The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 14, 1892, Image 5

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eavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
an exposition
tbe capital of
ador, for the
iclea collected
Ed aloto give
sign manufac
) display their
lion of this
il, ths special
ian exposition
the industries
would be well
n A merican
med that it is
surprise and
it that not one
sented at the
ny ana
aii v9tm and
VhI machinery.
l vuict tuaii
admitted free
Quito from
quil at the
meat. Kero-
constituie the
the United
and then a
The lack of
id manufac-
,tes by tt.e
is a creat
in tliis section
thcr diseases
the last few
doctor pro-
and pre
1)V constant-
gl treatment,
Science has
litutional dis-
I Cure, manu
I Co., Toledo,
lmal cure on
Internal I v in
land mucous
ev oiler one
it fails to
id testiuion
Tbe GytUnuU Buildlaf.
The exposition commission ot the
republic of Guatemala has arranged for
corneal at which architects mav
submit plans for the building of that
country to be erected on the grounds
at Chicago. The architects must be
residents of Guatemala, and the build
lng must be of a character to be easiiy
transported to that country and re-
erected at its cap tal after the close of
the exposition. It is not to cost more
than 120,000, and the space of two acres
nas been reserved for it. A buildinu
is desired which shall be typical of the
country, and prizes of $403 are pro.
vided for.
i., Toledo, O
Verdi Win Compose So More.
Verdi, the great composer, was asked
a snort time ago whether he did not in
tend to write some more operas. The
old man must be failing, for he
answered wearly, "I will not deny that
I feel able to write another opera or
two, because my imagination is not
yet dead, but there is one miserable
hindrance the physical fatigue of
writing, of tilling au interminable
fotest of leaves of muiic, all the mill
ions of notes and sinus which compose
a score that s what frightens me."
An Anxious Husband.
Mrs. j uage f eterny is a very spare
woman. Nie is excessively thin,
few days ago her husband said:
"I don't really think that you ought
to go out on the street, Maria."
"Why not?" she asked.
'Well you know there is so much
danger just now of mad dogs. They
will bite at almost anything."
uUut 1 don t'.tliink 1 am in any more
danger than any body else."
"U, yes you are. Dogs love to gnaw
bones." Texas Sittings.
t sary festival
1 Appliance
3ond in the
id that he
lt with by
iroman was
but the boys
ht change,
Wable. She
V her, and
pretty little
ytive that
Ide envious
riage were
jy last year
.than 6,223
and noses.
fCn Tan Find
MTertlsement In
M no two woids
m lii true of
Oeek, from the
ioum plaoee
uaae and nnb
e name of the
Jo r'KKK.
(rraany, wed-
roportions re-
108 guests trot
four calves
geese, and
forty quarts
'liquids served
The shade
ejoice at this
T a Goat.
I ted the second
isiliers with a
tnscook, in com
nation to tbe
ys he feels as-
y will tend to
of loyaltf and
e which exists
elshmen." Can
y in so many
n to be the "pet
Mall Gazette.
II rr Last With,
Mrs. Harriet San Tor d. who died
cently at ITy mouth, M;iss., at the aire
of niuty, was, in accordance with
wishes, not to be buried until the su
had gone down on the day set for her
burial. Mrs. San ford several years ag
went to Bristol, picked out tier torn
stone and had it lettered and put
place in thee emetery.
Not Afraid or tbe Unlucky Number.
Thirteen girl graduates from Mount
Auburn Young Ladies' institute, o
Cincinnati, banqueted on Ntturday
night, defying in every possible way
omens of evil. They walked under
ladder, broke a mirror, raised umbrella:
in the house, had thirteen waiters
and caused the orchestra to play
thirteen pieces.
If Success be the true test of n er't,
it s a settled la it that "Browit't Jirow
chial Trvclui" have n emial for the
pionipt re.ief of Cnhs, Colds,, am'
Thrji.t troub es.
It means something for a woman to
be a peeress of the United Kingdom of
Great liritain and Ireland, for there
any one of these favored beings, whose
title has been acquired by birth, marri
age or creation is free from arrest or ire
prisoument on civil process, and in the
event of a peeress being charged with
a criminal offence she would be tried
by the house of lords.
The Federal Election BilL
Hon. Henry Cabot Lodra anil Oranc
Master Workman Powderly discuss ir
Tbe North American Review Mr.
Lodge's famous national election trill
Mr. Lodge says his bill simnlv urovida
for the appointment of United States of
Beers, selected from the t wo leading po
iincai parties, to watch over and report
upon naturalization, registration, tht
conduct of the congressional election
the count of the ballots and thecertifica
tion of the members. These officers havt
no power to interfere. Their only dntv
to protect the honest voter, secure evi
dence to punish wrong doers and mak
public every fact in connection with thi
The whole purpose of the law may bi
summed np in one word "publicity.
When on petition of a hundred persom
any city of 20,000 inhabitants or np
ward, or petition of fifty persons in anj
congressional district that has no towx
of 20,000 inhabitants or upward, the law
goes into effect, then the chief supervisoi
or elections appoints deputy supervisor!
and the other officers named. These main
returns of the election to a United
States board of canvassers, and it issuei
certificate to the candidate who front
these returns seems to be elected. In
case their candidate is not the same at
the one declared elected by the local au
thonties, then of course the certificat
of the national board takes preference.
and their candidate is declared elected
Still, the defeated man has recourse tx
the circuit court of the United States.
Such are the leading provisions ol
what lias been called the "Force bill.
Mr. Lodge says of it:
The president of the United States lias from thi
beginning of the government had power to us
the army anil navy in support of the laws of thi
United btutes, and this general power was ex
plkitly conferred many yean ano in that portioi
of the Ilevised Statutes which now comes undei
the title "civil rights." The present bill neithei
adds to nor detracts from that power, and as th
liberties of tiio country have been safe under II
for at least twenty years it is not to be appro
bended that they will now be in danger.
The real objection to the bill conies from tht
fact that one of the two great parties believet
that free elections imperil their power. Thej
Imow that by this bill the United States officers,
taken from both parties, are apointed by the
courts, the boiiy farthest removed from politics
Ihey know that these united States officers will
be held In check by local officers, and be utterly
unable to interfere with the proper conduct ol
the election. But they know also that the result
will be publicity, and they believe thai in conse
quence of publicity many districts will be lost tc
them. This law Is as fair to one party as another:
but IT one parly is cheating, that arty wilt suf
rer, and where tiie cry against the law is loudest
it Is tbe best evidence of its necessity, anil provet
that those who resist it profit by the wrongdoins
which it seeks to cure.
The constitution of ttie United States promises
equal representation to the people, and it make
the negro a citizen. Equality of representatiot
has been destroyed by the system in the south
which makes one vole there outweigh five or sii
rotes in the north, and the negro lias been do
prived of tho rights tho nation gave. No peoplt
can ofTord to stand quiet and see its charter ol
government made a dead letter; and no wrong
can endure and not be either cured or expiated
Fair elections north and south are vital to the ro
public. If we fail to secure tliem, or if we permit
any citizen, no matter how humble, to be wrong
sd we shall atone for il to the last jot and tittle.
Master Workman Powderly is opposed
to the Federal election law for many
reasons. One is that it will give toe
much power to the nine chief super
visors, one for each judicial district in
the Union. Each of the nine will b(
able to dictate the nominations of hii
party in his district. Mr. Powderly, be
longing to neither political party, says:
Tbe fault does not lie with the people, and their
rlirhts should not be abridged. There is not one
man on the floor of congress today who can con
i lentiouslv or truthfully say that during the can
vass which ended in his election he did not resort
to some mean act In order to get votes or to pre
vent losing them. The aspirants for office are tb
men who debauch the voters, and the indignatioc
manifested on the Odor or congress uunng me uo
hii on the federal election bill came with o
nnni- o-iace from many who owed
their seats to little tricks, Illegal use
money, false representations and the use ol
liquor. Tbe federal election bill provides that, II
more ballots are found In the congressional boj
than there are voters in the election district, the
lupervlsor and Inspector shall be blindfolded and
draw out a nunioer 01 uniuu"iun.iti4..vvH.
the excess. Two wrongs never inane a neu.,
Father Isnt that young Briggins
tround here a great deal?
Daughter I don't know, father.
lie's only hero a couple of hours in the
Horning, a couple in the afternoon and
rom seven to twelve o'clock in the
Father (after calculating) Well
rou'd better give him only eight hours
ir he 11 be striking next Detroit Free
Sterilized mi k in bottles, one for
ach feeding, can be procured in
almost all large cities, but it is general-
y beyond the reach of the really poor.
)ne of the greatest difficulties, liow
jver, to be encountered in establishing
the general use of this milk will lie in
the effort to convince mothers of its
iesirabili! y.-Li ppincott's.
1 ather "My son, you aught to be
married and settled by this time."
Adult Son "Well, I'm not married,
but I proposed to Miss Flirtie last
night, and she settled me."
Winks -"Minks has been ageing very
rapidly during the past few years."
Jinks Tes he must bs buiding a
Australians have had bitter experi
ence of the mischief which rabbits are
capable of doing, and now they seem
likely to have trouble of a similar kind
from the introduction of foxes.
A curious illustration of the domes
tic economy of the Egyptians has been
met with in the unwindintr of the
bandages of the mummies. Although
whole webs of fine cloth have been
most frequently used, in other cases
the bandages are fragmentary, and
have seams, darns and patches.
A boy 14 years old who lives near
Waycros?, (Jtt., is said to greatly resem
ble an alligator. Scales of a delicate
texture can be seen all over his body,
lie has a tlat head, a long, wide mouth
and eyes like an alligator. His legs
and arms are flat and crooked at the
joints; lie can neither talk nor walk,
but bellows and crawls like a reptile-
There is now on exhibition in Phila
delphia a gigantic tarpon and a splen
did specimen of the silver king about
six feet in length and weighing 12
pounds. The fish jumped clear out of
the water six different times and took
an hour and twenty-live minutes to
bring him to gaff.
Some idea may be formed of what it
costs to indulge in the inexpressible
luxury of a large standing army, when
it is stated that Germany since the
Franco.Prussian war has spent more
than fl,2."K),000,000 on her army and
navy. These are lifcures which almost
take one's breath away, but they are
correct notwithstanding.
A muscular colored man in Arundel
county, Maryland, killed an infuriated
bull which attacked him by seizing the
animal by the horns and throwing him
with violence sufficient to break his
Old Gentleman "Dont you think it
is cruel to shut up a bird in a little
cage like that?"
Little Girl "Oh, I don't know. I
have a pretty good, timeand I live In
a flat"
Altogether Too Much.
The burglar came tumbling out through
the back window in desperate haste.
He bad torn off his mask, his eyes were
starting from tbeir socketa, and his
features worked conrwlsively.
"What's the matter, Bill?" whispered
his pal, hurriedly, when the two had
reached a place of safety. " Was some
body after you with a gun?"
"Gun nothing!" gasped Bill. "There
was s young woman In the parlor sing
ing tbe Ta-ravra-boom-de-ay soDg!"-
CMnmtm Trlhuna
IM 1 III Mil mM
! I
m hnllnta than voters proves that illegal
votes have been cast, but It does not right the
. ,!,., tha tickets out indiscriminately.
It should first be ascertained who cast the illegsj
ballota, and then such tickets should be romoveO
or another election called.
The framers of the bill- made no attempt te
deny that It was Introduced because of the In
.imf,i.ii,n nf the neirro voters of tbe south, and
there is no doubt that colored cltiiens in many
places in the south were outrageously deprived ol
Selrrights in being driven from tbe polls by the
Democrats, rtoiwiinsiauuiug r
-iht tn row the colored men are repre
tented in congress by tbe men who deprived then,
of tbe right to vote, or who were parties to the
wrong. The constitution of the United Statef
l.. ,.iuinn fnr uch emergencies, u i "
IUm . .
. I 1 . . ,-M I ant-a-
"But when the right to vote afany election foi
Ibe choice of elector for president and vice
president of tbe United States, representatives id
r .,.tiv. and iudicial officers of a
-.-.K.T.t. mmi-r nf th legislature thereof,
I, denied to any of the male Inhabitants of suet
tate. being 81 years of age and cilia -ns of tbe
United States, or in any way abridged, Ptfo
participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis
rr LT.n, therein shall be reduced In the
proportion which tbe number of such male citl
sensaliall bear to tbe whole number of male clti
a. nf mam in HlMh late.1'
i. JL. i t hat the oroter thing to do, af tci
the fact to established that a number of negro
dtiaens are not auoweu , k . , -
representation In congress iran " "
tate on tbe numoer wno eeivi
luff ra(e therein.
t nmiiM not be strange yet if the Prince
of Wales died before his hale and sound
mother. He looks tired ana raggeu,
and is said to be subject to fits of deep
melancholy. His health is not at all
firm. Victoria has always taken very
d care of herself, which the princ
lias the Hanging com-
rlsdded about your picture jc.
. . u a .Att
.u iv- Mm. Hruan "Ar jvu
'lheardthecnairmiiBy ---inglngwa.
too good for it."Brooklyn
Mr.Nlcefello (cant louslyH" Why are
ire you so cold and distant?
Sweet Girl (quietly)-'The Ore is
m to move up to your chair.
"One of my neighbors, Mr. John
Gilbert, has been sick for a long
time. AH thought him past recovery.
He was horribly emaciated Iroin the
inaction of his liver and kidneys.
It is difficult to describe his appear
ance and the miserable state of his
health at that time. Help from any
source seemed impossible. He tried
your August Flower and the effect
upon him was magical. It restored
him to perfect health to the great
astonishment of his family and
friends." John Quibell, Holt, Ont.
No actor who is imbued with the
superstitions of hti profession will give
yellow rose3 to a friend, nor will lie
iccepttliem himself, as lie fancies the
flowers are harbingers ol misfortune,
jealousy and loss of friendship. Some
managers will allow no natural flowers
whatever to be used by way of "prop
erties" upon the stage, but that is
carrying the matter further then is us
ual! considered essential. Chicago
i'ost. '
Slie "Of all things! Did you ever
see such a dowdy 'i"
He "In what way ?"
She "In what way? Where are your
eyes i Nie nas a sunsnaae mat we sun
;m't shine through." JS'ew York
Chappie When
can I go along ?
Ethel If you like. This is his
for veal.-New York Herald.
you feed the dog
The Duchesse de Valmy, whose
death recently occurred at Paris at the
advanced age of eighty-six, was the
mother-in-law of Adeiina Patti.
Pro feasor "For anatomical reasons,
women cannot stand so long as men."
Young Lady "I guess you never
saw a woman having a dress ntted.
Boy "Is this instrument called a
fiddle, or a violin ?"
Professor "Ven I play it, it's a
violin. Yen you play it it's a fiddle."
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs il taken; it is pleasant
mid refreshing to toe taste, ana acu
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
f Wer and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevurs and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy ot its kind ever pro
duced. nleasine to the taste and ac
"pntihla to the Mlomach. crompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
nnnular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c
nd ftl bottles bv all leading; drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
nay not nave it on nana wut pro
:ure it promptly for any one who
Irishes to try Ifc Do not accept any
umniut. m. mw rou. r.
for summer complaints
Perry Davis Pain-Killer
best medicine in the world.
Porchaa Tirkeu and CoBtffn your
Freight lii tbe
F. E. & M V. and S. C. & P.
II. G. BTRT, General Manager.
Gen'l Freight Ag't. (jeu'l Pasa. Agt
Guitars from $ft.&0 apwuU.
The Manqucttc.
Quarter -aawed Ujcawora.
Tmc Lakcsioc.
uartei -mhmI Oak, Antique.
I Buriolinsfroa $iS-QCitpwtr
ahucissiy, fin finish.
nigu ursas, nu nana.
All the above aold under our own cuarantM: 100.GU0 of er
instrument in um. Your local dealer will order fur you. jo
uiu0 have uaoiic burned on inside, tend fur illustrated catalog u.
LVON 6t liKALY, 63 Mouroe Street, Cbivtico
Urteit, Chwpert ul Beit Kormal Sohool t tb Welt
CADI Twnt7-fira Dept's. Thirty Teachers, LI
I peciaiiim No vacation eicept Aaf- Enter
FAR El time. Take nyclaesea. ExpenerMlow.
menu ol toe esu
will pay your II
n,Neb. Fullperti
P A I D I i"jr test the menu of tbe Western Normal
rom your home to Lincoln, Neb. Full particulars, cata
ouea and circL FREE. Wa. K. Crott, net. Liscola. Htbb
WIU turlfy BLOOD, repilata
KIDNEYS, rumovc talVCB
disorder, build ttreiifrtli. renew
appetite, res tore r.uaun aim
vlorofyoulh. Dyspenftift,
iliilljrcstion, inaiiireu ivvi
lnpadsolutoly eradicated.
Mlna brint'incd, nram
nower lncrcaseda
linin g lU'l'YCS. lllUS-
ClC!', receive new force,
nfferinft from complaints pe
culiar to thel r sex , ii6lQ(r 1 1, find
..r.. ,..,,!., fiotnrna
rose bloom on cheeks, beaulltics Complex Ion,
Bold everywhere. All genuine floods bear
"Cre-went." Send us2centsUuip lor 32-page
01. HARTER MEDICINE CO., St. Lonls. Me
riLt il
l Bi"Glstbparknowiifcj
ladma remedy for all ths)
unnatural diarharfres sunt
privatediaeaaesof men. A
certain cure for the debill-
i suioitiT. latin weaa-nesa pecuuar
. o women.
tt a Ani. k t iirMurihe It and feel nafa
ITheEvamsChemicmPa, in recommending it to
a Cihcimnat .g.iT- ...
a. I. oi uncn. u.,u ti;ai tm in,
, sold by Drancieu
t.adc Nana
owls, piTOHeaa,
pittoon. tLOPjaaa,
Mars, etc.
raNoaao FiaiN-WaM Ce,
IJlSk To Young
WrfErV' Mothers j
I Hakes Child Birth Easy.
I Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain,
Endorsed by the Leading Physicians.
Book to "Mothers" mailed FREE.
Oatimnlate the torpid liver, strengthen ft
tho dlgeative orfEana. regulate tliev
Olinwels, and are uneqnaled an an antl- a
lillioua nieillclne. I)oe urnall. Price, D
Mr. Office, .19 41 l'ark Place, M. Y.
I own tbe State
of Nebraska In a
New Invention. A Household Necessity. Ev
ery fiimily should have It. It sells at sight.
Ills money to be made. Will sell the state en
tire, or eonntv rights.
1). H. WHITE,
Box 58o. York, Neb,
I.ADIKS are Safe, Prompt, Effectual. The
original and only genuine Vomin'i Salva
tion. Sent direct, $1; sealed. 'Advice free.
CATON MED. SPEC. CO., Boston, Mass. Sold by
all local druggist.
' 'dollars per week at home. Mrs. Smith sent
six dofiars ts Alfred Coles for a box or wardrobe
Lounge and allowed him to send people who
uiiMver his ndvertisment to see her lounge, for
which ho gave a commission which average I
S0 per week, if you will do the same in your
district, send for terms to,
470 Myrtle Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y.
John U. Klaing i
St Paul, Minn,
A Month and Expenses.
xo Agent to sen
Klaing&Co., c..l.. C.,l
oamiiBS rice;
R5 TO $l5i
M. I M K log jewelry, WKtobM, Ublewi
Snett of jewelry food u mtw
it t vm
Ublcwure, U, Plate
of iewlrr rood u ew. on ftU kindi of
met) with lold.sHTer or nickel. No experience. piul. Every
bouie hu fooda needing pUliuff. H.C.Dilno Co.,CoLumbua,0.
(De Witt's Little Early Klaem,
tiie Famous Little Pll Is for ConsttpntEon.Sick nead
ache, Dyspepsla.No Nausea,No Pain. Very Small,
Legal Notices in yont
paper? We are publish
ing "just the thing"
for von. Send for a copy oi our Legal Notice
liegister, pricefl.00. THE NEBRASKA NEWS
L Leaves no scar.
Ben. R. SimpBOii,
7r cents per bottle, postpaid.
York, Neb. Sold by drug-
The Gregg System of Electric Home Treatment.
Tositively cures Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. It will
cure Rheumatism, Insomnia, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite,
Chronic Backache, Painful Stomach Troubles, Diarrohaa
and Flux and all Bowel Disorders. Pins in the side, Nervous
Debilitv, Nervousness Premature Decline, Paralysis, St. Vitas
Dance," and is an unfailing remedy for all diseases peculiar to
The Only Institution of the Kind in the World.
If you suffer with the above afflictions they can be speedily cured by This
Great System. Tin tn Tnvear.imit.A a matter that will restore
your health without fail. Physician, Surgeon and Electrician of 30 years ex
perience in charge. Consultation Free. Correct Diagnosis by mail, on ap
plication. Address, 214 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111.
it win
Do Your Ovnl Repairing.
n. .,cin ttnna'a tTcmarbold Renmlriac OutQt (or half-aolln
aid rcpalriurf Boots, Bhoos and Bubbcrs. Any
Tiiousanas a
aft and rcpairli
ri. nni lonctborwldth you
tnmoVn im Ht home, at leas than n pnoea,
arei.SlrinffBooBhocsar.dBljcrs. Any one can useifc
B TOOLS for mokl
nr and repairing all principal parta
nfhameaB. NoMwhuT. BimplonsAllUWliupurE mwn
li'iii M BRtnV 'm BtAKIS UP.any longtporwiaiayouwani.
I -kd and t
oquftrea, til
OViBS, Snaps, BucLlea, Lomis, tnw. mn.
v r .
LJ. ana 11
j pcrdoz
nndlnflr I
.wuiM rjitf
ucaijuaiiumij w t . . . . .a
BOHEIItOif WOKKEllj a UVstclnsa Wt 01 maca-
ftvery uunK nrcnuuwi
Tl J .1 C.anlM If i .-o I-,
aaaatMkcmrv1nnnn.Rtn.Lanai&CT8.a pair.
Xa-LtSEiroTvQRnKiirli.tSurJcrdor.. llitcliRt
era. Breast-straps, etc- atcorrosponcinB ii u.
am Duaenvt-ueiuiiv anuKiici? wj
'r..-,!,,, HitliRinins.lJnes.
atcorrospondlntr prlooa. Many of these
and safely
smith tool, at a prloo low cnotwo itosuit inp (iii ou er.
for wenfllnB Tinware, iTice, cems. r
Id compounding a Mlution a part M accldfotly aptlled on the Bn4
and on waabing alterward It was discovered that the hair was com
pletely removed. We at one put this wonderful preparation, on the
market and so great has been the demand that we are now introdutloa;
It throughout the world under the name oi Queen's Anti-Hairlne,
tAVT the bair ovsr and apply the mixture for a few minutes, and ths
hair disappears as If by magic without Ibe slightest pain or Injury when
auDlird or aver afterward. II IsunllkeanrotberprrparaUonsverused ,
fora like purpose. Thousands of LA1M KS who baye been annoyed
OKNTI.KMEN wbo do not appreclstea beard or hair on their neck,
find a prlcelos boon in Qnacn'l Anll-Hairlne which doss away
with tthavtna. b renderlna Ita future growth an utter Impossibility.
Price of Queen Antl-Halrtm II. ner bottle, sant la aafeti mailing boxes, postage paid by oa (stcurriy
sealed from obssrratlon). Band money or sUmps by lelRr with full address written P"''T. J
nondenco strictly confidential. This adrertlsement to boneat and slrslght forward In 1 wr w 'i
contains. W Inrlta you 10 di al with nsand you will And y thing Mrern-esentPd W this out ana
register your letter at any Post Office to Insure lu sate delivery. We will PT WOO J
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