The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 13, 1892, Image 2

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.J 3
l J. eiMaoss Tri..r.
Tke Lahor Outtuek Threats
London, Oct. 4 The labor outlook
la Jarge manufacturing and ship
building centers of Great Britaio
threatening. A crisis 13 probable in
the cottoa trade that romites more
widespread result than any previous
troubles between clusters and opera
tives. And in the ship building trade
at Clyde, only one-third of the births
are occupied and no new orders in
baud. Fifteen thousand hands who
were employed in various capacities
about the yards are idle and those Hill
at work are on short time. To make
matters worse, masters have decided to
make general reduction of wanes.
Clyde miners have also been notified
that wages will be reduced six pense
per day on au J uiur Ike 10th of the cur
rent month.
Rumors have circulated for several
dayB past that a la-ge drapery house in
the west end of London is hopelessly
Involved. Commenting upon the
rumors today, the St .James Gazette
says that several great drapery lirms
are tottering under the bevere general
depression which has effected all ranks
of society. This depression was badly
felt last Christmas time. The be.
trothal of Duke Clarence of Avondale
and Princess May created a great de
mand for new stile goods which were
no sooner product d than all demands
were thwarted by Hie dea1 h of the duke.
The Gaz tte conclude. by saying it is
hoped that royalty will .set tiiy ball of
property Tiie announcement
that the Duke of Yor.; is about to
marry will have a magic elTeeL
OppoKite (jrn t'4 Tomb.
New Yoiik, Oct. 1. The executive
coromiuee on the Jolumbus celebration
met it was decided thai the end of the
navel parade should be opposite Grant's
tomb About, 2Z0 sa a at the Wash
ington monument vih be reserved for
the Grand Army of tho i epublic
veterans who ciuiiot parade. A lelter
f:om the Spanish co::ii! snys the In.
f aula Isabel will represent Spain.
She will be assigned a plate in the
post of honor. Fifteen German
societies, numbering over COUO men,
will participate in the military parade.
Brigadier General Louis I'iizueraid
has assigned the R'.einU-rs ( the old
guard to act as the pinud of honor to
President Harrison, Governor Pattison
of Pennsylvania and his staff have
aciepted the coiumillco's inv.Utiuu to
Le preseut.
On h Pe. ce Footl p.
Bekltn, Oct. 5. The Natintni
Zeiiung states positively that the new
army bill v.i 1 add !)o,U0O men to iiic
I erman army on a peace looting. The
additional annual expenses necessi
tated by the provisions of the bills,
says tbe National, will be CO.OOO.UOO
marks, while 8J.0JO,C00 marks will Le
asked to meet sptcial expenditures for
army reforms in 18SI3-94. The strength
Jl the standing army will be increased
to about 580,1X10 men; the annual num
ber of recruits will be raised from, ap
proximately, 100,000 to about 2-10.0JO or
25 i,00D. should the bill become a law,
Germany would have in twvnty years
a i available force of more than 4,000,
0U0 trained soldiers, or abjUt tiie same
number that France has, all hough the
French army, on a war tooting, is soaie
350,000 men stronger than the Ge: m m
army. Military authorities in this city
believe that such au increase of the
army's numerical strength is a neces
sary consequence of the. present under
standing between Fiance and liussia.
IT'litse two countries co'ild put as
jmaLy solditrsi.i the field as can the
.three powers of the triple alliance and
the br.inl of their attack would un
doubtedly have to be borne by Ger
many. '
Tlio I'tes o;i tho W Fth.
Denvei:, Colo., Oct. 5. Governot
Xloutt has recived intelligence iroiu the
Yampah river county that the L'tes
had crossed tiie Colorado state line,
and wtre committing depredations.
The telegram wnich conveyed this in
telligence also stated that the settler!
had become impatient, and bloodshed
might be expected any time, inasmuch
as great damage was being done, aud
much game was being destroyed.
Governor Iloutt at once wired the
agency at Uintah, and alio the depart
ment at W ashington, tiiat unless the
Indians were relumed to their reserva.
tion he would not be responsible for
their safety. Tuese Indians iirefnra
the Uintah reservation in Utah, and
.they have Leeu on a marauding tour
,tbrough the northern portion of lloiut
county for several days. Fur the last
two years the stuck men in Koutt
county have been organized, iu an
tieipation of a raid, aud their ability
to cope Willi the renegades has just
been proven. No collision has yei oc
curred, but a battie is hourly expected
James Spnrg eon III.
London, Oct 5. James J-purgeon
brother of the late Charles Spurgeon
nd oae of the ureseut, aspirants to tin
Tabernacle pastorate, is seriously ill
An old soldier iaStiasburg, Va, who
i 'a bis eighty-third year, lately found
hie false teeth uncomfortable. Ioveeif.
tattoo nirjHlfdtle emasing fact that
three ne natural teeth are coming up,
is) hie lower jaw.
A Ferment of Excitement.
Westchester, Fa, Oct 8. The 2,
C03 colored people of this place are in a
ferment of excitmeut and fear over the
prophecies of ltev. Andrew Jones, a
negro preacher who has been exhorting
in the second Baptist church. Parson
I Jones claims to be a propter, and
among his prophecies he claims the
foretelling of th Johnstown flood and
the Charleston earthquake. He says
all the prophecies are put in his mouth
by the spirit" and the ignorant ne
groes think he is a second St. Paul.
Joues catue to Westchester a few days
ago aud visited Hev. Asbury Small
wood. There arestoies of his ruys
teriously curing headache and other
Slight ailments, while one young man
says he drove the scrofula from his
b.ood. ills actions aud mode of living
, were such as to impress the fervent
colored people. He would eat nothing
; w hile the sun shone and wrote long iu
to the night. On Sunday night he
! aroused from an apparently deep
reverie while in the home of Smallwood
aud announced that the "spirit" was
moving iu him. teveral persons were
in the room aud with eyes starting from
i their heads they heard him declare that
soon Westcbesther would be visited by
a terrible cyclone, which would bring
death and destruction to the wicked.
Since the negro meetings fcmallwood's
church has been crowded with frigh
tened and repentant sinners. They earn
estly believe that Jones' prophecy will
come true and are looking for the ap
proach of the devastating wind. Small
wood said that he believed, for he had
known Jones to prophesy occurrences
before and had never known hi in to faiL
Joues has left town, but the elfect of
his visit is very evident.
Attempt to bluer up a Bo rrtlng- Boa-o.
Pittsburg, Pa, Oct. 8. An
attempt to blow up the Mansion house
a non-union boarding house iu Home
s ead, with dynamite yesterday
morning. No one was hurt, but the
youse was badly damaged and the
occupants badly frightened. All of
the boarders, numbering thirty-fivj,
were non-union workers in the Home
stead mill. At 2 o'clock yesrday
morning a cartridge was thrown
through a window on the first floor
into the dining room. It struck tbe
iloor and a terrific explosion followed
All ihe windows were broken and a
large hole torn in the iloor through
which many things were hurled into
the cellar below. The beds on tin
second Iloor we e thrown six feet up
in the air, and the occupants tumbled
on the Iloor. None were hurt, but the
most intense excitement followed. Tho
house was soon surrounded by oflicers
aud the military' was called out. In
the excitement and darkness the per
petrator escaned. 'The strike .eaders
claim that the deed was per.ormed by
others than strikers. They say tiiat
it has been done with the purpose of
keeping the soldiers here, an d also to
agaiu change pulic opiuiou lavorablo
.o the Cauiegie hi m.
Released too Soon.
New York, Oct. 8. Complications
have arisen over the release of the
steamship Massilia of the Ha re line
from quarantine. This is the first
steamer released in disregard to the
proclamation of President Harrison on
September 1, by order of which all
steamers sailing after that date were
to be subject to a twenty day quaran
tine. The Massilia sailed from
Marseilles on September 8, arriving at
this port September ;,Q. After seven
days' quarantine, she was released yes
terday morning at 7 o'clock and pro
ceeded to her dock. Her passengers
will not be permitted to land until a
special permit is issued by Dr. Hend
ricks. The oflicers of the Havre line
are quite positive that this permit will
be issued without delay.
Brp iU e ept Secret.
AVashingtox, D. C, Oct. 8. A
jable dispatch from Admiral Walker,
containing information of the battle at
Macuto, Venezuela, between thu
government forces and the revolution,
isis was received at the navy depart
ment yesterday. The department
officers refused to make public its con
tents. One official whs had read the
message said in response to a question
concerning the report that Consul Ilan
nahad been flred upon by the guns of
a Venezuelan warship, that he believed
this information was not correct and
from this answer it is inferred that
Admiral Walker's dispatch mentioned
nothing of such an . occurauce. The
state department has also received
cable advices from La Guayra, but
these reports are likewise kept secret
A Body Found.
Brooklyn, N. Y, Oct 8 The
charred body of Leopold Ctautzer was
found in the ruins of the Mc .laure
homestead, which was burned at
Maplelou, New Utrecht, L. I. The
ruins are also supposed to contain the
body of a boy, who was known to
en er the house during the lire and has
not been seen since. In addition to
the two medical students, who were
severely burned, two other men were
also burued, one of whom may die.
W. C. T V. Convent on ( lot '.
Grand Island, Neb, Oct. 8. The
Nebraska Woman's Christian Temper
ance unions state convention closed
yes erday. The principal business was
the readinf of reports aud papers.
Delegates to the convention were driv
en about the city in carriages and tak
n to the Grand Island cohege, soldiers'
home, sugar factory and railroad shops.
A meeting was held at the shops for
the benefit of the workingmeii. Mine
Ida Clothier of Maiillou, Colo., ad
dressed the convention twuigbt.
Ateaaptee Rack Robbe y.
I Parsoxs, Kan , Oct 6. Yesterday
morning shor ty after the Pint Na
tional b.tnk of Coffey vllle, Kan., opened
its doors, five mounted men drew up
before the bank and three of th-m en
tered and with drawn revolvers ordered
the cashier to hand over the money in
the safe and vault. The cashier drew
a revolver and fired at the robbers. A
number of citizens were attracted by
the unusual sight of five mounted men
in front of the bank and when the
sound of revolver sho' s was heard, they
rushed into the bank and a genera
fusilade followed. The robbers re
treated from the bank and attempted
to gain their horses, at the same time
flreing their revolvers at the citizens,
who were attempting to kill or capture
them. In the fight six citizens are re
ported killed and four of the robbers
captured. Two of the latter are said
to be mortally wounded. They are
members of the famous Dalton gang.
Judge Greilmm't I'oltioa.
Sprinqfikld, 111., Oct. 6. Efforts
have been made in certain directions
to discredit the report sent out from
this city last week to the effect that
Judge Gresham had declared to Judge
Allen that it was his purpose to vote
for Grover Cleveland. In a reply to a
question bearing on it, Judge Allen
said in substance: "I do not want to
be interviewed on this question, but
Judge Gresham told me in my . own
bouse that be expected to vote for
Cleveland. There is no pique on the
part of Judge Gresham on account of
what the president recently said about
him. It is the altitude of the present
administration on the tariff question
that caused Judges Gresham to tako
this step. It is enough to say that the
state will go democratic this falL
"Will Judge Gresham vote the dem
ocratic ticket, or will he simply vote
aeainst Harrison?"
"Well said the judge, "I would not
liketosayas regards that AU I am
at liberty to speak of now is that
Harrison will not get his vote. Judge
Gresham remains a republican. 'Jhat
political principle he will not change
but this year he will not vote for the
head of the national republican ticket''
Episcopal Law Makers.
Baltimore, Md,, Oct. 6. The su
preme law-making body of the Protest
ant Fpiscopal church of the United
j States, the gene al convention of 18P2
! assembled at Fnimnnuel church at
i0:30 o'clock and began its three weeks'
session.- The scene at the church was
impressive, as the venerable bishops
clergymen and laymen marched up the
aisles to their respective seats. The
bishops, of whom there were eix y-three
preseut, occupied seats upon a platform
which had been constructed in front of
the altar. The delegates were sealed
j in the body of the church. They num
bered over 400. Admission to the
church for the celebration of holy com
munion, the only feature of ibis morn
ing's gathering, was by ticket Twelve
hundred were issued, and as many
more applications were necessarily re
fused. Tne services were conducted
by Bishop Williams of Connecticut,
assisted by Bishop Potter of New
York, Lilllejohn of Long Island and
others. The business session of the
convention began at 3:3J o'clucii
yesterday afternoon.
Florida Elecilont.
Jacksonville, Fla.Oct 6 George
W Wilson, chairman of the democratic
committee, reports that his advices
give Mitchell a majority of 2 J.'jOJ over
Barker, people's. In 1888 Fleming's
majority was 40,000 and iu 18SX) tin
democratic majority was 20,00.1. The
election will prove a great disappoint
ment to third party leaders in this
section, as they had anticipated a large
vote from republicans, white and
colored, in fact, Dennis Eagan, chair
man of the republican state executive
committee, issued a circular advising
all republicans to vote the third party
ticket But the leaders of the third
party, who were fiercely radical demo
crats in their day, proved disastrous to
the masses of the republicans in the
state; hence the vote did not materia
lize, and the peoples party judging
from bulletins now pouring in, will not
poll over 6,000 votes, a result that will
tend to extinguish the third party ideai
in this state.
The Election In Georgia.
Atlanta, Ga., ct. 6. The state
election was held yesterday. Jteturni
from seventy live counties out of a
total of 137 give the democratic ticket
a majority of over 30,000. There seems
little doubt but that the majority wil
reach 63.0J0 when the vote of ah the
counties is in. The third party will
probably carry six or eight counties
for the legislature and their strength
will be about twenty members ot the
house out of 175. Later reports indi
cate that the democratic majority wil
reach 60,000 at least.
Ills Sentence wee Cummoteit.
New Ori.eaks, La, Oct. 8.-Notwithstanding
tbe recent reports of the
execution of Urubacker, the South
Dakota sharpshooter, in Hondrtias
Information was received from the
steamer 8. Otterl, which arrived in
port Monday night, that Urubacker was
not killed, but was sentenced to three
years' imprisonment at Amspahv Al
Flrtt he was court-martialed and
wntenced to death, bat Influential
friends succeeded in having his sen
Itoet eommuud.
Lovdon, Oct 7.-Lord Tennyion
died at thrty five minutes past I
o'clock yest-rday morning. JM
passing away was elm and peaoe id
It Andrew Clark,, who attended Cue
vott in his last hours, said in an inter
r .. ,.tuiii- of the inter.
Tiew witn a repie...-
rational Telegraph company,
..r,r i-vin? the death chamber,
Lord Tennyson s end
i uil me ernerieilCe."
was beauiuui.
said the em-
iaeut pbysieias, "1 nevr w.tne.ed
v,riniis. There was
aiiyiinii? uiuio b-"
. ... ;.). in in rliumber.
nn artillfiai numo
j,.lu cTi-ent for the
wiie u t i i.t -- .
light of tbe full moun, which fe.l upon
the bed and pliyeJ acro-s the feature!
of Undying poet like the halo in one
of -Rembrandt's Pictures."
llaharn Tennyson the poet's son sid:
"The end brautilul, calm and pain
less He passed away as if in sleep.
The watches could hardly distinguish
the final moment Twice during the
night the dving man smiled upon
those around his Ledside, indicating
that he was conscious and recognized
ftsssuut he was too feeble to speak.
L!y Tlavnyson bears her affliction
ivita afiilr degree of fortitude, but is
nearly prostrated hy grief and fatigue
The last words spoken by i ord
Tennyson were a few affectionate
utterances, addressed to his wife, aaout
an hour before his death. About 10:30
in theeveiting thedying man swallowed
with apparent difficulty, some brandy
and milk, given to !nm by the physic
ians. I bis was the last nourishment
he was abie to rece ve Thereafter he
grew weaKtr uutil the heart ceased to
A fred Tennyson was born In 1S0S at
Somersby in Lincolnshire, I.ngland, of
which parish his father m rector. He
was the third of a hire family, several
otiier menibeis of which shared with
him in some measure the genius which
has won for him undisputed rank as
the first En.lish poet of his time.
In 1827, with his brother Charles, he
issued a email volume, entitled, "Poems
by two Brothers," of which almost
nothing has been preserved At Cam
bridge he gained the jhancelor's medal
hy a poem in blank verse, entitled,
'Tirauuctoo." His literary career may
properly be said to date from IHIM, in
which year a voltimi appeared of
'i oems Chielly Lyrical." From this
time the reputation of the writer slow ly
extended itself, and the publication in
1S12 of "Poems," by Alfred Tennyson,
iu two volumes, raided him to the posi
tion of absolute supremacy, which he
has since continued to occupy hy al
most universal conseut. in Ml ap
peared ''The Princess, a Medley," and
in 1850 the erie3 of elegie, entitled,
'In Memoriam.'' On the death of
Wordsworth in 1S00, Tennyson suc
ceeded him as poet latireaie, in which
capacity he issued, in Iw2, his "Ode on
the Death of the Luke of Wellington.''
In 1855 appeared ''Maud and Other.
Poems." "The Idylls ot the King" at
once look rank as one of the noblest
poems iu the language. It was followed
iu 18C4 by a volume containing, "Enoch
Arden," -Aylmers Field," "Tithonus"
and a few other poems. ''The Window
or Songs of the v reus," appeared In
i870. In 1875 he essayed in a new field
by publishing "(ueeu Mary," a drama,
which was followed by "Harold," also
a play, in 1876. Tennyson's biography
is given in the simple enumeration of
his works. He has lived a retired life.
In 1833 hd was made au hereditary
peer with the title of Baron Tennyson
Wooing by Force.
Cincinnati, U., Oct 7,-At Maxton,
in the northeastern part of Franklin
county, there occurred a desperate en
counter between three men and ihree
women. A young man named Samuel
Bangs has for some time been paying
attentions to Miss Lela Uennett, w ho
resides with her father, three brothers
and a sister, and au elder bro tier's
wife. Miss Bennett did everything
possible to discourage liaags and ex-'
pressed great indignation at his pre-'
Yesterday morning at 0 o'clock
Bangs accompanied by his brother,
Edward, aud a man nailed liinee Van
Tasseil, appeared at ihe imr:.s of trie
Bennetts. There wat no tn tiu-re but
the two ileimett girls, r.dnaaiid Iia,
and the wife of A. E. iifuiwtl. Ti;e
ladies suspected that the fellows m:ant
no gKMl to them, and when they rapped
at the door instead of opening it locucd
it and also lucked all the other Uoorg
and windows and all three ued to tne pari of the house The men then'
secured a ladder, and, climbing to an
upper winaow, smashed it in and m
WieJ ihe r.iom. Edna Beuneit ) ro
cured a shotgun and lired upon ihe in
truders. Tiie shot struck Van Tasseil
in the breast, but before she could lire
again the gun was taken from her and
thiewnout of the window. The two
Bangs bovs then seized Miss Lela and
forced her out of the window, down the
ladder and into a wagon. Then thev
a rave
V , ' !"-eu, mm nave S3
far evaded captuie. The Bennetu are
...m I ...... . .....I . .
away at full speed, and have so
prominent and respectable people, and
tiie whole neighborhood isoutin arms
to hunt the aoductora.
Eenliqnalies la the llUrk Hills.
Hot Spih.nor, 8. D., Oct 7,-Lsst
evening fifteen minutes before 9 o'clock
the residents of the city were startled
by a very percepuble earthquake,'
which lasted about twenty seconds.
Large stone blocks were shaken.
Several ; families had retired and'
MAM irmiKil t .
poy me Jar-
The sound was simlbirto the rumble
of a heavy train r can. Several
iiwMaui ing me night. jNothlngof the
klii. wa. fver exVrltiicod in 1 12'
"w v hue cuuuiry.
mi lAi. ..r . . .. . -
Cholera Still Vrnfing.
lLtMrrno, Oct. 10 The ofdclal
cholera statistics for jeiterd ly place
the numlt.- of cases here at twelve
agams' fourteen on Tnursiay. Tho
deaths numbered two, a decreaseof two
compared with ThursJiy. In Alto a
yesterday thr e new cases aud three
deaths were reported.
Lonimi.v, Oct. 10. The Berlin cor
respondent of the Times his presented
the case of another rnper taken to
Moabit hospital suffering with cholera
ai d says so little anxiety prevail in
Berlin regarding the cholera outlook
that the medical inspection established
a few weeks ago at terminals has been
Qi-ahaxtine, S. I.. Oct. 10. -The
jtet-rage pasf-engers of the i-teamer
Lolieiuia, who were detained at Hoff
man Island for observation, were
adowed to land at 1 p in. yesterday.
One hun,. ed and forty-six imigrants
from the steamer Polar. a, who has
been held in quarantine, were trans
teired to Ellis Island yeste day.
Bi'DA PiiMH, Oct 10 Ihiring the
past twelve hour fourteen fresh cases
afcho.era and three death from the
jifease have been reported here. Much
iistrets is occasioned among tho
suffering people on iccount of s.ckne-.a.
The physicians are inabie to attend to
all the demand) on their services and
as a consequence nie ot the persons
iittaekelby the are at times
forced to go without attention
lor a considerabla period.
IlKituv, Oct 10. Four more inmates
of the house of correction here have
been attacked with choleM and re
moved to the hospital. A man was
found dead in the Thiergarten, and it
is supposed that hi- death was due to
an attack of acute cholera.
l'rolessor Gultmau, the head of the
cholera hospital, is afraid of a fresh
J1akm.ii.lks, Oct 10. Several sus
picious cases of sichiiess have occurred
heie during the hut few days. It is
believed choler.t hat gained a loothold
in this city, though exact the nature of
the disease prevailing here has not
been definitely ascertained.
AmsiLKDAM, ct Id. Cholera con
tinues to prevail in Holland, but the
disease is not making any serious ad.
vances, the btatements showing that
the number of persons attacked and
Ihe moiUlily are still comparatively
low. Six fresh cases and four death
were the tdal lelurns received by tne
health officers.
Paris, Oct. 8 In this city and sub
uihs twenty fresh cases of cholera were
reported to the authorities. During
the same time seven persons died from
the disease.
The (.olden Wedding.
W kim A it, Oct. 10. I mperor Will,
'am arrived here to attend the golden
wedding of the grand duke and duchess.
Archduke Painer repre.ents Emperor
Franz Joseph aud the Grand Duke
Vladimar is here for the czar. The
queen regent of the Netherlands and
Queen W lhemina urrived yesterday.
The king of Saxony, the crown prince,
the grand duke and grand duchess of
Uaden, and aczens of heads of princely
houses are participating in the celebra
tion. Hundreds of telegrams of con
gra ulation have been received from
i opeuhagen, London, Home, Vienea,
Berlin, and Madrid and ien tnesengers
have been kept busy delivering them
Last evening chous serenaded the
grand duke and duchess of the ensile
The blessing of the high couple Wln
take place in the chapel of ihe grand
ducal castle, fol owed in a march pasi
in files. A banquet was held at 5
o'clock, and at 8 a gala performance in
the grand ducai theater. Ther.i will
be tableaux vivants with verses gloiify.
ing the houses of .axe Weimar and
uraniu, j he grand mike and duchess !
....v. Kurn win visu me Sophia ji,iti.
Union, founded hy the grand duchest
here their highnesses will witness'
from the temporary iribune, the hisloril
cal procession, in the evening a con
cert was given in the restuential casile
Hie festivities will conclude with a
court ball i the grand ducal castle
Wednesday, October 1.
I'an Handle Wreck.
PiTTSHL-ito, Pa. (Jet. 10 At 10
o'clock Saturday night a freight and
jassenger train, bo.u miming at fair
rale of speed, came .osether on a curve
about two miles westof Xeaia O on
the Miami division of the I'an Handle
radroad. Engineer Joseph Nichols
ouem netween the boilerhead and
tender of his engine. Fireman Van
Horn jumped from the passenger en
W Ut itill10u?,lUM ,
jurn. The crew on the freight train
scaped i y jumping. A number of the
pusengers were badly bruised, but
none ot them seriously injured.
Hre front Kersoene
New York, Oct 10,-A' kesoem
lamp was upset in the room of Maurice
Furmanat 100 Seventh street, at aS
jrcsieruay morning. The
howe caught lire, and before a family
I liurruul that uauiy
' ea U,at tho re Uken to the
' 1 .nil vum ii m l,n..!,. i viio
ui mem
(, . ' "'veil
Z... old: Uvine. 6
o'd. The damage will exceed 1700.
Mrs. Urr .,, ConU(l,11
Washington, D c.. ct. 10.-TI.ere
5" fj'i,4"8 ot note yesterday in
Mrs. H.wrUo,,', condltlun and her
physician .alii after making his art
cal fo: the day ,IHt she w reVZ
easily Sue took the usual amount of
nourishment There has be" a s Bh
relaxation In t, nv..Z "n Rl 1
IlliM Mn II. i enrcviUII
.' Vi I 1 ' reiurn from Loon
tSi nn fu,ttnmX ,wm ,h
Sratelv , lrr 't re
then awaken . 7 . . 11 m" "
.. ml SiiT 1'.. ..rem'",' w for
The republican club uv
500 torches.
Four bridges are being ,
ti'i.. r. i i ul-
t Bnruri'l,
John F. Greer, a well k J
rf Auburn, is dead. 1
Levi Rice, a citizan of ft
been declared icK&ne.
I Juhscri
Kearney expects ti reiurl
funct cracker factory.
Jlrx. Thayer wife .f G-tiw
died at IJeiiingriam, M;t-a.
There is talk of eo'aVigijj,
eran college at Battle Creek
. ... ,
rnraware mora n- r v v
N-eley Wymore, i,n jr-corr
of Wjniore, baa "oeea Benito;
fcchool .
Mm. Harriett Bonvn 0f r
bitten by a rattlesnake oo f.
-it ui livee.
A number of hogs blnr,3;
Shelly, near Wymore, hav.d.
Mrs. X. P. Xewman nf ri
prwented the Burvrell Kht
degnt silk fiiig.
The -Vanity Fair" depart J
Stella Pre a could bo lajproij
intf a BimKniner.
Several Fremoct saloon ltv.
Wren arrested for keeping 'VJ
on in BHuoayi ciay.
C diimbui", Schuyler rind X
nave run rjnore on ir:e, and u,
porting from I'remont.
David I-,irr, n (Jrur.d F
jumped on a moving freight
UfM tor amputated two toej.
Pia'tsmouth han a 'Vhrnn
wer who is willing to m
ic that line for a stake or tb
H'U- I.V "1 yt ...
II" riliroury O07.lte is ttJ
years old, and ae haa in n
its lustre. In fact, it is a Wttg
hnn ever.
The Norfolk sujar beet faJ
irened its Bason's run and
grinding up beets at the ru
tot s per diy.
Mmt. Johnaon of Ashlanrldi&l
it waa loaded and Captain lis!
.uflenni? from a severe gun it;
n tbe th'eh.
Charles R. Horigkid of Burt
eent to New Vork to hares
invert from his face, died wl.
i. ing the operntioo.
T e voters of Cuming couiw
ulntinir it;tions praying t:
m .y chanzo from the supervised
ounrBsioner eya'ern.
l ire in the shed at the Unirrj
nril at Ritrh Omaha caus
I'g-egatinR $10000, Nearly a Ua
' eil I of fheep per shed .
P-'er B'ackhir I, aVinnbp
of doubtful pedigre", is in Jul i
hi ihe charge of apuiultiuj
A'nlker with intent to kill.
The 7 year.old rton of B. Cn
' E mwoxl fell from the wicdoi
f itherV ofll se apd broke his arm,!
MBtaining internal injuries.
John W. Gilbert, who m tosf
hy the independents of Si
for B'ate senator, hia declined mj
nation nncl vill not make thersf
Counterfeit quarters are cJ
ll'iatinge, and people who dm;
;a their debti with spuriotiisj
looking to the governmen fornS
Thieves entered the re'iisj
Ocar It)Ber of (Irand Island,
i"K notliing that they wanted, da
ita in lima fin Jtid huinff (sf
While John Clark of Ashlii
'inning a roof a sheet of tin wul
by the wind against 1 , b stu!
m iet cut his band off. ?'
use Hhinglee.
A thirteen-year-old son ofJ.ti
frew, at Liberty, was run w
front trucks of a IhreshiouH
Saturday. His iDjurie", aUhoajt'
senoue, may not prove fatal
Chris Mikesell, a f irmer
about two miles weat of Dil
last Tuesday, fell from the hi;
theground, a distance oft!
alichlinir on hiy head and '1
He was picked up udms'-H
taken to his horns a short 4
uway, I'hysicicaos rewrt i
IxjDes were brosen, but ti'
suffered a complete piralms ct A
Laet Saturday a farmer vtA
canoe to the city to do somet'
while making some purchase
the lady asked her h unhand'
money to purchase ft bill ol
Going down in acnpacn"1'
i. ...,,ImJ ou1
pnuiei leiiuei iu,j-- ,
pteoe, and handed it 10
n-.; hri'iii .i,.t lieBUHii-w
person who told the reported
! cidenl .id that the farmer
ber more of those gol" VV
rtnnkat and B SOOll Ilile in 1-
vet ten ! ears airo the for'wl
Nebraska with nothing
wagon, besides bis dsd .(
owns 300 acres of land w'"1
cumbrance on It. Hastii'',
After Dark last Batuf'j,,
8tee Vad was drivio . witi
seveu miles east of th 5 Vid
i .1 .toTi
ui luiuuer, neurove t J s
road, which shook s bun"1
down upon the bactt "
rrightenisg them so
I .u .-A ran 'url d
iiuui tun hskud mi" - in t
Heoauld not flndhn f0" b,t
nor thef.liowlng t..''w
that they hsvl beo "",,!
tive near KunU.-Nor, , y CUT g
iwlobaveBMl P"
lot tbo (aiasers.