The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 28, 1892, Image 1
J5f he Sioux County Journal. IOUX COUNTY I "R 3ST -A. Xj. W. Editor nd Proprietor. . V R. H. Time tablo. k. bolng Last. 11 6 So. 6, lulled 7:00 nil line of farm machinery. G. II. TlRNEH. HZIRISOIISr. 1TEB., JU"Ti"Z" 28, 1892. -There is a good 0lnintf m Harrison lor a shoemaker. ,er win snip mree car- tie from this place on hiowers, ranes ana uina- town certainly indicates karce in this lcnaility and ;o elsewhere to find help larvest. " i i i 1 1 lore mis "au ins en t to insure a good sup- will put in a pump. .teni to a stem winding in have same by cal- nd payjng for this les of your grain and to save nice samples help nmke up the ex- fair. it-class native lumber ntly on hand at my sx, l i nines east 01 J. E. Abnek. liiiL' of quite a nurn a lot of horses and Sheridan county and location in this local- Vue demand has been Jine lumber of Sioux f i l r i it; nixn uruers iui iu llleu as soon as pos- ssterday before noon it up in good slme. crops of the county a future of pros- reported from the hat a young couple ft , Suiid.'iy and were 'Tport has no. been )o names. P Aug. 10 the F. E. kcursions tickets to iua at one fare for Bts good returning IF. PoSnus, Ant. I a competent drug- I will give my V'tice of medicine. f or night. JV, E. Briikjman. the Bank of liar- another column is Jtoth for the bank .deposits show that I confidence of the My who took our ie road between our known and he will by returning he nty Lumber Co. nin we publish a Raum before the ill was omitted last If all the work character of the eber and Raum a would be accomp- i in town Monday. coining out finely hail storm which a couple of weeks rt is made of the k. Where it was eal of damage was cfcps bid fair to en- outing party were and Prof. Bruner purchase them. lie by Miss Gere. Miss Sund, all walking t,he I sixteen miles in the Jlng here before noon. the . part of a college city girls indicates vrse to physical ex- oil toot to .try and people to lay a pipe to the stock yards that , shippers can tO looil. Than I. V Bearer than Lusk : t An- k xoraetiniei on Salt $2.60 jr barrel at GBISWOLD & MARSTELLER'a -Be sure to attend the meeting next , "toesday to arrange for the exhibit at tlie fairs. Dr. Bridgman rerts tiie arrival of a new girl at the home of Leslie Crane' on last Sunday. -Last week T. O. Williams completed a well for John Corbin. It i i.-.n rt -ep and lias 53 feet of water in it. -The haymakers say tliev iret the best returns for their labor of any year since the settlement of the county began. Judge Bartow sends word that dis trict court will convene on August 3d instead of the 1st as was staled at first. Rev. Glasner will preach at the lurch on next Sunday 11 a. in., and at the school house in district No. '.il at 3 rn. -From the number of trips the olli- cials' car makes up this line of late it is evident something is going to be done at the west end. -T. O. Williams brought his well 11 to town on Saturday and some one appropriated altout three hundred feet of rojie lielongihg thereto. The last quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will be held at the church on luHsday Aug. 2d at 2:30 p. in. Presid ing Elder Julian will be uiesent. W e are in receipt of the sieed pro gram of the Chadron Driving Park Asso ciation which will hold its first meeting at Chadron Aug. 11, 12 and 13. The purses aggregate $2,200.00. The reports show that in the seven surplus corn states the decrease com pared to last year is 13,972,571 acres. From that it is safe to infer that there will not be any great surplus this year, riof. C. E. Holmes, formerly of this place, has been elected professor of Greek in an academy at Lincoln. He is a young man of ability and his friends are glad to know that he is climbing the ladder of fame. Nice samples of the growing crops are being brought to this office and w want our friends to keep right on bring ing. We want them "fiere so that when people come from the east we can show them what is produced here. A communication was sent to Lin coin in regard to a statement made by Prof. Leach before the institute whic put that gentleman' in a false light. The communication was published in the Slate Journal. A statement signed by the county superintendent and thirteen of the teachers was sont down correct ing the first statement and setting Prof, Leach right and tliat was published in the State Journal of last Sunday. In another column appears a call by II. W. MacLachlan, secretary of the county agricultural society, for a meet ing of the members of the society and all others interested to take steps for ex hibits at the county, state and world's fair. This is a matter of importance to all. For three Sears exhibits have been made at the state fair under bad circum stances and now with an era of prosper ity shining on the county an exhibit can be made that will bring about practical results. A large number should be in attendance at the meeting next Wednes day. Among the putltig party from Lin coin was Prof. Woods, and he stopped off at points along the Elkhorn to make up a crop report and did not arrive here until the Saturday following the arrival of the rest of the party and left for camp with James Nolan about 6 o'clock of the same evening and after spending the night with Mr. Nolan, walked a co"uple of miles to the camp on iindtfy morn ing. On arriving there he Totind that Prof. Bruner and J. B. White had left camp the evening before and walked to Harrison, a distance of 10 miles, in an swer to a note, purporting to be from him stating that he was sick at Harrison and asking that some of them come and take care of him. The note was signed "F. M. Woods" which afe the initials of his father. The note and signature Was a forgery, some one having seen the ini tials on a grip which Prof. Woods' brought with him, had thought to be smart and play a joke on the party, and had written the, note and sent it to the camp. Whoever wrote trie note nau me satisfaction of knowing that ho caused two of the gentlemen to tramp to town and of causing the rest of tlie party to spend a night of uneasiness, and by this time lie quite likely knows that the pco ple of the town and community very severely condemn and such silly, hair fcraloed,' contemptible work. The parly from Lincoln are siiendiil a good many dollars with our merchants and others 4 If they have a pleasant time other fHtmwlll likely come hem and it will P source of pleasure and profit to J" Ptople and all who are possessed of What It Shows. The institute which closed last week as a record tliat is interesting in many ways, and as there is no better index to community than the condition its schools and educators it may be of inter est to note some of tliem. The enrollment this year exceeded tliat oi any previous year in the history of tlie country, which indicates a growth in the schools, and as a number of those in attendance who did good work are the product of the district schools of the county the fact is apparent that the schools of Sioux countv are. as rule. well conducted. The visit of Slate Superintendent oudy, was another new feature in the nstitute work of Sioux county and the leasant, earnest, business-like and holarly address by that gentleman eased, instructed and encouraged the teachers, and made them warm friends of the head of the educational interests of the state. The lecture of Prof. Frank L. Fergu son, of ths Chadron Academv was of a harder which awakened new thoughts ind opened new fields of labor for the educators of the county and there is no piestion but good results will follow. The teachers showed a more lively in terest in their work than nrevailed at my previous institute, and Prof. Leach nformed us that the examination papers .bowed a higher per cent, to prevail among the applicants, and an increased number of lirsl and second grade certifi cates were earned, which goes to show that the schools of Sioux county will lie tetter taught in future than they have been m the past. It was noticeable in the work of Prof, Leach that he keeps right up with the :eneral progress of school work in all its epartments and he is fully abreast of the times. This is the third vear he has been here as an instructor and a large majority of the teachers asked that he be secured next year, which is a compli ment to him and his methods. State Superintendent Goudy also stated that lie found that good work was being done and coming in upon them at an unex pected time gave him an excellent op portunity to judge. With the better qualifications pos sessed by the teachers and the general prosperity of the people throughout the county, provision should be made by the country districts to pay wages which will warrant teachers in properly pre paring themselves for their work. Moore & Scott, tho well-makers, have a card in this issue. Parties are making arrangements to build a grain house on the track and be ready to buy the wheat ais soon as it is ready for market. Work ie; progressing on tlie new road so that by the time tlie crop is ready for market the road will be in shape. Whoever buys grain here should make it a point to give tlie high est price the market will admit. Last year wheat sold as high in Har rison as it did about 200 miles east of here and if tlie place gets a good name as a grain market it will draw people for a long distance in each direction. Important Mooting There will be a meeting of the Agri cultural Society at the court house in Harrison on Wednesday Aug. 3d at 3 p. m., for the purpose of arranging exhibits for the county, state and world s lair. All interested are invited to be present whether members of the society or not. H. W. MacLachlan, Sec'y. KEl'OKTOKTHK CONDITION OF THE BANK OF HAKRISON At Harrison, in the Blate of Ncluwka, at the close of business July 12. HESOUKCtS. ,,un,l discounts - .' Overdraft, wrurort and unsecured Hue from Stale KnnkHuml tmnkiTH K,.l estate, furniture nml fix turns ( lllTOllt P-XIKMIW UM 1U'" I""" Cheeks and other asli Items ItillHOI oilier minx - -fractional paper currency, nickels specie 172 M 2!lS : 1,IM5 M 1 ,IH 25 Ml 72 2IW 00 45 . 4H 50 . 1,H( OQ IVi'J 80 Total , . I.I.Ulir.lTIKS. Cii)l'al stock Phki in -- - rilCllVHICU pillllin- - Individual deposits mibloi i......,wl iH.rtlllcates of de: Time, certificates of deposit IltllH payauio T..ttll STATE OF NKRKASKA, COUNTY OI "'' T ' i Y'luis F Verity, cashier of the iinove uni'n .1 tank :, rf Sl.-n.nly swear thut the JikIvo statement is true to the best of mj knowledge and belief. (,HA8 Ki V)i,Ty. X. SubscrllKxI and sworn to before BI.-AL me this aHi t'y f J"lv' m """"" Notary IMblic. j.-,,iinfl no I,:i72 M set to check H,7(B 40 It - " U fill,!!) SO Hherlll'S Sale. Notice Is befeby Klven that by virtue rifnri execution issued byConrad I.lfi lernan ( lent ofTh" district court In a"" "Sli Ncbr., in favor of Anltman, .Miller "'" in. on Mon.lav, the 25th day r "'"'X' Slfi... llVnvlll mime v". ..... .,. offer for sale at pni ciuimv lluckeyo . 1 d IJ1WI! If Ml) !S r3 one Keystone hay rake taken on rl;..,.i,i n. the nronerty ofsaiuO. L. PERSOXAL. Mrs. C. Christensen was up from An drews last Friday. Miss Eva Conner arrived from Califor nia last Friday evening.- Mrs. Don M. Weir was an east bound passenger Monday evening. W. T. Brown and J. A. Hanson were down fron the west on Sunday. J. IL Cook and T. B. Snyder were at Crawford the first of the week. W. E. Jones was over from the north part of the county on Tuesday. John Dunn called on Saturday and gave us some cash on subscription. Prof. Bruner went to Lincoln Monday evening and is expected back to-morrow. AlLawlereame down from Montana last week to visit his family for a few days. Mrs. S. C. D. Bassett arrived home the last of the week after quite a prolonged absence. Miss Pontius and Miss Shaw went to Whitney Thursday evening to visit friends. Mrs. E. W. Daily came from Crawford yesterday to visit at Agate Springs for a few days. (leneral Superintendent Hughes and l)iv. Supt. Harris made a trip over this line last week. Of. W. Cobb was over from Antelopie precinct last Thursday and made a pleas ant call at this oflice. John Plunket returned from Chadron last Saturday where he had been em ployed for some time. Win. Noreiseh was in town Monday and called at this office. He says his crops are looking (hie. Prof. Leach having completed his in stitute work left for his home at Lincoln on Saturday evening. R. L. Osborne arrived from Gretna, Neb., on Tuesday to take a position in Bridgnian's drug store. B. B. Smith was in town last Thurs day and let the light of his countenance beam in our oflice for a short time. Mrs. Anderson, who has been the guest of her brother, G. W. Hester, for some weeks left for home on last Monday. Notice to Land Owners. To All to Whom it May Concern : The commissioner appointed to establish a road commenciiiK at the northwest corner of sec. 9, Two. SI, li. 57; thence running two miles east, tlienco diagonally to a point if mile west of tile quarter corner between sections 11 and 12; thence one mile south; thence ii mile cast; tlienco H mile south; thence X mile east; tlienco diagonally to tin. niitivtivr corner between sections 24 and in, tbtnee M mile south; thence one mile east; tneneo one mile south; thence- one mile east ana there terminaung lias re ported in favor of the establishment thereof and all obtections thereto or claims for damages must be (lied in t lie county clerk's olliee on or before noon of thu 15t h day of October, IH'.k, or said road will be established without reference thereto. Conrad I.indeman, 40-49 County Clerk. Notice to Non-Resident Defnuilunts. Louis Fischer and Mrs. Fischer, his wile, Christian name unknown, will take notice that on the l:lth day of July, KW2, the Ameri can Investment Company, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in tlie district court of Sioux county, Nebraska against John I. Davis, Louis Fischer and Mrs. Fischer, his wife, Christian namo unknown, defendants, tlie object and prayer of whicli are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by John I. Davis and Alice A. ilavis to W. L. Telford upon tlie S. W. !4 of Sec. 32, Twp. .12 N. Kge. 5i W. in Sioux county, Nebraska, to se cure the payment of a promissory note for 575 dated September 7, 1SS8, due five years from date, and interest at the rate of seven per -cent.- per annum, pay able semi-annually, as evidenced by ten in terest coupons for if'20.13 each, and ten per cent, after maturity. The plaintiff is the owner of said interest coupons which be came due on the first day of July, Mil and the first day of January, lsii2, and there is now due the plaintiff on said interest cou pons and mortgage ami for taxes paid by the plaintiff on said land the sum of H50.35 with interest at tlie rate of ten per cent per annum from tlie first day ol July, 18S2. Plaintiff prays that said premises maybe decreed to lie sold subject to the principal sum of $575 and interest coupons maturing after January I, 1S(I2 to satisly the amount due plaintiff on said interest coupons. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21 day of August, 181I2. American Investment Company, ' By W. W. Wdoi), .- Plaintiff. Its attorney. 44 47J First publication July 14, THE IMPORTED PERCHERON. STALLIOS, BARBARIN 10256. 1 10135. j Will make the season of 1892 at my place on Wavbonbet creek 3 miles west of C. F. Coffee's. Description and Pedigree Barbarm is a black-gray, star in forehead; foaled March 27, 1886; imported 1888; weight 1,800 lbs. Bred by M. JJorchene, Com mune of Cotilogncs les Sablons, De partment of Orne. Got by Roullard 18138, he by Favori, belonging to M. ,. Champeon; dam, Traniquille 10184. TERMS: -18 for the Season, Payable in Advance. 410 ,iiira in insure a mare with foal due and payable when the mare is known to be with foal or upon her removal from the county or change of ownership. Care will lie taken to prevent accidents but I will be responsible for none. 'A, W. 'MOH'R, Ownere RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, DEALER IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Furnishing Goods and Crockery Sold at LOWEST GASH PRICES. FAIR f HONEST TREATMENT GUARANTEED. The Celebrated "TAMBOR MAJOR" Cigar for Sale. CALL f GET ! PRICES. MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors GEO. tf. TURNER, DEALER I3ST (General Merchandise Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Flour and Feed :and a fvj.jl line of: Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and Machinery. Binders, Mowers Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps and Buggies. When in town call and see our goods and get our prices. Respectfully, H. TXJRNBR. BUY THE HORSE'S TIIE CHAMPION WAGON Will guarantee It to please or no iMle. No whipping: of tongue, and no side draff no matter .now rough the road. Parts peculiar to the Champion warran ted tor three year. Write at once tor prices, term and agency to ... . Jouet Otrowdridge h FRIEND J 1 V 4 . ijpie and all who VUM tooro to do w Culun.l.laaii.l M. I., ol"''"''!"; sense and cour- 1MM.I iu. ... r- S,;iff, iucb an act. i jr':