The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 15, 1892, Image 7

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    .- Lt-svcnii Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Luj of sy
i ea in
n nr.
(WnU.( over a
U.etielJ. Yr-
tuiCed nt the
th m-" til ,
, 6tuuVut f I'"'-" '
lat that meant, mid
(lnl ti.ef.pot. In 8
Ilf rBtcn.e w
rillJ3IUi the evid.nt
tl.o urpfiiia tor
k-iDOViiP vro v....--
:jilra-. r,.lJ louJ
. . - t lit llH lib:, tllCS.
oihrr rut" u""
iU!l(.y (ft ll.lU I"!" u"
atri.lll I"1 10 I""'
hi fru im J.
lliiiidrnl Dollars re
e o! Tartarrli Unit, cuir
v li.iii's H'an li i lire.
rs:;'iifil. have kiiohii ' .
tliC lust i.i iiif. ,
ectly liiiiiorauie i" "'
t,;nns ami limiiicii
ill an)" mmiiai who mi.v
cry I. ke.
Bor(io ean(;luii,)-Jere is nn Item
in this exchai, wbica says that a
emslesee.: of the Asiatic l'emperian
planted in a jtanlen in Uerliu propu
(rated a vioe us lare aa a ruuu's body,
which in nine weeks grew to the leng'.li
or nearly .TO fett and ripejed nnretbaa
x,nco et.?(j8. w)lut j0 vou tilink of
Editor (iur!y)-The Pamperiin
vine remind me very much of a lad
who I invited to bund in a few
doUb uach wek. Tn less than sixteen
daya she wanted to lill the entire news
paper lielij.
-t liila t!i
with ht-.iv-h't?U-,
the New
Wimble Druiraists,
vnw ,v M akvis, Whole-
Ciire is taken inter-
, . i.u Id, ,11(1
irliii'cs of tlietyMem.
sen; In c. I rice '- l"-'
v ah lriiKHist:t.
!i i ii I .i r ill" 1
ti.U Mrs.
pi;) -This is not a boarJ-
ibvtitlie wrung
tell me re Mre.
limilii t.'
lul vuli i!o
not tal'.e
not. Una is a privn-.s
uomo not a boarding
keVn mifunforriitvl."
ny to. lining louolr, 1
sis alii ft week. Would
IA at Urn rooms" iNew
I.; PrlmTjllC
iis'd iii maruifiicliirin','
i-nn'ily, Sy rtip of 1"ji;s,
ully lii'iH liciut elu;(.'t on
itilll, Wlllitt tll lill-.Mlp
.u-: iiiul mil, trill isolu
Bui'l its mi'diciiies. me
injurious. Jjcin. wi-U-in
Inl use the true miii'dy
kctured by the California
kn Micct ?'mnlici.
kureson street doors to
liU r of housfS visib'e At
kvci t pn'.ont of tn electric
t ber:ia Germany. The
8 to a pane of fiii.ts le
electric liaht is kept
Niiitction cr.n be chiul
blip lighted at toy place
Tlic I.iilli ry to I ikI,
It would appear by the
Um from a reent issue of
Orleans Titiie3-I)rtino:rut that the buk
Koation in Geverul nevspapera of late,
that, the Louisiana State rettery Com
puny intoridrf s-ttirK up businebs eli--e-where,
is erroneous and that it will close
up shop on the exoiration of its present
Ju view r,f the ontradictory rumora
ciiculat.-d re.Mrdiii tho intentions ol
the Ltuibiaim SiRle Iitterv Company
aud in order to accurately answer nmi,
oroiis ir.quirii'H, a representative of the
'i'imes-1 iciiK-crat yesterduy interviewed
Mr. I'aul Co.ira, the president of the
company, with the rosuit expressed be
low. Upot ter Mr. Conrad, it was asserted
some weekn two in tlio Northern news
papers, aud the statement has sincr
been revived recently, that tbe com
pany is about to rt move to Niiaafiia.
and there, under a uawrnment fri no 8).
open up the buniinfs on agrsndur seal
than ever. .
I'.-osid.-nt Cmard 1 have heard aome
t liinn of tiiie, hut there is uo founda
tion fo it. The company has ollii'ially
stilted that it bows to the dec sion o' the
Supreme Court aud will respect th
K porler -Then have you no plans ot
fji uro actU'ii '
i'reeidei t Con rail - I cannot state the
caas more sl.roi' y than was done at
the time the company decided not t"
nl le:nt to obtain n renewal of its cha:
ter. i can only repeat that the com
pany will continue in biiMneBS until the
epiration(f i's preHnt charter and
tliiill ceilB9 to cxisl. 1 euaiioL uuuoi
ttimil iifier nil tint has been said, why
tl, i-a -honld b.i anv confusion in the
public mind about l'ie matter.
JJ-porter Have you any objection t
my e a1, n this in a linalty for the satit
f; C ion of the public?
IV. s dent whatever.
Kip -irter "viie or the eastern papers
Mr Comaf, persislei.t y assert that the
lotto y o iiiipany continues i.o use un u
Siaus mai sm 1 ho prosecuuon v .
busir.esi; w.ll Jon kindly tell me if that
iV'.it c.:n.d-It is utterly un
true ' H'e are o! ey n the law, its letter
nndsiuit. and our agents everywhere
.t.r-.irstflii toobsy it. wen
". .' n-min.oiies only in our
"!,.VTTn,l io adour circulars .r
priu.ed .nsiructions to all pew 0M
iugwiiliua to avoid the maim.
It Vim '.la-.i-rttnl Imr,
.A Illicit bad fall n upon ti.e :i.rin.
Mv. A iiicdiiimi '.c I uorii iii witli ;i
hliybt yiovtlt of v.lii-l,ei-, was s;-ak-in
ciinie-t lv and p i-iiit .-l t-. Mi,. ad i'.c-iii.' t lie i le, ;m iiioth-
r-, and tier w ads of u- irinti-d
to tin; tnaiiai iiii tit ot a Ii 'inc.
s;it Kti i." -Ik- nr. d, ith
t be suhslam c of Kiwer. I. el it b -eiiouili
tli.-it jo:i title you.- hoiiseliol
without an is!eiit:ii ions di-ji!,iy
s-lie li;ii, d.
"Ma. ira.''
An 0X'-ite 1 boy ba: Inn
roo:ii and too: b:c:tt hles
ili' brt-a-t and Hushed
w ii urn t lio door.
"Ma, lua,' in; scfcei be !.
The medium-,;. woaian with a
tdijflit growth of whi-kcrs displayed
evidences of irrcai emotion. Theh;
w:imi Hoi ii-eabic pit l -it- in her face.
In my own hoit-e "
Me ende'ivorcd to be calm.
"M.i. come home."
The excite I b ,y had pro ee l-i to
ward the front and it va- plain that
he-was addivs-inji the ii:e:iiii!ii-si.ed
woman, lb-r x.i.c tn-mbie I hut she
continued bravely
"1 am c nt-iit, to govern "
"Ma, ma, baby's cryin and pa's
'J'he Iremor in 1be voice of the la ly
with the siilil friowih of wlit-kers
j.'rew more pioi ouiu'ed.
'And lever iui, '
'Ma, in, i. I 'a says if you don't
come home in lifleen minutes hr'll
break your l ack."
The boy. hot ami yapiiej, stood be
fore her.
Why. Willie.
Her expres .ion of con
sir.'L'e-.tive of terror. Ii
u i e ir sin jiris -d was a
Mil. babv's crying and jia
She turned to the ail lieiice.
I'Miance was
ratlempt to
ll'-repn -in.i.
i e knowii to
ex-tlse in '. 1
w ith a Ki" at. cil'o t -: 1
"is I he st rfirijr -bmiiiiliitv.
j;o t i my child."
W'li 'ii t liey -:iw bow very anxious
she was to n t, bom they could not
iloiibl what she had sa::! ahout. the
love that dweilcth in a molher'i
liciirt. Detroit i'rec IT s-.
I Hilcii Stiil'-H Cern hi (icnii.iii.v.
l'ol low inu' i- all extinct from a let
ter written in Berlin, fiei-niiiuv, to a
New York journal. "Thinking' the
nroL'fcss of the Indian com pmpa-
cr 1'. L.u-il ( nil Vuil I'lll'l
Dm Wold?
Bmh (HsiilnyartvertlK-mcnt l
I'll, nil rh Iwinlio l wi'iu"
wurit. 'Ihe winie i o-"0.."'
kearins elt.'tl tvk, "nni llio
in v;,i. jinn iiiiuo c"
irylhlliK lliev lmlti
MMitl i limn' I he litn '.. ",
r,,uini )-ni UiiOK. JihAUii
ilSurbA.Ml'I.KS l-Ul-t-
..n.,oi n
"threat pathos,
konolulu, "in story 1
fiend who hadjiMt re-
visit to W"1?"'- ,Un
a jieiiuHMfi
died in the
Ahout. lllin.
Lrtoci'""-" "
f I can't git iu noJ-
oot on dcr uanie-
ll,- -Tboy nre all rifiht.
dm. I nteu-. ..
Wge your vord here bdc!
nt3 no peesness mit
elh you. I see py your
edeeming Kwahtie."
Tatidnt-What shall 1 do when mv
elomach ache--!'
njtir(brutai"b')-Fl11 ,t
IM'a'enl What shall I do when my
"' Field's Wash-inflon.
" ISiVii'u s tiruiicii uu i toccs
, lint liavinor
. ....... II nil llll(",,.u, r.
pro Hoi " j a constant use,
C have tuiued" well merited rank
.mmi tho few staple cough remedies.
-:, cts. a box.
rphe luteal tailroad station in the
f. States WU3 ino niunu, oi n,.uuU
... n.Hn., nrwl KnhanAe.t.aUv Rail-
(jl Lliu -
r,W Un to 1812 it stood at tne cornei
f liroad and Van Vechten Btreet ".now
Tlcrd avenue,! Ii is a one story luiu- lilcliiy lavnraoi
mu, abouti") feet square, and is
niflii in Ivinme would interest. uu i
leaders. 1 would say that, since I e
yiiininu' the cru-ade in lo'iiminv,
thiiiceii mills nave b -en put in oier
alioii for K'riiidinj,' corn, and some of
them have, been working ni'ht and
diiv and have been unable to Mil their
orders, several other mills in various
,.f lira,.llHlM .,l,Ult!U'l,
1 . i... .i,.,,,.,rift fur coi n is si) u'reat.. In
i. in, iii iijtt,...
i .. u iii.n' i mi corn-mills arc ill
,,,,,,1-iHioii. more than half the baker
are sellinL' mai.e-ne bicad, composrd
r noe oiiri of maize and two parts of
I,, which the taste of maize Is
not' perceived. Kvcn tlio two mill
in the killer city, "tie of them '1
t!i,.n,.,-rs the largest rye mill in Ccr-
many, are 1 ak intr ami selling law
ii:iiitilies of tins bread, ami mc oiu
(';o ernnieiit Carrison bakery is tuni-
iuK out (hotisands of loaves daily.
The red show-bills I mail you will
show the saviiuelTcctcd by the i cojile
in usiiif,' tiiis bread, and these can be
seen in many of the baker's windows
in Berlin. You will notice the great
increase in importation of our corn
from the letter of the V. S. Consul
it Hotterdam; the other letters and
circulars will speak for themselves.
Con-iderabui oimosition has come
from the ('crman Millers' Association,
and many false charges nave neon
made against it as human food, all ot
which have been successfully refuted.
Mv firm opinion is that, when Hie
('crman people know the full value of
Indian corn as human food, they will
consume as much as Americans do in
proportion to the number of inhabi
tants. The Government is now put
ting in a corn-milling plant in their
large mill at Madgeburg, and the
Government report on the value of
corn as rood will soon be published,
which is the result of a thorough in
vestigation and practical testing of
bread-making at the Garrison bakery
in .this city, and which, I am in
formed by the commission, win be
to be
removed from its present location, and
will form one ot the attractions at tbe
Columbian Kxnosition.
AVUH ivit Witter.
It, is said that t o.ti in the Kalahari
frequently FMS months without water,
and according to Mr. Mackenzie, there
nre certain antelopes which are never
s.en to vifit the drinking places.
'Johnny," f aid a Philadelphia mother.
"I w wli you wouldn't play with tbj
Smith children. Tiny with Mrs. Jjw
little boy. I see that their mother I
n new wringjr, and I will probably want
to borrow it next week." Teias Sif'
-Not to Ui, Hlull.-rt.
i - young saleswoman to a dry goods
, s oie who hal just sold a quanity of
gxda to a lady, asked:
Will you have the goods sent, or take
them wish jou?"
"Do you fiject that I am doing to
carry a bJiiJ e l,ke that?"askej the
shopper lEtiigiiHrnly.
"Ob, r.o, madam," answered the
taeawoman, mistress of herself. "I
supposed your carriage was at the door,
and that you might prefer to lnla your
purchase with you."
, Aud she scored one on the victorious
Novel I'se lrora WaU-li,
An ingenious German hf s reduced so
trifling a matter as toiling an tgg to an
al solute science and has devised a
watch for that purpose for particular
pjople. The wiiteh lias a series of dials
to mark hard, soft aud medium, for
ducks and hecs' eggs, thtre beiop, how
ever but a fingle hand or pointer. Ti e
mechauis'ii marks the minutes up t) ten
and even the dullest of servantp, by the
aid of this apparatus, can tell when to
remove tie boiler from the lire.
Men with gray and blue eyes are
usually better marksmen than those
-itb dark eyee.
In using what is known as the
Cioadian method of boring oil wells,
a well 1.000 feet was bored in 228 hours
or an aveiage or
astual work.
4,78 reet per hour o'
Boscliee's German Syrup is more
successful in the treatment of Con
sumption than any other remedy
prescribed. It has been tried under
every variety of climate. In the
bleak, bitter North, in damp New l!r: fickle Middle .States,
in the hot, moist South every
where. It lias been in demand by
every nationality. It has been em
ployed in every stage of Consump
tion. In brief it has been used
by millions and its the only true aud
reliable Consumption Remedy.
- A.'D
AEP. EVIDENCE That the Hood is
wrong, and 'ihct nature is endeav
crix? to throw off the impurities.
Knitting is so beneficial in assisting
rature us Swift's Specific (S. S. S.)
It is a simple vegetable compound. Is
I w mless to the most delicate child, ycl
H frees the poison to the surface ana
eliminates it from the blood.
I contracted a severe ccie of tlood poison
that unfitted me for business fur four veara. A
( bottles of Swift's Siwcuic (S. S. S.) cured
L-ic J. C. Jonls, City Marshal,
Fulton, Arkansas,
Treatise on filoocl and Skin Diseases mailed
(;. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
rvcw '
Cluarnntflecl to cnr Bllicm Atteclcu, Bick
JTa,itaw nl Coimtlpalion. 40 in each
bottle. Yr'uo &c, t or a:i'.e uy drugs'8'3-
rlcturo '7, 1", 70" ana sample (lose free,
j. f. SttlTII A CO., Pronrletots, NEW YORK.
il (tenure per week nt homo. Mrs. Smith sent
six clnOn ra ts Alfred coles for n box or wardrobe
1 mump nnrt allowed him to send neoplu wlio
imwer hisiulvfrtiisment lo see her lounse, (or
which hu irnve n cnmniiHmoii wmcn nverni;eu
Vi per week. If von will do the simio in your
.l,,riet, send for terra, colES
4T6 Myrtle Ave. Brooklyn, N. V.
t oiiiMil8ry l:iln, alion i i ludla.
ix'mpulsory educatioi is making
rapid procress ail over the world. V.'e
are iieartly glad to learn," writes tbe
Xalional (iaurdsmanof Calcutta, India,
'that the thakore of Morvi has initiated
in his demesne a system of cumpulsory
primary education. All children myst
ha;e education provided for them at
6tute expense, and any guardian neg
lecting to 6end the .'ittle ones in Lie
charge to the free schools shall be
severely punished. This U exactly as it
should be and the people of Morvi can
not be sulliciently grateful to their
ruler for this piece of wise administra
tion." Flits pre so numerous and annoying
ia some of the Colorado towns that
horses wear vails over their hews f r
ir you re a suffering woman.
The chronic neaknessea. painful
uisoraers, and deiica w durang
menid tbat coma to woman
only have a positive remedy in
Dr. I ierce's Tavorite Preacrip
tion. If you'll faithfully uaa it,
every disturbance and irregu
laritycau bepermanentiyeured.
it's a legitimate medicine for
woman, carefully adapted to
her delicate organization. 1
builds up and invigorate the
entire system, regulates and
promotes all the proper func
tions, aud restores bealtb and
' Favorite Prescription " ia
the only remedy for woman's
ills that's ijvMianteed. It it
faik to benefit or cure, you
have your money back.
Which is the best to try, if you have Ca
tarrh a medicine that claims to have cured
others, or a medicine that is backed by
money to cure you : The proprietors of Dr.
Rage's Catarrh Keraedy agree to cure your
Catarrh, perfectly and jiMma-nenfi, or
they'll pay you f 500 in cash.
Mt. Pleasant, Texas,
June 20, HSS.
f uflercl 8 months with
strain of back ; could not
Walk s-tniight ; used two
bottles of
St. Jacobs Oil,
was cured. No ain in
IS months.
amVylie Ave., Jan. 29,'87
One of my workmen fell
from a ladder, lie sprained
and bruised his arm very
badly. He used
St. Jacobs Oil
and was cured in four
The Gregg System of Electric Home Treatment.
Positively cures Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. It will
cure iibeumatism, Insomnia, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,
Chronic Backache, Painful Stomach Troubles, Diarrohaa
and Flux and all Bowel Disorders. Pins in the side, Nervous
Debility, Nervousness Premature Decline, Paralysis, St. Vita9
Dance, and is an unfailing remedy for all diseases peculiar to
The Only Institution of the Kind in the World.
Ii you stiller with the above afflictions they can be speedily on red by This
Great System. Do not neglect to Investigate a matter that will restore
your health without fail. Physician, Surgeon and F.lectrician of UO years ex
perience in charge. Consultation Free. Correct Diagnosis by mail, on ap
plication. Address, 214 Jnter Ocean Building, (Slicago, 111.
Thousands already in
All 3fiS9n?
kSQlt!.DHffl. nl
Sl'ttAPS AiMI TOOLS for iniiklnfi- and repairijii? all principal parts
in itiininss. io sewing. Mmtica3 j ti u wiiji ourKionca rivers.
NTKAI'S UKADV TO PIAIili IP, any lengih or width ycivrf,,it,
I blacked and creased, rendv toir.alco up at !unie, at less than prioos.
(SADDLERY IliitDvVA RK, gnars. Duckies, Loops, Kits Hinrra,
i Snunreft. Finme Clips and Stonks. Ulvcts. etc.. at a biff rwluction.
ifUfll C CRl C C l-'nfld ones, at 10, 13, amlJScis. a pair. Hame-dMii.watr;irsKo('--ioh,i.')Opf'i'd.
Hitch Btraps,Linos,
ftifl ll;.ltj.,-tt HivMtMini r-1,' ft t. f.,rro,infliinr lirifywi. Miinvof till-so
i (rnri(t cm Ym cent rliomilr mid QHfplv I if Inn if.
"jfh HOOT'S If OH: IKON IVORKISte. ii flrst-class kit ef black-
stiftk Pmit h t ools, nt .1 jiriee low enough to suit, t ho closest iniyer.
S65aKOOT'! CKMStOLIiSRINf; CASKET, ovorytliiiitpiecessary
3p53fo' mending Tinware. Priro. n5 cents. F 'cry thini? meuttoneil
i t.i;il)ove Is fnll;l7ed. couitilote andprnoitid, in toys. Cataloig Fre.
f-HfiV i Ageals Wonted. ROOT BROS., MEDINA. OHIO.
In rompour jtnf a Bolutiun m part was Kjcidenuy spilled on the bn4
and on wmIimir a(tpr',arci i r:a3 discovired that ilia lialr wsa com
pietdly removed. We at once put this wonderful preparation, onth
mrkt and so great Una been the demand that we are now introducing .
it throughout the world under the name of Queen's Aatl-Haii'iiK;,
Iat the hair over aud apply tlie miiture for a few roinuU. and the
hnir disappears as if by magtf without the Bliphtest pain or injury when
anplied or ever afterward. Ji is unlike any other preparation ever used
fur a like purpose. Thousands of L.A I1 V.S who have been annoyed
with hair on their FACK, NECK and AHBIS atteHt lt merit
ii I'NTI.KMKN who do not appreniatea heard or hair on their cerk,
find a priceless boon In Queen1 a Auti-BaJrine which does away
5 -&yi,'' t?
Triuifl Mark.
Ptlte of ti-ieen'a Anti-Hai:
r,e.lcd fruai obscrruiion 1.
nondence mrictlv ronfldential.
contains. We invito von lo dt a with m and yon will find everything as renreaenten. c-ui-lHIS,uul
s nd to day. Address pUFCM CHEMICAL CO., 174 (face Street, CIHCINMATI.O. You
rfjriter your letter at any piwt Offire to insure its afe delivery. We will pay .Ioo ror uy i
withshavirtp h rendering iti future prowth an utter Impoambility
nell. ner bottle, mnt In safety maillne; boxes. potare Pid by ot (eeurely
Send monev or stamps by lelirr with full address written plainly,
Thii advertjsenjent w nonest and etraigni lorwara in
vrT word It
represented. Cut thfsoutand
I cm
of failure or flielitest injury to any pnrchii9r. ""Every bottle turnteed
ft (neir friends fl6 Bottles or Queen'f
k . aik V.vtrn Lareo Bottl
Good SaJary or ComsukSloQ to Afiaat
QDCPli -To ladiei who introduce and sell anions (neir friends 86 comes 01
kfrUIAL wswiilnrMeTit with a 81 LK DREflS, 16 yards best ail k. Extra Lareo Bottlfl Ud aajHSM
Of Silk to seieot from sent with ordsr.
Hilliocu oif Homes 40 Years the Standard
MiiniiKiiii; " lliil'ioid.
Wo licar ;i Ri-ciit lciil nowii'lays
about tlic liiiiiiauiciit of liusl;intK
and tlio matter is discussed as if,
liko pmlialinliiK the dead, it was 0110
oT tlio lost lifts, writes r.dvvani v.
lok in "At Homo AVitli the Kditor,"
in the Ladies' Homo Journal. Hut I
notice that the women who are agi
tating the the question are not the
gentlewomen of this country. No,
nositive friend, you will rise at this
and sav that these women are under
the suhjection of their husbands and
are afraid to speak. This is not so.
Tin so women have found a warm and
tender plac:; In the hearts of their
mankind. They have found the
secret ot "inanaKinK a inisnann, aim
you have. not. Irat" all you like,
agitate all you wish at club meetings
and at women's gatherings, hut tho
secret will not thus he found. The.
place to learn how to manage a hus
band is not at the meeting of your
club, but in your home, at the side.
of your husiianu aim wmi jom i-.m-tlren.
"That's the old-fashioned
idea " said a positive woman con
temptuously to me the other day.
Yes, thank God it Is, my friend, and
it would he better for tho happiness
of hundreds of women to-day If they
would bo a little more old-fashioned
.11 this respect.
Tiik men who urc always giving
l.AliIl.S arc Sufe, Prompt. Kilectiinl. The
(,ri"iiiul and onlv genuine Wunian'a Salva
tion. Sent direct, l; sealed. Advice free,
t A I ON M KT. M'ICO. CO., hoston, Mass. Uold by
nil local drut'Rist.
An independent newspaper nntllt in one. of the
1 1. .mi iroviis In Central Nclmwkn.
I nine circulation. Will tell nil or liiteresi
vciv cheap. Address,
m:i:kaska nkwspapkii union
1 o 1 . i , i
vs. zr jm
A3 Monroe Bt, Chlcnpo.
Witt Hill Fr ther tifwly cnlarfftd
Ci.ttlofiie of Hund lmuumenU, L'nt
formi and liuininpiitK. 4'W hue II
lustrations, rtwcri biun evi-ry irticlo
ruimnul itv lUnds or Dniin Cotis,
Contains Inntruction for Anuifur Bnttb,
ExftmM-a anl Urum Mjor' T.irli. i. H
Lawi and Selected Ustyt Itarnl nic
nn If nil niltl Notices In yonr
(or ynn. Fend lor a conv ol our l.eal N.itle.
Itririnier.prieen.ou. i im '"""""
p, l'l-:i: L'MON, York, Net).
rll.l l,4l. llolLtuml unjntunil r..".
iCnlvihcl KKM'KSr. In
box. Price, tl. Sent Uirret, icatol.
1 AI'O.S CUIiMICAl. CO., Un.Uiil, M
The Best
ia the
T;.n i-TQii 111; vn n irinrrc. in wnrrantpd water
-.w.r o,l ...ill bn vnndrv t llmlinrilpststorra. Tlic
iirw i'0.1IM Iii. SU l Klilt la a iicrlcct riainu coat, and
iM..A.l,nAntirr.u,wl,Pr,. ItowurCof imltatlOH6. D(W I
hi:v a Pdllt 1 t ic "DISQ JiraiHI 13 nuii'ii ,,iii-
tf , mninmic free. A. .1. TOWKIt, HosK.n. mass.
Purcliase Tickets and Cons.frn your
J'roiffltt via the
F. E. & M. V. anil S. C. & P.
IT. G. Bl'UT. Oeneral Manager.
Uen'l Kreight An U (,en 1 Cass. Aat.
SHL Will pnviry BtX)OD, rcrntatJ
I'owiieren lino rruimeo.
l'he Btrnnest and purest
made, t'nllke other Lye, il being
a line powder and packed in a can
with removable lid, the contents
are ahvavs rendv for use. Will
make the best perfumed Hard Soap
in i minutes without boiling, It
is Die best for cleansing waste
pipes, disinfecting sinks, closets,
washing bottles, paints, trees. etc.
rltiSNA SALT MM'"! CO.,
lcn. Agts., l'hila.. Pa.
iliaonlBi-, Iiuiki slrenglli. renew
appetite, restorn lieattli aud
vn;,ii oi youui. mj sis
luillfjestloD, tliat lireo feel.
Imr alisolutcl y eradicated.
illliHl uriiiiuencii, uraiu
power increase,,,
. liiiiii. nerves, mns-
clcn, receive new force.
BtriTerlnir from coaiplalnts rie
catiar lo their sex, using It, Una
a,,A...iu iim. Returns
roso bloom on checks, Wauti lies Complexion.
tSuld evewwhere. Alt genuine (roods bear
"Orescent." Bead as J ceat stamp lor 32-page
nit. rnPPR'N
Asiieeilte month ly medicine for ladiej to restore
and n-gnlste thenienses.nmdelngtive.hoalthynd
77v di ss (l,schar. No aches or pams on ai.wos.-lK
U. v used hy over HOOdo ludh On used, will b
fts. 'l again. Invigorates th organs. He-J" o(
lii diiliiilm ! box. art! ftw ft. heat sealed
L pluio Sii'ni. H, n,) 4j ! ..t t imr cii lars.
: 'omiii C-lty, Iowa.
0 AkbfoBM
r Nt ionncra pa&V
Lir. irtc. 11 o .ini-iurtB.
Bij O est rdconnn coram
Ctaiil. lo mollleur vetafide pour
la (ionnorrhro et la
Gleet. 1.0 seul remcde cer
tain pour la I.cucorrbm
oil Flueiirs. Je lo prcscrit (
r.'.as . " . '"I i -.v..j
mm v : , , M rfH'i'uiiniuiu! ecu
UnrinnatlsQ. A. J. M.D..
u.v.A. -ater nwuviMi. !i.f..
ChMLtnnf Plmrmnclrnr.
Hot-Wat: n-Heater
I'm pnttieitlnrs call on or address Irvin I'rib
ble, Contractor of tine IMinnbitig, Steam and
Hot water heating, l.lnco.n. Afe., lork Neb
The best of references furnished fcstimstes
mad free.
55 to $15 "Mi:
UsniHiin) riAitn
tiplatiHilrJ .WiMfc
Qunl of jMrplrt t4
uffr, fin sVll kladitf siftal
with ffltl, illTet or nWai.
NorirWriaioc. NaMa4ia).
Of fl'lJ. TS ir i' m
acaait 6- Writ far circa
nr.. H. C. BKt.NO
Co., ColaMkM. i.
N.N. II. o. iiih-:i
ti, TTnWnrsit.T of Nebraska Opens
Y'k'f"l, Sept. 13
Fi!i:t' Six Years iinsiruciion.
Write to the Chancellor, l.incolu.
iway clKarSi never give away Rood I "JSSSZ?" "n ,"
Piso s ltemedy ror caurrli U the
ttest. l'iislest to Vse. and CTieapest.
bold by druggists seat k) null,
toe J&. X. llaselUue, Warren, Ha.
I -1
p t
- ?