-oil.aud oil of euca.ptu. .rtl. fuw.rite iimredlfliU urt; au""6 i Thin layers of a certain si.e, coin post ' ,r , snuar iiiid gelatine are spread mit the oil is then spread on t!i tier' layer just as we spread nastrv. a second is then put uVw.ii fidheriiiK aftr the covered tarts. The sandwich is placed U-tweeu (Two iron plates indented with tiny holes of the size of the pill, two turns are giw-n in a baking oven, and out come the pills, cadi separating iNeir from its envelop", smooth, compact, firm as shot. Hundreds ot thousands are manufactured daily. The celebrated Dijon mustard is even more worthy of note, with its peculiar piquancy not to be found in anv other, however excellent 'ihe seed i- always sown on cleared char coal 1h(1s in the neighboring forests, spares dillicult to Utilize b other means, as the young plant of pea-, beans, notatoes, and the like would be devoured by the rabbits and wild hr.!ir who will not touch the mustard leaf. The soil gives one flavor: another is otherwise accounted for. The mus tard when in powder is mixed with the juice of new wine, imparting a pleasant aciditv. The grape must be in precisely the right stage of unripe ness, or the exact degree of acidity will lie missed. The no less rauious Dijon ginger bread.or pain d'epice. is an invention of the Middle Ages. It is made of honey, rye-flour and spice, no treacle entering into its composition. Honey possesses a medicinal quality, which is supDosed to render the pain d'epice i rfr ' ILt ry t MiJdle rr A HIM n'1"" t- ihshon. wlh. many (,.,jy mar Hait i-ii-iiL'i'rs acr.i ' . . . , ... .1,. inn thai uie ....ih !...-.. . 1. 1, .'.' null. ii i" ' lie are Ureil ol i.i,.r and resorted ' . l At - . i . vide, lb" often u-oa. stlienveronly toi nn cv. or man n such to but sonie I,,, I chang iinnrolUal 1' .. . . . it i J i ' 1 .i t,. tll O::o day, as ire usru i... a ipntleman ac- telling the ferry whistling a lively a be i;ot nearer ne fioni li the story pro tune. mouth and put on a serious I wish I must ICE WATER AND A un- jam on i II. tin manner of 'saiJ ered hi and honest expression. -Mr. Ferryman," he said, ... the river, but realty tell you that 1 have no money to pay iij v Tire.' . 4 1 thought him honest, t)"t as It Is-mat he, like otlurs wished to save his twel - and a half cents, I asked, '-Can vou sing?" He replied, "1 can sing a little. 1 ,iid ' I am very fond of singing, and if j'ou will siii-all the way across the river. I ill lorry you over for nothing." "Agreed!" said he. He U'gan losing, I to shove otf and row leisurely. He got through the ilrst song, an I his voice ceased. The ears fell from ni nami. 1 iiist stop d lo get breath, he -I just sloped lo spit on my hands." said I. . He raised the tune again, 1 raised my oars. When the second song was done, mv labor with the oars ended. I could not work without music. He aw h'.w it was and began again, and sodid I. At the end of a third song he seemed re.iliV and stotilied. My r si ed. ' I'm tin d," said he. 'Then let's rest awhile," said I. The iKiiit was floating down the stream. He began the fourth lime to sing, and mv labor-at the oars were : renewed; ami so we " ." ! When he sang I pulled When his i music gave out, or grew faint, so did ! mv' energies. j He harH'd away uixm jigsand reils until the Ixiat toiiclied the shore, i Then he jumped to land, exclaiming: i "That ferriage cost me much ! breath!" ! -It was the longest voyage I ever I made a toss t he ( umlxTland," said 1. I -I'll bring the money with me next time," said he -Do," said I, "or a im-w set of 1 tunes." I And we parted in g'xwl humor. to "give out," aruis and oars useful as well family tables. as ornamental on I fill tliii i.lmst kill lllm? The most distinguished ghost of all atinears to be the black lady of the The seigneurs of liurgundy are said ! castle of Darmstadt. In deep mourn- to have invented it. Huge bakeries were set up in Dijon, and to this dav the trade in gingerbread is very flour ishing, seven large factories existing there. Youth's Companion. Jv: life of another, it is important for a woman to remember that the very worst thing she can do at that mo ment is to lose her head. To da that means to be helpless in stead of helpful, in le a drag instead of an assistance. In an emergency one should rather seem heartless than Inefflvient. There are always len people ready to cry or faint or shed tears over the sufferer where them is one who stands coolly by and sees the way to help him. Affection and sym pathy are often best proved by ignor ing them, particularly when the mo ment arrives that calls for action and not tears. Harper's ISazaar. "What's the black at last "He's a sperrlt," said the slate colored man in a voice of somber hue. 'Oh, he Is? Welly" 'He hants these parts, he does, an' when people aregoln' to die he comes and sets and howls," "Ho," Mid the little man. looked out of the window and kjbt making a million shadows. and a froth appeared at his mouth I From the outer darkness came a j strange, unnatural wall, burdened with weight of death and each note filled with foreboding. It was the 9UUH VI IrllV rawva "God!" screamed the little man. He ran to the open window. He could see nothing at first save the pine trees, engaged In a furious com bat, tossing back aod forth and strug gling. The moon was peeping cauti ously over the rims of some black ! clouds. But the chant of the phau- Ile torn guided the little man's eyes, and saw' he at length peroelTed lta shadowy 1 form on the ground under the wln- Tbo little nan moved his legs ner- dow. Tootiy. "Idoo't believe in these things," MM be, addressing the slate -colored aaaa, who was raffling with a aide of nck Wflt tMngif" came incoherently fMTt tiMCombaUat. ttajtr phantoms and ytzi wtat aot. All rot, I ay." . T. r feMMM fon hare merely a C M " granted the He fell away gaiplng at the sight. The pudgy man crouched in a corner, chattering insanely. The late-colored man, Id his fear, crooked his legs and looked like a hideous Chinese IdoL The man upon the bed was turned to stone, save the froth, which pulsated. In the final straggle terror will fight the Inevitable. The little man roared maniacal curses and rushing again . to the window began to throw j rations articles at Use sgtcttsv , Hjirkwarvl Kyf. An ingenious inventor has discov ered a means for providing "eyes in the back of the head." No longer will the schoollioy bo able to indulge in nis pranks wnen ine master has turned his head, for by means of thc-new In vention the master will lie able to ob serve what goes on behind his back and punisiimcnt sure and swift wil overtake the offender. This new on- tical Instrument, which performs this extraordinary feat, consists of a new kind of spectacles, on each blul glass of which a small round reflector or mirror Is fixed, winch enables the wearer to watch without turning round-r-thc features of those behinu Dim as plainly as though he had ; pair of eyes In the back of his head They do not impede forward vision norcantney bo distinguished from ordinary spectacles. An t'nkiiul Keply. Wife You may bless your stars for the way I mend and care for your clothing What in the world would you do without me? Husband If I didn't have to pay your millinery lulls I could spend that money on new clothes for myself, and then I wouldn't have to wear patched ciothes at alL Texas Slftlngs. A man can learn more In one day's trwubls than ba can in a rar of Joy. I.Hii;h I'liri-. ! Persons suffering from rheumatism ; are naturany anxious to i ry every j proposed re medy. John Haymoud had i tried, without relief, nearly every I alleged cure suggested by friends, j Then he read this in a medical Jour- j ual: "There is more benefit in a ! good laugh than in the hot water i remedies, the faith cures, the dec- j trie, and all other new treatments in i the world, and it costs nothing. If you know of nothing else to laugh at, I laugh at your neighiKir." ; This was a new idea to jxior .Mr. Kaymond. liul what should he i laugh at? In t lie house was nothing amusing. However, the medical journal said, "Laugh at your neigh bor." He went out on the front porch, and, sitting in a chair, watched the people on the streets, l or a time he saw nothing funny. Then a big Ger man walked by, muttering aloud to himself. "Ha, ha, ha!" went Mr. liavmond. The big (ierinan stopped and looked. "Vot's dot?" "Ha, ha, ha!" "Vot vor you haw, haw, haw, mil me?" "Ha, ha, ha!" Over the fence leaed the big Get- man, his fists uplifted. "Oh!" cried Raymond, "I- no harm. I was laughing health." "Und den you leetle sick laugh mit big Dutchmen! all right I Kit ish von goot me. ya, ya, ya!" But Mr. Raymond, who really had not meant to lie rude in the least, gave up the laugh cure, believing Miai me "siiokc" rather than on -1 meant for my ing she comes to announce ine tieain of some inemliers of the families of the Grand Dukes of Hesse or of the Bavarian royal families. The apparition of this lady has from time immemorial produced a sort of panic among the troops of the garrison. The lmldest sentinels are afraid of bet. One day a young ofll cor of the grenadiers solicited from the Grand Duke Louis L the favor of acting as sentinel at the door of the chapel through which the mysterious visitor was exacted to pass. "If It- is not a genuine ghost," he said, "I will cure the practical joker of his nonsense." It was agreed that the officer ' sliould order the phantom lo halt, I and, if it did not obey, fire ujm It , 1 he Grand Duke and a few courtiers i Kisted themselves in the vestry of ! the chaiel, from which they could i see t he path that, according to the ! legend, the black lady always fol ; lowed. As midnight approached the gayety , of the royal grouji decreased. The clock struck 12. liefore the sound of . the last stroke had died away they heard in the distance: "Halt! Who goes there?" Then there was a shot. The Grand Duke and the people of I his suite came out from their hiding i place and ran into the courtyard. I The brave young ofilcer was stretched i on the ground dead. Beside him lay 1 his gun, the barrel of which was torn from the stock and twisted like a . corkscrew. There was no wound of I any sort on the body. Shortly after- ; ward Louis l died suddenly in the tliical palace. Galiagnanl Messenger. f.o trrraaltlM erf Ctvlllaanaa Martlml a havaa Klaj. King M'Bora of ButarlUrL two hours at ine Olympic cluil was probably more amused awl prised man oy auythlng else J seen in San Francisco, says the 3 jele. Ilie members who wei cut practicing iu the gyinnasiuj an impromptu exhibition, wtnJ lerested his South Sea majnl much, and he gave evidence of 1 grunts and by gestures of surpnJ almost of tear at some of the fd the athletes. The tumbling J surprise to him, and he could 0J .1 ...,wl otViIIa lrrfim. , m I and Cbaplns were fencing, bo jj that they did not drop dead J truck by the foiL A burleoul ing contest, ending in a "well-fa knock-out, was arranged fortiel and his party. Professor Jj. an Court and Philip Boulo boxers, and they gave ao eiiikJ hich interested his island mJ more than me genuine flu-fat hc at ine i.uinoi uia uuu last redl!( Igbt. At tne end lioulo wu n ently knocked out,ana he wy out or trie room limp ana moti Of course he immediately n and as he appeared the kiu? sigh or reiiet to escape him marked, through the Interprets? he was glad the little fellow ta been killed, as he was so pluck Alter tne exnioiuon and his party were shown throi Olympic ciud iunaing. in u Hard-room he Jad his first 1th a piece of ice. His majesty was given a glass of i in response to a request for a li He saw the piece of ice floatlniat water, and could not understand a it was. He put his royal hand i the glass anu aeizeu me cube d but immediately drnpiwd it limped back severely frlghl After au explanation he picked in ice again and watched it olowly in his hand. Jle seemed to pat understand the philosophy of I thing, and gave an order for ul making machine, which he w to llutantarl with him to kkJI royal throat on hot summer dart the ladies parlor the gas chin was lighted by electricity and king immediately waoied to here the oil-tank was. He had experience with gas lx-fore. Tin iglit at his hotel, after havlni the gas turned on and lighW nearly terminated his royal playing the I armor Payback turned on the pas and lay down, ing for the gas to light Itself. Oue of the members of the club who wasgolng through tbi with the party, wanted the kut talk through the telephone majesty had alreadv had an ei once aua was so snocKeu tnai not care for another. It was at Heights on his s-It .Saturday. Lauterbaeh, who spent some U the Gilbert islands, went to lb Ides on the place while the kinfl in Mr. Sutro's house. Whentbes hone connection was made II M'Hora was asked to put thereest in his ear. As he uia soDtaM words in his native language, IMI ilrotiix'd the instrument as Hfl by lightning. A long expiai rould not satisfy his mn majesty. The king anu nis paw maiued at the rooms of the ciuu nearly midnight Yankees Dot ish shoke on Tim Trial ol an llnsreu. On one of the. fast days, In the years when the second empire was still in its hey-dav. Prince Jerome i dined at Ibe Tullcries. The Em i press, who was Just recovering from , a violent at tack of Illness, had been i ordered to eat the wine of a chicken ike" was on himself j The Prince observing this brancc of noon '"ormaii. the laws of tho church, the Empress explained, vwien you arc The Wire Age. The presnt may Tc aptly descried as the wire age. Sleeping we repose on wire mattresses: eating we see foods thathave passed through sieves, and which arc protected from n. .1 1 n. . .n nt I . , , , iiicbv mic wvers: traveling we are conteyed bycable, oreledric railways, hoisted by elevators hung on wires and hurried over wire bridges. We announce our coming by telegraph or cyuuuc wires, weuik by wires and we thread our way by night through street lighted by means of oleotric 1 wires. Our clocks arc set by wires, i our watches run by wires, our books are stltohed with wires, our pictures ' hung on wires, and aged by wire pullers. An Aniarlnr Inveattou. A well-known Santa nosauon here, you , are so wicked that it is quite suf ncient ix'tiiu-nce to bear with yoa i 1 rlnce Jerome thereupon refused to ' eat any meat, on the plea "that to day I am fasting for the Empress." Another time the Empress entered I a church late iu the afternoon to per- ; form her devotions. The beadle, not i recognizing her, told her It was time i to close. At that moment a priest i passed, and said, very politely, j "Madam, you can tin Ish your devo tions at home. I authorize you." "Impossible, Monsieur l'Abbe," re plied the Vim press; "1 have to receive the ambassadort when 1 get .row Don't tell anybody, but I am the Em press EugenIC" has a scheme for trotting horei promises to beat the "scoot" i.. ,,i..,.u -jj an imiiortant factdi aiding a horse to obtain, a fart w He Is planning a sulky tnaiii only run itself, but wm pij horne aiotiK a dii. iw- c,,n s. t... v.nflt in ha Tilnn of the tl It will have big coll springs w the wheels, and he contends will revolutionize trotting under the driver's seat tntw will be located,and it is hi b to have things so nicely adjusW when he wishes to go a 2.10 m he will have to do Is to set W 1ft Hifim nnrl it. will dO tD 1 When wound un the suixy i.iia ml.n anrl a hi . A feat ure of the sulky Is t he u; inu aniiaratus. Br simply w little snrlnif near his stlrrtt1 driver can make the wheels ij the spring, and, by a nauu w can throw them out of gear indicator tells him that tne i I.eeii wound un to the prcpe' Thus In scoring whatever poe o f a iA rrAlnAi. And It Is vu -'m , ,4 rarnred that the power can w l on at will by the driver. TM. man claims everything ror inj Hon. He says It will traiwiR slowest scrun Into a world-i "' . -Ml make a three-minute nonw a 2.081 recoru. xud :ft ently had nothing green. rtb wnen .uc va ano 01 , ...11... time u ucriui sumv, mu . . ments will toll wbette1 Like Uivoa l.lka. "It is not love (hat makes people, marry," remarked the cynic, "It's nawery, rank flattery. The Kicoanu uei-ause ine WOllllltl tOOK iancy to so Inferior a b dug as he knows himself to be, and the woman's vany Is tickled for a precisely similar, ream. In a word, each loves the other for showing-poor taste In choos ing a mate. " 4 This warmth and moisture of tbe soil are Increased ojLthe organic mat t r in It, and acids ronnsd by the nc cay of vegetable matter are all hu man Is I portaot In dlwwjlvlng the mineral ! .i,..Ki.ukf.nta iKa ri hU.i. iiiavvcr wiiii'ii iui in1 iiiv iuwui pmiiLs. It Is the key to the treasures of the mil, and If farm-yard manure or com posts or other substance rich in organic matter arc not put on the cultivated ' laud, or fed on It, the soil becomes unduly deprived. , ;J .' aha rUa Tava H", in. careful how you &4 eral loflUtlon" say the ".f ihi evnrlil '1-linp ia a tide Invitation aboatwblcB" would need no such waroivr n Miss Twilling,,' saw ' way, glancing down at D" JxU with a complacent ' you like to see a man loo11" liad stepped out of ferH flothcs nicely brushea, " about him Indicating reflOJ i -1 ttv3 lani, looa. "i iiao . ,.t rt as you haye descrlbsd year.1 about him indicating nr.. u- n1lAraf, wered Miss Twlllloa". w'1., lantlook. "1 ik. to see Arraaa '"ZTa heeo .1 g around 100- trirl. hagosaarouna- hoia tlal Ue tost us