' fen " ! THE USK OF TFAHs " ' .e n,, LjJ ia livening rowerLate U. S. Govt Report ' 1 ,,. s.e irii.. . "-.11 i.i iii'ic in, t hear N I M Uj " e H W fp- w also snog.. 1 wan an wnicti ! hand, wte out hJ ' written f,rl- learJ fern shout at hu 4 Km.. 16 t,t"-K 0(3 ' dHu, said i i 'V employ ac ale that time over fountrradj i tie fr-tg "ay i,i " tiiot l'UV u ,. I let him J a tiiuleloj ,p hf,Ujb 111 f-met J struck 4 in rntif "e first nine on tbJ uneriu W ore, hail d the IfJ it. of fe my adrire I told L !l proiedi icerned, j. ken ml!!, nine ft lead of, lilt voine jJ " Kt tb ''altli. lish la'l who i 'if ml; very r Mr, ik IT') tl it lira I id! !y nn llllfihOBI oluMil anil it4 I he roiiiaef anda;yl ' Irish lu hi hotel ii ii wren n in ym i'al cdua n luautq ill, ht; aud a A I could i itleuiai the dr ll mi opf ABSOUUTELY PURE of books kepi x- ,, Mm. Washing- ,11 Hale says Mra- , 1 t,nllC. .,,., was a nioun L...I f r ., t.....,m(T flllllPH L-tr; I 1 llOU(H-nir-iB ,.n,io.l iIia nr- I:5ui:ini;. ho with l.er own ,jt ,;ut tt, clothmjjol me fifer the tleiilli 01 n?r a' . - I . l f thofpiiaity or u.e ."ou"" nntthat tl,o rwjin in vhu;b wul i-K'"" l,'rli waB 8t,ut up ;eft it, in..! that in luo preo- ,,em.at leaal, U wife never igiio, in, i.eihape, true. lom of ki'i'pinif a room cu rs nifiiT a death Us occured v ry ooninum one iu the SUtifi-. i,,,-Tiii: rinc Hiimirell noiiaia n- isi i,l fiirtarrli Hull can I,v 1 1. ill's atari Ii inc. I, ili.M V .V '.. IoImI". . .iinii isi.'iii-ii, have Known r. , oi tt'i- iii t aiH. ami I,' icrlcctlv Imiiurablu i" " ti:ii,.-;i.'!;i',i.s anil imanci.'iiiy rrv "lit any oliliiraumts main' . nil. . . i v., WlioU'sale Dructrisis, '.. s M i:vix, Wliok- I'.ileiiii. I). M.nrli nr.- w taken Inter in" iiir-etiy upon t'e blood siirlares of tiie system, nl In e. I'nce TOc. J'er hy ai, lirnlst. ;i. i, 11 planet Neptune frnm 'i Mem J',ntanoe being 2,71-v . t'.:.t i: tfiuiierature is esti- l-ri..liij . A motUr, in,lxnarit tu fin,, fa tle.lohterlowilWt,.,H(j at excUnl TM.mi ..,., ,. f pu.n, Wl(h ,,,, M())i , auM J"t like to know why Sallie Jones is ' t the f,)()i:-. Mol: UmAm foraruomeu,, ,, hn( mo-i.r squarely , ,e f,,,v ,,(,. juurel,-: -Vo:, ,f) ,orKBt inlnm that Sii n i i , ' Hiiif-ii i:.iif.,,. h c ,ri,i,,.iv in a "I ilir I, iiif-r ii.c.-iti lr lih'-d in Hie .vl.-,al. I ( Mr V. to say in, hi, ii; i pa- liiii:,' (rats :,i tin; said in nunc from lis is till,-, no Ill I WCCIlillL' uplf-al tlin,iij,i i he emotion. Tears very clever WaB'lilljjtO!!. par- - ",-, ,uii-ui nniiriusi ' hiisjncm on a "r.-nnler will respect hi have no plans hi: at ' n. i le himurtd decrees belu I'.irl.iiKr M.iUoil frrr. ,, Jiile Ueiine, New York' inakfi. nir a J i) tbel whin I'hc siuletl y fe rsA it I the ; J11!II while any irittH thai C9. t bo the 1 eai'iru'l kit at t: IfB1 hiil deal! hid ieej nr-hi'.eelural owls will urnii- k cn ili:e of the now llorall ut i;r,iadwny and Thirty-li'tli ''. uypH vt (h uule will b I by electric liKbtw, which ,r and difnj.peiir at intervale, to tins lOi-tiinial bird' habit of One I n-r I'rliitfil. Tail You Kiml Mix Wtml? I !,,",.-nif Ii illniltiv (i1rrrlirm,'nl In II:- utft. In, -h" linlttii ni, Hi ' i,r,l. '1 he ,:,i,' Ik Inti ,,I !:, jt jnrit,K t'Hcli no,.'!.', fr,mi 11, f' i ! j !!:.' (.11. Till" ll,,,l" ',nri: ,l , ," lhln u:rv' itiMko int'l pill,-i.-r ,1. H'1,,1 ihrm ttte niilitr t llnf u,il n-uirti von IHloK. HK.Vf 1 1 01. M'll-i.roA.vil'l.Ki l i;i;i'.. IwiniB well which BURKej'.ed to ojwortb ttie eoi.of ''the tn Uucaet," etill s'ves "ne d ie kent in cood condition. tuole, Mass., where VVood burn 'n 1"8.". tion curod by Siunll lo'B ents: - hatelVhi-.. Um l ottery Olicy, I (. a.. rirI!!,lV,irW. 01 " V'"",raili,,t"ry r'"'l" r r.o dated n-rdniir the intentions of the i.oiiisiana .v.ate J.ot-e.rv Company, n order (oaeciiin-tlv answer nnmeroiis n-l'ilrics, a reprevi.tativeof the Times Itemorrat yesterday interviewed .Mr 1 aul ( onrad, the president, of the rom pany. will, (he result. evpresed below. Keporter-Mr. Conrad it was asserted sonic weeks acointhc Northern news papers. ,.i:,l the sialement has since . .-, ,,,. recenny, that the eniii- p.ioy is aiimii. to remove to 'i aim mere mi open up th Scale than evei I'ledent Conrad-1 have heard something of ti,is, hot there is no iomi iltilioa lor it The company has olli- c a, iy staled that it hows to the decision i, i i ne .-upreme ( ourt and the a-A. I.'epoiter Then for lutuie i ction ? I 'resilient ( 'onrad - I cannot state tin easp nioie slroiiitiy than was done the time the cmuianv ihwiihil not to fit tf in Mt to obtain a renewal of its Charter, i can only repeat that the company wi 1 nil nue m imsiness until ton expiration of its present charier and li.eu cease to exist I cannot un derstand, alter all that h;s b-e:i said wiiy there should I c any confusion m the public mind all, int. the matter. lieporler Have you any objection to my stating this as a llnalty for the sat isfaction of the public v I 'resident Conrad -None wnarever. I.'ejioriei -sunie of the Katcrn ia te'. Mr. Com ad, persistently assert that, tin: lot cry company continues to ue the I 'luted Males mads iu the prosecution of its business; will you kindly tell me il that is true? 1'ie.ddeut Conrad It, is utterly un true. U'e are obeyjinj the law in its letter and spiii'. and our agents every where are instructed to obey it. We are using the express companies only in four bieanecs, aud iu all our circulars are printed iiisfrnrUons to all persons (leainiir "ith us to avoid the mails Times liemocrai, New Orleans, (i.n.j I i,rM-m;it Sou ilil . "Are you a mechanical engineer?" "Veu" 'Uoyoii know idiout the com bustion of fuel in lo'-'oniolivecrates,?'' "J knotv Boaiftliiiifr "f ''y do you ask? ' "I was looking for informut ion on n certain point.'1 "What point?'' "I wish to know if the father who (lit: couraged Ids dnughter'a lover can be called a spark arre.lei?" ii rfl for Cold.". Fevers and General nl,iht,v SiituU tide Weans. '2m. per bottle. n'a uuui is a new malady, iti3 to ba spreading in London. ill ingot the bead, InulM, Ned by the policmai;' reni1'' bil)ebeer and spirits at, me koepeis of public houses. ighy, Ast ma and l 10 i use "ltriiifn ju-uikk"" 5cts. a box. I'hoe- ol Imuicnse Ifmervol". l .(. .rtinn y,eu MllJ, who recently f'r l" mu""" ' ' , y . i will be the iarg. Hit is claimed " . . in the world. Ji a.reser o cuntBiQ lleen aides long ' e i ,. fet of water. IfiCO oubic reel" C ocb composed of two united 'outlined either in diamond?, f ",,y jrsoious stone, continues yurtii, and suggests that, a nation we are a bit senti V that, we tbinU of the two p but a single thought writes on in the Ladies' Home Jour Bgh the most that can be said I brooch is that, they are but M with a single pin, ami that o to breaking in a veiy tin- . Family .tn'alr. u'inlm'irM What seemed to Le - , " . the trouble next door last night? Mh. Wiekwire-O, it was just n question as to who had the Ibor. lie wanted to tell her of the lish he had ,i,t. while she wanted to tell him of the smart things the baby lied done diile he was gone.-Jnaianapons jour nal. , i ontly Wanliohe. A costly wardrobe is. owned by one of the Chinese ministers, whose mag nificent and varied toilets have driven the society bodies wild with envy. Hie celestial ignitary never appears at Diibiio entertainments twice in the same costume, and his cilk aud satin garments are valued at 150,000. That Simile, I it All. Hunker This girl 1 am going co in troduce you to is wealthy, but she can't play the piar.o. Snidds Good enough. That is vast ly in her favor. Hunker liut Bhe persistently triec to. Skidds Kay no more. Postpone the introduction indefinitely. lincf, am thos and an.ei ex. 'J ;ey al Um bear!, ami l! er r,:,i.,.,,.., himself without a Hist itnagitiat ion to sum. are the natural outlet of emotional tension. They aie the result of a storm in the central neiv. us system, giving ii-e to chamri s iu the vasenl n- leimiliais of the te:ir s.-ei ,.t . .; J liesc change- induce profuse excrc lion of water, and weeping resu ts In a mild device sum,. i-viei ion is al ways in process to bathe the eye and clc ir it of formt'n matters. The con trolling center is a I a distance though the secretion may be kept, up by the i-mali t r.i -c ol saline sub-dance that i-present, in the tears themselves. The lachrymal glands lie between the liorwiiis center and the mucus sur face oi the eyeball. Tears aflord a If: iod iilii-ttation of the way in which ir nous libers are lapabic of convey ing to a secreting organ i xcit ing im pulse i from both sides ol a gland ly ing in their course. Afferent and efferent communications bring about a similar rrull. Internal nervous vibrations and externa; excitation or reliex action cause a How of tears, hi bot h in.-t.ances t ;.e exciting impulse !s a vibrat ion. Niobe, all tears, ami the unfoid limit" pedestrian with a minute part ide of steel from ! he rail of an cheated road in losce are utv" e, illing exponents of a similar pru .ess. 'J'hey weep the same kind of briny lluid, iu exactly the same way, llioirih from widely dilferei.t. causes. I in iginat iou is at times suilirient, to cile tile iierMHis system into the product ion of tears without external j id or relic v. Writers and readers of 'io, lict iou weep over il alike, and Ihc actor loses himself so entirely in !hc exigencies of dramatic art that, ;ie shells real tears and the audience 'lied tears with him. or a truth the man who neud' weeps nas a hard heart, and the iii;t!ity of his intellect may al-o be questioned. Hmol ion, then affection, grief, anx iety, incite lo tears, not pain or dis comfort. The pangs of maternity are tearic-s, though the. iullueiice of utlier or chloroform may cause some eino tioiial dr. am that results in weeping. J n l he earlier days of surgery patients might scream and utter such pitiful cries as to sicken the bystanders might even faint with pain, yet there were, seldom any lea is. These, being pure waves of emotion and a relief to the heart, are almost powerless to mitigate pain. Perhaps one who weeps from pain does so from un conscious though sclllsli pity -in other words, from emot i,,u. t'or the Veai'Wi. change nf scene, menial diversion and out door 'life are the best remedies. The author quoted objects In alcohol as fearfully injurious. It disturbs and unbalances the nervous system, keep's tjp a maud lin and pitiful sentimentality a ml sustains the evil. Alcohol is the mother of sorrow. An opiate, how ever, prescribed at, night soothes ami controls ami really disciplines rcbfl ioiis nerve centers. Sleep cures tears. And so does Time, the restorer. Per sons subjected to many and repeated griefs forget how lo wee), and the old as compared to the young are al most tearless. Tears have their value in the life of humanity, not as tears hut as signs. '1 hey .show that gnet enters arc being relieved of the sensi bility, and that the nervous organiza tion l.s learning how to bear up against sorrow. New i ork Medical Journal. : l,u,liklil fart. i ,v be born at the same ,,'a'' h: ' " moment exactly indyet. ;,; .; i , )jave jjjJ .round, they ,,.. .. ,, ,. .., Bame JftFtant, and still on.-..ii.,r 1iX) laj s older than Iheothn. ! k I '.ear Doieonesay "impossible," . .i 1! oA such a state of affairs be ,,. , djoutir" But it is not imposjible: ii - .limply a curious astronomical and gej- iiraplncal fact very easily proven. A jialm rellejtion shows that this oddity j. urns on a very obviuos problem in jUrcumnavigation. Suppose, now, that : :wj pereons were bora at the same time j n Philadelphia, from whence a trip , iround the world may easily be made in ! me year; if one of these persons con stantly goes toward the west, in fifty r ei-rs be will be fifty days behind the stationary inhabitants; if the other ; mils equally as fast toward the east I ae will be fifty days ahead of j :hera. Ooe, therefore, will have seen j 100 days more than the other, though ;:tieywere born at the same instant, dived continually in the same latitude nd died together. Where M'Ud rlitw ers llloom. At a recent floral festival of the Lina-an sod9iy of Jamaica, Long Island iHie talde contained seventy-five differ eut varieties of wild plants in flower, which were collected 'in the immediate viciuity, most of them rooted in pots. It was observed that this collection was rhe most attractive one in the exhibi tion, although the display of cultivated .lowers was very showy. 3le,Ueiil IlFlll, Madam was recounting that her husband was ill the night before aad bad to send for the doctor at 3 o'clock in the morning. "But I thought you had a doctor in the house your eldest fori" said a neighbor. "True, but we only let him doctor the r-ei van ts." Texas Sifting.j. The Hebrew Toor el l,onlt. The percentage of poor to the gen eral Hebrew population of London is twenty-three, and rather more than half the "poor" receive recurrent charit able relief, the proportion of those thus relieved to the general Hebrew popu la ion being 12.0 per cent. A young brkld from Memphis, Teun. lately climed Mount Vesuvius, and actually looked down into the crater. H-r name is Mrs. P. 13. Coate. A Volenti!! i.i.jreiMl. Chimborazo, the "Pride of the Andes," at one time thought lo be the highest mountain peak in the World, is now reckoned as being only 21,424 feet above sea level, which is ;crtainiy enough to give it an air of mniestv if not of mvsterv. . Hut the natives of that region have a eiirious belief a legend which tells them mar, I'Chimbo" was once a full mile higher Ilia he is at the present time. When Pizorro invaded the "land or tne in pus " Chimhornzo reared his maiestic heart between 2.1.000 and 30.000 feet I bito the rarilied atmosphere, but that Invader's crowning piece or lmamy, the strangling of the last of the lu- cas, brought down the wratn ot me irods, who rent the giant peak from center to circumference, inrowing flown great masses of stone and re tlucing its height by about one-flth. At the same time the apex of the (Mountain, the, former resting-place of "the Inca's Head," was cursed, and Until this day no man has ever reached within 3,000 feet of its sum Init. '-The luca's Head" isa massive bieee of granite lying on one side of the peaK. inunuou b.ijs m .,.., formed the apex. St, Louis Keublif. A (lermau doctor asserts that topers, can be cured of the dwire for liquor by eatting raw apples nt every meal. PIKES True, It' Not Tlirllllnsr. A bear with blood in his eye re- A la llfllionj T Homea o Yean theSuodarf OIVIS BNJOYSS Both the methocl and results wlien Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem efTectuallv. dispels colds, head aches and fvers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup cf Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tire stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial iu its . 1 1 C. lL .s ,s effects, preparea oniy irom um moai healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c aud $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist vrlic may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one whe wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FfUNCISCO, CAU inwmuB. Kr. new Yt"r " " An Intelligent Fifth. By far the most intelligent denizens of the deep are the dolphin ami the porpoise, and long and careful exam ination of two of the latter jrhich form eily inhabited ths large tack at the Brighton aquarium proved them to be eot only tamable and even sociable ai. '- r r,;,! man, but also fo possess social '- " ' k js and great exclusive- -- I. - rd lo other inhabitants ot -" e ...v , si, inr their particular dom..i. . l;:k, :i ; ;.!,. .... vriioii. There is sa... ,.,i , ,l Im perial gardens ic .s . has grown from an uu. tree growing near the ington at Mount Vernon. ! planted fifty years ago by Geoig- s , -ner, of Boston, the brother of Ci....- Sumner. Ml lie Darling. The Little Darling (10 a. m.). Say Mom, what have you saved for my breakfast? I wi6h you would brii.g it up here; I'm too tried to get up yet. Shut the kitchen door, too; the smell of the washing nauseates me. When you get through with the wash call me How I wish I was rich. rbii g -o t;ii;,-., toii.o f 'August Flower" My wife suffered with indigestion and dyspepsia for years. Life be came a burden to her. Physicians failed to give relief. After reading one of your books, I purchased a bottle of August Flower. It worked like a charm. My wife received im mediate relief after taking the first dose. She was completely cured ' now weighs 165 pounds, and can eat anything she desires without any dekfeno'is results as was formerly the case K 11 Dear, Prop'r Wash ington H'.'i-c 'Vasbington, V'a. A Massachusetts law compels every lobbyist to register his name and the bills in which he is interested. Hf ' in 5i v" 1 JUST IT'LL of iniprovements Dr. Pierce's Pleus ant I'ellets. To liegin with, they're the smallest, nr.d th easiest to take. S3 They're tiny, is sugar-coated anti S?: bilious cramiles. -L j scarcely larger than mustard seeds. Every child i3 rely for them. J-lieil, nun Lucy 113 wtttn, jj.juvm.. - turbing and shoeking tho system, they nil 111 U niOU, USy, Ull'.i liniuin, rtaj. ... . n no chance for anv reaction afterward. Their help lasls. Constipation, Indigestion, BilioHS Attacks,, tsielt or Wlious jieauaeiies, anu an rieraiiKmeiits of the fiver, stomach, and Uiwels are promptly relieved and perman ently cured. lltey re put. up in glass vims, wmcn kw them always fresh and reliable, unlike the ordinary piils in wooden or pasteboard boxes. And they're the chcaprst pills you can buy, for they're ijuarnntrrd to give satisfaction, or yimi- money is returned. You pay only for' t lie ijimd you get. INSIST N THE BEIT, CARING THIS TRADE MARK WATER PAILS, DAIRY PAILS, CHAMBER PAILS, BOWLS, PITCHERS, SPITTOONS, SLOP JARS. MATS, ETC. plain and dccodateo. made only by Standard Fiber-ware Co mankato, minn. 3 -V. X. LITTLE LIVER PILLS DO HOT GRIPE KOB KICK EX. Sure cure for SICK HEAD At-HK, impitirwl digestion, cuusu- pul cm, torpid i:tu(it. 1 nvy avrouse vital oigns, rrinuve nausea, dix- ziiifen. aiatnrai rneri un mil ii-yfinil1ja(ltlr. Conquer bJliu uervon cli- Onlci'K, fcstatilish ntt una jja:lv action. Beautify complexion by purifying blood. l'CBKLY VLuETAbLE. Tup dice is mrelv aijn-itpd to suit caw. as one pill can Tiri rl)Ct"o juucli." Eai-h vial rontaini 42,ctrripif in vett porUt. like lt-ud pencil. IJllilieriS Utan'll grt'4 rotiv iiicnre. 'J'al:en en-ipr tbun sinrar. bold every where. All genuine gouds bear "Crtcent." 81 id 2-ctnt stamp . You get 32 page book with sample. OR. HAKTER MEDICINE CO.. St. Louis, Mo. NORTH WESTI EAST SOUTH Piirclinie Tickcti and t'onsiffti your IreljzHt via the F. E. & M, V. and 8. C. & P. r.Aii.r.oAos. IT. G. BURT, Ut'liernl Mnnnser. K. C. MOKKHOl'SK. J. K. BbDIIAKAN', tien'l 1'reislit Ac't. ucn'l l'ass. At, OMAHA, NKI!. 1U. I'UFVUR'H FEMALE PILLS, NKW Jli.M OVKKV. M-.VKK t AlKS. A KiM-i-iiic mniulilv iufdi-it)f fnr I.-hIh-h to rcstorp r.id n-mi!;iic tht-incnho.s.i.rotlni'iny ttvi'.liealUiy and iinil. sis diKcliiirt:.'. No adu-s or paitiK on n.pnarh. Sow um d hv over ;t0HM) Untifs, ((n"v Urw a.wi)l he iM'tl iiis'Hjii." lnvifioiHt-H thfKf nru'iiiis. B' wan- ni liuilatiouh. $'.' pt-rl.ov orlri.ii hi'vfl. Sent rnU-a m i.I.uii w rapin'r. Ni-nd ) in stmupM t'or pHrl .iculars. A idrtKH iNA rioiNAl. MKOH AL .. Mtison City, Iowh. TANTkH7- ImTyoFw A NT TO MA K 1: FIFTY " ilnUnnt per uct-k t linnic, Mrs. .Smith Kent nix (ioflfirK In Alfrod Coles lor n box or vnrdrobe I.ouniri' nntl allow od him l fon iKaple who tiiir-ncr hiw iidvcrlisnuMit li klh' her loiini;', Ur wiiich htiu.-ivca cotiiMitssion ulrich nvcnitrod S-Mi per wr-i'k. 1 1 i ytiii w ill tto tho wimc in your diMrict, cnil lor utiub l"- . . a,t. 470 Myrllc Ave. llrookiyu, N. Y. 1125JD0 A Month & Expenses TO AUEVT8 TO KELti CIGARS TO DEALERS. This Trade Mark Is on the b?t WATERPROOF COAT m nitrated Catalogue , Free Ji in the World I , TOWER. BOSTON, MASS. ahdMAHDOUUS tUmndolinRfroin 12.00 up wu The Anion. Maliogaay, line finish. Thc Consirvatoht. liich Gr,;e, fine tiniih. Mill iriiarsnls; 100,000 of our jnn v o. icinim; & :o , Mt. I'aul, Minn. SAMPLES FREE "Mothers9 Friend" MIKES CHILD BIRTH EftSY, Colvtn,La.,Dee.2, 1886.-My wife usod KOTHEE'S FRIEND beforo her third Donfinemont, and says sho would not be without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price. $1.50 per bot tie. book "To Mothers "mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., OR sals BT ALLBRU..I.T.. ATLANTA. OA. . l. 4 u nrt,wl I'oiitiypursueii aniari iicarruuiia vasli., until lie liit it a rap on lis nosn with liis gum boot. Jfrmn writhed a moment, seemingly in aw ful agony from the blow, and then took lo his heels, after which the man hurried home to tell the story. ?io Dniilit or it. T loiUnvn that, if WC COUld ho flTCd from 1 ho undue attachment togrnat names and favorite authors and ap ply ourselves more diligently to draw the waters of lire from tho fountain of Scriptures, our progress In divlno knowledge would be more speedy and moro certain. lohn Tfcwton. Ik a man thinks a great deal of his wife, begets lots of nice things fo. hor when she O sick, which he eats It i ii isc 1 f. TANSY PILLS! r. clITO'S K-.MAIII.K rOMl'Ol'XD tor i iiitij m' s.r. i'romiit. i:ni.ini. Tiic orlKiiinl d only genuine Whirii' hnlv llnii. sent direct, II: walnl. Advice free. patoN MKD. M'KC. CO., Boston, Mhm. fiolauy oil local dnm'sitt. III III. K VBtlaT S7.50 1.1 I l WATCHES'' BICYCLES tU AltKI'iUfl nui rr utou whnp. llefore ,011 buy. THFPowiititltrMrNiiO l SI., ll.l,". N . N. L'. 'o. 19730 York, Neb, iiTiicv -VI'KITINO TO ADVERTIKKKH, l iilruM' out joa saw the Bdvcrtlstiucal In thi aper. MlSf??JUt Bi Al I II si IaIIS. Best Couiih Hyrup. Tamm CooU. UM f nrisiunl l,adics Upltcf unil Mnrritnf rem iliy. Sati', surennd ttiwovt rclnililo. a rotd imi tahon. Use otilv llie l-WKfMKST. In gilt. itM-ta? box. Price. SI. Sent direct, icaicd. Cir. Irec. ARLY RISERS DO YOU RUN z dcBDe Witt's l.ittleH Kriy lticr. Famous Littlo Pllla forConstlnnUon.Stck llond- tclie, l)yspepsia.JioNftusetAolaitt,Very tmall. Oni tars from $.50 upwards. The MaRQUETTE. tuitcr-sftiMHi .sjcamorg. The Lakeside. uiutei-srfiveil tUk. .Anfifl'ifi. All lha aiwv sold iindr in instnirnpnts in use. Ynr Inl tlr-alpr will or(lr for you. tin- ume have tiamp hunisd on inilr Sen'l for illustrated ratalofus. LVUX & HEAIA', 53 Monroe Street. Chicturo Biff C t, rcontm eomroo itaut le mnlleur remade pour la (sonnorrhe rt la lillert. Je twiil remade cer tain pour la liPUCorrhsR ou Fliieum. Je le prcacris et Fa onif J ftl pu'ine connitnce en la . LW BBA . r KTnvTfIJ M T I Ches toitn PhnnnnclenB. VufeWM'lart "MX 81.00. (li 1-csnl otices in your pttper r wearepuousn nic "itist the thing" fnr von. Send lor n copy oi our Legal Notice Hegister.pricefl.OO. THE NEBKASK.A NhWS I'AI'KK UNION, Vork, Neb. fJuertl. lA5.IOITKflX f Ne donnrra pasI oe sinctui The Gregg System of Electric Home Treatment Positively cures Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. It will cure Rheumatism, insomnia, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Chronic Backache, Painful Stomach Troubles, Diarroh.ra and Flui.ntl all Bowel Disorders. Pins in the side, Nervous Debility, Nervousness Premature Decline, Paralysis, St. Vitas Dance," and is an unfailing remedy for all diseases peculiar to women. The Only Institution of the Kind in the World. If von suffer with the above afflictions they can be speedily cured hy This Great System. Do not neglect to Investigate a matter that will restore your health witnoi.it tan. riiysician, surgeon ami iMecirician ol .w years ex perience in charge. Consultation Free. Correct Diagnosis by mail, on ap plication. Address, 214 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111. tiEV DISCOVERY ty ACCIDENT In compounding a solution a part was aucUlenUy ipllled on the bane) and ou waatitug afterward ir-r.-u discovered that the hair was com pletely removed. We at once put tlitA wonderful preparation, on the market and so great ba. been the demand that we are now introducing It throughout the world uudertbe name of (Jueen'a Anti-Hairine, IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. iAW the hair over and apply the mixture for a few mtnutrs. and the hair disappears as if by magic without the slightest pain or Injury when annlied or ever afterward. It isunllke any other preparation ever used lir a like ournose. Thousands of LADll'S who have been annoyed with hair on tbeir FACE, NECK and AKHS attest lis merits. UENT1.KMKN who do not appreciates heard or hair on tbeir neck, tlnil a priceless boon In Queen's Antl-Balrinn which does away with Shaving, by rendering (ts future growth an ntir-r impossibility. n...... inti.HiMn.ti n.rhoittn. sent In safetv mail nz boxes. cottage paid Dy us tsecureiy scaled from observation). Send money or stamps by letter with lull address written pln'y. i"??r pondenrentrictlTeoufldentlair ThU advertisement is honest and straight forward linjr wo rd it contains.' Ws invite von to dMtl with o. snd you will And everything as presented. .Cut' Wis i.ut sna s nd to day. Addreas QUEEN CHEMICAC CO., 174 Race atrget, OINOINNATI. O. J 1 ou s reirister your letter at any Pout Office to insure Its safe delivery. Wei will pay S00 ror any case) or failure or sllehtest Injury to any purchases". -Krery bottle gnarantcea. CDCPIII -To 1" o lairodnes snd sell saiont rneir Wends SB Bottles of SnuifSSSi SrCbllL we will present with s SILK DBBSS. lo yards best silk. Utrs L.r Bottle sad ssjtptes ef sua to ssloot uom ssnt wtu orasr. uooa dshw w -. Trade Mark. r Do Your Own Repairing V rl HI1 Mill 7IBU u. 1 is ti-r l0Wa.aR By using- Boot's Household Repairing Outfit for bW-snpir tuidn'pa(riuKbOTKBIioojidBtibr)r.rs. Any one can ust! it. Prlco tt W'oiKlit, neatly htixctl. 20 lbs. Thousands nlrcurly In use. 8'l'KAsS AND TOOiiS for makino; una repairing all principal pane ofharness. Kosowinff. MBPiossa n wiiutsiraiuii m nTKirs ISBAatm ass jtsasvsi r,nnj iciju , . j NADLKBVHA ILL Ih UH ivwivwt.ii. ots. a pair, iiame Hitch St rups.Lliit, Sniinn. Hnme unw ana Binpnw, uirw.w., Sl rTulters, Breast-straps, etc., ateorrespoiidin if prioetk Many of these lasasksa. iv uminjiuM .,v smith tools, at a prloo low cnoturh to waltilit closest buyer. ROOTB OEnaOLDERINO CASKET, evrjrjihinj-necesaary for mendlruiTinwaro. Price, 85 cents. Every thing mentioned AksssIs VaJstest troods can bo sent cheaply ardrafpliMlJ ltxvrft HOnK IKON WORKER, abore is fiill-ird, ctjmrtcleaiidpriucat, no toya. C ts frreat