The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 30, 1892, Image 5

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    J : leavening I'owc:. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
na, t ho came recent
rland and joined lier
Vtil little farm in the
a, Conn , is a large
Id in view of an epi-
und a burly tramp
Bay or two ago ht
that slio is me
,:. Wra
II i ounce"-"1
become settled ou
iiKly vicious tramp
about the middle of
husband was at
It field and insolently
Id money. Mrs
busy about her
. i i...t
was HOI, scaieu, I'm.
Vng her kitchen Ion?
that he wouiu tfei
had better get out.
retorted the road
le'lUee about uini
trode quickly into
ng upon the woman,
w away her broom
If. They wrestled
then with square
he tramp, who was
as he had expected,
lis antagonist by
li a quick muscular
ded his grasp, and
him in downright
f pinned his arms to
fcl-like grip, whirled
tone, shot n nil across
and llmifr him head
The man was as
ild in her hands, and
back in the back
lithout taking the
kt the door against
kitchen picked up
resumed sweeping.
bad had quite enough
or one day evidenly,
! off the ground in a
tacros3 the shelter of
faods Philadelphia
4utl. Can You Find
JKotu ?
1itp1oy advertisement In
which has no two woi'li
t, 'lho wiine 1h true of
ig CHi-h ucck, from the
1 UlS llOUMJ places 0
e- thev muke and pub-
tliem the mime of the
i. IIIWiL V.V 4 l!T .
8AMFI.K3 rltEK.
i's Colors.
kt llritain are red
iiited States, stars
lite and red stripes.
are red, white and
ed; those of Den
jte cross, those of
and red; of the
siite and blue: of
iWhite; of Prussia,
Jrliite with a blue
Jk, yellow and red;
With a white cross;
of Mexico, green,
Too Fullle.
A college graduate, hard up in
Louisville, was compelled to aeeepta
position 03 a driver on a street railway.
His natural politeness did not desert
him. Whenever a lady on the street
lifted a hand to summon him to halt
for her, lie gracefully lifted his hat.
One, day, a lady waiting on a comer,
-.nd desireing to ride, chanced to have
her handkerchief in her hand, and
waved it at him. He not only lifted
his hat, but dropped the reins a
moment until with his disengaged
hand he threw a kis3 to her. lie im
agined she was tleiting with him.
Yankee Ulnde.
1 be longiMaional Vernacular.
An old Indian, fighter on the occa
sion was called on to make a statement
concerning a battle to a congressional
committee, and ha was requested to
couch it in language intelligible to the
statesmen instead of using the
vernacular of the plains.
"Will you be kind enough," said the
chairman, "to give us an account of
this fight r
"Course; that's what I'm here for," he
responded. "You see, our company of
a hundred men set in a game with
about that many Injuns, and it was
our deal, for we had slipped up on 'em.
iiiey stood pat, right from the start.
and we filled and went in at 'em from 'arc picked up in tl
An Klnrlrlcal linger.
An electrical finger for surgical uses
has recently been invented. A bulb,
attached to a long probe, is attached to
a linger stall. The bulb is double and
the outer skin is ll?xihle. The twolay
ers are connected with omiosite Doles
of the battery, and wires connect the
inner layer with t he fingertip. Pressure
at any point closes the circuit and the
electrical current is transmitted to a
corresponding point on the linger. The
surgeon has thin a means of feeling
and measuring things which he can
neitiier fee nor reach by ordirary
means. Philadelphia Ledger.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other disease
put together, and until the last tew
years was supposed to p incurable
For a great ninny years doctors pro
notinccil it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constant
ly failing to cure with local treatment
Ijj'oiiounced it incurable. Science hn
proven catarrh to lie a constitutional (lis
cane and therefore require constitiitioim
treatment. Hall Catarrh I lire, liiiuiu
factured by F. .1. Cheney i Co., Toledo,
Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on
theinaikit. It is taken internally in
doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful.
It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They oiler one
hundred dollars for any case it fails tc
cure. Send for circulars and testimon
ials. Address,
F. .1. CI I EX ICY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold bv l)riiKgistH,7oc.
behind the rocks on a straight bluff, fer
we didn t know how many there wuz, !
mid they met us in the kivered our
ante, fer they thought
was hot in thar, shore, and both sides
was shootin and sla:ihin and yellin when
night settled ilci and ended the
What was the condition of the con
testants at the close?" asked the chairman.
That's hard tellin," was the frank
reply. "All I know is, after botli sides
gulled out thar was a pile of reds and a
pile of whites on the Hat, an nobody ou
neither side had sand enough in his
craw to show up and ciaim 'em."
The members of the committee after
ward stated that more lucid and intel
ligible testimony had never been pro
duced before them. Detroit Free Press.
Wool and Hair.
The life and growth of wool and
hair is not identical with the life of the
body, but they will grow after the
death of tho animal in whose skin
they have taken root. The root of
the hair exudes the hair pulp, wkicli is
formed into cells containing the pig
ment which gives color to tho hair it
self; each row of these cells form a
ring. As the rings of ceils are pushed
away from the skin by tha giving out
of the fresh pulp from the roots- the
cells dry, forming scales, which cu
riously resemble miniatuie lish scales.
A hair is simply a lomr tube formed of
these rings into a sort of sheath. These
"sawteeth," which the old writers
mention as being one of the character
istics of the human hair, are formed by
rings of these dried up cells, which are
very line and closely set.
Coal's hair has a more rapid growth
and longer cells, so that it is less regu
lar and straight than that of the human
species, consequently it shows little of
the toothlike edge. The hair of the
sheep of the common sort is irregular
bucks Killed by tha Falls.
'Large numbers of ducks are being
:aught in the ripids and carried over
Niagara falls. They are either killed
:r so shocked tjat huxters in boats
below the falls easily secure them."
Commenting on this, Mr. John P.
Sages writes: "i have heard nothing
of it, but you may be sure that it's a
mistake. I don't believe a duck was
sver carried over the falls, unless he
was wounded so that he couldn't fly.
jit is, however, a common occurance
or ducks and other birds to fly up the
j river from Lake Ontario on loggy
i nights and fly right into tho falls, and
thus bs killed or injured so that thev
le river, and this is
probably how the
forest and stream.
story originated.-
" For two years I suffered terribly
with stomach trouble, and was for
all that time under treatment by a
physician. lie finally, after trying
everything, said my stomach was
worn out, and that I would have to
cease cntincr solid food. On the rec
ommendation of a i iend I procured
a bottle of August Flower. Itseem
cd to do me good at once. I gained
strength and flesh rapidly. I feel
now like a new man, and consider
that August Flower has cured me."
Jas. H. Dedcrick, Saugerties, N. Y.
w asanas aa a
3 A -V V
? v V
o ri srn
av av sw
But ran for SICK HEAD
ACHE, impaired digestion, cooati-
Jtiin, torpid gianuit. 1 hey arouse
Viitti urgana, jT iuvte iibutck, uia
xinefs. magical men on niu
neyfi tnd bladder. Conquer
bill on h nervon dis
order. trtbnh
ltr&i ACTION,
Beautify complexion by purifyinff
blood. ?CBELY VfcOETAtCLE.
Thp (low i niffly (ijustwi to suit ew, uone pill can
twver bettxj much. Each vml contain 42, carried in vest
porkft. like ltd pencil, ltllhiliesi man's great
conveuienee. Taken easier titan lugar. bold every
where. All genuine good, bear "CrtacenL"
bend 2-cent stamp . You get 32 page book with sample.
makes child birth easy.
Colvln, La., Deo. 2, 1880. My wife used
MOTHER'S FHIEND before her third
confinement, and sayi she would not be
without it for hundreds of dollars.
Sent by express on receipt of price. 1,50 per bot
tle, book " To Mothers " mailed free.
ron uu BVAU.oflwaaiT. ATLANTA, QA.
A Month and Expenses.
lo Agents to self
John G. Klsing & Co., n I r I
st Paul, Mi.m. iamoies rree!
y can 1x3 li.Kl for
any trouble of the
roicn n JSronchial
ouia oinij in
11(1 Hills.
f central Asia the
fte!i laden with fine
s like snow around
and tends to bury
Kven whfin there
the air is described
ust, and a yellow
rything. InKhotnn
s so obscures tlin
one cannot sue to
liout a lamp. The
miming of travelers
Saraha are familiar
bo suffer from a witch
1cantliropy. They
by a pale, sunken
Blow, mournful eyes,
flabby, listless arms.
en change themselves
So great harm. Trans-
I they must accompany
their nightly forays.
dger. ,
I by the United State
ended by the Austrian
neers as the best known
A man of AiIvkiiI lire.
John Switzler, who now lives within
one ruile of Pendleton, thirty-six years
ago saved the lives of thirty persons at
the Cascades, on the north side of the
Columbia river, at a place at that
time called the Upper Cascades. John
is now old and well wearied with years.
But then he was a young man and
after making thirty persons safe he
ran the gantlet for a mile with other
parties, some of whom were wounded
while others were killed by the
Yakimaiand Klikitat Indians. Yet
he araired at tho fort safe and sound
and in time to care for the wounded in
the fort, whore twelve soldiers were
Imprisoned three days and nights.
East Oregonian.
Twculy OIl l''is!ies.
The Fishmongers' Livery company
own a remarkable painting by
Spiridioit Homa, which contains
portraits of twenty vhole30me sea and
river fishe3, most of which are almost
unknown by the general public, viz.,
weaver, dub3, green' grailing or bun
ber, coleiish, Willis, smeerdabs, ruff,
carp, hoinelings, lumps, allies, coney
fish, bass, popes, lircflaws and bleaka
Ilazen S. Pingree, now mayor of De
troit, was a union soldier thirty years
ago, and during one of those historic
Shenandoah Valley campaigns was
taken prisoner. 11a had the horror of
exchanging clothes with the Iiaider
Forrest on this occasion upon the polite
but pressing BU2ge3tion of the Con
federate ollicer. Mr. Pingree was then
transported to Anderaonville for a live
months' vacation.
Jlnrglar-proof glass has been invented
by a Dresden manufacturer. It ia
made by pouring molten glais over a
network of steel wire. Jtis especially
adapted for skylights and jeweler's
The veteran Democratic edi'or of the
Gettysburg Compiler, a weu-Kiiowu
character, has just died. It fell to his
lot to give shelter to Col. W. Dudly af-,
ter he was so severely wounded in that
contest, and from that association thera
grew a life-long regard.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, nnd acts
pently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevcr3 and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
onlv remedy of its kind ever pro-
with a tenUancy to curl or wave, out ; duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
unlike that of the coal, sho.vs marked ceptable to the dtomach, prompt in
toothlike elges. Wool has barbed pro-1 fa action and truly beneficial in its
jections along the "hairs," which is one ' effects, prepared only from the most
of its distinguishing peculiarities. Hie
"wocil" of the negro is really hair; the
same may be said of "kinky" hair in
the white races. St. Louis Cepublic
Urait, Ckupefi tti Beit Ifforaal Schod it tha Vt
CA pi 'iweutjr-five Lep('. Thirty Teachw. tU
" KpecuJii No vacation eicept Aug. EaUi
P A DCIany Utae. Tukm any cla. xpenaes low.
lpT"lGraduM in demand. Jn order that U
PA I D may tattha nwriuof tho Wtstorn NormAv
WiIjoiiflee, we will pay your R. . tmrm
xotn jour hornet to Linoolo, Neb. Full particulara, cC
ojiues tu.d4urci.FREE Wm. M. Crou. fm. Lfocoll. Vek
Tig O Is th rlcriowlfigw
lf&dinK remody for all Uf
uiuiiiiurnl diM-barri u4
privaidisesof mn. A
I certain cure for tbe deblii
1 laling weakneu peculiar
. vo v, omen,
m a orir b I nreacri bo it r.nd fI af
1 THtEvwsCHCMTiMfVi. in recom meudlnf it to
f lTi5l)AVS.Y
m Uaaxaslved out w
Mm M cau
siold bs- I
ruin t.o-
LAllIKS are Safe, Prompt, Effectual. The
original and only genuine Woiuan'i Salva
tion, rjent direct, 1; sealed. Advice free.
CATON MKI). .SPEC. CO., Boston, Muss. Sold by
all local druggibt
k Tbls Eminen Krrncb bpoclaliM
ia Cure, for Life all Chronic. Nerv
aw A 1111 and Acquired pieeue. of
Developments, Exhausted VHnlily, snd Spenna
orrhooa. Boole "Life's Bccret Krrors," with
question list, 4c. ConsuU Chivnajo's lxsatUcg,
Oldctt and Most Scienlilic Specialist.
for von. Fend for a copv of our Legal Notice
Register, nrieell.OO. THE NEBRASKA SKWS
Zhm y
lauo Mitt s Little! tCarly Klsera,
'ie I'nmoufl Little Pills for Conntlnatlon.Siek Head
clie, I)yipep&ia.No Kausea,Xo Fain Terr Small.
LITMP JAW ISemover: WariHited to cure.
Leaves 110 scar. 73 cents per boule, postpaid.
Ben. It. Simpson, York, Neb. Sold by drug
Do Your Ouni Repairing
Tl By uJilncr Iioot'c Ilottaehold KcpalriaE OuCOt tor half -unsf
Vr' aid repairing Boots, Blioes ai.-i Itaibbc-rs. Any ono can uscit. I'rlca
HKtari'lIt!! Wi-lirlit-nreitlv boxed. LOHj. 'i'lioiisantlsulreudy In us.-.
mt-' H V ftM -flSl'BAFS AJiO TOOLS lor makiri(randnpalrina;alljirinclpal part
ifS H If I B0t harness. Noeeirinjt. 6irnnloKaA110witlipurBlotteJrlvcta.
ff J I km H EI S'm'BAl'8 MKAJD1TW iHAUB UP.nny Ionetl; or width vouwant.
WanWA-OBsV' Ok
1 r iarffJoir
Ciiriiiiis toroimlloii Oretnmilrff.
Wlien 11 cliief is abnut to be crowned
king paniiiKUint of the Swazi nation, 11
warrior (called an inipi)ij sent out to
hunt for a lion, a tiger, a buffalo and a
large snake. This because part of the
ceremony at the coronation consists of
theking eating portions of the hearts
of the three animals, the oil of the
snake only being used. The medicine
man rubs the oil ou the breast, temples
and between the shoulders of the king
this to prevent him being bewitched.
The animal hearts are supposed to act
on the liver and muke his royal majesty
bravo indeed. During the ceremony
the king sits upon the skull of the
butlalo, which has been placed upon
the ground in the heart of the village
The exercises last three days. On the
first he is clothed only in the skin of the
lion, ou the second in the skin of the
tiger while on the third the skull is in
the center of the buffalo's skin and
mounted by the king, who is perfectly
naked. In this situation he receives
the congratulations of his people, who
hall him as "(ireat Lion," "Great
Tiger," "Slayer of Serpents" and
"Kide'r of the Buffalo." l!y the above
titles lie is ever after known to his peo
ple. .St. Douis liepublic.
The Vagaries ot Fame.
Sitting up late tonight, "while rook
ing winds were piping loud," I took
down an old anthology and turned over
its leaves with a wonder often felt be
fore, at the number of men who sur
vive in it by virtue of doing small
things well. Sometimes in fact, one
thing has been enough to give a m.m
his world wide fame, and send him
down to posterity hand m hand with
Hie greatest. At the names of Carew fnlnne .Lovelace, air item
Wotton and Sir John Suckling, we
stop to read once more their thrice
familiar lines; but, too often, the sad
word "Unknown" makes the tribute
thus paid an indirect one.
What would notone give to know
who wrote "The Two Corbies," for in
stance, or thatsonpt of which "Love
will find out the way" is the burden i
Thines oo much by names nowadays,
and good anonymous poets of our own
time are few and far between. Jut
fame laughs at titles, and choosing
leaves that fall neglected blntta iA em
into her Immortal garland whether
their rightful owner will or nc-Scnb-ner's.
Sinter's Admirer-'Tour sister Is
passionately fond of music, isn't she I
Little brother--" Y-e-s, wen she
makes it herself."
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. l)o not accept any
Purelicse Tickets and Consign your
Freight via tlio
F. I & M. V. and S. C. & P.
1! A 1 1. It OA US.
II. O. Bt'KT, General Mnnnuer.
K. C. MOKKIMI'SK, J. R. Hl'l'llANAN.
Ueu'l freipht AK't. Oeii'l 1'bks. Agt.
'J&PkL-'-j Jim
I M nn
Thn WMtiprlT which ireatiftit
n tit (re to punitively cure the
wortvtfarni ot Ulood or skin
t IineaKefrom any cnuse that
can citst.'Jiio cobioi mcrem
I diesis within reac h of all.ond
ftuanititee of permanent
r euro in every cate accepted for
treatment, Vor free advice by
Iftter or in person, addrem
in Tnii PrlTBte Pfffrtensary,
125 8. CLARK KT. Boom 43 tnd 44, CbiCio,llL
Guilkrs from upwwdi.
4Jartitr-.ttvcil Sycauion.
ttfuarli-au-dOak, Antique.
UMdolimlrom l.00upwudl
Mul'ot'iB)', nti finish.
THr coHrvTor.
All th love SfllJ lin-ler our own Rnarsntee; lllll.ww or OUT
lr,.lru,nenl ill uo. I""! dealer ill or.lrr ror yoi . u.n.
111.10 hnnicboin5l on Send foi illuitnled c.UWo..
LYON & HKALV, 63 Monroe Sticel. Cliicaico
If yon liavo no npprtitn, lnliB"tl"n,
Oriatnlencc, Siok-Heaiaohe, "all run fia
doivn" or losing flesh, take w
'Tutt'sTiny Pills
O Tln-V tono np tho weak utomach and g
bulUI up tlm IURi"K nnernliw. 5o.
o o o o oooo
m thc Star.
siaaiNO this
naoc MltaK
tanoard Fiim-WARC C
.,11..,. ,u,r ui.,.k nt lllllllO. MlK. Slllllll tint
tlx llofllim ta Allred COICBIliril uuy or unnm..:
I.OI1IIKO mi'i nllmvcd him to send tienplo who
iinwer his advcrtl.mont to eo lier lounge, for
which hn Bawa oomniinBlon which nvcrntrcil
1,0 per week. II von will (lo the Mine in yuur
l..rlct, nd for term, l,,,, C0IES
470 Myrtle Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y.
SAIMMiIIUV MAUDWAUK, Simps, Buckles, Loops. llUs, Itinga,
Sfjuarea, Karoo Clips ana Maples, uivcia,r;c, ai.ii. oit """"?
straps Co euch.rscpcrtoz. IIitei;mnips.Liuc.
rars. etc.. ntcorrespoKdinir prices, wanyui uirao
BOcbosentcrtieaplyandsafelybyniiil. , ,
UOOT8 aKKHB IUON WOi'-KER. a f.rsO-cliiSS kit cf bhick-
smlth Urals, at a pnoe low enouira 10 tun mo uiuhum, uio c.
UOOT'S UlttHgOLUKRlNO CASItKT,evciythliisncocssarr
for mpnrltnc Tinwnro. price, r.rj centis. Every UiInK meiitionea
BTfl Asenta
Electric Home Treatment,
8? ., - s'iM
ia especially adapted to cure physical and nervous diseases as follows: Neuras
thenia (Nervous Debility) from overwork or abuses, Paralysis Local or Gen
eral Neuralgia and Insomnia, uyspepsia ana loss ot tone oi tne Digestive system
including habitual Constipation, Female Weakness, Ovarian and Menstral Com
plaints, Ulceration ana Displacements ; aiso oKin ami joiiio jjiHuanes, aiiu xns
forinities of Long Standing. The worst cases of Obesity Surplus Fat ever
with serious heart complications.
It is the Only System of the Kind Now in Existence.
Skill in application combined with truthful diagnosis That's the Secret pro
ducing effects intimately connected with life itself. Electricity is Life. Di
ease is the Lack of it. Death is the Absence of it.
This great system is the outcome of 30 years' experience in Materia Medics
and the uses of electricity, in all its forms. Diagnosis of all cases is under th
direct management of the most skillful electricians and physicians, supported bj
elaborate electrical aparatus for surgical purposes, in the reduction and remova
of tumors, strictures or cauterization.
The most desirable cases are those given over as incurable by the family phy
sician. Personal consultation or by mail free. Full and complete particulars wil
be supplied to any sufferer on application. Address, Inter-Ocean Building,
The Gregg Electric Cure Co.
Chicago, 111.
'riulu Mark.
Price Of Queen's Antl Uatrtn tt. ner bottle. Mn
Beitiea i rum oDfturvauon j.
In compounding a solution a part was aecldently spilled on the band
and on wattling ntterwavd It waa diacovored that the hair was com
pletelv removed. We al once pui tills wonderful preparation, nntlie
market and m creal Iihx been the demand tliat we aro now introducing
it throughout the world under the name of Queen's Anti-HairJue,
Tat the hair over and apply the mixture (or a few minutes, and tha
hair dlnarix-nr" sa II bgr magic without the sllghtcat pain or Injur? when
applied or ever afterward. It Isunlike any other preparation ever used
for a, like purpose. Thousand of LA1HKS w he have bean annoyed
with hair on their FACK, NECK anil ARMS attest Its merits.
lU KTl.HMKN wbo donotannreciatca bear or hairon their neck.
fnd a priceless boon in Queen's Antl-Halrlne which does away
with Bhavlng-, by rendering Its future grewUi an utter impossibility,
i nr hoi tin. sent In safety mslllnr hoses, nostaa-e paid by ns (securely
Send mnnv or stamos by letter with full address written piai
pondence strictly confidential. This advertisement Is bonest and straight forwsf a In
ilalnly. Corns.
n every word It
contains. We invite yon with n and yon will find everything as renrjwnted rnittbis nut and
-nd in.dnv Art,i... niis-ai riuaraaiflaL rift.- 17a .ia atreat. CINCINNATIi O. i ou cau
register your letter at aliy Post Ofllce to Insnie Its safo delivery. We will pay S0I for
or failure or slightest Injury lo any purchaser. -Every douio isaraiu
nrfllll -To ladle
- any case
who latrodnes end sell among their friends tS Bottles of Queen's A?'-?L,1S5
we will praeent with a SILK DItBSB, It yard! best silk, nitre wrire
aaaaaBBBBai of Sllatoseloot irom sent witn oraar. uoo. oirj ui v..,.....-"
Wo h,ve trier! Queen's Antl-Hnirlne, end Hurt It does all above company claims (or it. Editor.
r lLa f a nil hma. Una nm-
eW. !aff, .urvand alay. rfTTable. Amid imt.
MUmt. use only in iimjii. in am. nw.
box. Price, tl. Hnt direct, aarfltd. Cir. SW.
l- P' I -.' II t ' . f '' 1 H.t
N. H. No. Ia-!I7
York. Nab.
it5ruiu lif TlHeAC""".
tough Syrup. Tsstea Qoodj. Use
noiq ny orasaista. r
1 1
t .laxn.'ina.T-j.' i.MX"i;lf