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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1892)
CK. 4 l If 1 "rf n t tp l v ... ; X JLX I 1 A A II M I V gT TV T 4 T 17 I X i I) I II l V A I Has. r r.) ska. People Sll' I V - THE slul COUNTY 0 UK' 1ST -A. L. KA.H;H.ISOlsr. 1TEB., OCT. 13, 1892 HON. JAS. WHITEHEAD, 'iiaut.. ininiu. Editor and Proprietor. f. K. 4 M. VR. K.Time Utile. IcW W"c-t. .oIiik Kat. mLn ! li :C'i i 5. 8, uilel 7 (m will J.., Friday. i -Mr,. .1 I"'"!'1'-' "f M'fiix at the eeiiii,!r. oukt house i hai:i:ison Republican Nominee for Congress, TH DISTRICT, hv the HARRISON MARKET. r l.'i-iK'l -frf'i tii)i. l r liumlred . . r h mnl r. 'l fl.- . :-!uii; 'I Jr hundred l,M r i.'i-nei ,'iiew l r t' ;.-! r . :i.-i'r ?' -! r I -Ir i"n .1 p, r cupl .... I r-ii:ilivi'- iit in. fl ;i. (iiri 'i ll d every Tlnir-itiiy. Friday, October 21, 1892,';:' S!i.-nir i: !: v niu-lit. .V) si 4i 1 ) i (m l a ! Ill l.'i '-' 4H :i .: 1 4 1 At 2 O'rllnl, h. li. Colin- every ,,ne and tin- eloquent candiilate ji id. ire of his ahilily and ciI" whether or I(,t p worthy of yon,- HijijK.rt. and i de-l is' 1'ERSOVIL. i . j (riliiiiiicrcy Item. p Umnrou i uo says the valley doesn't beat the divide now fur crops. j- n n !r 10lie las, i i orwin Lewn j., very low with rheu- mutism he was taken sick .vhile workin Has lsi tle ,,xul Tnes-1 aU(1 ljad to ,je ll0,l me iii?r part ol his bcnly bein.' elleeted the aims lieinfe' numb and lifeless. T . I ' . , ieMie 1 nine is Ijusv snaking out jiosts. 1 Jhs. Lizie l.ivis ami dau-htei have 11. iw wer-i in l,een su k for a few days but are U-tter : at this writin;. ox was in town Tuestlav and ; George iHivis has been ei-.t-ii,tr was in town la-t losi no- Out! - and 1 ' etui ned from inarnau for i S. 1)., Xel 1 IHeiise Has i-sued on i-niard I'n keiihroi k ol and Miss Iivnne Messin"-. f Wlnl' iieail at the court lioiise O' (. Bepof Sjifin' nhcat brought .VJ centi in tison mi Tuesday. Old .a rs for siile at TilK Ji it iinai. ; I'cnts r dozen. Ili(.rln-.t market piires iid fur I d. (iii.l.VT (it Tll!;ir.. IW'.V.. Moore has moved into the. Crown house, south of the M. 1' i Foil SAl.i:-My stock of millinery IlKdioli. Mlit II. A. ('l'N.NIN'i;IIAM. i M. W. Hester received n nut :inni the first of the week. 1 lu evident-! v X''v': 0,le to Mr' s -A Monday Ardmori of Mntitrov (JltMier hold services at the IIiKlap-si hi,ol hoiiv; next Sundav at .. m. and at. tbeM. K, churi h in Har- i risoti m the (.veiling. J -f,.r )!n- garden .ioilu((s Sioux j county does not have to take a hack I 'or any loi alily. On last Friday a cai.lillower Has brought to this ollice Iromd. II. Cook's Atrate SnrinKs farm. vhn h Hcihtd 10 ,uund. If anv lo cality i an k-al tliut let it respond- -Last Sunday J. K. Wallace's cattle wt into a corn lield and not bein' used to it ale too much corn, and as a refill he lost a number. At the time the information was received by Tin-: Jul liNAI. three cows had died and three othi'is were sick. The lo.s will lx! a Wallace. Intends to farm on a larger scaly in lire than he has in the past. I,, . .. .. . . r i.i.'miMt. j-irsi-tiass native lumber shingles constantly on hand at mv on list lio-for, 13 mies east of ns'"- J. E. AltNi:ii. I"not fail to hear Whitehead on ;iv, October 21(0. All call afford to one day to politics this year, so e your arrangements to come to rism on that day. Siliool oK;ned again on Monday, fever patients are all recovering, but should be taken lest the disease k The attendance at school is w. as many do not desire to fun anv frk of children being exposed. I- On Tiiosilay evening it began to rain I K'?l,t ,( up until early this morning. f result is that the "round islhor- i'ldy soaked and full idowimr and 1'iiu lie done nicely and the "nd will freer.e up in excellent con J" to lie ready for next season's crop. Wither party consisting of Ilueli )ey. Will, frank and Wilmer rhillins Henry Covey, arrived from Seward K-rday to look up locations mid they there are more (o follow, jre lindinL' out what can lie hail in p county and are not g'ng to be m taking advantage of if. A good deal of cleaning up has been , "ince the fire and the authorities (id Bee that no fire-Imps exist. Too i aro cannot be exercised to pre fires. NTow is the tiniS of year. all chimneys should be examined not found to lie perfect tney Id be repaired at once. Jfev. W. O. G'lasnei' returned Satur- JTrom KeC.i-ney where he attended the lal confor..neo ITe will remain here Inot.her vsnr. Re v. Rorick w ho was in iMfil troes to Chadron for the en ... , i. , , ii..,. year and liev. l . win. i k known as the norm- Nebraska conference was organized In almost all parts of the slate the tomato crop t bii year was a failure. In Sioux county as line tomatoes were gl'oc.n as ever need lie and the sight of the .stores makes oiie's mouth '.ater. All kinds of garden truck do iinely in Sioux county and the farmers have proved it and in future they will pay more attention to their gardens. New settlers keep com'ng into var ious parts of the county and becoming residents without any one at the county seat knowing about it. Superintendent Soiitliwortb informed us Saturday that I three families bad located near him re cently and all are highly pleased with the country, l'eoplu are finding out what they can get in Sioux county and will not be slow to get here and secure it. Thejji'c which was rgmg east and andnortheast of here recently did a large amount of damage, A good deal of hay and a few buildings were burned and a large amount of grass destroyed, but the heaviest damage was done in the nine timber. A vast amount of good. timber was burned and killed and the only way for any good to be obtained would be for it to be cift as soon as pos sible and taken to the mills. If some means could lie devised to induce the railroad to make better lime I..., r.,.i, ('h.iilron and Harrison it would lie a most CXceh'eiit thing. As it is now the tram drags along at a snail's pace, . making long stops at each station and by the time any one gets here they are tired , 'ii i fnt 1,'brt ralni'ii. out ami iii-mmioie i i n-- ing on tbe fir:l train. If t.'iey could be brought in reasonable time and have a camfortatile car to ride in it would leave them in a much better frame of mind. The earthwork on the new road from the valley is now under way and it will not be long until it Will be ready for travel. There will be no bridges from the time it leaves the present road. Three dry gulches are crossed but they . . . . i . i I .... ....,; j ., .. t ,.'., ., tin future the liniwr ul ill'"11 "'"6 " i-""" 1,1 e,tu: . -ii t. ,i i.i 1 n ty will not have to u..c. m, . wv.v i .'l.o will no ilnnr-vip of linpypc TiV'pn L-ino- W . .. IPI , til LUC, ..... 'JJ "v . ..v.l.. John A. privet! from Wisner through. There will be no pitches to go A n kin inln na ?1 a Siesdav, I" ,00K u 1 "u,"""-' w He was a..""i'"""-" -j - tie, one ot (lie early settlers of Wis- the northwest On account of not been able to , nho ' ovel' . .... i..,', fitll IU.U"(4' . et weather be has Ltu'jJ' into the country much, but he is fjnileaed with the prospects of the vast, Rundav afternoon John Mo Ji, of White Ttiver, had the mis- , ne to lose bis barn, hay, harness, a .Jt millet and other profiei-ty by (ire. IjConflagration was caused either by 'JJren playing with' mat(;hes or by li one dropping fire from a pipe aliout jam,. Mr. Mcintosh was consider I burned in his eirorts to save bis is, one of the animals was scorched before it was liberated, irraers ore already recognizing the luit Harrison Is a good grain mar Uiglier prices are being paid here 'long than at any other town ; reach of tliem, and the buyers cx lie intention of .keeping the prac fl right along. It i alHp a fact that flerclmnts here sell goods very, roa die anil eoplo come a . long distance IKe their purchases. Al should en- Krtomake it us pleasant, for the bw m .pQjwjUlo.far it . will add to thq eniy of the entiro town. up and down and no grade to exceed five feet in 100. The insurance adjuster was here last week and settled the losses of J. H. Bar lelf, A. Ti. Baumgartner and George Walker in the recent (ire. G. II. Turner had the damage to his store building ad justed by the local agent C. Verity, as the amount involved was not large enough to warrant the sending of an ad juster. It is pleasing to note that all those who are residents have made set tlement of their insurance without trouble or delay. Mr. Walker saj'3 he intends to rebuild and Jfr. liiu'tell con templated doing 1) io same, but work has not yet been commenced. Al' should remember that ou Friday, October 21st, Hon, James Whitehead, the republican candidate for congress in this district will speak at tbe court house at Harrison. If possible every re publican should be present and hear him and members of all other parties should all turn out and see what manner of man the republicans have put up and asked them to vote for. Mr. Whitehead is an eloquent sjieaker and will make an interesting talk, This county is yet so thinly settled that but few speakers come here and the opportunities to hear Wti anwU.4tt fuw aud.Iiix.Uat.vwi and for that roinon all should ,un: nut. J- M. I iiiitl town last weei L. J. Wi ailed at this ollice. Mis. II. M. Warn, . I hadron on Tuesday. I Jnhii Unit added his name to our list j' i readers lust Mmiday. I.. 1 iciiof 1; adiied bi name to our list of readers last Saturday. Miss Ali.-e Thomas was an east bound passenger Friday evening. i. W. Havis. of (iraiuineny , was in town the first of (he week. Miss Fannie rainier is suffering with an attack of mountain lever. J. J. Zuinbrunner was down from Pleasant Nidge last Saturday. -,1L W. MacLacldan and hi mother went to I'awhicle, y., Sunday. Mrs. Emma Ogden, a sister of Mrs. ('. S. Scott arrived Monday from Kansas. ty. i. t'ook went to Hot Springs, Mon day oil business, returning, yesterday. Mrs. Meyer made 1 1 mil proof on a homestead on White Kivor lust Monday. li. M. Sutton and family visited al I'leasanl Kidge ft couple of days last week. Mis. S. (.'. I). Iiassett returned home last Kriday after an absence of some weeks. A. E. Gates and Jos. ltecker were up from hite River last Monday anil called at this ollice. rMTs! Asa Davis and sons, left Saturday evening for (.'lister, S. D., where they will spend the winter. W, O. Patterson and family re turned Monday from Wyoming. Mrs. Pelterson is quite sick. Frank Tinkhani was in town fail Thursday and called at this ollice. He .iys his corn corp is good. L-ft. R. Kennedy was in town Saturday trying to rent a house for his family to occupy during the winter, -WTN'olan, of Glen Rock, Wyo,, was the grest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Liver- more during the past week. A. R. Kennedy expects to spend the winter at Chadron, having been offered a good position in a meat market. L. L. Wilson accompanied by his mother and sister left for Frontier county Monday and will spend the winter there. Dr. Bridgnian attended the fair at Rushville last week. Mrs. Bridgnian and the children are visiting at Ains- worth. A. Hasseluuist's father left for his home in Iowa last Saturday evening, lie was well pleased with the prospects of Sioux county. L. M. Bigeiow left Friday evening fori his home in Iowa. His niolhci'. who has been with her sons here foi'a long time accompanied him. J. J. Maholin left for his home in Ohio on Friday well nleased with this country. He took a lot of samples with him to show to his friends. Col. W. H. McCann, register of the Chadron land office, came up Saturday to visit for a few days in this vicinity, and made a short call at this olliie. J, II. Bloom and family left for home Monday evening, ile was well pleased with the country and will likely send some people out here to . look for homes. J. T. Mason, of White River, was in Harrison on Tuesday, accompanied by his father-in-law, W. . Dodge, of Iowa, Mr, Dodge has four sons who want to get land and he is looking over the coun try to (ind a location for them. Last Saturday II. T. Merriam brought us a load of wood (a hack load) on subscription. Smal! favors thank fully received, greater ones in propor tion. "Go away from home to learn the news" is an old saying, but sometimes people come to you to tell the news of your own locality. In conversation with Register McCann last Saturday we learned that a man from owa recently located on the table east of, town, about north from Andrews and will bring out a Mock of about 500 sheep and a number of families from the same locality are ex jiected to come with him to locale in the same locality. The advantages of Sioux county for sheep raising are being found out and many small but profitable Hocks of wooly coats will soon be found on our iiraLies, spent 1, i:.... l I ' " ..mvii i ui est i li if HIS I cane. ; -if. Deuel spent Sunday on Pleasant i Ridge. i J. h. Kirtley and family of Pleasant Ridge sjent Sunday in the valley. Mr. Kirtley 's well is now HO ft. deep and still no wafer. Misses Ora and Emma .Sutton last Sunday with Miss Estelle Ellis, i .urs. .solan and sister were visitors at ;Mrs. Ellis' Friday. Lo Wilson, mother and sister started , Sunday for a visit to relatives in south .east Nebraska and Kansas. Thev will ! lie gone some months. j Mrs. Lawler and family of Harrison were visitors of Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hamlin and others last week. D. M. Sutton, wife and sister Wednesday at George Davis'. Prown is our new mail carrier. There's nothing like a change. G, L, sjient List of Jurors. The following is the list of those drawn to serve as petit jurors at the term of the district court which will convene on November 21, IS',12: M. Oayhart, Alfred Hixou, Louis Ruffing, John Debano, (.'has. S. Williams, Herman Konrath, George Castle, I). W. llamaker, A. E. Gates; J. W. Langdon, J. W. Fry, William A. Glaze, Samuel Tebbet, David S, Cox, James Wilson, Chas. E. Verify, D. K. Gilbert, Charles F. Coffee, Nels Anderson, John Herman, Charles U, Grove, Claus Christensen, M. J. O'Connell, Albert Dippert. Commencing Monday, Sept. 19th, ve will sell out our entire stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Furnish ing Goods at Prices! Cost NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE BARGAINS. 13, E. BliEWSTER, President. C. F. Coffee, Vice Pres. D. II. GRISWOLD, Cashier. Commercial Bank. incorporated. .A. General Banking Business FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, DO NOT DELAY. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors. -TRANSACTED. - Harrison, Nebraska J, E. Fletcher. J. L. F. II. Stuatton. Strattox. Sioux County Lumber Co. manufacturers of Notice. All persons owing us are requested to call and settlo their account, as wo are closing out preparatory to romoal. RAtw mwt Hl'f.i . MueT'iichlan & Cook, prors. Lumber, Lath and Shingles. A Good Supply of Native Lumber Always on Hand. bbMllKit DELIVERED AT THE MILL OK IX HARIUSO.V. MILL NEAR FIVE POINTS. GEO. H. TURNER, DEALER IINT (General Merchandise, Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Flour and Feed ZAND A FULL USE Of: L. E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on short notice. Oood work ami reasonable charge?. Shop south of livery burn. HARRISON, ... nh GEORGE WALKER, Attoriicy-at-Law. Will practice before all courts anil the U. S. l.Hiul Office, liu.siness entrusted to my care will receive prompt atlenUon, HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. V. A. HESTER, -Dealer in Lumber, Grain Lime and Coal; Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and Machinery. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps and Buggies, When in town call and see our goods and get our prices. Respectfully, GEO. H. TURNER. Sash, Doors, Blinds. Hair and Cement. A Complete Stock Always on Hand. GO TO THE Ice Cream Parlor, J. AV. SCOT T, For lee Cream, lemonade, Confection ery, Fruit, Cie,nts and Lunch, and The Fruits of Hie Season. 0w )imr Noilli if Ihii'i'li Kuuiily Homm' 10- , H 'i&Jil mmmm IS A MARVEL OF BEAUTY AND A HERCULES IN HEATING POWER. ABSOLUTELY air-tight; HOLDS FIRJ2 from :ato34 Lours. Every inch of metal exposed to the fire is also in contact wilh a rapidly circulating current of air; this give? the g-calcst possible ECONOMY of FUEL and EVENNESS of TEMPERATURE. It can be run red hot without iniurv. and ONE BLACKING lasts an entire season. It is the BEST soft coal Move in America; will work every where and is GUARANTEED TO (JIVE SAT ISFACTION. Enquire of your dealer for it, tf lie docs not keep it, write to us. " Joliet $tove Works, V III i i 1 11 1