The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 28, 1892, Image 3
V ? bunty Journal, 6BED 1889. COITTV PAPE8. IS THE CQC.NTY. T' CIBCLTjir. yN OF AST tKDIS M" COCSTY. )kn Price, $2.(K' f . . - Editor. garrison post office a wc- Y. JlXY 2H, ISM. i jr Population. 'js have the impression the place for wealth and yas of lifo easier there rry. The careful study of life In any city will V to retrieve this very jssion. "When a fanner Jy he is impressed with I tjie stoies and public main streets. What he i )t a correct view of city ' factories', the ba k al- lote streets. Without lies he will not le long I conclusion that at least Ktlie population of our y thousand people and jniallt"' llir cent, of the niaIe i'l of the poor, filled, iir.i.'rovident, and W know to-day where twill ixme froi.M. Their so wholly undesirable iimtiln home in Jse comiared with it. it. remaining prolably cent, aro made up of lave matured into in lare able to ffiin m1 iinjr headway in life. t a class of skilled nie- book-keepers, who, iry and application, inselves above their pies will le found on jjngs banks and who Ws in building and Be furnish examples 1 the attainment of )We and, luxuriant is of life w;hich can fci the country or vil ity over and it does JB with the avei-age V A man who suo Ttry might make a Ji city, hut a man ntry will only sink conijielled to meet in which the cities i all the country is jamilies and lay the Icter which enables jet successfully in 'g that the city can Steam Xivlrati-ia on tbe KUa, A new Egyptian association fcu beon forruei. s-.jied tho ' JhowfitiPh" Com- pany, Trho are the owners of a number ofs'.eamorj which bare baen special! nttea for a regular service of passen gers desiring to ascend the river from Cairo lo the first cataract, visiting the antiquities on the banks. The forma tion of this company has been sanc tioned by a decree of the Khodivo, who has just inaugurated the operations by a personal visit on board the steamer El Kbedevie. Tbe saloon, ladies' boudoir, smoking room and all parts of the steamer are illuminated by SO electric lights of a total power of 2,500 candles, and the decorations of the apartments aro of tbe mast elegant and luxurious character. Scion tifio American. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OmCKKS: 'iimcs E. liovd Gov"innr I.inivllii Vol, T. J. Jlujor LicnteiiHiit (iovenior J. C. Alien Secretary of Mate T. II. Benton Auditor John E. Hill Treasurer ti. H.HiistingH Attorney General A. It. Humphrey I.iui I ( ouiniisloncr A. K. (jowly Hnit. I'nblic Instruction ( ONG 1! KSSION A I. 1K I.KG ATION : A. S. Paddock I'. S. .Senator, Ttoatrlee C. K. Ma-.tlerson C. S. Senator, Omaha W.J. Itiyan, CoiiKreMHtnaii lt ilLst., Lincoln W. A. MeKlehun, " l " lied Cloud 0. M. Kt.iu, " 3d " llroken liow Jl DK.IAKV: S. Maxwell I'M'-f Juxtlcc, Fremont T. I.. Norwil A-s'M-iati! Jii'ltfc, Scwaid A. M. I'ot.- AsiWM'iutc JiidKe, 'oluml)Us I). A. CainplK.dl. .Clerk mid lteporter, Lincoln HKTKKNTII JUMCIAI. DHTIilCT: M. 1'. Kinkaiil Judge, O'Neill " h ad i on titled liarlow I'Ourad l.indeman.. ..Clerk, Harrison J?ti tbe Far::i. "ttfat. :"yugh the country, J farm is passed, with y, Jf, buildings looking trimmed and clean ' 11 !rson wll h itttMWit in his farming y Ua to do it. It takes Vys each year to keep the y from the fences, to nail and there that may have to keep the fences up weak places to tempt into the owner's or . ,Of ghiin or grass, to put fc; i ndr slielter when not 1 up boards lying about the .,'l, to trim the fruit trees i. " UY dead or dying branches, Ut . lawn at least once each year, " lull gates so that they will typing on tlieir hinges, to have a 5-t-gardau, a good aupply of small liti pump in jpood working order, a iaipply ordry WOo4 -under shelter, (MotlM roadaidMt r'TW" and bushes down, tu tat7 t,et of expen i uiidewtet"' ' 'i clean out all n ditofr-"' ' ''' ,lie stocl ll'e" ,rtlr .aine:s take but a if- ffincrease the casl U you nave in me tilings resolve that that staiiffers, in yOT, may at least say, "A (ii'Uierr' Possibly it HtfUMy leisure hours at jfijiiatfif , but others will take mmMjf9IU earthly possessions, LTrtding as a man jot Jf Offer to Settlors: COI STV OKH( KKS: S. liarker .County Judue Conrad I.indeinan Clerk M.J. (jay hurt TrrasuriT A. SoiitliWorth Spt. Public Instruction Thos. Keidy Sberiir Geo. J. Shalcr Coroner A. If. IK'w Surveyor Conra't J.lndemau Clerk of District Court II. T. Coifley County Attorney IIOAHI) OK COMMISSIONKRS: Jobn A.Green, (chairman) 3d District K. W. Knott 1st " M. J- Wclier ?'t " LKGISLATIVK: V. Wilson Senator, Dist So. 14, Chadron Kl. I- Heath Hep., Dist. 'o. 53, liushville VII.LAGK OKKICKIIH: Conrad I.indeniau (chairman) Trustee C. K. Verity " Thomas Kiddy " II. A. I unnliiKliam " J. Marsleller " W. II. Davis Clerk U. Gutliric Treasurer i v' rtcott. Stri.'Ct Comniissione.r SCHOOL OKKICKRS: Mrs. K. G. HoiiBb Director W. II. vv'rijfbt - Moderator G. W. Hester Treasurer TKItMSOKCOUKT: District Cuurt, At Harrison, commences April lHth arid November 21st, 181)2. County Court, At Harrison, commence: tirst Monday of each month. CHUISCIIliS AND SOCIETIES. Jl. E. Church-I'reachiiiR each alternate Sunday at 10:30 a. m., andevery Sundayeven- ins at 7:30. RHV. W. O. Gl.K.VKNER, I'astor.Q Episi:oial services on the second NVcfines day of each mouth, at 7 o'clock p.m. Com munion at 3 p. in. ( has. E. s.n.wklv. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun- lay morning at II :30. Mrs. vv. o. Glasnku, W.H.Davis, Superintendent. Secretary. tri V I V x 'in UUm. mment land. natural gramet , too nunwroun to p producing district in M' to- twriffftrNt ee for 25 Cents Until After Election. The coming presidential and state cam paign will be one of the most exciting ever known. During this time you will want a newspaper that is thoroughly in touch with public sentiment, and one that prints the news before it becomes tale. The Semi-Weekly Stale Journal prints the news several (lays earlier than the old-fashioned weeklies, and costs the ame, $ 1.00 per year. A complete paper twice each week Tuesdays and Fridays, (Jiving 104 papers a year, it is almost as ood as a daily. The old-time weekly is not in it when it comes to printing news. A year's subscription will carry readers all through the campaign and the next session of the legislature. A big dollar's worth. A few of our offers: The Journal a year and "SUinley in Africa," $1,40: Journal and Weekly N. Y. Trflmne, both one year, $1.25; Journal and Oxford Bible. $v.75; Journal and Neely's politi cal map, $1.80. As a trial subscription we will send the semi-weekly until after election for a quarter. Address, Nkuraska State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. I V Is Xvm nAnt . n.Y. ruwn.,.1 tomy warn i r . -ttf. NtWHimt ...00., ' '"'W'OMTW'ft -i..--LiilhJlo. I For th tampiiicE. order U Tr: V,'j:'j I; c.U. ti.e family of every English reading man and woman in the west iU pubiisliers have decided to otter the paper for six mouths, covering the campaign, for SO cents. In order to fully understand the ques tions of vital imiiortaee to the producer and laho-ing man tliat will come up during this campaign, every voter should hear lxth sides. The Bee proposes to discuss all these questions thoioughly and intelligently. You cannot afford to allow this opwr- tunity to pass. Address orders to The Ble Pi-bushing Co.. Omaha, Nebr. kii 1 1 1 1 1 f u in nun n 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 n i m 1 1 ROYAL SEWING rJACHIIlEi -1 I I I l i t I III I I 1 1 1 I I III 1 1 I H I U 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 WARRANTED 5 YEARS riii:iiri-!'ii!ic:r!'iiil!i?i:i!ii!riiii!iiiii:iiiii(iniiiitiii.iB H fTiinaLurge Hlffh Arm. 2 r lf;tsaSelf-HetUne eile. 3 Has aSelf-thi-einlinf; Shuttle. Z ? Kits No Equal Ju Construction Z Has a Mflmiiicnl Appearance. - Ilcfiitii Kleptiit I 'i 11 i nil. - Han a Vrrtevt AdjitHtment - Hiua lOMitivo Take -up. Z Uanttlylinh l'ariiituro. s - Has More (Utoil Sewing QnalitiM and Z does a fjirger lentigo of General Work - tbun any Hawing Machine in the World. - Examine THE ROYAL for points of ? excellence, and you will buy no other. I ROYAE S. M. CO., Rockford. III. f f lilliilililil I l;!rl:lil II II ITHI HI 1 1 111 HI II l-t I ,p BOSTON ChestWeicht FOR YOUR HOME. s I I U 1 CO ul A X I Uli -ill i I f j -"8 S 1 e IS I J J 1 1 HH r o a p h j i q h SI J m rJi 1 " H 'Tfl' I a IAS I Bond Stamp for Illoitrated Price Lilt, The Schurriactier Gymnasium Go. 8 sentW Up MtMed hi Opportsuily! IK)VT MIm l ourt, Header. majority negle-'t their op portHQtuus, aud fruta iht cause live in poverty ami oia ia oUscnrity! llarrowiuf despair it tL lot of maoy, aa tiiey louk back on lest, fureverlost.opportnDitj. Urelapaas tnr Kat b eat. B op and doiug. Imprtire your opportu nity, and aocoreprdsperity, prominence. paee. It wu said by a philosopher, that "tbe iioddesi of tor time offers a golden opportunity to each perauu at some period of life ; embi ace tLe ciianca. and the poors out har riches ; fail to do o and she departs, nwrto reinrn." Huw shall yo ficd Iha coLDi k opportunity? IiiTeetigate eTery chance that appears woitlij, aod of fair protaie; that is what all suc-cet-stal men do. Here is an opportunity, such as is net often within the rtacb ot laborinspoople. Improved, it will gire, t least, a grand start in life. The goldkn opportunity for many is hre. Money to be made rapidly aod honorably tf any wdustrious person of either sei. All ages. Yon can do the work and lire at home, whatever ron are. Even be gicDers are eaily earning lrom 5 to SIO per day. Yoa can do as well if yon will work, not too hard, but indostri eo&ly ; and ycc can Increase your income yon go on. Yoa can pre spur time only, or all yonr time to the work. Easy to learn. Capital not required. We start you. All is com paratively aw and really wonderful. We instruct and show yon liow, free F&ilnre unknown among oar work era, o room to explain here. Write aud learn all free, by mom mail, t'nwlse to delny. A ddrws at enre II. liallclt Ac Co., ISvx eO, Pb'rtlaad, llaiue. Srientifio American Agency for r F CAVEATS, JC TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS Htf COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook write to NL'NN ft CO., X llHOADWAV, NEW VK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In AmBrtcn. Kverjr patent taken out by us is brought belore the public by a notice given free ol charge in the Largest rlroulatton of any sdentiftc paper In the world. Splendidly i 1 ins t rated. No imellieut man should be without it. Weekly, 3.00 a year; that) 6ix months. Address MUiNN 6t V.O i'vuLioULiUi, oCl l?rudwa New Vuri. 0 tj." 'UaiSa''' AND THE I TITANIA (The Queen ol Fairies ) rno i Anice I run unuiLwi ' ' STRICTLY iW HIGHEST DIAMOND FRAME: CUSHION and PNEUMATIO -tires- Warranty With Every Wheel SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR CATALOGUE - ARIEL CYCLE MFG. CO.,00, Wash your face. Wash yonr hands, Wash yonr head, Wash your beard, Wash babies frjads, Wash out stains, Wash away dandruff, Wash away pimples, Wash away freckles, wash yourself wun Toilet Soap For Pure White Skin. EL BALDWIN & CO., 14 PARK PLACE, DETROIT, MICH. MENTS WANTED, SAURY OR COMMISSION. SAMPLES MAILED FREE. WE PAY FREIGHT If you do not keep it. We think you will keep it It pleases everybody. It is an hottest piano. It is the WING Piano. Vnn mav have a nreference for some other make. Still you are a reasoning creature, anu open t iu conviction, no doubt. The nuestion is too imoortant to be settled without due thought. Years ot satistaction or 01 regrei come with a piano. Does it wear well? The WING Piano does. "Look before you leap." Whatever piano you buy, there are piano secrets you ought to know. Our free book tells them. Send a postal card for it. It may help you to buy a different piano. We take that risk. We aiso tell you the nearest dealer where you can see a WING Piano. It is worth looking at. So is the price. WING& SON, H$ Broader New. York, k s all J OOFING. Metallic VJeather Boarding, Complete Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting Roofing Paints, Iron Roofing, Eave Trough,, Gutters ai.d Spouting, tPW farms of Sheet Metal for Building COMPLETE AND READY TO APPLY WHEN SHIPPED.' WE WANT AN AGENT In thlntown an nfTKPtlo workman to ti;!too:lvr nrnl At'l'I.V our material OorrosjioiKlrnfo mliciteils write for fvE"-. mui-ti,Tm3. : , . 7 & CO. , Cincinnati, Ohio. '1 ESTABLISHED 1872. WBfC'CLESiP IN THE WORLD. OLDEST AND LARGEST r" AKERS ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS. IF YOU WANT EASE, COMFORT, RE1XABILITT, SPEED, STYLE, OUALITY, AND THE BEST OF EVERYTHING, SEND TO CS. PRODUCT 108,000 BICYCLES WE GUARANTEE OI K MACHINES SUPEKIOK TO ALL OTHERS AND WARRANT KVERY ONE TO BE PERFECT. COVENTRY MACHINISTS COMPANY, Ltd. CHICAGO, BOSTON, SAN FRANCISCO. SliND FOR CATALOGUE. OUR PROPOSITIOrJ IS THIS On receipt of 020.50, we wiil deliver at your R. R. Station, free, taia8ewing MacbiQe guaranteed equal in erery respect to tlielon.tittie,N'ew Home, Wiiito or any ether, and One Year's aubripiion to the weekly GfAB& DEMOCRAT, St. Louia, RKPCHLlC.or any other .Weekly of like value. This maelime is thoroughly equipped, with the latest and beat set of Btttel attachments, automatic bobbit-winder, self-setting needle, self-threadiug cylinder shuttle, beautifully ornamen ted, aud has "bent wood-work" the popular style, either Oak or Walnut. Upon arrival, ii it is found deficient or inisrepre fceuted, it can be returned to usC. O. !., for full amount paid. We refer you to any bank in the U. S. as to our responsibility. TRIJESDAIL MACHINE AND ARMS CO. Nuld ly Agvnts f.r 55. ST. MO. 1irNeetlles,Shu(tU's an ' Repairs for all k-Ws of Machines. Fv3 A NEW 7-SHGT, .32-SAL SAr: , i &jrXu. Ccr.jpao;, Ut, Efibolivo. "'! I" . it j ' : i I becttiiia x he oii'i 1 in tlicvesi. 7(.t;hi t its t-ik i iy iw a ivutoh. "5x.v-i.'i s.!ti In 1'iance lust ViiJir. A N.'vpKy U.;it sells at sight. ::.Ui;;-H i-.,iolver and Car '.''..Ti; V. YViH be sent (Ti V-. c.i.(roKK? with v-ni'l'v, c i f i..i!iiInaiion, if f) ,: i cuiMintips order a-. :o;ir 'iuion food t'aitb, M-iA?0U3 ,r;r,E ARMS CO., Our Qcn-i's Phaeton, , ROOMY. UGHT, ELEGANT. AtTSend for catalogue of our full line of two and four-wheeled work. D. M. Sechler Carriage Co., RHolinc, III, For fifty years carriage makers have tried to invent a"short-turn" vehicle that would not be a 'turn-under. " Success came with the invention pf The Bartholomew Co., Cincinnati, 0. . .1 NO Hi 1?T7 TV n 7 0 OUWAriA KIONARCN SCALE BECAUSE IT IS 77io Most Simple of Construction Any fone can adjust it. The Mntt JhtraMeThe knife edyca arm free and looaef ean be taken out, sharpened or replaced by new ones. The Mont Perfect Because of its simpli city f and the only scale, which proves its own correctness. The Scale of America.-8end for descrin- tiont prices, etc. It will pay yon to investi-ante WEIGHTSSEALS OR H. N. STRAIT MANUFACTURING CO., CHECK RODS' rnm citv, kan?a. $66i T:; : BEST RiDlNG THE BEST LOOKING FOR THE STRONGEST BUILT This Is a spe cial otter. We sell them at thisprloe to in troduce them, regular price is 975.00. WE ARE WHOLESALE. MANUFACi Ever before offered run. ubborTop, Eliptlc Springs, Piano Body." upholstered In a fine grade of, cloth, or leather ' if preferred. Three or four bow top. Either wide or narrow track. We would also furnish Corning body In place of Piano body If desired. I Send for Catalogue. 'S FREDCH1A MANUFAGTURIN6 CO., .1 Y6'UrCSTOWN, OMJO.jf? i v . - k 1 V . s . 7 -!