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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1892)
I THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL L. 4. SIMMONS, rroprittur. HARMSOX. - XE15RASKA Bolted the Ticket. Dein-iB, Colo June 25. The Rocky Mountain News, the editor of which nade a free silver speech in the Chicago rcnventioD, has bolud the ticket there urinated. It is the rocognized lead-I rur democratic DiDer of the state. Edi lorially it eays: "The worst apprehensions of the friends of free silver have been verified tn the aomination of Graver Cleveland tor the (residency by the Chicago ccn rention. Colorado and the west have do more inveterate or determined op ponent, and his nomination at Chicago q&b effected no change in the relation ihip nor diminished to the extent of an atom the disastrous consequences that his financial policy would entail upon the agricultural and mining industries. The News has been a loyal and consistent exponent of western interests for more than thirty years. A crisis has now ar rived when it is forced to choose between a democrat nominee for the office ol president and the most vital interest of the Rocky mountain region. It con scientiously believes that the said nomi nation was effected by undemocratic in fluences, and presents a tinal financia policy that antagonizes the historic rec ord of the democratic party, the tru intent of national constitution and uni firm practice of the government foi more than eighty years. In view o these facts, and moved by these convic tions, the News unhesitatingly elects tc sustain the people and the industries o: the section to which it has been so lonj wedded and refuses to betray those in tereeU by supporting Grover Ulevelanc for the presidency, thus becoming i party to a conspiracy, the culminatiot of which would involve certain and ruinous disaster to all who are con cerced in silver mining, and would sure ly prove calamitous to the producinf population of the United States. There is little doubt but that the paper will support the independeni nominees. Leading democrats fie nouoce the position o the paper. Another Cyclone. Minneapolis, Minn., June 25. It ii stated that a cyclone passed ovei Chickasaw county, Iowa, Friday night It is said that one man, a resident ol Frederick township, was killed and thiiteen injured, two it is feared fatally. The eastern part of Iowa is flooded with water. Every bridge on the Mil waukee road between Monona and Get tinger has been washed out entirely The loss is very serious. Lyons, la., June 21. An unequalled rain and thunder storm raged here last night. Lightning bos struck ten places in three days. All the saw millf re shut down and a flood is fearei. Murder and Suicide. Cobleseill, N. Y., 0 une 25. Melvin Letts shot and killed his sister-in-law, Katharine Swart, yesterday morning, and three minutes later he went into a barn and shot and killed himself. Tile murder and suicide have created great excitement in Schoharie county, as both the murdered woman and the murderei decended from old and respected families. The tragedy occurred at the old Swart homestead, where Letts, hit wife and her two sisters lived. Martin S arart, the father of the two women, died several years ago, leaving consider able of an estate to be divided among his daughters. Letts, it is understood, had invested his wife's portion in West ern property and wished to do the same with that of the other sisters, but Mis (Catherine strenuously opposed his plan. This is the only cause known for the tragedy, excepting the supposition that Letts suddenly became insane. There is some foundation for this latter theory us Lett's father died in a madhouse. PerUhed In Landslide. Rome, June 25. Five persons are be lieved to have perished and twenty arc known to be injured by a landslide on the railway near Monte Saaso. Several houaes were buried by the landslide, and five of the inmates are missing. People re busily engaged in digging for those who are missing and large multitude is gathered at the scene. The road is known as the Bologna t Florence railroad, and runs through the Appeoines. Thus far thirty persons, killed or injured, have been taken from beneath the mass of earth and rocks. A Serious Wreck. Mexico, Mo, June 25. A loose truck on oar in a Wabash fast freight train oaueed a wreck near this city yesterday morning. Eight can of wheat and three empty oil can went into the creek. The train was loaded with grain, meat, California fruits and one car of fancy bones. Two horeee were killed and sev eral hurt. J. W. Duncan of Chllioothe, Mo., was badly hurt. Wabash trains a running over the Chicago ft Alton mil to Centralis. ' Sociable Minister "Doyoareadyoni Bible every day, my little dear?" LIU He Dear-"3o, Indeed. I don't hare time I'm too busy helping mamma tons rsisiiu sod things, so ss to si ways bare something nice for dinner rrary Urn you Qproe." Good News. Sighted a Wref k. Sew Yoek. J-ne ST.-Mariner here abouU incline to tbe opinion ttst a ter rible disaster has r.eeot!j occurred st s(. sowe-vhere cesr this port, m which more than 1.C00 sou'.s have perished. The facts that lead to this opinion are sa follows: Saturday the steamer Ojean arrived and resorted that on last Thurs day morning a wreck of a full-riggd ihin was passed in latitude 10 degrees IS minute, noriu, - - W minute west. The ptai o ih Ocean made a careiui hsiulloii ascertain the tame of the craft, tut aainirto the wreck being overturned and partly submerged he could only ciake out the worde, 'Yarmouth, X. S." on the stern. The vessel was cut through forwnrd of the niizzenmast rising, evidently done in collision. From u description of the wreck, as civen ty the captain of the Ocean, ship ping men believe that the vaesl is the British Bailing ship Fred U. iayior, ol V S. The vessel was eiehted 900 miles out from Sandy Hook on June 12, and should have reached Dort over a week aco. The steamship, Yeea, with a crew of sixty meD, com manded by Captain Rosa, sailed from Lisbon on June C for the Azores and New York. She had 310 passecg-rs when she sailed from Liibon and, it i expected that she shipped nearly twice that many in the ports of the Azorea The steamer was due here last Tuesday, but has not arrived. Her agents are very anxious regarding the vessel, whila bcores of friends of the passengers have been besieging the barge oflice to learn othinCTr.f the whereabouts of 'be steamship and its human freight. In view of these facts, therefore, those vorcorl in maraLime hffairs are of the opinion that u collision lias occurred be tween the Vega and the Fred 15. Taylor and that the loss of life has been ap palling. F. E. Hurlbut was the com mander of the Taylor. His young wife is in the city, but knows nothirJSof the terrible disaster that might have be fallen her husband. Chicago Sulurb Hooded. Chicago, June 27. What is knowE as the Eighty-seventh street dyke, separat ing the towns of Dauphin Park and Grand Crossing, gave way yesterday afternoon, having been cut, is is pre turned, by some one, The breaking of the dyke let tbe flood with all its force in upon the suburban village of Dauphin Park, submerging every street and yard to tee average depth of about twenty fuur inches. In many places the water was mush deeper and the first floor of nearly every house is undei water. Basements everywhere were filled and the damage, not only tostreete and sidewalk", but to the foundationsof bouses and all household effects that were not early removed, will amount to thousands of dollars. There was a heavy rainfall yesterday and at 8 o'clock the water was ruing at the rate of an in?h an hour. The only outlet for this great mass of water that is drowning out the homes of the 300 residents is through ditches and culverts to the lake, which are wholly inadequate. The water comes from a large submerged territory in the region of Mud lake. The Chi cago authorities have been asked for aid. At midnight the water is from two and one-half to three feet high in the principal streets of Grand Crossing and Dauphin Park and is flowing with strong current. A high wind is lash ing the waters against the buidtngs in great waves and an enormous amount of damage is being done. The situation is critical, as it is feared some of the less substantial structures will be torn from heir foundations, imperiling the lives of the i cm at es. The flood ,has spread to the suburb ot Burnside and it the rise continues at iis present rate the entire village will be submarged to a depth of one foot by morning. Smallpox Again. Kingston, N. Y., June 26 Much ex citement was occasioned over the out bieak of smallpox here. A young mau came from New Jersey two weeks agd to visit bis uncle, Luther Durham, a well known resident of this city. Short ly after his arrival he was taken ill and the ftmily physician was summoned. He pronounced it a case of smallpox. Other physicians differed in their opin ion, bat advised the young man to leave the city, which be did. In a few days Mrs. Durham was taken sick and dur ing a consultation between Health Offi cer Chambers and other physicians yes terday it was decided that it was genuine smallpox. A number of per sons had already been exposed, but the family have been quarantined and steps have been taken to prevent tbe spread of the disease. Two Boj-n Drowned . Memphis, Tenn., June 27., Julius Frauenthal sod Matthew Schloss, two boys, were drowned near hers yesterday by tbe capsizing of a boat 1'uglIUU In low Davenport, la., June 27. A aght for 1200 s side and 75 and 35 per cent of the gate money took place near here be tween Wiley Evans, colored champion welterweight ot tbe Pacifto coast, sod TVl u .in. V. v. m mooiw ox oi. rauL Four oudos gloves wen ussd. Each nan got a knock down. Moon led the fighting, but Event had the longer reach and Moon was punished the hardest. In tbe tenth round Evans olaimed to have broke his hand and at tbe end of the thirteenth round he thnw up the sponge. THE HALMED IUASBEK. the DiniKSs CIIAITKK X! r. rifrVlmont anJ Gertrude "Lady j .1,-ir -n rooms roc i an rasstu i" in.. .. i........ -l!n liut soue ' hour asu savs jhm. I think, are still in the smoking-room." "1 did nut think of them. I , mom. ani roamed fcto idly through the halls. Suddenly a great -I cannot lit'? thinking now a super- ii. t .-mi to go into the servants' co.ridor took posession i f ma Without allowing nivself an lii- stunt's hesitation, I 1 1 rn d in its dic tion, ami walked ou until 1 reached it." She pauses here, and draws her rapidly. Coon," entreats Hurt impatiently "The lamp was burning very dimly The servants were ail duwn-stairs-at their supper, 1 suppose-because there was no trace of them anywhere. Not a sound could be heard. The whole place looked melancholy and deserted, and lilied me with a sense of awe J could not overcome, .-till it attracted me. I lingered there, walking up and dow n uutil its very monotony wearied me; even then 1 was loath to leave it and, turning into a small sitting-room I stood staring idly around me. At last, somewhere in the distance I heard n clock strike ten, and, turning, de cided on going back once more to my room." Again, emotion overcoming h r, Florence pauses, and leans back in he-i chair. 'Well, but what is there in all this to terr.fy yon so inuchV" demands her cousin, somewhat bewildered. ".vh, give ine limel Now I am coming to it," replies I lorence quickly. Vo;i know the large screen that stands in the corridor just outside the sitting-room I have mentioned -put there, l imagined to break the drought? Well, 1 had come out of the room and was standing half hidden by the screen, when 1 saw something tnai paralyzed me with fear." .-lie rises to her feet and grows deadly pale as she says this, as thongli the sensation of fear she has been describing has come to her again. You saw ?" prompts Dora, rising too and trembling violently, as though expectation of some fatal tidings. 1 saw the door of the room that leads to the haunted chamber slowly move. It opened; the door that has been locked lor nearly fifty years, ami has tilled the breasts of all the servants here with terror and dismay, waa cau tiously thrown open! A screen rose to my lips, hut 1 was either too terriiied to give utterance to it, or else some strong determination to know what would follow restrained me, and I stood silent, like one turned into stone. 1 had instinctively moved back a step or two, and was now completely hidden from sight, though I could see all that was passing in the corridor through a hole in the grame-work of the screen. At last a figure came with hesitating footsteps from behind the door Into the full glare of the flickering lamp. 1 could see him distinctly. It was" ''Arthur Dyi.ecourtl cries the widow, covering her ghastly face with tier hands. Florence regards her with surprise, "Jt was," she says at last, "liut how did you guess it V" "1 knew it," cries Dora frantically "lie has murdered him, he has hidden his body away iu that forgotten chamber lie was gloating over his victim, no doubt, just before you saw mm, stealing down irom a secret visit to the scene of his crime.' "Dora," exclaims I'lorence, grasping her arm, "jf he should not have murdered him after all, if he should only have secured him there, holding bira prisoner uutil he should see his way more clearly to getttng rid of him I If this idea be the correct one, we may yet be in time to save to rescue him lhe agitation of the past hours proving now too much for her," iiorence bursts into tears and sobs wildly, Alas, I dare not believe in any such hope! says Dora. "I know that man too well to think him capable of show ing any mercy. "Do not reproach me now," exclaims Dora; "latter on you shall say to me all that you wish, but now moments are precious.' 'You are right Something must be done. .-hall I-shall I speak to Mr. Villers?" I hardly know what to advise" distractedly. "If we give our suspicious publicity, Arthur Dy Decern t mav even yet find time and opportunity to baffle ana Disappoint us. IJesides which, we may oe wrong, ue may have had nothing to do with it, and-" Af tl.ot -i- If . , , '". c;iecy is 10 be OUT first thought, let you and me go alone in searcu oi Mr Adrian." Alone, at this hour, to that awful room!" exclaims Dora, recoiling from nor. "Yes at once"-firmly-wliliout another moment's delay." "Oh, I csti not!" declares Dora shuddering violently. "Then 1 shall go alone!" AsF'wencesays this, the Ukes op her candlestick and moves quickly tows, d the door. "Stay, 1 will go, cries Dora, trem- ption 'um?. Hut a sl'gM inter ru .u.,-nrii:ir at this instant, they we compelled to it for aw hile r-.i.i VMit-rs cumins into the room to make her parting adieu, to Mrs. Tall .ue and intend Waving next morning. g7 eni.ous,, 'rom l urence to Dora, seem? 1-J U there u something amiss. -What is it? -She asks kine'lv, going uolo Horeuee. Miss Dehnaine.fter a little hesitation encouraged by a glance at Doras te-rted countenance determines ou taking the new-comer into their con fidence. . fa a few words die explains ad that has taken place, and their suspicious Fthel though paling beneath the horror and surprise occasioned by the rental, doe not lose her self-posscsMon. "1 will go with you," She volunteers, -liut, let me say," she adds, 'that 1 ti.inf von ar wrong in mtiKiiiK ioi3 s-arcu'without a man. If if indeed we are s'iU in time to be of any use to poor Mr Adrian -always supposing he really is secreted in that terrible room I do not think any of in would be strong enough to help him dow n the stairs and, if he has been slowly starving all this time, think how weak he will be!" -(Hi, what a wretched picture you conjure up:" exclaim Florence, i.ei voiisly clasping her nanus. i.m ' on are right. and now tell me who think can best be deluded upon MJIl in this crisis," I am sure," says F.thel, blushing slightly, hut shaking with intense earnestness, '-that, it you would not mind trusting Captain Uingwood he would be both safe and useful." ,s this suggestion meets the approval they manage to convey a message to the their hopes an I fears. bilentlv, cautiously, without any light, hut carrying two small lamps ready for ignition, they go down to the corridor where is t lie door that leads to the secret staircase. Turning the handle of this door Captain Kmgwood discovers that it is locked, but. nothing daunted, he pulls it so violently backward and torv.ard that the lock, rusty with age gives way, and leaves the passage beyond open to them. doing into the small landing at the foot of the staircase, they close the dour carefully behind them and then, Captain Uingwood producing some matches, they light the two lamps and go swiftly, with anxiously beating hearts, up the stairs. The second door is reached, find now nothing remains but to mount the last llight of steps and open the fatal door. Their hearts at this trying moment almost fail them. They look into one another's blanched faces, and look there in vain for hope. At last Uing wood, touching Ethel's arm, says, ill a whisper "Coirt have courage all may yet be well!" He moves toward the stone steps, ;md i hey follow him. (Quickly mount ing them, he lays his hand upon the door, and, afraid to give them any more tune for reflection or dread of what may yet be m store for Ihenv throws it open. At first the feeble light from their lamps lalls to penetrate the darkness of the gloomy apartment. At the cursory glance, such as they lit first cast round Ui6 room, it appears to be empty. Their hearts sink within them Have they indeed hoped in vain! Dora is crying bitterly, Ethel, with her eyes lixed noon Uiniwood i . -o 1 caning ner ovni uissapoiitunent in las face, when suddenly a pierceing cry from Florence wakes the echo round them. pub nas uartea lor ward, and is kneeling over something that even now is only barely disernable to the others as they come nearer to it. It looks like a bundle of clothes, but as they stoop over it, they, too, can see that it is in reality a human body, and apparently rtgid in death. Jiut the shriek that has sprung from the veiy soul of Florence has reached some still living fibers in the brain of this forlorn creature. Slowly and with uiincuiiy he raises his head, aud onens a pair of fast-glazing eyes. Me chanically his glance falls upon Florence. His lips move; arnelancholy smile struggles to show itself upon ins parcuea ana blackened Hps. i iorence, lie rather sighs than says, and falls back, to all appearance dead. "lie is not dead'," cries Florence passionately. "He can not be! Oh, save mm, save mm I Adrian look up speak loinei uii, Adrian, make some sign inaiyou can iicar me! Jiut he makes no sign. His very oream seems to nave lert him. Gather I.,. i . : . i . i , a iiiiu icimeriy m ner arms Florence presses his worn and wasted face against her bosom, and pushes back the hair from his forehead. He is so completely altered, so thorough wreck has hp become, that it is Inri-rt ou.y uie fyes 0f love that could recognise him. llischeeks have fallen in and deep hollows show themselves His beard has grown, and is now rough andstublyj his hair is uncombed the lines of want, despair and cruel star? ation have blotted out ail the old fairness of his features. Ills clothes are uangiug loosely about him; bis ...uue, iimp ana nerveless, are lin. k. his tide. Who shall tell what agony he suffered during these past lonely of search days with death-an awful, creeping, Florence', .,..,,i..iii itaiinz mm in me rape ii. . . .. su"'" . .. : i nu Hi.. A u .t w ue issue . ..(! is iicn naa i alien unon nut it.... , l.ttle group now guing down uion his uuiet form. - ; ii Mil him to and fro, as t mgh she Seoiia,,,, v l Will not be dissuaded that lie ili lives, jserviw nr, " At length Captain KingwooJ. ! court ,....sil :.:.. II- ...... I,.. Inn.. I.... ' StOOping pivUUUJ wtu lie, hol J so far as to enable him to lay Lis hand upon Adrian's heart After a moment, during which they all watch him closely, he starts, and looking still closer into the face that a second ago he lielieved dead he says, with aubdued but deep excitement There may yet be time! breathes -hi heart beats! Who help me to carry liini out of He Will this dungeon?" He shudders as he glances round him. 'I will," replies Florence calmly. Thtse words of hoje have steaded her and braced her nerves. Ethel and Mrs. albot, carrying the lamps, go on before, whilo Ilingwood and I Jorence aving lifted the seiiBeleiS body of drian, now indeed sufhcieiiHy light to be an easy burden, follow them. teaching the corridor, they cross it urriedly, and carrying Adrian up a back staircase that leads to laptain ingwood'g room by a circuitous route, they gain it without encountering a single soul, and lay him gently down n limgwood's bed, almost at the very moment that midnight chimes from ie old tower, and only a few minutes before Art 'Mir Dynecourt steals from is chamber to make that last visit to his suppose! victim. .-lowly and diilictil.y they coax Sir drian back to Me. Ilingwood bad isisted upon telling the tiouse- Keejier at the castle, who had been lit the family for years, the whole story of her master's rescue, and. she with tears dropping dow n her withered cheeks and ad belted Itidgwood to remove his othes and make him comfortable. he had also sat beside him while the '(plain, stealing out of the house like thief, had galloped down the village ir the doctor, whom ho had smuggled nto the house without awakin; any of ie servants. This caution and secrecy had been ecided upon for one powerful reason. Arthur Dynecourt should prove guilty of being the author of his cousin's incarceration, they were quite determined he should not escape w hat ter punishment the Uw allowed. ut the miystery could not be quite cleared up uutil Sir Adrian's return to concioi)3iiess, when they hoped to have Borne light tiirowu upon, the matter from his own lips. In the meantime, should Arthur ear of his cousin's rescue, and know imself to be guilty of this dastardly attempt to murder, who would not take steps to escape before the law should lay its iron grasp upon him? All four conspiratois are loo ignorant of the power of the law to know whether it would be justifiable in the present circumstances to place him under arrest, or decide on waiting until Si Adrian himself shall bo able to pro nounce either his doom or his eqculpation. The doctor stays all night and ad ministers to the exhausted man, as often as he dares, the nourishment and good things provided by the old housekeeper. When the morning is far advanced, drian, waking from a short but re-! freshing slumber, looks anxiously around him. Florence seeing this, steps aside, as though to make way for Dora to gh closer to him. But Mrs. Talbot, covering her face with her hands, turns aside and sinks luto a chair. 1 he faint voice falls upon her ear. It is so weak that she is obliged to stoop over biin to catch what he Is trying to say. "Darling I owe you my lire!" With great feebleness he titters these words, accompanying them with a glance of utter devotion. How can she mistake this glance, so full of love and rapture? 1'erplexed in the ex. treme, she turns from him, as though to leave him. but bv a centum he detains her. "Do not leave me! he entreats. Stay with me!" Once again, deeply distressed, she looks at Dora. Mrs. Talbot, rising, uisiincuy, cut with a shamefaced ex pression Kingwood Is now of oninion I hut they have acted unwisely In concealing the discovery of Sir Adrian In the haunted chamber. By not speaking to the others, they have given Dyne court the opportnuity of getting away i.civ, mm wiinout causing Buspiciou, 'Tm If nt .., . . Is it not an almost conclusive nrrw.f of Iila guilt, his running away in this cowardly fashion?" says Ethel Villere. "I think papa and Ladv FiUAImont and everybody should now be told.' ffo Ilingwood. undertaking the nflli of Uble-bearer, goes down sUIrs, and "ringing together all the people etill remaining In the bouse, astounds l ham by hit revelation of the discovery and release of Sir Adrian. The nearest magistrate Is sent for, and the case beln lniri ha'nr kin. together with the stiU further evidence gWen by Mr Adrian himself, who hat umb in a weak whisper of M"us prlryto bla InUaUon solemnly of Arthurs, Horence. Hut i. a i hi BIie OU boa.H . York the fn,i was restored to ,u 3 "I O! K ... 1 one falls into the "''PH-tacNsa, erouM-Le tuurO a nwntkjj rwrence carried J form fmii. ,i... . , still I lorence lQQ the man i. . a .11 Utii,l,, attention .. i... l" Him tj to get away fruQ fiU'ttlhu ...... .. 1 mm except when mere is a muiis) street and in M important tlioroujy l-'-j" "Him jrtJ while he doei not ot. occupies and liMtw J Willi the persoi, paid no rent fureipj never been asked in long interval of tin., years iu qiiesiunu "... an,nuiig Ins landlord or tU uunnguiai lonjpp,,: t.'.xes ou the bjiidinj t.iorongii repair, jj oeeu a most kosjJ several rivals hartkj abiliiy to sail ranch than they do on.t; lieved of tlift usuji; It is not at ili l property willbrM,, undisputed potu, tion of Utiitj-ftti worth many tkaj Those w ho are s strange case hattse sion that the onwu dead, and it is lost at sea. It ii real estate aitiots iu the business off halted savinga baa j funds that are Mri- owners or tliwr :"fV ltecord. I. ail jr K.iinrnrt UJr" . "And now would t&wt bit a about women siJSX a contributor ot Uf( day she returned IftifL New York. Ckmi.rtti-1 with aSffi't be told iu a litUek'-f subject. 'I he States is on the f'- than it is here. It a see the early mors: ,led3tC t rt l.n .it ie fill who were all goiaj employments, ttt. &, was it than if thet'a- ing to their liomrt and possibly not!iiJ'-J Is looked upon m p that every orcM earn her own lifiij g "American won thev may not; "m n nately not reganwl was also very fa'o the conduct ot H n, micrht arzaeK mm with each otto ing, but wlienitwj putants wouiu i" arm. chatting slUie rrf.ct amity. li: r ItJ ,ii..imi(iiis would n nuarrel. Am'l niil.lic affairs, but vet to be taught U8) fereuce. -wnttl'J Wbl '"1 i ue iyii'1- ' considerable e J;Wtl sion of the (iua" J t.A.v .nl a te" l lady" name-, ado In the w- t uw she had broti?ht (00 woman." "i,it .I'.laltPti in youru" I ii iei yi- marrieu v. honor, :lu ' i alway etrai - , call me?" (H3 you call yurhli? our honor,' nil the Cf .1 my roigiue fi And now "eJ Tim ciirrew since the has been theeuriri ere eng ,fl: I''i, ened V"1.4V MS giau. -