The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 13, 1892, Image 3
v V1 - M -i IP,. ... rf t,8'', itbi,, n of c '"9 on f J t)or, nan of q Prt, saloon ke,.. c and a,. it. u Mi o toes. C to m ""Or a, f'e is w bet facj ""n tod me rnJ plain M of M lavn t 'i ' cornel lervi rly a jHlll! UlllLJ I. B. Cd is arm,! ies. 'M gm nedlW then cw dioV ouia 'or rt,'i re-a d,4 rit! CipJ J. I ictj '1 kadi J P 1 3 t 1 .. Soux County Journal. PIPER K THB uuuii. AS JATEB ' WJt'1 T- ' . .....iwt i-iftfi-LafloK OF ANY 1 , .ui-n IV MOTX COUNTY. i juhriptim Price, 2.00 l the Harrttou pout tmce ma sec ant trr. Thihsday. Ort 13, 1H2. llIISSlOEBS' BE(ORI. (OluVial.) lURKIhO.N, NltB., Oct. 4, )HS!!. Hi i of comity coiiiliu-tloinTPt moi in ir amnion. rtl-coiiuiil-oioiii-i" Y. W. Knott anil . f.ift and il-rk. t swofliM lnixtlnK rend hikI, on mo M,provcd. cntitU'l II. K. Hn-waUT vn. Mur- ttrlwrt, county tri-HHiircr ui moiii Ht, thereto tliioln-il, wmi lrcMiti Ui (Karl, n'l the umrtl di'slrliiK tlutt the i..t. !h.Ti i contaliicl bf a dtt'lNlon of aanolitairi' d in tlieuiaimrrof a friendly H rmprtfiilly n''U't tlnit tli county grrr valve tlic N-uiiiice and xprvlec of moo-i Hie uiHtti r, und fierinit It to lie niitcd to t!ie court on the Ktliulutioii .i-bMlto the x t it Ion , the txiurd nnilliiK die mttern coiilalmtl In mu ll ti)iiila Ut lip true. TUe Htiiinlutton t Haid lion liemif i(fneI liy II. K. llre t utiffanilK. W. Knott and M. J. w clur, nlv roiiiniiioiierH of Sioux county rk. ml rn'titlon of Jiilimin Meier and otln r'. Ukm up and, on liiotiun, laid over until l tiHTting. wd petition of Anton Itlieln mid otliern, )in for tiie c t.iMihfif nt if a publit I ijoiiiijieiii lui; at the northweHt corner is mid the northeast corner of See. K Irp. :vt, raiiKe i, theneo runniiiK south ctlou line between mh-IIoiih 2i and i t iiut atiul hii hhIh north of xcctiou corner ,cit ol a and Kuiitheaxt of Tv p. :n, If' m, thence riiniun,'! wi'-.i two riy'i'., iicp running aoutii HO rodi and there minritliiK, iw tuken up, and the .iwne ii(f vtuit if knou'ii aM H cottHcut rond, thi' " dene ri f hum and hereby 1m deeiureil ii ''lie rond. flliiiil Imtid of i.corKe AlliertMju a- ctiii hie for Miecp t reck precinct was pre tl nud npprove.1, lorto( A. soutlmorth, county humtIii I'lt-iit, presented aud approved nnd 'ri"! placed on file. iflMal lnid of II. II. Hill-tell, an roml over district No. Vi. mo. pre.tenti.'d and up vcd. iltldid Imnd of Jacob tinmpcrt, in Juiticc tiie ixncc for Sheep Cri:ek precinct, win- lented and iijiprovcd. fflclallwudot Valentino Thoinit, an road rm-crfor diitrlct So. )T, wiw iirewnted J B)ipruvcd. id in tlilon of H. K. Hrewster, praylnK Uie i'"tljll-liincnt of u public roml com Mini? nt mmtlioait corner wetlon l!,T nuige en and runniiiK thenec one mile nd termiuatliiK at hoiithcnt eorm Uoii JO at Junction with county road mbrr 5, was taken np and It bi liiK what "Juvw c initciit road, the line described " nnd lwrcby in declared a public road. fii motion the clerk bo. and lie hereby i-trurte to ndvertlHCfor the construction a hrf.lp- nrnm the last dry gulch on ' tlon line between kccHuuh five and elKht, 'P. 3i, rmiKe A3, in Cottonwood prccinc i'lp;tola-IM f,t high In center, IS U 'Ic and 1 feet loii, and upeclflcatloiiH to iiiriiliimi with bidu for either truss or e bridKc, the board to reserve right to ,-ct any and all bid. P'i motion board adjourned until o'clock, "October , 1HJ, IIAIIKISON, NEIL, Oct 5, 1H92. founlof county coiiiiiiUsioiicrs convened I'er adjonrniiient. 'resent ( oinmliisloiiers Knott and Weber clerk. inn Iks of last nice ting read and approved ie board proceeded to draw the follow list from, which to select a Jury for the ember, l(tt. term of the district court: Mrews ireeliiotf:iiur!c3 RushcII, J- " fiinson. litelolio lireelnetf:liarle Lccllllg, J. " Pdoii, niarc jireciiict J. B. Burke, J. -" Morris, S. Halt IV It I off..rtv. -won preoiiicWJ. II. Kartell, W. H. Davis, 11. Wright, Charles E. Verity, Henji ... ihnson, Fred Uetsclicn, Samuei i. ,-j . Rlimelr limner A. I'rlddy. lottonwood prcclnct-A. C. CuUors, George nclub .... I I . I 1 am l-- . I I well t. I I i "'"nor pj I tans. I I :U tr, ,... 1 1 lot 3 sw ove, ( harleU. Grove, u. i ' sw handler, James Evcruon, Win. Ired itim, .... 1-o.i.t, Preclnet-'Somnel Te-, kb Foter. KM KumiiK. t Creek precinct-J- ffeo, Jamct Wlw- shnnlcy. It proclnct-J. J-'A " nikp Jollll ntrodo prccinc " Herman Kon , C'Uarlc 9- " ' Jordan, MIlton Thayer. In Gayba"' 0fct-John F. Cook. Z. reclnct-Martin J. FriU. Pl,"w cinct-Charle S. Dlckin- . ' nrAeinct-NelM Anderson, John fjoim Eerniaii, Ueorgo W; Liavla, l-cwis .a. Bdbert Koel. er prcclnct-Davld S. Vox, Al Plppert, A. E. Gats; Tllmnaa Unvcn .J. W. Frv. D. W. llaiiiakcr. S following accounts against Sioux ity were audited and allowed and war ordered drawn On the general I nnd of for the same: fral f liiilnmmi. unlnrv nnd OOStnire tlOS VI . Keldv. giietlft'aaervlccH 31 00 rtiii J. Weber, aervlcea as Co. Coin 4Mloner . 8 .niit.hwnrfh. iwrvlMsi iim l'A. MllIMrlU- tident -- 10 jr. Knott, ierv. an Co. conimiastoiier 21 80 A 00 f. i wney, Naiary awcoi,ni.y kimiuh-t Tau i.iiiuenian, compiling ui uii fi- 52 L filnnHnni. nrlntlnlf mid nilllllHllllltf IV) 17 .lournal I 'mniinnv. hlnllks - 3 15 f Umch, Institute work ha lrlntlnf (IntmnV. liliinks i " (mill Itillllnek .lellVMrlllff IftmriH to oner . ...1.. 4 m Journal Uompanv.tnlM for tux list 2 2 fCillowUc kooounts wore mldlted and ntoordeMd drawn on the brldipi Tunil vnior tne sadif: tiiuthrie, iiimijorz.... : tn k IH-bHiio, tlmlierii for brldco 7 l iicnry, lor lauor on lirldni and : mliiig thnlier .....JZ. 78 e WIIkoii. for hauling plank and itrkon brklRo '. ...... 1 M L llolllnKHWorth, work on brldfa.... 41 M 'J.nynier, work on hrldfre ........... n f. Mohr, work on lirldire .... ....... t It f . .Woody, work on brldKO-. ...... - TAX LIST. i-t-S,and5 a d se ii vi' v. s li lie II hi- w VeticK.f ,,f !(., ruI1,r. ) itl ( ii,,, . i k. lor Tve fr lie n w tlfflieof ,c rretwuMTOl I moiij ( ounty, Ni lra-ka. i Hahhiwiv, i, i ) im Koti.-e is b. rel.v cheu that pursiiHot to the provi.ioim of Wlmii 4iK of the ( oi,, Idated statute,., t y (iayhart, 7 i.-,nrcr of iou "unity, NVbra.ka.on the lir-t Monday of Nov I r, . I ni Ck' ,1 II w , r1' lol-34 rlwl!l ' lie lie .ri 1 w ' 11 ' se n w 24 "W lie llij h, I"., lK'twe. n the hour, ot I .. iiiiieo'ejiM k. a. in., arj ,lri u. .,, .,,, Ml JMIOIIC ,1,1,' and dl,at iiiyoffl,-.' in the vil laifeof lliirrisou, r.mntv of Moll-C aud Mate of N. bra'ka, being the oftli c of tllel reas urer of wild ioin county, Ni hraska. all of the follow IngdeuerilxMi real e-,ta sit uated in the Hni,( countvof siour, for the mmniiil ,,f 'in. i II w - el., nw w 'i n w v'A lie w.V n y. ne H nw due tlicn-ou, as lu re Cottonwood hjri is, t hi, levusi lor .late, county, I HEW. uiaKe, fh'iio.,1 Ul.lrlct.orlor I "v llXs- I 32 M 17 1X1 any other purpose, for the 2 yearA.II. Is'.d, and to make e e :i & j,-, therefrom the amount ol I se 4 aid tux as stan d herein for 1 'K ne ncnwlo 32 :it 12 07 tiie year aloresalil. with sin li lot 4 expense for advertiniug, in lots I and 2 w iesianu n-e. B mav have m i rued at the time of pav Itiellt. I will ndioiirn naid lots5iJ senw lie nw- sale from day todav until all of the lands, lots and hloeks haw Ix en olten-.l. M. 1. VIIAIIT, Treurer ol sloux (ounty, 1 Nihriiska. ii SW 11 w se VILLAGE or IUIIK1SIIN. sw I.OTK. 10 II 12 1.1 1 ., 10 1:: I!) Ml 1 ) :i 14 '.'4 Ill.iK K. I A JIT. .i. . n.-; HV . nw t-a sw w; se PJ 73 sw sw 12 K4 1 ne 2 lis 1 n w nw 2 lui '.1 m; ii m '. m in 21 3 2S so sw nw nw sw se ne nose sw sw se sw s.V se 1 sw ne se nw 11 w se I lie sw 2 33 111- 3 IT 2 01 17 rll 2S 74 se se 1 SW SW !l in 12 I 2 .1 4 2S K7 III 01 eV. se nw nw a 07 ; nVt ne .1' liw 35 12 , 1 lie sw II (W , lots 2, 3 ami 4 SI' sw 41 511 ! ne 31 HI '.I 'ili 111 21 pi 00 shl nw nhl sw ehf sh ehl' nw hfse 3 2S ' se l 1:1 pi 20 4 as I nw 3 si, ! n hf ne sw ne P.i 21 se n w sw 4 MX a 07 TO 24 m v m II 47 111 21 31 74 10 02 1 40 22 IIH III 02 9 W, 4 KH 22 3U 22 311 VIVE POINTS' UESC. SEC. lot 4 sw nw lot I se ne lots 3, 45 se n w lot 7 lot I lot 2 nhf lie ue nw nw n w 3 4 S II 1 20 21 I 2 l," 7 H S 8 II 0 w hf Aw ii hi ne lots 3 and 4 s hi nw n w nw AMlKEWH PHECIM'T. SEC sw III ' ne 2 lie lots 34 e hi' sw sw se whf no ehf nw lie se !v nw lljs SW sw ne nw se 34 nw 12 li t, -.w 25 eX M' ANTELOPE P I) EMC. SEC. se lie ejtj SO 8 ehf sn ow ne se sw ihf sw se n hf ne ne ne shf no senw sw HAT CHEEK SW 11 w SW 9 IlESO. lie nw ehf sw e hf nw c hf sc ne sw X ne n4 80 se e hf ne ot 2 sw no lot 3 se nw Hi lot 1 se ne 24 hfuu- whfsc20 ne ' SW lots 12 slifne 4 SO y, ne n se 24 lots 12 Xnc'-'4 w hf sw 14 whfnw ! BODARC PRECINCT. DP.9C. SEC. T. U. .12 M ,'!2 55 32 55 32 .5.5 32 55 82 65 AMT. shfnw swnc ii w se hi 10 04 6 75 17 OH 17 liH 17 (IH 17 OH SO sw sji se i SW SW nw se s hf so .11 Iotal2 sk. ne 4 lots 12 flXne 5 25 nw no nw V se .hl. IH c hf ne I" sw nw ehf nw nwsw J no sw n!i so 32 So 17 IW sw so se so w sw nw nw SW sw whf sw II 13 cXsc whf nw ne ne : 55 17 CO ..lif sw whf sc 31 nw nw ne nw nX sw T. H. AMT. .'Id 51 7 HI 3d 51 fl 75 30 51 0 "li 31 54 20 IS 31 55 11 47 81 55 14 12 RECIN'CT. T. II. AMT. 31 Mi 6 G7 31 50 0 07 34 Mi 11 1W 34 m 6 7 34 .511 6 07 34 50 6 67 34 SB (i C7 34 51! 0 07 34 50 II !I9 34 50 I! 07 35 511 6 M 35 511 5 511 34 57 6 7 34 57 B 7 35 57 87 COOK I-nKCINCT. nt'. SEC. T. 1!. AMT, II 13 7 95 10 04 nw- se sw sw se sX ne s0 " sesw 1 lots .14 Shf SW 1 ne ne ex se no no 32 55 Jl 50 HA I l ue i nw 22 lots I 2 shf lie 3 s hf no lot 3 se nw 2 ellfsw whfsc2 HW 38 nw nw nX no sc lie 27 77 S 4 2 13 8 95 12 (Xi ID 31 0 7(1 5 72 2 96 9 70 and so loin 1 2 MONTROSE sw SW. ' vX nw noBW 111 .W Desc. Sec. T. SW 34 34 ehf ne nhf se I 34 sw 2 34 shf se nw se se sw 3 34 shfnw nllfsw 3 34 nw nw 3 no ne 4 34 8 hf se. S3 35 shf nw sw ne 4 34 SW 5 ! ne 34 ne, H 34 nXiie 11 'I2 sc n w e4 sw sw sc ; sw nw nwsw .4 32 s no nx se n m IIOWEN PKECINCT, nuso. Sec. T. R. AMT. 8 25 12 92 35 59 12 23 14 43 14 35 wX ne e)niw 13 i lotsl2cXswl8 30 lots 34 sXnw S 31 yi hw sX se 4 31 lots34 sXnw 5 31 lot 3 se nw TITANIA (Th Qu ol FsiflM ) ' FOR LADIES. STRICTLY HIGHEST GRADE DIAMOND FRAME; USrHI0N and PNIOMATIO Wamwty WITH tvEftv Wheel taTlS YOUR AODRUS FOB CTL00Ui: 5 fj'ijte r Ite MEN W'K.kJf 3 AND Trie cos 1 In ,v, lot 4 -w ow hf . lo' 12 shfiie ehf ne enf II XI ' S4- whine wlif: 17 K, W :i 10 v, Hi ST 10 a: 14 4.! II) ii Id -4 1(1 K4 it ho : IK 75 i S 29 J s- a : lie -n 11 w 28 nlif ne nhf iiw w ehf w wiif tte-u ne j-, lot 1 and 2 t hf 11 h 7 -e n 13 li IS 21 24 ."rl 31 u; :;l '.t, :il :t; Si Si :s V, 21 2:1 24 12 S!i j ill 112 ! 5 -fW ! Ill W7 j 14 43 in 7 1 14 4:1! 14 4.'! i - 21 J2 nt' nw 11 w M' 2-j 211 Sa '2H 2!l ' ehf nw :4 -id nw 35 17 32 IT -Jl 15 52 17 2i 17 55 17 ; 17 55 17 Hi 1IJ Hi II, 10 (1 OH 14 03 14 0.1 14 HI 14 03 15 17 15 17 15 IT 14 08 27 : ne 2M 2 21.! NW w hf 11c .slit ne ; "A H .'ill 14 4.1 14 4.1 s- Xi lots .'land 4 in s 22 sw 22 se 23 sw 23 se 24 sir. T. II. Amt sw ne 24 I se 11 72 13 112 -4 acre 111 nw corner ne sw lrt 34 55 2 i KI'SMXU WATER PHBCf.M T. 12 HI I I 15 70 12 2!l 14 III 12 W 12 Hi 12 '.4 I P. I, Its 4 , SEC. hinw 3 T. li. AT. 55 II K5 li K5 li S5 li S5 55 lot-14 2 slif ne lots.'lAI shi'nw hw m- s hi" sw sw sw s hf se lot 7 se sm ne nw lot 1 lie ne w lit ne sene shf ne shl 11 w sw sw nw 11 w s hf ne 11 hf se : 3 2 5.1 32 53 22 l III 33 ill 411 IH J4 23 24 14 14 15 14 15 15 II S5 13 411 12 m 13 12 12 3 17 114 4 113 12 lid 14 13 sw ne elil nw ltw st int 4 s hf iih lie sw lots I and 2 sw si; nw nw se sw w hf se se se 11 hi' ne se sw sw se 31 20 55 15 15 2 !M 55 Ili 31 22 24 Tf. 55 SNAKE CHEEK 1T1ECI.NCT. IlKSC. SEC. T. II. AMT. lie 22 27 53 PI 22 w 25 27 53 IT IK) se 25 2T .13 Hi 53 10 m 10 02 11 57 7 52 12 III 24 IS 12 77 li :w 17 SI 10 20 KIIIKI" I IIEEK I'HECINCT. I1ESC. SEC. T. 1!. AMT. 33 33 .'CI whf lie will se 24 20 8H li 15 21.! 32 34 WHITE 1IIVEH rilECINCT. ;i3 .'U 32 32 32 32 32 11ES( SEC. AMT. 2u 5( ; 23 (Hi 23 US 21 34 '.'2 iol3il sill nw lie s hf in 11 III r-C t ll I 4 lots 3 a s hf sw e hi' sw 13 07 j ill 31 53 IS UT nw PRECINCT. sw ne lots34 shl nw nw sw sw n w n hi se sw se nhf lie sw lie ellfsw will" so ehf nw ellfsw 12 411 15 20 II 00 10 SO 7 2d 15 65 IH 28 11 03 'I'. 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 5 32 0 32 5 as I! 20 03 3 35 3 HO 3 77 II !I4 9 !I4 II 07 8 S7 14 20 II HO 0 12 12 r se 12 15 sw lie 22 2 3 i hi' se .14 45 3 sw se n hi in lot 4 lot I n w se lots 2,; 17 is 5.1 C 74 12 35 14 40 let fi slll llW w hf sw 3 e hf nw 4 lot 4 sw nw 1 lots 1 and 2 5 se lie w hi nw 10 ehf nw whf nc'iii s hf no sc n w P.I 21 IT 10 20 II 54 2 II 53 15 07 53 53 211 05 13 2 7 74 11 74 13 5H 13 13 12 43 12 72 12 IW 13 31 12 50 II HH II 83 20 75 14 111 ne sw shf sw se sc n- sw 27 2H " 53 32 " 53 12 81 lie : " 53 nw : " M e ,14 " 51 11 w 34 " 'il ne nnd ehf sw 33 32 53 34 SI 34 83 I'RKCl 12 04 H 35 AMT. II 05 11 02 whfsw shfnw; " 53 Sec. T. II 33 II 33 14 23 22 33 27 33 23 33 WAItllONNET 1'KECISC'T, DESC. SEC. AMT. 8 75 14 00 10 52 13 10 se ne ne se 4 se 'i kits senw 18 00 11 27 hfiie. a 10 OH 12 (3 11 05 nw s 33 sw se t 33 33 33 w lit ne se ne 12 11 5T, 50 10 01 ne ne shl lie 7 50 8 78 11 70 n e se se s hf se n lif ne se n w n hf sw no se s hf sw se se 11 13 14 23 21 24 nw se 25 20 sw se 25 S3 13 9 47 7 HI 9 4.1 10 !W 9 47 II 05 (I 07 10 22 7 117 5 59 13 40 13 04 11 20 13 03 10 72 13 04 11 20 13 04 13 (II 11 20 11 41 7 10 10 Oil 10 00 10 00 8 42 11 63 10 03 10 00 10 03 10 (Hi 8 88 io on 10 Oil 6 67 20 33 ; 8 111 14 m 15 08 11 05 8 54 1.1 12 ne ne s lit ne n w se 27 e hf so 27 ne ne 34 nw nw 35 se sw n lif se sw se 2s sw se 29 nhf ne sw ne 32 lots I, 2, 34 31 nw 32 23 33 20 35 : 33 2H 53 211 53 S 48 411 sw 32 ne 33 se " nw IM lots 12 shf ne 1 lots 34 senw ne sw I shfnw nlifsw 1 se 2 nw 2 w hf sw 2 se ne ne se 3 s lif sw a M se- 3 nw sw 3 ne sw n hf se 4 ehf ne ehf se 9 6 70 .J no W -W l 53 27 54 2H 54 28 54 28 54 4 48 4 40 12 09 7 Bl H 07 7 Of. PRECINCt. K. AMT. 53 8 78 54 15 93 54 15 93 16 80 1(1 80 shf lie shfnw 10 sw shf sw n hf n w n hf ne n e n whf n w nw sw ne 13 24 se no 15 se n w ' 13 23 15 35 20 14 20 30 18 37 20 30 MARYLAND t-occss ol conlinfl cie in mu ,. n niifini rails-., in 071 , 1 ' u n V. , a f -or ' nutrlt m tMtlcn. i3iiuiujioi , W'iV r. fn HiVilOyH ST., BALTIMORE, Mi :n 5.", ne: ri UUUlf 34 So IT i mm, mm .f .5i''1'''' " - iT i ijnimmf-m-'fw ftsu, etc lhinmg caking mm, - -2 .l 1: ''---'-''- ' " --, rnrrf t- 1 23 .i :' 1 la 'M i 24 35 M ,01 . 1 2f :ij m 11. r. 1 V. .15 54 l ku ,' M jr I 34 M k 111 ' ""ta. :u .v-i s -w THE MOST PRACTICAL NOVELTY EVc'R i'-.VENTEO. PATENTED. Viliy tav-e your panU bags'.', i.t-n this treti-ncr will nialie them last t ii;a v. long and look like new? NICKEl PLATED! SCREWS I SIMPLE AND PERFECT. FOLDS UP. Every should send for cue, and always look well dressed. Sc-nl Si.00 j.-.r the perfect working Trouser Stretcher, which will lie sent to you prepaid. Auents can coin money. W rite lor llluitrated circular. The Trouser Stretcher Co,, DETROIT, MICH. HE MIrm-iI hi. Opportunity! DOX'T Niu Your. Header. Tiie maioritr neclct their op- portnnitieg, and from tlmt cans live in poverty and die io obscurityl Harrowing deipair il llio lot of many, oa tliej took hark on lost, forever lost, cmnortnni tv. 11 te la puij n ! itcarh out. Be up and doing. Iinproveyonr opportu nity, and secure prosperity, prominence, peace. Itwaeiaid ly a philoBoplier, that "the Goddess of For ton offers a tjoUltuopiiorlanity to each pei sort nt some period of life; embrace tlio chance, and die pours out her riches ; fail to do so and she departs, ntt rr to return." How shall yoo find the GOi.Drs opportunity?1 Investigate- every chance that appears worthy, and of fair promise; that is what all eac cesslul mon do. Here is an opportunity, such as ii not often within tlieroHch ot laljorinc people. Improved, It will give, at least, a grand start in life. The GOLDKtf opportunity for many is here. Money to be made rapidly and honorably byany industrious porson of either sex. All ages. Yoo can io tlia work and live at home, wherever you are. Even be pinners are easily earning from S3 to SIO per day. Yon can do as well if yon will work, not too hard, but Industri ously; aud you can increase your income as yeu goon. Yon can (five spare time only, or all your time to the work. Easy to leHrn. iUpuai not rouuireo. no start too. aiihcoib parauveiy now ana reany wonaenui. We instruct and show too how, free Failure unknown among our work ers. No room to explain here. Write) and learn all free. bv return mail, bowiso to delay. Auurass at once, ji. Uallctt d Co., Box 0HO Portlud,' Atalnc. BOSTON ChestWeicht FOR YOUR HOME. lend 8Ump for Illustrated Price List. The Schumacher Gymnasium Co III1!I III I lilll lll I I III I I I 111 I I 1 1 I I I I I I !' I ROYAL 1 SECflNG MACHINE I Simiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i'l""ll"lll","llie Bllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lll!M:l'l'M1!liltllWilllll'ltl'lillllg S nmal-Hrfre TIIrIi Ann. s Umaself sotthijr Ki edle. i Him a Helf-tln eiilini; Shnttlo. e Hm No Kami) In tonsil ucllnu. e HasaMeelimileiil Aniiearauce. s Han hii lOli'R nit t-i"lsli. 5 H I'ertecl Ad.jiislininit. - Unit I'osltlve 'I nhe-np. 1 Hat Stylish ! .irnllmc. Bail wore mmu bbwhik v,""" "" g don a'Rer llnnce of onral rk g S than any Mewing Jiatiiilnu iu tUo World. i Examine THE nuvflL tor points ni excellence, nnti yau will buy no ouier. I ROYALS. M.i;B,fOf(l.iII, i-T V m I 0 u 5 I ?IP I t tJ S g I A "5. - .as" t: I lllij I 1 ilHi N .2 f f s 8 1 r U"S m WARRANTED i.ur 5 YEARS j) g BUY THE HORSE'S h FRIEND 1 SOLD ON TRfAi f tit' L---- '"- - ':. 3? 'ZS cJv7'7-'- a:liet!aiidifar Yv.y bkycltfi wl.'.i a repulailoa Vj Se;:d for latest art cata!op.w. Agencies in all the principal cities clothe world, and in 400 American towns. 400 more agents wanted. Write for proposition. THE HUijIBER-ROVER CYCLE CO., 235 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. iUJ IIWGO'i rllGll UlllUnWV. W SEULciRi'CT WHERE THERE IS Talented In United States and Canada.) C. IV. BRISCO A: 1 26 DEARBORN r ARMERS YOU WANT I LOOK HERE THE BEST COSTS ONLY $28. LASTS FOR EVER. w 1 ju i i'af n 1 w m. w .. st nurc a... qhiI iUAcina thi is maphlna II Is the leader for 1 892. dCIIU ni Vl.Vk iui uhi iiiiiiuiai aiiif The Star Drill OLDEST AND LARGEST L3TA3LISHED 32 YEARS, IF YOU WBT EASE, COMli'OBT, RELIABILITY, SPEED, STYLE, QUALITY, AND THE BEST OF EVERYTHING, SEND TO US. i&SSm BICYCLES iWl COVENTRY MACHINISTS COMPANY, Ltd. CHICAGO, SAN FRANCISCO. lEND FOR OUR PROPOSITION IB THIS B1 Our Qent's Phaeton, 6-. D, M. Sechler &m$fi Co,, .Wloline, IH THE CHAMPION VAGOM Will snarantiec it to plcasie or no sale. No whipping: of tongue, and no side draft, no matter how ronrk the roads. Parts peculiar to the Champion warran ted for three years, Write at once for prices, terms ana agency to ... . JOLIET STROWBRIOGE C0 JOLIET, ILL. r-i .w BH HUKGEHS mU ROVERS .. ... taivn 41 Fisst Award'? at International Exhibits, ..a 'A ... 1- i-.,,:c i-vniKitinn. 2ivearsonthe lii 'largest cycle makers in tiie world. ig-aye.- r NO AGENT, FOR CASH OR ON TIME. I a Praollral iTlat-liltio, Apprecla tod by rradU ul iiiiH iifsw .flen. It is a handsomely fiinilslii'tl Cnmbinatlou Desk. Money Drawer and Cashier, with Com bination Lock and KegisU;riiiK AXtachment.- It records both oanh and credit sales. It records disbursements. It itemizes money paid iu on account. It enables you to truce transactions io dis pute. It will keen different lines of goods separate. It showK the transactions of each clerk, It makes a careless man careful. It keeps an honest man honest and a thief will not stay where it is. It will save iu convenience, time and money, enough to iay for itself many times over. Each machine boxed separately and war ranted for two years. For full particulars address CO., Western Maimtrei-N, ST., CHICAGO, ILL. A STAR F1YE H0B FERTILIZER DB1LL? POSITIVE FORCE FEED Actuated by Solid Gear Shaft. LIGHTEST DRAFT LOW HOPPER ANY DEPTH Adjustable Feed GUARANTEED To Excel All Others. I "v , Co., Rushville, Ind. MfiKERS IN THE WORLD. PRODUCT 108,000 BICYCLES WE GUARANTEE OUR MACHINES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS AND WARRANT EVERY ONE TO HE PERFECT. . BOSTON, CATALOGUE, On receipt of BO.BO, we will doliver st your B. B. Station,, freo, this Sowing Machine guarantee equal in every respect to the Domestic, New Home, TVJiite or any other, and One Year's subscription to the weekly DEMOCRAT, S. Louis, REPUBLIC, or any other Weekly of like value. This machine is thoroughly equipped, with the latest and best set of steel attachments, automatic bobbin-winder, self-setting needle, self-threading cylinder shuttlo. Beautifully ornamen ted, and has "bent wood-work ihe popular style, either Oak or Walnut. Upon arrival, if it is found deficient or misrepre Rented, it can be returned to nsC. O. D., for full amount' 'pnict We refer you to any bank in the U. S. as to our responsibility. TRUESDAjl MACHINE AND ARMS CO, Sold by Agent for S48. . I.OUIS, HO. WirSccdlek, Shuttles and Repairs for all klrni of Mi.Jiino. ROOMY. LIGHT, ELEGANT, ft" Bend for catalogue of our full line of two aaji four-whecIM work. If i motion board adjnrned without day. . COAUiI?DWIIf GiituytaiNrki l--llwiiii''M,'lji!!ji!!l,i'ft''!!'iit'.!iilWli':!1''1 ' lfi'3i 1 ' 1 . V ' j - .- ' , X N- - r! '. " 'f f ' - ,ii am 1 - 'i