The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 04, 1892, Image 2

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L. J. SI MO. I"rrrt..
haihmsov, -
Foud Iho fUrsTrt.
WabHINWftM.-, D. C.. Aug. L Tbe
lame of the uiemliers of congiess re
erred to by Watson of Oaorgia in hi"
aniphlet charging ihein witn drunken
lra have not been disclosed by him. At
i evasion of tbe special committee to in
(uire into tbe charges be .said that be
mew enough to substantiate them, but
ould not mention any names except
inder oompukion. He said he bad in
iiind two members present during tbe
iebate on the silver bill at tbe night ses
sion in March when be wrote about
nembeM reclining on the floor of tbe
. aouse intoxicated. The phrase, "drank
;n speakers debating grave questions,"
-eferred to one speaker in the Xoyes-Kx-kwell
A large number of other members of
.he house were also called and a number
j( them testified to having seen members
n tbe ho'.se intoxicated.
Representative Sewall of New York
testified that be was a conleetee in the
Noyes-Rockwell contested ejection case,
decided by the house some time ago.
lie wus present during the discussion of
the case, decided by tbe house some
time ago. He was present during the
discussion of the case in the bouse.
Witness bad not seen any members
reeling c.n the floor during tbe present
session. He saw no members wbom he
thought appreciably drunk. The gen
tleman who made the remark, "where
was I at?" had made a speech in his be
half while the the elect ion ;aso was in
progress. He (witness) was associated
with him a great deal before the speech
v, us delivered, and tne gentleman bad
worked hard and was considerably ex
hausted. He was not Mr. Rockwell said
intoxicated or under tbe influence of
liquor. Witness saw the gentleman
. immediately after tbe speech; be wat
not in the least intoxicated,
representative Turner of Florida tes
tified that :n one of tb a night sessions
t be had seen a member whom he thought
waa drunk.
Mr. Oater, of Alabama was tbe next
witness. During bis testimony it was
developed that Representative Cobb ol
. Alabama wns the person who bad made
the speech in the omfested election cant
and who was tne person charged with
intoxication by Representative Watson.
Some questious have arisen R3 to w heth
er it was proper to allow the name tc
remain on record, inasmuch as no othei
name bad been given, Mr. Cobb re
marked that whether his name was men
tioned or not, everybody knew who tr
meant. He appealed to the committee
to let the matter proceed openly ant
nsked tbe committee to make a thorough
. nrd searching investigation, saying thai
he (witness) was not afraid of the result
Mr. Dates said that while Mr. Cob):
was speaking be appeared greatly ex
bausted and some one sent him some
. thing t drink. The stimulant, lit
observed, had some effect on Mr. Cobb
enlivening bis manner. Witness de
clared, however, that Mr. Cobb was not
drunk. He bad known him for twenty
seven years and never knew him to b
drunk, although he took a drink som
The Alice M trhcll Verdict.
Memphis, Ter.n., Aug. 1. The verdict
in case of Alice Mitcbeil, on trial for tb
murder of her sweetheart, Freda Ward
finds the defendent insane and recom
mends that she I e restrained of he
liberty as dangerous to the community
The question of the sanity of tl t
prisoner was the only one involved it
he trial. She waa perfectly calm dur
ing the reading of the judge's charge
The jury was out only ten minutes
When the verdict was read she smiled
She waa then taken to jail, gaily chit
ting. She will be sent to one of tbf
state insane asylums.
Alice Mitcbeil will be taken probably
to the insane asylum at Bolivar, with
o it her friends prefer her being tok t
to Nashville, in which case they woulc
hi, veto pay - for her treatment theie
She showed no emotion of any kind at
the verdict. When the jury waa dis
charged ibe adjusted her veil and walker
exit ot the courtroom with the same aii
of indirTsreooe as has characterized hei
The eflect of tbe verdict on Lillit
Johnson, who stands jointly indictee
with Alio, slitchell, will doubtless be tc
dHterlsw all further proceedings tgiinat
her. ft tou Id hardly be logical to prest
an indwtment against her as the acces
sory betote tbe fact of an insane woman
fcu-apo : row ths Tralo
Fithwveg, fa, July 'jy.-A not re
curred on the Baltimore 4 Ohio train,
on which a party of fifty-si non-union
sen were U tne transported from Cin
cinnati to P.Ueburg yesrdsy, to work
in the Carnegie steelworks at liime- j
stead, la the melee one was
stabbed in the forenetd -vitb a bayonet
in tbe hands of an a'med guard, en
otber bad a thumb chewed off, and
nearly a score of othera were badly
bruised in an attempt to regain their
liberty. When tbe train reached Pitts
burg there were only twenty -one men
aboard in addition to tbe armed guard.
Tbe other thirty-five escaped from the
car between Whit-, hill station on the
Wheeling division and Pittsburg depot.
When they left Cincinnati tbe men did
cot know that tbey were being taken to
Homestead, and when they found it out
tbey rebelled. That is how tbe riot had
its inception. Joseph Manning is the
name of young man who will make
tffidavit to theee facts. Manning ia k
resident of Cincinnati and is abonl 2C
years of age. Manning said: "On last
Thursday I answered an advertise
ment in the Inquirer offerirc employ
ment at easy labor and good wages. 1
'sailed at the office of F. W.
Nye and waa offered work at
Pittsbu'g and accepted. No men'.iou
was made of Homestead. Veslerdsy
with fifty-five others I started for PitU
burg. Early this morning when w
awoke we were surprised to find botL
doors to our car guarded by a watch
man with a gun on bis shoulder. Wt
then became suspicious, and approach
ing one of tbe guards asked. SN her
are we going to work?' 'At Homestead
was the reply. The puddlers gathered
'around the guard and demanded that
tbe doors be unlocked, and that they Ix
allowed to leave the car. The guard re
fused to let them pass, and then tht
puddlers jumped on him. At White
hall the guard was thrown from his pa
sition and the door was burst open. Tht
men commenced to jumped off and they
kept Hroppinff ell all tbe way to th
city. The guards made no attempt U
.shoot, but used their guns as clubs
Several of the meu wtre severely in
jured." Voung Manning is now at the Amal
gamated association headquarters anc
has related bis story to tbe oflicials. lie
will this afternoon maae affidavit to U.(
above statements, which will probably
be used in legal proceedings to prevenl
the transportation of men under similar
.rti.uiar. ol Ou
Ualrolt '
I r !
PrnMiKG, Pa., July :).-Frederic!
Mullock, Bergman's alleged fellow con
spirator, is behind the bars at tbs Cen
tral police station. He came in on tbe
PhilaJeiohia at 9:45 m
;ustody of Superintendent O'Maia.
Mullock is the tjaker arretted at Long
Branch and is accused of comp.icity in
.he attempt to assassinate Mr. Krick.
He it was who sent a sum of money to
be wouid-be assassin several days ago.
When Superintendent O'-Mara arrived
ilh bis prisoner a crowd of several
hundred people were in waiting and
followed the ofiiser and culprit to the
police st a ion. When seen by a United
Press reporter. Mullock denied all
mowledge of the plot to kill Mr. Frick. j at the time.
He admitted his friendliness towurd
Be-gnian, however, and confessed that
le had sent the latter tLe money re
ferred to. He explained thisby6ayicg
hat Bergman had once loaued him
iiooey when he was hard up and be re
turned the favor. In denying his con
nection with the plot, Mullock said:
'Bergman is a nihilist; I am a socialist
ind do not believe in n'bilistic princi
jies. Bergman at'ended oue of our
iieetings once, but was fired out."
Six or seven letters, ali written in
3erman, and several of them postmarked
it Pittsburg, were taken from Mullock
nd turned over to te New York police
'.or translutiou.
A rribed M
l urM ...
A hlorf -
...1 1 r to female. iw "rr
.ieeplesu. U '
tlU'' I v .n7.ll dise.- arising from
oTeoU -nui worry. 1- of v.Ut
fore. etc. M Xorthrop. Id n'tkas inmb faith in patent
Zf i miams' Putk PHI- .
l" ..i.i,ihi tlwytri
.r.-l I propr.etofS. Uo e in
r .
The following p.rajjra,
the News a :-
0r thii iiiMriiMu-u
onderfuily re-
s "... ;,r nt .he nro.r.etors, and the
iared in
furnished the basis
. that was
.arkabietb.t it demanded furth . ,
It is ul sum. :eru iwy-
to report n "
iiiiiH.rtsnt then
nla nation.
lo the Sew' readers
,i., fllv It was fc
Zx U atuaet eonsider.ble attei.tio ,
The it. '- i
rRnh ill uuebison:
I! Xorthrop. for tweutv-eigm
vearJ one of the beat known nier.-bai.ts
on Woodward avenue.wbo wsssuppo'e
..nrinu of locomotor
to te eying '" 'i "
ataxia, or rreeping paralysis,
-r,l new kse of
to woik st his store.
alwavs been suppo
oll lIir in priv4te
,,.,iif for T ?
....... f.m viieral sale.
, I,. U a living
"re is nothing to equal these
I Us aVa cure for nerve db eases. On
the wr.ter found that theee pills
Aledti'ine Co., Scbei.eotady. V l., ami
Kvdie. OW.. ai.dtl.epilU .re sold
Lt V, I. s a Ik, ami my Jta. of
a'l or direct by mad from Vt.
?..,:.. u-ii..ii.e Co.. from cither
V. 11111.11". . - , . . .hi,.,
1 liw pi i. "
a oi
has i-
life aau returnea
The disease lias
ied to be im-uraDie,
but Mr. Northrop s eon.lition m g.j
looks "w ' 11 lUB
: Xwlualetl a Fall Ttefcet.
JkuTOK, Aug. L The socialist labot
party has Dominated a full stats ticket
John Orris, who was co-worker with'
Wendell Phillips and William Lloyd
Harrison in the anti-slavery movement
is the caodidats for governor.. , For
mom than fifty years he has beea active
Ma writer aadagiutor. Tbe saia com
.. Aawther Peal.
Buffalo. Julf, S9.-Tha Brush
and Tbomwoo- Houston Electric Light
hBaiaaniaa of this city aad tbs General
mitts pgto the labor oto 1 statr glsctrie company of New York hare
at from 2C1.000 to 30.000.
A strange eiutom it followsd by.
..Mexican farmers. They use oxen of
- soe eoior in the mornlnf and aaotberj
soter ia the afteraoon. Tney do not
kOoW wrry; bat tbey know that it Boat,'
be the rifbt thing to do, because their
fortfaUiendld It.
AITalrt at llixi.valead,
HoMteTBAD, July 29. l''our regimeutt
part of another and a battery of artilerj
left Homestead yesterday. Major Gen
eral Snowden discontinued division
headquarters and turned over his com
mand to Brigadier-General Wiley, Pro
vost Maishal Green also relinquished
bis authority and Lieutenant-Colonei
Mecbling, of tbe Fifteenth regiment.
assumes charge of the maintenance ol
law and order. Later in the day Gen
eral Snowden left for Philadelphia.
Members of the advisory committee
deny that there is any truth in th
statement that Chauncey Depew hat
gone to Scotland with a proposition tc
Mr. Carnegie from the locked-out meu
B ureses McLuckie and Elmer E.
Bait, for whom warrants charging ag
grovated riots were issued, surrendered
in Pittsburg and were admitted to ba'i
in ?2 000 each. Bait says he will sue
Superintendent Potter for maliciou.
perseoution, alleging that he was dis
charged for his activity in the Home
stead strike of 1S89 and that every mill
in which he had tried to secure work has
refused it to him when be has men
tioned hii name. lie claims that Mr
Potter had him blacklisted among the
A number of tbe poorer class of work
men, on whom notices bf eviction wen
served moved into bouses provided by
by the advisory committee.
Troops Called For.
Wacsac, Wis., July 20. -At 9 o'clock
last night it was reported that tbe mill
town of Merrill, twenty miles away, wat
in tbe hands of a mob of workingmen,
No shooting or overt act has occurred
but the striking mll men are running
things to suit themselves and threaten
ing not to permit mill owners to run
their mills with non-union - men they
may import Three or faar days age
the hauds at one of tbe mills struck and
the men at the other mills struck ic
sympathy. Tbe mill owners held I
meeting yesterday afternoon and de
cided to dose down indefinitely, with
view to bringing the men to time. Thii
angered tbe workmer, numbering sev
eral hundred, and they determined to
force matters to an issue. Governor
Peck has been asked to send a few com.
nanies of militia to Morrill and it is
learned tbrt the three nearest compan
ies to the eoene will be ordered there in
tbe morning.
Pointed Aecuaaliitrt.
Washwgtjx, July 30. At the open
ing of the session of the house yesler
Jay Wheeler of Alabama took Watson
A Georgia to task for sta'mg in a cam
paign pamphlet that drunkeu members
reel through the aisles aad drunken
members speak on grave issues. Wat
ton declared that every word in the
pamphlet was literally true uud he was
retdy to defend every word. He defisd
the house to punish him.
Watson said there was not a charge in
the paragraph in question that bad not
been made from tbe press gallery and
circulated throughout the country, and
uow because be made a stand, becauso
the members of tbe people's party were
n the power of a tyrannical majority,
he was selected as a scapegoat, ilisses
and contemptuous laughter on the dem
ocratic side
"Oh," cried Watson, "if you want to
how! me down you can do so, and I will
uppeal from your tyranny to tbe fair
sense of justice that abides in the heirts
of the American people. Applause on
the republican side.
Ami many interruptions Watson
continued. He said the only charge at
which the democrats took offense was
ihat members got drunk at the bar
iv Inch the house permitted to be run io
the basement of the c.pitok They had
pii.Lted the tree", why wonder at its
'This congress," said Watson in con
tusion, "can do what it likes about that
paragraph, but I standby it aj the exact
(ruth and defy you to contradict it."
Cries o! "name your mac," resounded
.brough the 1ml!, hut Watson remained
Tbe incident created much excitement
iiit tbe membTs contented themselves
t ith hissing Watson.
Finally Boatner introduced a resolu
tion tor tbe appointment of a committee
o investigate and report on Watson's
barges. Adopted.
The speaker appointed Boatner, Wol
vertoc, Buchanan, Grout and Simpson
a committee to investigate Watson's
improved, and ft
rv would le eheatMl of its Pr.y.
' c;.. ht time Mr. Northrop
O 1 11'-"- i"--
steadily improved imt only in 1 oks but
in condition, till he hao regained his old
time strength.
It has been lilnt?d to the writer of this
article, who wa acquainted with Mr.
that tnii mira-ulous cnanK'
i,mi. a ures-ei,
., re sold makes
ireitnfeut with thorn comparatively inex
S as will, other rem
Ue or medical treatment 1 his cac
of the moi rvmni """
it i one right no.o in I'mmi
.oim.'l miles away, n i-n
vorifbd. Mr. Northrop is
. i . I .n namilM in 1 1
verv well 1 "" ' ' , 7,
,roi't. and he says he is only loa glad
,0,.,fvor the marvelous good wrought
in hi . a-- He says he e. n vld -rs It his
dutvto help all who are similarly af
fli, fed bv any word he . an say in behalf
f the wwiiderlul ehVacvof Ir. Ill
lams' Pink Pills.
is one
an I .
and not a
Ke .a-ilv
agreed upon a consolidation of their in.
tenets here and will be united under
.ibe name of the Buffalo General Elec
tric sompeny. This step wee found
wmmmrj to eat dow expoes. On
of tbe results will be the extension of
iMedeeeent lighting on a Urge eoale.
Capital atock of tbe new eompety will
tst am on - -...
American Laborers Not SocialUt.
PiTTsuuRC, Pa., July 30. The social
ist question nearly caused a split in the
convention called for the purpose ot
forming an international labor bureau
of information and correspondence.
During the discussion of plans of organ
ization Delegate McBride asked Dele
gate Hecryot if be was under the im
pression that this conference was called
with a view of ultimately absorbing all
the trades unions in the socialistic order
party? Hen ryot said that was what be
was here for.
Immediately the representative of th
American Bint glass makers, McBride
for the miners, the amalgamated dele
gates and typographical delegates sprang
to their feet and declared their inten
tion of withdrawing at once if such wa
the case. Resolutions were then adopt
ed that the delegates representing 200.
000 workmen extend sympathy and aid
to the locked-out men at Homestead
and condemn the Camegies for refusing
arbitration after which the conference
adjourned finally.
James Ljrton Arrested.
Lowe Eiuxoh, N. J, Joiy 3o.-Cap-tain
James Laytoc, chief of the Lang
Branch police, was arrested for allow
ing chief ot police O'Mara of Pittsburif
to take the alleged anarchist, Mollick,
out of tbe state without a requisition
ne was arraigned and a bearing of tbe
-.ass set down for August 2. Liytoo
was arrested at the instance of Lawyer
r ay or Liong Branch.
had been wrought by a very si mule rem
,,ly called Dr. VilliamV Pink Tills for
Pule People. When asked atoJt it, Mr.
Xorthrop fully verified the statement,
Hnd not only so but he had taken pains
to inform anyone who was suffering In a
i similar manner wnen ne neai o. .... ,
eiKhoase. Mr. Xorlhrop was entnuM- ,
stlc at the result In his own rase of nr. j
Williams' Fink PilM. " ' "
that he had heard of after he ha-l tried I
everything ho could hope to pive him
elief He hal been In the ears ot inn ,
best physteians, who d.d a'.l they could
o albviate tht terrible malady, out
without any avail, lie nai given up
hope, when a friend in I.oekport, X. Y.,
wrote him of the case of a person
there who had been cured in simnai m
cmnstances by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Palo People. The, person cured at
Locliport had obtained his In. or nation
respecting Dr. Williams' Pink Pil R
from an article published In the Hamil
ton, Ont., Times. The eiise was called
The Hamilton Mlraele," and to.d the
eiory or a man in mat, euy nim,
after a'moat Ineredible suTeriiu,
was pionounced by the most emi
nent, nhvslclans to be incurable and
permanently disabled. Ho had spent i
hundred of dollars In all sorts ol treat-
ment and appllanr-es only to be told In i
the end that there was no hope for him, !
and that cum was Impossible. The per
son allude I fo (Mr. John Marshall, of 2
Little William slreet, Hamilton, Out.,)
was a member of the Royal Templars of
Tompersn.;e, and after having been pro
nounced permanently disabled and in
curalile, by the physicians, was paid the
$1,(00 disability insurance provided by
the order for Its members In such eases.
For yea's Mr. Marshall had been utterly
helpless, and waa barely able to drag i
himself around bis house with the all of
crut.dies. His agonies were almost un
bearable, and life was a burden to him,
vihen at last relief came. Some months
afkr he had been paid the disability
claim he heard of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and was Induced to try them. The
result was miraculous; almo.t from the
outset an Improvement was noticed, and
In a few months the man that medical
fiperls had taid was Incurable, was
going about the city henllhler and
stronger than before. Mr. Mdrsha'l
was so well ki.own in L'anilltiin that nil
the ( iiy newtp.ipers wiote up hi won
derful recovery in detail, and It wus
thus, as before stated, that. Mr. Xorthrop
cume iiuo possession oi tne information
that led to his equally marvelous re
covery. One could scarcely conceive a
PiiivImk His Irtmtlty.
Nathaniel Hawthorne- as a
i ...,i i. i weil as a great
Ileal .vu ... i l
i. W hile he was consul at I.lverpoel
' a vo'ing Yank walked Into HIS omee.
1 he Im.v Iib.1 left home to seek hiH fort
tune but evdenilv Imln't found It yet,
allhou,''! b" had eroded lh sea Iu bis
i sear.-h. Homesick, friendless, nearly
I penniless, h- want.'d a passiig.: home.
1 The elork said Mr. Hawthorne could
i ni be w en. and intima!od that the boy
i wflH n.i Ai Ichn. but was trying to
; steal a pug".
! The bov stuck to his point, and the
clerk at lasl went to I he little room and
j said to Mr. HantUorne:
j "Here's a boy insists upon seeing
von. Hesavs he's an AinerleHii, but I
know he isn't."
Hawthonie caiiie out i.f the room and
looko I keenly at .he eak-er, ruddy face
of the boy.
" Vou wont a passase to'
"Yes, sir "
"And you y you're an American?
" Yes, sir. "
"Kr irn what art of AmerleaV
"I'nilo.l State, sir."
"What Slate?"
"New Hampshire, sir."
"Kieter, sir."
Hawlhoni." looked at him a mimita
beft.ri' asking the next question.
"Who sobt the I" si apples In your
"Skim-mllk 1'olsom. sir," said the
boy. with glitt:.iiug eye, as the old
fanii'lnr hvword brought up the deal
old Si-cnes of home.
"It's a'.l right," said Hawthorne lo
i the clerk, "give him a passage."
j I.Hn- Acttlliat llj ijm!liii.
Uclyiiiin is the first country to mak
I hypnotising an offense against the law
of the land. The law recently approve.;
' by tlv. Parliament In FrusseU Is as fol-
j lows:
j 1. Whoever exhibits an individual
l hvpnotizi il bv him or bv another hall
be punished by Imprisonment for from
; two weeks to six months, and by a tin
of $"i to $i(in.
2. Any person, not a physician, hav
ing hypnotized an individual under 21
years, or one no; In nil possession ol
his menial powers, shall be punished by
a line of $." to $2liU, even when the, hyp
notized individual has not been exl.'ib.
lted publicly.
It. With Imprisonment shall be pun
ished, nio.eover. eveiy person who, with
the Intention of cheating, or otherwise
injuring, causes a hypnotized individual
to sign a paper oiitiiinlng a contract,
disposition, obligation, release, or dec
laration or Intention. The same pun
ishment shall be ntlicted, also, hikih
the pel sou thriving bcnelll from such a
Tlie Km Hrr
t'n.y three or four Inches In length,
the sen-horse is more dignified than
many largo fishes, and. In addition i..
case mors hopeless than that of Mr. ! ,he distinction conferred upon it by it i
Kmceiui staieiiness, possesses the
unique power or looking two ways at
ortnrop. His injury came about in
tins way; One dav, nearly four years
ago, he stumbled and fell "the complete
length of a Btecp flight of stairs which
were at the rear of his store. His head
and spine were severely Injured.
He was picked up and taken
to his home. Creeping par.lvsis
very soon developed iueif, "and
ence. It, is a ilalntv. urettv creature
wun Head shaped much like a horse. In
color it Is pale gray, dotted with tin v
scareeiy visible, spots of blue., and smal
. it.. . , . . . . ..
Buve. spaugies. i ne dorsal tins art
bordered and fringed with gold, and tht
strong little i.reheiislle tail, umnn.l
in i.i tne nost strenuo-js efforts of around some lixe.l object selected bv
iricuas and physicians the terribto
sffllctlon fastened itself upon him. l or '
nearly two years he was perfectly help- i
jKicomu no Homing to support
tne owner, supports h m In an eroet o-
oiuon in uie iiiosi woiiuenui manner,
Hume sig na nf Haln
When flies sting sharply, and ants
aiay be seen making their
liny burdens; when the doukevs bray
unusually, and the cows. clnsVr lu coi of the tl. M,. milking time;
when tho pigs pick up straws and t arrv
them about with li-.ely interest, as If
they hud so.tie business with them in
wished to lea n if straws really do show
the way tlvi wind blows; when the dog
U heavy with sleen. and Hie eat aaAn,a
Northrop learned of the reined v tbat iJt ' I'oosesse I to wash her face: w hen nil ...
cured Mr. Marshall In Hamilton, and the ""y ot 'l!"8 "r ',,' bey are not
person in iotaport, ne procured a supply 1 ,u ,"'" r 11 f"re not to tj a
of Dr. Williams' Pink Tills through i l""n r"in on tb way.
Messrs. Bassett L'Ho.nmedlcu. 1 . .,,. rt.rr, ;
Woodward avenue, and from the oi .se . . " TV. 1 "0io1 T"-,rt"
found Improvement. He faitbfullv ad- ! V. widen closely resembles
uis strength in tne leas', effort. He had !
i ijq wnceieti about In an Invalid's
chair. He was weak, pule, and fast'
sinking when this timely information
came that veritably snatehed his life '
from the jaws of death. Those, who at "
that time saw a feeble old man wheeled i
into ins store on an invalid's
sumo nov recognize tne man
chair, i
now, so '
great Is the change that Dr. Williams' !
rtnk Tills have wrought. Wh-n Mr. !
Vetoed t Hie I resident.
Wasiiwoton, July 20.-The MoGar
rahan land claim bill was vetoed by the
president. ; He bases , his objection to
the bill on the ground that it is se
framed as to give full protect ion to the
New Indis Mining company, to the full
extent of he largest claim, while throw
ing upou tbe United States the respon
stbility the company should bear if tbe
title of UeOarrsbsn is established. It
'eeemi clear to the president that Mo
Oarrahao is cot entitled to the relief
given by the bill.
nereu to tne use of tne remedy until now T- one nuu ired parls
he is completely restored. Mr. Xorthro-. ! Tu l'1'! f f ' ".' "ntl'n'"y. which
declares hurt there can be no doubt n ' , fler, b"'"l? flll-l with car
lo Pink Pills being the cause of hie res-' i i.e ' ..,mn ln 0,d"- l' Increase lu
torstlon to h.Hl. .ii j, J lie anov can be r .wl
nd medical
nine manner as
vmwr ren.eaies . i , .
i.i..i i-.. . i ' wu'iereu.
condition rapidly going from bad to 1 f0,IU' .,") h'n polished Uu goi t color
worse, until at last It was declared there unnh"Kl. even after long ex.
was no hope for him an he was pro
nounced Incurable. He was in this ter.
i-vuuiuon w.ien ne began to usi i
Dr. WIMmiV Pink Tills, and the, have
restored him to health.
Mr. Xorthrop was asked what was ;
claimed for this wonderfiil remedy, and
replied that he understoA lie proprie.
tors claim It to be a blbod builder and '
nerve restorer; supplying In s condensed '
form ail the elements necessary toen-'
tick the blood, restore shattered nerves
ana arive ant disease, n Is claimed by
the proprietors that Pink Pills will cure
paralysis, rheumatism, sciatica, palpita
tion of the heart, beads he, and all die-
,w, , Buiniouin ana acid vapors in
Ihe atmosphere. Th' PIMrf. r .hi -
in tbe ingot form is stated to be about
"mj-nve cent" per pound
A rsnns Wore.
Callaway baa her third t,
Wahoo is likely to
itatuet is soon to
A young wildcat was c-apt,
near Oxford.
!onie fifty fast bore3 ar(ll
kt Auburn.
If Afifiorastfi Va.1 . . . .
- - , - v vouillf J
graded schools. 1
Two 000-light dynamos a
up at .sctuiyw-r.
Young ladies of ( Means iJ
leu a cornel band.
tJeorgetown, Custer e(
have a flouring mill
.eraaha City is to bavei
house to cost 2,0iki.
Farmers near Hebron
build a grain elevator.
A new brick building
built at Rising City.
A naniber of private tel,;
bven put up at .Midden.
A county lodge of tie
lias been formed ut Hatinj
...I. 1 1 . .
j lie iiiwpvr eniinel will
semi-weekly from i.ow until
election this fall.
CeorgeD Itigs o' rXtn
to Hot Springs. Ark , to ta
a daily newspaper.
The Merlin Reporter has J
Suniuel Sliankllii of lowa J
ti ii ue it as a repulil;c;in
The young men w ho hmA
express package nr. Kean
receive! gl." ) for their lioneaJ
tieorge Osborn, i.u old
1 ork dropped dead of hoj
wi.lie, rngngeu in iiHiilltig SIM
J. M. Hawkins formctlj
the Fairburg EnU-rpnse. In;
iiuiieu io tue uur in i eninW
Two separate strokes of
several minutes apart, struct
sUuiding within six leet of tsf
t Nebraska City
Mrs. Seune of Fairiield iraii
motneriy interesi m watcliitrf
play bull when the bat t J
.).. li'.iiHa r.T Ann i.f il..,,, .J
LtT ovt-r Ibe eye.
Llmer H. bnodgrasn, tlie J
laid James Wheisione out
at Jlelville, pleaded puilty to
and buttery and wis lined
injured man is better.
Harvey Davisson of Amis'
poisoned by drinking water
under a shelf on which I
of parts green that the mm
bled, letting Ihe poiav .
The Fremont t lata
ceased operations a Met uua
product of the ww
raised this year, in l.'W.
of twine made, but i m
yet on band.
U'l.ila William I! . ri? in f
the courthouse at H.irtiiigtal
ing the cornice, be lost liii
fell a distance of about fotw
Though somewhat injure!
be will recover.
A party of small boys
in a creek a short distance
land at noon vesierdat,
liowner and Fail WliHl
drowned. The bodies
two hours later.
Hugh Mareuai? of Pelul
of the team he wasd.ivinM
between then., cbn.i! lo thf II
then dropped to l l.e fM
wheels of the beavilj m
passed over his chest, but
Fwing Copes, a farn
miles west of Dunbar IffiiC
full equipment of macliiKM
thousand bushels of con
early hour the oilier
origin of the (ire ii ui
Nebraska lta wonlx
medals, 2..3 gold meJAj
grand gold medals and H
medals in the famous W
lesfs. Nebraska enjoys ti :
having secured all the ilia
that have been given out
While Mrs. L. V.i.mi,'
years, the wife of a jro
living four miles south j
ridiiiir to churcli. her lior
and threw her out, and W
ankles owl sLouldet WJ
counts sue was
The lO-moiitlts-oM cliJ
land nt Bartlelt drank M
. i ii in 2 nt
Death followed In n
saucer was placed npo"5
lb purKe of killing
little one, during
parents, obtained
' ('inter ent.n
crazy people In bar ttJ
Bau-her of r:ortfeto J
vt liW I lu wviv -
The clerk's union
bald its. second niee,inl'
f killing J
Ing tbe k
ned rVk
Uy ooiitiU'
The most abused word these days is for lu future guid"',
he word eyeloae. Every one whose 1 Ue BDDOinted at lb
. .. . . " " "y app ed to" ioe iu iewe .
rotary disturbances. Most rJ,:i. t s- a-jf).
I . ... - . i r" " ww . i:.uoa. sw. '
iiT.J . 1 7 '"VUK" 1C insulted If
lu i . . 11 eyclon
hst struck them. They .re endesred
In their rhetorle.
that with loyl .