r Irtiirnnl i 0 TUB tilXTV. IB.H KI. IS OH'STY. I off ... Editor. ;(!li.tirr. ,i Tir- VTut Kmd Ta'. . I Irani l:OUW. .r um.ln'll I -t WWII uiiierrin" ...-.-B" .1 uni-im wj that even a k ,,verver ouh'lit never 10 forth'-' ot!v-r. (We oi me f it, I-,! work only wlieli tlior vt,,e,1. which can iianlly I said net'-or. 11 ""r" h.jttlie lior sets more tired, as Ie re-tiii; my U.nes m the .Mi lii- vav lat Miintner, I had a plea wifnirl unity of listening to, and r - II ...r frin;'. Uie talK O! a ni luiunn. tical. and (im.seiiiently well-to-ilo t ...1 ! 41... uULn el? of ln wa?on verj" lironil tires bv t!ie ay i I couldn't help noticing well wood fin t answer for the els of farm wagons.) I asked a f:reut mestion-i alKul the broad tires, this is wliat I found out: seems that the Michigan law makers had their windows oen so that the li(;lit lias to shine on them. value of hroad v. heel tires being a- Mt. and not wishing to put the f ar te compulsory expense( they have law, the drift of which ti that nan who will use on his wagon tires :ertain width shall have a rebate in uad tax of one-hair. And this is it works. In buying a new wagon Idiffereme in '(rst is slight, as the fcr tires mav lie moi lr thinner, and ilJtd strength in the wowlfin rim lis a stronger wlieel. take from a wagon already in use arrow nmu nnd tires and replace with rtider ones costs between $13 ?30, and in the case of the farmer ich I refer, the direct saving in tax at once was better than twenty- jiereent. on the cost of making the rit'on. To a man who was loaning nirpius money n six or seven per tiie broad tires looked like a good MniMit. even if there was no other itage. Hut the other advantages much greater. lie showed me in tlie fornfield thirty bushels had ;ood load with narrow tires, and bid now haul fifty bushels with Itr ease. Wlien it came to haul- nil' to the market the load could, vide tires, be increased from twen ty fifty per cent. This mticli the farmer's btandpoint. How I the commonwealth? It has been Nred that, in localities where a tlerabte portion of the inhabitants lie broad tires, the decreased tax tlie rotul in better condition than lio! tax-did when the narrow tires led and it is believed bv men who . position to know I Ml when Urea are universally tu:ed, the tys (all kinds, from the city pave- p the poorest dirt road) may 1 better condition- than at present nefourtli tlie present cost. irreafHf, imiirnveineul for the jutlav it what the present gener most Iitolv in rpalize on, and 1 1 if ,1'Miitrl, I r ltip'l in all the ""v 'ork now being done to me cva, :io road will ever be built that Ml narrow tires under heavy loaos, niprore the road first in Wi th' wrong end of it.' 1-egisianon toward the forced genemi kheel treads proi-ortioned to the m load to be earned is uw u.i s t pusM.' Sucli a law mane V7,o.iWgreatly.imp.-ove present L.afl rasf as roaos iouldtend to keep them so. If L- nnttiiu; a new parlor Li wouldn't tl,e b0',s con- I walk on it wlUv "o o-nailed Lid yon? If you dr j thecai inrintions would Jin to run 1 von would have to apxal to Inlm-eforaid-' t one va U objection to il.,., :..' . . ,Bi that sucli a wag' mrd over a r . ,(i w.;, i, i m0st the old -'iiinj of tires ,t .vheels ti' wr, t,(.v al.nnld lie lie no ruts (at least not in the the f.ura pf the farmer mav fl0rt.'ncd..B0 that he can get K the regular iirice. I have ypd tisimsters say , that they I f'al to UHe bread' tii-es if every ns (ximpelted o do so. . ke. to tli Nituatiort. Make Nl'm.tliiH (lii-ection illegal, at show , the wiuron owner 'irw.tly, DmflLahlfl. fa him to t'i tl )aw. Dia. you ever no- uiiHSiy aaiw becomes n law- When Ym ran ike mnimv tlKHlAV nm. . ... . , , ' pikwu , ior 11 come vrv ., if. it ,..,.. tose Inflated by nantw Ufm. t uelie.vei it nosftihU .... y enoi ich to itmn r:bou' be until the tita que, led bvr law , or,,i ., i.'i.. h u Umuy ()Ber 1 viller: lili d soil . xh1 land. Fre land. Free ot, C heap coal. iixxi riada, Fine t liiiiutc. Mild wiiitrrs. (rood V.I100I-, heap lumlicr. Excellent water. Finest wild fruits. Cheap deeded land. Fine native liinilier, Un.uriasi sceiier", (iooil railroad facilities. slHI.timi acres of government land, The linest, rii iiest natural ra known. And other advantages too numerous to mention. The line-t wlieat prcHlucing distri'tin Nebraska. Tell your friend, to come and see for them-lves. or it iii ord-r to l.' i., tin laiuiiy ol ev. ; ami noniau in tin t .11 ;ui:u. 1 file a U::gh iv:. i,i ; -nan 1 west its imbh.siiers havedw ide.1 to iitler the naiier for six covering tlie campaign, for :i lle.t Line tu (lie Fast. The Burlington Koiite M. &. M. R. K. is ruiuiinir elegantly eipiipH-d passeniri-r t nil lies without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and ( 'raw ford. Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that niiut with their own through trains for lienver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City. St. Joseph, St. Loui-. Omaha, l'eoria. Chi cago, and all points east. Iteiuemljer this is the only line by which you can tnke sleeping car from Craw ford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, l'eoria and St. I-ouis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tick"ts ap ply to nearest agent of Hurlington Route H. & M. R. R. liiont! cents. In order to fully understand the que tiotis of vital iniK.rtace to the producer and laboring man that will come up during this t aiiiuigii. every voter should he:ir both wiles. 77.. lUr proM.es tu disen all these 1(i',tloiis lhoioughly and intelligently. Von .-annot afford to allow (iii, oppor lunity to ;iss. Address orders to Tlii: I'i:i: I'i iilishini; Co.. Omaha. JJebr. jbl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , f , , 1 1 ( 1 1 i ROYAL ESCWING MACHINE: -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 11 1 1 111 1 1 r WARRANTED k-m 5 YEARS ffl W OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATKOKUCKlis: Jiunes K. lioycl iov or, Lincoln, Neb. T. J. Miijors I,iMiten:iiit. tiovernor j. r. Allen secretary orstiitc T. II. teuton Auditor John K. Hill Trciisnrcr 1,. Il.ll:,stiiu?s Attorney l.eneral A. I!. !litiul!ir-y Land 'uinii..ssliiicr A. K.l.'ondy. ...siqit. fulilic Instruction CONCIHKSSIOSAL DKI.KliATKiS': A. . I'iiddoi k S. Scnutor, I'-cntricc I . K. Miinderson I . s. s,.nutnr, Oiivilwi W.J. lii vmi. 1 onu'res-iiiiin l-t liiat., I.imoln W. A. Mi Kicehiiii, " id U. M. Kcin, " 'l l!cd ( loilil r.rukcii IJow JI'DICtARV: Q i,.,,-,.!i 1 hli-1 Justice, Vvcniont T I,. NurvHl Associate Jml(fe, Sow ainl A. M. I'ost A-socintc JiidffC ( olumlju.i U. A.CHiiiplxMl-.CIerlciiii'l Ki'porti'r, Lincoln 1 n ill 1 iii 11 1 1 :i 1 1 1 1 Mini 1 1 111 1 1:1 1 lie Hfise Laro IUbIi Arm. Z Z Ha- a Self-threading Shut Up. - IIiikNo I'qtnil in Cjiiiisl ruction. "2 1 1 hi a Mcli;mlrttl Ajipearauce ! - IliiH an I.U'Hiit l ininh. s 2 ltus a I'erlert Adjustment. a - Mas a I'ohitivo Takn-np. Z 2 If ji Stvlit!i Furniture. s - Has Aioro ool Sewiu&r Qualitipa and 2 2 t'rn a Iav(;pr Itane of General Work -than auy Sewing iMathiuoiu the World Examine THE ROYAL for points of excellence, and you will -5 buy no other. I ROYAL S, M, GO,, Rockford. III. I ?iiimi I nun Hill niiiini i iiil wiP BOSTON ChestWeicht FOR YOUR HOME. HM'KLNTH J I DICIAL DISTRICT M. I'. Kinkiiid Jndf?c, O'Neill AlfrcJ Hurtow " (oiirud Lliidciiian Clerk, (liadron IIiirrlHon COL STV OKFICEnSl S. Barker..: Comity Ju.Iffe Conrtd Lindcirnm 1" uu" i .1. finvhart Treasurer A Ho.itlwortli Swpt. Public Instruction to.. Roi'iy Slu'ri,r eo. X SHRf.fr Coroner A. II. Dew - .--.Surveyor Conrad I.iiidenmn -Clerk of District Court II. T. Conlej- - County Attorney I:()AI(f OK COMMiSSIONERS' J . . ; 1,1 IliwlTiCt t,.'. A I ref'TU ' cniLii'iiuuij V. W. Knott M. J. Wcbcr., . lHt 2d LVXilSLATIVE: ,, w wiieon .senator, Dist No. U, Clindron El. L. Ileatli Hep. , Oist. No. A3', Kiishvllle .Trustee VILLAGE OFflCEUS: Conrad Liiideiinin ccliuirinun) C. E. Veri ty -- Tlmiinus Heidy II. A. 'JunnliiKluiiu J. E. Marsteller W. II. Davi-i :- Clerk G, Guthrie - Treiwurcr J,. W. Scott .....street Commissioner PCIKXILOFKICKKS: i- i: n,.nih Director V. It. WrlRlil MiH'enuor U, W. Hester 'lreusuici TE'itMji OK COC ItT: DlHtrlcf ( uurt,-Al Harrison, conlinences April IMiliiind November 21st, 'fl County, Couii,-Ati llairison, commences llr'st Mcndav of each montli. CMC ItCKES AND SOCIETIES M. E.Cliureli -Prooliiiitf wb iillernnte. snndnv 1. 1. Hi-ld .1. in., uudevcrj. Sunday cvi ii Iiik nl 7 r:(U. lir.v. w.o H FT 3fc,5 ! 1 u- Hi 1 (Q v a s to I O ? fi S. i O E P .2 I . S S n 5 j li ill 1 .2 ts S g I r l8iii Hi flenJ Stamp for III nitrated Price Lilt. The Schumacher Gymnasium Co. AKRON, OHIO. iIi.kasni:ii, I'liMor.D sentW Ut fld biS Oortunit ! lOVT Miss our- 11 eiMlt-r. 'iu uixturitv ueslrt their nr.. (XTtoriliif, ft tid bom luat casliv m pieriy die in lsruiiry ! Harruwinp 6triiitr is tlm lot of oian. as tnev k 00 lust, f;ir e or uti. o.portuni:y l.ile is paa- 1 k I. Iu I KeM.rh t,t. Be p ami uoiug. JiDjr;veoijr 0(Hrtu- i-.ir, turn ix.--urpiusfr;ty proR.n.eiice. itar e. tlwassa.d !y a llniysfiiiier, v..il "tiia Goddesa of Kitrtuns offers a BIUea opportunity to eurh per-.u atBoiue pernxt ol life; tuiorwe iUe ham'a, ud the pours out her ric!rs ; fil to do auaad ab d--iarta. uir lo retam." Uuw shall ya find tliB &tLbSM oj.pyrtniiiiT? IbveBtjjraie vmy chance that ".p-ara worthy, and of J'a!r piorai-; that is what all Buc-c-s.'ul men dw. II .-is ij, an oj.ponunity, aucu as it uot often irnhio ihan-h-.l UU'rinz p t Id. In-prnved, it willgi?, at ji'jit. a j: rail suit iu in. Ins GOLttts ofp'irtnnity for f.iifiy is her?. Mo-y to ha ntaue raii;.jlT and honorably iyp'iyiLJ'iifi'n.ai.. r uof cither sex. All aps. Yoo can ! ili wurit atid Uvo et h'.ine, whr.-vfrvou are. Ereo be-FitiitTsaret;.-!yfunii'( Item to SIO p.'r dav. Yoa can -jo a wcN if yen wi.i wt.rk. tot too hard, but iiidustri-ei.-ly ; d yo ran increase vnir iaciaie as too j,'0 "D. Yea canciveap ire lime only, or all rnnr tuiieto the writ. Eay to h ivy. fjij.itiilunt remiired. H'e start Too. A II is com j.JirjLiie!y now and roaily wniidfriul Wo instruct aiti iow yoa how, free. aihn unknowo aniong oht wnrlc e. t. No rot-m to eolam litre. Write and learn all frot, I'V rs'irn M t'uw M to 'l--'iy. Ai'lres at enre 11. IlallLll k Co., 11 ox B0, TurtlauU, Maine. Scieniif a American Agency fcr AW 'TP r AWCHTQ A TRADE MARKS, nrRICM PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook Tvrtte to MI NN & CO., m Broadway, Ki:w Von. 01dHt bureau for wecurintf patents in America. Kvery patent takn out by us id brought, bulore the public by a notice triven tree of cbitTKe Ui Uie Larjrost elrculiitton of any scipntitlr papor in iho world. Rpk'rjilitlly illustrated. No iinHturt'iit ni.m shituid bu wiihimt it. U'eeklv, s:.Mi a K-ar; i.'J six nsont A i.ln'M ?.l if.N:; ; CO l'triii-i--:i'jJ.s, , li; 'ii-.v.- Jujv ijiii. i ARIEL iipii -VANB THE TITANIA (Tho Queen ot Fairies ) FOR LADIES. STRICTLY HIGHEST GRADE i-..'.v-v -mm v. CUSHION and PNEUMATIC sTJRES Warranty With Every Wheel SEND YOUR A&DRCSS FOB CATALOGUE Mllt.L U I itU. H Ui UUq 1ND. J SB Wash, your facfi. Wash your jiaiids, Wash par head, Wash your jjaaii Wash babies heads, Wasn out stains, Wash away dandruff, Wash away pimples, Wash away freckles, ,C7 KO-KO $ JELLY Toilet Soap For Pure White Skin. E.L. BALDWIN & CO., 14 PARK PLACE, DETROIT, MICH. MENTS WANTED, SALARY OR COMMISSION. SAMPLES MAILED FREE. r1 n i rmi ir i iftL v a n . OLDEST AND LARG ESTASLISHEO 32 YEARS ip you vaxt KASK, COMFORT, REIJABILITr, RI'EKD, STYLE, QUALITY, AND THE BLST OF EVEKVTUING, SEND TO CS. THE f ST KAKSRS IN 1 WORLD. PRODUCT 108,000 BICYCLES STE tit'AUA.STEF. OUR MACEQSES SUPKKIOK TO ALL OTHERS AXD WAKRAJfT EVERY ONE TO BE PERFECT. COVENTRY MACHINISTS COMPANV, Ltd. Chicago, boston, (CYWmrsr? WIT r t SAN FRANCISCO. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. OUR PROPOSITIOrJ IS THIS Oq receipt of $20.r0, wa will deliver at your R. R. Station, free, tiiis S"wing Machine guaranteed equal in every respect to the Uoikiestic, New Home, White or any other, and Ona Year's snttscription to the w:okly OLOIifi, DEMOCRAT, Su Louii, REPUBLIC, or any other Weekly of hire value. This injiJiiiLe w thoroughly tjquipLMsd, with the latest and best set of sco.l attachmt'uis, au:.mar.:- bobbin-winder, self-setting u-ed!i. self-thread ins cylinder shuttk. Beautifully ornamen tod, and haf"bfiat wooti-vpor!;" the popular style, either Oalc orWaluit:. Upon arrival, if it is found detioieiic or misrepra tented, it ean be reLiirti.-d to UvO. O. U, for full amount paid. We reu-r you to any liaiid in Vie U. H. as to our responsibility. TRUESDAIL MACHINE AND ARMS CO. S.l.l ly Agrnu I."' 4.".5. ST. Loria, MO. -fit AW o-..''.H. Liu J tif lAchiaes. A HE1 7-SHQT, 5f" THE "PHOTEGTOa," QUIC i 3sr"P KEi-tABLE. Cnnjr-t-c, L:ht, Effective. 'i'U(i Suit't und best thiug; IK liio l vi)V JillM. ,':iii lw earr-rd in the vt j,v; Uri ji t-it.sily as a wutoli. ."tO,OtHt koUI la Franco Jtwt yv:i: A ri jsfi!ty that sells at sight. Sauti revolver and Car tridges Will be ttent C. i. S, by expreMB, with jirii iict? i cAamination, if cf) :ii.'i!ii)()iinies ordr !V an:ij:inlof of grood faith. MINNEAPOLIS FIRE ARMS CO, ur Qcnt's Phaeton, N-'- ROOMY, yGHT. ELEGANT'. 'Snul fnr catalogue of our full liiiK of two and four-whei'led work. Sechler Carriage Co., Moline, makers have tried to invcnl a' 'short -turn" vehicle. Vm- fifiv vp.nrq rnrriaee n,. ,,,1,1 nnt hP .i ''turn-under." Success came with the invention o. The illust bartl?olomeiti"srr13ac3oa. clmrt turn device and tho othermcrits,of wliich there are many, .in- desn ihcJ The Bartholomew Co., 'Cincinnati, O. ihcil in an KplH.jnr.iilTViTHOii tin w-roiiit Wliw 7 f I'llH'K 1 1 HAH. H IAVBI.Y. day oCciii'li li'Diitn.nT liiunlon t:l p. Mi aliortlHtKiimliij'' U'H;t ' v,'ry S""' ilny inoi nliiK ut 11 Mm. w.o. (ii.AssKii, SiiiU'i'iiucnilriil. V. II. Davik, Sccnitnry. 1 Hi II " lr fyrTs owhi rvnii(vy- WE PAY FREIGHT If you do not keep it. We think you will keep it It pleases everybody. . It is an honest piano. It is the WING Piano. Von "mav have a preference for some other make. Still you ate a reasoning creature, and open to conviction, no doubt. The question is too important to ua cnttWl without due thought. "... e i. Vfirs of satisfaction or oi rcgrei. come with a piano. Does it mar well? The WING nano aoes "Look before you leap." . Whatever piano you buy, there are piano secrets you ought to know. Our free book, tells them. Send a postal card for it. It may help you to buy a different piano. We take that risk. Wc also tell you the nearest dealer where you can see a WING Piano. ; It is worth looking 4 f ?liv, Metallic Weather Boarding, Complete Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting,' R)gJ!ii Li Iron Roofing, Eave Trouchs, Gutters and Spouting, .r,M,r,.,o Af Sheet Metal for BuildinO pj-"rtll ui "lo v' . TO APPLY WHEN SHIPPCO. ojiijgijiGiiiigiBnanKB WE WANT - -AN AGEfil 3KlffiBUiU'.' takoor'" unci AIT" "' -" 'olr!'.r."nl'nlo noliciled I write for price nt ttnniii. SCOTT & wncinnaii, umn I '''' siwK553!!y!l 1 wmMUM nsn A NO WEIGHTS, SEALS OR CHECK PODS. KSONARCH SCALE BECAUSE IT IS 1gfgi. The Most Simple of Const rvemnAny- fene can mt,iust it. The Most Durable Tlie knife edfes are Eg? free and loose; can hp, tu ken out 3 sharpened or repiacca oy new ones. The Most Perfect Iteeatese of its stmplir city, and the only scale which 2rovea own correctness. The Scale of America. Send for (lescrip tionr prices t etc. It will pay you to invest- '"hn. STRAIT MANUFACTURING CO.', KANSAS CITY, KANSAS. THE" BEST RiGIKB TilE BES This is a spe cial ofTer. We sell them at this price to in troduce them, regular price is S76.O0. ST LOOKING 1 FOR THE STRCNBEST BUILT Ever before offered ' WE ARE WHOLESALE MANUFAC JL in mmmw f ' I IN V 1. ruLL Rubber Top, Eliptic Springs, Piano Body, upholstered in a fine grade of.j cloth, or leather. If preferred. Three or four; bow top. Either wide or narrow track. We would also furnish Coming; body In place of Piano body if desired. Send for Catalogue. FREDONIA MANUFACTURING CO., . YOUKCSTOWW, OHSO 7 ' 111 I ..i'i ' 1 !" hi S ': iris 14 1M 1,1,1 ,-"- iHijmiiiiitw Uf'i ettect twa 'f even I ic : the nnrp ' WINOflK ' SON, 94$ Broadway, New York, pyoooy, , 1 Bl