The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 06, 1892, Image 8

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feme Fine Theories Knocked Out by
Every-Day Facts.
Her i the tJtif
the Bluff thi shirt is made of?"
Saining itidi goods, a kind of ealloo,
wire oaila. Beobea b.ts I P11 m
o... .k. .rff r Baa. UN
l ii.
Clove';. Triili-Cleveland's hall
. n.ikMouhr-it- T.i Taut !"'
c;tl.-l .IT UIUI. Imperial
Tariff Tbi Falls ltM! by
Deacon West was not much of a politician
fle heard in silence the animated a'gumente hit neighbors at the village store and
nn,i i.A-.r nut la a word. Yet
IIBSMumn .-. '
even one knew that tha cause ot Protection
jiIwmvs eouut on hia rote, ine iac
i .-.. i kr.nv tchetber it ! so r 0'
. i a. j. ..
Nowwnai u j - - , mbL' all
a az. Thai maaaa muw"-
re- ritht; but I fail to aaa where my tariff U
In (
plleJ Mrs. Wat. .-ath.r east of thlags Ren-
"Weil, here in ice una i , . .. .r. .,
on printed cof.oo good, of the ordinary .M b- Be. vrere
75 oenta a dozen, yat I aa them eavenuw j
for saie In tbia paper hare at 48 Ocole a
"Reuben eomplalBed of being taxed over
200 par cent, on bla clgare. I f blm
box for 11.50 before ha left the atora to-day.
The tariff raU on eigars is lal i by tha pound,
with a email additional per cent, added. On
a box of average weight this Urlff would
eometo $3.09. .By Reuben's rule it does In
deed figure out over 200 per cent, of tha price.
"Here la a oalleo sproa I boagat lor i tM t a bow kow esse, owes Ideaa got lal
.taaverd What ia the tariff tax. oa thatf bat beat Aad yat It aaaaaa U ana that!
had Mrs. Weat with treat interest (hate see tOBsetblag ;tha Orotwr CliviliBO
- Five aaaU a yard. aeeordiBg ie w w ;, taxes wajoa xaay moor sp as
in l .sordine to Reuben; act nil- mystery.-
fkM-j ant.lnfaci. Neither It that While ulkiag tho deaeoa bad risen
. . . . ll fiOiar'wiM a v. ( A ik. k . a
y, niea ealioo drrea I bougonot jv. v.w , uu.
"Jctxect i' rh. a ,
j a J the'frte yraritr
fit tail rie e r r's. a yt
Of the mrter was he bad wrwtled with Inriff
1odk )rn sko, an 1 hn.i reached tho nouoiu
aion, after di!i(;eiit aindy "f 'he wrltlnca
of 'he nurly mft'psn:n. Urn lBbiitsa in Jon-gr-'S
oh the various 'unll meiusurea from
1789 dowi!. end our mr.rvn.ous induntriai
proeres iindw tariff. UuU Prolnction was of ilio nar!ort of every Iruo Atnerl
enn. lie hid thorelore conn on votlou for
Proiediou. saiislied that b eyetem which hud
won ih aiifport of Washington, Hamilton,
Jeffarson, Mudlnon, Monroe, Jackson, Vb-
rin fiioalr. Grant end Lincoln was
aood eiiouch for him.
One riiiny day. not lotia ng", Eeuten Davis,
ft yi w.',-''vi'f
vvy- ''. w.
aec(iLoj or
Is 5 eenla a yard, bnt 1 don l see anyinius
about 100 per cent. What did you pay for my
shirt, wife V
h ive cants a yard."
Ah I That Is prot-aMy where HeuhflB (rot
his 100 percent I'nceSoents, tarinaconts.
or per cent, of the prloe. Uut I yot fail to
see how I paid 5 cents a yard as tariff tax on
my shirt when lie entire cost to me was only
5 cents a yard. Now, if IUuben had told me
in the first place that I w is biiea o cents Dat It oertalnly
vard on It. 1 should have known at once that h ,d : k-. in make him
it was not so. But bis little trick of chanRlDB'thati 4nyn0Wi WDen I meet blm again,
ibedu'y to 10) per crni. rather floored mo l "jiismmeof euchre was tared to the ex-
Somebody must have d-jceived lleuben about'jpuf of or jqj Ue said, by mana
of a hii-h tiirlffon nlav:nn cards. The McKln-
ajr 80 cts.
ar it air cent
rtre t? c,
not InduJ i In the fl.50
i f J i i ii
$&if It
r: I' 'm t
'tariff fax
9 cent's
ar'iof itf
rmaS bur
9o cf ntl:
an anlnnt Oemocrat, met Deacon YTast In the
Tillage storo, and aa there was nothing doing
on account of the storm outside, proceeded to
enlighten him on the robberl'-e, extortions,
oppressions aud other Iniquities of the Mc
Kinley tariff.
"Why, Deacon," exelaimeJ tba excited Bon-
ben, "mat shirt of yours la tariff taxed 100
per cent. ; the blanket you sleep noJer is tariff
taxed 105 per cent,; the c.ilico you buy for
jour wife's dresa is taxed 133 per cent.; your
boy'a clothes ia taxod 100 per cent., aa ia
also your girl'a drcsa. Your salt la taxed 120
per cent., your nails 121 par cent, your lead
pencils l'!3 per cent." And ao ha want on
Burning aiUole alter article, till tba Deacon's
or "yster cent
? c ents .
that, for he Is not dishonest enough to do It ol
bis own accord. I'll ask blm about it wbeu 1
see him again.
'lieuben also sai l that our blankets are
taxed 105 per cent. I find that the law does
not say 105 percent., but that tbi duty on blan
ke'soi thecbeipest kind is 16; cents a pound
and 30 percent, ad ralorinit. Now, wife, what
did you pay for that cheap blanket on the
hired man's bod?"
"Ninety cents, and It weighs orer foor
pounds," was the reply.
"Then tba tariff on it would be 95 cants,"
exclaimed the deacon, aa he finished a calcu
lation he bad been making on the margin of a
newspaper. "Oero again is where Reuben got
his 1U5 per cent. Be told me that was the ex
or 'Ji fiercenf'i
air fairly stood on and at the thought of how
he waa being plundered.
Kow, Reuben Davla had the reputation ol
being a truthful and fairly Intelligent man,
and Deaoon Weat, who bod not studied the de
tails of the new tariff sufficiently to enable him
to aay whether what bla neighbor said was
ao or not, did not feel warranted In eon trad lot-
Uif sum. iw us oareiuuy too a down OB a
piece of paper tha articles mentioned by bis
Democratic friend, together with tha respect
ive amounts he had said they were tariff taxed,
and mentally reaolved to InvostlgaU bla state
ments to satisfy himself whether they ware
true or fulse; and if falsa, discover bow it was
" tfaxe&i1, cento,
ar'na ktrctf-
fOit 19 Cfo
that so eoBMitBUoat a saaa aa ha kaaw fat
baa Davis to be oonld ba sallied lata so post,
tlvely aasartlag their train.
That vary alf at, after ha raaehtd bone, ha
got oat bis oopy at tba tM Urlff, eallad his
wlfa to hat aaatstaaoa. aad ynmtoi with tha
. "Wlfa," a ha, lBaBbaa Davis tc-day
Md ha told tat that tbia ablrt It taxatl 100 par
I Waasl P n Sal aw
Jar iff fixed Jfm
f303 or lq fit realty.
$ no
act amount of tariff levied on my blanker by
the MoKinley law, and tbat I paid every cent
of it in tariff tax wban I bought my blanket.
But ainoe I find by the law itaelf that tba en
tire du'y on blanke'a like mine la fully 95
cents, and I only paid 90 cants for the blanket,
it Is olear tbat I am not tariff-taxed, as he
said. Reuben may have been thinking of an
imported blanket, for I don't believe ha would
knowingly lie. But my blanket waa made in
this very State, and to escaped tha tariff alto
gether. I'll have some fun with Reuben next
time I see him."
He said my lead pencils were tariff taxed
133 par eent. The tariff law aays nothing about
133 par cent. Here it Is : Lead pencils 50 oenta
cjr 9 cents.
a grots, tad 30 par cent advaloreav What
did oar boy pay tor that gross of raneilt he
bought last week to net In copyltg bit lesions
at school?"
" Forty-fiTS atatt," said Mrs. Watt
" That makes tbt 133 ptroont. ture enough, "
reeKKMtaadeaooa. "olily oenU, the tariff
ob a groat ot ptaoilt, It tiaetly & par oeot. of
46 eeata, tba price. Bat I am at putxlod aa aver
to know how pencils at tf oenta art taxed 60
" Than my salt. Tbat It taxed by tha tariff
HO par cant,, Reuben tald. By Ue law hare, I
uia tot larin oa tait to bt a little ortr S3
otnit a barrel. Hera again Bothlng la atlu
aooBt par ooab Bat 1 set by a book that
paid J net 98 otau a barrel lor that latt lot of
tait i aoagbt, to it it otidtat that it was aot
tasM n toatt a barret.
ley duty on carda ia 50 cents a pack, with no
per cent. mentiODod at all ; and I saw oaris in
tbe store window yesterday marked 19 oenta a
pack with a nloe card ce thrown In. It give
a bint as to wbare Reuben got nts Dig per
oent, but leavea us wofully In the dark aa to
how tbe merchant managed to Inolude tbe 50
cents tariff lo tha 19 cents be asked for tbe
"Wtat did that Cannol shirt ot mine eoet,"
',A c d
.1 1 1 1 1
ti J It ; (Ii, " f-., ; r
Sill ..,,1!'
deacon, again consuUlng
on' I J t I
Crr,ce YQy
which bo
took bla terap book. It waa where be saved
j newspaper oilppinga, axtracta from speeches
land ibo liko for fntaro referee o, TurolBg
'tb leavea over aarafuily for a tow mtnutea, ho
'at irngth began to road lnUntly, and at latt
exi latmad :
'1 think Ibava fonad tbesooreeot Raubea't
.da u.Iob, wlfa. It la right here la aevelaad't
' :ro trade moaaaga to Congress la 1887. Bert
ii what bt taya:
'Those who bay Im porta pay tbt doty
ci .ugod thtreoa Into tht pubiio trtaaury, bat
day, at V't cents a yard, taxed 5 oents a yard,
or '133 per cent.,' as Reuben ssys.
"Now take that oomfortable on our bed
price 11.00 ; tbat la Its entire oost to ma. Rut ,
Reuben aays it Is taxed 131 per oont, which bej
probably gets by computing the urlff, which l,
$1.31, on the prlee, for tbat gives exactly 131 j
per cent., but It fails to reveal bow I paU that
or any other sum as a lax.
"Then there Is that homespun aress wmcu'
. . , - U tr,r IT 'U
our blrea gin Dougur, reauj uj-,
cents. What Is Reuben's tariff laj on that?'
auuhlngly inquire-l the doaoon's wife.
The dresa waa brought and woignea, ana
O 1 9
M f
mm i
oontlnned tho
tariff law.
"Sixty-nlna centa, and a nice soft garment
it is loo," replied his wife.
"Well, I find that tbe tariff on such a ahlrt
amounts to 80 centa, ao I evidently did not pay
It, for all of Rou ben's '116 per cent.'
'That little suit you bought tor Willie cost
how much?"
"One dollar and twenty cents, " came tbe
prompt reply.
"Tbe tariff was not added to It, either, for
it alone amounts to $1.24.
'The dresa we bought ready made tor our
girt eoet $1.50 Tbt tariff ob such ad reea Is
$1.79, or, as Kouboa puta It, '100 per cant.' If
after a careful consultation of tha wool and
woolen's schedule of tbe tariff, the deacon an
nounced that tbe tariff would be $1.13, or, by
lb-ubon's roll, 104 per cent.
"If be had told ma that that dresa waa
taxed 104 per cent,, I ahould not know what
to say," said Mia West, "aud I mli;ht be made
jto believe tbat tho Urlff was robbing our hired
IglrL But when it is red ocod to plain, every
day dollars and oenta, and I am asked to be
lleva that what cost only $3.99 is taxod $1-13,
why, I see tha absurdity at once. No doubt
that Is why the froo tariff always reduces his majority
tha tariff la added to tbe cost, all yon have to
do Is to abolish tba tariff tad gat the suit for
one oent I
"That nice morning gown of yours
did that cost, wife?"
"Seven centa a yard, and there's soma wool
in It too," replied the now thoroughly inter
ested Mra. West, who never In her life before
bad given so much time to poll'ical questions.
'The tanff tax, according to Ronben, la 136
per cent. It really amounts to ty. emit a
ysrd-lj cants mora thsn tha entire coil per
yard. No tariff tax there oe.ulnly.
'be great majority ot oar cltlzene, who boy
domestio articles of tht same olaas, pay a sura
at least approximately equal to this duty ta
tha tha home msnutaoturer.'
"Ion see, wlfa," resumed tbt deacon at bt
replaced tba scrapbook, "every good Demo
crat thinks (bat whatever this maa Gevelad
says Is to, and Reuben ia a good Demoerat.
Bt read Ibat fret trade mesaige and blindly
accepted It aa law and gospel. Than somt
dishonest fellow figured out tboaa enormous
percentages, showed them to Reuben, and tbt
ta bow he came to glvo the n to me.
"The fact Is that ev n on Imported goods
our people do not atwaya pay tbe duty. Tht
foreign manufacturer generally reduces his
prices sufficiently to allow for our tariff, fiat
only n very email part of tbe things the
American people nee are Imported. Thegrea
'lunjf fated ,o reni
or usAer cent
1 lv'nlsi
'rtre steiti
"tariff h
.- Mmw
"What did rot pa tot that wtattt tloak ot
Tbt tariff oa It weald bt till. I woador!
'tariff taxes' to percentages. He can tool the!
people that way more easily."
"Quite right, wife; quite right," replied the.
deacon. "And now let us see about two other
things Reuben mentioned. They art tissue1
paper and ruga. I bought a ream of tissue
paper to wrsp up those nice peart whioh I
sent to market, and paid only 58 centa for It.
Tha tariff on it ia 63 tents. It It plain tbat I
did not pay it.
"What did tbat Utile rag near tbat chair
coat? Reuben ey we paid 100 per cant, tax
on it."
of our people, especially wortlnf
people and farmers, never aee any Imports!
goods except In tht shop windows. TboM
ho buy them are the wealthy; and evea It
tbey did pay the tariff oa them, they ought to,
so long aa tbey think American goodi rt
good enough for them. Bealde, every ol of
the Urlff goes into the poblio treasury to ptf
tbe expenaea ot government, thus relierisg
other more patriotio citizens, who are ooelnl
with the products of their fellow eouotrraeit
labor, from taxatioa for tbe support of ut
"Bat when Orover Cleveland asserts last
goods mnde In this country, right hers in oU
own town, tor Instance, are tariff taie-J by tM
amount of duty they would pay If import4
bt betrays donse Ignorauoe of evory-dur a!
Ti u i rarEB.
or jti terefnr'
oprice ficeni wt bat aeen la onr Invest1"1
this evening. u
"The tariff he notblog In theworMM
with their price. It It fixed by ins
production In tblt country, and it U
known fact tbat ordinary goods ot!
every description aell as cheaply "
an other eountrr in the world. Wl'"
otber proof tbat tbe Urlff Is not adJed w' j
nrlna Tha iWTnil.i muni tb 'or,
price when ht'speaksof theUnfTe m .
toil. But if the Dries is aa low IntWI
try as la England, no lurid conn
added. It It were ao, tbe price
necessarily be above tbe foreign prlr
tbe amount of tbe duty. ltfi
' It lioat any
point ot view, 1
orm ftr ant
tprne $ i to
''It It a Boqaottt rag, tad root ft," waa tht;
"WeU.tbeUrlffoaiueharoglaal.Oe. Thtt
ttptaiw again watrt Baa bet got bis 10$ pari
ttatM bat alto provts that bt awoo a MUtatt
wboa ho aaio that It ru atdod to the
Wttl, I aa taUtied ow thai Btnbta wtt
taitreiy wroag abowt thoot tartff taxts. Tot I
St.. i K.,,. y . , . -' ' " s wwwasrisawaswir wiua swewt WW! SSITSJ lasta. IOI I
watai mui BiyBoaetl paid fl Ha keg how eaba Hartt Ut U with tht rrtotr a twt ht thoafht ho wat right, laapta-
i orarttrrfii:
ftirairru tiM
philosophy ta all iwry aad Baobet (
ssdly oeeelvtd. Aad that reffiislL
Unt to to to bed, as I MOBlaod Ht '
trer aad belt kiss tar ash to-TV,
did oil tho tafhUg la tht store toSt'
saaers) PI km a 1 11 1 mmm Ol J
artaoh ahowt this hwiff tma bwsiao
i during I
sloped her
nig" ui
yam, Jim
r ...Mu sk
"'cainc a tw
havo BVJn