The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 30, 1892, Image 1

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    i he Sioux County Journal
H-A-RIRISOlsr, NEB.. JUNE 30, 1892.
2STO. 42.
n 3ST -A. Xj.
IT. J DMinvlal
toils. fcUltur nnu iiwfurivi,
tds in bulk at Turner's,
kin about as hard in Sioux
can in any place.
15 ir barrel at
ElUSWOLU aura i uj-ta o.
Men is building a boat for
,v of V an 1 assel.
L saks highly of the excel-
1, has our thanks for some
;. lie knows the printer al
j'ates good things,
r ar went west Saturday
U4ening the hearts or the
Ir the F. E. a M. . ranroaa,
nl ins, the new agent of the
v., arrived on Monuay ana
duties. Uis laniuy arrived
p ?" U .is reI'orteu on the sick list.
Chadron returne1 yesterday from
O. H- Turner was at Cawfocd the last
tire wctJK. '
Isner will preach next Sun-
iitliwortli school nouse ai
he Bodarc school nouse ai
at Harrison at 8 p. m.
First-class native lumber
rnnstautlv on hand at my
HoL'irv. l nines easi 01
J. E. Abner.
itton received a fine carriage
keserit from his broltier-in
Lanv thinks he will sav
to a horse, ciirnugo auu u.
kolt sent ns a sample of
lemliiv which was a Utile
fed liiffli and just about
That is good enough for
Iv 1st the Weir pasture will
Lsture iow and other stock.
i!r niuiith for cows when
from iKittire.
Tiios. Reidy.
ky of freight on account of
near Uliauron came near
car famine at this place.
lays there was nothing but
Ik shade to he obtained in
Mra In ..-.I. TT .
.u neury arrived rrom that
east on Saturday. m,
wuson arrived from
Cheyenne last week.
lfey. OlaSher made his Qnal pastoral
visit to Wyoming last week.
Henry Tirundi
the Urst time for a long while, and made
a pleasant call at this office.
H . W. JfcuLachlan left Monday even
ing for Omaha on business.
A. J. Babcock and his dog have started
to-- Montana. Success to them.
Christ Christensen have moved from
wrm junction to Harrison. J
Mra W t r!l j r. il
. ... v. vjianucr reiurneu rriuay
from her visit down the road.
John L. Kay called on Saturday and
added his name to our list of readers.
v. U. tjrriswold, of the Commercial
Bank, sent Tuesday night at Chadron.
Mrs. 0. Carnenter writeH u in send
The Journal to her at Brooklleld, MassJ
Mrs. Anderson,' sister of (,. "W. Hester!
amveu oinuruay irom rainier, iNeu.,
visit. f
j'liHgjianei nooinson came up from
White River on Saturday, having closed
ner scnooi in district No. s.
paia bv said L. L. Wilon and assessed to
him erroneously, as school tax iu icUool dis
trict No. 20.
Affidavit of IS. E. Brewster in regard to
paying taxes twice ou stock was taken up
and, on motion, the board refused to order
tax refunded for the reason that proper
showing has not been made, and the treas
urer be and he hereby is ordered to dispose
oi the taxes of B. E. Brewster in the same
manner as if same had not been paid under
' On motion, board adjourned until equal!
zution of assessment rolls be completed.
Harrison, Neb., June 20, 189i.
equalization met as per ad
ite politician who had laid
k be nominated by the in
invention and then came to
F the afternoon to receive
Ions, found out that people
f him.
Wbour and party are still
4 li.ii v in. 1 rnrt'i 1 o)p. TliOV
Peanut Party.
The M. E. Aid Society of Harrison will
given, "peanut party" at court house
nail luesuay evening, July 12.
1. Piece per prominent persons,
i. I'njmr peiimits per iiobhIc persons.
3. I'lece piicki ied py protonHioiinl pui kerer.
4. 1'ifce proclnimoii jut proM'r ihsisod.
6. J'HlnleiM palatal liorforhmnco prudently
pi cmc n ted.
. I'oor person's partner's painful ixt
plexit iea.
I. I'icked plefe per professional picker.
8. l'hll pumpkin pies.
9. J'leee pulled per prohl puffer.
10. IVLitn m'ople puswlcd.
II. J'lavf illness practically presented.
li. rioper )rovihlons passed per pretty
IS. lMoniisenons pleasant pastime.
I'ricHi per jwrson phll teen I'sMinics.
I'llntsjd per jierfoi incr's precept.
I carry a full line of farm machinery
O. H. Turner.
Mrs. J. J. Ki)t) died at her horn
near Bodarc yesterday morning.
K. P. Lindsev had the misfortune to
have a valuable mule killed by lightning
last Saturday night.
-ThprA will hfl ft Hnneft nt. ihfi rpi;i-
at least two car-loads of Idenee of Henry Wasserljerger on the
m this part ot ine county night or July 4th. All invited.
- Mrs. G. W. Hester received the sad
news of the death of her mother whicl
occurred in Iowa a few days ago.
Remember Tiuc joubnai office is
headqoartera for job work and when in
need of anything in that line call anil see
samples and get prices.
t of their seasons worl
yd excellent success so fi
f indications Sioux county
itore new settlers this year
and previous year. II you
hvho contemplate coming
tell them to come early
'rush and get a choice piece
,1 school meeting was held
J, r.. ilarsteller was
tor and a ten mill tax
ion was taken in regard
school house site or flx
huuse. The number of
was left to the discretion
ng on the F. E. & M. V.
enough so that the nrst
Chadron last Thursday,
run over the switch to
time and then down that
lin track had not vet been
ould take several days
last Saturday night was
iest of the season. It did
as some of the former
treat deal of water fell, it
electric storm of the sea-
did no damage that has
except the killintr of a
. iindsey. j
from Harrison to Running
m thousands or acres or tine
with tall, rich grass, and it
io wonder why men will
st and pay high rent for
Liieru is bo mucn
county waiting for neonle
lake it up and make valu-
cattle which were being
r the trail from TWns
kd several hundred hniul e.
of them were found on
pr but it is miito likely that
cr uc gauierea by the
ill roam about until taken
settlers as estravs. It is
the Cattle are bninir drivan
1 to avoid the quarantine
n laws and n nnmW nt
re reported to ha
up. If the cattln am ,,rh
uted by the laws from being
"Ugh the countrv hv rail.
ly should be prevented from
i over the trail and traitor-
fever over the land. The
n should investigate the mat-
necessnjy can on the stated
w protect Uiem.
Sunday Thb Journal family
Agate Springs Stock Farm, of
The drive over the miles of
rered with rich, waving grass
I'm wim iiowers was pleasant
ruling. The well-known hos-
Mr. (Jook and hianirt. mn.b1a
file the visit pleasant. A great
1'ioveraents nave been made
past year and others are being
larg number oT box stalls
ojd to the number formerly
"'L necessary to accomo-
abr of fine horses
f Ha Hambletonian
Board ot
l'rescnt : Commissioners Green, Knott
and Weber and clerk.
Frank Nutto appeared before the board
and made complaint that hia assessment
was not in proportion to' other" assessments
in the county, In the item of credits. After
healing the statements of complainant and
upon due consideration thereof, tho board
reduced assessment of said Frank Nutto in
the item of credits to an amount which was
considered just.
On motion board adjourned until June 21,
1)2, at 9 o'clock, a. m.
Hahhison; Neb., June 21, 1892.
Board of equalization met as per ad
Journment. ' '
The board found the average asscsnicnt
per acre of unimproved lands iu the county
to be $1.69, and tho average assessment of
same per ace in tho various precincts to be
as follows: Warbonnet S1.S1; White River
tl.09; Cook 1.94; Snake Creek $2.00: Run
ning Water; liowen $1.57; Antelope
II.M; Cottonwood $1.99; Bodarc $1.50; Five
oints $1.(11; Hat Crek $1.76; Sheep Creek
$1.91; Andrews $1.70.
Tho assessor of Montrose precinct not hav
ing separaled the improved and unimproved
lauds it was considered just to omit said
precinct in considering averao price per
acre of unimproved lands, and leave same
as returned by assessor.
ltwas found in order to equalize the
assessment on unimproved land the follow
ing changes were naccssary:
Warbonnet Increased 1.12 percent; Bodarc
increased 1.12 per cent; Five Points in
creased 1.10 per cent; Bowan Increased
1.077 per cent; Antelope increased 1.09 pe:
cent; Hat Creek decreased .86 per cent
Sheep Creek decreased .9:13 percent; Cotton
wood decreased .as; Cook decreased .87 pe
cent; Snake Creek decreased .845 per cent;
Cunning Water decreased .85 per cent.
The average price per acre of unimproved
lands !n White River and Andrews precinct
being so near the aveaa.e prlco of same in
tho county there was no chango made in
said precincts.
, On motion board adjourned until June 21,
l)f;!2, at 9 o'clock, a. m.
? "owning a great
(S2f?r of this
( M4TL1 the occupant
a sKS". how that
thur?? horn. One
lake.?t the nlace
at Ant. of lakaa
" tockJ o the
ef which
pine future UmTCi"?
rye a more biUH.0?!
Habeison, Nkb., June U, 1K92.
Board of commissioners met as a board
of equallzal ion,
Present: Commissioners Knott, Green
and Weber and clerk.
Board proceeded to asoertain total valua
tion of property assessed and relative
value thereof.
On motion board adjourned until June 15,
1892, at 9 o'clock, a. ni.
Harbison, Neb., June 15, V2.
Board of equalization met as per adjourn
Present: Commissioners Green, Knott
and Weber and clerk.
'i S. O. D. Basset t appeared before tha board
fcnd made complaint that she was assessed
In tho village of Harrison to the amount of
$3,000 unjustly. The board, upon allldavit of
claimant and other evidence being pro
duced, bolng convinced that tax was unjust
as claimed ordered same stricken from tax
On motion board adjourned until Juno 16,
1892, at 9 o'clock, a. m.
Harbison, Neb., June 16, 1892.
equalization met as per ad
Green, Knott
Board of
Present : Commissioners
and Weber and clerk,
John Anderson appeared before tho board
as a representative for B. E. Brewster and
mado complaint that said B. E. Brewster
was unjustly taxed In Warbonnet precinct
on accoqnt of having the stock which is as
sessed In Sioux county only a portion of the
time and being compelled to pay tax in the
state of Wyoming on account of keeping
same stock there a portion of the time.
After hearing complaint and due consid
eration thereof tiio board instructed the
clerk to write to the cloik of convcrso
county, Wyoming, and ascertain the nature
and amount of assessment of B. E. Brewster
.In that county, and decided to await the
reply of said olork before taking further
action in relation to the matter.
On motion Board adjourned until Judo 17,
1891, at 9 o'clock, a. m,
Hahhison, Nib., June 17, 1892.
Board of equalization met a per ad
journment. n
Present: Commissioners Green, Knott
sod Weber and clerk.
Geo OUnger appeared before the board
end made complaint that he was assessed in
the village ol Harrison and that his proper
ty was not tn said village on the Ut doy of
, Sua' board being convinced that com-
plaint was Just, ordered that tile propuri.y
hi George Ollnger lie changed from assess
ment roll ot village of Harrison to assess
Bient roll or Jkiweii precmci. ,,.
On motion, adjourned until Juno 18,
H02, ut B o'clock a. n.
' HARBISON, NKB., Juno 18, V2.
? Board of cquallittttlon met as per ad-
""sent'-immlssloncrs Groen, Knott
fVS-U, ascertain relative
WmtC.Madj!!!;S5l until June 90,
MM, at 1 o'clock, p. m.
Harbison, Nien., Juno 20, 1H92.
Board of county commissioners met in
tegular session. Knott
Present: tkiinmlsstoners
MlnulS of last meeting read and on mo-
HaMuson, NEBR4SK4 Juno 22, 1892.
Boeru of equaUaaViqit met as per ad
JonrnmenV Present: Commissioners Green. Knolt
and Weber and clerk.
Tec board found the avcrago assessment
per head of hovsns !n the county to be $18.35
and the average assessmen t per bead of tho
si-mo in the various precincts to be as fol
lows :
.Andrews $i0.90; Bodarc 18.38; Cottonwood
17.43; Five Points 19.33; Antelope 19.55; liow
en; Cook 17.0; Hat Creek 18.55; Mont
rose 17.40; Sheep Creek 14.00; WuibO'inet
14.05; liunning Water 32.00; Snake Creek
10.74; White lilvej 14.86; village of llurriaon
It was found that In order to equal fe the
assessment on horses in tho county the fol
lowing changes were nocessary and thoy
were made accordingly:
Andrews increased 1.683 per cent; llowea
increased 1.412 per cent; Cook increased' 1 .05
per cent; Mon '.rose increased 1.03 per cost;
Sheep Creek increased 1.31 per cent; War
bonnet Inciaascd 1.22 per cent; village of
Harrison increased 1.25 per cent; .n!eiope
decreased .9Si Cottonwood increased 1.05
per cent; Fivo Points decreased .918 per
cent; liunning Water decreased .57 percent;
Sn.iko Creek Increased 109 per cent; While
r.Iver increased 1.23 per cent.
The average price of horses in Bodarc and
Hat Creek precincts being so noar the aver
age price of same in the county there was
,n chance made In the price of horses in
said precincts.
On motion board adjourned until June 23,
1892, at 9 o'clock, a. m.
HARRISON, NBHBASKA, Juno 23, 1892,
Board of equalization met as per ad
journment. Present-Commissioners Green, Knott and
Weber and clerk.
Tho board found tho average assessment
per head or cattle in tho county to be $0-14
and tho average assessment per head of
same in the various precincts to bo so near
the average in tho county as to require no
change in same.
On motion board adjourned until Juno 24,
1892, at 9 o'clock, a. rn
HARBISON, NED., Juno 24, 1392.
Board of equalization mot as per adjourn
ment. ,-
Present :-Conimlssioncrs Green, Knott
and Wokor and clerk.
The following pioamblo ana rosuiuuu-.
wore, on motion, adopted:
Whereas, The osscssca
atn.. Annnt.p. NnhriihKa. lor LIIO J'"'"
but $573,802.08 as corrected by the board of
equalization, subject, however, u
tion by tho olork in so tar as ci.
may appear. And M,
Whereas. 15 mills levy on f.nj,-'"
make $8,607.03, and tho board of countv com
missioners aro only allowed to Issue war
rants to tho amount of 85 per cent, of said
... j o,ftria Anrl lllOrO-
sum, or warrants iui i,oi.wo. .
fore ., ,..
uni.rin. That the following ueino "
eluded In tho estimate of expenses for tho
year l vl.: district court enponsos, sala-
rlcs, stationery, printing, iiibhiui-.
don tnl expenses, insane and poor land, be
reduced to como within tho limit of 7 and
110 mills of the total assesed valuation of
Sioux county for the year 1892. And
Ilesoi-vsn, That tho estimate of cspensos
for Indebtedness as Indicated by mandates
of the supreme court in favor of Samuel
Wessol ond Wm. W. Seymour bo reduced to
tho amount of 6 and 6-10 mills on the dollar
of tho total valuation of Sioux county. And
.,.,,., That tho cstlmato for roods
valuation of Sioux county for 1892.
On motion Hie clerk be and he Is hereby
ordered to levy on tho valuation of Bowen
bond precinct the required number of mills
on the dollar to raise the ainouut of $700.00
for interest on court house bonds. AO0.O
for sinking fund for eourt house
bonds and the amount of commission
for collecting same.
On motin, the clerk be and be Is hereby
ordered to levy on the valuation of the fol
lowing school districts the required number
of mills, respectively, to raise the amounts
herein mentioned for interest Ond sinking
funds on school district bonds and commis
sion for collecting same as follows:
School district No. 37 (Dawes and Sioux
Co.) $17.50 interest, $2? sinking fund.
School Dist, No. 16-$24.50 lii'st. $35 sinking f 'd. ,
ii so. ' flUB
" " " 2428. " 20 " "
" " ' 2217.50 " 12.50 " "
" " " 421. " 30 " "
' 770. " 200 " "
" 'I " 2735. " 25 " "
To produce county revenue for the year
1892 tlic board made the following levy on
valuation of $573,802.08:
For General Fund 7 and 1-10 mills on the
For Bridge Fund, 1 mill on the dollar.
For Special Debt Fund, as indicated by
writs of Mandamus iu favor of Samuel Wcs
sel anil Wm, W. Seymour, 6 and 6-10 mills on
For Soldier's Belief Fund 3 10 of a mill on
the dollar. " ' "
On motion the clerk be and bo hereby Is
instructed to levy on the valuations of tho
dilfcrcut school districts the amounts
legally certified by tho proper officers to be
so levied.
On motion the clerk bo and he hereby is
ins'rncicd to levy village tax on the valua
tion of the village ot Harrison when proper
ly certiled, as required by law.
On motion, minutes of session were read
and approved.
On motion the Board of Equalization ad
journed without day.
Harbison, Ned., June 25, 18'.,
Hoard of county co'inmissioners mot as
jkt adjournment.
Minutes of last meeting were read and, on
motion, approved.
On account of there being insufficient
funds for such purposes tho action taken in
regard to building nn abutment for bridgo
crossing Sowbelly creek near residence of F.
W. Knott was, on motion, reclndcd and
Commissioner Knott instructed to proceed
and cause ajjent and an approach to said
bridge to bo constructed of timbers and
lumber as soon as posdble.
Tho time for filing claims for damages on
account of establishing public road com
mencing at the southwest corner of section
10, Twp. 33, Range 65, running thence cast on
the section lino between sections 10 and 15,
11 and 14, 12 and 13, and 7 and 18 in Twp-33,
Eange 54, lour miles to the southeast corner
of sec Hon 7 1'n Twp. 33 l'.. ;' M and there
tenniUBting having expired and no claims
for damages or objections to the establish
meat thereof Ixiing alauV the line described
was and hereby Is declared a public road.
On motion, clerk was instructed to issue
warrants for claims against Sioux county
held by Samuel Wcssel and W.W.Seymour
as commanded by tho supreme court.
Official bond of James Wilson as road over
seer for road district No. 4, was presented
and on motion approved.
On motion, the clerk be and he hereby Is
instructed to notify tho supremo court of
tho state of Nebraska as to action taken by
board in regard to mandamus issued by said
The, following claims wcro audited and
allowed and warrants ordered drawn on tho
General Fund of 1892 for the same:
valuation of
1892 Is
TMRR-TS I I Wilson In regard to ' stricken from said estimate and that the
MkS W wm ta'k ' I np "ml" on motion the of oxpen909 for bridges be reduced
A. H. Plnneo, assesspr r
Omaha Printing Cpmpany, supplies
State Journal Company "
ii ii ii
Charles E. Verity, coal
Conrad TJndoman, satory as Co. clerk,
1st quarter !-'
S. Barker, judge fees
State Journal Co., supplies
Thos. Peidy, sheriff services
Griswold AJIarstellci, snpp'tes to poor
F, W. Knott, services as Co. Com.
H. T. Conley, salary as Co. Atty. 1st qr.
John Pebeno, assessor r -L.
J. Simmons, publishing r
MacLachlau & Cook, supplies
A. Soulhworth, Co. Snpt. services
M. Gayhavt, postago, etc.
Wilho'm Noreisch, cementing vaults .
Griswold & Marstaller, g'ds for pauper
A. Soulhworth, services as Co, Supt. -Griswold
A Marstellor, furniture
John A . Green, services as Co. Com. .
Conrad Lindeman, salary, express and
postage and fees - - - -John
A. Green, services as Co. Com, -H.
T. Conley, 2d qr. salary as Co, Atty.
If. T. Conley, expenses
Martin J. Weber, services as Co. Com.
William E. Moore, assessor
Thos. Ueldy, sheriff's fees
J. C. Parsons, assessor ....
Wm, J. A. Baum, assessor
W. E. Jones, Jury fees
D. M. Snttou, " "
F. M. Smith, ,
Wilbur F. Shepherd Jmy fees
Oscar W. Story
James Clark '!!!""
W. J. Davis ..
Emery Glllmor an..
John C. Eberspochor " "
H.O. Blood " '
David Oolvllle " "
II. A. Cottman ..
John Anderson ' "
Uriah Adams " "
John L. Kay . ......
O. J. Gowey, assossor
Charles Palmer, assessor
James W. Scott, Damn
$ 45 00
8 75
14 35
19 60
68 50
' 100 00
2 45
10 35
26 75
5 60
81 10
75 00
48 20
13 33
25 80
70 75
15 00
12 00
6 81
95 50
2 40
36 20
164 66
53 SO
75 00
40 00
68 00
47 50
12 10
30 60
36 00
5 00
2 10
4 20
i 20
4 20
4 40
4 50
4 30
3 60
6 50
4 40
6 40
3 00
7 10
3 40
42 00
28 40
5 00
26 00
32 60
32 50
14 00
36 20
46 20
L. J. Simmons, printing A publishing 144 43
George w. cooo, assessor
Emorv Glllmor, assessor
Jacob Forster, assessor
James H. Cook, assessor
Johu Dant, assessor
William Dixon, assossor
Tho following accounts against
county were audited and allowed and war
rants ordered drawn on tho special debt
fund of 1892 for the same:
D. A. Campbell, clerk's fees in supremo
court, Seymour case - - J W
W W Seymour, advanced foes in suit 3 00
D A. Campbell, clerk's fees In supreme
court, Wessol case 12 10
The following account was audited and
aP.owod and warrant ordorod drawn on road
fund of 1890 for same:
L. J. Simmons, publishing - $5 00
The following accounts were audited and
allowod and warrants ordored drawn on
hrldire fund of 1891 for samo :
John Messing, repairing and replacing
M. C. Doan, one day's labor - 1
Eugene Wohlhetcr, one day's lab r 1 60
James Wilson " " " 1
A. W. Mobr, one day with team s w
iv ir (Unviiinr. onedav " " 1 00
rimnln.1 lmnd of B. L. Smuck, ns Justlco of
tho peace for Bowon precinct was presented
and on motion approved.
On motion board adjoi.rncd without day.
Conrad Ijnprman,
County Clerk.
Groceries, Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Gaps, Furnishing Goods
and Crockery Sold at
The Celebrated "TAMBOR MAJOR"
Cigar for Sale,
(general Merchandise,
Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing
Goods, Flour and Feed
SAND A FfcXfc LINK ore
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and
Binders, Mowers,
Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps
and Buggies.
When in town call and see our
goods and get our prices.
. Respectfully,
A i
Cwnpiot, Ught, Effective.
Tha latait and bett thing
la the revolver line.
Can he carried in the vest
Koket a eaallf ae a watch.
,000 (old In ITanoe laat
A Nonl(tklMlllatlgM.
Sample revolver and Oar
trldjrM 1. WU1 be ml
O. O. D. by ezpreei, with
. privilege of examination, If
i SO eta. aooompanlee order
aa a guarantee or good faith,
mhhnuIi Miaa
i farm and stock,