County Journal. CUI.STV PAl'Ut. IS TUB COUNTY. ,T CWCIXA'J -urn ur i Kl I Si CX COUNTY. ion rnce, . Editor. ll;irrliit post wce as nee- Lay. July 7, 1892- WEAT ! PROVERB. is the "Chinook state, :named )'oause of tfie Kortli I:tkota is e silled state, South Dakota the kU- ana juoniana. me st ate. . I ELLIGENTi CAT. Lr-SSectliie to Bring Horn lia OransteDioJ'". lest End, says tho Boston U, lives a colored family for possessing a breed of teems to have a monopoly o( kt..llii?ent anunaia niuy are, ilceic-and handsome. Not m Beacon Hill who was in it, and to whom a daughter cusehold had been rocom I one evening at the Utile V where the people lived. A Ian came vj . Brangblossom live nerer' la'am; bnt sne aurs m je- the stout, colored woman ;d in, I'll son' out arter r in and seated the lady In y the house, mere were csnnt, one 01 wnicn, a nrUookine Maltese wnn hfii un amiably and In 1 tho visitor's dress, from dar, you Malty 1" fored woman to the cat. Now you go ober t' de fjy, UUU UHUft uuu.vj. W I" she repeated, holding i Idling and wavering on the ken I, as cats always ao in k too obodient,disappeared cat bring your daughter.!" astonishment. re. ma'am, you wail uu bred woman. went by, and tho lady bo- tho mission was quits a (I door opened and a strap came In with the Maltese The girl had hardly got in ut 'fan send that 'ar Malty to u a tired o' habin' datcat tierevor I go. Seems liko but you Bend her after de pra'ar meetm' sittin Venin' to Matildy John feriences wid grace, an tdotcat right up de aisle, Jf an' yowlin' at de pew s all lookiD' an,' louehin', ter do, o' co'se, but ter i hope ye'll 'scuse me, ton you wouldn't like ter y from de pra'ar meetia' tltese cat, neither." not help inwardly reck irouldn't. But her ad I cat was so great that she ward to get one of her 1, however, was a great ot that he seemed to be f in intelligence bo was i on the contrary, to get ffed and i etted without Vb whatsoever. He sits y nearly the entire day, fama on the street with id never appearing to I that be has any Bocial iERS BAGGED. fh Money to Pay for a t III i'iikfo t. keepers in this city ore s people i nave over fill, fine-looking man. to a San Franciscc My name is P, H native of Indian Ter un words, I am a half- it amount of property in not boasting when 1 rth fully $150,000. Mv avo been living in tint- ryears, and I have made Ing that time, making (my prorjertv in the In. Lately I determined to and locate there por- norning early I droDned peotrostauraut--I had to It-and aslted for break Eyeyed me for a minute ig that my clothes were dy, said to me: , have you enough monev call' urprised, you bet, at this nswered: 'Cert, ma'am.' purso, drew out a $1,000 it 'Do you think that is r a breakfast in tnisbigh- tientt Of course I don't Dund into my coffee, nor bills of fare, but if vou lufflcient to pay for what I o sooner did the lady he became the most ob- you ever saw. 'I beg Br,' the said. 'Fleuui nit at down at tho table pointed uy ordered a clean table- fses, napkins every thingj f, in fact and even wentn i beautiful bouauet of roses 'the table. She would not - Waiters take mv nrdnr hnt I herself, said: "What would e, sire Bite ilr'd me then. r hot at the treatment i shortly: 'Nothing at - Sxd. A 'I want nothing in men whothor thoy Perhaps you js. madam,' and on -Jr"?11 look Of him bSJaEJt -knees. BJ Oable Pati-ong, M departed, 'hwT jfcturo of chagrln.1. 'ht tlm ui.-ds TrllWhllp X?. !iir mid ou ma Wing. That birds have Ions been pmiiIph tn ssiil. "rs and airriculturisu every one who know! any mm snout popular weather progv.vs tics is well aware. Not only have the liig! : and general action of birds been noted o all civilized nations, ears the riivaiihaii 'Cia.) News, but among barbarous tribes m this and other lauds the migratory habit of the feathered tribe have diswmu t'cd prog nostics of Goverriiuent signal bureavk. Wind, rain and other atmospheric changes are predicted by those who narrowly waurb tl migration of birUs, and sailors in par ticaar, who are close observers of tlie heavens above, the atmosnliere around them and tLo waters beneath them, base their pro(fnt3t1cs ou all the peculiar phases of land, wfttr ar.d sky and the elements of life winch people them. Auiotig tho birds which guide the saiiors to look out for squalls, the sailoi ei pects wind when the cormorants fly land ward. If the gull soars to lofty heights and, circling round, utters shrill cries, a storm is approaching. If the parrots whis tle on shipboard it will rain. If they dress their fisihrrs and are wakeful it will storm the next day. If tho petrels gather uuiier the stern of a Ehip bad weather will follow. The stormy petrel surely betokets stormy weiither, and no sooner do they pa' her in numbers under the waiceof a shiL- than sailors prepare to meet an impending tempest. Hunters are close observers of the kabits of birds, and many prognostics are learned ironi the vocabulary of an expei :" hunter, who will stay in doors in the .mint ing when an amateur hunter w ill bs wi;t.wl out by a clear riry, to come back in tiw raia. or will find that a moderate tempera ure in tho morning is no sure precursor of .varm day. Among, the prognostics the liuiter draws fro::i birds a few will suffice: If b: 'U :n tho autumn Rrow tivnie, Thn w n:er will bo too cold for tamo. Buts flyo'g late in thecvenii.e indicate fair weatin i but if they squeak flying it will rain un tho following day. A solitary buz zard at a great altitude indicates rain, but if buzzards (ly high together it will be fair weather. If chickens crow before sundown it will raiu the next day. If they run to shelter it will not rain long. If they come off the roost at night rain will soon follow. Tho Zuni Indian hunters sav that when chimney swallows circle and call they spcuk of rain, and Indians predict a deep fall of snow when grouse drum at night. Hunters and . nshernien have a saying that "there will be no rain the day the crane flies down tho creek." One crow flying aiong is a sign of toul weather, but if crows fly in pairs the weather will ba tine. If crows niuko much noise and fly in a circle rain is expected. If thu cuckoo halloos In low, land it will rain, if on high land it will bo fair. Doinij.stlc fowl look toward the sky beforo ram and go to roost in tho daytime. If they stand on one leg the weather will bo cold. If birds are fat and- sleek in Feb-, ruary it Is a sign of more cold weather. If geese walk cast and Uy west it will be cold. An old proverb says: "When the hci crows, expect a storm within and without," and hunters say that tho direction the loon flics in tho morning will be the direction of tho wind the next day. Owls hooting In the daytime indicates' rain, but If at Dight tho weather will be fair. When tho peacock loudly bawls Soo:. wu'U have both rata and squalls. Pigeons return to their dovecotes unusu ally early before a rain. Tho habit of wild goeso are watched, and furnish many prog nostics. The following is a popular verse : Wild goese, wild gecso, going to the soa, Good weather It will be: Wildgoete, wild geese going to the hill, Tho weather it will spill. In Kansas, whan wild geese fly to the southeast in toe tall, the, people expect a blizzard. Tnere are many prognostics of the season which have thoir origin In the migrations of bird:!, aod in the poculi ir formation and ap pearance of the gooso bone, which is to-day looked upun by thousands of people as a sure prognostic of what tho coming winter will bo, an:! ill Kentucky, if tha issue should be rai led whether tiie Hignn. Service Bu reau or the goose bone buouid ro. the- Ken tuckian would cling to the go, bone; in fact Henry Watte reon, if he had to choose between the star eyed goddess of reform and the goose bone, would not dare to of fend K.o::tuoki.ins by discarding tho pro phetic bone. The people of Kentucky say if the breast bono of a gooso is red, or has many red spots, expect a cold and stormy winter, but If only a fow spots aro visible, the winter will be mild, and they furnish the following rocipe so that it may be read intelligently, which instructions aro as follows: "To read the winter of any year take tho breastbone of a goose hatched during the preceding spring. Tho bono is translu cent, and it will bo found to be colored and spotted. The dark color and heavy spots indicute cold. If the snots aro of light shade and trai).Hwre:it, wet weather, ram or snow may be looKi t for." VVhon will' geese and wild ducks move south tno woutiior will be cold, if north, the weather will be warm, and the birds migrate south much earlier if tho winter will bo early. A severe winter f Hows if crows fly south, but if they fly north it will bo an open winter. No killing f r-st comes when the martins turn to their old haunts, and tho first song of tho robin is the voice of spring. The swan is said to build its nest high during seasons when freshets visit tho localities whore the swan broods, and those who cultivate low lands note how the swan's nest is buiit, If it is built low there wiil bo no unusual rains. There are many other prognostics derived from obnerving the habits of birds, of interest to the sea man and land lubber, and ir concluding the popular prognostic of tho farmer, drawn from watching the nest or tno swanow, is given : ,1.1 . V. .H.nl1Anr. Haa, ! lilnh Y UUU bUO mall uw a uodu io " The summer livery dry: . When tho swallow bulldoth low ( 4 ISM Liifp 1 fl j t The HuriiiiKt'Jii IJodti: &. jl. H. R. , s run .lin eleu-anlly uiiiiped passenger ti-.uiH'i willioul tiiar te from Newcastle. Wyoming and . 'tu wtonl, Nebraska, 'iiract tu Lin Join, Nebr;ii'.ai, making conmjetion at thai, jioiiil witli tlieir own through trains for -euver, Cheyenne, and all jKjir.ts vest, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph. St. Louis, OmaJ a, Peoria, Cbv.-c-uo, :Ji'i all points east. I?uiu siniiT this is tlit only line by v.hicli you fiin tiike sleeping car from Crr.wford in the oveniujj arriving in Lin coln and Onialia the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria, mid St. Louis the fol lowing niornimr. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R. GEORGE WALKER. Altorncy-iit-LfiW. Will practice before all courts and the U. .8. Land Ofllce. linsines entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. CDVEN WIRE FENCING Wine ! -5,WIRE HOPE SELVAGI Illilk ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST (or La,ts, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads. rKICKH It .I'l'UW). soli ny uealers. ( UMUUirAlu. MeJUJM.E.VB FOILTKI KKTT1NG, New Thin ! No eiwtnn?! No baKgiri?1 Kxtrm Heavr Belvuro. The KcXulleif Woven Wirt Fenca Co,, Cniosco,IlL 15 THE BEST. M-T cHtSo KSrtMK'inim: lr.u,uni FOR SALE Bit lllKTO. HEVi llOMll S. 11. Co., 1)00 Olive St. St. Louis, Mo. You can safely build and sow, Sioux County Offers to Settler: Rich soil, Free fuel, flood land, Free lands, Free posts, Cheap coal, Good roads, Fine climate, Mild winters, Oood schools, Chen) lumber, Excellent water, Finest wild fruits, Cheap deeded land, Fine native I urn tier, Unsurpassed scenery, Oood railroad facilities. 800,000 acres of government land, Th finest, richest natural grasses Row., NI other advantages too numerous to """Won. Nih.fht1 wheat producing district ii Wash your face, Wash you hands, Wash your head, Yuh sou brad, Wash babies hsaft, Wash out stains, Wasb away daiidmff, Wash away pimples, Wash away freckles, Wtthyourselfflft Toilet Soap For Pure White Skin. Min nu w EL. BALDWIN 4 CO., 14 PARK PUCI, DETROIT, MICH. mm WANTED, SALARY OR COMMISMNi SAMPLES MAILED FREE. IT r wtW.Vi'iiLi-. -irwi-r a of i r l '"f km KJJ,'W a. 1 irtJ .is'n riTKUIA vi 1 1 1 Hn n (The 0" 01 F,l,lM ' FOR LADIES. STRICTLY CRAPE DIAMOND FRAMED N CUSHION and PNKUMATI0 TIRES- Warranty With Every Wheel SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR CATALOGUE U!!EL CYCLE MFG. CO., GOSHEN, IND. Agenoy for fH OOPYRIOHTB, etc Por Jnfpmtloii nrt f r BADdtook "rlteto SldM bureau forwcurlna MWntiln Ajnwioj. nrr pawnt taken out by 0 H brotmbt Iwrort tbe oubllo If nouoa kItbd free of ofaanp In UM 9 cientific mxxtn Urnat etrrolatlon of any actcnunc pimji worw. fiplonamir iiiujiimwi. "i'S-JBS"; m osirif Kcsik'r. 1u majority neglect their op portODiti, acd from that cans livj in poverty and die im obscnriiy ! H arrow Ior despair M tbe tot of many, u they l"k back on lot, forever lost, opportunity. Lire Maav le! Keach tit. Be op an4 deing. Improve yonr opporta .:y. aod eeenre prosperity, promirjence. peace, it was said by a philosopher, that "tbe Goddess of Fortona offers a Bohica opportonity W eaeh person at some period of life; embrace the cbaoee, aod sbe poors oat her riehea ; fail to do o aod she depart. nw to retaru." How shall yoo find tbe coloim opportBnity? Iaveetiate every ebance tbai appeapa worthy and of fair promise; that is what all ho eesstulmendo. Here If an opportonity. such aj is Dt ofleo witbin the reach ol laboring people. Improved, it will rive. t least, a grand start in life. The coldxm opportunity for many la here. Mosry to be made rapidly and honorably tyanyiDdnstrionipersonof eitheraex. All agei. Yon tan flo the work and live at home, wherever yon are. Even ba-r-nueri are easily earning- from & to M per day. Yob can do aawell if yoa will work, not too hard, bol iDdnstri eoiiy ; and yon can increase yoar income ae yoa goon. Yoo tan (nve eparo timeonly, er all yonr time to the work. Easy to leurn. Capital not required. We start you. AH it com paratively new and really wonderful. We lostract and iiow yoo bow. free. Failure nnknown among oar work en. No roura to explain here. Write and learn all free bvMttirnmalt. Unwise to delay. Address at ene ti UuUetCatc Co., Box 004, Portlud,' ALttlau. ! 3 . L : i C P !3 ? J i -n r G i S d" 7, & 0 2ffi tl o r 5 o GC H ?5 o n o sentW ma WE PAY FREIQHT If you do not keep it We think you will keep it It pleases everybody. It is an honest piano. It is the WING Piano. Vou may have a preference for some other make. Still you are a reasoning creature, and open to conviction, no doubt. The question is too important to be settled without due thought. Years of satisfaction or of regret come with a piano. Does it wear well? The WING Piano does. ''Look before you leap." Whatever piano you buy, there are piano secrets you ought to know. Ourra? book tells them. Send a postal card for it. It may help you to buy a different piano. We take that risk. We also tell you the nearest dealer where you can see a WING Piano. It is worth looking at. So is the price. WING -& SON, 245 Broadway, New York, Metallic Veathor Boarding, Complete Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting, rP Roofing Paints, O Iron Roofing, tut Troughi, Gutters and Spouting, -AI! forms of Sheet Metal for Building COMPLETE AND BEADY Wo APPLY WHEN SHIPPED. WE WANT AN GENT rrjszrsaraw. Ill till. town II 1i:ko orcUrn ntid Alfl In tlil.towit lin rneror' L'fL.1 in tliUTlrlnlty. tlo vpnrkniati to V our material! HDlnndlll r llMtnUWI. no inninm IVanirl CoifOMMmclfr sc!!?lled write for tr!cert term '. GCCTT L C3-, Cincinnati, Ohio. - m . j MWMf) IWl ;lfl-V( JOHNSON & FIELD CO., RACINE. WISCONSIN. Manufacturers of "THE RACINE" FARM AND WAREHOUSE FANNING KILLS DUSTLKSS GRAIN SEPAltATOKS AM) LAM) KOIjLKRS, These Mills anrt Separatona have lonfs imen used by the Farmers, firominent Millers, Oriiin aud Need dealers throuphout the United States, who fiiitly rerooiinend them as hointr the ttKST MA CHINES ever madn for cleaning and g-radinr Wheat, liariey, Oatu, Corn and veds ol every descrip tion. They do the work more thorough ly, have greater capacity, built stronger and heavier and better IhiiNhed than any other Mills. Mix different sizes, two for Farm Use, four for Warehouse, K levator and Millers use. The Land Hollers are the BEST and CUKAl'EST for the money. ALL MACHINES WARRANTED. Write for Circulars and Prices before buying. q We nan vouch for tiie reliability of this firm. KMTOtt. Are strictly first-class in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action and handsome cases. Folly warranted. Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 219,000 in use. The people are boand to have tbe best, and will have none bat the ESTEV. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call and see ns, or send for Catalogues and fall information. 233 State Street, Chicago. Villi KTSt. Louis VIoxxg, Q1& & IS Qiivsj fc Mttlioo (his Papci. For fifty years carriage makers have tried to invent a' 'short-turn" vehicle, that would not be a "turn-under. " Success came with the invention o; The short-turn device and the other merits, of which there are many, arc described in an lllnstratod catalogue, which, with address of local agent, will be ent free to any one. The Bartholomew Co., Cincinnati, O. I jSlCSSSBs I r k 0 NT A B9B3IS BUB f. NO WEIGHTS, SEALS OR CHECK RODS. MOUWA UEfONARCH SCALE. BECAUSE IT IS The Most Simple of ConstructionAny', one can adjust it. The Most Durable The knife edges are free and loose; can be taken out, sharpened ; or replaced by new ones. The Most Perfectliecause of its simitlir . eitjf, and tho only scale which proves it -, own correctness. Jlio Scale of America.--Send for deserip' . Hon, prices, etc. It will pay you to invests . gate. H. N. STRAIT MANUFACTURING CO.,, KANSAS CITY, KANSAifc S66l FOR This Is a spo ol al offer. We sell them at this price to In troduce them, regular price Is 875.00. WE ARE WHOLESALE . MANUFAC; in . y z I .. is THE BEST RIDING THE BEST LOOKING THE STRONGEST BUILT 13 C xVC ,JA Ever before orTered.f iV J w w w w w w w mm fULL Rubber Top, Eliptlc Springs, Piano Body, upholstered in a fine grade of oloth, or leather If preferred. Three or four bow top. Either wide or narrow track. We would also furnish Cornlr' body In plaoe of Piano body If desired. Send for Catalogue. FRED0KI& MANUFACTURING V YOUNOSTOWM wild bo wit Puri I .no mz roomoi. laann. Addroii M