r tbf ef ill jTENTO. LeirTO THAWS I jji- w i W(Y.I. f j. i, bB1i of riMlr wib. wner.to.iw iCti ind anronipromlslng. ? ... vear. ego. rVo' "1 .rsry crack .n.1 erev. .,Piciui.e"Uotldlnga. E,W valley. ""'J lTm lit,, li e ahalnwof lb K. it. flm" "' 'lr J00" r.C ir-uUiy at lt ecen. - Li tar feat n d. Duelling back water I '. Uklhl lUeV it m, J.i. Ob. to be fipl tact a i!J eOMt aael. lltaletrt young in.n wno-o l.u H: en frown, iiiwb p ku( tu Ly feature. bmpr tha aunahlue and L tty nwl vibrating, the :. grew dark r.Os a laugh r "Well, Inuil luci a., e.l the hand, ere I u.4 B.iili.u' lit Ib.riene.i I. Base do ? and m. get to w nt... T. n r would uav. Witorth. naffer , bad luru Lm aaerts ' ' ' ri u Imrattant geature. hi a-' T It, at will I HI mi to '..M UJ TOO kUOW It! WllT i. after grandfather, bad Cu .. and offered ua iiwl cm ire-osy, thank oa, Kcul iiM for u a poor latrt jnck, insplcloae glauce. p ttiir ao.a.y. eh well, n or aeisre. .eemle. lu.t the Pum4. y. n caow ll an well ft Si fll .A,,,, mm mm irssmmm .U flimW I yVi'-.X' 1.1 t'! P mi;!! ! ' I fil l ; n -Ki -4 y - c... ,t uln linn' f.hont. auutv! I'b ft Tree torture OM Las ffwn ir a bwirt tf pity hl iriartrt rI wwai time putur n.at inan in mlaery, and ; 1 did Dot hm my wiUi to aid whole world's marteu ofinitxned ; It knefw bu mm 1 tnr.w tiiat aomedayat Ui bar of bfiaren &rri ot mlillnna t dolmrs In the couuiry tbat be would cry out acainat me. and Junily. vk. 'would o:herwiw be eent abr(d to pay for can no l u.ake oyer tbe wirld or fjbt rreai mmp wi rin mm ido mimii;uiii aooial wr'.Lra. Id the future I think woman It Incite lriTftiiiHiB ; nmn:iuiiii will he lr,f ennueb to do ao; but now, aa i eat imuor m mu ir wiM-r iaBddolpfUiUiiieroodlcan.iioTaianl"o-iaiiyotlir uai1i.ii: it emihi a t. kwip our .jhyehe:i dotnr me or rob Be ul tit bleese jwiTet at bouie luatoad of In tbe fieida or In tl bapplneen of c Tlue " Imlils; ll rbabloa Ufc U educate our cbtldrec ; la Ubei 1-trLer lix.kd ao h.i!fnl, wltb the abort. It mat u tbe tuobl prneirous moM light of rwifroua lmpulaa warnclne hrr fraT'onntented aud baiijileat people Ob the fa 01 lu eyes aua c..iorii. bar cirnt, mat m. tei " Pertinent ftuMtian Aniwerei tKiutd acajr:y repreae a eciaxutlou admlraioL Uieu au there. 1 Hn bad come to America for political reaeor.8. hut an ulterior motive bad urred him to thai wi indirect Uuatton am infrinffiinfnt uprm nay town wb-re jUlhnl Tlecther lived. The ahseuce ,rM,i,ti r of a fair. f .i known race tad U ft the rar clilfa .r, more than dlreot taxation would r. It of Euro- ut-aoiale for blm; and ha ban decided, ' ni.nii mdireiM tajatlon. direct taxation durlnc .t. n trip to the ( nlud flauia to aee her muel lake 11 place. For we dim ralae money at ber owu home, ab d there lay bis loriuhe aua somehow to defray the numeroua exieuaeoi ie prosiec"u vc t.tie at her feet. Tu III aiKTiKri.il.) MTIEICAL XAEXITS WOELD- if m Could C aptarw Them Would !S ot AmMut to Wt. AHi.li.ri.! (-iVHriiiTiAuL inrtrt U.Xftth'11 WOUmI (fall m-t liftiTiiy n J&ad fwnr-, aft Hutt, c'n;iily, t-wii mid cLOi Ulmh, wLj'b fcTft ooi- ,lrc:t'i atr-:-iy, now no, a acre iu r.iMmtmm OF THXiwiioBO' a" cbftiiff to diroci un hi tnkat vay fan 0e tarfi hntrft farm laborer tkat vm-k by thf mrmfj. f It kt-pft Ui cwftrir!" of lttbfrm In the rltir Th-j 'fcrnpioy-.! In iftrKiriM ana o.cwhrs -vitrt fDBP jwiHi; wi.uKi dcfcud mi ib c-.nniry d-itr)ctB In in.tii.:.B'-8 ntmntNirfi. n-h la nrcb of a ioh. What fiinl whore ar tlje prrfat markftta of the u'uttivhwiiit it. land t ihc iiiwmai rW-uf &f world, fr rliu:h the Frw '1'raiKr wuld give ujv. mnn whf n ttry are drl'-i-a rro:n otr.er atupioy nur npiFtiditl bonie markt ? jnip.ntn. Will. thif man looamg lor oaJihoi The I'ii(wu.ir tabis nbowa me t nrninipn i .f?ery larra in .ue wuliit, uu wuuiu the whom wind in l-9. a.-rdLHK w. thai rr.i laborer fare? iifriit f ree Irada staUsUclnu, Uiciiuel 0. Mui j Tlu, 7Va.ii t jwj, tkm tt i a nmw't ttntwral riplt liftll ; ! i h(fV am wtwrnvr hr will, nuri V vnlrrftrr trtk MiiUf'Ti $ rufhi rv flaring a rfuy rm tmporUd gvofa u MniuL It n. k Irnnco ... inrnmiiy Uunaia AiiBtria i Uity ripain y'nrtUCHl ... , Swedfu ...... Norway Ieumttrk ... fJelg'.urn iloilauu , hwlumriaiid. rwiB . lutumaiila... rtwrTlii Bulgaria,.... l'uravy 2i "' Pi? , iwi , . JfciS . HI . 5:i . 77 . -'! . TV , t If. . a. , in . 7 Jli thif Imt? S" W Bbatl answer thld quMtlnn ty qu.tlng tft ;( w-.rdis ol I'rr. U. T. Lly, one of the mot prnmW H nent ('rnnoriilftLfl In the I rUtfd stauut. In bt H tKKrh on pirlitirai eo'Domy, Prut. Liy, wbo is not & Pr'ttwi-UiriiiftL fcnTi ... 4 "It if ffbuently alli-r that rrttMtlve Tar ... ifTs are a violation of an assumed natural rtjlil ... 1'if-iof erfiry man i buy bis "Odft where be will and ... S-i to U his product wherever he iw fit. uHtram- ... fi-rr.eled by bnman lawn, TbU artfument. basd ... !ion natural ripht, may be dimleerftd as a -'dof- ... U mKLlftm la dtHuiM,' a ait rcfllab Juriat oalia ... this sort of reaewilog. Higli oundliijj' ibrae ... tare ubtituted for argument, and undw tbeir . , 1JH ' rotor cpmiiiae are thruiU upo others wubout Irral efT.iri V altantiate tbem. D-w prove) 7,8;3jthe natural rlffhtV It d not apt-aJ to tbe majorlLy of m-inktnd aea tblnc ngbt In fi-vslf to Her a-f the buyers of the whole worM. ow tl.e Cfiaimi,n weal, and ail hlstorT U aitalnal wblcb o: Uiem dona our Fme Joer.Mp", aimh exorbitant claims nf ludiTidnaltam. It ap capturh by hie "lower cost of pronuruon . w t that the public weirare mot i'.vtiu -Ait- - - I decide qunaioiift or tn nainro, rrtecnen j aer Caiitt'la... ALmLraHa fern lb Africa Meilrw.. , ('mitral Anierlra., South AtuurU-A. .. eel Indie. . India blna.. Japan.... .la r pnrfiia B-CTE'L A-certa. ....... Oula Other Countrl).. Fi;fp,-Teatk Sambo Fo' do Lo'd &ke, don' frhoot, aunty! Tracer. I is, ami waa only 'plyln' Frt Trnda to Unt melon. Va(rTIW TIOK Al'NTY-Xuu niKK-r. lora owt u pi (I're'tl bo a freo funurul 'rouu Use ig;lii ob dat mtiloti quidk, I Ulicv.ie in rroUk'.Uou, 1 dfwB. in this free country mean hoalth and bappl Itwii anat iw., all day for but! nM wutntmeiit, llkea hnMlctln, hai ei- m. irirm up yuooei. apa tbe town wuere r mk .'a in Eir.e to drive In? Ket afir op,nlal etyte. ukk1 upon a bin me" aaai . uu UVIW - INlTB I l:wri, -uu v . 1 . fK9M tm w. ..r. rmm the; ....itr fr tiilloe arouna. ii r Ir.' .r , ... ...i -ifl(Wi durittif the dm f-rmi ahrr.ad rather Winn na ..... f..Z r-rtix- lixtrnaMed saJra of the "".u" ''" "1 l" , products nt American mlna In the kuhui w . d nliuira ncbt. It la much to ha dealr.4 , ,iit i i"ii-.i hritnln and It 2, Hi ' ... ,. m that arguments ot this er.rt fchuuld ceane to b heard ao frequently." Wtuil ir 'M lUtirrrAcf. httwrm a.4m ftMg paMprr labor i iter. ni, only menus commercial aifuister for . Iru I Hrl LmIii 1 uii (imiTi.'i blonda face crew red at till" ,inetlou. .U'1 an ancrv ret .rt aroae to hi" llpt when a car voice from within checked hi worilH and turnel the rei.eral altennon thai wiiv. Kil-el He:. -her. Ui .Imiier comtumo. st-iod ll he llL-hlwl do.irar. She a youilfr wouiull with a U!r. U.teliectual face, and a .mile that ,i!t lo one. uiemerv. U.i. L'rM-'-cf hi am nh . ..'f.ito.4.,l'in nariloMv th InaiinM n,.i.ht at hlia. .. ....... ... . .. i eua:eUUoa "I"' ""' . .. ' . . . . ..-,., . 7-1 "wiiii , Itlf.orth arncHt, cuiiurca nitinn .tii fcjfa..i.., u,t 1 hareo t no mfwturer. e.r.it..t.'ti.l that ha .inc. in for ttN..t a Drat piaci "a.! u arTfc (ue, 4fwr ,rn yraoi n:e '--"'riV ;.7ree. Ill i he recount: h -n ' f me world F iThrrL FieL'her ail'l IHB i"'i , .... aiiliirrr'ii ' k. o . - ...... ..i.nrfhooil'a hiilil". a ileon alio ""'" - - - . , ,.ii.. ... nun curt-pct. uor arm aa't -'l.i.inM 1. lor .nmwa " . .,, ,,.. r. ... mLnn ui P0 "t 0. yet aia... l.ii..ttaaol. la their h.r:. 1" eplle of '"e .Mil i j .'','. ' ,lt.B,r cannot: a., pie i. I 1 IJiU sneaa me woril. aa.l. .0.t ear.ful trunlng tfteri Hielli by u.ou I .,,,;. J, n,i ,ve your at,,uron:it tor jio. 1 the w.lltl S .-.u. .ll.es 01 r.ii" Jim. interrupted the artrl. .' (tn. ...mi. dnr l he the .! fritriuK -5 are. eamDaico. lanri Hefner . . J.-U ..Mb -ST.. ..I. .....2. ir.iir.n aT'iwe.j up B'yithe ireut! iced. Vf I mw,l. I iut. 1 1'"!?!-1 i.r. abominable .leception. reytnr, n(l ou l .v. Ui k.ieoii.' euait...av- .. ..r il.,-. .juih ehoill'l lllull lor n. ir,iHll1l w(.h rolne.'a.a and r!von will re, ?' t ...,um..ii .! lr-e.l llimueo "'''; ,, Hie n-wile of hemp alio fcrrtir -,l tlw Htmicht: mo a ;b. , Jj,. a) ri ly. U:a lluciy cm. ,,-niuae oimhi lo have eitei, led f:lh.-m aononuT. arulc fm i. w.hereit ber. i ..... n.k,l m re than ueunn t-'" J ;, i f,,,r ro;e-tl-n. lhalour nianumrinn-re ..m iHt.orcra mav m pia".-d m a fair ra.mjmtui-.i mllli IIH.W i.r MIT ifl 11 1 U.llin '-I. nio'" millions may. he eliminated. Mexl auniraoi 1 rauco. Oo-inuiiy, Kuama, Austria, itaii.i. " iiud Poniiiral. llBltrium, tianaaa, . :' ... , ,, "ZXtt wrr,'i' I. ZfZZvuX o. ,'ahor flo'w freely from p.aee heir . anu'ac uTri a monopo , ol Uie d.,!place in ohe4ie.,c to the least change or .U(f.r. r l tm. VrV.tect onlst law maker-ience In price, l.ahor. wh'ch l man. Is b-und lo Tta. rl, ."ll br ties of air. .red and aea.af.Jk 1m pS- r their markets are made which will k.-ep him at home lu .pluo very .1 . . . ,w noiiiiirT'lurlna- lniluccmenls beid out In a f.-relfu land. oy tur i ui ei . o. ,iul.. . th,.iTt,. mtrrrenee la nreeineir that between u ia 1 i ot - ,.- ant. .il.flHr I'here remaloa tbe. a? oniy i. - . " ' ,:, , .... . .,timetai. iffink- srM ma-rbot or 7 ttW ml UOIl UOiuu s ou.; 1,.,,." " . " " -, lug human eonl. A Rre.lt dllTren'-n in wairca 1rei.t ''welT w Ii:" aVourp-r,.;:-c r.r"oV.mlnPl y x,.t hetw.cn this country and France. y. well, Wlillt a.e OUI i. ii- .... lv..,.r,m... ,ll nr.f.r. . thev acluitl V .Jo pro- ..... i Ur. Imfl 1 ID mos ilimr.f u".ci ...... - , - .. nxporte na-ly as much Iron au'l steel or f thom'venta a levolloir of wars rales In the two coun ter, to suy In beautiful Trance at leaa than ball . i. .,.,. ..,.i..on ...n... Hiuri.n n.tnreii e r tire- KllluS H. I. mi "'iw. . - ... - . . ,, ... oxinute mil's as much as 11 Imports ' ' .. . .' I,. . i thre. times .u, much as Ititrles. It Is altogether dilTerant u tn prou- n-siilt of'"""""" ",.:,"': '.",;:,T.,. i.,ai. u u.irinoin. new of that Iri-ncti labor, Winn neither iei nor she siiiil swHojilng tlieni ,.r is sevo.l. anil, as vou noil takce of urnsli primula ' ' " 7,.;l,,h,6. lt W0M, 0 Tariff to prevent, they with tl.eu.it.0. 'Vanntacturcs and I would Tow to this country In a delUtt . long a. Bi.l.ply lie "S-n demand tor maun ..tur s , half of one oar cent. il.- th. D" 1 . . -e..,,.n . I.lhap I.AfM tift.;l 111 Prance. Tbereeult must be a loreUng ot ware miMoyed m producinc uie me and five yur ne the ei -ltemont of the rrand,al eierrlee." iT'etcauuol ta'klnir eaic rly with tw. ,r,ut!,,u.-u. Tur-ing u on ha x cii.iprr.K in. A HUM n:stt 1" IuH "i-I' H-D l.ll.. "Prnyl lence h" fl.le I our mountains nil" on US M -oillM'.1- WO" lay then." bo rmna.rk.ei sa u au. tl Murrraret'a horn., lariiHi iu. ije U:tur. iue on the hmj uear theore- ii..'i .tu a yeeti.ti v..wl u une a Utile m .re Airier, ilio .m j. .k... - I waul niita to d. wlta eu from Hie lllumluatou say ... "u well, uut 1 ju out care tot . ev-i-el worls. ,.,.... ixtnn . . K.,r.r cno countenance 'h.,1. c .e i men w. '. : mi traul. I ''n,'."'I,,P"''fntV..i,. ... .'" paupei-a an1 ..o-r-r, Uo;-..,.l,mraof thl.SlnteWlll l,o hlln.lo l I ' toralae upon .vrtam PH- IV l .pile. of our effort. t.iion. ' V,ui i'sieretiw lnV.ur tilawry. Kiss Fletcher. feaMnr w of u te'lltu- !e.le. " " , . ."r.tnur other diwu-sl..n on paity iasus, to... r tue unit ,.h,i ijocl in haliu U'-rseu : ... , ., eyion, i 11 ancestors .o win ,u.t. oh a danLo-roue 'luarknts or the world." C.ittona aretheprln . . . ... .. ...,i. ......Hon In t.f.s tiriont cipiu ii.ai.ioH. vu.ru . 1.lr..,. nf the and u 1. alloceiner l. ..oao.e .u.. - , ennetrlea. Bv prevnutaii! this '""enned w4h .rhmlaT crt one itl so loeiVevoilns competition ot producu the TarlS prw ,.tanii ..iplld wth .LT.',,.,..! ,,r the'renta a re.lueih.n In Amerloau was even fr-jthouch lanor 1. admitted nee. ' ..v AMca ami th. "other countries have bin hv.i . ,e i'rmn..TOi.e party to oppn-rd to a 1 reavdil ' 'ew 'wai. It. and ih.'ss are for the most part such Twifl f ,,ld not sii-i'.lr. Ail men andeven animals fear and hale wnal- u markets or the woriu qis- ever they no not iinucretRnu. a ir exitiu ii-itlon md analy-ia.l nrokon to the presence of a grist mill. bi?l $',,N.l:; o.i.. ,1.1.1 which reproMini,.- ft., a threshing machine or a looemouT.- ico.o I the worms "liruu.i jail I hal'-s it. Me will smasn every.. tins .o wore orfi.re.1 to us in osoi.a:.- . . "... j .e is niiacnf... wj j;ei, unns ... o .' " l i!lc hiu-ket we c .u.il u..t iinorn to . ,. i i know that e.icn oi mess inniKs o. ...... ....... ! cue trade teal least ten times this ainuiuitinipia ami effoctlv. work toward teellus and nn iv All Its prollts are kept nt home, ti" ieheileriiig him aud his owner than he can poasl- .oli o' distant ocean transp .nation is re-i y , himaeif. The bmt saw culs out the ts oenents sun lips .oar.ls wlucn luaiie nis etao.e. h.p - Tims (lo ill. "ifr oninr under car"' the who .re purchase. ici-d lo minimum. u-e Incaiculah.e. and It will lie a o.-ti k n.... ,lratw8 ui instant iiiarscts nin . ."i--. " "w . Auv wlieo this St. i.. .111.1 iioi.i i.u. ullaws only lo me uepoi. mo .1........ - ; 1 awav for that lulserahlc moss o. pot 'Lilt. woriu a neutral markets, ' ui.l the Tariff o "J. acli""V " , ', ! je.-t In balul herselt : itrtturltamlbas alway l f. I -.speaUngof p,.l mlsti.kes. Mr. V .rX-th.B- Ye rwat hH oe lebratea f ''"' fae I'"' how we can Maine onr anc. . 1... ..seil cotll.l not Letter '".,,,, v mn la ahead of ).. time." , ',.r.u, c.uceal his true lU..u.ht. I U .1 ... ... r....,t. Miss Fletcher, tor l.at...- rouita that I itoplwil twUni.lnlis the loll aiwuye th. way." mat Mr I ye i uevercorae. wis. :Le 00-e ae y. a ba dUy wff p. .,v:.ut .... e the hell, ruiiit. ktabther. : ......a.. ui conceal his true iu..u". .., -Sou nre MMmitlj. "but U wa.a... to..f neems t- l t" ''""'"'!' I makes no le'ips. H l.ss taken ncnitirina i. p au rouita tbatl loi.iwt to ....u,,. the Impression thai no "": man I island where be d.." t.-aiiy. wei.ann. rue stu.'o i i'o bell, aioni! lb. al.ttneleaa frau.1 ''""'T , ,,,,,, f,,r thousands ol year, ot mlel.eo.tna, 6 re.t -au Uelwlll. the jmiiu.I .!.. placed on ',i.1u' Iir0. 1 velopment lie between. e miisiie...u ... jn.e.e.." '. .talesman. leori! K.illas. a p. , much easier to ial-of than in .t.l. .....,,t ii. the .lay of trial. "if Jaiiies folk proves lo be the ,J''''"; i,,,u,,,,.i,r,u'iili,i.t lo caibsr the bar llllme.1 lb. Hrrel prepared their ;,... ,, ,,r.clloul.t hul we r " 1 aald lls Fletcher. "1 hi- talk a..u. .... ;,. where n. -.. " ..,,,..ta.-e llf.icri.lions see,., eu -; - ua -uaxcj bllu lulo a belief iiutry one for the eauu and i. ..i Is thickened and lliro.i- me door In th. arly tl liirh'.s a they one by on. fllck piwti rr below. in a pleaaant Tolc. Iiehlud lrar.:ti and howl, our pa . Is that your (Irnudfaiber ir. 1 will jo back lo work per. are aoioe bonk. Ethel on my way to town. HI what she ha. marked, and w evenin. fyed, wlibout .peaklnt. and r1"' mini." ns win r.i ii. fa mru.nl when b. bad left fed to her boaom, Lb a weui by the M.hied lamp, raiaeo Fherlliaa. "n lb. hearto, i - ... ... ion aleiH. Iir.. .iudyln, tu " I Maaa r;L,f-''!rBv;ni7u.to p vwrawww ..-..i,. mluhli I wbuss " " ....i.l.ie ...ll fear, anil le.re ' ''- " tr..it..r u . .. 1- " ' ...r;,m,i.iii his miiot p.iiou. a nasu .... ; ... .yoa. in.' ' ,,.mie. I will look inf Honor... '.."" - . ii. I. matter, r.oicnor, ..' he assured that m noiMioi, f,,p,i,r a lie ,ieot mine disirrace I Truth Orsi ai.il rtMrreiURl' " i . I- mf ;-iW XVi tbani (led for my tore'aih'ral har pora. Th. J r.r.ied EnBltehman. threw a the coiiversailoii "": ,: t election, of youra Beany oyer tneee . . nimrrel. I. tu.rer ...lM.ni ...m ,"u.,- horribly in oarnesi you ""'";--,,... ...... .Ih-1 ..III 11 JO... ow thr. I. V "'" r V ana I've ireuera'D- a trad, isa . .,., ll is. i...'. ' - . . ... ........1 that lb. irouni. .-"'" ,.,,. country, "''f Ju,u1u;rJ . ..men, and Dl Polk. Idol of ""J , ' ,riiT anil e SS ' rourtwn site, rt.ar your peo . . .w. ... anoullm : 'Polk, uana. ai.u .... P'J h" iS r "" tun u." J. and what more can you ;-ft..r.r.a., ri-berT" w.ii. "''''. '?-u ;...; ..t i.. .... 'i ll. pnsw. " f. ' , nriiiDinuv. on. .... Parton ...... .ffacta. . . . . . .h.t alon.. au. so "'", .rlod. of 17S3. ISIS. frw. tra-i. "r J "" ,,. and 3: K" ,' farmw. k wbll. tuen la........ ...,.,-. ------ s.a to " -r- . " - - -,.... .heir nroduc. rotllnf. while I I'likaTb. .7 .lr . ruiTr land., rich with harv-sst wer. .old for. r- baarawnudanc. i"r, o,,, aUd our iinuui.." i' 'tABi .b. fit v.road in ord.r to l.v.. VMiSS 5Sliur.. " rM11iu nt free trad, pnrhids, and If tb. urin ,uib..h. wathMb.rely!,. ..,r..t,ned 1, tor one, will nev.r .uprrt to frotityaad Iwnnranc. had W.'.ltraclesl tbe b.lreaa. V ba been working out. nt subject, worn, of u.r fa .caiiuo Canadians Pay the Tariff. t. ec mmlltee appointed l.y the Senate to In the rHerl of the new lariff on trad" .'. ,. . anada vis.tod Heir.,11, Michigan, septem ikPI and gives lu Its official report the i .-r-Vli g .llalt.gnc between Its chairman and '"e'M.,r',MoiPrl'il'.-Mr. McDouougb, whails the ,w,H..t the tariff on lmponath.i.s generally tu tt.se .-.t h it Increased tuo price to the cou- f ".T McT)onoush. Chief Clerk of the ruatom -That tjuestlou may be answered as sat- .,'a. I .rily bv citing an importauou ... . j , ,ei at Ih'ls port to day. toe foreign vain, or; '.. .', 10 cents r d..7.eu. as against 15 cents, .', u one year ago. while tbo aollins prtc ''imt city lo-layla 17 couts per ton, as, i iat IT', oei.ts per doien a year ago, tun. ll-l tratln, the tact that UiediUy id cents p-r IllipOStSl UT.ll P(f ... . ., separates tr.e grain ueents iron, ujp tin. erist mill furnishes brnnd to those, who toed him. All are ae beneficent to him as his mas ter's most kind caresses and far more efficiently serviceable. He hates tuem simply became ha ,1..es not understand them and thinks fanciful dangers or cruelties are connected with them. The restive horse wants the locomotive, the bum saw the gnsl mm and the thresh I. if ma chine ail repealed, because he bears tholr clat. ter but h's reason Is loo slnslo and simple to comprehend their utility. As the Democratic party gets broke to the TarlT It dl.ilkes 11 less, rne cure le to hold Us nose rlfbt to tbe Tarlfl until il quiets dowu. I u!ve that feeling mylf." nswe-cd Tc to,,. "I find working for man', adv aiiceinei, Impossible unless I lofkle on the '"" Kalth. aa St. 1'ai.l directs. Uuman ''' I' "' ' Is so slow while, the patience W W'jrk. I .r H an. to wall for It Is divine!" , , i ,Hi.J Manr re PCTtOK't rain. plan. face, aa he spoke, and wondered .herein ; ' me foreign producer aud uot by the ..! fhrlivle with his florid complexion, per ,c.t,.inicr. feet feamrea and well bred manner, tcstltrl g c.na-or Motrin. I am anxious to know the to his noble snion lineage, ano uer """"' " ' l.m nIf busloe. done here, etc., an.t i w.iu.o hundaomer men. a the world would , .uow ar. Joslvn. anyuilng that you can would shochange iho finely cur, beardless ia.;.ik n lrlkU, w us on the suhlectof prlceBOn ..eerae ne., mi ci.ne. ... ...v...-. .w.l-.l.n 1,1 SI JS Ot IP. MHO ..... upou ..." ........ Maurice Peyton, philanthropist and t-lstlari ,.,lr (united State Couml at Windsor, -tether, had .prung from go.. I old yr1". " ."r,v, ,he markel for at least W percent, of stock. Inheriting a large number of slaves he . eu n( willsr ;ln Canada, across the had, upon gaining bis majority, freed them, snd tn nr. imrolt',. aud tbe Itro!t market be:aue of this and certain bold utterance, rii "J rfl Mylblng that la .old In wind from hh pulpit, had found himself social ; .r . J u wlll e,.el to remov. tbe goods ostrnciaexi iu ite eoiiyeraativ. onj no ..... ..,,ut of th. original prouueer. .e hi. home. r?-i I?lne that ba. com. under my obaervat oa : lie had dared call his lnr brothers, had ois in.ua .. ....,, ,, . SiKlor 600 bushels . - ... .. ... ak... .....a. an.1 hul eVSIl ' A IS' . ... . .. - T..,.l. raaek.t. .ltd lipill-.illim... .uui. 7 .... ,f UAliS SHU WUriHB Ml. -, ----- eneonragert their .ntrnnce Into the fold of the of be . w cmU .hips tbeiu In. Th. ..... .1. wk...h h. Tir.NMed. .wliSll ' . . .. Mni th.rroleht Alllbla had roused the oaet. teellne of tslrdJ,1""-,, -mi .l.duol that from the agreed ism Yaene murmur, grew into inuttiir..i,ami j ...,. mhiii, .balance to th. dmiler. r.; ...... ... i of irii.l. Learned on. now . ...... -- k. . ,,,e,p,. What more In the way of a tariff plank coulS ihe Importers and British manufacturer!, afk o! the l-emoorailc parly? There is no pretext now for any delay ot the campitigu tuuda oxpacua from the soutcee named. if .Tohn Bull la not salltfled with the tariff plank ot the Chicago Ckmveullon, he mu si ce bard, indeou, to pieapo. mea trwnu.nt and welcoa. Ujoa-e au the hill. Hbe r. ' Id uk e. I with a rf..o.ian Vi idni.iry. and already ai r- . ...urmurs nau rl..u arl'.lsm .hewn M.gawy.te r -wwr in. wwrk... time.. Vaa-iie murmurs grew ihreala au.l he was finally requested to realm. hi. charge and advleed to teak a Held in lauo: elsewhere. Tbe desire te study life In the Indn.lrlal Vortbern Ktates caused lilm to close up his af- talra and prewtre reran luaenuiM absence ii-om hla Houthern home. (Vil. (igllvle g an.wd curiously from Peyton to ui.. rietcber an they talked apart, and half I. threatened 1, tor one, wlll iiovnr eupia... ".j,, mmuig of what Thonai Fieicber was ""well!" draw led bgllTle. 1"'", i"'5en'ow turned from Fletcher and addre.aed ui. that yo American. t"J".M, r, . - leullon to lining wi. '"-;, - ',. "Miss Helcher, yon .noum piant eo.no ... o..r the cltmata or thla country la not ' J 1 f.iiropean Idoaa In the., au.all towns of your., ufaottirlng. Your great B, .U'"JU,I You Americana as.d more ..iiiopollua traln- Joha Band.upn. o.t..u j-.- ,.. T nre loo narrow ALFRED DOLGE'S FELT SLIPPERS AND SHOES. i 1 try. Ilk mm. w.fa. a - 4 IB la. OeaatHi.'. .V. -"- .anon, a ..fe.i I another daebaeaala. I. ." by which wt er. .eh to n of labor. Ihl. puwwr lmfi. 'P' m .hleh I ..... I ( Ik. .T-- " "TV "". we. ouaeoiii gen era- au iuT" P"'V "t sum izs ny iMiiag r iwiTT,"1. vwn Uaa of ". 1 to the nation. """- , utl., with him. Mr. or your www. , .. ,,,. ,,, ... . - ..(! In m M ."L"7T.:.,.a.-.r. removs.l from agrlctll ir an rw....".-."--,d faM-nJ """."'.ot. -f th. world, aud 1 b.llav CIMBI W inn-r" " are 111 favor hint. "Tea. neat Eagllenmen v.!..... frae trade tbeoriea, "ad I cannot aay that I blame ... emina klne hd i" ... ---- . .Mr. would oVly he of tactional b.D.Dt. aud a i lakwon wl.niirac.uir. atou. .. aaaloa l h. world I and ID ord.r to m.u u Mmft.il Itt-lo our prantl rlff. !rT. i. M. wtv. t. a. rarlety of product.. a boaVeaaarke. aad decai wage tor our wort ui.. IT I .r. . ao arnltw! I oanuot agree with yon. Col. Ogilvle. The trouble la that, aa o nation, ws are not luilepea ...... f n...n.irchlcal Ira.lllloha. ...n. ....... h.ie. " lauirhed Peyton, "lhat we ........ u..i.k i.Mtvi.iuamy In thla country, ..r ami to cop,, -...other people on the ! oj U .I. . l... .t Hint it arrow ni div ,,",Berid Fletcher, "",r, lodivldualltyr There la .me lliona. It Is the - ,,,0'r PHI mcll .pace It total tand foreign mauti- world ol ir i n in miriaiso. Aa lu- . .- ..a., in ivmrsinnii""" ' . r;;dlvld,.al w. work belief bj ; ''' "' S Tttalit, ,,.n inn , many du ,.. -, others. i it ""-.- ... .v.... ...... lain si las c bimiA. .. u M .' .".1" ta.ti.ia Md tad. iirLHB. laaaaaaaa. ....hernrin are too n arrow t you .unoi uli a raaaonable, eo.-aoplllii tl.wot It! Tft. ttSitvul yurwir to oawc thlt Sdtlw? VTlooM l!r M though you bH "Alf T eaVw. b-4ltrw If.'' "T. ZZii7h wh.ortOriii-,u il Tfi.tiiaTiiifrrTT'- up-.n I '' . . .. to l.oraea. It would b. a matter to .tale the exact effects, but 1 can a ale ua. reduced lb. price of horses In lau ulj at Ivaat from IS lo l per cent. Protection What Is It! i.vstem of Tariff legislation which lovlc. i..rw.r. ...eh as am iwlequate to ea- bi',.b and maintain riZrrl-ru w.z.'B to latxtrer.. ie .w...'.. The amount ot Protection needed Is deter mined hy ihe dirrereuee lu tbe cost of produc .1. .n at home aud abroad. it iwinis ot high wares hero it e.M.1. MO U. projuoe a ton ot steel rails, ana land luett steel rails need a duty ot uboiil (lu a . .... ...... ....I ... t.T...t..'L our ion to keep our uiiun -to - - wu workmen from Ibe low wages abroad. Again, If It ecu teveuiy conta a bushel t.. rals. barl.y h.r. end only forty cent- a bushel in ilanada. th.n barl.y need, rroieotlon to the .kin. enl. a hu.bel. llliiu.i......e;i " , ..,,,. I... tkan If a duty It iriipoae.i uu .j - the dlffcrenco In th. omt of piyalucllon, ll ran ' ,, , ftntectlTe. Twenty centa per yard might hf.ecuve duty -a a griuU f plj.tb while elghteeu nta ir yard might nol b. l'roieciiou . - ii i . T.eiif .T.tem not only mean. high .lutlee on .on., thlnga. medium duties on ' .!'-... .....i ..... low dutloe on certain article". nut l, m.a.1. no duty "V'" S,J,'.Ke? .T. t r.-ntl lltm fir 111 hit I Lew U tw tat DANIEL GRKEN & CO, 44 Knnt Fourteotuh St.. New -xrlg I hare puriKisely curtails.! my owu work. f;i I have foVud that by dolus a little 1 do It w.l I." ' m'w to those phllcopher.. Ulas F.thel, who condemn your woman r:... inouirea ijoi. ..g.i.iw. -, ... ,.n um. .. ... 7.. in... who oontend that your q'iiu' ""'" , ....,.. .Ty no Im- !...ie. ..reiivcbarllieaare dsstrucllvefnr.es ' , oanBot ralaa them In thla ss?.rs:,r!riu:?V vi:. .'-f utUre w m wr fr..u;f rP. ".'iTVLH. ... . hungry to be . have, not y-. "- -- - ;.,, ll le assay on -""-.'. flcleuliy to .PIy "" i. H " U.HMI M ... . IPHIIIPI. ' ' . . I. ...... IrTT 2TT...e .ho,.t il.a raea. low few men! I rote. .. . .,..,,,. ...a maintain' . wdSio -ooM b. pWhuilhropl... -W !"rh!u, illlT.-mm tAvrnn tear and tl. t the rery doora ot their agi .hi.a us u pay our million, or h.7 wVcau. g..red wllltout b.lng Ytmli1.him iMari 1 U"" . A PATRIOTIC WOBI. Krery person whe Is opp.wcd to Fre. Tea Blavery and favor. American taduatrlal Indl. pendenoe secured through the poy f Fea. tecllon, should read Uie d.w.menU publiehet by tho Annrtcan Protective Tarl Iage. At a patrloOo clllaeu It la your duly to place tbeeg. docun.enti In th. hand, of yonr fn.nda. Tber are Intoreatlng and li.atraellTe. and ew.Ur.wt dUcnsslons of .11 phaeoi of the Tariff qissslloa. Tbo Le-.no publiaae. over M ilfcreat d-eu. Bienta, cunprlslng nearly pages of plainly printed, carefully ediwd .nd rellabU Infern... tlon. Among the author, of these doonoi.ntt ar. Hon. Jamea O. Blame s Wj. Metlaie-. Jr. Tvernoral Unto! Soiutlor . M. C wlluul, ol III! noil r 'nal ' ? J.I N. I"ph. o Oiwoni S ri..r A t Pald.-, of Nebraska; tM,u K (,,e Senau.r : aMJ . of K.ffth l.ke! at anViloa W A Id rich, of llhode Island; Hon. ?r, rm". l l! lliilley.of New J. na-r l llo.. K.,ert l Potior, of WaahliiKioBi I'rof. J. I'voge. iiuAirlrnllural en: OoninwsJora W. H. 'I . Ilnghwi I lien I.. . lri.h.rn.of Itew Tor, 'JC"' '( af Iowa': Ho". F. Joi.ee: I ld Hall K .si. of ll,..! " 1 Rx-tmgr-taii lrklaa, of Kensael Br gt WIHerTot Kew T.a-k : HothOe... UraiJ. ofUasst ll.m.C. I.. rVw.rda.oCT.ia.lJod.') Si w. 1wr.nL of Ohio! Htw. t). "arrj"" ol Now VurkTnen.Ueo. 8. lloutw.ll, -f tft-i 11. . ll. Ammtdowa, at w Torki Kuw Jf.i.aaty..f T.Miaaea. TkM Coeialcl. Mt of document! will be ta to aBrnd.lras. woM aald. for Fifty law feeta Adir.a Wllbnr F. Wskemim, Oaal. Berr.tsry, tt US Wast J-ld alrtet, Ktw York. Ml figZigtfKt ' "k vwti "o,,um" to 1