The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 28, 1892, Image 2
THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL L. J. SIMMONS, froprirt r. iIA.KliI.SOX. - NEBRASKA The ired Ward Cms. M tar bis, Tens.. July 2L Prom th. Uoor of letter that passed between Freda Ward and Alice Mitchel od i led to tbe conclusion that ach was in fatuated with the other, and thit Alice loved Freda aa man lores woman and that Freda loved Alice aa woman re gard! mac. The letters written by both of the young women were made public on the witness- etaod and their content vera astounding. If Alice was crazy, to was Freda, becauae the emotions of mentality of both were alike. A prominent physician discussing the 3ase from a scientific standpoint, said the story of these two girls gave rise to a problem for physiologists, viz.: Cui one woman love another aa a man, with out being insane, and wben this love is reciprocated are not both insane? The protestations of undying devotion were as vehement in Freda's letters to Alice, a were the promises of love and protection from A lioe. Interest in this case is unabated, and this morning the large court room was crowded to suffo cation with people desiring to catch a glimpse of the notorious parties inter ested and to hear the few salacious bits of evidence tbat might fall from the lips of witnesses. In this latter expectation they were disappointed, for so far all th evldenoe tends to show tbat Alice Mi'cnell loved Freda Ward as an honor able man loves a pure woman. The trial waa opened by te introduction of de position ahowicg insanity in the fam ily of Alice Mitchell's mother, her broth er, Vance Scott, of Washington county 18-, having been insane for some time, a was Mrs. Baggs of the same county, a cousin of Mrs. Mitchell's. Robert Mitchell, the half brother of Mice, appeared on the witness stand and exhibited Alice's trinkets and let ters. The trinkets consisted of marbles, tops, base balls and other boyish play things. He then opened a letter case, which, he said, had been the exclusive property of Miss Mitchell. It contained a scrap of poetry, receipts for producing death, copies of letters written to Freda Ward and letters written to her by K re el, la connection with the letters a strange phase of the case was shown. When Alios and Freda became engaged and were finally separated, Al ice told Freda to write to her as Freda Ward tell her that she (Freda) was in love with Freda Ward and not Alios Mitchell, tor Alice Mitchera personality hed been saerged into that of Freda Ward and her letters were couched is the most en dearing terms. Alice of course, received the letters and became, aftr a time, jealous of the mythical Freda. Sbe thereupon wrote to Freda and told her that Freda Ward was dead. Mias Ward thereafter addressed her love letters to Miss Mitchell. The letters that passed between the young ladies were written in cipher made op of capital and Greek letters, dove in the cipher was expressed by TB1R." In one of the letters Freda bewails the death of the mythical Freda, but she consoles her with the reflection that sbe lovws Alice better than this dead fiction of their imagination. Freda tells Alice in this letter that she worships her, while she only loves Ashley Roeella, a young man who paid court to her, Later on ahe says she loves only Alice, nod for her sake she gave the conge to lioeelle. When Alice heard of Rosalie's regard for Freda she at one set about to break up any attachments that might exist between them, and in this she ancoeded. In other letters Freda discussed the proposition to elope, and waa wild with joy wben Alice told her that they would in a abort time leave for St. Louis. The presentation of the engagement ring brought back such a letter aswauld follow a similar presentation by a boy of nineteen years to a yaung lady of seventeen. When Freda's sister broke into the plan to elope the girl wrole most heart rendering effusions to Alice. She swore that ahe would marry none other than Alice and expected Alios to be true to her. ' The witness, Robert Mitchell, pro duced other matter written by his sis ter. On a slip of paper waa found writ ten in her chirography various ways for producing death, among them cutting, tabbing, poison, drowning and smother ing. Another paper bore the legend '12 train of atrophia." The witness Mid Alio told him ahe saw a newspaper notice where a man committed suicide by taking 12 grain of atrophia, and she desired to remember the fact for future When the letter from Freda to Alio were read yesterday the defendant for the Ant time since her incarceration showed vkibi sign of excitement. LI .Holm's Walk 1 l.'ooi'ER, Xel Juyi-A special 1 aiucs. i com- Tnv.JulT 22. -Gladstone is .. i -a ,JI iha anti- muoieatia a iin in lew " . - - - U ' 1 1121 - 1 4 the B says-.-Duri.ig tb storm whict .. m -m gn nde,vor to obtAio .:i.i i.rja vActnlav afternoon, a pirty cf wor.onsmea engaged on the farm oi a. E Lunberg about nin. mile ironi town, were struck by lightning and esv- ral seriously injured. O.e Berg, a Dane, was instantly killed as were a!sc the horses he was driving Mrs. Mat thias M.Uer, who waa about a half mile away, was seriously stunned and is not sxpected to recover. A hay stack where a party of men were working was also struck by lightning and set on tire and several of the meo were seriously in- jurtd. Adolph Wagner, a young man l:v;r.g near Rsynolde' mill on Logan treek, at drowned yesterday at about 4 o'clock. BREMEiXeb., July 23. -One cf tb. most terrific bail and wind storms in the history of this county occuired here las! aight, extending four niilea north and ine mile east, deatro7ing all crops al most entirely. Nearly every bouse in town bad all the windows destroyed nd oaros were demolished. A man by the name of Sheib. had his arm burned, to gether with seven bead of horses and aiJ he farm machinery. The storm com menced at midnight and continued for two hours. All crops outside of the dis trict visited by the hail storm are in ei- ellent condition. Waklajid, Neb., July 22. One of the most destructive thunder atom ever (Down in these parts passed over t hid village last night and its course of des truction is plainly visible this morn iug. Lightning struck the Swedish Lutheran church which was ignited and burned to the ground. The loss is $3,000 insurance $1,C00. Owing to the distance aud weather the fire company did not roach the place until it was beyond control. They fought the flame bard, however, and through their heroic efforts the (.arson age and other build mgs were saved. Fires were seen in the country. Mr. Spire, northeast of here, bad a barn burned. The loss of horses and cattle is reported to be very large. So far as known Mr. A. Beckman is the heaviest loser. Xelsox, Feb., July 22. The residence of John Roeer, a farmer living about four miles northwest of Nelson, was burned this morning about 3 o'clock. Tae family was asleep upstairs and the members were only awakened wben the flames began to envelope the place. They had to jump from the second story window to the ground, the stairway b. ing filled with Ha meg. Mr. Koe?r v..t qu te badly burn?d on the haud acd arm, but will recover, the rest of the family waa not injured. The origin of ih fire is unknown. Pebc, Neb., July 22. William Tynan' large farm residence two mile north of Pjru ai burned this moruing about 13 icck. The fire was caused by a de. feclive chimney. The building was in sured in the Hartford Insurance com pany. iV.n, tha nartv Will jtUciute insurance - suppor. him with its whole vote in o attack on the government by a "no eon- fereocV amendment. In return a sec tion of the anti-Parnelhtes want a writ ten assurance from Gladstone as to the time of the introduction of the bom rule bill, with some modification sal fa-Vry tc Irish ideae. Spe-kicg to a group at Kirkmacha Vwterdatrlio diving to Pitloctr., Gladstouosaui: "Do not be discoursed because our douiilsI majority in com mens :s not very large. It will comfort jou to know that 1 have eat in twenty five parliaments and in five have eeeo :he liberal government iu ollicedoicg great work fur the country with not as much majority as has now been re turned." Gladstone left r.tiochrie for Chester yesterday afternoon. He waa given an enthusiastic reception upon his arrival .... i in' STRCCCL1NC FOR Vim . r-.t slnrrleronllf Attack'; t7 aa ver and Drg I Think thmf Will l Retaliate. rirrinut'!, ra., July aO.-So)Ur Lovejovaaid yesterday: "We have tie fear of any arrest or information a, and do not bell they can b so ill advised as to take this step. They were the trespassers sod wgressors, sod are in o,itionto charge any crime on the Qm'S MISERABLE rlCORDcainpM!,oMte agent. It is, of course, AbiAJoi I possible tbat w. or ome of us, may be ,,, !"!,rrritel. W have the name of many . i i -;n a- jothei hgainsi nuiu iuivmu.i.uu be made, an I w wUI make them from Jy to day, as fist ai thf can be pro purel. There are many againrt whom we have good cases, and the will be t.0i)Cg ti e Ii'. I cannot tell to exact wiil charge vilit murder u...,. n a ra Tin: h :. .- ,t,lV,fi .r. vmnv .l..-tv in v, nit lerefrnoi New im -give Vie ma.. , tZl itioo of W.i rnck, joHe, to g, ;J , men .11 nabl. us w:ore i chance aou entered the elevat , w;,fn ,;gt time. Thursday next, expires th outside men and I Slice. It;' ! MV t0 you we wi'.l Lave all ln a fr?1ueotT'BlU,i There have been men going into the THE 4 rul ' Hi.I .r.'.y p,uc J . .m-f-ec-if-latpt was - Saturday .rrc,o to annate .-. ' -. ' ' ... it,, wssiilant "!r.i; sue. eompauj- ,.... Jew I j .,,,. nlf and of course I will not Aleianoer was a fes mmu. .k.rV,ic!e.T:rP Suildmif " we .....u, ,.ff at Trick's olhce. aw , l0 vou e wi.l uave an aautvi lu up v - ' . .. j youcg man I rh. nast few davs and the elenU-r b-.j I every dav and mgbt for cme time, I - i I -ri .t. Perth, lie looked well and enoweu , inouKui Co nakers miuI 31ini-r. Striker. Will Join t DeehU mlU. Nw Tom, July 2L-William VarUy, Md hi daoghUr Annie, old occupants of fMbooM No. 2304, Fifth avenue, wmp found dead in the bath room. AFlttsfcui Jostle) deddee that it ItMgal for any hooerboider, from bit wa prsmhUB, to throw water npon an ergiagrlodef who refuae to move on. , Aaboww of frwgi mm ftwa the elcodi dormf rain atom ia Mxi, ttev A tewtr mjt that orar t IhowMBd HTlnf troga feUon bia PiTTBBi-nc, Pa., July 23. The sympa thetic strike movement among the work men in the employ of the Caruegie company is assuming rather alarming proportion, and if the rumors now cur. rent should prove correct the strike will be one of the most aggressive in tbe history of slr'tKes in the world. The lat6t branch of labor to take active part in tbe movement in aid of the Home stead locked out men and the Amalgam ated men is the cokeworkers of the H. C Frick Coke company and miners in the works operated by the company. Re port come from the coke regions that missionaries have been seit among these men and are making efforts to induce them to oome out in a body. This, it successful, would shut off tbe supply of coke from the blast furnaces and would cause a complete cessation of work. Wbat progress ha been made is not definitely known but the leaders say the movement is meeting with the greatest encouragement. Itna Still Erupting. Catakia, Juy 23. The eruption of Mount Etna continue to inorea in violence. Ihe - lava flowing down the western side of tbe mountain is advanc ing rapidly. A fresh stream of lava now threatens the village of Niboloai on the south. Continual shocks are felt in tbe vicinity of the vol cano and some of the shock art felt aa far a Syracuse, fifty mile disUnt. ratal Bide f . wo Tramp Pleasakt Hiia Mo, July 23,-Three men stealing a ride on aide-ladders of a Missouri Pacific freight train were knocked off the oars while crossing s bridge near here yesterday. Two oi tbem were killed outright, while the ihird was badly . hurt. Th men were svidentlv tramps, and have not been identified. no sign that the campaign affected Di health. The Siuallon at Homestead. Homestead, Fa.. July 52. -A secret conference of over an hour's duratioc was l.eid last eight by Governor Patti eon, President Weihe, of the amalga mated association, and W. J. Brenr.hb, egal advisor of theslmer. Atits con clusion neitler of them would say word as to th6 nature of the discussion. It is said, however, that the removal o the troop from Hoomstead and tht bearings oi that matter from each possi bl standpoint were gone iuto. Weihe and Breunan denied that any threats d ny kind were made and are reported u. have sta ed privately to fr.euds that J the conference proved as satisfactory at they hoped, the whole trouble wou.u soon be at an end. The best inforan tion obtainable as to the governor's view, however, is that no suca rosesW view is justified, and that tbe troopi ill not oe removed till tbe workmei. oan enter and leave the mills at will, un armed and unharmed. There was friction between the pen- ale and the soldiers till about town. Early in the day one of tbe colored cooks of the E ghteenth regirrent, get ting a little too much beer into his sys tern, became tired of camp life and con cluded to go heme, lie was captures oy a patrol near the depot and a livel) scne ensued. A large crowd galbereo and Company O of the Eighteentn, wa ordered to disperse tho people. Thit as done, to put it mildly, in a very trial, manner. Tbe strike leaders were prompt ly on hnnd and had a hard time to pre ren. i . e of the men who had beeu drinking from attacking the soldiers The strikers went to their heacquanert aud some feeling sore about the mattei are said to have spit upon the soldier; stationed in front of tbe building. TbU is asserted by the military and deoiec by tbe striktrs. At any rite a soldier suddenly ap peared in the advisory committee rooaie and delivered himself of this remarkab'.t jommunication: "Gentlemen, Colonel Green presents his compliments and says tlim it any more spit is spat out of the window onto anybody tbe whole building will be shut up." The soldier Diluted and withdrew and lhan ensued a complicated discuasion on the question of expectoration, which finally ended by the posting of a notice calling upon the men to expectorate on the floor and not ou the street. Some Hungarian workmen later came in aou faserted tbat when on the w ay to a picnic they were rudely disper)ed and sent back by militiamen, Provu Mar shal Green claims to have heard noth ing of this. All sorts of rumors are still rife about O'Donneil's trip to New York, the late' being tbat he had a conference with ex President Cleveland and the democrats national committee. of th four ugly gaahei stiil alive and wil Mr. Leish Mother Car II I. ICh-wacms, Wis, July 23. Mother Caroline, mother superior of Notre Dam and commissary-general of the order in Amerios, died at Notre Dam eonveat, in this city yesterday morning. Boo was born in 1831, nesr Paris, France. Mother Carolina earns to America in 1811, when 33 yeata old, and assisted in founding th order Notr Dsme in this mmLtv. Ilsr death was th result of laog trouble, brought oa by ixpo- iar la a snow storm twsivs year Found Them Guilt.. KASSiS City, Mo., July 22.-A St. Jo seph, Ma, special to the Bee says: Tb jur in tbe case against R 4 0. W Mowell and Tibbetts, a clerk, on trial iii tbe United States court here, returne-' a verdict of guilty. The defendecU wi.: be sentenced today. Howell, Jewett 4 Co. operated lumb. yard at Atchison, Kan , and Omaha uu uaa ousmees connections witb their partner. S.R Howell, at Chicago O. W. Howell was not a partner in th firm but managed iu business sod the of Howell Bros, at Atchison. Tibbetti was the confidential shipping clerk. It bia capacity aa shipping clerk it was al gea mat liuoetta, with the knowledge and consent of hi. principals, conspired withMottto defraud tbe railway com pani. by uoderweighing the shipment! of tbe lumber company. The nros... lions were bad a&si th. iaSSSS commerce law. wstai of the rej . 1 . r 1 a building and pwr. by on f.fl " were sUrtled by three p.s'ol shot, hrec in rapid succession. The man h tried to assassinate the grea-. steei hit- . . ,..;i hatunihr.ff tl ler. but the laiier, uj.""" - bullet wounds and from a d igger, is probably recover. Before the man came in, .. . ,.r Vni-k hat man, the ounnets pmiu--. " -- entered the ofiice and was holding a pri vate conference. The ofiice boy noticec a man come in hurriedly fiom the out side and pass tLrouh the railing, bu Wore he could Blop him the BlrM.. had entered the private uffiff. Hi s rang to w ithin about five feet of Fricl nnd, quickly drawing a revolver, puhe the trigger. The first cartridge did no explode, bu'l'heserond shoteniered thi j back of Frick's neck, glanced do n wart and passed out below the armpit. Fnc) jumped U a window on Fifth avenui sod tried to open it, but could not Bergman rushed up to him spain an fired, tbe ball entering the left side o the neck and issuing arouad to a lodg mDt under the right ear. At this mc mait Mr. Lemhman thre himself on the atsissin and strutted ti get the revolver. He clutched the bar rel and turned the muzz's up as th man pulled the trigger again, the bal entr;ng the ceiling. The desperate mai then d-ew a dagger and tried to slal Le'uhnian. Fnck saw the gleam o steel and a'lthT. g'i itigaeied by t h shock of his wounds and blee-Jir g pro fusely, jumped between tbe men am seized Berkman'd arm. The latter free himself frcm L"iehaiati's grafp am plunged the dnger into 1- rik's ritih side, just above his hip, making an ugh wound three inches deep. He msde an other lunite and this time the knifi struck h'glier up, bu' the p .int stru:k i rib and glanced without indicting mud injury. Txice sgain wbs the knifi thrust at Krick, but he was mere!; scratched. By this lime the ofiice clerks and dep uty sheriff May entered. May hac drawn a revolver and was about to sboo Bergman in the ba-jk w hen Fnck criet out: "Don't kill him. We've got bite al right. Leave him to the law,"' The man broke away and tried to ee cape, but was se:urd aud taken to tht station. In live minutes half a dozei surgeons were on hand and Frick'i wounds ere quickly attended to. Hi was calm, had peifect command of hii faculties, and appa-enlly was les ej ected than aoy other person in the room From time to lime 1 e made suggestion, and a half hour after the shooting dic tated a message to Andrew Cornegu about tbe assault. Alexander Bergman, tbe would-be a sassin of Frick, said when taken to tbi station today, that he is a Uu.s,an Jev and was proud or his nationality. Hei, evidently a cigarette fiend, the tips ol his finger, being yeilow from nicotin. But little has been learned of him y.t save the fact that be roomed at th. Merchant's hotel last nil.i .L name of Simon lJergmao. When ex mined by the police nrwoB Bod Pctortwo dyn.mite cartridge, w.r, found in hi. mouth. He refund to 1. thsm b.Uk.aout without . ,lru, "d had to be choked until black io th! face. It wa. evidently hi. intention u P them ,n hi. mouth and snd hi. Me the same u did i. Lj Chicaao acarxhi.t i . . uul ") cat- mn.i sod a cumber wer er up last mghl ml went into lbs mill. Mof will go up todai." Will .riel Ihe A.ents. riTTr.fBC, P., July 20. Both :les are reet'og on their irmi thi. morning, but there ia no telling wh.t momeatthe n.arLitery cf th. law may be again put ie motion. No additional inforoatiou had lieen laid against any of the striker. Attorney Brencen .aid that h. doubted whether the information again. t Fnck, Carueg'.e, l'otter, Lovejoy and Albert and William Ptnkerton would be pr parMl Ukiay, im the paper would have to U draw n with fi"diDg care. These foeecution. .ere decided unoaatliut nvi.l's rr.eetirg of the Homehtead ad- vieory ci.mniiltee. The program of th. dfei.B is to s :ur along rollofcim pnt lx)ndsmn, w if the decision f tho court Uttnorrow i. favorable, th nin cin be baiiea out as iius mm ai res ted. Aoniher Strike. PrTH,.ruly 20. A band of 180 reap er, men and women, employed atBeliir, Hungnry, struck vester-lav for an in crease of wcges. Wben their demand were ref they seized a wagon load ed with corn, declaring tbat would be a fa rshare of the profit. The farmer summoned th gendarme. Then tin striker, became riotous and after a brief altercation It., inspector g.v. the com tuned to fire and tr e gend.rme pour'! a volley into the riolou. reapeis. One of the .Inker, stabbed the inspector. The gendarmes, who were nrmotl with Macnlicher n'lee, fired volley after v.l-l-y th. crowd, until forty-two round. w' discharged. Twelve men acd women were killed iirnl nuiy wounded Ijefere the mob wa from the place. ALL OVEB -"a at C. Wiscr k.. 'PW'U i, f ""ad a,; Tli hold nn ,Bn; -fair. ihil.i.a Rfal lr.1 - - "7 tu e r. eni . oeicg hs mnt of ii The vli r it i. prop.-l(jk uod works Garflclil Tark 4aits. Ciiicaho, July 30. Judge Norton yes terday hesrd arguments on a motii i) made by the city to dissolr. the iujnnc tion secured by the Garfield parn clii". res'.raining llm police from mterfenni with liie e:iir.g i f pool, on for.igc racei. '1 lie court reered it. decision In lb. surior cou-t the UarfoUi park c! lib filed a jetition for ft writ of mandmiius mtainst Mayor Washburn to compel hi in to iggue th. club a lioenc. to loiiduct its races. FoBBd Guilty. St. JosxrH, Mo July 22.-TK. withcoMpiracytodrfraudthersiW company b,una.rwVrung.hipine way companle. to report short wiiS, t a . . - U' Mto.o,k. IU told th. in. .Ptorhewas. cig.rm.k.r in N.a York und cam, her. with the eIprJn Untion of kdUng Frick snenery of th. people. rwl.r Mill. l)..t,o,.d. Acton, Ms.., Ju o-A. . M .ills. Bi.l. Ingham, M S k For Psrrtn. CHICA03. Julv O-.T. ' wo nutdred All Will III. Jrrn-.woMiLi, Ind., July 20. A train on the Ohio A Mississippi railroad struck a buggy at M. Cullch' crosirg, , containing Mr.. Biancii Fhit.t. J,' )..r.o'.d,Mr. Emuca Phi pp., 3- and Frank McCabe U. All were o bad'y injured that it is thought they will dio Both wntnen women were divorced froc Dinkl. Phi pp. a few years ago. Forrst Fires Itaflnf . Sr.Jouyt, N. p., juy 20.-Forei fire. sr. urain runina m nl mL,A thm country. At Bay Bull, a largo fir is in progress and another between here anri , Top Sail i. .M-jmingeeriou LroDortioon. Beyond that th whole countrywide along the railway liD. i in flame Manuel., Holy rood, Kelligren and S.l aion Cove sre threatened, acd v nous, wer. burned yesterday at Wbii bourn, and fourteen at The proximity of th. fires ia a rnk tare. Kocn.roi.n F.rk contajis nesrlyl Jf. I persoo. Hviog in buU snd widfpr ae'ierauon or dierose U feard. rott, ik. cMisi. reo.u, 111., Juy oo.Tnf) Coronr !ury instigating tb U.niboat disas--t of last Tuesday, returned a verdicl exoc.r.ting the captain of the host sou itribuiiug ih, diM,t4.r to lack of prop w law. go.ernUij .iMabwU on inlsot skea, and arg Ing tbe Uwialatura to au- ot l.w. . mil., to fdrml Tovernaieut, pl.ted. H.zard, SStBl, paper presented,,, Uii. week bv U i lepetident io lte(J "on. Tho,, I -y irom,, unty tr.,uri the l'iili... n , J U n 1 "cycle st4lW r,l Wr.ey. Km J h ch will b,Aw .local bicycle w,! The peoplsofijj oeiilioned ,,1 ounty wiihJ with atowoitEW W.J.P.I.rJ nont, was bnwlK He more.) to iMi, .nniversry.,ftl(i, ' our of tbe day bj u Tnomu J.Otn, f (iifct receifsd vdkSi V. h.t by UaesmvM lueathed f.tM k loved in om eft) Bat rice ss i ia : Bflpt IturelUblj,' he psjiers (bCs "J 'ens in tbscwri' 'harle. ILP.sW 'he .upreroscw.1' 0e, t i. proUUs'a),-' 'af if fupersedmn-n . , lourt. Meaeit.' . ingdeve'op, 5,? R.v. J. w. oZ'h' TllMi iosry Is rtlj; j'ced . erin. ifc. China ttllsftir. ggif2 .h. poiiyCcf l Vnowle!iollli ; -J-justom. itiiKipeS .lf if China, linn-. tiev. Worlfj t-2 turns his istot . :.l A spw.. liw-l' sailed tohfitUi . jommitteeonltii' .J itioo t U'.r " jnMtifefKMor; w .implvinfW' nvited to rttar.'iil ;et of lli.rapk-J'f V ..complelel""'" oavetuBi iiatirg d-fS t.?- JJJgJ Train No. 3. ' tfawt" 'ast freight. M"-'BBv'V ,rad ewt'bsWsi1 'l ae.r I'L-.t awtg killed eod to i4' ) ,vr tb. P""toan( "fsJ ussdbruw;rrsji'iyTisjr rom tb. W wedH'gsi :bus fruilt)spui wd w. pu"1 'Soosiipply Urn. of tb.tokai(th' si th. rt ""fen down, to rbe tr.n ve underdn ;ar.of which t' open ditoft with griio. , 'quentlyf ' Ukeo up Uwlittla;f the cjupliMWvsjH . i wf d.i. h.r.byrunS 1 umed.towWdinrrMtcoule chisti now .Mv.r,. . ' lD etyMaoe..ti00 0f J,"2 Tb and oomuiittL tl"! " -7 outh. work to bX'ou?BUd,' ser. sod tf" fbe head W.f ma. Drill- h.,tor. Tbej5! ..i nn tU detail iK.ffl. tl not i"p ,a saboxewneo-, from hurled the fh "(fit"r'"i,s' .1 fin "'"isDdl, H . i-tii w ling wood. TheS! ivacsmpaif1' ( M.lfordb.' eg .,..?, o7"" 1 waffro-I-J ,.i -frs .w- -.t.r P k. and 0fj) ford 'y acomiw'r .s pwr . eowiP11 i KYCl,f.July 20.-A ronsmirar f'btU railroad, earried out by tw. P".r solicitors, two ticket broken d.i4rg,nulW cofe,, bM 'rrll out by rsilrosd dslaotivss wdaanaibar of srrasta will lafiow. Tb brokw wouil turn ov.r a pessesgtr U lbs solicitor, who would put hiai oo l"Vril.n 0,0M0' lb conductoro ia tbs P'O. ih conductor I the an for half far and tbi, instead of t to tb company, vould be dindad w"v vwsfang.