Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1892)
jjuoty Journal. Ol'KTV PAI'Hi. H 1 1115 iai':h. , WtiAtion op axv - - t . jHHUOCXlOi MY. t, ' ' Etlitm. IIHOU JXXft OltWO US fOC- JCLV 21, lttt. ttnd tie. Town Hoy. ii i 'ii..i:., ... 41... -.ii ? of Jilo Hie fanii o' ii'iy rAnral diUVr- . ".I. ............ ..r ... .. ii . V !'. cv lit. Hi! V.if fa, "111. o.- to liw furii Iif"- Willi'? WOS'M ofHMH-il- f'ann, "Towing . 'ill ftKif !! e, i.'ie-v. uvp ill 1 V :! Kn Si-liiMi" .tvii'-'-jiiii of 'infoii'iu; ' W ! t'-.f !''' t'!-'. t f W,'!i,' !( ! V 11; ruir Hie ivoih.i , . i'v Mat".!., of !ii. : .: i.t(-.y ritai.i tiiC !lVrtf!i! Uw4i- !", Ih- ilKltlt III" I'l'l'liMS t.) k'i'.iii t it is not i kni'V. I- tlmt giM ! lie ,in the slni,;;lM of , viitli'-'i' i.iit nf '.Ir1 if in tlii?'. t!:-it ;t sysK'i.iai if lif v.Jil.-li luvakim; trraciiMinii or owr- list of Uie quesliii-: his hon.e to tin; , most; he in o;i- ,ated f.f:irtin"i;ts iie of facts li-iiu! of which li ! tlig capacity of Knters a grain! Lid). is adapted to Igo meiitnl inpri;-- m wliictj tin in- . tin Itwti. ih too flback outivvarfo I f i ll too lull;; tlm V to .-iifctcli til-; I oi the li. Ill jlr, - iii.. .-..v h. n . SlMi'B c!i;:y to if u oj iues- tein iibln to Unit 1Uiti:(l to the ea Jfci is weeding to JatKfu! tiusi; to ).s variety mid te! to any Ufje. Uit; lawyer, ittle at best in id his fcither Sthili; tlio farm jJoJiiKlry from lluts all these "Jo overcome Tl a farm ,f,jtV;il to dress 'IdiKfciosition to in nian es;sed by the Itluit prevails p country. On ,.l)oy takes the jnd is educated fbther personal III a niiiu whose jThe town hoy. Inifrglo for life re far beyond gratification. 1 communities oniething of a boy earning h toil and hence i Nlriiglu handi- lits and nuhlic I'we think, for llie farm a dull, have few op- it in not all gold eiieath the glam- t far more to hin- ' there in on the )r to Settlers: jK l)t.flcV WiH' immI oo for Sigiji of Apro'ttiiij rcifn 'I beemincift Ir. 'h!ppoli r taU-s that he has fluently notice! j,, patients mpi arently very far from d.-at h. an extra ord inary opcningof thepyol ids, so much no as to give the eyes an a ppem-ance of protruding from their orb its, which ho considers an invariable sir that death wi.'J occur within twenty-four hours. In some cases, when only one eye is wide open while the other romaini, normal, death will not follow qrrfte go rapidly, but will take plaiio within seventy-two hours, there being not the slightest chance lor recovery after these symp toms set in, however r:mote final disso lution may seem to bo. Chiappoli says he is utterly at a loss for an explana tion of this death Bymptom, but bs oribfts it to a diseased state of the sym pathetic nervo, . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATU OKKICKIt: Januw K. BoyU Governor, Lincoln, Nb. T. J. Majors Lieutenant Governor J. C. Alleu -Secretary of Ktate T. 11. ISctiton .....Auditor J"ll i" ..Treasurer G. lI.lhLKtings- Attorney General A. It. Humphrey -..-rjuirteoiiiuiiHsioner A. K.Gotuly..v Siijit. t'liblic' lnstruetion COVGRKSSIOSAI. DKI.KGATION: A. s. IalWk I . S. faator, Itcatriee f. Mimderson...'. V. K s-iiator, Omul)!! , J. Itryun, Coiiyri'ssnnui lHt Dit., Lincoln V. 4. Mi-Kiehiui. " s, " Ked Cloilfl . .. Kea, " l..,,teM jt)w Jfli( l.VRY: Vastwe't .CliicfJUHtiee, Fromont T. L. SorvUl tMUK'iate Jiiile, Seward A. .L i'Of t. Viclnte Jrvlgc, Colnintnu Ii. . raiiiptH'U..cii-,rk anil iteportnr, l.fncoln Kf'TKESTH JfDKUAL UXhTKlCT: M. I'. liLikiiid JuilKo, O'Neill Alfred Ihirtow... " Cliadron ('(HiracJ.Lindciimiu Clerk, Harrison (HiVNTY OKFICKKS: i. r-H-ker ..(tounty Jude i'!ir:id 1,1 mli 'man Clerk 1. J. Gnyhurt.. TreiiHurer .1. -oii'.ljwortli Snjit. Public Instruction ,'!'!,-. Kcidy Hlicriff . . . .). .'nitl'or Coroner .. K. Dew Surveyor ( tcnrtid l.lii(li:iiiiii Clerk of IMstrict Court Ii. J'.Couley - County Attorney UOAItl) OF (JOM.MISSKJNEII.S: Jo!m A- tJreen, (cliutniian) JW Dlnlrict V. W. Knott ..1st '" M. J. Weber. .', 2d " LKGISJ.AT1VK: W. WUncii..,. Semttw. lit No. 14, Cliadron V.. t Ilcr.tli...,...lU'i) , lit. No. S3, Kushvtlle VILI.AGK OKF1CKKS: CuuriKl l.lnclciiam Celialnnan) Trustee C. K. Verily - " Tli'tiiin ii'iib" . ' II. A. ( umiiuKli'-i'i - !' J. E. JIiirsJ.elK-r- - " . V. II, Davis r - Chirk G. GiUhcic....- Treasurer J. tV". Scott.:.. street (.'oiiimlssloner SCHOOi. O.VFICKliS: 11 in. K. (i. llongh Director v. If. kVriprlit Moderator O. W. Hester Treasurer TRHMS OK COURT: District Court, At llarnsou, commonecs .ijiiit i"i.j,i .urn i,u winner -zint, IH'.is. County court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of cnclj month. (1 If liCH Kfi .SD SOCIETIES. y. t;. Cburcb -l'i-e.,..chln(r each al tomato sa.tifciy :.t.,10:.i0 a. m., and every Sunday even IniJt. ..t 7.::. Hkv Y. O. Gleaber, J'astor. K)icop.g wirylees on the second Wednes l:iy of 7 o'clock p.m. Com iiiunion, :it ;i jj. in. Chas, E. SNAVELr. Methodist Sundjiy School meets every Sun il.iy nioruing all 1 :;!0. M hi-. W. (I. GLASNEit, W. IL Davis, Suiicrtntciutent. , Secretary. 25 Ccuts Unlil After Election. Tlw coming- prasidential and state cam i.un will be ono of tlie most exciting ever known. Luring this time you will want a newspaper that is thoroughly in touch with public sentiment, and one that prints the news before it becomes stale. The Semi-Weekly' State Journal prints the news several days earlier than the old-fashioned weeklies, and costs the same, $1.00 per year. A complete paper twice each week Tuesdays awl Fridays, (living 104 papers a year, it is almost as riood a.-, u daily. The old-lime weekly is not in it when it conies to printing news. A ' nr's subscription will carry readers all through the campaign and the next se: sioii or the legislature. A big dollar's worth. A lew of our offers: The Journal a year and "Stanley in. Africa," 11.40; Ji.u;;;il ami Weekly X K Trttmne, both one year, 1.25; Journal and Oxford liihle". $2.7i"; Journal and Neely's politi cal map, $1. HO. '' " ' Asa trial subscription we Will send the semi-weekly until after election for a quarter. Address, Nebraska State Journal, . Lincoln, Neb. r - . IgHTt i in i m1 : ita.. . , i In order ;.. i,. :;.g The Weekly He into the family of every English reading man and woman in the west its publishers have decided to offer the paper for six mouths, covering the campaign, for 30 cents." ' In order to fully understand the ques tions of vital importace to the producer and lalxirfng man' that will come up during this Campaign, everj voter should bear both sid';s. The. line proposes to discuss all these questions thoroughly and intelligently. You c-.innot afford to allow (!,!, oppor tunity to pass. Address orders to The Bee Pcbusiiixc! Cm. , Omaha. Nebr. Bl l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ji lll l l l l l lllll,,,! ! ! ROYAL ! ESEDiriG caAcmuei -il;illllllllllllllllII!llllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIlllllllie WARRANTED' 5 YEARS i iir Z Has a Lane High Arm. - - Has aiKelf-Hettlug Needle. s Z Has a Self-threading Shuttle. ? - Has No Equal 111 Cunstrnction. i 3 Han a Mechanical Appearance. ' - - Hasan Elegant Finish. 5 Z Has a Perfect Adjustment a r Has a I'onltivo Take-up. Z Has Siyllsh Furniture. Has More Good Sewing QnalitiM and Z Z does a Larger Range of General Work r m than any Sewing Machine In the World. S Examine THE ROYAL Ibr point of i excellence; and you win ? bay no other. i ROYAE S. M. C0.9 Roclcfortf. 111. tiiiiiiilliiliillllilillliiliintiiiiiiiMir BOSTON ChestWe'ch FOR YOUR HOME. c XI 2$ Ul ca Oo jo! uli V$ I I t CO A J I j f Ml . ! TYT im i iend Sump lot Illnitnted Prlot List. Tri nlliimonhorRumnqeinm Pn 9KR?N 1 11 j UUIIUIilDUIIGI UJIIIIiaOII)lll UUi OHIU, sentu onttiivl WB PAY FREIGHT If you do not keep it, We think you will keep It It pleases everybody. It is an honest piano. It is the WING Piano. You may have a preference for some other make. Still you are a reasoning creature, and open to conviction, no doubt. The question is too important to be settled without due thought Years of satisfaction or of regret come with a piano. Does it wear well? The WING Piano does. "Look before you leap." Whatever piano you buy, there are piano secrets you ought to know. Our free book tells them. Send a postal card for it. It may help you to buy a different piano. We take that risk. We also tell you the nearest dealer where you can see a WING Piano. It is worth looking at. So is the price. WING& SON, 34S Broadway, New York. ICE Opportmity! DOVT MIm .Header. majoritj fcegloct thair op portunities, ud froia tiiat cans iq poverty ud die in obscarityl Harrowing despair is ihelwi a many, m tby look back on leit, forerer los,t, opportaniry. Iife U pM ir ! Kfaachsm. Bnp and doing, lmprovsyoor opporw nny, aadtwcorepriperity, prominence, peace. It was taid ty a pbilosopher, that "the Goddesa of Fortune offers a Co Idea opportunity to eacb peraoa at lome period of life; euit.riu; thocuanee, and sheponrsoutber richea; fail to do a and she deparw, to retnrn." How ahall yon fiud the goldkii opportHoityf Investisate every rhance that appear worthy, and of fair promise; that is what all auc cet8fnl men do. Hct ian opportunity, such as it net often withm tfaaraacbbt laboring people. Improved, it will give at least, a grand atari la life. The colifk opportuniiV for many 11 here. Motiey to be made rapidly and honorably by any mdimnons person of either atx. All agei. You can flo the work and live at home, wherever yoa ure. Even be ginner are easily earning from S to 91) per day Yon can do as well if you will work, not too hard, but indoatri easly ; and yoo can increase your income ae yya goon. Yoo can gire spare timeonly, or ail yonr time to the work Easy teleara. Capital not retjtiired. We start yon, All is com paratively nw and really wonderful. We instruct and how too, uow, frc Fail are anknown among oar work ers. f'o room to explaiu bore. Write atid learn all fre, by return mail, t'nwise Ui dolay. Address at encu II i" UuUett VLVo. Box 0. Portland, Muluc. Srienlific American Agency for v. CAVEATS, DESICN PATINTI COPYRIGHTS, etc. F?S!5fInt,0,, "ul 'ree Handbook write to co-i 301 Bkoauway, New Yohk. UIOe bnreau for securing patents In America. Bvery patent taken out by us is brought before Uie public by a notice Klven free of charge In tbe Sf mntiiit mtxum Lw?fst circulation of atiy scientific paper in ma world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man sbould be without it. Weetlv, srt.lHI a year; 1.S0 six monUjo. Address IMIINN it VO-HuiiLHiai!as,3l.-liiror.dway iew I'ort '1 - cm MEN t p AND THE TIT A MIA iii nmn (The Queen ol Fait let ) m FOR LAOiES. STRICTLY HIGHEST GRADE DIAMOND FRAME N. CUSHION UNO PNEUMATIO -tires- Warranty With Every Wheel SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR CATALOGUE ARIEL CYCLE MFG. CO,,00, Wash your face, Wash your hands, Wash yonr head, Wash yonr beard, Wash babies heads, Wash out stains, Wash away dandruff, Wash away pimples, Wash away freckles, Wash yourself with KO-KO Toilet Soap raGft For Pure White Skin. dai mum ' nn ,1 St Urn BflkUffin IK UVi 14 PARK PLACE, DETROIT, MICH. MENTS WANTEb, SAURY OR COMMISSION; SAMPLES MAILED PRES. IW ft i .V IV'- - WSK-jm tJt.t!l.-M..-. j. ROOFS sia Metallic Weather Boardji:rj, Complete CetlinrSy Corrugatsd She&lljig, Roofing Paiiita, Iron RaoSrtg. Eave Troughs, Gutters end Spoutimj, if" All forms of Sheet Metal for Byfe' COMPLETE AND RMPV J TOIPPW H E E K i jjP-J t WE WAtT AN AGENT In thletown on hu'vkoHo workman to . take order and Al'l'l.V our materials: In Ihla vIclnllT. Correnpondcnco ooliclledj writ for pneei ana term. y.rT & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. ESTABLISHED 1872. mm Fff-.B! CYCLES OLDEST ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS. IF TOD .WANT JSA.SB, COMFORT, ItXJABIUTT, SPEED, STYLE, QUAUTY, AND THE BEST OF EVERYTHING, BEND TO VS. AND LARGEST MAKERS THE IN WORLD. 'PRODUCT WftOO BICYCLES WB OCABANTEE OrR MACHINES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS AND WARRANT EVERY ONE TO BE PERFECT. COVENTRY MACHINISTS COMPANY, Ltd. CHICAGO, BOSTON, SAN FRANCISCO. SEND FOR. CATAbOOUB. OUR PROPOSITION IS THIS ,.ij - :. f - . i On receiptof 0160.60, we will deli?er at your R. R. Station, free, this Sewing Machine guaranteed equal fn every respect to iieiomeBac,jew uome, wiuie or aoy ouier, and One Yeaf'a subscription to the weekly GLOBE DEMOCRAT, St Louis, REPUBLIC, or any other Weekly of like value. Thia machine is thoroughly equipped, with the latest and beat net pf steel attachments, automatic bobbin-winder, self-setting needle, self-threading cylinder shuttle. Beautifully ornamen ted, and has "bent wood-work" the popular style, either Oak or Walnut. Upon arrival, if it is found deficient or misrepre sented, it can be returned to usC. O. D., for full amount paid. We refer you to any bank in tho U. S. as to our responsibility. TRIJESDAIL MACHINE AND ARMS CO. hold by Agent, for $55. ST. LOUIS, MO. AS-Needlec, Shuttles uua Repairs for ail kii.f( of Machine.. A NEW 7-SHQT, J2-0A hi tin i: ioiT;tf i ? ie. Cat ': carried in 1 1 rest SOfiO "i3d hi fYftsc; last 6 fjQ'.'pltTftti'ii sftfls at g3?M, H,HW'(f ror,-!Vv and Car- V I'. X.hf ' sfi'.r.a, with ".'r-if.'' f I'njniitJon, if I- v-. iv.Ari''..:.if,N order lyi. arms co. !Pll-tA?oi.:, Our Qcnt's Phaeton, ROOMY. ELEGANT. jft-Send for catalogue of our full line of two anc four-wheeled work. D. M. Sechler Crriige Co., Molinc, For fifty years carriage makers have tried to invent f' 'short-turn" vehicle that would not be a "turn-under." Success came with the invention of The short-turn device and the other merits, of which there are many, are described in tt illustrated catalogue, which, witlj address of local agent, will be sent free to ny one. The Bartholomew Co., Cincinnati, O. OU WANT A NO WEIGHTS. SEALS OR CHECK RODS. UOUArtCII SCALE BECAUSE IT IS The Moat Simple of Construction Any one can adjust it. The Most Durabie-The knife edges arm free and loose; can be taken out, sharpened, or replaced by new ones The Most PerfecU-Becau&e of its simpli city, and the only scale which proves its) own correctness. The Scaleof America. Send for descrip Hon f prices t etc, Xt will pay you to investi gate ; H. N, STRAIT MANUFACTURING C0, KANSAS CITY. KANft $66 OO THE BEST RIDING THE BEST L00KIK8 I FOR THE STRONfiEST BUILT This is a spe cial offer. We sell them at this price to In troduce them, regular prloe Is 870.00. . WE ARE WHOLESALE MANUFAC k5 . C .. IT .JSsT al .r V Ever before offered ULL Rubber Top, Ellptic Springs, Piano Body. upholstered In a fine grade of oloth.or leather If preferred. Three or four bow top. Either wide or narrow track. We would also furnish Corning body In place of Piano body If desired. Send for Catalogue. fredoxia manufacturing go., YOUNOSTOWN, OHIO.