.w m "sJe9& 4: u 1 j i;1 il 4? fa The Sioux County Journal. BTABUiED le$8. OFFICIAL OXNTY FAPKR. Sim FAFEH IN THS COVKTY. JjAH THE LARGEST CtmTLATKW OF ANY TArER PCBIXSHKD IX SltX'X COCSTY. 0 Subscription Price, f2-00 L. J. Shsunoa. - Editor. - . 3. ' Entered t the Harrison post office as sec pud class matter. Thcrsday, Aroi'PT 4, lt92. 5ATI0YYL BErCBLICA TICKET. jr Froiltrit, RES J AMIS MARKISOK, of Indiana. or V ice. President, WniTKLVW UKU), of New York. A'eugressionul Convention, sink Disu-irt. The republican eiwtors of the Sixth Con Kwssional district of the Stat' of Nebraska are hereby reiiucsted to sou J delegates from he -eral counties comprising faid district uitu ni convention in the city of Chad- ron, Wednesday, ACKUit 10, li, at 8 o'clock, p. m.t for the purpose of placing in nomina tion a candidate lor member of Conxretfe for tskii district, and for the transaction of such other busim-8 as may come before the con vention. SErSESEKTATION. The iM-sis of reprt 'mentation i the same as lii.il axed by the state central committee for the state convention, and H one delegate for everyone hundred voles or major frac tion thereof ca-st for Hastings for attorney general and is as follows: County. tanner Itox Butte lirow n , .Buffalo ,','uevenne jlierry Custer .liawes. tlinrson Deuel Oarnelrt Grant (Jreelev Holt Tfooker ioward-----.--. W. W. Barney, No. Del. Countv. No. Del S'Kimball S 2 Kcva Taha 4 s Keith 3 5 Ixnran 2 5 Lincoln 15 Lorn GiMcrneraon 1 7! Rock.' niscotts Bintr s 10 Mieridan t? 9:herntan 4 4Pioux- S 2 Thomas. 2 2 Valley S 3j Wheeler 2 Total--. .170 Secretary. J. E. Evaxs, Chairman. Save good samples of your crops to help niake up the fair exhibits. fion't forget to tell your friend in the east to come out on the harvest excurs ions. Cholera is raging in numerous Europ ean provinces and a great many deaths are reported. A lMflrrrar uf Opiate. Ttie Harrison correspondent of the Otimlia Btt sent in & special bearing date of July -Wth. stating that all the factions of republicans io Sioux county were united and the split in the party which existed lias entirely disappeared. Tlie person who sent that report either gross ly misrepresented the matter or is densely ignorant of the facts. For weeks before the primaries Walker and Hough had been hard at work set ting up the pins to get control of the primary and convention and ail know the methods by which they work. When the primary was held last Thurs day they bad every one out whom tliey could work by prejudice or pulling strings and then found that noue of the opposition appeared. Why was it? Certainly not because the factional feel ing had died out The reason waa that those who object to obeying the orders of Hough and Walker decided to stay away. The result was that the Hough and Walker delegation was elected to the county convention. When the con vention day came soma of those who were elected from the outside precincts on learning that the program was to nominate Walker for county attorney and Ben. Johnson for county commis sioner declined to assist in any such scheme and did not go to the convention at all. The ouly way that there is any less factionalism is that the methods of Hough and Walker have disgusted a large number of those who have always voted t!i3 republican ticket to such an extent as to drive them out of the party. No honest, self-respecting man can sup- port a man with such a record, as George Walker has for any office of trust and the fact that he has been aided in his schemes by Postmaster Hough who does not hesitate to prostitute his official position to gain his ends or down those who do not stand in with him does not add any dignity to tlie business. Those who have been in control of the machinery of the republican party in Sioux county in the past have done a great deal against the interests of the party, but the nomination of George Walker for county attorney and B. F. Johnson, who is a pliant tool in Walker's hands, for commissioner, is an insult to the intelligence of the voters of Sioux county aud a blow to every man who will lie put on the republican ticket, for the voters will judge the rest of the ticket by those they know and the inevi table result will be the loss of many votes to the ticket. The split in the democratic ranks in New York shows no indications of heal ing. Hili is sileut and Tammany is not .exerting itself to any extent in behalf of ,he stuffed prophet. The indications are that congress w .adjourn this week. A great deal of business will be left unfinished. The session will go into history as ope noted for delays and obstruction?. The western passenger association hps got into u muddle and a rate war is heing indulged in to quite an extent. It is an ill ind that blows ao one good and A rate war will enable people to make a .cheap trip. The talk about the people's party breaking the solid south is getting worn threadbare and the intelligent voters are beginning to realize the fact that there is v,o grounds foe any such claims. Tlie truth will lie plainly seen before Novem her. The republicans of the first district have nominated Judge Alien W. Field, of Nebraska City, as the candidate for congress. It is considered a wise choice and tlie indications are that Mr. Bryan will have a chance to stay at home after the close of his present term in congress. An investigation of the records of Da kota countv has been made and an ex tre?surer found to be $13,400 short, The county board has instructed the county attorney to begin civil action against him and his bontUmeu for the amount and also to begin criminal suit against the ex-official. The postponement of the anti-option bill until the next session of congress is a temporary victory for the grain gamblers, but it is quite evident that it is only temporary and the bill will be made a law in the near future. Such a law is demanded by the people and tliev will not rest until it IS accomplished. A senatorial boom in circulating around alighted on Tim Sedgwick, of tlie York Timet- Tim toyed with it for a Abort while but when the "devil" stuck his head in at the door of the Timet? edi totial room and squeaked "copy" Tim seized his pencil and dashed off an article "Hating that he had no time to devote to such an expensive luxury. Tim is a real, live man and would make a good legislator. ---- Tlie Seward Reporter has beeiDeased by Madole Mason and will be managed by them in future and a dally issued id connection with the weekly. F. O. Simmon will remain an editor of both pubUealioa. The Reporter haa baaa one of the letting weekly papers of the state .twerrtvtw vsu- and it is Htfe to pMKiOM that tlx: uuilj' 1I1 he of the same high sUntUM as the weekly tiM Always toee. Sue llwsWijr RfpKblirau Cesmtr CoareatWu. Tlie republican county convention con vened at the court bouse in Harrison, pursuant to call, Saturday, July 30. 1892, at eleven o'clock a. m. Convention called to order by A. R. Dew, chairman of the county central conimitte. Convention call read by W. H. Davis, secretary county central committee. A- R- Bew was elected' temporary chairman, and A. I Baumgartner, tem porary secretary. On motion tlie following committees were appointed; On permanent organization: James Clark, W. H. Dixon, W. H. Cprbin. On credentials: John Eberspacher, W. S. Nicholson, E. G. Hough. On motion the convention, adjourned until one o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Convention re-convened at 1 o'clock. Committee on permanent organization reported as follows: lillSTLEMES OF THE COKVEXTIOK : VOUr committee on permanent or&aniiHtion has the honor 1 a. report as follows: torin r ruauent chairman, M. J. O'Conne.U ; for per niaut secretary. A; I.. Uaumgartner. W. H. Cohbis, ) J 4 MIIS CLAKK, COlll. in. Dixon, ) " , ,., uri- U fact that there as BT "7mnn!! fommuonj lias lost a gooa archistsin the ! tliat fact . j .. iko strikers and it is many ineuua w - , nowt.,tUis mated no thin; .1 i-;l- will lie strike will have caused a serious loss to alliarties concerneu anu - 1 mined association e ,anda number of ttm will be , i Jlrttrol; actions. in serious trouoie 101 -Had no violence been' ofTereJ by ftem the sympathy of tl n- f fver country would have been with tlie strik ers, but the resort to Violence y of the hot headed, recklos3 racu.oe,. ovement did much to bring aoout me !teat. One thing is hojd for by all and that is the passage 01 will ma!;e the existence 0! n.e rmaer- . . -i:i;t,. In tlie future. tons an impowioimj Thev are a l'urse to the nation- credent iajs. reported as Senator David B. may not be as big a democrat as tlrover Cleveland, but he is a bettor politician. Hp says of the democratic platform that it has "turned every workshop in the Uuited States into republican headquarters." Hill knows that the workingmen recognize in free trade their worst enemy. Inter Oram. A private among the state troops sent to preserve peace at Homestead on hear iug of the attempt to kill Frick proposed three cheers for the m.tn who made the assault. By order of the officer in com mand he was hung up hy the thumbs one half of his face and head shaved and then drummed out of camp, dismissed from the army and disfranchised. The case has called forth a good deal of com ment The punishment was, indeed, severe, but the offense was a grave one. It is bad for a citizen in any station in life to do aught that savors of approval of the acts of anarchists, end when such a thing is done by a man who has taken the military oath and who at the time is on duty to restrain riot, the magni tude of the offense is greatly magnified. The treatment of the man appears to savor too much of the inhuman to meet with the approval of the general public. Prayer of Little Avail. Dead wood Times. Melbourne tlie rain wizard and his as sistants, who tried to draw tears from the clouds above the arid plains of Mexi co, can now congratulate themselves that they escaped from that country alive. A Mexican letter to tlie San Francisco ChronicU' tells how they pro posed treating the failure of the Creator to cause rain in the department of Cas tanas. Tlie alcalde of tlie town and de partment of Castanas lias promulgated the following resolutions: Considering that the Supreme Creator has not behaved well in this province, as in the whole of last year only one shower of rain fell; that in tins summer notwith standing all processions, prayers and praises it v$ not rained at all, and con sequently the crops of Castanas, on which depends the prosperity of tlie whole deportment, are entirely ruined, it is decreed: Article 1. If within the peremptory Seriod of eight days from the date of this ecree rain does not fall abundantly, no one will go to mass or say prayers. Art 2. If the drouth continues eight days mora the churches and chapels shall be' burned and the miosis, rosaries and other objects of devotion will be des troyed. Art 8. If, finally, in a third period of eight days it shall not rain, all the priests, friars, nuns and Mints, male and female,' will be beheaded, and for the present permission is given for the com mission of all sorts of sins in order that the Supreme Creator may understand with rhoin he hat to deal. J The most remarkable feature of this affair is the fafct tbat four days after these resolutions war rasaed the heavi est rainfall known for crs was pracipi Wtad oa the burnlag onutiua.t. ' Tlie Homesteaa " , or Darn? the nulls are f., -- . - being empioj u The new men are -r- . . Frick soem ' THE NEW RESTAURANT : ' H. A. PRIDDV in Her.flquai lers for "Meals, Lunclies and Biikery Goods. Board by the Day or Week : r at Reasonable Rates. PATRON AGE BEI'ECTTCLI.Y HOUrfTED. r ' East Side Main Street, aiPRTViy - - - N J'ilt AsK A , Committee on follows: Mb. Chairman: tour committee 011 ere deutials onld recommend that the follow ing delegates lie entitled to seats in tins con vention: Andrews No delegates in attendance. Antelope No delegate in attendance. Bodare John Klerecher, J. W. Hunter, Win. Diion. liowen John 1. Davis, P. B. Bigclnw. A. Hasselqnisl, E. U. HoUgU, A. I.. Biiuingartner. Cook W. 8. Nicholson, O. J. Gowey. Cottonwood No delegates in attendance. Five Points Frank Tinkham, M.J.o'lon nell. Hat C reek -D. W. Woody, J. E. Holling worth. Montrose James Clark 3 votes. Kunnlng Water-J. A. Green, J. H. Cook. Sheep Creek No delegates in attendance, fnake Creek VV. II. Corbin. Warbonnet No delegatus present. White Kiver No delegates present. We recommend that delegates present be allowed to cast the full vote of their reflec tive precincts. J. C. Erf.rspkchkr, 1 E. G. Hough, Coin. W. s. Nicholson, ) Motion made aud carried that the con vention proceed to celect delegates to tlie state, congressional, senatorial and rep resentative conventions before making nominations for county officers. On motion, the following delegates were selected to represent Sioux county at the various conventions: State: A. E. Dew, J. H. Newlin, E. 0 Hough. Congressional: W. H. Corbin, Frank Tinkham, M. J. O'Connell. Senatorial and Representative: W. II Corbin, D. W. Woody, W. a Nicholson. On motion the delegates to the various conventions are instructed to cast the full vote of the county, Tlje convention tiien proceeded to tlie nomination of one candidate or county attorney and one candidate for county surveyor to fill vacancy. The names of J. W. Hunter and Geo, Walker were announced for the nomina tion of county attorney. A ballot was taken which resulted as follows: Geo. Walker 13; J. W. Hunter 5. Mr. Wralker was declared the nominee of the convention. For county surveyor B. F. Thomas was nominated by acclamation. it was moved and seconded that the convention select a new county central committee. On motion A. R. Dew was selected chairman of the county central com mittee and W. H. Davis, secretary. On motion the delegates from tlie various precincts select a committeeman for their respective precincts. The following committeemen were selected by the delegates present: - And ress Np delegates presen t. Antelope No delegates present. Bodare John Eberspecher, Bowen J. W. Bartell. Cook L. H. Barnaul, Cottonwood No delegates present. Five Points Frank Tinkham. Hat Creek D. WT. Woody. Montrose Eben Callahan-. Running Water-So delegates present. Sheep Creek No delegates present. Snake Creek W. II. Corbin, Warbonnet John Daut. White Kiyer No delegates present. Moved and seconded that the chairman of the county central committee name committeemen for precincts not repre sented at this convention, There being no further business before the convention, it was on motion de clared adjourned. M. J. O'Connell, Chairman. A. L. Bauxqabtner, Sec'y. The delegates from the various pre cincts comprising the third district met at the court house in Harri son, on Saturday afternoon, at three o'clock, for tlie purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for commissioner from said district. Meeting was called to order after which convention call was read by W. H. Davis, secretory county central com mittee. Temporary organization was effected bv the election of A. R. ITuvi. .,.; w "UIJV chairman and A. L. Bautngartner, secre tary. On motion tlie temporary organiation was made permanent Tlie following delegates were allowed seats in the convention t Bowen precinct John !. Davis, p. u ne low, A.K. Ilaswlqalst, E. G. llotigh, A. L. rtannigartnrr. B ' Cook W. 8. Nicholson, O. J. Gowev Running Wnter-J. H. Cook, J. a. Green. Hlwep Creek-Not represented, Snake Creek W. II. Corblm The convention proceeded to nominal a candidate for commissioner. B. F. Johnson waa declared tlie choice of the convention by acclamation. Convention adjourned. A. K. lUsnEijjnuT, Chairhiail, A, I hAi wutrrvui, w, THE STATE FAIR. The braka State l air and txpoM- Hon, Lincoln, September 2 to !t, lSiP'-.Kwp an F,je pn it. J. E. FLETCHER. WTRATTOX J. L. Stratton. Sioux County Lumber Co. MAXl'F ACTCR I 'BS OF Lumber, Lath and Shingles. A Good Supply of Native Lumber Always on Hand, Limber hklivkrfj) at the mill du MILL NEAR FIVE POINTS. JOHN A. LUCAS, PlilKIDLNT. Tlie object of the managers of the Ne braska state fair a;id exjiOsiuou h e.e. been to present annually as full aud complete a line of resources, prouuixs and possibilities of the whole state as can be gathered, thus to advertise and mutually benefit every industry and in dividual interest known, or to be thought of, in the entire state. The coming year, 1S93, being the world s jubilee at U11- ,1 - .-..l.l ...Ml U., cago, where an trie worm win oe in'.i to see all the woild lias to show and where a great Nebraska exhibit is to be nstalled, extra elforts are being made to have the state fair this full eclipse any of its predecessors. It is desirable that it shall be the "gathering together" of the material for Chicago. We are offjpially advised that outlook was never more nattering. 1 ne people seem to lie full of enthusiasm, and will meet the emergency in a manner char acteristic of Nebra-skans, and to the sat isfaction of the most sanguine exriecta- tions. Every man, woman and child in the state should become a self constituted committee of one, upon whom devolves the whole duty of pushing to successful completion this great enterprise. While the substantial Jactor is as stated, the board 'S not forgetful of the important duty to provide for the pleas ure and other interests of the public, its patous. This being a political year special arrangements have been made to give each of the national political organi zations of the country a day on the fair grounds, and an opportunity to present to the crowds there assembled their re spective claims for suffrage. Tlie best talent obtainable to represent each party will be secured. Republicans, democrats. people's independents and prohibition ists of national repute will address the people. Names of speakers and detailed publication will be made later, we are infomed. An arrangement has Ixien made for the Nebraska state land association to hold its annual reunion on the grounds. This will bring together tlie most exten sive convention ever known in the state, affording the rarest treat iu that line our people have ever enjoyed. This fea ture will continue during fair week, and will be further announced in sjiecial pub lications. Friday, September 9, is set apart a "Old Soldiers' day," when all soldiers of the late war will be admitted to all parts of the grounds free. Tuesday, September 6, is children's day, when all children iu the state will be on hand and liave a good time in sight seeing, Tlie premiums have been enlarged, especially for agricultural products and live stock. For county collective ex hibits seventeen premiums are offered running from 30 to 50. Eighteen premiums are offered for the best quar ter of an ucre of sugar beets, ranging from tw, the first, to the lowest Ten thousand dollars is offered for speed Some of the best horses in the country have been secured and more are prom ised. The races will be an immense at traction this year. There was never a time when all con nected witn ti,e sUl(e fail, promising than for the B. E. BarwsTEt, President. Commer General Banking CM I pWOORPOi -TEA Hakbasos, B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber J One Doer siit!1(lj rawing macniuc, .-)tillj Give t THE BiltlK OF HARK (ESTABLISHED 1887. Harrison, Nebraska AUTHORIZED CAPITAL Transacts a General Banking Bi( Uiiys School Ordei", County and Village Warnmii CORRF.SPONDF.NTS Koo'TZE Hie.., New oik City. l'in-T Natural Hank, Omaha. Fikst National LUVh, Lm oln. Hash, of uumnf, ft Interest Paid on Time Der was more coming one. commencing on the second day of Sep tember next The people of Lincoln are preparing to entertain visitors in un usual style. Social evening entertain ments are being provided. Kailroad facilities for getting to and from Ijneoln and the fair grounds have been la reel v lowering such accommoda tions unsurpassed in any other state or iur any other fair. For further. m orniation, write the secretary, Robert ' ruraas. Brownville, who is just now devoting himself to furnishing state fair iiieriuure, more desired or detailed QI UIVAX 4 CO.M.KY, Um. Will i Sifrrn s is tms uk l, Tm and federal conrU nnd I', 8. U.,,4 umoo LEOAL AIEH CAHESUUV DRAWN M t n u ill" Office in Court House, KAMll .... KKakASCA WE HAVE OPENED BUSINESS FOR Tf Determined to make every efc sible to add to the number i customers, and if crood cocc low prices and fair treat ment will secure them we are bound to w i n. Come and see What wa Hav in lh tinti Goods, Groceries, and Shoes, etc. AND GET OUR PRICES. OUR STOCK OF HARDW IS COMPLETE And we will have all kinds of Farm Machine & Dry GRISUOL jCARMERS YOU tHtmN I LC3K HERE Y, . 'a Lb I THZ CIST CC3T8 0XLY $23. U8T FOR EVER. I tnt " tot tm cifcultr mi inriUlHei ITheEtar Drill Co. 1 r II carry : as. . . Mi.- ;