The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 30, 1892, Image 6

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    The Sioux County Journal.1
Subscription Price, fi.Od
L. J. SiaiuiOBs, - Editor.
' Entered at Uie Harrison post office M sec
ond class matter.
was allowed to
After a white
Thursday, June 30, 1S92.
For President,
isksjamin hakkisos,
of Indiana.
and it
For Yke-l'res:d"iit,
of 'i'f York.
, but the
The crops in Southwestern Iowa and
Southeastern Nebraska have been injured
to quite an extent by drouth. Iu some
portions of the former state they had
:no rain for six weeks and that wjvs suffi
cient to cut the crop hort
Ed. A. Fry, editor of the Niobrara
Pioneer, is being favorably spoken of as
a candidate for state senator from the
eighth district and it looks now as if Mr.
Fry would be the nominee of the repub
licans for that office. No man lias done
more for the settlement and upbuilding
of that portion of the state than he, and
it is safe to predict that should lie be
made member of the state senate the in
terests of his district and the state at
large would receive his best efforts.
, The democratic national convention
last week nominated a ticket composed of
Grover Cleveland for president and Adlai
E. Stevenson of Illinois for vice-president.
The Hill faction made a hard flylit and
t,he democracy of New York is in a
pretty badly split up condition. The
Indiana delegation, were confident of the
selection of Cray for second place, but
. he dominent faction did not see it that
way and named the Illinois man. This
is also considered to militate against the
chances for democratic success. A
severe storm, the falliug of a number of
arc lights, and a few other things tended
to break into the work of the gathering,
but it succeeded in getting through with
jts work.
-ri... uiitv convention on
1 lie lUin ) - .J
I,-. S-iturdav -t quite interest n,- in j Vte resists. Primaries had been held j Sr)UX t.lHlll,y
... ,k, wwinets but Cotmuisswiirr
I Li W" I
Knott beiug present he
ri.rvsnt ILit Creek.
Chas. Svliiit came in and a motion was
made to allow him to reprint V arbon
net The motion passed without a dis
senting vote. Amotion was then made
to allow Tiios. Eeidy to represent Bowen
precinct. Tliat was me - -
and some of jbe Cottonwood fellows
wanted Mr. Keidy to pledge himself. Mr.
Rtidy did net think tnat was necesar?
as he liad always been an independent
and was chairman of the first independ-
I ent committee of the county. A uaiiot
was Anally called and the vote stoou six
for and six against admitting him.
i-rt it for the chair to
looted as if the same fton would I fol
lowed as iluma'ei-ued the Hough-Walk-
. ,,,unti,in n few weeks ago.
vn, T 4. fLium. proved
euanuiati, ...... .
be more fairminded than he was sup
posed to be and stating that all of his
friends liad voted to stmt Keidy out, he
was going to go the other way and de
cided that he should be seated. The
delegation was instructed for H. G.
8tewart for state senator so he v. HI be a
candidate, at least before the senatorial
convention. The resolutions which are
the production of Mr. Stewart are pecu
liar. They urge against factionalism
and talk harmony at the beginning and
wind up by complimentingCommissioner
Weber and ignoring Commissioner Knott,
notwithstanding that they were both
members of the convention and the latter
was reallv more the creature of the or
ganization which controls the independ
ent party for he was nominated tor com
missioner in a secret meeting of the
county alliance. But prejudice controls
trolssome people and leads them to do
some very foolish things. It came out
during the convention that some of the
delegates had a knife up their sleeve to
use on Stewart, but matters took such a
turn that they were not used.
Party of
With the excellent crop prospects of
this county there is no doubt that a
great many people will come here to
locate in the near future. Like every
, other county there is considerable deeded
, land jn the market and at prices that are
, low. People in the eas, have been cpn
, templating the purchase of such lands
but have deferred such action until the
crop of this season was more nearly ma
tured. They will find that unless they
close the deal at once that they will be
, the loser. The price of every piece of
deeded land in Sioux county will ad
vance sharply within the next sixty
days, and those who expect to purchase
at low prices will have to get action on
themselves or the opportunity will be
It was so dry in the vicinity of Beat
rice tliat the board of trade held a meet
ing and appointed a committee to go to
Nelson, Neb., to secure the services of
Rainmaker Melbourne in order to save
the crops. Before the arrangements
were completed a good rain fell. The
people do not propose to be caught nap
ping and will offer Melbourne induce
ment!, to assist nature in furnishing
needed moisture for crops.
I ndt-pf uJfut (mint -
People's IndejnJent
met m delegate
... .... .T-..U ii-, et., JUo
ol,veilt,...caUcdtooniert.y .....-
.......... (n!n COm-
Raum, chairman cm..-.. --
mittee. Call read by secretary. On
motion the following committees were
appointed: on credential: H. S. I lough.
Jos. IVcker afcd t. i
manent organization: Geo. Burson, H-
Parks and Louis Rutting; on resolu
tions: II. O. Stewart, R S. Q. Ham
aker and J. Miiiehart.
Committee on jrwlentiaU reorted and
the following delegates were seateo.
Cottonwood -Wm. J. A. Kaum, ix. .-.
Clough.lLS. rars, u.
B. Brown and 1. A. Publow.
Five Points A. South" orth, J. Mine
hart. L. RuCing.
Hat Creek F. W. Knott.
Wl.ite ltiver M. J. WVler,
Stewart, Jos. Itecker ana R. K. Q. 11am-
On motion the report of the committee
on credentials was accepted.
Committee on permanent organization
reported in favor of Win. J. A. Raum,
Chairman, and M. J. Weber, Secretary.
On motion rejiort was adopted.
Committee on resolutions reported tlle
WHEUEAS, Heretofore there lias ex
isted in Sioux county considerable local
strife, and
wniMima. r.iusft for such strife, if it
nt one time exist pas
and where there is
people of a county
thev consistently
and barren quarre
JvllW.I ApiMTti.-UltlPBt.
U,t week an error as made and tl
It, or January puUi.-J.eJ.
pvethe amount ea-h distn. t entiUed
to under the June a,.,rtn.ent. The
now in tl hand, oi uw "- v
the onlers ol iiw
funds ure
treasurer subject to
6, hool officers:
liiT-trict No.
i- 41.14
3- ,.;
- &
6- r. y-t
f ..
7- tiJ.i
- -into
it- -r.fd
)- 31.H4
lb- r.Mi
IK H. Hi
1- "''
it- V
iV- It Hi
r. i4.
! .Hi
T- H '
en -
Is Heaulijuarter for Meal, Lun lies and
Bakery (iol!i.
Boa-d by the Day or Week 5
at Reasonable Rates.
East Htde Muin Street,
now ceaxti.
no g'Xi cause, tue
.should not nor can
continue a rruitjess
Sheriff" Sal''.
tf.ler of sale nire
rk of tin- li-iri mii, .
,,l,ni-ka. on a ju.Uineiit i.t.
,-iwl.iiu tor me sum ol "
dat and a.cruinK .t. I !' (
,m H us: hi liU-li tne la-t term of thr
" r, court wa, a. i!:- Lour of one
, k p in "i iy. ''"'' Hl"1 "
"L'l.',;;I MierilTof aiUH'ty
Hulifl June Q.Wi-
Ity yhliie of a"
II. e f nun Hie ri
-mm couiity
li-ft-nilrtnt I i! : Tlie
s V S W. . S-T
S.'ti. I. Of hf. .
A few days ago Frank Melbourne, the
.rainmaker, made a contract with parties
in Colorado to produce rain. He estab
lished himself near Holyoke, and went to
.work and within the time prescribed by
-the contract a rain fell covering and area
Of about 17,000 square miles. Those in
terested jn the experiment express satis-
action therewith and the farmers and
business men are happy as rain was
.needed and that which was produced by
Melbourne makes the crop prospects
.good. Some do not believe that Mel
;bourne produces the rain, but those who
(have been in a position to watch his
,work are firm in the belief that it is'
through his efforts that the rain is pro
duced. From the success he has had it
is but reasonable to give him credit for
the rainfall which has followed his tests,
.and should he prove beyond a doubt that
-be can produce rain he will prove a bene
factor to the whole country. One thing
4s certain and that is that he has full
oonfldence in his ability to furnish rain
According to agreement.
Whkreas, The interests of our county
especially demands the active co-oni-tion
of all good citizens, therefore be it
.WtvoVThat we, the Independents of
Sioux county, depreciate any and all
local strife and contentions.
And as a remedy for one of the great
est evils winch effect our locality, viz.,
hi"h freight rates, we commend to our
people and ask their careful consideration
of the transportation plank of the St.
Louis platform.
And also ask their careful considera
tion of all other questions treated in said
platform and we heartily endorse its
every demand as simple justice. We
heartily endorse Hon. O. M. Kem and
his straightforward, manly course in a
session of Congress where the majority
have stamped themselves as cowardly
and venal time-servers. We extend our
hearty approval to M. J. Weber, our
eflicie'tit county commissioner.
Respectfully Submitted,
11. G. Stewakt, Chairman.
On motion the report of committee on
resolutions was adopted as read.
On motion the rules were suspended
and Chas. Schilt was seated as a delegate
from Warbonnet precinct.
On motion the rules were suspended
and Thomas Reidy was seated as a dele
gate from Bowen precinct.
On motion the following county cen
tral central committee was elected; M.
J. Weber, Chairman and LL S. Clough,
On motion delegates from each pre
cinct named the committeeman for such
precinct and the chairman filled vacan
cies: Andrews uiumor; Anieioi.
Bowen Conrad Lindeman; Bo-
darc A. Orton; Cottonwood D. A.
Publow; Cook J. C. Shiplev; Five
Points J. Baker; Hat Creck-J. B.
Bradley; Motjtrose Henry PrieshofT,
Running V'ater Octave Harris; War-
bonnet Chas. Schilt, White River R.
from poverty and obscurity to the high-1 S. Q. Hamaker.
est planq of journalistic success by his On motion M. J. Weber was elected
own efforts and ability. The country delegate to the state convention held at
might be searched in vain for a more Lincoln June 30th, 1.892, with power to
notable example of American possibili-cast full vote of county.
Mu rifl s Sale,
l-.v virtue of an or.lcr of wile ilinvte'l to
,' nnntlM-el-rk ..I toe (IMn;-l court ,,1
.. ,-ouhly, Nel,n..ka. on J'y'K"''
t ,iu ! in sai.l court on tin- '!" A',r".'
we j javorof Lr. -Milner iix pliilntilt, niul
:.KintCttnr W priii, Marry win, J.L
lliowne, hmmkiiw, uml JKiu-V A. 1 luu iK,J
,l, l.-niliinti, for the mini of tf.i-0.ZI, himj
,-t, tnxe.l Bt ra-H3 Mini KcruinK o-!.
I luive U-vIikI niwiii tlie following ri nl i;tU
taken as the iro)Tty of kiHI (leletiilant-,
to Huti-fysni'l oiilfr of sale, t.cwit: 1h-N.
K i. of . c. 10, in Tp. M North oMiiiukb
.,i iu. i;u, I'. M.. In Mom c-ountv,
.'. l,ra-ka, ami mil offer the mtiir for -ale to
ii... i,o.i....t ,r (or --h In Imti'l. on the
MM lav of Ju I v, A . I. 1HW. Ht the front door
f the court douse of wihl eounty. nt llar
rw.ii Iliat Ih-Iiik the Imilillntf wlieri lii the
;.vt term of eourt a held, ill the hour ol
one o'eliK-k, p. in., of sniil day, Ik n mnl
uln ri- due ultcnilmice 111 be lven hy the
Dat.-I .Mny.V.l1!.
;sx-i Tiioma" BriPV,
MicnlT of wil'l County.
H. T. t'onley, I'lainfiU 'n Attornc;.
The Vice Presidency.
Whitelaw Reid is the second member
of the fourth estate to be honored with
the nomination of vice president by the
republican party, Schuyler Colfax being
the first. While the journalistic record
of Vice President Colfax was creditable,
it had nothing to do with bis nomination,
any more than did Mr. Blaine's record as
an editor with his nomination for the
presidency. But Mr. Reid is recognized
as a conspicuous representativee of his
profession. He never held but one oflice,
that of Minister to France, and that was
bestowed upon him in recognition of his
services and position as editor of the
New York Tribune. He is not a politi
cian or a statesman, in the usuai sense
of those terms, but an editor, with all
which that word implies. He has risen
In the County Court of slonx County, Nr
in the niHtter of the hHtate of Kriink
pi-ine-UK. il(M-etoC(l.
u iicrehv l'ivi n to all iMTHonx hnv
I,,'. cli.llim Hurl llelliumlK tllMlllt Krftllk
I h i ii?, late of Mom county, (e (iwr,
th-.t tin. time fixed for rtHlltf chllllls Hlfalll
at'l CHtatc Is six month troni the second
dm- of June. IK'2. All fiu-h imtwjiik arc re
nnri-d to oreent their claims with the
vimi-hcm to the lolntv UilliC OI Mild
(ouutv. at Inn olhce i icrcln, on or iiciorc
the second day of I ' -einlicr, mid nil
b n tiled 111 l;e heard IM I ore mini
iiidic on the tlilrd day of DecctnlM-r, KiJ, nt
in o cIik-k, a. m. s, iiaki.k,
Ihited June snd, lrt. I oiiniy .inuifc
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Ili-pairing (tone on hort notice.
Good ork n1 rennonmbl charge,
feliop oath of livery lrn.
HAKJtl'. ... ttm
J. L. StrattuS.
Sioux County Lumber Co.
Lumber, Lath and
A Good Supply of Native LumW
Always ou Hand.
I t Ml'KIt I'KLIV KKr.U AT lllr. MILL OK
i r . ' fa
- ' i
HARl!ls(,.v ''
n i- i. .
General Bantr'
1 AKK1Hi,
b. L smh 7k.
rasluonable Barfae-i
One l',mk
ItAZoim a SI) (rA
JOHN A. LUCAS, l'njiw;vr.
ii-Wiineg rJ
Harrison, Nebraska.
Transacts a General Banking
JJuj-d School Onlers, County anil Villmre Vim
iVNTZi! IUuih., Nw Vork City.
Fiio-t National Ha.vk, Omalia.
FiiiHT National Hank, Liwola
Bank k ('iiawhis, r
Interest Paid on Time Depcf
Hierlll's Sa'c.
Bv virtue of n order of le llrwieil lo
ie trom the ch-rk of tlie court of
Woux county, Ncliraxkii, iu h juilKemeiit oil
tinned in wild rourt on tlie i:! U dny of -Vprll
IW.'i, in fnvor of J. L, Moore an innlntlff am!
aKnlnxt xiren Jenwu at detco'lant for the
Hum of t;t!.VI4 met cotH t:cjO"l up tl'i.KJ and
accrttiux rrnii. l have icMca n nou uii 101
low I UK real etnte taken aa the tmiwrty of
neii;n(lanl to atitv auld oruer ol Male town:
Tilt S. E. k of s-e. 15, 1n Twp. 34 K. It. ft7 went,
in sioux county, MMmutan, anil win oner
the fame tor aaie to the liiKlienl bidder for
eaah In hand on tlie 11th day of July, 12, at
i:ie iront uoor oi tlie eonri iioiikc oi moih
countv, Nelir., at Hiirriwjn Nebraska, that
being the building in which the lat term of
the district court waa held, at the hour of
one, p. ni. of aaid (lay, when and v. here due
atjendaiice will lie given by th" under
sife'iKd. TiioMAd llKinr,
Minriff of Said loutitv.
OattdJunee, m.
On motion Mr. Weber was instructed
to meet with delegates to the 14th fjena-
tonal district to wslect dihtrict central
committee and issue call for senatorial
On motion IL G. Stewart and Wm. J.
A. Raum were elected delegates to state
convention to be held at Kearney, Aug.
3rd, 1892,
On motion tlie delegates to state con
vention at Kearney be elected delegates
to congressional convention and in
structed for Jon. O. VL Kem for con
gressman 6th Dist,
On motion H. G. Stewart and R. S. Q.
ine reports are war, a great many
people in the eastern part of the state
are watching with interest tlie growth
pt the crops In northwest Nebraska and
waiting to see tlie result before they
pome to the new country to secure
(homes and it will be but a few weeks
juntil this country will see more new
people than has ever come here in a
given time and greater prosperity will
result than has ever been . experienced in
f,Ws country. The fact is that the crops
are just about assured now and those
who wish to get choice pieces of govern
paent land or bargains in deeded land had
better ai t at one or they will not real
in as well as they expect The high
rent, unfawrabU spring and later
drouth io portion of the older settled
counties of the state ia causing peopla to
look toward the newer portions whers
ther oaq get government land and the
fact that Sioux' countv baa 800,000 acres
let subject to boowsUad is pretty watt
known in many parte aod the
future will m the people nocking
fiiovz' oounty, Tell your friends
A very large proportion of the Ameri
can citizens of today who share lartrest
n American prosperity are truly self-
made, and conspicuous illusttations of
the wonderful opportunities of our
country. All such men, whatever their
ine, must see in Whitelaw Reid a
worthy representative. But guecess has
not set him upon a high mountain of
snobbery. On tlie contrary, he showed
as Minister to Paris his keen appreciation
of matters which concern the welfare of
of the whole people. He first attracted
attention by the zeal with whioh lie pro
moted the interests of American nkilied I liamaker were elected delegates to sena
labor at the Paris Exposition. So far I tonal convention instructed for It O.
from feeling above "the greasy me-1 Stewart
chanic" he took the greatest pains to se- On motion lL S. Clough and A. South
cure exhibits from Americans and make I worth were elected delegates to repre-
tne worm acquainted with our progresh 1 sentative convention.
in mechanical arts. Then when our I On motion the nomination of countv
cxjiumoian exposition was agreed upon, I auorney was lett vacant
he grandly rose above the petty jealous-1 0n niotion convention adjourned
les or JNew xork and was foremost of all J. Weber, Wm, J. A. Raum,
our ministers plenipotentiary in enlisting Secretary. Chairman.
ioreign interest in the exposition. But
the greatest of Mr. Reid's claims to grat
Hheritrs Sale.
By virtue of an order of mile directed to
me from the eierk of the district court of
Sioux county, Ntliraaka, on a Judgment ob
tained in said court on the lath dav of
April, IkW, In favor of the American in
vestment Company a plaintiff and agaliint
lxirenxo l. Harmon. Frank Hailv and
B. 8. 1'addoek as defendant, fur lluiiinn,r
ft.! and cohtu taxed at tmM and ai-eniliiB
costn. I have levied upon tlie following- real
eiaie. as the pronertv of dnf nidanta to
satisfy nUd 6rder of sale towit: The. VV.
y Nic. o, 1 wp. $it Kanife 53 In SSoui countv,
ebraska, and will offer the same for sale
to the hiiilH-d. bidder for caali In hand,
anoject, However, to a Brit mortijaKc for
r.l in favor of the American Investment
iiuipany, on ine mil day of July, Irtri, nt
vuc iiuui ui one o ciocK p. III. 01 aaid day', at
the front door of the court hou-e of Moux
county, Nebraska, that la-inif the h,ilMi,,
In which the lat term of the-diatrlct court
an held, at which time and place due at
tendance will be (riven by the uuderslimed.
n3. . . Sheriff ol Said County.
Dated Jijne9, 1B92.
Determined to make everv el
sible to add to the number
customers, and if goodgafi
low prices and fair treaty
ment will secure them
we are bound to ;
Come and see What vye Have in the L
Dry Goods, Groceries,!
and Shoes, etc
itude is the success of his effort, l . . '!X"!nas im-
once more the ates of French c "'Z W U" 901,1,1 and eastern lrto of
, . . I " maw where rain is so badlv n.,WJ
iv nnKi icuu oora ana KH.r ttru mhnt i -
. ". v, y. U.
he did in that respect he deserves the
thanks of every corn grower and cattle 11 was sported by the World-Herald
raiser in trie west. Be added millions to l"""" """"K8 Jnam had consented to
the net profits of our farmnL Th J allow his name to be ued e a camlet.,
progress o( the campaign will develon for tlw presidential nomination bv th
the wisdom of putUng such a man on '"dependent convention at Omaha next
M ticnet, weeK, but Uie report is said to be with.
iew York is the vice presidential atata oul foundation.
Of we union. It has frequently been
-.awn ,n trying to eecure or con- W. J. Brvan. who ho. w t. L.
iroitne prestdency. but lti vice pre- he could to crinnl. the n-ZZZZZl
OMU htm Iwn nnmu r.. 1 'r - iuui,K i , , ",ii V
flm fibZ, tT' i n , enterpriseg of his state, wldledrawiwraL-TJ Tpwm'mm' TrMqi 10184.
William A. Whee.e TZ' T. of hi. district
canaiaate ror conirrou n. -.01 . " "" v insure
10256. j 10135.1
Will make tlie season of 18112 itm.
place on Warbonnet creek 8 miles west
01 u. r . (Jolfee g.
DesrrlptloB and Pedlf ree.-Barbarin
u uutcK-Erav. ar n i,,.i..,i, i...i.j
1,800 lbs. Bred by k iJorchene, Com
ttiune of Coulognes les 8ablon, Ue
partment of Ome. Got by Boullard
rZ , yi ravon' beloiifrinir to M.
. , . I -"r " canoiaaie ror conirress. He will a ' yt insure a mare wiu, foal
Uvl P. Morton, and now. ninth 00 the find that h. diH t JtTTu. " Wable when the mare islmo.n
naaf lUt, Whitelaw R,W, A Utter selection nh -1. .V .. 1,6 w,th upon her removal from
to 'could not bar. bn mad., and the con- .;" " 7J' r"l" ovnemHp.
io vention totobt commend! far mairih, 31 w,?? ,ot . w." Invent acckkmU
11 " 1 ' " wuniea next NovamU k. "" win ue Ksuonit.ii for
&nd we will have all kinds of
Farm MachinJ
nnioini n n nnnnc
I 7m IS
tCZMttj Md void tbj ruib,
A W. M0HR, Owner.! D, f.l. ScchlSf C0iriC3
: s-
' l t Will Uw. 1 I. I. ,w
Co, "'I
I -. wwwtm mi II w I