The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 21, 1892, Image 1

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HTAIRISOIfcT, N"EB., JTJLY 21, 1892.
2STO. 45.
1ST A. Xj
I Editor and 1'rnprletor.
V It. it. Tim In We.
(joinK Kmtt.
11 rt)5 Ku. (i, mixed 7 :(J0
W hundred Pi.
fcriu. II
I every Tliurniluy
I 'i'.
I 00
. 2 m i m
4 Ml
3 .'0
15 Ml
C. L. Brocks was in town or. Salurdiiy.
II. WVIIt-r was iij from Cbailiou on
Jobn lJebeno was over from Montrose
j'usti rJay.
James Clark was over from Montro.-e
on Tuesday.
Jacob Harking made a business triji to
Crawford las.t week.
Mi. is Kva Conner is daily
bark from California.
K. Comlisliaw sent us a remittance on
subsL-iijitioii last week.
Emery (iillmor was up from C.'Ien yes
terday and called to see ns.
Slitrilf Reidy returned Tw!ay from a
bm-iiiess lrii to Hot Suriii"s. S. 1).
I. K. lirewster arrived last week to
look alter his Sioux t omit y interests.
L. Ulery moved u;i from Andrews
hint week ami now o t uples the LMirown
John Miti was in town last Tl.urs
lay and called and ave us some cash on
JI. II. Hiissell was in town on TiR-silay
and called and iruve us some cash on
l ist. Chnsteusen has moved to An
drews, where lie takes cliaiye ol a sec
tion on the Elkliorn.
Mrs. C. II. Gere returned to Lincoln
l'rulav evening after seeintr the oulin'-;
party settled in camp.
J. II. Cook and T. B. Snyder were at
Crawford Friday night on business con
nc( ltd with the settlement of the 04
of the season W!Kh-Jm' liuker came down from the hills
on Friday to look after his interests in
Sioux county and returned the first of
the week.
Hev. Gardner and family, of Crawford,
were the guests of Miss Jala Gardner and
Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Cunningham a
couple of days last week.
). Scrambling, of Omaha, who
line of farm machinery
0, II. TlIiNEK.
Its reading and
hurch Sunday
enl Tuesuay evening
t and passed oil' very
dance at the court
mid due notice
place will be
pplement dealers wiy
work to get binders
to supply the dt-
jniith on Monday and
to cut rye with it
bn the new road is
circumstances wi
t be long until the
r travel. .
nil in-each at the:
Wuse next Sunday
I hour and at the
1 the ulternoon.
I . , ,
Juw native lumber
Jy on limid at my
V IS miles easifof
1 J. E. AliNEIt.
)g up the building
Jopply House, and
Wifectionery. lie
Ht business about
J train js to be
'jrough the east
It Sioux county
Amard that train
Court Linde
llonday from
Jlpecial term of
jHfx county will
" 800 lire last Sat
nd furniture of
ffed to that ex
I well insured so
pt be so great.
The Institute.
The institute is petting along nicelv
and a great deal is lieing accomplished.
Prof. Lea h manages to get in pretty
long half days, as the working hours ai e
from 7 a. m. to 4 p. in. The number en
rolled is 23, which is the largest enroll
ment ever had in the county. The
regular institute work will close to
day and to-morrow and next day will be
occupied by the exomination work.
The time of the institute is too short
for a thorough review and brightening
up of the teachers anil as times get Ut
ter so that the districts pay better wages
the institute should I i 4 three weeks in-
s.eau ol two.
On Wednesday ti.e instil lite was en
livened by the appearance of State Sup
erintendent Goudy, of Lincoln, Prof.
Frank L. Ferguson, of the Chadron
Academy, and Prof. W. li. Siders, prin
cipal of the Crawford schools. In the
afternoon Prof. Goudy made a business
talk to the teachers, and prof. Ferguson
delivered a lecture full of in format ion
and interest, at the close of which he
told the teachers something of the plans
and methods of the academy and the ad
vantages it oll'ered to the voting people
of northwest Nebraska who desired to
continue their education. At the con
clusion of his remarks a vote of thanks I
was unanimously tendered to Supt.
Goudy and Prof. Ferguson lot their visit
and instruction.
This was t he first visit by a state
superintendent to an institute here since
the organization of the county and is the
result, of an tll'ort by Supt. SoiiUiwortli
last winter when he attended the state
The following is the complete list of
those in attendance, and to those who
are entitled thereto Supt. Southwortli !
issues attendance cards which will show
that thev have complied with the re
quirements of the law:
Ill's t Line lot lie East.
The Burlington Route B. &. M. Ii. It.
is running elegantly equipped passenger
ti-aiues without c hange from Newcastle.
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
at that ioint with their own through
trains for Denver, Cheyenne, anil all
points west, and for Kansas City, St.
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha. Peoria, Chi
cago, and all points east.
Remember this is the only line by
which you can take sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol
lowing morning.
For further information and tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of Burlington
Route B. & M. K. R. '
I.tHii- rUt-hrr lilhl Ml -. l i-rher. liis wile,
ChriM i;i; icinir nnliiiiiwn, will t:i!;c nulicc
timt on Ihi' l::tl) iliiv nl July, ! -.'. 1, t lie A men
can ln c.-1 nii'tit Cinajmny", phthitill herein,
lile.l it petition in llie tlii-trirt cuurl ol
iitu ci'inilv, Ne!tr;tka :ttf:lin! John 1.
M.ivi-, l.oul-YUchcr iiihI Mr. Ki -fher, his
u ile. ( liri-tian naiin" unknown, iletemhint,
1 In- obj-rt unit prayer ol' whieh are to lore
' lo-e :i ci'i lain niol'tjiatre executed liyjohn
I. Davis ami Alice A. Kavis to W. I.. Telford
upon t lie s. W. i of si c. ;:, Twp. :i N. Iit;i'. :
W. in siotl county, Nebraska, to se
iiire tile payment fit a promissory note
lor ifjT.'i dati'd September 7, Iksh, line ll e
V'-al'sfroni date, and interest nl the rate
n) ..even per cent, per iiniiiun pay
able semi-annually, as evidenced by ten in-tTi'-t
coupons for S-0.1"! each, innl ten per
eiil. after maturity. The plaiuLili is the
ow ner of said interest coupons w hie!) be
came due on tile lii'-d (lay of Jul v, IS'.'I and
1 he Ui-sf day til January, Is'.rj, and tliere is
now due tlie phiinliiV on said interest coil
pons ami moi-lKa;1:!' itnd for taxes paid by
the plaiutill on said land the sum ol j"sV.i.:i.i
with interest lit tin-rate of ten per cent per
annum from the lirst day of July, IHifj.
riaintitf prav-t Unit said prontises may lie
li creed to lie sold subject to the principal
Mini of K'T.ri find interest coupons maturing
nl ter January 1, ls'.ri to satisfy the alnoilnl
iluc plaintilf "on said interest coupons.
You are rei j u i rut I to answer said petition
on or before tlirSiil tiny of August, l.r.
iiv w. w. w ooo, riaiutitr.
Its attorney. 141-171
Kir-t ptiblifiition July II, ln'.y.
'"riii-IJi-si l.-iit In (linlaiils
ght us a sample
d alfalfa which
f high table close
)1 show a good
tve that tame
iat J. G. Morris
jwusand head of
ie been watching
y up their minds
lore remunerative
will be many of
it the industry in
apiiears in another
Commissioner M. J.
I him before the
o historical facts
resident of Sioux
politics or partisan
f just tho plain facts
)ecord, and the paper
i careful work on the
j' preparing- it.
?. M. S'milh brouglit
JBt grass a little over
tmZ a little later Eli
i sample over four and
trass is the II nest wild
oflt as it has a large,
lion to its excellent
S plhnt anil fattens
one of the many
provided for Sioux
mow desires to
taet Mmples of
X mt the
v ihatur.
5 UrfflBtrt
' wiu kMp
i damug, it tad
ngrictiltumi o
"ve it and It Will
omis the Simler farm just south of Har
rison was here on Friday looking after
his interests. It was the Ural time he
ever buw his land and he was well
pleased with his veuture.Ie took quite
Sara Parsons,
Alice Thomas,
Fanny Palmer,
A. II. Piiineo,
Lima Mason,
Will 11. Davis,
Daisy lloane,
Santh Shaw,
S. L. Ellis,
Eveline Miller,
Mrs. Asa Davis,
a collection ot samples ol me prouueus j. 1 1. ueivnn
of Sioux county with him when he left.
He mentioned others who are coming
to this locality and will do some mission
ary work for Sioux county amonji his
acquaintances. He made a pleasant call
at this office and added his name to our
list of readers.
We are informed that James Nolan
has ordered a new threshing machine.
Salt $2.63 per barrel at
, GhlswoU) & Maksteixer's.
The rains of the past week were re
freshing and kept crops growing rapidly.
A complete steam threshing outfit
went west a few days ago which indi
cates that the limits of agriculture are
west ol me slate line.
A good audience assembled at the
court house last Thursday evening to
listen to Chaplain Plummer's lecture ana
all express themselves well pleased.
Miss Fannie Palmer entertained a
number of her young lady friends at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Griswold
on Wednesday evening. A pleasant
time is reported.
Superintendent Harris - informed us
last week that the washouts on this div
vision of the Elkliorn a few weeks ago
compelled the company to rebuild sixty
live miles of road.
LTtw broad smile worn by C. E. Ver
ity as he beams on- you through the
cashier's window in the Bank of Har
rison is caused by the arrival of a new
boy at his home last Saturday.
The harvest excursions for this sea
son will lie in August r'nd September.
Tickets will be sold at nfiy point in the
east on August 30th and September 27th
at one fare for the round trip good for
twenty days, with stop over 'privileges
west of the Missouri river. The people
of Sioux county should do all they can
to induce their friends in the east to take
advantage of the low rate and come out
and see the country.
After completing their institute
work yesterday rcf.s. Cnudy, Ferguson
and Siders were taken into the country
for a short drive by Supt. Southwortli.
They visited Spring creek canyon and
enjoyed the trip very much and ex
lressed a hope to be able to again' visit
this locality anif further enjoy the
beauties and pleasures of it. They were
surprised to learn that there was still
800,000 acres of land in Sioux county
open to homestead entry and they will
do some missionary work in telling the
people the fact.
Anna Price,
Edith Burson,
Don C. Smith,
Lilly Thomas,
Belle Russell,
B. F. Thomas,
Fannie Southwortli.
Miiine Smith,
Kittie Daniels,
Amanda Hill,
Elsui Morriam,
Mrs. Ella New Hl
O. A. Gorteii,
Etta Hull,
resolutions were
Mrs. Belle Ulery,
Marshal Lewis,
The following
adoph d this morning:
it Kiln d, That we, the teacln i
tendance at the Fourth Annual h
at Harrison, Sioux county, Ne
hereby extend our thanks to i r
, in at--tittite
ir,. do
X. E.
Wg6h! and Carriage Makers;
MljunAg done on slibrt ntftlco.
MlAM fltfifctftt. II.
Leach for the able and eflbient manner
in which he has conducted our Institute,
and for the cheerfulness with vlii'h he
has voluntarily performed extra labor
for the lienetit of our members.
HctuUxd. That we are grateful toSupt.
Southwortli for his efforts in making our
Institute a success and for the zeal with
which he has endeavored to advance the
educational interests of the county.
Resolved. That we extend our .sincere
thanks to the organists, Misses Smith
and Palmer, for their services.
llcxoiml, That our thanks are also due
to the press of the county for courtesies
shown us.
Resolved, That we fully appreciate the
kindness with which, we nave been re
ceived and entertained by the people of
Harrison and tender them our grateful
Anna Price, 1
Sara Parson's, m 'i
Elma Mason,
On next Thursday, July 28th, the re
publican primaries will be held in the
various precincts of the county to elect
delegates, to the county convention
which will be held on the following Sat
urday. It is the duty of every republi
can who wants to see the success ol
the party to attend the primaries and
elect good, honest men as delegates. It
should be borne in mind tliat under the
new election lavv the fact of a inan be
ing the nominee of a convention gives
him no advantage. If he does not suit
the people all that is needed is a petition
and a good man can be put up as his
opponent and he goes on the oflicial bal
lot in just as good standing a-? the fellow
who set up the pins and captured the
convention. Political shysters may de
feat the will of the people in a conven
tion, but on election day it is a different
thing. By carefully selecting good,
clean men as nominees from presidential
electors to the foot of the ticket the re
publican party in Nebraska will be
reasonably certain of victory, but one
bad break, one use of power to force a
man on the ticket, one repetition of the
Dorseyism'of 1890 and confusion ami de
feat will be the fate of the party in No
vember. There are plenty ofgood 'njen
in the party who can be made candidates
and the greatest care shouTd be used in
their selection'.
Slicriirs Sale.
Notice Is hereby ivon that by virtue of an
execution issued bv Conrad I.i'ndenian clerk
nl the district court in and for sioux county,
Nchr., in favor of Aultinan, Miller & Co. unit
airainst I'. I.. Columbia unit 1). 1.. Columbia
and to me directed, I will ul one o'clock, p.
in. on .Monday, the 25th day of July, Isiii, in
tlie village of Harrison', sionx county, Nebt'.,
offer for sale at public vendue the following
foods lllld chattels tow it : due Buckeye
mower and one Keystone hay rake taken on
said exccnl ion as the jiroiicrty of said C. I..
Columbia and 11. J.. Columbia.
Dated tills 12tli duy of July MM.
u-ii Tnos. llmiiv, sheriff.
:n Your Freijilil
Purcliase Tickets ami Ctuisi
via llie
F., E.&M. V. S. C.&P.
II. G. BURT, General Manager.
Gen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt.
Is Headquarters for Meals, Lunches and
Bakery Goods.
Boa-d by the Day or Week;
rat Reasonable Rates.
East Sale Main Street,
QrMJV.VX & I'OXhKY, bswjors.
and federal coiirrs iintl IT. 9. I.iiml o'fflco.
X X X 't
tS" Ofnce in Court House,
10256. 110135.!
Will make the season of 1803 at my
place on Warbonnet creek 3 miles west
of C. F. Cotl'ee's.
Description ami PeilisfC Barbarm is
a black-gray; star in forehead; foaled
March 27, 1880; imported 1888; weight
1.800 lbs. BredbvM. Dorehene, Com
inline of Coulognes les Sablons, De
partment of One. Got by Roullard
1811)3, he by Fa von, belonging to M.
1 Champeon; dam, Traniquille 10131.
TERMS: -8 for the Season, Payable
in Advance.
$12 dollars to insure a mare with foal
due and paynblo when the mare is known
to bo with foal or upon her removal from
the county or change of ownership.
Care will ,be token to prevent accidents
but I will be responsible lor none,
A;W; rVIQHRi Owner,
Groceries, Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Gaps, Furnishing Goods
and Crockery Sold at
The Celebrated TAMBOR MAJOR'
Cigar for Sale.
(Orenei " Merchandise,
Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing
Goods, Flour and Feed
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and
Binders, Mowers,
Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps
and Buggies.
When in town call and see our
goods and get our prices.
Will guarantee it to please of
no sale. No whipping of
tongue, and no side drafts
no matter now rough tlie
roads. Parts peculiar to
the Champion warran
ted for three years.
Write at once for
prices, terms and
agency to ... .
S '
SOUD ON TRIAL. joaeTi ir:
M rraui 111") wi".
J tj