The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 28, 1892, Image 5

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eaing Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
"Sullivan, a pro
n Iom).iii, U
!ln his toetlt a
pg orer 1,i00
attach a chain
?it, and, with
his mouth,
itil the chain
ntal linn, this
Mi the ("round
itflha chain
aftjuli relax
D tlii" wti"n
tliT discas-PH
5Jie Inst few
t inrurahlc.
4octurH pto
, and prc
ly constant
I'treatiiient,' i Science has
liitionitl iis
tnatitu.iimal Cure, manu
Do., Tolttlo,
aal care on
ternallv in
nd mucous
y ofler one
.it fails to
tea Union -
jTolcdo, O.
a get of
Obliged to
Ihe opera
te dental
Mice of a
ether day.
sup h a
iliem out
Jt for two
)or relief,
there her
'tne tatk
)U Journ-
Wlld Horses Jn ICtissla. .
In Mm steppeg o lluwiU, when
, wolves aoeaiid and the horse-, lead
i wild life and have to shift for them
selv8, it U gaid that ayoting colt wil
! sometime be made so furious by th
i persecution of his enemies that u.
i will rush wildly among a drove o
wolves and bite and gtrike until h
has slautered a large number uf them
Those horses are exceptioually fierce
I rendered so, it is supposed, by the ex-
victuc lariitiiuus in u.e climate, a
' one time of the year thoy suffer ron
Itild iltlanaA t...... - X I . I
and at another tiiey live aavon:
raging snowstorms and extreme cola
Washington . tar.
you will
M very
k (torn
ior, they
Ttn make
Iry way
A bread
sb;-r l!7th
tiaic will
.to pouts
. I Imti ft-ek-"?4I
"Jld at
.1 fj roast
i ' Tckts will
$ from datfi of
Wallowed on
An leasing t' e
i excuraona en-
tiome wiet and
it at a very low
grant prodiu live
;'ffinn iaTawas
Md beside the
tttled Mm chair
jfrt cauifht the
i Of his lingers
Ighly-three feet
Tr oiietliousaud
jented for judiolal
Judge JlotiHtiX,
Aot Xorwicli, C"l.
rlsMille. K
1 is
J that all
Kali way.
4' following
.iadared that
its ipend an
Gain on one
tA his idea
last year
Allied on all
"ja metropolis
) personal in-
aUl circum
ja vehicular
.Muscular tCxereiM nnrl Health.
As many diseases, prominent anion;
which are those of liio abdominal am
and pelvic organs, are the con
sequences of concession, and as goo
circulation does much for the nrc
vention of such congestion, musculii
exercise, by improving the genera
circulation both bv increasing th
heart and aiding in the venous retun
will do much to prevent a large clas
of diseases. Dr. J. M. llice iu i'opula
science Monthly.
the Cure of a CoujU or Sort
1 hroat,
"Rrown's Bronchial Troches" are B
simple remedy.
At a Peust.
There is a new shape for the dinnei
table a triangle. The host is seatei
in the middle of the shortest side and
the hostess at the meetins oil the tw
longer ones. The arrangement bring
the entertainers and the entertainec
nearer together than at the ordinan
square or round tables. A single cloth
Is not used to these triangular tables.
but ra'.her narrow scarfs of heavy
open work. JJetwecn the acarfs and
the center piece the space is filled
with bonbon and sailed almond
dishes Food.
Th Only Una Kr IVInlcd. Can Tou fiaJ
I he Wonl?
(lila ier, lliln week, which liu no two woim
alike, xcpc one wrn. urn Maine i irnv hi
CHcb new onu niitiearliiK f rh week, from ibe
Dr. Ilrtcr .Meniiine iiiu nouns puce a
"Crrwt'iu" on everylhlng they make ami nnb
Huh. J.ook ffr it, tend them the namu nl Iht
vorl hih! thev will return vou BOOK, ItKAUTi-
i-ti.i.rniotiRAriii or fkkk.
('Iiampagne was discovered or in
rented by accident, like so many othei
rood thinf. About lfi58 one Perignoc
as cellarer in a Benedictine convent
n Haut?illiers, Cliampagne. I'royi
lence luul evidently marked him oul
for that position, and had bestowed or
lira a strong head and a discriminating
palate. The products of the neighbor
ing vineyards were various, and, like i
true llenedict, om l'eriguou hit up
on the idea of "marryiug"' the various
nines. lie had noted that one kind oi
ioil imparted fragrance, another geu
irosity, and discovered that a whit
wine could be made from the blacken'
?rapei which would keep far bettei
than the wine from while grapes
Moreover, the happy thought atrucV
uim that a piece of cork was a wort
4uitable stopjier than the flax dipped ii
oil which had heretofore served tha
purpose. Jlis wine became famous
nd its manufacture extended through
out Champagne.
Then he happened upon a slill great
er discovery how to make an efferve
scent wine, a wine that burst out o
ibe bottle and overflowed the glass
whose fragrance and exhilarating
qualities were doubled by this process
At that time the dory of the l!o
6oleil was on the wane, and with it tin
splendor of the court of Versailles
The king, for whose special beneti
liqueurs had been invented, found)
gleam of his youthful energy as hi
A New Klemelil tn a Mineral.
It is reported that a new element has
been recognized in a mineral found in
Kgypt by Johnson I'asha, in 18M.
This mineral, lirst called ' Joliiisonite,''
but afterward masrite, consists mainly
of aluminium, a.anganese, cobalt and
iu combination with sulphuric acid.
It disolves in water and yields on
treatment with sulphuric hydrogen iu
an acetic acid solution a whiti
precipitate, from which a pure
hydroxide was prepared. New York
Watch cryatials are made by blowin.
a sphere of ghee about one yard iii
diameter, after which the disks are cut
from it by means of a pair of com
passes naviug a (tiaiuonu at tn
extremity ol one leg. New iork
1 be OMrst Untel ill the Wi.rl.l.
The oldest hotel in Snitzerlaud, ami
probably the oldest in the world, is
the hotel of Three Kingi
air Uasle. Among its guests in 102
were the Emperior Courad II, his sou
lleney III, and liudolph, the last kirif
oo liurgundy. I03ton Globe.
There are about D',000 tons of soot
recovered from the chimneys ol
London every year, which yield an
annual revenue of nearly 225,000.
It is nothing rare in China for boy!
twelve to fourteen years old to marry
The physical, moral and intellestuu
development of the contracting partiet
has nothing to do with the matter
Ot her con derations entirely regulate
the affair. An old Chinese nphorisnt
gays that the great business of life ii
ended when the sous and daughters an
married. The Chinese parents do not
care to run the danger of postponinj
the marriage of their children, especial
ly of their sons, uiilil after their owr
death. Exchange.
A Saclclj Glrl'a Kzpaaaca.
8(WM tne has been to the pains to as
rtin that the necessary expenses
vhtfh th society sirl's income must
sover are 15,000 a year. Among inter -sUng
items of the list is one of $3
tor hairpins and toilefarticles, another
f 1100 for gloves, one of 8100 more fo
to called "odds and ends" and the gener
ns amount of $23 for charity. And
itill people wonder why young men do
lot marry. Exchange.
irtha Kanh VVaa Frozen.
If this globe were cooled down to
J00 degrees below the zero of ceti
tigrade it would be covered with a sea
f liquified gas thirty-five feet deep, of
ahicli about seven feet would be
liquid oxygen. London Spectator.
Mie Had KeaJ the Papers.
He Will you mirry me'r Vour an
swer, quick.
Mie as he makes a motion to take
something out of bis vest pocket)
Oh, don'i, Fred! 1 will marry you; but
don't! don't !
Don't' what? I was simply reach
ing for the engagement ring."
"Oh, I thought I was afraid it
was a dynamite bomb!" lioston
Xews. N
Squire Ueasly, of Aberdeen, Ky, has
performed ti e marriage ceremony for
over H.'i0 people.
The Chinese have cnt jade for ages.
6ut never ornamented it except by
iculpture. When it was introduced in
to India the native jewelers, with their
juick eye for color, at once saw what a
perfect ground it afforded for mount
ing precious stones, and tdey were the
6rst to iucrust them on jade. The
India museum in London possesses the
choicest specimens of this work known
f the best Mogol period. Philadelphia
J. A. Uailey, the circu3 man, was
considerably astonished and not a
little annoyed by the report that he was
insane, lie was in Chicago when the
sipped the creamy foaming vintagt itory gained currency in the east, and
that enlivened his dreary lete-a-teti flood of telegrams of inquiry poured
with Mnie. Maintenon. in upon him. He declares that not
It found its chief patrons, however even his bodily health is impaired, to
among the band of gay young royster- say nothing of his mental soundness,
ers, the future roues of the regency The only illness he ever had, he says,
whom the Due d'Orleans and the Dm was an attack of dyspepsia, in lS8o,
de Vendome had gathered round then
at the I'alau boyal and at Auet. At llrijgs Why. old man, I thought
one of the famous suppers in the latte; you had gone away on your vacation
place the Marquis of Mllery who hac I saw you down town the other day
turned his sword inlo a pruning knift buying a lot of outing clothes.
Hud devoted himself to his patema Griggs (sadlyl That is why 1 didn't
vineyards lirst produced the wint go. Clother and Furnisher,
which for two ceutureies has niadi
his name famous among wine drinkers A shrewd Scotchman had bees to sell
At a given signal a dozen bloomini and he drew a vast crowd and secured
damsels, scantily arrayed as Ilacchanah big prices, with a poster thus worded
loaded the table with bottles. The
were hailed with rapture, and thence
forth champagne became an indispen
sable adjunct to all petits soupers.
"Extensive sale of live stock, compris
ine no less than 140.003 head, with an
unlimited right of pasturage."
Tree Cutting by Marhine.
A firm at Chelsea, England, has in
troduced an improved form of steam now controlled by a gentleman who
An Arkansas editor, retiring from
his paper, said in his valedictory: "We
leave our journal with regret; but it is
tree felling and cross cutting machine
The machine is mounted upon a strouj
ax.e, supported on a pair of wheels Oi
sucli diameter as to enable the saw t
cut through a tree at a height of auou
three feet from ihe ground. Thii
skeleton carriage is fitted Willi a paii
of shafts which renders it really trail
sportable through the forest. A fie:
the tree is felled, the entire machiiii
can be constantly rotated on its axia
handle it.
better able than we to
lie is the sheriff,
The mere fact that chance has direct
ed the finding ot a penny in the street
shows that the coin has luck inherent
in it. Therefore, if carried about iu
the pocket it will presumably bring
good fortune.
Young Mothers!
W OJtr aa m JUwu
vKUk Inturf Smfcty tm
Lift cfMvther anal CaiM.
Rob Confinement i
fain, ilorvr mnd Buk.
IfUrnriMOBebOttleof " M ath"a VwlmmA 1
auflered but llttla la,aad 111 not exfrlDC0 that
weakneea afterward uaual Id audi caaaa. kUa.
4MUK Oam, Lamar, Mo.. Jan. I5tb, 1911.
8eat l'T expreM. charges prepaid, on receipt ot
lrW,.1.50 per bottle. Book to Mothera mailed frea.
RELIEVES all Etonmn Distress.
REMOVES Nausea, Sense of Fullneaa,
RESTORES Normal Circulation, lad
Wxaas to Toe Tirs.
N. HalTER MEDICINE CO.. tl Leal. Nai
rrrlinR Ticket and Consign
Frelglit via the
F. E. & M. V. and S.
In the year 188tHhe Kentucky legis-
go that by simply turning a band whee lature was petilioned to change the
,i. hu .Mi:,, , -,it in i uriim name of a man who thought that "Mr
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of iu kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, nrenared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
feyrup of Figs fa for Bale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliablo druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
C. & P.
II. G. BrrtT, CientTl Mannjrer.
lien'l i reipM Ac t. Cieu'l Tan. AgU
I Undalin.ltotn 13.00 upww
Thc Anion.
MaliiAfMT, but Soiala.
Guitars from $h.M upward.
Thc Marquette.
(urter-ael S)ciuora,
The The Con s erv atom t.
4urtei-wt:d Oak, AntiiUr. I high tirade, turn flniih.
AH the above anM under o-ir own guarantee; 100,000 of oul
Insirumt-nta in ie. Vour local dealer will order for you. Ueu
mne have ume burned on intide. bend for illuatnUd catalogue
l.VON 1 HKALV, 53 Moaroe 8Uet Cbiotun
n the actT,
acaaiHG this
Taaoc ataaa
tail, piTCHcaa,
arirrooNS, ateajaaa.
r-uaiN and oceoaaTiB.
TAMoaao Fiaca-waac Co,
',i:;crt, CiiMrl il Beit Herail Seawl Is tat Wilt
CA Dl TwBntr-ttra Dapt't. Thin Teachers, all
aa ai.rMu.iAliM No racation aioeDt Ajur. Enlei
iH r
iir hflDMi fclgiM!, aabFaUjiaatlcalHri. 4
1 Rliraiathearknowir-ltwj
leading- remedy for all tba
unnalurnl diacharRea and
prlvatedliipaaeaofiuen. A
certain cure for the debili
tating weakneaa peculiar
o womPD.
Mjmi.Vf TnreiicribitaBdfelsaf6
lTHttvN3CHEmclCfi. in recommeDdloj it to
A. v. oiuncn, m u.,iiiiiuniiM-
Solrl by Draaviau.
I.AD1KS fire Mare, lroiiitfr, Kft'ectual. Tlx
(iriginul and only gt'imine AVoman'a Snlva
I ion. font direct, 1; scnlod. Advice free.
OA TON M li r. fjl'lX. (JO., Boston, Mass. Bold bj
nil iocnl drnggiot.
iVdiillnra per wk nt hnnie, Mrs. Smith nenl
px flnfinrB H Alfred Coles for a box or wardrobe
l.otmce find nllowed him to send people who
answer his iidvertisment to see her louuge, tot
which lie giive a ennnnisnion which averaged
Vrf yier week. If vou will do the name In youi
47U Myrtle Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Him u t t? t lc jitSr?
t!ie f amous Little I'llla for Constlnntkin.Plek Head
ache, rTapepfia.No Nauaea,o Pain, Very SmaU,
Legal Notices In youi
paiier? We a re publish
mir "lust the thing"
for vou. Send lor a copy oi our Legal Notlca
llciriiler. prireSl.UO. TI1K NJiBKASKA NEWS-
PAPIilt I'.NION, York,
f Jtioaranted not w cauae Sineiuf
Uireotioii or any mijlts between Hit
horizontal and vertical positions. 1'
generally happens when a large tret
tails tiiat' ii does not lie Hat, as it;
branches hold the upper part of tin
trunk ol! the ground, aud so iu order U
crosscut trees in such positions it i:
necessary to incline the saw souiewhav
trom it direct vertical line, which it
readily drawn by the adjustment de
scribed. Again, in ordor to crosscut through i
high lying truuk it is necessary t
elevate the saw, or, on the other hand
in the case of a low lyine loir, to d-
undignified cognomen.
was an
Tliere is a roan in Montezuma, (la.,
who has bad his arm dislocated at the
shoulder thirty-eight times and his leg
dislocated at the hip eight times.
The boa and its allies are entirely
onlined to America, -Australia and
Ibe tropical I'acilic islands. The
pythons, on the other hand, are mostly
from the Old World.
In Tortta lb uBttorefia v.-as of
ancient royal distinction. In Hindos-
press it, Jo effect this slotted stays stan the title of "cuattrapati" I siguities
are attached to each shaft the lower end: ' lord of the umbrella, or shade of
of the stays being pivoted to a slioil state.
stake, dri ven into the ground. Ashori,
bolt passing through each shaft taKei I mall electric wagous, for the de-
nto the slot in each stay, to which ii livery ot groceries aud other light
can be instantly set last by means of a articles of merchandise, are novelties
nut furnished with a handle, and thus in London. .
by raising or depressing the shafts, tin i
saw can be set at the required elevation
reach-Stones are widely used as fuel
in California. They are supplied by
canning factories, and bring $15 per
An artificial waterfall,
"A great inrentioii lia beu matin by Jr.
Tnlt, That eminent eliomit has produced
Ms Hair Dye
which tmltaOft nature to perfeHinn; it arts
htfttiintiMteoiiKlv and J perfectly liii iit1Ms."
1'riif. 91. Office, 3 & 41 iark I'lui e, A. V.
for summer complaints
Perry Davis1 Pain-Killer
best medicine in the world.
I'M P J A W IteinoTer: arianted to cure,
Ben. K.
7o eeittaoer bottle, fiostpaid.
liira, JeD. sold uy drug-
, Neb.
to suit logslyiue iu any position.-
N'ew York Telegram,
Aurora Fortyliiilea IIia;h.
The scientists of the Ifoyal Dauisl;
academy have made public the result1 feet in ulght, is to ornament
of some interesting experiments, which Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.
were conducted for the sole purpose ol
ascertaining the exact, or at any rate There was snow in many parts of
the approximate, height of the aurora Iowa and Illinois on May 11, 1878, and
borealis. At Codthaab M. Adam Paul- again as late as May 23, 1882.
sen, with two theodolites situated only
four miles apart, found that the height Mrs. Salome Anderson, of Oakland
af different auroral displays yaried Cal., is the only Freemason in the world,
from one to forty miles! Near Cape She secretly entered a lodgeroom in
Farewell, with a base line of three- Paris, witnessed some of the initiation
fourths of a mile in length, the best ceremonies, was discovered, and re
calculations obtainable placed different celved into the order.
The Gregg System of Electric Home Treatment.
Positively cures Liver, Kidney and Ulood Diseases. It will
cure Rheumatism, Insomnia, ' Dyspepsia, Ioss of Appetite,
Chronic Backache, Painful Stomach Troubles, Diarrohaa
and Flux and all Bowel Disorders. Pins in the side, Nervous
Debilitv, Nervousness Premature Decline, Paralysis, St. Vitas
Dance," and is an unfailing remedy for all diseases peculiar to
The Only Institution of t!i3 Kind in the World.
If vou suffer with the above afflictions they can be speedily cured by Thie
Great System. Do not neglect to Investigate a matter that will restore
your health without fail. Physician, Surgeou aud Electrician of ;i0 years ex
perience in charge. Consultation Free. Correct Diagnosis by mail, on ap
Address, 314 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111.
auronc at trom one to tea miles in
height; at Spitzberaen it was shown
that they range from a height of one
third of a mile to eighteen miles.
In this case it will not prove uninter
esting to mention some of the remark
ble opinions entertained by the early
experimenters in this line. Flogel es
timated the height of the various
lurorto observed by him at from 90 to
110 miles above the earth; Relmann
found that one observed by him was at
least 500 miles high, and Morkenskjold's
earlier deductions gave such phenome
na an average height of 125 miles.
Then Leemstome came forward with
the announcement that he had taken
notes and observations on an auroral
ilsplay that was not separated from
the earth by more than 1,000 feet, whlls
lllldebrandson concurred to the ex
tent o' declaring that many of the dis
play! were below the clouds. St Louii
Miss C. O. McClavk. School
teacher. 7 Park Place. Eltnira, N.
Y. ' ' Tliis Spring while away from
home teaching my first term in a
country school I was perfectly
wretched with that human agony
called dyspepsia. After dieting for
two weeks and getting no better, a
friend wrote me. suggesting that'I
take August Flower. The very next
dav I Durchaseda bottle. I am de
lighted to say that August Flower
helped me so that I nave quite re
covered trom my lacbsposiuon."
m r - m Mia
fjtiAin 11
7 mm
Do Your. Own Repairing-
Br using- Koofa Honaehold HciNilrtai Onto for hul
audreiwlrlna:Boc61iocsandKiifcficrs. Anyone can UBuiU Prlaa
BTHAP8 AND TOOMforroaklnir andirpainpirall pr r.cip
ofharneas. Noeewtag. Simple as A O v.-itUpurlotu-l rivets.
blacked and cjrea'
and rcpairiniraU prirxipat parta U ouraiotutr riveus,
, Er.y lcnpUicr idth yenrwant.
sod. Teadr tomake up nt home, ct losfl tiuuj H PSyea
wnaina prices, wanyoiuieaw
fiVwM HOK TSGi&r iTOlEttTa nlMt of black-
mim nvvl nniw. nt 10. 13. anil !1 cts. a r.'ur. H
LgabtrnTiatloe! lUtgl-Xtnips.l.
Etnr.g.etclitcorr:poaaii(rP"CC-J. wu.ij ui .
amlth toola, at a
aevrs u
low enouah to 6uit th closetl, buyer,
. ) TlnaaM l1 nn
i CASttaiX.cvcrythiiigiiecoaaaiT
(T conts. Wxcrf iliitis menttonea
In rora pounding a aolutlon a part waa aecitlcttly spilled on the feaaa
and on waabinff afterward it was dlarov?red that tlip hair aa ro.
Dletely removed. We at once put tins wonderful preparation, oniha
market and so treat has been the demand that we are now iiHrodurlnt
it throuanout the world under the name wt (iue-en'a Aall-liairius
BO aimrit rhi inituinnuscn,
Vk hair over and apply the mixture (or a few rolnntra. and tea
h.iri.r.ivearaaatt br mafic without tha slifhteal aln or inlurr wba
SJnlltawattarwart. It lsunllkeansrollirpici.araii.iieverua
fOTa Uke nnrpoie. Thousands of I.A1H I H who have been annsrsi
with h"r on their FACK. NKCK and A11MS attest It. rncr la
OKNtkM KN who 4o not appreciates beard or hair on their awt.
mA . .xleaa boon IB Uuaan'a Antl-uairini' win.
with 81
nf Qaaan'a Aatl-Halrln tl. ncr b
eMl4 from obaarvatioa). Head money
J.. irii.tlv MinAdntlal This aa
costal na. We larlt yoa to al with ns and yon will ana Tytninj .jj r-, 0 Vou wl
.ad lo-aar. Aitanta ouaan sniaisab vu.i rn r,,i; ai oo far a
raftatrr yoar latter at aty Past Ofoca to Insure tut sale delivery. M r v.111 J"
Tfoliara ar lltlstaatlajary t. any pnrchaae-. Kery bo''Je """., Antl
ZiiSlSi VKaTSSi-" or-Co-mt-lon to Menw.
We h r trrt Q -aana A att-Haltlna and na t doc a a 1 ' ov nyc aliaao I -Kill o
7 Sni
n'ranai aaavrK.
tli.r mtuMII IT.
savlac, rendenni its ruinre imu ;rT.
ottle. aant la atfaty malllnit boxes. postaae P'l lnS,S2
or itampa by letter with full Mymnru "' wa
vertl.emVnt Ii honest and tlralehlforwaid Inevor. woraw
far aar ca
I aatTSough
1 lauroa
OrMsal I,a4ln RrUrlaiid Mnfnllina raw
ff . (", uresTid aiway rrlftW. i moid
H1WM. Ue onhr the I aKWRST. In llt.
boa. Prka.ll. 8nt direct, staled. Cu
t'ATUM OtlUMH At. "
Jt. J. W Nn. l