The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 11, 1892, Image 5

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touiitr. i
1 "o U
rd ton,
est jJ
that ij
Ins foJ
Jopt (
,r . in Livening Power Latest U. S. Gov't P. .
a lajf 0i - -jii.
( . n nr n
generally known that
in one instance a lee
'Qf 1113 UJ11U1U11 a nil
1 .
pe.-t. lie was emoiojja
mnr organized to bore
if -
tunnel to exam-
al aui'ly conditions nna
' .'
lr.ioD as to me ie.-i.uuiiiij
lability of the -nr. ''8
tin ft 9 named, Otber
. r
fcm Various pirns ui mc
also consulted, and there
tratcd noon I'lans an
Hicrt knowledge such as
beta inrcxe'i lor any one
M) Reward. ION.
rt of this paper will le
urn thai there in at least one
.ise Hint science Jia lxt-n
in nil it? dages and that in
all's Calauh Cure i the
eur,f now Kmmn u me
iteinitv. Catarrh Wing a
ij (lipase, requires a conwti-
eatmwit. I hills Catarrh
n tnt-rnall v, artu g direct-
Wood and mucous surface
lerchv ih-Htroving the
loftlic din-aw, and giving the
.-ill by Iniildinjf uj, thi' enn
asMnting nature in doing
ie proprietor have o much
nrative power that thev
wired 1'ulliiiH for anv case
cure. Send fur lint of
FNTY A CO , Toledo, 0.
DruggiM, 7.V.
eacklag a Hone.
It requires au Immense amount of
Jme and patience to teach a horse the
-neks with wllich u MtonUhe an
audience. Take, for instance, the find
ngofthe handkerchief, that has al
aays surprised children since the first
:incus toot the road.
V; .i -
valine norse must be taurrht tn
Jlie. 10 ao this tllH trains, ,H.l
. w 'uvi Ull lUta
he animal on the shoulder. It maH
io impression at all, apparently, for
learjy naif an hour.
At last the horse grew tired of it anri
maae a snap at the hand.
Tl. 1 J . .
'allium was taken awav and th
JcKiine bepan no-.'iin u ii.nt i...
iiuiaut iiiLer.
A few days since a fellow w.n trierf
for Mealing a saw, lut he said he "onlr I 4nother SI)aP and another tickle, until
-'vrr iv hi h J0K6. ' IA 1. Mnl,J tltaUY U,6 IlOrSG rffll 1 7Pfl Hiof rhuHk
l.nuI f.. - I
- i,e j,aa carried it. and was
answered. "About two miles." "That
was carrying the joke too far,- said the
magistrate, and committed the
A Miss liliss of Worcester, Mass
has come into the possession of a for
tune estimated at several million dol
lars by the will of a Hartford gentle
man to whom she was engaged to be
The microscope exhibits 4,(XJ0 raus
cles in a common caterpillar, 1,000 mir
rors in the eye of a drone bee, besides
proving that the large eye of a dragon
lly Is only a collection of 2S,i0 poI
..died lenses.
Hums Norkrrn' I lruiln, lHO'J.
On August .'10th and September 27th
a la e of one lowest tirst- lass fare will
La made from eastern points to pointi
on the 1J. .V M. Ilv. for two home Feelc
ers' excursion!,. Tickets will he sJd at
ll piirci al railway p'lints ns far east
as Hullalo and I'ittsburs. Tickets will
I c good within thirty duvs from date ol
fale Hix! stop overs will be allowed on
the wei-t loimd ti p after passing the
Mis oil ri rivir. These excnrs.ons en
ab e parties in the east to come w st and
make their friends a visit at a very low
rate and look over the groat productive
state of N'chrufika.
found that half-burned
will cut class. Contain-
do many of the rharacter-
djamund this Is not stir-
nfortunately the street
scovered this fact, and
himself by scratching
inflows and doinir other
ork. The only remedy is
trimmer to leave no
the caudles in the
There Is a wonderful piece of mech
anlsm in the Luited Mate3 govern
ment mint in the shape of the scales
for weighing the gold coin. Two
pieces of paper of equal weight have
been placed upon the balances and on
one being removed and an autograph
in lead pencil insr.ribod on it, and the
sheet replaced on the scales, the sec
ond piece has been found to outweigh
the other.
Ktr I'rlntml. fau You Flnil
ih H'oniy
irrr-iiifb divnlny nrlri-rUtmicnt tn
k, which ha no two trmila
ne wor.l. The Mme la trne of
ipTfurmg nch week, from iho
nine ii. i hit bouae place ,
fnihlnit they make ami iiiib-
wna incm ino namo ol Iho
mum yon BOOK, ItKALIl-
orBAMI'LKS fliht.
I It,
I" ill rr
A woman, just after she had finished
her w.nhtng, told her talking-across-the-feiico
neighbor that she was
actually so tired that sho could
scarcely stand on her feet. In 15
minutes after that she began a
j two-hour stand, waiting for a luneral
to start, and she stood it out.
or sea me in the upper
line ocean waters may de-
ppth of twelve hundred
pin the surface, but there
ps a barren zono. which
within three hundred and
i hundred feet from the
tre the deeu sea animals
towns Bronchial Trmlies"
ced, and their success in
Ighsand Jirouchial Trou-
Dr. De Costa
ates vice.
says that wcath cre
A woman with a silvery laugh often
exposes gold plate In her mouth.
For Sweet Charily.
The total revenue of the charitable
institutions having their headquarters
In London amounted to over 0,000,000
sterling or, to De precise t,ow,'jA
A Darrot is said to have lived in the
Zoological gardens, Kegent park-
London, for fifty-two years without a
drop of water.
ination of the human
i-"" ... ,
skin with the latest improved micro
scopes it Is found to be covered with
niinite scales, overlapping each other
exactly like those of a fish.
Most of the ini migrants to this coun.
try during tne past year came irom
Germany, me raineruiuu luruisuuig
135 000. Jreland sent 60,000 and Italy
a few more than that number.
Mamma: "When that boy threw
stones at you why didn't you come and
tell me instead of throwing them
bacK?" Little Son: ' Tell you! Why
a candle, put a yoll C0IIidn't hit a barn door.
A. "great brute of a husband" adver
tised in the morning papers for a
strong, able-bodied man to hold hie
wife's tongue.
"Henry, I'm afraid that new girl ol
ours is one of those anarchists." ''Kh ?
She seems to believe in the total dem
olition of property."
"Pa, why is a girl called a belle?"
asked Clara. "Oh, I suppose it is be
cause of her tongue."
Conductor "What has happened!
Why did you pull the bell cord?" Pas
senger "My wife's hat fell out of the
window." Conductor "And for such
a trifle you stop the train!" Passen
ger "Trifle? You ought to see mj
wife's hat bill?"
It is so much easier to tell othet
people how to walk than it Is to shon
them how.
upon which the recently
pgo Inter Ocean building
k-en sold for 8250 a square
K is only 20 by 40 feet, but
it 8200,000. At this rate
fi'd in that neifhborhood
nearly 41 1. 000.000. The
lildiug is not included in
lot is leased by the inter
iy for ninety-nine years
pig note from an indig-
Vas recently received by a
i ol the London boarding
L . . -i I II, a
use complain aooui. .
you teach my boy-sm-
lu liirht
It, and make ngo"
pig it out."
r ii,A Manchester, N.
reh is going to set aside
Bheds for uie use oi
n number of the con-
to and iroui
y as well as during tne
. . - n n
tin Murray couuu, -.
iy saw a blacksnake run
c.wa a "teep hill and jump
VyB capture a sapsucker
ling a hole in the bark
vltli its sharp beak,
always been said to be
aloxication. The K gyp-
cabbage before their
they intended to drink
iner, and some of the
esventive of intoz-
I method in all this seeaiing madness
ind responded with a snap directly the
Lorn approached ins shoulder.
i nen a Handkerchief w.13 introduced
ind more time was consumed before
ie could get It through his head that
ie must take it into his mouth, more
Jme still for him to understand that
lemust pick it up from the around.
nd then came to burying of the hand-
terclnef and the finding it which in
rariably awakens enthusiasm.
Here the whip comes into play, but
lever as an instrument of torture. Mr.
Dockrill believes that nothing was
sver gained by striking ahorse. The
whip is used only a3 a pointer.
Ihreeor four mounds of sand are
'ormed, and the handkerchief Is burled
11 one. The whip leads the horse to
ill of them in succession, and remains
jy the last one, and so the horse is told
:hat the handkerchief is there.
In the same way a horse is taught to
ake a silver dollar and even a live
ish from a tub of water, but the time
equired would break an ordinary
nan's heart.
Practically everything is done by
;ouch. In this pretty stepping that a
norse does when a woman is on his
laclt every move is directed by the
ider's heel on one side, the gentle
;ouch of the whip on the other, or both.
If he is to walk, raising his feet high
n the air, the rider presses her heel in
0 his side and au attendant raises one
3f his forefeet, urging them forward at
'Jre same time.
This is repeated time after time and
lime after time until the horse under
stands what is wanted.
Press a tiuy boot against his side
while he is standing in his stall and
one of his lore-feet will go up as
though it were operated by some kind
of mechanism.
There is one good thing about a
horse he never forgets any thing, and
lie is always looking for a reward, if
that reward partakes of the character
of something gooo. to eat. Neither will
he do wrong after he lias once learned
that a certain act on his part is to be
followed by an unusual and disrgree-
able act on the part of his master.
While, of course. Mr. Dockrill's es
timate of a horse's intelligence is ex
aggerated, there is no question Miat he
can be taught a wonderful lot ot tricks
but the man not possessed of patience
outshining Job's would do well not to
take the contract to become his in
llaiiH tta-kni , .
Jane u wearing. Did she bring it from
road?' Clara-"Xo; if. her last
season's dress; the dressmaker turned
ln,lde ou and now she says it's from
the other side."
"Dante r remarked Mrs lWnW
Interrogatively. -X0 I don't know as
ueard of him. ut the name is
miliar, too. Oh, yes! Ann Dante'
kuew 1 heard of somebody by
that name. Wonder if it was his
umigoier: '
CaUrer "Have you finished that bill
of fare for the Millionaire club ban-
1"'.' ASSlitant "Vearlv . l'htt
nam end with?" Caterer fweajilvV
Cigars and chestnuts."
A small piece of paper or linen
moistened with turpentine, ann nut
into the wardrobe and drawers for a
single day, two or three times a year
preventive against moths.
A young
for a wife.
norant of the fact."
man advertises his desire
14 I w ...
1 reuy ana entirely lg.
" I am Post Master here and keen
a More. I have kept August Flower
lor sale for some time. I think it is
a splendid medicine." E. A. Bond,
P. M., Pavilion Centre, N. Y.
The stomach is the reservoir.
If it fails, everything fails. The
iiver, tne kidneys, the lungs, the
heart, the head, the blood, the nerves
;iu go wrong. If you feel wrong,
look to the stomach first. Put that
right at once by using August
m. lower. 11 assures a good appetite
and a good digestion.
.ui m .r -i --m
Why the Sun Shines North or Ui.
' There is no spot on the earth's sur
face where if unobstructed, the sun
would not shine on the north side of
buildings and other objects at some
time during theyear. Why? Because
the earth ia not so poised in space as to
allow of the sun's rays falling vertically
upon the equator throughout the year.
If it was so set in the great sea of space,
then the sun would never take a peep
in at our north window, as he does re
gularly both morning and evening of
some days. As it is there only two
days during the year, March 21 and
September 23, that the sun is directly
over the equator. Now, as the earth's
inclination from a prependicular to the
plane of its orbit is the same through
out the year, it thus causes unequal day
and night alternately north and south
of the equator. Therefore it shines
more or less obliquely, according to the
latitude toward either pole, and the
very moment it deviates from the per
pendicular at the equator the rays are
thrown obliauely, until at the time of
the summer solstice, when it has
worked around 23 degrees and 28 min
utes north of an east direction. It
mu3t, therefore, shine beyond the north
pole and appear to rise in the northeast
and set in the northwest.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, bead-
aoues and levers and cures habitual
constipation. SvruD of Fin ia the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
uuceu, pieasing 10 me taste ana ac
ceptable to the dtomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
feyrup of Figs is for Bale in 60c
and f 1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not hare it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
QiiUn frxMB 18.50 upwvd.
Thc Lakeside.
Majidal izu from tllQOtipwMfla
Mitiiugay, lia fljuafc.
Thc Consc MVATonr,
Hull UrMl. Ana fin 1 tii
All Ui ihnvo .... oa .a ....
, w" luaiaiiiet, iw,iJW m OUT
Inst runt en ta id um. Your local dcler will order for yoa. Gea
hre owned on inside, fiend for ill mir tied caUlof a.
1.VU.N it HKALY, 53 Monro Street, Cbicajco
Biff O t8thearknow!r1gar!
leadinr remedy for fell ti
I unnatural dtnehftrgea and
PrivAilisiaAeaof men. A
I certain cure for tbedebili
' utliif weakoesa peculiar
to women.
hfdtsjiyby Jprmcribeftaodfee!safe
EIISCheHCaIC0. in recommending U to
au aunerers.
a J D .Dtc.Ti. Ill
Bold by Dracfflai.
I 2xrmt! aotM
1 ITHt
v cicmiiri1o.n
I.?gal Notices in vour
fnryoii. Send Inracopy of our Legal Notice
nrfiuer. price i.uu. iuk M-.HK ask A Nh H .
1'afKK IMUN, Vork, .Neb.
:r? Weare puhlliih-
-juni ine iDiiiy
TPYaBl"l n-Rlon
(give uaiue and r.O.j. aL b. uKAliAll,Urlui.Tiiu.
All cmpl aplendld.
Knaiai luioriuatK
do hot eura io uoxn.
Bun ran for SICK Hlllb
ACHIC. Inpalna itlpatlna.! ,a
w.mii-, I.iuure KWI.fltt.
aiaficml earn M aUcV
yaaadbladdar. CMaaar
blliona Hla-
orders. enaMIA aat-
anl uajlt aotiuji.
by porUyioa
Beantiry oompleztoa
DlfMid. yvKKLr VeurrAHLL
Th doeii uicrl7adjuitdtonUleaat,MMBUlcaa
nter betoo inurh. Each vial conlainitf, earrMla Tt
fxM-kri, like leftd pencil. Bualueaa naa'a mat
eoi.vtulenre. Taken euier tkaa uavTSaiaaiaiT
fiend 2-ent itamp.Toii ret HI pagt baok
,tt LMbk ate.
'jrrat, Cietpeit al tut Kormal Sckeol it tk Vert.
C A R 1 Upt'i TMrtf Taacaan, all
-" '-.n"u aa. iLacav
anr tima. Take may , Inaiiia Expanaaa low.
0 a If luradnawi in demand. In order that all
railli 1alH.7. lt tha merita of the Woatora Normal
w "" Pl your m. n, fara
niljaTtlelara. rata
rem roar hotna in TJnmi. c-.
n thi etT,
caaiaa this
anrrooaa, aioraaa.
alT, CTC.
plain and oiceaATC.
tanoanp Fisia-WAMOe,
AT AAA. futtiiirr anaaan
Or& allar7ndaVia7ailau raw.
rfp. Safc.tureundalwaya reliable. aallwi.
lalun,. t ar onlr the t'BaMMT. In (Ut. nixal
bua. Price, tl. Sent direct, ertletl. Cir. trae.
l.ll'IU ClltMK Al. CO.. luki, iUn.
I I'M P JAW Iteuiavcr: Wananted to cure.
a Leaves 110 acur,
lleit. K. binipaon,
een la per bottle, poatnald.
Vork, Neb. Sold by drug-
" Mothers' Friend " is a scientific
ally prepared Liniiftent, every ingre
dient of recognized value and in
constant use by the medical pro
fession. These ingredients are com
bined in a manner hitherto unknown
WILL DO all that is claimed for
it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con
taining valuable information and
voluntary testimonials.
mt by expreaa on receipt of price $1.60 per bottla
F. E. &
Tfcketa and Vonalg-n your
'rei(lit via the
M. V. and S,
it a a us.
C. & P.
ir. O. BURT, Ueneral Manager.
Oen'l Freight As't. Oeu'l rua. Aa(.
Perry Davis Pain-Killer
best medicine in the world.
Parly risers
lafJlDa Witt Little Kr7 K'aera.
the I'amoue Little PllltforConatlpatlon.Sleltnearl
aclio, Iyapapala.Mo Nauaa,No Pain Ver; Small.
A Questionable Cirt.
A man in Leeds, England, looked a
gift horse in the mouth the other day,
with profitable results. The keeper ot
a skating rink had abvertised "a great
fancy costume carnival, and by way
of stimulating the invention of his
patrons he promised that the wearer of
the most original costume Bhould be
rewarded with a watch of the value of
ninety dollars. The man who won the
watch took it to a joweler, who said
the time-piece was worth only twenty
dollars. The winner, therefore, ap
plied to the courts for redress. The
skating rink propriotor defended him
self with the plea that the giving of
the price was a purely voluntary act,
and the recipient should not take tha
river'g estimated too literally. Tha
iudtte. however, took a different view,
andg-ave judgment for the plaintiff
for ninety dollars.
WANTED AG ENT8 For our great ('amiai)rn
looka. JliocrRphiesof all Preenl, nia Tlie only
Voliticnl Kocjclopaedio, Tlireo volnmes in one.
Only aS.50 MaKDihcent proaneetua 3" ela.
Demo ratic or Kennbiican vnaa. iiuir
& Co. Nw York.
or forfeit $125. Send l;rnpfor reply.
Heal'Eatate Agent,
47S Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Electric Home Treatment,
is especially adapted to cure physical anct nervous diseases as follows: Neuras
thenia (Nervous Debility) from overwork or abuses, Paralysis Local or Gen
eral Neuralgia and Insomnia, Dyspepsia and loss of tone of the Digestive system
including habitual Constipation, Female Weakness, Ovarian and Menstral Com
plaints, Ulceration and Displacements; also Skin and Joint Diseases, and De
formities of Long Standing. The worst cases of Obesity Surplus Fat even
with serious heart complications.
It is the Only Svstem of the Kind Now in Existence.
Skill in application combined with truthful diagnosis That's the Secret
duoing effects intimately connected with life itself. Electricity is Life.
ease is tne tacit ot it. ueatn is tne Absence ot it.
This great system is the outcome of 30 years' experience in Materia Medica
and the uses of electricity, in all its forms. Diagnosis of all cases is under the
direct management of the most skilfful electricians and physicians, supported by
elaborate electrical aparatus for surgical purposes, in the reduction and removal
of tumors, strictures or cauterization.
The moBt desirable cases are those given over as incurable by the family phy
sician. Personal consultation or by mail free. Full and complete particulars will
be supplied to any sufferer on application. Address, Inter-Ocean Building,
The Gregg Electric Cure Co.
Chicago, 111.
l.iiiaiha stTj
Do" Your. Onnl Repairing'
Br netnr tiooVn Boaaebold Bepalrtu 0IAt for half-ofW
AudreMlrtDirltoots. Bhoca and Subbers. Any one Canute Ik rrloa
"AS. WelabUtteatly boxed. 0 lbs. thousands already lu use.
ITalAPS AND TOOIjS f orntaklup and repalrtiiiallfnrlnclpal part
no Bpwinij. DBnpieaaAiiuiiiiui,u,uiM--ui,Tw
iaUaa I1" paaaaac ajaTeany leuaT-oorwiuuiyuuwaaia, .
ami. TPady totnake up at home, at lesa than H pr'oea.
HABBHABIS,Bi,aps, llucklcs, loops, inta. mm
WAnE.en&ps. Suckles, loops, 1MU, Kinfa,
,me Cllrajana6Upleo,Kivct,etcut a big rodjictjon. .
COOaCHlC9.Ul,lu uauujaw -'
t raps 80 each, fiiepcrooz. HitehRtrHrLfiij.
S,eta.fttwrHiariiillrpl008. Manyoftlain
j v " . , a.,..-a.
lirviuaaaHa a nravcian ui oi -
Suit uie Closest Duyer. .
SaUtTa everything neoram
I.AD1KS arc Safe, Prompt, Kffectual. The
orliinal and only genuine Womin'i 8'
?l it . Sent direct, $1; acaled. Advice free.
CATON M Kl). SPEC. CO., Bolton, Maai. Sold by
II local druggiat.
N.N. tl. No. 191-33
Tork, Mk
ta ccmpouadlaf a aolutlon a part wan ecMtmly aalllMI ot, tae aaaal
TV? Y3
i raMBBi amairK.
Mala (ram ooaarratloa). Bead moaey or atamai Jy
pondance atnetiy coonaeatiai
oontaina. tt irjTiia yrm
Aaaraaa at
ZZjt Vn-hlM attarward it waa dtaeov?r4 that tha balr '
nartat ana w rreat liaa been the demand that we art fMm fmttvfmctKt
It tarouchout Uie world under the nam ol UaWi Aatl-Waltfwa.
taw the hair mm and apply Die mlnnre (orafew murataa. and tk
rrii.rtV anr altarward. It iannllkeaiirotaerprepaMMaaaTWaara
applied or enraiyt.. .. Vj whohaT bMuaaaaiia
OKNTLMKM who do not apprectataa heard or balr oa tMr ack.
wtlh BnaTinf , ay renoenr,B., . "r" a- ZM kr AimircMv
S VAMff lATAtial ftt
or j-ti-y
. aaaaaa ari aaa larll t IrWWarn in tTflT
Li VJavT"oi ViruTa. ai farreaeaml Oat th la oat aaa
... aHMtiUAt. Karf tMtt.l STnmrsn(,v v
fehtvs ttlSO QaeSM nU-Hl.l.n, and find ,t don a l aW'
Aatt-atatataa, .
1 Atots ecnpupye'ahaiiCi li. ijaucsi
The speed of wild duck is ninety
mllej rhour- --