The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 21, 1892, Image 5

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    in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Bents Attract MM.
ivitation in iieaping
i upon the shores of
of the most inlertst
t roost curious and
facts in connection
history. Thus the
situated at tops of
ituins of wilier, and
inlic or any other
to first go down
cross the valley and
jntain of water on
Ve it safely reac hes a
Ion the interesting
Wi made that in
Atlantic the de-three-fourths
of a
el of the water at
ship in traveling
isco to 1 okotiama,
valley at least a
Louis liepnblic.
nrih in this section
. . i i :
nil oincr cjisi'.M-n
mail the Inst few
t) 1 iiKtuahle.
earl iiocuirs piu-
dieaJe, and pre-
, and I iy consUnt
i lo af treatment,
raliie riictu-e has
kiiiiittitutional dis
iin'?H)ii!tiUi.ional ktiirrh Cure, mna
taiey fi Co., Toledo,
ttinitwiiiil cure on
lien internally in
Jto a teacjonfuI.
blood and mucous
Tlicv ohV r one
IV case it ta.ia to
ra and ten union -
& CO., Toledo, 0.
If, i ..
fittla BornVaux.
y afternoon the
elween I'aris an 1
nxed between the
kanibers of com
itid the minister
the mayor of
alepholia works
W word beine
concluding the
f hitched on and
Use sent through
Vident Carnot, to
Witable terms
Troublesome Seals.
The Eulmou fishermen down the rivci
and bay are having trouble this spring
from the seals, as usual. These pests are
multiplying rather than decreasing and
are causing great losses to the wcin
While the seals of the arctic regions
have the reputation of being slow,
stupid animals, hunters killing them
with club?, those on the Maine coast
are the sharpest game to be found
They will go in and out of the salmon
weirs, eitlier by force or strategy, and
...... .... nsii uiey want, l ney are
urtiuiugeia Biiot at, ami when
hit sink to the bottom, the carcass
thus being lot,t to the gunner. One
fisherman remarked ou a recent
Saturday that there was a email
fortune in store for the man who
would invent a tiap that would catch
seals and hold them. The iinuntir
upon them doesn't seem to do a bit of
good. liaiigor (Me) Commercial.
fmlon, 18(12.
S 'ptemb.r 27tl
Irst-ilass tare will
I f.oints to p; nl;
tlwo Lome tee
will Ije s Id at
t.i:.U fl f.ireat
w. Tck'ts will
vs from date of
jl be allowed on
Iter passing t' i
lxcurs oiis en
yt-onic wist and
St at a very low
ireat productive
pngh a window
it factory, and
sard in the ear.
le from her ear,
bh of the young
He had been
She told him
I to be intrusted
Mdn't hit n cow
kke lessons in a
Throat Dis-
tnchiil Troclieg"
pllously effective,
Ltililleseat rilli-
tm them as a
said to never
il the freshness
fcubated it is all
estimation. Ex-
Pinna Cornice Culler.
ingenious instrument is
used in
Italy for the culling of stone coniicesi
moldings, bilmlrales, etc. The gen
eral feature.! of the machine are very
similar to those of the ordinary metal
planing in .china. slona to be
operated upon is firmly clamped on the
bed, t3 which a recinrooating motion
is Imparted by suitable mechanism
The culling tools are carried on a
saddle plale capable of horizontal
movement upon a slide by means of a
screw and handle, the slide in, turn,
capable of vertical adjustment on slide
pillars by means of bevel gearing
and screws. The machine turns out
sixteen feet of cornice, well linislied, in
twenty minutes. New York Telegram.
A famous Milkman.
It was Garibaldi s habit to retire
very early. In the morning as the
visitor looked out from the uncurtained
window he saw a cow rushing by im
petuously with its head down and its
tail in tlie air. No sooner h id the
animal disappeared than Garibaldi
and his daughter, Teresa came in sight,
one carrying a milknail nnrf tho
other a milking stool
About an hour afterwar J, when the
company had assemblel 'ound the
breakfast table, the explanation of
this cow hunt was given. Garibaldi
apologized for the scanty supply of
"You see, Teresa," he said, address
ing his daughter in a tone of mild
rebuke "your temper is the only cause
that prevents us from offering enough
milk to the signora.
"I repeatedly impress upon my
children," he continued, turning
toward the lady who tells the story,
"that one ought always to treat
animals kindly, and that they are
much more amenable to kindness than
to blows. This Zoui, for instance, is
our best cow, but she will not endure a
blow; fo that when Teresa thoughtless
ly hit her in the stable it excited her
and made her quite unmanageable.
I had to go a long way in the
field to find her. Teresa came up tc
hold her horn?, and I had beun tc
milk her, but in less th in a minute
bhe upset me, stool and all, and took to
ler heels."
During breakfast Garibaldi con
tinued to talk to his children about his
jfavorite animals, and he exorted them
li be tender and unselfish in theii
reatment of all creatures, with great
warmth and intelligence. Yoiith'j
The Only One Kvrr r-liill. Can You Find
Ilia Word?
There In a thrce-lm h dlMiluy fldvcrtiwmpnt lr
thin u,r, thin wet-k. u tiii-h Iiiik no two wmds
slikp, tx-et one wortl. 'lhc bamii i true of
eiirh hew on n(K'iirtiiK em-h week, from Uie
lir. urii-r .Medicine t o. i ins limine pmcus
"Cremrnl" on everuhiiiK t h-y make nml pub
lish. Look for It, m'ihI Uii-m the name of the
word Mid they will return ynu lillliK, IIKAlll-
r'UL UTIUMiKAl'lla or SAMl'l.l-.S r llhfc.
lluel of Two (ilrla.
At ("larkoff, Russia, two girls who
were friends fell in love with the same
young man. He was slow to rnakb
his selection between them. Tliey
agreed that either could win him Lf
d-divered of the baneful competition
of the olher. They decided upon
duel by drawing lots. On the day
How S nukes tiet Over firouml.
Although the snake appears to have
no legs or feet, it may be said to tc
practically supplied with upward of a
hundred of them. In fact each joint
of the back-bone bears a pair of ribs.
which are mobile, and have their point!
attached to the inner surface of one of
the large transverse plate-like scale!
which clothe the under surface of tin
body. Thus, by the movements of tin
ribs attached to it, each plate can lx
drawn forward and its margin applied
to the ground, liy the successive ap
plication of these multitudinous platei
the body can be drawn forward in I
straight linu without its being throwi
Into iiiulul'ilions from side to side.
lmt rapid motions are ills j alfectec
by such undulations, and serpents can
by pressure and appropriate musculai
action, climb trees and Eometimei
spring forward. They also swim easili
by lateral llexures, but no serpents ad
vauce by vertical bendings of the body
though they are so often drawn in sue
an attitude. Quarterly lleview.
following one of
was found dead in
poisoned herself
Rut her friend is
the young ladies,
her room. She had
with phosphorus,
broken down with
sorrow and remorse. It is more than
likely that she will not live to enjoy
the fruits of her victory. I'aris Letter.
boys tool
a fraud.
Tho Skill ami Knowledge
Kssential t'j 1 he pro 1 uci mju of the mosl
pcrect and popular laxative remedy
known, have enabled tha California Fig
Syrup Co. to achieve a great success in
the reputation of its remedy, Syrup ol
Figs, as it is conceded to be the univer
sal laxative. For sale by ail druggists.
A double eolden wedding was cele
brated a few days ago, at Thompson,
Conn. The principals were Deacon
and Mrs. Hiram Arnold, of Thompson,
and Deacon and Mrs. Alvin Green, of
Westerly, R. I. Deacon Arnold is Mrs
Green's brother, and both couples were
married by the same clergyman, t
l'awtucket, It. J., in 1812.
A newly-married man in this city
did a strange thing just after the bridal
ceremony. He buried a cask of por)
wine in his cellar, and informed his
guets that it was not to be touched
until (he twenty-fifth anniversary of
his wedding, when he intends to invite
his friends to assist him in drinking it
must have been
Intended for boys,
paid have lasted
(them more care-
rou used them ii
ve tired of them
Jf."-Good News.
Trash buckets are distributed about
the lawns and paths of Chicago's parks,
to induce the visitors to place therein
paper and refuse, which otherwise
might be thrown recklessly on the
To hasten the cure of a burn or scald
there is nothing more soothing and
effective than the white of an egg. It
's contact with the air which makes a
jurn so painfui. The egg acts as a
varnish and excludes the air completely
and also prevents inllamiiiallon.
A Itlackg III Mil's Arlileveliienls.
Klilm llurrit's father was a shoe
maker, but the future linguist and re
former was bound out to learn tin
blacksmith's trade. He had an in
stinctive attraction for the study o!
language, and often watched his forgf
with one eye and a Greek grammar will
the other. Almost unaided, and ii
moments stolen from work or sleep, In
learned Greek, Latin and French in lii:
native town and attacked Hebrew
Icelnnilic was mastered ere long line
some translations made from the sagas.
The modern languages easily sue
cumed to his omnivorous linguistic ap
petite, and soon' we find him deep it
the mysteries of Sanskrit. Appearinj
imfYirfi audiences from time to time
his lame as a lecturer grew. lie voy
aced to Lngland and made many ad
dresses, and took his celeb: a'ed walks
through the island. His experiences
are interestingly set forth in his books
"Walk from London to Jolin
ii'i:i'." "Walk from London tf
Land's End and Hack," ete.
t . . , r .
KIiib Alfonso's lliiily.
Some queer customs prevail among
the royal families, and m nocounuy i
tiiio n to a creator extent than ii
Spain. Ii is now six years since Al'
phonso XII died. It is genorally sup
posed that he is buried, but he is said
not t be. Carefully wrapped up in
fine linen his body still lies upon a slab
close to a stream that Hows throngli
the Pudrido, the name of the cavern on
the side of the mountain upon which
the Kscurial stands. It will be left
there until it has all the peculiarities
of a mummy. Then it win ue P""-
in the niche prepared for it in the won
derful jasper vault under the great cu
pola of the Kscurial, where tho remains
of all the kings are deposited. Some
royal bodies, and particularly that of
tlie father of Queen Isabella, remained
for twenty-live years ou that same slal
before they were considered lit lor re
moval to the grand vault.
Warned by the recent Hoods in the
n-.t veral persons in the vicinity
ir rivers have erected their;
houses on "wani.igans." These are
(lat-bottomcd boats, on which the house
a expected to float In case the river
listurbs tlie foundation.
Mr. Suburb-"Spring is the most
ol the year in
Tfco Correct Columbus Day.
The recent action of Congress chang
ng the date for the national public
ichool celebration from October 12th to
October 21st is a step in the direction
f scholarly accuracy, and it is to-
uarkable that it should have been ss
ng overlooked.
If there is to be a national observance
)f the 400th anniversary of tho discov
ery of America it should take place in
:he date which marks the true century
point It is obviously stupid to await
he recurrence of a date which by rea
son of arbitary changes in the methods
of reckoning time has lost its signi
ficance and does not indicate the true
eyele of years.
Every American knows that Colum
bus discovered this hemisphere on Oc
tober 12, H'.i2, and at first thought Oc
tober 12, 18!I2, would seem to mark the
lOOtli anniversary of that event Rut
it will he remembered that time was
then calculated upon a different basis
thau is now in vogue.
I or many centuries the Julian calen
dar was the accepted authority for all
colculations, although its inaccuracy
was not unknown. The Grecrorian
calendar was then introduced in
Europe, and this calendar is now used
by all civilized nations, with the ex
ception of liussia, which still adheres
to the Julian method of computing
time. When this reformation occurred
it was found necessary to drop ten days
from the calander; and October 4, 1582,
became October 15, 1582. These
dropped days were the accumulations
of many centuries or erroneous reckon
ing. The Julian calander assumed
that a year contained 3io 1-4 days, and
as this was II minutes and II seconds
to long, the error amounted to 3 days
every 400 years. The Gregorian calen
dar corrected this defect by making
every centurial year a common year
unless divisibly by 400, whereas by the
Julian calendar every year (centurial
year included) divisible by 4 was a leap
year. Thus by the new style of com
pulation the years 1500, 1700 and 180C
were not leap years.
As previously stated the reformation
took place in 1582, and ten days were
suppressed. Rut as the discovery oi
America was previous to the year 1500,
which by the Gregorian calendar was
common, there are but 9 days to omit
Consequently on October 21, 1892, Hit
sun will occupy the same relative posit
ion to the earth as on the 12th of Oc
tober, 14112, when for the first time Co
Itimbus beheld these shores.
For these reasons, together with thf
fact that every precedent is in favor ol
adopting the "new style" of rekoniug
we favor the change.
The Gregorian calendar was not in
troduced into Great Rritain until 1751
ignorance and prejudice defeating Hit
change up to that time. Consequentlj
t has been necessary to correct tht
dates of our American anniversaries
which commemorate events previous t
1751. Washington was born Februarj
11 th, but by the "new style" his birth
day falls on the 22nd, and that is tht
day we celebrate. The anniversary ol
"orefather's Day and of the found
ing of the city of Roston are both ob
served on the corrected date. It is un
fortunate that the Act of Congress o:
April 25, 1890, naming October 12th
IH92, as the date for the dedication ol
the World's Fair grounds lias not beet
amended by a change of date to Octo
ber 21st. The fair will practically b(
a year later, and the dedicatory exer
cises should take place on the true an.
niversary, which is October 21st. Con.
gress has already shown its good sense
by placing the popular and general
celebration of which the public school!
are to be the centers on tho correct
date. It only remains for Congress t
extricate the nation from the comica
predicament of a two-headed celebra
lion of Discovery Day by changing thi
Chicago date to correspond with tin
corrected date it has already set for tht
..nH ..l.lfn AaUKmlinno
ill I fUlll"! J'UUiib tuwui nuno.
All the
iellghtful season
jountry." ,
m Suburb.-'Tes. Indeed.
lelghbors clean house, and you can see
,very one of their ca. peU."-ow oik
Fashion's Rules on Fifth Aenue.
There is a chilling atmosphere abou'
aristoratic Fifth avenue ou Sunday
afternoon that can be felt in no othei
section of the city. You may wait
from Rrunswick to Central Park anc
not see half a dozen faces behind tin
plate glass. An hour or two befon
you would have seen the walks linec
with all swelldom and the street full ol
I he handsome carriages of tho return
ing churchgoers. In the afternoot
and for the rest of the day swelldom
maintains a strict obscurity.
It is the fashion not be seen, an
fashion 13 as relentless ou Sunday a,'
on othor days. The curtains are noi
drawn there is simply nobody there
Not even a servant girl's white capped
head is visible. Not even the sunn;
faces of childhood break tho monotony
of rich vacuity. For any apparent
sign of life these miles of brownston;
are deserted. You and other slrangen
have the walks all to yourselves. Tin
public stages arewithdrawn. Rut foi
the rolling wheels of hotel and liver)
hacks that cart visitors to and fron
the park you might shut your eyes av.
fancy yourself hi somo silent cemetery
New York Herald.
Gunpowder was discovered frcin Un
failing of a spark on somo mattyii
mixed in a mortar.
My niece, Emeline Hawley, was,
taken with spitting blood, and she
became very much alarmed, fearing
that dreaded disease Pnnsnrontinn
She tried nearly all kinds of medi
cine diu notning did her any good.
Finally she took German Syrup and
she told me it did her more good
than anything she ever tried. It
stopped the blood, p-ave her strpno-th
and ease, and a good appetite. I
had it from her own lips. Mrs.
Mary A. Stacev. Trumbull. Conn
Honor to German Syrup. e
S Swift's Specific S
0 A Tested Reaedy Q
For All
1 Clcod &nd Skin
s Diseases s
Jror ie.iik-ularB roil oa or address Irria Prib
ble. Contractor of fine I'liimbinj, Steam and
Hot water heating. Uucrn, Ave, York, Neb
The best of references lu-nUhed Eglizuatet
mad free.
A reliable cure for Contagions
Blood Poison, Inherited Scro
fula and Skin Cancer.
Aa a tonic for delicata Women
and Children it haa no equal.
Being purely vegetable, ia harm
leu in its effects.
A treatise on Blood and Rkin Dis
eases mailed fu EE on application.
Druggist Bell It.
DrMtr 3, Atlanta, Ga. '
rurchase Tlekets and Consign your
freight via the
F. E. M. V. and S. C. I P.
Bore care for SICK HEAD
AtHK, Impiirrd digrttion, eonrti-
piion,torpiu gmnus. i ney arouse
ftinefl. siaricai emci on ivici-
neyn and bladder. Conquer
bill on uervotM dis
orrir. Krtabllsh not
by purifying
II. G. BI'KT, General Manager.
K. C. MOKI-HtrsK. j. ii. BUCHANAN.
GciTI freight Au't. tfen'l k'&us. Atft.
I i'owdercd hi id Perfumed.
fhe strongest and purest Lye
mnde. Unlike other Lye, it being
a line powilormid packed in a can
with reiuovublc lid the cmtenu
are ahvuyn re ;dy for use. Will
make the bei-tierfutned Hard Soap
in JO ininnU'b without boillnp. It
Ik tlie best for clemiisiug waeto
I"ieis disinfecting sinks, closets,
wishing bottles, paints, trees, ete.
Gen, Agts., Phila., Ph.
ma luroauatM in aemsoa. id order tost All
f A I D linay tett the merit of tbe Western Norma)
neavUolIetfe, We W
roui four borne to Lincoln,
ouuea and circl. FREE. Wt
Beaatify compUx.w
blood. Purxly Veuktaulb.
The dose is nicely inputted toauiteat-p, one pill eon
nper be too much. Each vial contain 42, carried in vest
pocttPt. like lead pencil. Iluslneaa man's great
conrmiicncc. Taken eiater Unn Bugir. bold every
where. All genuine good bear "Creicent."
Bend 2-eent tamp . You get 2t page book vith tample.
It is for tho cure of dyspepsia and ltd
Q attendant, nick-headache, const! pa-
tioo and plica, that
OT..UV Sniff D.1UO
.iuiioi iiij riiioA
9 have become bo famoua. They actW
veiitlv. wlthnnt orlitlnip nr nRiiMA.
dollars oer week at home. Mrs. Hmith sent
six doflars ta Alfred Coles for n box or wardrobe
Iounge and allowed him to send people who
h nnwer his advertisment to gee her lounge, for
which be gave a commission which averaged
per week, lf you will do tbe same in your
district, send for terms to,
470 Myrtle Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y.
for vou. Send for a copy of our Legal Notice
Kerister, pricc1.00. THE iNEBHASKA NEWS
I'APEK UNION, York, Neb.
for summer complaints
Perry Davis' Pain-Killer
best medicine in the world.
44 JUuaraBttd net to l
Kfjm eauw Buicitu-e
Let, Caeipen tnl Best Normal Scluol is th Wert.
Q A pi Tweutr-fira bept'a. Thirtr Teacbera, ail
2; "IspeciaiinU No vacation eicopt Au. EoUf
FAREIa,ny time- Take any ciaaaee. Expanaeelow.
"v your R. R. far
'nil particulani, oat
u, Fret.Li40olB.Htb.
I niGlatbarknowledroa
leadine remodv for ail Ii4
I unnatural dlnchanrei and
iprivaionisraMnioisun. a,
certain cure for tbe debili
tating weakDess pecBllac
to women.
I irpcrib It and fMl RftfS
i THtbfcMStSHEM'HAtnn. in rpcommeDdtDC it to
Ooll by Drnnrtow.
An independent newspaper outfit in oneof the
best county seat towns in Central Nebraska.
Large circulation. Will sell all or half interest
very cheap. Address,
YORK, Neb.
LADIES are Safe. Prompt, Effectual. Tbe
original and only genuine Wouian'e Salva
tion. Bent direct, $1; sealed. Advice free.
CATON MED. SPEC. CO., Boston, Mass. Sold by
all local druggist.
63 Monro Bt Chicaffo.
Will Ball Free their newly enttrfed
CatAlotrue of Band Instrument, Uni
forms and biuipments, MX) Fine II I
lustrations, describing rvery article
reuuired by bands or Drum Corps.
Miniums inmrunious lor jtmsueur niiui,
Exercises and Drum Major i Tactics. By
laws and a Selected Uat of Hand Muaic.
iSIDe Witt's Little! m. ly Risers. ;
o ("amOns Little PUIa for Constipation, 81ck Bead
che, Dyapepsla.No Jiausea,No Pain. Tery Small.
LUMP JAW ltemover: Warranted to cure.
Leaves no scsr. 7o cents per bottle, postpaid,
lien. K. Simpson, York, Neb. Bold bydrug-
The Gregg System of Electric Home Treatment.
Positively cures Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. It will
cure Rheumatism, Insomnia, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,
Chronic Backache, Painful Stomach Troubles, Diarroha
and Flux and all Bowel Disorders. Pins in the side, Nervous
Debility, Nervousness Premature Decline, Paralysis, St. Vitas
Dance, and is an unfailing remedy for all diseases peculiar to
The Only Institution of ths Kind in the World.
If you suffer with the above afflictions they can be speedily cured by This System. Do not neglect to Investigate a matter that will restoro
rour health witnout rail, rnysician, surgeon auu i-.nuiuinii ui u jewo c
p'licucoiu charge. Consultation Free. Correct Diagnosis by mail, on ap-
ication. Address, 314 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111.
Do Your Own , Repairing
n 1 n t wm.mua StoB-lrlnrr ftutat (or half-aollna-
renSrlwr Boots, 61c3 and K11 uficrs. Any one can use it. Prl
M'.- k a M
of harness. Ifoflewlng'.
iitfLM BKADX TO BTAlLts ar, any -ftZi?2ZXZ
a.stR atcorrcsDondinirprioea. Man-of uwaa
hnanlrB.ndsafilTt)r molL f -: . . .
HORIB IBdn WOBKBK, afirrtrclat tettcf
AIUB TOOLS for maklntr and ruiairinff all principal parU
Rosni. rleaaAfio with ourBlotJrlTOte.
lif I kTLeS
ihmii sam Ii
ia.i -I. m mlim Irkwr bhai
. 11 eni.u TtalM. AR oantfl
KKEK a fiwrt-clasff K VI
:h to suit th closwt br.
CASIUECT. cvcrvthiiifaDeaMaT
I - I J V
...tin nintlnn a nut wss aasldentlT snlllsd ta tht hand
and on wanhlni altrrward it was dlcovrKl tbst th bsir was com
nirtelr removed. We at once put this wonderful preparation, nnlli
market and sn areat baa been tbe demand that we are now uurodurlng
it tbroocbont Che world under tbe name of Queen's Anti-Ualrine,
Bti Bisirbs ani bnihM mtc won 1 .
1 m th balr over and apply the mixture for a lew minutes, and the ,
halunnesrssstf by magic without tbe sllfbteat nam orlnjury when
".."'WESr rT...n 11 l.nnllk. n.nlber nrenaratlon ever uard
fori ISrrurpone. Thousands of LAUl'ES who hare been aangjrei
'.r? L1?," KZ. .TT a t'v NVfi: .nrf aiiMH attest ita m arils.
W'..-yuMVll whn imimH.I A K tlrd Of halrOtt UlSlt M
1 rA b. A H.I tIM
sealed from obssrrasloa). ftsnd
illlNTI.EM ICN who do not appreciate a beard or balr op their neck,
&1?S&J boon in Queen's Antl-Balrin. which tess away
wUh BhaTlnf , by renderlnf 1U futur. .row an ut ter Ii WfiMMfc
tl. per bottle, ssnl Id safety malllns Jf55,Pl 1512
id isonn or stamps by letter with full address written pl-HUT. Corres-
AmanK ! Ill II IMI BI1I1 LJ B I K 11 . IVI . . . .
ponaence imniy i-nnmiiiji. . ' -J Ji,.T.i u nrennted. Tlt tnis um ana
contains, ws inrue yon lomai " ' ' " " J "i? - I V. , r. INCINN ATI, O
You can
tor any caa
and kdar. Address OUIBN OHaait3L vv. i UttT
recister your letter at any font Offlcs to Insure Its safe oeiijery. - i
of failure or sllchtest Injury to any pnrcn.e7. "l."" T""; ovtml Anti-Balrlas,
onaiaaa-a of silk ta MkMI treat ssat with ordsr. trooo bsisit i
mTml'iTnfM and flni U nil company claim, tor It-EdHor.
TlarnaW.V fhr CaUaUTh IS
Bett, lilMlwt to Pw. CBft-vpwfc
-aji a. -.laata nr SaMit ItV
tOOb Jfc T. l-MniD, Warre-i, P. J
I eitvu
mall, s l l
orisiasi .Mm awi in. pwwui .
eds. 8f, iurf ind -rllsbw. AwU (a
tiHiMiaih.rBHSrllT. Intllt.mftsl
IWn .1 SmI dlmet. Mild. Cir. InM.
M. M. V. Ho, 18830
York), Hot).